#♦️// ooc.
jesytr · 8 months
it was previously the moment of getting hired into Arkham Asylum when Harleen believed maybe she didn't want to be a part of the team. they gave her clients as a psychiatrist, and she ran with each of them. carefully pulling back the layers of childhood trauma, and the corporate justice system that seemed to make more, and more money for the state petitionary.
each inmate ranged from criminally insane to a more stable, and manageable clientele. though each seemed to almost lack in what she was looking for. what she wanted to find in someone. it wasn't easy to express her boredom for it all. going through the motions felt like a daily chore. she remembered when she had been told that she should've worked at a different hospital, and it was starting to feel like she should... then she found @jokethur was put into the system. and her curiosity led her straight to her boss. in which she asked to be assigned his case.
it wasn't so cut and dry, but she did manage to get on his team. which seemed extensive enough for her to be accepted as his main therapist. treatment beginning every Monday, and Fridays. enough to keep her guessing. ' how did a guy like that end up in here ? '
" well , " her freshly dyed blonde hair sat up in a ponytail and on her nose was her typical set of glasses. she had trained herself in the mirror that morning down to the last detail of how she was going to reintroduce herself to arthur. she would extend out her hand, and say, ' nice ta' meet cha' again, ol' pal - how'd ya' end up in the slammer ? ' but no. not like that. instead maybe she'd try, ' looks like we're both in here now! therapy buddies ?? ' instead she ended up clearing her throat when she was finally in the same room as him. standing in front of Arthur from her desk. after they brought him to her office. she dismissed the guards , and smiled, " ya' can sit there. " swooping her arms out to the couch in the room.
she picked up a clipboard and sat back down without waiting for him to do so himself. glancing through the papers that had personal information on him, " I uhh --- wasn't expecting ta' see ya'. " not like this anyways, " come ta' my surprise ta' find ya' here. " she cleared her throat again. eyeing the clock behind him set in her office just near the door, " first session - ya' got an hour. " she knew she had to be professional. especially since all sessions would be recorded for the board of directors to look over.
her office wasn't especially fancy or anything for the most part it had a teal wallpaper to it and some feel good uplifting posters such as a cat hanging on a branch saying ' hang in there! ' and a little kid holding a red balloon, along with a ' live. laugh. love ' that she personally picked out. she had a small desktop with a mug with a clown on it with a droopy frown, but bright red hair. she also had a laptop to keep notes on throughout the session. she picked up her pink pen, and began to write down the time , the date, as well as any noticing quirks she could pick up on right away about him.
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hydro-eidolon-kaveh · 10 months
Haitham woke after about 4 hours or so, and he went to stand up and stretch, only to notice he was 'trapped'
- [ @corrupted-haitham-official ]
*Kaveh was fast asleep and clung to him like a baby koala, legs wrapped around his waist and arms holding his chest loosely*
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aventurine-official · 7 months
Aeons, I never planned for this…
Why is he so hot?
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I’m about to leave to go buy flowers and one Cater Diamond comes up to me, tells me he likes tulips, winks, and walks away.
It is over for me. 🍊 I’m moving to Pomefiore.
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the-casino-doctor · 1 year
♤♡nice to meet you, im the owner of the casino, Laroux Vion◇♧
*a little white dog runs up to you and starts chasing its tail*
♤♡oh, that's blackjack, the assistant manager. Aren't they so cute?◇♧
*blackjack runs off until you cant see them anymore*
♤♡ah, sorry about that. Where was i? Oh yeah, you can call me Rue, i go by any pronouns, so good luck trying to misgender me, haha◇♧
♤♡anyways the casino has a few rules. people who are going to try and be an ass aren't allowed. Next is that the owner (me) has boundaries that must be obeyed, such as no touching unless you ask first. You may flirt, but remember, the mod is 15-16, and if you are asked to stop, you must stop, if you decide to not follow the rules here you will be delt with accordingly by the assistant manager◇♧
*blackjack prances toward Rue as they do a simple hand gesture, blackjack responds to that with a growl and a fighting stance*
♤♡good puppy jackie, you can relax now, i think they get the point◇♧
*Rue pulls out a little treat for blackjack and hands it to them*
♤♡oh, where are my manners, as you might be able to tell i am a demon, sent to earth by Satan himself, and gifted this casino to tempt mortals into sinning, with the recent development of the internet, we thought it was time to change things up a bit, by giving me the option to become a text doctor!◇♧
♤♡more info below the cut since this is really long sorry◇♧
♤♡this is what i look like in text doctor form◇♧
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♤♡but when im not temping the mortals through the internet, you can see me in the casino like this◇♧
(heres the link to the picrew i used)
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♤♡and sometimes you'll see me in a more masculine outfit such as a suit◇♧
(heres the picrew i used for blackjack)
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and last but not least, my tagging system
#♥️ highrollers || regulars
#♦️beginners luck || anons
#♠️ the pit boss || ic
#♣️ away from the table || ooc
#🎰 jackpot || lore
#🎲 rolling the dice || art
this blog is run by @sk3l3t0n444
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qof-diamonds · 9 months
@cadaverschaoss (im so Sorry i accidentally erased the post answering the inbox ask you sent)
Well referring to basically all your muses (well besides your Q♦️ I think-) I would Say that it's best to not rush things or bad things Might happen- they would earn the trust pretty quickly if they do not act as if they were to force the whole thing
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nymphialamode · 7 months
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* information will be updated as it is discovered !
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Name: Zero Fausse
Age: Late teens to early twenties.
Pronouns: he/she/they
Relationship status: Taken (by Phia)
Birthday: November 7th/9th (???)
Alignment: [***]
Extra Info: Prefers dark type Pokemon, and tends to shy away from ghost type Pokemon.
Personality: Zero is pessimistic and serious, but at times becomes theatrical. For the most part though, he's grumpy and mean. Sorry to anyone who talks to him, truly! He values his own skills and talents greatly, and can be a show off at the worst of times.
Background: Disliked by many people involved in taking down Team Plasma. Assumedly goes by an alias.
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Rubis - Zorua ♂
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[For full transparency, Zero is literally just Infinite from Sonic Forces but I plopped him into Pokemon and also sort of hit him with the OC-ification Ray. Do with that what you will.]
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crystalprofessor · 7 months
rocket verse kris would probably take her hyperfixation interest in the pokédex as a system and be working towards developing a means of efficiently artificially altering and creating pokémon. which is to say her main area of focus is inventing the gameshark.
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believingyourwords · 11 months
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i was going to try and draw a handful of my muses in their little halloween outfits but i only wound up with energy for minako and kikuno. happy halloween !
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jesytr · 8 months
Appreciation Post.
this is to those that I have been following for years. those that I have appreciated through reading their threads with others, personally writing, or plotting with them, or just all around amazing and beautiful people to watch. they are each wonderful and I'd highly recommend giving them all a follow....
( @jokethur ) one of the most amazing and best portrayals of a joker I have ever seen. Your Arthur is so thoroughly written out with a completely new take on his story and it's always a thrill to see you on my feed. Your stories with my HQ are slowly forming her into a completely new and unique but also very Harley Quinn-ish HQ. It's always a thrill to write out not only my HQ but also her daughter Lucy with your Arthur!
( @eritvita ) hey hey! I rp with you through my @streetgoats account and I LOVE your Shakespeare style of writing! I've gotta say that I love the fact that most of our rps take place in the forest and both my twins mabil and Amelina have developed their own ways of speaking with your muse! I can't wait to dive into their romantic relationship with him as that's where we left off before I disappeared from Tumblr! And I love all our threads together this far!
( @banschivs ) hey hey! I gotta say we don't currently have any active threads but I'd love to do something!! I LOVE reading your threads especially watching all Nix's babies ( animals & children ) slowly growing up! I'm always thinking both Nix and Arthur are the token " it " couple among the rp community! Even if we never rp I'll always be a fan! :D
( @nectaric ) back when I was involved in mythos rp I always REALLY LOVED your Zeus! I used to interact as my @deadshe account ( Persephone ) but I no longer have that account but I still keep looking out for your stuff to read! You bring all your muses to life and I'm LIVING FOR IT.
( @ichoric ) hey hey! You might remember me from my loki account ( fyndid ), my Persephone account ( deadshe ) or maybe even my multi mythos page which idk what username I went by but you are one of the old school been around since forever ago myths rpers! I always love seeing your post and I live for your take on myths-based muses. I know you are doing new muses and stuff more lately but it's a joy seeing you on my feed!
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
|| Imperfect || -Pt One-
𖤐 || Part Two || 𖤐 || Part Three || 𖤐
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[.:♔:.] The morning was gray and dreary, as with many of the days this time of year. Snow was a thing of the past, but the rain was still frigid and the dew that had settled on the wild grass was an uncomfortable sensation to brush pass.
In the back of his mind he was sure he had something important to tend to; but his mind was too distracted on getting some part of himself under control. His feral form would be out of the question, for now. However, if he could harvest this new form he had found himself harboring, perhaps it could be of use to him. There was nothing wrong with more power, and he could fly. That feature in itself was worth the risk.
Lord Alexander had finished a morning patrol and wandered to an empty plane, far away from any villages and his own home so that he would not cause any damage.
Once there, he removed his cloak and hung it along the branch of a barren and dead tree, he removed his cuffs as well.
The king had no idea how he’d go about summoning such a form, anytime he was able to call upon it was in a stressful situation; whether to save his own life or succumbed with emotion. The chilly air was uncomfortable on his back and he was growing frustrated as he tried to ‘will’ such a form into existence, to no avail.
He sighed for a moment, one of his paws covering his face, his tail lashing irritably. His was fucking annoying…he never even WANTED this form. This was something spawned out of peer pressure. HE DIDN’T WANT THIS. WHY WAS THIS NECESSARY. The titles were nice, but WHO WAS SKARBRAND TO TELL HIM WHAT HE NEEDS TO DO, WHAT HE SHOULD DO, WHO HE SHOULD BE…..HE WAS THE ONE WHO HAD WORKED FOR ALL THAT HE HAD ACCOMPLISHED. NOT HIM.
Then, the draconian began to feel worked up, angry, hot, his scales prickled and his mane stood on end as a searing sensation flowed over his form. He could feel himself changing and contorting, parts of his body extending and becoming more twisted and sinister, wings tearing from his back. Unlike the last time he had phased where emotion overrode any invasive thoughts lashing out in his mind, he didn’t have a valid reason to change here, other then to learn how to harness and tame it. All the more reason for his purely violent side to rage in his mental space, making him wild and over stimulated as he fought for control.
It was like a game of tug-o-war.
Lord Alexander fell to his knees, claws gouged into the soft damp soil that would quickly turn dry and become cracked from the flames and heat radiating off his person. It was almost painful, like his scales were being ripped off from his scalp, it made him wild with the need for this to stop, this was a mistake!
The king bellowed as he tore himself from the ground, kicking up debris as he rampaged, swung and slashed about, throwing soil and clumps of grass everywhere, clawing at his mane as he fought with the more unhinged side of himself for control.
He chose a nearly barren plane for a reason.
The sounds of a rift tearing through the fabric of space would signify the King’s butler had come. He knew where his master was, and sensed his turmoil.
“S-Sire! What’s the meaning of all-“
Cromwell paused, he hadn’t known or learned of Alexander’s ‘in-between’ form yet. He could sense him growing distressed through the red diamond-shaped pendent he wore, a pendent fashioned from the beast’s own crystal. But what he couldn’t sense was this form once he phased into it…as it was new.
Lord Alexander slashed his hot talons into a boulder; melted streaks of magma forming and breaking the rock apart before he paused and turned, facing the butler, his breathing heavy and ragged.
Cromwell froze, his fur and scales standing on end as he braced for the horrible attack that was surely to come.
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aventurine-official · 7 months
There's no D in Aventurine YET since you're on a date with Ratio.. nevermind, sorry
You have a point, actually...
No, there isn't currently, but... in that context, there is quite frequently, after all~
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but what about the bouquet :(
-🎶 anon
I can try to get it but…I don’t know. He makes me nervous. It’s a lot easier to talk to 🍊 and they’ll probably tell me to get my gay ass over to Sam’s shop or something, heh.
Relationships are hard
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
Can you please.. pleaseeee flirt with me?
♤♡whatever you wish for...darling~ you know, i seem to have lost one of my cards but its ok because i found my king/queen of hearts right in front of me~◇♧
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b4d-0m3n · 1 month
Mind if I shoot omen again - Ring
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qof-diamonds · 9 months
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Well for one,Karma doesn't despise Kuina,so it would be pretty easy.
A tip would be to simply trust her first. Ask her to do little favours (like grabbing something for you) and if She does then that means that She trusts you enough to be sure that the thing you gave her wont explode in her hand. {This Is also a Way to actually manipulate people in real Life tricking their mind into thinking they like you,It wont work on her that way.}
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Carpe Diem♦️
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