#♧AroAllo Daniil anon
shmowder · 5 months
aroallo daniil anon here, I loved the aro daniil hcs <3 anyway inspired by the fact that you can sleep in random beds in pathologic classic: one evening he passes out in your bed and when he wakes up he gets flustered about being unprofessional and imposing on your space more than he meant to, but really you think it's nice that he felt safe enough to fall asleep.
I'm happy you loved it <3
The Bachelor sleeping on your bed
[Daniil Dankovsky x GN!Reader]
[Fluff, Implied AroAllo Daniil]
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Between all of his daily errands and responsibilities, time slipped from between Daniil's fingers faster than he could realise it. Staying past midnight and attending to his rotten work come dawn has become nothing short of the norm as of late.
You were the last person to visit on this seemingly endless list of tasks before the day was over, Daniil wanted to run by you a certain theory of his, before the Inquisitor arrives and damns him for failing at his one job. Maybe, just maybe your insight will shift his perspective enough for the puzzle pieces to fall into place.
When he eventually arrived at your accommodations, it didn't come as a surprise to find you absent. Sure, go break quarantine too, why does he care? It's not like anyone listens to him anyway.
... maybe an emergency happened or you were, you know, busy doing your job and also struggling to balance your responsibilities amidst the crushing weight of the falling town on your shoulder... just like him.
Daniil's unusual frustration didn't go unnoticed by him...the stress really must be getting to him.
Sitting down for a while should benefit him. You should come back home eventually, after all, and you're the last job for the day, so what's the harm in waiting for a couple of minutes?
Those couple minutes turned into ten minutes, then twenty and became a half hour. Daniil's struggling to keep his eyelids from closing and posture from slouching the more he waited around.
What possibly could be taking you so long?
In the corner of the room, the sight of your comfortable bed started pulling his line of vision towards it. Eyes gravitating towards the soft looking pillows and alluring blanket.
He's not going to fall asleep...he's just...going to rest his legs and sit down.
Maybe just close his eyes too, just for a short while.
He is not falling asleep.
...he's just leaning back, and oh wow, this pillow is really as soft under his head as he imagined it would be.
Hours pass by, and eventually, the sound of a click announces the opening of the door. You step into your room with heavy legs.
You take your mask off, removing the protective clothes and cloak to put aside so you may disinfect it later.
But just as you take a second step inside your room, you're greating with the sight of Daniil Dankovsky, The Bachelor of medicine himself, snoozing on your bed.
Coat still on and everything.
Hugging one of your pillows close to his chest and buring his face into it, while another pillow laid below his by now messy hair. Half the blanket covering him, the other half falling off of the bed.
The floorboards creek below your feet as you step closer, Daniil's body stirrs, lips grimacing in annoyance.
You stay still.
The tension in his body melts again after a passing moment.
making your way towards him carefully this time, you notice the lack of the usual irritated look on his face.
His features looked...soft while he slept, face completely relaxed. It made the bags under his eyes stand out even more.
Picking the blanket off of the floor and covering him with it, you take the chair for the night instead.
The smell of his perfume is subtle through the room, an undeniable scent that people started associating with the bachelor since he arrived into this town.
The chair is uncomfortable below you, the melting candle on the stand gives one final flicker of light.
Before its fire is snuffed out.
Darkness veils the room.
Outside, you hear the faint sounds of footsteps, patrol men walking the streets, occasionally telling off drunks for breaking quarantine. You can't make out the words, but the strict tone is all the same.
If you focus, you can hear the light sound of Daniil's slow breathing with every fall and raise of his chest. The rustling of the sheets underneath whenever he clings to the pillow tighter.
When morning arrive, you're awaken by the intruding sunrays slipping through the glass of your bedroom window.
Back sore as you stand up from the uncomfortable chair, muscles burning in discomfort as you stretch them.
And Dankovsky is still having his beauty sleep on your bed.
As you debate whether to wake him up or leave him be and go about your tasks, his body makes the decision for you.
Sleepy eyes fluttering open, that look of slight confusion as his brain powers up to remind him who he is, where he is, and what he is doing. Recalling his belief system and all of his personal identity and memories in milliseconds as he blinks away.
He takes one look at you, then the pillow between his arms.
And he's immediately off the bed in a second.
Pretending to be busy smoothing down his coat to avoid your gaze, adjusting his messy hair back into a presentable state, only to end up messing it further as he downplays his embarrassment.
Clearing his throat, he finally speaks up
"It seems that exhaustion has gotten the best of me...I apologise for intruding. I was expecting you to arrive sooner, pray tell what took you so long? You are aware of how dangerous this town is at night, correct? And you didn't think to inform me or leave a letter?"
Maybe it's just to cover his own flustration, but he insists on sitting you down on the bed and checking you up for any early symptoms of the plague.
Inquiring about your midnight whereabouts as he stands so close, face inches away from yours while he checks over your pupils for any signs of dilation.
By the end, he does look relieved to find you safe and sound. Still, he's back to the same stiff posture and overworked look of exhaustion he wears every day.
Through all of his fussing, you can't help but think about how relaxed he looked on your bed.
How safe he must have felt, hugging the pillow with your scent on it so close, completely trusting you to eventually come back.
How exhausted he must have been to let his mask of professionalism slip.
Daniil always desperately tried to paint himself as someone more knowledgeable, more reliable, and the voice of reason. Especially in front of you. He never wanted you to look at him and see anything but a dependable doctor you can put your trust in, someone who will handle your problems and bear all the burdens.
Something makes those traits him in shine more around you. How he never asked you for food even when you knew his supplies were running low, how he always gave you antibiotics and painkillers after each meeting, and reminded you to look out for your health more.
Glancing at the protective clothes you set aside, you remember how he was the one who gave it to you. Paid for out of his own pocket and refused any reimbursement you offered, even the courtesy bottle of milk you tried to convince him to drink was rejected politely.
He always insisted that you should have it. You should save it for emergency days. He is a doctor, he will manage.
He knows best.
"I came here to discuss an important topic with you but...Forget it. It's too late now, the train must have already arrived. I'll make a stop here again after the end of my hospital shift today. Just...please don't wander outside too much."
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