#♥️beautiful but deadly|youre my reason to live♥️
voidselfshipp · 3 years
Apex f/o Halloween costumes
Fuse: Marty mcfly.
Seer:vampire but make it blue and gold
Loba: werewolf.
Octane: bunny.
Revenant: ghost rider
Horizon: alien. Like cute green alien
Caustic: Dr Emmet Brown (just bcs fuse asked nicely) or mad scientist.
Mirage: ghost.
Crypto: robot.
Bloodhound: werewolf 2 or scarecrow
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Bad Press
Cw:body horror, harrasing mention, implications of racism, implications of torture, and threats Lmk lf I missed anything.
☆Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
☆S/I uses they/them. Seer he/Him.
☆Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @jcraft @malewifepatrickbateman
->Summary: after Lisa Stone's interview where she tried to shift the blame towards seer, Him and his partner,Nova, are a bit weary of the press, And during a boring event, Nova decides to have some payback and leave Lisa with a warning.
A/n: I am tilted over this interview. Lisa Stone can go fuck herself.
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Honestly Nova couldnt care less about this party.
It was a formal event, and all the legends were invited (And forced) to go there.
As they sipped from their can of soda, they scanned the room, looking if anyone they knew were free to talk. Because honestly, they were bored out of their mind.
--...haunter-- Revenant greeted them formaly.
--Ah, revenant, nice to see you--Nova gave the simulacrum a sweet smile.
Revenant chuckles--Bored?
-- I can tell-- rev put a hand on their Lower back, Gently stroking it with his thumb--The press is going to get here soon, If I were you, i'd make sure to flee before then
--Hah, I wish we could rev, I wish we could--Hunter replies, leaning their head against his shoulder.
--Are you okay?--Revenant inquired, looking down at his companion.
--Just worried for Obi, thats all...after that bitch Lisa's interview well..--they made a pause.
--I understand, she is going to be here sadly, but that doesnt mean we cant have some fun with her...~
He mused with an audible smile.
--Youre right, you are right...--Nova trailed off.
Soon the press arrived, Haunter watched some feet away from the main Group where all the legends and press were.
As they approach, their black dress comes to life, galaxies climb from the bottom of the dress to the top, tendril Like bits of color and stars sway in a flowing motion.
Their presence is usettling, and they make their way towards Obi quite quickly, seer turns around the moment he feels his lovers hand on the back of his waist, apparently unfazed by their presence.
--Hello, my sun--the Man greeted.
--My love--Nova mused, in a way that let him know they were up to something-- May I join you?
Obi nodded, putting an arm around their waist and pulling them closer--of course~ --he leaned in,whispering-- what are you planning?
--Sit back and enjoy the show-- they replied simply.
After some pictures togheter (both looking absolutely stunning, by the way) it was time for some mini interviews.
The infamous Lisa was the first one to approach seer, probably ready to Keep up with whatever agenda she was given to shift the blame towards obi.
As soon as she asks seer for an interview, Lisa's hair on the back of her neck stand up, a feeling of dread and fear settled deep within her chest, her heart felt as if it was being squeezed.
--Seer!-- Lisa said trying to not let the weird feeling stop her-- the fans were talking about our last interview and I have to say that I did go overboard --She said with fake regret-- if you dont mind me asking though...., are you planning on more activism towards Borealis?
Before he replied anything, probably holding back some anger, Nova jumps in, her eyes are yellow like burning suns, around their eyes theres shifting purple colors, ranging from various hues.
--Ah, Dearest!--to obi their voice sounded sweet as ever, to Lisa and her camera and audio Man sounded distorted--If I May join you
--Of course--Seer replied-- To answer the question, I am, our last interview made me re think some-- He got interrupted by Nova.
--He is doing great things thank you very much, he is donating a lot of money to fix up the planet, though I do have to ask what are you and your people doing? Sitting on your asses and shifting the blame on Seer? Tsk, tsk,tsk, do you know how weird it is that a white woman is harrassing a black Man over something he has no control over? are you implying that his birth was the cause of the moons destructuon?, I mean you have a lot of reach through the outlands!, you must be raising funds...are you not?
Only Lisa and her team sees as haunter's face splits Open, eyes Burning like bright fires, New eyes opening up, their face covered in stars and mini planes, a large mouth with sharp fangs and teeth open. Their voice echoing through her brain-- I Will say this only once. Whatever agenda youre given...do not bother Seer or any other legend again, or I Will find you...--Nova leaned in, that mound of teeth forming into a wolvish smile-- I am Haunter, the haunting horror of the Apex Games, and I Will not stand any sort of harrasment towards My Protected, disrespect Him or any other legend under my wing and I will eat at your sanity piece by piece, I have been around thousands of years, now-- their voice sounded deeper, darker and much more menacing-- Flee Like the rat you are
, fix what damage has been done to Obi Edolasim's image...., and if you hear any noises tonight... do not Open your eyes
Then Lisa returned to the Real world--I uhm. We- we have to go! Goodbye Seer!
She scrambled alongside her team, walking away.
--What did you do?--Seer asked raising a brow.
--Friendly chat is all, shall we get something to drink?--novas hand pressed against his Lower back, making him blush slightly.
--We shall...--He muttered wrapping an arm around their waist and walking to the bar.
The event finished with no other altercations, the legends went back to their homes.
Wind blew mercilessly, Howling And screaming.
Lisa heard rattling as she slept, she opened her eyes and felt someone crawling on her ceiling.
Revenant hung like a spider, his eyes cutting through the dark like a Sharp butcher knife-- I think you were told to not Open your eyes...anyway.My objective here is done... I hope youre good for something else than spreading lies...,you messed with the wrong person....
And with that, he was gone...
Seer on the other hand, had a much more pleaseant night. Half asleep, he traced his hand over his lovers skin markings, all over their left side, haunter had images of a Galaxy with thousands of planets And stars, on the outside of their thigh, near the side of their butt there was a flaming sun.
In His fingers wake they left trails of purple, pinks and blues covered in white dots.
Obi put his hand on the sun marking, it lights up, its rays Sway to a Non existent wind and the bed feels warmer.
--I appreciate you standing up for me, my dear-- he said softly.
Nova had Fallen asleep a while ago, he simply admired their Beauty, this eldritch being chose him to be his partner. He was grateful for that.
The Next morning he woke up to a nice handmade breakfast, the house felt cozy and warm. Sun filtered through the blinds.
He made his way towards Nova's office/ recreational room, And knocked on the door, this ways their sacred personal space, he knew how much they needed their alone time and their own place to wind down, so he didnt want to invade it.
--Come in!--Nova replied
He pushes the door Open softly and Gently, as he enters he closes said door, hearing a soft clicking noise.
There they were, wearing black thigh highs that had two white stripes along the hem, a short and and oversized sweater. They were playing some cozy homey game.
--Good morning!--haunter chirped.
--Good morning my love-- he Walked towars them and gave them a soft kiss.
--Come sit--They patted their lap.
Obi nodded and complied, leaning his body agains theirs.
The Tv was on, as he Turned to it he read "Lisa stone and her program are being cancelled. A scandal involving secret emails reveal a hidden plan to shift the blame towards Seer".
--Did you have to do something with that?--He asked amused, pointing at the TV with his thumb.
--Nope!-- Nova replied happily-- Rev did
--But you two were in kahoots to terrorize Lisa...
--Yeah! And rev said that we should let the public hang her!, hes great honestly--They confirmed not looking away from their game.
Seer chuckled and Turned around, his legs on each side of their waist, hanging loosely from the gap between the Seat and the back rest of their chair.
Nova let out a series of noises, he recognized them, they were stimming with vocal sounds.
They were a series of clicking noises, squeaks and squeals, which means they were happy.
--You are chaotic--Obi says, resting his head on their shoulder.
--I know-- haunter answered with a smile.
--I love you-- Seer muttered fondly.
--I love you too~
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Conflicted Hearts
Cw: ask to tag?.
-> only mutuals okay to reblog.
-> Enemies (sort of?) To lovers.
->Pairing: Revenant x Jerico x Caustic.
Summary: Revenant and Caustic feel conflicted about one of their fellow legends. As they say. From hate to love theres only one step.
Taglist: @tex-treasures
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Caustic sat in his room in the dropship, working away at some chemical compound made of god knows what. Hes mixing samples carefully, to the outsiders eyes he looks concentrated and focused. To those who know him (who was only Wattson) would know that his mind was somewhere else and that working was a futile attempt to block out any thoughts he might be having.
He sighed rather loudly, leaving the chemicals on their stand and pressed his forehead against his hands.
She was truly an annoyance. So much so that she distracted him from his work.
Caustic glanced at Jerico, Or known as Savior in the apex games. An altruistic goody two shoes, at least thats what he thought of her.
And despite the hate and the fact that he Straight up didnt like her (or so he told himself) he couldnt help but feel...something...towards her.
His eyes went back to his test tubes, he was too proud to admit that she was distracting him.
Savior was none the wiser to his antics, she was too busy talking with lifeline about tomorrow's match.
--Who do you hope you get paired up with?--Jerico asked to her friend.
--Anyone but Silva-- ajay answered.
--Hes kind of cute, though-- the other woman noted.
--cute doesnt exclude annoyin'
--Thought you were his friend?-- Jer teased.
--Oh come on now, its just friendly banter-- lifeline Joked-- How 'bout yuh?
-- anyone is okay, honestly. Maybe not Ashe...she freaks me out
--Yuh dont get creeped out by Caustic or Revenant but how come you get freaked out about Ashe?--ajay questioned her friend with a brow raised.
--Tha- thats --She cleared her throat--different okay?
--Ohhh I get it now!-- Lifeline made fun of her friend-- thats because yuh got feelings for those two~! -- she whispered the last part.
--Will you shUT THE FUck up???-- Jerico whispered shouted weakly hitting her friend.
-- Heh, sure. Just sayin' theres something that doesnt add up
--You are the literall worst. Ajay...
-- I know yuh love me
After that, jeri went back to her bedroom in the dropship,as she walks by, with music in her headphones eyes closed as she moves her body to the rythms she bumps Into someone. Their body is hard..and cold. Extremely unnaturally cold.
--hey! Watch where you are going skinsuit-- revenant growled angrily with his voice being slightly distorted.
--Hey im sorry!--jer shouted taking off her headphones. I didnt see you!
--Tsk, maybe if I break those headphones youll be more carefull about where you walk...
Jerico sighed in annoyance, thankfully revenants threats to her are less severe compared to other the legends. She figured its because he liked her to some extent. Wether he admits it to himself or not.
--you put a hand to them and im turning you into scrap metal...-- Savior replied.
Now, the simulacrum was way taller than her. She was barely 5'5, while he was 6'8. Yet she didnt seem to mind, and this amused rev to no end.
--Bold threats from someone so small-- a clawy hand ruffled her hair, with a smug tone lacing the robots words.
--Seems you like my hair-- Jerico teased with her arms folded and half a smile on her face.
--Please...you Flatter yourself..., now move out of my way. Tiny -- the shove he gave her wasnt rough by any means, if anything, he was gentle with it. Enough for her to notice it.
--I guess ill see you around revy!-- savior shouted as he left laughing a bit as she finally reached her room. Ignoring how revenant glared daggers at the back of her neck.
The metal Doors Open and she steps in, sighing as she takes off her shoes.
--What a day...-- she mutters under her breath flopping on the bed.
She was a mess of feelings, but there was an odd comfort knowing that revenant was carefull with her. Such a self procclaimed "killing machine" was so carefull and gentle with her. It was...nice.
Jerico decided to stop her train of thought and going to bed. It was already late.
The Next day, after breakfast the match started.
--Youve got to be kidding me!-- jeri exclaimed seeing her team.
--Quit your whinning skinsuit. Come on-- revenant said behind her shoulder checking her. Ouch.
Both of them and caustic stepped in the platform and soon jumped off to the arena.
The first part of the match was easy and calm. Mostly quiet between the three. With only the usual callouts being made.
But soon the battle got heated. Caustic got separated from the other two. Heavily injured.
--Caustic! Im going to get you stay there!-- savior said through their comm.
-- No! Savior dont!-- caustic yelled back.
-- ive got some news for you, im going to do exactly what I please, when I please, so stay your ass there and dont get shot, okay? Okay great
Her mechanical wings expand as her jetpack revvs up.
--Savior! Dont!-- revenant screamed at her just before she took off. However between the gunfight and the jetpack she didnt hear him-- this stupid little girl!-- he growled under his breath-- I cant Belive im doing this.. -- quickly the simulacrum gets out behind his cover and shoots back.
With her reflective metal wings she blinds her enemies who got distracted by revenant. And with effort of the three of them they eliminate their squad.
--you are stubborn, reckless and-- caustic started scolding savior who handed him a first aid.
--Cry me a fucking river, get patched up and lets go-- Jerico interrupted reloading her gun-- the same goes to you. I can tell you want to scold me too
Revenant huffed-- in your dreams. I want to win this and im not letting your morals get in the way...as they say, there is strenght in numbers
--Wow, even I dont lie to myself that much-- Jeri commented raising a brow-- okay. Lets go...
Thankfully they won that match, and after their hard work, savior decided to go to sleep. Interviews didnt matter as much as her Beauty rest did.
She was peacefully resting when her ears caught the sound of rustling.
Her eyes opened slowly, getting used to the darkness, she held back a sigh. The only one stupid enough to try and annoy her now was revenant. Who was hanging from her ceiling like in a horror movie.
Still, she decided to ignore him, Yawning rather loudly-- Man. You need some New tricks-- she said.
--keep joking. Thats the last thing youll--
--Youll ever say?-- Jerico finished his sentence-- rev. Dude. Your eyes are two fucking beacons. Your threats are old and youre hanging from my ceiling like a damn spider, what do you want? Tell me before I break out the broom and kick you out like I would to a spider. Dont come at me with a threat as an answer. Ill just go back to sleep
Revenant let out a heavy sigh, Landing on her bed gracefully and quiet. He crawled over her squatting down to eye level besides her legs.
-- You are truly something-- the simulacrum said almost in a whisper-- why is it youre not afraid of me?
--What me to be honest?-- revenant nodded-- because I know you wouldnt hurt me, youre always so gentle with me-- one of her hands is unsure as she cups the side of his metal face-- when you push me, or shouldercheck me, youre always so gentle...-- he kept quiet-- rev. Just tell me what do you want...
--i just want to spend time with you-- it came out almost as a whisper. But she nodded and patted the spot besides her.
He laid down under the covers. They warmed up his Metallic body fast, and he hugged her, gently. As if she was made of glass.
One hand caressed her hair, the other rested comfortably against her ribs.
--You make me feel conflicted-- rev muttered-- I cant convince myself that I hate you. I just cant. Its like all of my body melts when im with you. And I cant tell if I hate it or not
--well...as a matter of fact..,you make me feel...safe. when we go out with the other legends and they drag you along. Or un the arena, so, theres that..
Revenant Shily preased his lips to hers, lowering the hand on her head to her cheek. She kissed back with no hesitation, wrapping her arms around his neck.
-- I guess what I feel for you...is love..-- revenant uttered-- I cant Belive you make me feel love..
--Well...rev. I feel love for you too-- jerico kissed him again and he kissed back grip tightening around her.
--....dont...dont break my heart..
--I wont. I promise I wont..-- Jeri promised.
After a nice nap with her now murder robot boyfriend, she went to have some tea, Sitting in the lounge.
Surprisingly, caustic had joined her soon after. In a silence that basically meant "you dont bother me. I dont bother you"
Though, jerico couldnt stop looking at caustic. He was wearing normal clothes and he was maskless. And boy was he handsome.
Though, her feelings of sadness grew by each passing moment. And the song she was listening to wasnt helping.
And Will we ever end up togheter?
No I think not. Its never to become...
For I am not the one
She mouthed the lyrics looking outside through a Window. The sun was setting.
--I need to speak with you-- caustics voice broke her out of her trance, she didnt notice the song had ended minutes ago.
She took off her headphones and nodded-- what is it?
-- this is not easy to say...but ive noticed something. Something I deeply hate.., because your existence is confusing...
--Why?-- Jeri asked.
--Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me-- the Man finally spat out,interlazing his fingers togheter and resting his elbows on his knees, head looking at the floor-- and of course I am no idiot. And it soon fell on me a Revelation I wasnt ready for..., I have...feelings... for you, and for a while I hated them...for a while I tried to lie to myself that it was just the chemicals in my brain....but...
--But?...-- Jerico encouraged.
--But...-- he looked up to her. His eyes filled with anxiety-- I cant Keep telling myself that. The lie is not working, so im going out on a limb, as they say, so...I have feelings for you, jerico and I want to be with you...,youre in no obligation to reprociate my feelings but-- in the blink of an eye savior was sitting besides caustic who jumped little.
--Oh you dont know the weight that has been lifted from my shoulders..., caustic I have feelings for you too, im so happy you feel the same way...
The Man was overjoyed with a small smile he looked away for a moment-- if I May...? -- he asked looking at her.
--Please, do
One arm wrapped around her waist and the other hand cupped her cheek, she kissed back smiling into the kiss.
--If you dont mind...we could continue our bussiness somewhere more...private? Perhaps my quarters?
Jeri giggled-- of course
Quickly the Man grabbed his paperwork and both went to caustics bedroom.
The courtains were drawn and they cuddled under the covers. Their kissing resuming.
--Why did I ever pretend to hate you?...-- Caustic asked.
-- doesnt matter. I dont care, I just want to Keep kissing you if youre okay with that
With a smug half smile he said-- You May proceed
And so she kissed him again.
Later that night both revenant and caustic agreed on being with jerico. Neither didnt seem to mind as they got along pretty well. Given their personalities being somewhat alike.
Now after dinner both of them are holding onto their girlfriend for dear life, they were in her room under the warm covers.
Rev hugged jerico from behind, face buried in the crook of her neck, while caustic hugged her from behind, letting her face rest against his chest.
Savior was overjoyed, being held by her boyfriends, who'd say they would be so clingy. She didnt mind,though
-- I love you guys...-- Jerico whispered.
--We love you too-- both of them said at the same time.
Now it didnt matter who they were. For them. The world was only the three of them right then and there.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Forgiveness part 2
A/n: hurt comfort
Warnings:mentions of k*lling
Ok to rb
Part 1
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A soft knock on revenants appartment alert Him of someone.
He knew those steps very well,he opened up the door to be met with jerico, he smiles hugging her and lifting her up, closing the door with the heel of his feet as he walks to his bed.
--What brings you here dear?--He asked softly sitting with her on the bed--your leg should be resting
She sighed--i guess im going to the point here rev,leave natalie out of your revenge plans
The bot sighed pressing her to his chest caressing her hair--nox told ya?
She nodded--Yeah, he seemed very upset about the whole thing, leave her out of this, please
--You know I cant do that--he sternly said-- shes part of it and she Will die like the rest of them
--She Will pay...--Jeri stood up and immediatly the sharp pain in her leg made her buckle--carefull-- rev said concerned holding her up.
--She doesnt deserve this!, she wasnt involved,if youre going to kill the syndicate do the ones that were in charge in the first place
--They are all dead...my only mission is to end hammond robotics and the syndicate once and for all
--Then after that what?what Will you do after you kill them all simon?!
Revenant's gaze freezes and lets her go--You dont get to call me that! You dont understand what it feels like!
Jeris back straightens as the gleaming of her eyes fades,and its replaced with a dark shadow of bitterness-- I dont get to call you that huh?, I see how it is--she crosses her arms and looks away--youre not putting one hand on natalie, revenant..--she Turned on her heel and the bot tried to stop her, its futile as she exits the appartment.
She took a ride back home where natalie and Alexander were waiting.
Her bitter expression said everything,she sat with wattson and gave her a necklace with a pendant, it had the carvings her own devices used-- this is a last resort thing,you got it?
--what...what is it?
Jer looked away with a heavy sigh--its a powerfull EMP that Will disable simo-- revenants body long enough to give you time to run,my familiars vica and illa Will come to your rescue,and Will alert me as well...
Natalie took jeris hand, and with a heavy chest she said--you shouldnt go through all zhe trouble just for me, I cant imagine how much it hurts to do this,specially knowing what revenant means to you
Jerico sighed and shook her head--thats not the revenant I fell in love with natalie, I...I need some time alone, ill let you two sort things out between y'all, I...I think I need some time alone
Caustic kissed jerico and held her close for a bit--i love you--he whispers to her.
She nodds and kisses him again,and limps Back to her room.
The wine red LED lights bounced off jericos face as she covers herself up with the blankets.
She recieved a text from caustic a simple " she forgave me".
She was happy for him,and said she was proud of him.
Caustic checked on jeri and then left.
Its late midnight when she hears a creek in her bedrooms door.
Lightweighted steps make their way towards jerico.
Revenant looked at the Mirror she had and saw what would be his New human self,he had short white hair, with age marks.
Rev heard jer move around the bed, nothing.
He checked the mirror again and then saw himself as how he always was.
A simulacrum.
He sighed and sat besides her, a hand moving a piece of her hair out of her face.
His gaze softens, she was the love of his life,the only one that saw the pain and hardship he was struggling with.
The grief.
His clawy cold metal hand presses against his cheek,her eyes Open up softly--simon?What are you doing here?
Revenant seemed to sniff, oil dripping out of his eyes as she sat on the bed.
He only hugged her tightly hiding his face on the crook of her neck.
Her hand pressed at the back of his metal neck stroking it with her thumb.
--Im sorry for todays fight....I shouldnt...i should have understood,please dont...dont leave me--he holds her close--if I loose you I, I dont know what id do...,you were always so...nice to me and now im here at the verge of losing my partner...
Jeri licked her lips and hugged him--im also sorry, I should understand that you want closure with hammonds horrible actions and what they did to you with the syndicate,god im so sorry simon...I dont want to loose you either...
--I did some research...some of the original creators of the simulacrum program still live,ill kill them...and the people running the program now,ill make sure nobody has to go through what I did, ill spare natalies life...she...she has nothing to do with this...
Jer sighed and pressed him against his chest.
--Can you spend the night with me?--she asks.
He chuckled and layed down with her under the covers--i dont want you to be alone...and you do get to call me simon...
She smiled and revenant kisses her,holding her close.
--I love you...
--Me too...
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
guinea pig for revenant !!
Cw mentions of depression.
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guinea pig: what do you consider to be your f/o’s greatest achievement?
In my cannon he gets his vengance and goes to therapy for his depression,and gets better.
Those 2 are his greatest achivement in my cannon.
Ty for the ask
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Truth Or Dare
Written using a prompt by @letmehelpyouwrite
Revenant is a very tsundere, cold mf façade type of person/bot who is still getting used to show vulnerability and pda.
Ok to rb
Taglist: @mycinnamonapples @rosyselfships
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--Why am I playing this stupid game again?--revenant asked.
--because jerico wants you to have fun--octane said-- now you chose dare, so I dare you to swoop jeri up and kiss her,interrupting her convo with pathfinder
If rev had blood and veins theyd freeze right then and there.
--no fucking way--the bot said--not in a million years
--Come on Man!you cant back down!, besides, shes our shared girlfriend, she wont get mad!
Revenant curled his hands into fists and sighed.
And unsurely he Walked towards jer, he picked her up effortlessly and kissed her as if he hasnt seen her in a month.
Jerico kissed back being left a giggly blushy mess, as pathfinder was just cooing about how adorable it was.
--Now my turn--the bot said with a maliscious tone, truth or dare skinbag?
Octane thought about it less than a second and said--Dare!
The bot rolled in his own evilness and looked at jericos black cat,void,a cranky old cat resting on the sofa--I dare you to feed jericos cat
--What?Man! That cat Hates me
Void perked up and looked at revenant,he winked at them knowing the animal had caught up with the situation.
--As you said...you cant back down now
Octane grabbed a piece of bread and gulped.
As soon as the bread was near the cats mouth they hissed loudly, making octane jump and hide behind caustic who had just entered the room.
Revenant laughed maniacly, as the cat went back to sleep.
The bot know he was going to get an earfull but it was damn worth it
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Revenant In My Cannon.
Tw for su*Cidal stuff mention
(Help me idk how to tag this!)
Okay so in cannon,revenant LITERALLY wants to die and end it all, bcs of all that has happened to him.
In my cannon however he feels no purpose until he meets me, and realizes hes happy whenever im around, and that I dont judge him.
So eventually he sort of takes ramparts And my advice to go see a psicologist to help.
And what do you know, rn hes on his way to heal form his trauma and he loves me much while still being the asshole he is. Loba feels betrayed cause they sort of had an agreement to find his source code and shut him down.
But honestly,loba you on thin Ice girl, If you lay a hand on him I Will kick your ass
Hes also a bit of a cat,he purrs/hums when I cuddle him, he May not blush but his fans kick in whenever he ""blushes""
Loba and I are a bit of a "you dont mess in my affairs and I dont mess in yours" though the fact that we both flirt in battle doesnt help our casé much.
Hes also Friends with caustic in a way, (here caustic is not that much of a shit) and they can often be found mocking other legends.
Dont let him fool you hes Bisexual as fuck, whoever hcs him as Straight can fite me /J
We are also finding him a hobbie, recomendations are appreciated.
Rampart,mirage, caustic who was kinda forced to help, and I are finding a way to make him feel human again, and we are working on some mods to let him turn human food into energy,so he feels more included,and with horizons help (my wife) we going to make him be able to taste food again.
Hes so excited for it.
Well and thats all I can say ATM.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
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