#pathologic x reader
shmowder · 15 days
I saw this post and wanted to have a go at it so
What Pathologic characters bring for your birthday Pt.1
The Healers
The Bachelor's giftting etiquette is shaped by years of courtesy academia gifts. Daniil plays it safe and goes for the more traditional gifts between professional colleagues usually accompanied by a polite congratulations letter. His gifts tend to fall more on the expensive side, and they can include:
A fountain pen that only works with a special type of ink that is very annoying to get a hold of. If you bring that fact up, he seems a bit embarrassed by not realising it sooner and offers to send you the ink whenever you run out.
A professionally carved chess set piece from imported wood. Each piece is beautifully designed with a twist to distinguish it from the usual chess pieces whilst still holding a resemblance to the traditional design.
A pocket watch with your initials engraved into the gold plated back. A matching chain is included to secure it to your clothes.
A one of a kind brooch from a jewler he frequents for repairs, it symbolises something he thinks is dear to you.
A glass swan decorative piece that's very delicate and intricately designed, made by an expert glass-blower from one piece
If he's out of all options, he pulls the good ol'reliable encyclopedia on beetles with coloured HD prints
The Haruspex's Gifts are what you'd expect from a community welcoming in a new person into the neighbourhood, they tend to be homely in nature and consumable to not take up space but instead offer a small comfort. The kin usually gift food, sewing kits and home appliances, things which make life easier despite being mundane and Artemy took after them. His gifts can include:
Groceries from fresh vegetables, raw meat to canned goods, dairy, and eggs. They fresh ones last you up to a week so you don't have to worry about grocery shopping or go hungry. While canned goods could be saved as emergency food.
Wood/fuel for the fireplace to keep warm, especially with how ruthless winter can be in this town. He thought about bringing a blanket to or a sweater, but knitting was never his speciality
Emergency sewing repair kit that fits in your pocket, it includes spare buttons for your clothes and several threads in different colours to blend in with the fabrics.
He will visit you a day before your birthday and help fix anything broken around your house, be it a creeking floorboard or a wobbling table. Maybe do errands to help you prepare for the birthday party
A carved wooden toy/trinket like the ones his father used to make him in his childhood. the cuts through the wood are very clean but the design itself is chunky, he tried his best.
The idea of gifting you a cattle did cross his mind, but he wasn't sure you knew how to take care of them or have the space....also they tend to be very expensive. He settled for a bull shaped soft toy that's very popular as a home protection charm in the steppe.
The Changeling's gifting is very impacted by the fact she spawned into existence in this world just a few weeks ago. Clara still has many questions about how the world works and why the selection of ediable rocks is very limited? Her gifts are sincere in the way they remind you of playing potion making with leaves and twigs as a kid. They can include:
a small bouquet of wild flowers found around the town that she must have spent some time collecting from the dirt on her knees
A fully functioning army grade rifle in perfect condition with a stash of bullets, if you ask how she got them, she just smiles
Pretty trinkets she found in a bin and washed, you may choose one and she's keeping the rest....Fine you can have two since it's your birthday
Someone's deepest darkest secret, you may choose who.
If you complain from a headache or backpain, she offers to heal you and cure you forever. When it doesn't work, she seems annoyed by it and instead offers you some morphine she had stashed away.
A friendship bracelet that she is very proud of making! Makes fun of you if she sees you wearing it. Clara still wears hers.
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sorcerous-caress · 1 month
But. Theoretically. If i were to write pathologic x reader, here's what I'm thinking.
heads up, this is gonna be like ethically kinda terrible with a side of medical malpractice.
[ Smut below ]
Okay so. you know Hysteria?
uh huh yes that one. and you know how pathologic time-period setting is kinda messed up but in general it is semi-medieval?
You see where I'm going with this?
So back in the old times, those terrible dark ages, uh doctors used to diagnose women who showed any signs of emotional outbursts with hysteria because they were ignorant and misogynist, right?
Both Daniil and Artemy do use "hysterical" to describe other people ingame, not just women, but men too. Especially when those people are disagreeable with them, then they just scoof and claim they must be experiencing hysteria.
One of the cures for hysteria is a series of sexual climaxes. It was what led to the invention of vibrators as a medical aide to doctor's who's hands were getting numb.
Now, with the plague and all, I doubt either would care to deliver that particular cure since a panacea takes priority. But if we just...sweep the plague under the rug and use an au where Daniil and Artemy came back to an actually functional and normal town. Maybe no polyhedron au?
Or no, no. just delayed plague au? so this would take place on Day 1, but the plague doesn't arrive until 4 or 5 days later whatever.
Logistics of how to make it possible aside.
Then I clearly see them agreeing to attend to someone with an urgent case of hysteria because that's what good doctors do.
In Daniil's case, it doesn't feel that hard to get him to agree. He is fully convinced that hysteria is a real serious issue, and based on his medical books and degrees, an organic and easy-to-deliver cure like this is the most preferable.
He'd be clinical about it, white rubber gloves and a clean disinfected towel covering the mattress. Hangging his snake coat on the frame of the bed as he orders you to undress and lay down to begin the operation.
A bored look in his eyes, he's the furthest thing from bashful or coy. Pouring a lubricant on his gloved hand, holding your thigh with the other to stabilise you when you're surprised how cold the lubricant feels against your hot skin.
His silence is unusually comforting, not a hint of judgment in his eyes. He truly makes you feel like you're in safe hands with an experienced professional. This is his job, what he spent years studying. He will never shy away from all the requirements that come with being a doctor, including making a nervous patient feel calm and comfortable.
The pace he builds up is gradual and calculated, thoughtful of you and your body language. He informs you of his next steps before he takes it, be it moving his hand faster, going rougher or softer or paying attention to other stimulating parts of your body. You're completely aware of his movements and what's about to come.
If you pay attention, you'll notice the focus in his eyes. As if he's recalling past information. What he learned about each part of the genital organs and naming them in his brain. Testing his knowledge, studying your body as he compares it to his memories of drawn autonomy maps.
Eventually, as you get closer to your release and sink further into the bed below, his body leans more and more over you as if he doesn't want to miss this moment. To witness the fruit of his hard work, be it for self-gratification or just ensuring that you're experiencing actual pleasure and not just indulging him out of politeness. He's not a child, his ego will definitely handle the hit if his performance wasn't satisfactory enough. He'd rather go through trial and error until he finds what makes you tick rather than stick with something average and good enough to get the job done and over with.
No. he's just as invested in this as you are, if not more. It's his pride as a doctor on the line, as a bachelor of medicine, you need to be experiencing the highest of pleasures the human body could get through this.
Looking straight into your eyes as your last thread snaps, hips spasming through your intense release. His hand doesn't falters as he drains you dry of everything you could give him then have the audacity to ask for more even while his gloves are fully drenched in your cum.
Daniil doesn't waste a moment before he gets up and disposes of his sulled gloves while you get your breathing under control. He swaps them for a different new pair, bringing a small bowl of warm water and a clean cloth with his as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
Cleaning you up, wiping down your thighs, and between your legs. The same mechanical focus in the patterns of his hands.
Even after this whole experience, he doesn't seem the least bit phased. If anything, you almost catch a hint of satisfaction in the way his usually tense shoulders are relaxed, the way his eyes seem brighter. Getting to play proper doctor for a small moment in time did better to his mental health than whatever detective act wannabe the kains are making him do in order to uncover Simon's murder.
Your throat is dry, it's obvious in the crack of your voice as you attempt to answer his post-operation inquiries about your state of mind and wellness. Daniil gets up and gets you the glass of water without having to be asked, taking care of his patients seem to come second nature to him. It's what he prides himself on.
He informs you that you'll be allowed half an hour of rest before the next operation commences. As much as he'd like to give you more time to recover, hysteria is a serious thing you see, and he needs to make sure this cure takes effect.
Leaving you with a blanket on the bed, even offering his coat if the material of the blanket wasn't comfortable enough. He sets an hourglass down as he moves to the desk on the other side of the room, occasionally glancing at the grains of sands trickling down as he gets busy going over his hypothesis papers concerning Simon Kain's immortality.
I'm thinking about Artemy's and how different his methods would be. tbh if Artemy ever needs that cock warmed then I'm free from 9am to 5pm, I gotcha king. but personal feelings aside, I think he'd contrast Daniil in a lot of ways.
I mean, you could read the above drabble as Artemy's pov with doctor Daniil, who just insisted he must be treated for hysteria, just sprinkle in some insults and arguments.
Or still on the x reader route. Artemy would make it more intimate, use his bare hands, put those golden fingers to use. He'd believe that skin contact is the key here, would probably strip with you too just to get you on his lap and work you over.
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thegnomelord · 4 months
Random idea while I'm currently sleep deprived and don't know what to label:
The Ghost would love you like a dog.
Always at your shadow, following you, guarding you. At least he can do that right, good for something, big dumb brute that he is, baring his teeth and growling for you, tearing out throats for you just for a scrap of affection.
Ghost would love you like a dog.
Waiting by the door, by the foot of the bed, by your side, and hoping, silently, that you'll get lonely enough to invite him up. And he'll take care not to show his eagerness, not to be too exited and overplay his hand.
Simon Riley would love you like a dog.
Like his rotten canines are falling out, panting and drooling and messy, desperately to leave marks on you. Because he's a Riley. Everything he's ever loved left bite marks on him. And he'll be dammed if he let's the world take away you too.
Simon would love you like a dog.
You could stab him. Kill him.
Burry his body in the cemetery as a sacrificial lamb, so you aren't forced to linger when you pass.
And he'd forgive you.
Dogs are like that.
Dead dogs are just happy your hand is holding the knife.
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mixtapedoh · 2 months
How about lonely boy, lee know, and forced proximity?
@eclliipsed — i am thinking of you, specifically while writing this <3
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;༊ — lonely boy
pairing: lee minho x gn!reader genre: fluff, office setting word count: ~3.6k warnings: language, situational stress, han is here stirring the pot, a startling amount of homicide jokes
olive’s notes: a unique challenge of writing lino fic that i did not before account for or even conceptualize is that when i think of said silly little stray kids cat boy, i think of him almost 99% of the time as 'lino' and like 0.9999999999% of the time as 'lee know'. lee minho? you mean the actor? it's not clicking up here, asdfghj. all that's to say, if i make a mistake and call him lino instead of minho, i'm so sorry, feel free to stone me in the square on whatever day is most convenient for you <3.
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☄. *. ⋆ lee minho x forced proximity...
— society, as a collective, just loves their 9 to 5, right?
i mean, if it were actually a 9 to fucking 5, maybe you wouldn't be screaming, crying, throwing up, gnawing on the iron bars of your enclosure.
— but haha, as a general rule (collectively agreed upon at some point, or perhaps no one agreed so much as they were browbeaten into submission), more than society loves their 9 to 5, they love their workplace grindset culture.
gotta get those financial gains, amirite?
— which is all to say, you were simply enamoured, quite totally besotted with, completely captivated by and hopelessly devoted to your demanding, grueling, parasitic life-force of an office job.
and people had the gall to say you didn't have romance in your life.
clearly, they hadn't seen the zeal and devotion with which you dedicated yourself to your company issued computer, stacks of files, and white-walled cubicle.
after all, regular hours simply weren't enough for all the worship you had within you — you simply had to have both your mandatory overtime and your Implicitly Dictated and Oh-So-Reasonably Expected overtime hours as well <3 you did want to keep your job after all, and job security is such a silly little thing <3 corporate culture really is just soooo romantic in that regard <3 complete and utter devotion <3 commitment almost pious <3
until you managed to break away from the curse of Living in a Society and could live without bills, debt, responsibilities, more bills, more debt, and the desire for silly little (but financially substantial) hobbies to make this existence of yours worthwhile, your love affair with your job would simply have to stick.
— which made for the perfect little soup you were currently mired in. a thick broth of learned helplessness seasoned with intense loathing, a dash of interest in low stakes coworker drama, a sprinkling of compulsory people pleasing, a garnish of yes man energy, and an optional mix-in of untapped, constantly simmering rage.
so, of course you were best friends with han jisung.
— the universe really did do you a solid when they placed han jisung in the cubicle next to you.
perhaps the only employee that hadn't succumbed to the incessant humanity-sucking leech affectionately called a company, jisung was the only one who kept you sane when you were 56 hours deep in your work week and considering moving to a homestead on alaska where you would likely not even last a whole 72 hours — but, hey, you would at least get some sleep at the end of it when succumbing to the effects of hypothermia, so it didn't seem that bad of a gig, really (jisung always offered to cover half of the down payment cost, but at the end of the conversation, he'd just buy you a coffee and the two of you would call it even).
— and being friends with jisung was, all at once, both a blessing and a curse.
(because this is corporate living and existence is a fucking nightmare ~°~♫⭒~꘎ )
— poor excuses for jokes in your company chat box, sticky note battles during days when the mundane tasks you were assigned were mind-numbing enough to fell the strongest of corporate warriors, the constant "i owe you" back and forth when one of you went on a coffee or vending machine run and grabbed something for the other, and, of course, juicy gossip during your lunch break — all of these were the positives of being jisung's partner in captalist crime.
— but on the other hand, should either of your work be wanting in any regard... well... accountability is a word long enough to stretch between two.
— which led you to your current state of affairs.
"the next time you forget to delete your 'tongue-in-cheek' speaker notes on the powerpoint we're submitting for review from higher ups, i'm breaking your fingers so you can't type them in the first place."
but of course jisung just turns it into a joke about a hand kink.
— your punishment for 'distasteful' jokes left in the margins of official company output wasn't anything too severe — bless whatever cosmic force made it so that the generally easy going mr. ok taecyeon was the one to see jisung's fuck up, and not someone less forgiving — but it meant the next few weeks would be hell in the form of grunt work.
see, your company was expanding in the industry, and it meant that the building you were currently working in wasn't big enough to house all the ✨aspirational goals✨ it was just starting to believe in. thus, the majority of higher ups were going to move into a new office building... and for some ass-backward reason, so, too were all of the archives.
and someone had to go down there and box it all up, making sure it was properly labeled and in order.
sure, the company was just head-empty enough to have the desire to move physical archives to a new office building. but at least they wanted it all in order before they stuck it in a different dusty basement.
— the very first day you went to the basement and saw the sheer level of work the two of you had in store, you locked eyes with jisung and just knew that fucker was going to find some way to get out of it.
— on your lunch break you tried to beat him to the punch and defend your honor against the soul crushing weight of undue punishment. but alas! you had already taken vacation days in the last month (damn that kpop concert - did you really have to be that devoted to your ult group??) and han hadn't had a day off for the last 6 months.
how the hell did you end up doing the punishment work for actions that weren't even (mostly) yours?
han jisung better move to that alaskan homestead after all, nowhere else would ever be safe from your wrath... once you got out of this basement, of course.
— the most you were given was help in the form of lee minho — who would have thought that he of all people would be your saving grace?
maybe he'd help you plan jisung's murder. they were friends, true, but anyone who was around han long enough would not be opposed to plitting his demise. it was part of his elusive charm, after all. everything wonderful about him also lent itself to fodder for plotting his demise.
convenient, really, given the circumstances you were in.
— but back to lee minho. perfect performance lee minho. always last to leave the office lee minho. infuriatingly not suffering from looking chronically fatigued or daunted, overwhelmed, or simply fazed by the overzealous work culture you found yourselves in, lee minho. curt and focused but lacking of an edge that would make him unapproachable lee minho. impossible to pin down, the vitruvian man of corporate dreams, somehow the bosses favorite despite failing to do any of the sucking up some of your other coworkers engaged in almost religiously lee minho.
he didn't frustrate you; he didn't even really baffle you, but he didn't exactly occupy your brainspace in a way that could be described as indifference, y'know?
maybe this was something you could blame of jisung, too. he always talked about minho an ungodly amount, waxed poetic about how it was a shame that minho worked in a different department — how the two of you really would get along famously, but damn, if he couldn't convince either of you to spend any of your (perhaps two (2)) hours of off-duty life in the same place at the same time.
social lives, after all, were laughable, where the both of you were concerned.
— the day you walked down there and saw minho already elbow deep in a filing cabinet seemingly older than your parents (which, lamentably, was the worst organized filing cabinet you'd ever seen, and was regrettably representative of 95% of the work ahead of you), you laughed out loud and took the moment to convince minho to take a picture for you, so you could tell jisung that he was missing the Historic and Long Anticipated Meet Up, and that was the moment you realized that you were so deep in the basement, phone service was a pipe dream.
it wasn't a concern, really — you were both benefiting from the random employee benefit of free spotify premium, so your downloaded content was enough to get you through the long hours of organizing and packing, and hey! being in the basement meant no one really expected any more out of you than your required hours and whatever mandatory overtime you had left to complete.
— so really, jisung had been stupid as hell to avoid this punishment. it was effectively less work than you were used to (though tedious) and you were far enough away from your desk that the thought of the work piling up in the world above wasn't eating at you that much (at least not any more than usual; workplace anxiety and you were well acquainted, at that point <3)
— and minho! — god forbid you say anything complementary about that bastard han jisung while he left you (more than) 6 feet under, doing work that was, by many rights, his punishment — but he had been right when he said you and minho would gel.
he didn't disturb you, for the most part, but working in the same space for full work days with nothing to do but listen to podcasts and check the dates on dusty files meant that Annoying The Only Other Person In Your Vicinity became a welcome distraction from wallowing in the fact you were moving at a pace slower than desired. and he responded quite well to any question you threw his way - no matter how brain-dead, invasive, or embarrassing. in fact, he'd hit something back - put the ball in your court in a question almost more ridiculous, leaving you to question how jisung hadn't forced the two of you together sooner (but fuck jisung; all my homies are blaming this comedy of errors on jisung and are in this basement actively plotting his demise).
— and it didn't take you long to realize charming minho is almost exactly like getting a neighborhood cat to endear itself to you.
pspspsps at random (bat a stupid ass joke his way);
give him space but respond to his random bids for attention;
have a snack drawer (one of the first emptied out file cabinets furthest to the back of the archival area) and occasionally offer something sweet as a reminder that the snack drawer exists and is for joint indulging;
entertain him with logic puzzles and psychological warfare;
and, of course, shit talk your coworkers and company.
indulge the cats desire for destruction and mayhem; tell minho that whenever he was ready to put in his two-weeks, you'd be right there beside him and would run the paper shredder all night while he corrupted the files.
exist calmly and comfortable in the cat's space; work so well in tandem that you began anticipating the movements of the other.
spend quality time with the cat; both of you begining to wordlessly take your lunches at the table in the archival basement, instead of going all the way back up to the cafeteria, choosing instead to chat with each other and indulge in the other's niche interests and stupidly staunch opinions on poor pieces of media.
slow blink at the cat; catch yourself staring for a bit too long when he doesn't notice you looking, your thoughts getting all muffled and sappy as you become wholly fascinated by the slope of his nose and the softness of his big, dark eyes that look perpetually half-bored at work but sparkle with intelligence and mischief when you call out his name — lighting up with interest and disguised delight as that lazy, gummy smile makes it's way onto his features, eyebrows quirking upward, already expecting a challenge and...
— wait... what was that?
— is there absestos in the company walls, and that's why they decided to randomly move buildings? is there lead lining these filing cabinets? black mold in the ceiling? were you perhaps inhaling narcotics in this dusty ass air and hallucinating something vivid?
you were not developing a crush on someone just because you were stuck in the basement with this fool for going on two weeks now and hadn't seen another good looking coworker in quite some time. this wasn't some kind of drama where the ceo has a strange delight in forcing company employees into situations laced with ✨sexual tension✨. you weren't a main lead suffering from romantic withdrawals. remember your leech of a company. you have no time for shit like that.
— but, i mean, if you're never out of the office, perhaps finding romance in office is a solution...
shut the fuck up, you and minho weren't even in the same department. that point was moot.
— because damn, maybe asbestosis really was getting to you, and that's what was knocking the wind out of you any time minho smiled. yes, certainly the absestos in the walls was what was informing the way your heart constricted whenever the two of you brushed hands passing a file between you. maybe you should sue your company and have some hospital use you as a case study. maybe all the distracted daydreams was a new symptom of your newly contracted deadly disease.
see, that would make sense. you weren't catching a mean case of crushing on your forced proximity coworker, you were simply dying. because of the absestos.
— but even still, the day both of you piled all the boxes of (appropriately lableled) filing into a work car, and minho drove you over to the new building, the fresh air didn't seem to be a cure all. you were still a little more than distracted by his messy hair and black sunglasses... his concentration on the road... his pushed up sleeves... not to mention his hands wrapped around the steering wheel.
(but of course you'd snap out of your thoughts when you remember that joke jisung made about your supposed hand kink at the beginning of all this nonsense. shut the fuck up, memory ghost jisung. you don't know shit. you and minho had already talked about it and were coming for his broke ass the day he had the courage to step foot in the office again.)
— yeah, haha, you weren't crushing on lee minho because of a comedy of errors you had never dreamed would befall you in the first place. working alongside him hadn't woken anything in you. certainly not.
— and yeah, haha, you'd definitely be able to hide this from jisung when he came back. not a problem at all when he asks you about how sorting archives went (he had the gall to bring it up every five minutes — taunting you with the fact that he got to have 4 days off and was then reassigned to do answer all the emails that had piled up during his time out of office. yes, he had picked up some of the work originally meant to go to you, but still. a veritable traitor who deserved your absence from your usual lunch dates. and yes, it was hard to be slick when he'd bring up your casual absence from lunch — were you finding minho's company to be more than enough? — but you'd manage. like hell were you going to give the smug bastard satisfaction after he made you atone for his and also your crimes.).
— and yeah, haha, you'd would definitely be able to explain to a suspicious and put out jisung why you were canceling anime re-run night with him to instead go with minho to this hybrid cat-and-comic-book-cafe he had mentioned never being able to get a reservation for, despite living two blocks away from it. silly little things like that would be easy to wave away, right.
it's like, totally platonic for you and minho to meet up on your only day off to spend hours lounging at a cafe retreat together where you cooed at semi-sociable cats and joked about adopting and co-parenting the one who enjoyed wearing cute hats, and read comic books for hours and order food to share and have low-stakes debates about the best tropes and characters of shared beloved media.
it's not like that whole set up is incredibly date coded.
and it's not like it would become a recurring habit for minho to invite you to do things with him that would have jisung waggling his eyebrows even as you pleaded innocence and smacked him with whatever quasi-weapon you just so happened to have on your desk (mostly file folders and your favorite cat themed mini calendar).
— haha... it wasn't like you were down bad and incredibly bad at hiding your crush.
— you fool. you absolute buffoon. han jisung could smell your lies and poorly contained crush from thousands of leagues away. even if you weren't shit at hiding it, he would have known. he could have actually been on that remote homestead in alaska and still picked up on just how brain dead you were over your crush. you thought you were slick? when han jisung has a doctorate in anxious suspicion and twelve master's degrees in the art of bullshitting?
hell, he knew you were going to fall in love with minho before the two of you even met. why do you think he'd wanted to connect the two of you in the first place? because he thought you two needed a social life? please — he knew going in that putting the two of you in the same room was horrible for his self preservation; he knew it was practically undermining company goals because your joint productivity would fall 2000% and the amount of cat memes you two would send on company time would increase so exponentially, you'd both resort to making your own memes using your company paid subscription to adobe creative cloud; he knew that the two of you were almost scarily well matched and equally devoted to drinking your refusal-to-believe-i-can-be-loved-romantically juice.
he knew that you and minho would develop glaring crushes on each other and wouldn't do a damn thing about it beyond smoothly flirting for an afternoon, inviting the other out on dates-that-aren't-dates and promptly fake-gagging and denying in a manner almost theatric that you might *gasp* enjoy the other's company in a way not-so-platonic, only to do it all over again. a vicious cycle of 'stop feeding the rest of us lies and just kiss with tongue already, damnit.' and he knew all of your coworkers would be caught in the middle of it.
— which they were. for, like, a solid five months.
— now, it wasn't too bad, considering the fact that you and minho worked in different departments, but anytime there was cause for collaboration, suddenly you were clambering to be considered, no matter the intense workload or the way the task was slightly out of your wheelhouse. suddenly, it seemed you were incredibly eager to learn and prove yourself.
at first, your team leader was overjoyed. initiative? drive? a seeming zest and fire for more commitment? say less and do more! marry yourself to the dumbass collaboration with the other department! perhaps this could mean freedom for their long suffering servitude under the corporate thumb!
but then they saw you flirting with minho and making plans to spend an afternoon together at a book signing while still on the clock. and while they're not opposed to a bit of misuse of company time (vive la révolution contre les régimes capitalistes, and all that), it was a bitter and sobering pill to watch that shit happen daily while not getting any yourself, and then stomaching the fact that these clearlly love-struck fuckers won't admit their own transparency-set-to-0% feelings and put their chronically-single corporately-suffering coworkers to rest. either say you're in love and just be done with it or take the rest of us out with a shot gun. goddamn.
it's like a sitcom's mind-numbingly over-the-top valentine's day special. someone make it stop.
— and it didn't take a genius to connect the dots and realize that the employee responsible for all of this was han jisung.
after all, he's the mutual friend between them. no doubt he talked about the other constantly in glowing terms. no doubt he planted the seed they'd be a match made in heaven. no doubt he was the one to blame.
and! wasn't it his fuck up that forced you and minho to work together in the archives to begin with?
maybe killing han jisung wasn't going to make you and minho confess to each other, but it would be some kind of catharsis for the people who were stuck in this hell of Watching You Two Take Your Sweet Time With It.
— so jisung had to understandably think of some kind of plot. after all, the two of you were his best friends, but to hope that you would admit your feelings for someone to save his livelihood? don't be ridiculous. the both of you were quite happy with the flirting stage, as it currently stood.
— how to get your stubborn friends to admit their (very real and very reciprocated) feelings for each other... when there's no external or even internal pressure (on them, at least) to do so... jisung would have to think outside of the box.
or perhaps inside of it.
— which i'm sure is reason enough to explain how the both of you managed to get stuck in a closet during your company's holiday party.
and, through it all, is minho's mischievous eyes and your flair for the dramatic.
"do you think we should tell our coworkers we've been dating?"
☄. *. ⋆
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Confessional
Confessional with Cardinal Copia is a little unique when it comes to one member of the Sisters of Sin, the real question who is confessing to who…
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Oral, squint and there is a fem!dom, public-ish sex, church sex??
A/N: This has lived in my head since the idea slid into my brain and I had to get it out before I had yet another dream about Copia. Solid PWP, with plenty of my dirty ex-catholic thoughts mixed in. This no-name Sister of Sin is going to end up being the main character of any of my Ghost writing going forward because I am so uncomfortable writing in a y/n style like the other stories I’ve been writing the last few days. I’ve also given up on trying for something every day as I am a full time working mom now and I have to eventually sleep…
Anyways!!! Enjoy!
The bells of the abbey tolled, the sound echoing off the stone of the abbey that housed the church of satan. Thirteen chimes, a nod to his darkness below but also the way to tell us siblings of sin that our day of studies were over for the day. 
I stood from my spot deep in the abbey’s large library, surrounded by dusty tomes that I had been entrusted to translate from old world Latin to English, and stretched. The sound of my back cracking practically echoed in the quiet hall. 
“Buongiorno, Sister.”
I jumped slightly, used to being left alone to focus on my task, and looked towards the person who spoke. Standing with his hands wringing together softly, the sound of black leather squeaking made me smile softly. This man, who looked so unsure of himself and was barely able to keep his mismatched eyes on me, was dressed in his red cassock today. His traditional face paint a stark contrast against his pale skin. His beretta was perched on top of his head, slightly askew. I walked over to him and reached up to adjust his hat, hand sliding to caress his cheek softly.
“Afternoon, Cardinal.” I smiled at him, his cheeks flushing instantly as I touched his face. “What can I help you with?”
“S-sister Imperator asked that I check in on the sisters who haven’t had a confessional in a few months.” He spoke quietly, his hands flinching toward mine at my sides before thinking better of it. “You’ve gone the longest, she’d like you to come to me after dinner this evening.”
“Ah, of course. I’ve been preoccupied with all my translations and research recently.” I turned away from him, stepping out of his range just as Copia lost the battle of wills and his hand slipped to my waist. “Shall I meet you in the confessional booth at 7?”
I turned back to look at him, eyes locked on him and he nodded mutely. I smiled again at him, turning back to my work at the table and bending over to move things around. I could hear his breathing increase just slightly as I bent over, giving him a better look at my curves as I collected my work in its proper folders. “I’ll see you then, Cardinal.”
Dinner was a calm affair for once, Papa Emeritus III was currently on tour with his band of nameless ghouls. The abbey felt empty without his presence home and with less ghouls prowling around the halls the dinner went smoother than it had in a long time. 
Every so often my eyes would drift up to the long head table where the prior Papas sat, Copia on the end next to Sister Imperator. His mismatched eyes would lock on mine and I could feel a blush spread over my cheeks. My table mates none the wiser to who I was eyeing at the table, talking amongst themselves. When the plates were being cleared, some siblings tucked in for the post dinner desserts and coffee time before curfew, I excused myself from the table and slipped from the room. 
I darted down the hallways to the vestibule prior to our large worship hall we used for Sunday night masses and holiday mass. I saw the door to the confessional was closed and I smirked, my hands reaching up to slip the Bobby pins from my habit. I knocked twice and the grate slid to the side; a familiar pair of dark rimmed eyes locked with mine. 
“Evening Cardinal.”
The door opened a fraction and I had barely the space to slip into the tiny room, not much bigger than a broom closet. Along the back wall was a bench where a member of the clergy would sit to listen to the confessions of the siblings of sin and ghouls during working hours. There was a small glass window on the wall as well, the pane tinted red caused the small space to feel bathed in blood. Combined with the constant smell of thick incense and the smoke of the candles it gave the space a heady feeling. 
The door to the space had barely closed before Copia was on me, my back slamming against the wall across from the other empty confessional room. His hand yanked the habit from my head, my hair spilling from its confines, and his fingers instantly tangled in the strands. I moaned softly as his painted lips pressed frantically against mine, his tongue brushing softly against my bottom lip. I let my tongue slip from my own mouth to tangle with his own, coaxing it to follow my own. My arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tugging gently on the longer strands at the base of his neck as we kissed. His hand came to settle at my waist and I could feel his fingers pressing into the flesh, likely to bruise if he kept up the pressure. 
“Cardinal…” I moaned, tilting my head to the side to take a breath and his lips traveled down the column of my neck leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. His teeth nipped at the pulse just under my ear and I couldn’t help the way it made my hips jump forward to grind against his. 
He parted his cassock and slid his right leg between my legs, pressing his knee up against my core as I soaked through my underwear. I rolled my hips against his thigh, a shutter running through me as heat pooled in my belly. My nails dug into Copia’s neck and hair, my back arching against the wall and thrusting my chest into his.
“S-sister.” Copia groaned, forehead resting against my shoulder as he rolled his hips against mine. I could feel how hard he was already and a thrill shot down my spine.
“Touch me, Cardinal.” I hissed, taking his hand to press against my breasts. Like the good student he was, he understood instantly. 
His fingers brushed against my hardening nipple through my bra and robes. He shuttered quietly, still rubbing himself against my hip as I rode his thigh absentmindedly. He rolled the bud between his fingertips and I hissed under my breath before my hand cupped his cheeks, pulling him up to kiss him fiercely. It was getting hot in this tiny room, I could feel sweat sticking the back of my robes to my skin and I could see how red Copia’s face was even in the rose colored room. I could see the thick pain around his eyes wobbled faintly, I couldn’t imagine how hot he was in the layers of wool he was wearing. 
Pulling my lips away from his I focused on pushing the biretta off his head, flinging it to the bench to our right. Next I pulled off his caplet, then I tugged at his long belt with its intricately beaded grucifix and tossed it to the side. The heat of the room felt sweltering suddenly as Copia pushed forward, lips coming back to suck and nip at my neck while grinding against me. I moaned quietly as my fingers started to undo the many buttons of his cassock, fingers deftly starting at his neck before pushing against him to give me space to undo more of the buttons. When I reached his waist he took over, seemingly just as impatient as me for my touch on his bare skin. Quickly he shrugged out of the heavy wool coat and tossed it to the side. 
Under the cassock he wore tight fitting trousers, leaving nothing to the imagination of what his cock looked like as it strained against the stiff fabric. He wore a black button up with black suspenders to hold his trousers up. My fingers twitched and I could help but to softly run my fingers against his straining cock, his whole body shuttered and he groaned into my neck, bucking softly in my hand. 
“F-fanculo…Sister.” He whimpered, his hands tugging at my own robes. I grabbed his wrists and he paused, his one white eye practically glowing in the low light. “Per favore, let me touch you.”
“I want you to taste me, Cardinal.” 
Copia’s eyes blew wide, surprise written on his face, as a deep red blush spread across his cheeks and spread down his neck. There was a squeak that slipped past his lips as every joint in his body locked up. Eagerly he nodded before dropping to his knees in front of me. His chest looked like it was heaving as he locked his gaze with me, my own cheeks flushing as I watched him push my skirts up my thighs. I grabbed the fabric and pulled it up to tuck into the band of my bra, I knew I wanted to make sure my hands were free to be able to slide my fingers in his hair. 
Copia brushed gentle kisses against my skin, his tongue slipping out to taste my skin as he went. His fingers hooked around the waistband of panties, letting his fingernail scrape softly against the sensible skin near my hips as he pulled the scrap of fabric till it fell down my legs. He paused, allowing me to step out of them and kick them to the side before he greedily threw my left leg over his shoulder. My breath came in short bursts as I felt his fingers teasingly run against my outer lips, I couldn’t help but whimper as I bucked against his fingers. He teased me for a few moments, his breath softly brushing against my bare inner thighs as he watched with hooded eyes as his fingers slid back and forth. 
He paused only for a moment, pressing a soft kiss to the very inside of my thighs before I felt his fingers spread me open before his tongue brush against me in one long languid brush. My head fell back, thudding against the wood of the wall, and my fingers tangled in his hair as he began to tease my entrance with the tip of his tongue. His lips descended against me, pressing a kiss as his tongue swirled my clit for the first time. My hips bucked against his face, his nose buried in my curls between my legs, his eyes looking up at my flushed face. 
“Oh…Copia.” I moaned, nails digging slightly into his scalp as I pulled him closer to me, grinding against his face as he sucked at my clit. He hummed in approval, fingers gently slipping inside me. One then two, his fingers curling inside me causing a whole shudder to roll through me. 
The cardinal’s tongue set a rigorous pace, the tip flicking against my clit before he sucked it into his mouth while his fingers plunged in and out of me. I could feel the pleasure pooling in my belly as I rode his face, his mustache rubbing roughly against my inner thighs as I failed to not squeeze his head. His mismatched gaze turned on me, my own vision practically cloudy while I fought to keep my breath under control and my voice low. His eyes were locked on mine and I felt pinned by the pure lust in his eyes. I felt his free hand snake around my thigh, gripping almost painfully, before I felt him add a third finger. I groaned. loudly before shoving my free hand in between my teeth, muffling the noises as best as possible while my eyes rolled into the back of my head. 
“C-copia, don’t stop…” I hissed, tugging on his hair roughly as my orgasm began to come on fast. “Don’t fucking stop.”
Two more thrusts and a swirl of my clit with his tongue and I bit down on my fist so hard I thought I was going to break the skin; my hips grinding roughly against Copia’s face while I rode out my orgasam. I could feel my chest pounding, as my hands slipped from his hair to caress his cheek. I couldn’t help but to smile at him warmly, as he pulled back away from me. His face was soaked with the combination of my fluids and his spit, I watched with hooded eyes as he licked at his face before sucking his fingers into his mouth. His eyes never left my face. Ever the gentleman, he helped me get both feet down before standing. 
Gently, such a far cry from how fiercely he was just devouring me, he pressed his lips to mine. I could taste myself on his lips and I felt the flutter in my belly again as I shivered. As we kissed softly, I was well aware of something hot and hard pressed against my lower belly. Copia’s hands came to cup my face before slipping down to slide under my bra, fingers deftly manipulating my hard nipples. I pushed my chest into his greedy hands and I leaned forward to press my forehead against his shoulder. 
My hands drifted down to his cock, straining against his trousers. I cupped my hand against him and I felt him buck into my hand, whimpering in my ear as his fingers twitched and pinched my nipples. His hand slipped from my breasts to cup my face again, kissing me more forcefully this time and I matched his movements with that of my hand on his cock. He rolled his hips and suddenly I was impatient. I wanted him, the painful clench in my belly obvious to me now. I pushed away from him, the look in his eyes confused before I pushed him to sit on the bench. 
He looked up at me eagerly, his hands absentmindedly drifting to cup his cock as I pulled my robes over my head and unclasped my bra. His eyes drifted to my bare chest and I blushed slightly before I pushed at his suspenders, shoving them from his shoulders. I unbuttoned his trousers as well, pulling at them before he helped me slip them down his strong thighs. Copia’s hands came to rest on my hips as I moved to settle in his lap.
We started to kiss again, our tongues lazily curling around each other as I ground down against him. He met my hips with his own, I could feel the precum beading on his head against my belly. I couldn’t wait any longer and I sat up, gripping his thick cock as I guided him inside me. I sank all the way down on him, feeling my walls stretched by him and I threw my head back a hiss slipping from my lips. 
“Carina, s-sister.” Copia muttered, one hand gripping my hip while the other settled on my lower back to help with the angle we were sitting in. “Sei cosi stretto, fanculo.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t quite know all my Italian, so as I begun to move up and down on his cock I answered him by a searing kiss. Pressing my whole body against his, our bodies slick with sweat, I rode him like my life depended on it. I felt the cardinal begin to thrust up to match my pace as his hand gripped my waist firmly, moving my hips back and forth as we chased our orgasam in each other’s arms. His other hand slipped from the small of my back to the back of my head, tilting my neck to the side as he sunk his teeth into the sensitive flesh there. My arms snaked around his neck, fingers tangling in his messed up hair as I felt my orgasam beginning to build. 
“I’m so close, Copia…” I whimpered, rolling my hip with each of his thrusts. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around my back and flipped us so I was laying at an odd angle on the bench and he was on his knees on the floor. He took my leg and hooked it around his waist as he suddenly began thrusting into me hard enough I had to put my arms above my head to prevent my skull from slamming into the walls of the confessional.
His fingers slipped between our bodies and he quickly rubbed at my clit. I suddenly saw stars as my orgasam slammed into; I moaned loudly, my voice echoing in the antechamber due to the volume. Copia’s hand flew up to cover my mouth as he grunted, his hips snapping up to meet mine at a punishing pace. A few more erratic thrusts and he surged forward, his lips crashing into mine so forcefully I felt our teeth clink together. 
I could feel him release inside of me, his whole body shuddering and taut as we both fought to catch our breaths. He rested his head on my chest, pressing lazy kisses on my bare skin and I couldn’t help but to gaze at him fondly. My fingers brushed against the top of his head, practically petting him which was even more surreal when it felt like he was practically purring. I have no idea how long we stayed like that but it wasn’t long enough. The gently gong of the bells signaled final lights out in the siblings quarters; meaning it was just after eleven in the evening.
“I’ve got to go Cardinal…” I sighed softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to the top of his head. He didn’t say anything, he rarely did after the haze of lust faded and we had to part.
Slowly but softly, we helped each other dress again. I made sure that Copia’s biretta was on correctly, his clergy paints were a whole other story. Between the steamy conditions in the room and our vigorous activities, there were plenty of places where the black paints had migrated. I smiled affectionately at him before leaning in to kiss him softly, his hands sliding up to tangle in my hair before I pulled away and pulled on my habit to cover my hair.
“Thank you, Cardinal, for hearing my confessional.”
“Of course, Sister. Please come see me anytime you need to confess your sins.”
“Yes Sir, have a wonderful evening.”
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insomnianoctem · 4 months
I need a new hyperfixation that is not my OC and is tumblr/AO3 searchable
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terrence-silver · 1 year
What are some scenarios that could lead old man Terry to meeting his future beloved? Like where would that era of Terry most likely meet his beloved?
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The most obvious answers could be something like; at the Country Club! Some exclusive Gala! A high-end garden party! A Synagogue! An art exhibition! An elite charity event! A corporate meeting! An auction! A Yacht! An invite-only gentleman's joint! An Opera, for all we know. Anywhere from Korea, Tahiti, Japan and back again! Anywhere in the world, globetrotter that he is. Wherever the rich and the famous might mingle --- a crowd where Terry very much belongs and finds himself at home with. But, I think that answer only covers a small percentage of the actual truth.
Because I think Terry Silver, unbeknownst to most anyone, mingles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Yes, often times dressed as a common, unassuming bypasser just minding his own business; now you see him and now you don't. Sometimes, he's driving a run-down blue Ford truck posing himself as a hard-done-by Dojo owner downtown and other times, decades later, clearly not having changed all that much from his old ways, he might just be some smartly dressed, not at all shabby looking old man at the local Mini-Mart, intimidating Daniel Larusso between the produce aisles and leaving without buying a single thing. That's just a casual Wednesday for him. Nobody suspecting this is one of the wealthiest men on the West Coast, if not much, much further.
I think Terry Silver likes to scope out ordinary people, just for the sake of it.
He likes to scope out ordinary places too.
I think he enjoys the sport of getting down there with your commonplace Joe-Schmoe, and just observe, like one observes a Safari of animals. He likes to feel the pulse of everyone around him. Seek out opportunity, even if that opportunity rears its head in the form of some kid he bribes at a random club in 1985 to tactically hit on some girl so he can agitate Daniel into violence, right before making his quick escape into a back-alley in the dead of night, having caused a ruckus on the dance-floor. Yes, why not. It is fun, and Terry Silver seeks fun. It is also an investment and he seeks that doubly so. He seeks chance. Out on the street, in unexpected nooks and crannies or at a parking lot at midnight, while the very next day, he might be on the cover of Forbes as the most, ehm, Charitable Man of the Decade, and an incidental pedestrian would be none the wiser. Or they might just see his face on front page and think that that looks awfully familiar to that one guy, borderline thinking they've gone mad and are imagining things. That can't be same person, right? That might amuse Terry, in the most perverse and chaotic sense. Give him a sort of power --- over his environment and everyone around him, even mere strangers he has no intention of seeing ever again, except for what research and amusement they provided in the moment. The gleeful satisfaction that he's so big and so important and yet nobody knows. Not unless he wants them to, being entirely in control of the narrative and his identity --- and how it is perceived. That his ability to camouflage, disguise and hide himself with just a few cleverly chosen fashion choices and a difference in bearing is that great that it can trick people. The world is a sort of playground for him, and day-to-day people tend to be hilariously prone to being bribed, threatened, influenced, swayed, talked into things and used. Their lives are raw and interesting in ways that are hard to describe and it is a special type of voyeurism Terry Silver has undoubtedly indulged in in one form or another all his life.
Didn't Roman Emperors occasionally disguise themselves to mingle with the plebian rabble too? Terry fancies himself similar. In fact, he knows he is.
He also might be something of an adrenaline junkie; where just minding his own business stripped down from the strappings of his wealth might be genuinely engaging and good sport for him because he gets to know exactly how he will be viewed when nobody knows he's a Billionaire. His fascination almost experimental in nature, bearing a mischievous, childlike curiosity, if not an off-shoot of his tendency to pathologically lie and fabricate whole entire personalities, changing himself and his colors like a chameleon. Almost like he's goading people to show him exactly who they are. What they're like. What they're true nature is when faced with just some guy they've nothing to gain from out there.
So, beloved? Beloved might meet their King Cobra anywhere.
Anywhere at all.
A prospect both exciting and in equal measure daunting.
Because one never knows...
(I write more about this topic in my fanfic right here x)
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aplarently · 2 years
<title> Hello World! </title>
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// I have been wanting to write on Tumblr for years. Literally 21 right now and I am just now growing a pair. Please DM me for anything head-canon or fanfic related RIGHT NOW. 
I will make some samples just to get out my currents ideas and to give you all an idea of how I write! Hang tight for that. 
Here’s a list of what I am currently willing to do in the realm of... fandoms, I guess:
- Overwatch
- Elden Ring
- Fallout (all games)
- Transformers (MTMTE comics + others. Not the movies. Never.)
- Cyberpunk 2077 // Edgerunners (obv)
- Borderlands series
- Dragon Age series
- Pathologic
- Literally most anime just lmk 
// Send me suggestions or DM if you have questions about what I’ll do. I’m super flexible but these are the things I’m on right now! I don’t mind NSFW but I will let you know where my line is when we get there. I know what the girls and gays like; we can work together!
Yes, I am in school for computer science, I use it everywhere less gooooo
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wonijinjin · 4 months
being in a relationship with kim mingyu: silly headcanons
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synopsis: my silly thoughts on how it would be to live and be in a relationship with mingyu, @babyleostuff thank you for helping me list these and listening to me talking about these scenarios i loved it
word count: 1.2k | genre: fluff, humour/crack | pairing: mingyu x f! reader | warnings: mentions of dresses, food, diets, reader being overall somewhat smaller than mingyu
- okay so mingyu is a goofy man we all know this, but here are some things about living with him and being his girlfriend that would make you go crazy (in both good and bad ways)
- he would scare the shit out of you every morning since his little confused puppy face and messy hair directly in your face would be such a shocker every single time you wake up in the same bed as him, especially if you went to bed alone and he snuck into bed during the night if he worked late. this would result in you screaming you head off and him being so surprised aswell he might even fall off the bed lmao.
- sleeping with him also includes him being the most comfortable pillow ever, but there would be a price you would have to pay for it; he would get on top of you during the night, kinda like a nice free weighed blanket, except the fact that he would be so heavy after some time you couldn’t breathe and would have to hit him continuously until he wakes up.
- this man would definitely be a pathological liar when it comes to stories about him being brave over something, like my man literally caught a single fly or bug and he would be like “yeah that’s right i tamed a 10 meters long python.” also he would not shut up about it, bringing it up every time there’s a chance, but when you would actually need help getting rid of an insect he would run away crying like the baby he is.
- he would love to cook for you, but would turn into the biggest clutz when you are in charge in the kitchen; you would be peacefully cooking when he would come into the room upon smelling the fruit of your hard work, making everything go wrong; the moment this man appears next to you with the sentence “oh my god i wanna help you you know how much i love cooking, especially with you.” your peace and quiet would be over, in the end resulting in you having to clean up all the mess he made while he sits on the couch as a punishment after you scolded him. (after this incident you would probably never allow him to help you cook, only the other way around)
- he adores sundresses and overall cutesy summer clothes, you cannot tell me otherwise, he would be hypnotised by the way the dress looked on you, trying to match his shirt with it. he would be spinning you around all day to some kind of music, loving the way the dress flows, how the fabric feels on his hands, and how cute you look in his arms, really making the moment feel like a real fairytale.
- mingyu’s brain works faster than light so it is really hard to understand what he says, since he’s always talking with such speed which would result in you having to stop him every 5 minutes to tell him to slow down and him being confused about why you cannot keep up with him, saying that he always talks like this. (mingyu babes that doesn’t mean it was understandable before lmao)
- another thing connected to him speaking is his cute little lisp; you would always tease him for it (as you do for everything else) in a cute way and he would be such a drama queen saying that you were the meanest, when in reality you loved it so much you could burst from affection every time this man opened his mouth.
- he would insist on driving you everywhere; doesn’t matter if you have your drivers licence or not mingyu would love you to be his passenger princess. he would put on sunglassses to seem cool while he is driving with one hand, his other on your thigh, looking at you from time to time while you stared at him shamelessly, drooling over how good he looked while driving.
- no matter how much of an organised person you are, you would probably have little arguments with him about you not washing the dishes right after cooking or leaving your books or other personal belongings scattered around the house. he just cannot help it, he is a clean freak.
- mingyu would try to be romantic by catching you off guard with a kiss, but would bump his forehead with yours and would have to tend to the ache in both of your temples after the incident, making him sulky and worried about you, and of course ashamed that he was clumsy yet again. (don’t worry you would laugh it off, making it up to him by giving him many many kisses)
- people would always assume that he wore the pants in the relationship but in reality i think your roles would be very well balanced. he may be a gentle person but he wouldn’t be afraid to speak up on your behalf if needed, always prioritising your protection.
- he would let you do his skincare to cheer you up when you had a bad day, since your stress relief comes from babying him (like fr who wouldn’t want to baby this cutie?), so he would be patiently sitting while you applied every serum and sheet mask existing on the planet to his face.
- his hugs are one of the best things in the world, being engulfed by his large frame would always be so comforting, him letting you inhale the scent of his cologne for as long as you need.
- he is a gymrat as everyone knows, and he would insist on you going to the gym with him at least once. you don’t have to worry if you are not a gym girly, because he wants you there to help him; he would ask you to sit on his back while doing pushups, or to get on top of some of the equipment, basically he would use you as human weights, kissing you every time he came up to where you were positioned, sheepishly smiling at you as you watched his big muscles work in awe.
- he would get so shy and giggly if you complimented him, like he has a big ego of course he knows he is handsome, but if the praise comes from you he would be melting and giggling like the babygirl he is.
- he loves to eat and loves meat; finding him grilling randomly in the backyard of the house at like midnight wouldn’t be a surprising occurrence.
- mingyu would stuff you full of food every chance he gets, no questions asked. he eats very well as we know (as he should!) because well for those muscles and the amount of workouts he does he needs the energy to be fair; whenever he eats you need to have a bite with him too, even if you say you are dieting or aren’t hungry he doesn’t care; he just feeds you. you cannot escape especially if he is cooking for you.
- he loves to drink from time to time so on occasions when you would join him he would forget how big of a man he really is and would definitely try to lean on you for support as he would be so drunk, only to realise that he is basically crushing you to death lmao.
- he is a man with a childlike heart, so he would try to fit his tall ass figure into such small spaces, which would definitely result in needing your help to pull him out of like children’s playground swings and stuff, poor guy would be whining so loudly about his everything hurting the next day.
- lastly and most importantly; he loves you so much he would let you do (and get him do to) anything without hesitation, and whatever bad thing you did he would never get angry at you, you are just his baby and to him you cannot do any harm even if you told him you burned his house off.
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shmowder · 4 days
Pathologic play where the tragedians slowly fall into love with the player. Not the healer you're controlling, but the player behind the screen.
It starts with small things like reflections giving you more information than normal. You don't think much of it. Pathologic is known for its secret dialogue options at times.
Then you noticed the supposed tutorial tragedians on the street aren't exactly leaving despite progressing through the game. Instead, you can talk to them each day and receive useful information, a valuable item, or straight-up food.
How much more of a constant they've become in your quests, taking it upon themselves to lead you to place, point you towards the fastest route and even slow down time for you when you're not looking.
Only that if you do follow his advice, you notice the executioners following in your steps the next playthrough around. Unlike the tragedians, the townsfolk can see them. Your character keeps getting questioned by others on why are orderlies follow you around so much?
They keep messing with the play, and it's making Mark Immortell clearly frustrated with the mutiny and how you're clearly a bad influence on them. During one scene in the theatre, he suggests starting over so his actors may hopefully regain their senses and stop acting like your fanclub.
Maybe they find it funny courtesy to the bird mask, but they keep leaving you nuts, marbles and other valuable trading items. They blatantly cure you of the plague that one time you couldn't outrun a certain cloud, they give you immunity pills and antibiotics the more you pay them attention and indulge their fawning.
The game practically becomes a cakewalk at this point, and no amount of resetting is fixing it.
If anything, they're more like a harmless crowd of adoring fans that watch you play and cheer from the side whenever you do something cool, fawning at your every action, asking more and more personal questions to get to know you.
Both groups keep watching over you, not so subtly behind Mark's back. Letting you slip away from some dangers for simply smiling their way, throw in a wink, and there is nothing you can't get away with.
Adoring you from the backlines, dropping some bullets and a gun in a building's ground floor furniture just when you're desperate looking for loot.
A bunch of them hanging out at your permanent lair, keeping your storage sorted and just having fun being silly around the place. Some of the tragedians try to make you laugh, and others attempt to impress you with their acrobatics.
While the birdies are surprisingly more coy with their infatuation. They still attempt to play their correct roles, especially the plague executioner. But the second you pick a mean dialogue option to them, their dialogue changes and stutters, visibly deflating in sadness as they mumble the rest of their lines. Staring at you through their intimidating apathetic bird mask like a kicked puppy, wanting your approval but also wanting to be a good actor.
A lot of the more extreme shocking scenes are skipped because they feel too bad to be that mean to you. You don't get death taunting you in the marbles nest, nor does the plegue insult you in the haruspex's route each time you make progress.
Actually- it's the other way around. The plague is congrating you on your progress with a gushing fan tone, saying how they knew you were such a good job for this and they can't believe they get to act with such a talent as yourself—Hey actually do you think you can sign their mask? Oh the others would be so jealous if they knew.
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alonetimelover · 5 months
pairing: (ex)Harry Styles x Ginger Spice's daughter!reader x Max Verstappen
fc: Sabrina Carpenter
summary: They broke up and she decided to disappear and write a heartbreaking song. Through this process her old friends from F1 were with her. With one two-time World Champion getting closer and closer.
warnings: swearing, cheating, Harry is an asshole in this (sorry!)
a/n: Long? Oh yes. It's a long one. But also my first F1 related fic, hope you enjoy!
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f1 and redbullracing
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 349 392 others
f1 Is there a better way to start 2023 season than with YN YSN (sweetly called the tiny boss of Red Bull Racing) in the paddock? We say there is NOT! Welcome YN, we hope you have the best time with us!
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yourinstagram thank uuuuu!
danielricciardo THE boss is here!
landonorris *heart eyes*
charles_leclerc Welcome back, YN!
ynupdates oh how i missed her face
ynsmybestie 5 months without even a photo of her finger online... it was a draught
ynsmymama yn's a vroom vroom girlie?????
ynsmybabie F1? is she a fan? tiny boss? what is going on?
⤷ ynupdates I feel like I'm the only one that knew. YN is Christian Horner's (red bull racing boss) step-daughter.
⤷ ynsmybestie isn't his wife ginger spice?
⤷ ynupdates yes! she's YN's mum. how do you guys not know that?
⤷ ynshands maybe because she's using her grandma's surname and not her mother's?
formulafan49 so we're getting las vegas content in bahrain? this sport is getting out of control with all those celebrities attending
⤷ landonorizz why are you being bothered by somebody that knows almost everything about formula 1? go be mad somewhere else
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 2 201 302 others
yourinstagram hiii💛 took a break and wrote a song. you're losing me is out now! i love all of you my pathological people pleasers.
view all 91 393 comments
danielricciardo be a happy song with me?
⤷ yourinstagram running to you right now
⤷ landonorris bringing mum's biscuits
⤷ maxverstappen1 I'll bring myself 😊
⤷ danielricciardo you lot weren't invited, but come in... I guess
landonorris you're the only person I'm not mad at for making me cry, ynn
⤷ yourinstagram you've heard the song before, lan
⤷ landonorris shhhh
⤷ danielricciardo it won't make her fall in love with you, norris
⤷ landonorris fuck you man
maxverstappen1 💛💛
ynsmybestie I won't recover. I fucking won't recover
ynsmymama I'm gonna die... its so sad. its heartbreaking. I'm losing myself
hArrysbtch woah, my heart cannot take this
harrysmoustache firstly, break my heart and take it, yn
harrysmoustache secondly, why is the whole f1 here? wtf
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 45 202 others
harryupdates In his latest interview Harry was asked about his private life - especially his relationship with YN. After the question of "do you feel like you throw a great love away?" Harry answered with "I don't know. I don't regret a lot of things in my life but that's [the relationship] probably one of them." You can read the interview via the link in our story!
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hArrysbtch suddenly a six year lasting relationship was a mistake???
hArrysbtch ehh, harry. i kinda feel that the breakup (from Harry's side) happened a long time ago. there is no sparkle anymore
hArrysbtch now let me start on not mentioning her name like EVER "my last partner" her name is YN, why he can't just say it? it's been going on for years. since they started dating really...
harrysmoustache that wasn't the best interview
ynsmymama about 'you're losing me': "every artist has their imagination that they write down and then release. sometimes it's good and sometimes it should be kept private. i'm not the one to size it up." THAT WAS FUCKING LOW
⤷ harrysmoustache as much as I love him that was petty af
⤷ hArrysbtch especially when almost all critics named this song one of the best LYRICALLY and MUSICALLY in the last few decades
ynshands "I don't know if you can be ready to move on from a longterm relationship. it's definitely harder than from something that lasts months or two years." THIS MOTHERF****R IS TALKING ABOUT NOT BEING THE ONE TO MOVE ON BUT HE DID WHILE STILL BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP??????
⤷ ynsmymama this is called audacity
⤷ harrysfan49 cheating was never confirmed, was it?
⤷ ynsmybestie yes, it was. right after harry's "announcement" yn posted a story with lyrics from 'illicit affairs'. i think that's enough of a confirmation.
ynsmybestie yeah, here he comes again not being able to fucking say her name. those 6 years meant nothing?
⤷ harrysfan92 maybe he doesn't want to share his private relationship online
⤷ ynsmybestie i don't understand that. you're loving a person for six years, claiming them the love of your life, but saying the name is hard? he never mentioned her in interviews (my closest friend, my partner, someone I love). he couldn even show up at her birthday party because he had a photoshoot. just to point out, the drivers showed up in London, even though they had a race in Imola the next day.
⤷ harrysfan87 you guys are toxic. just gonna blame him for the breakup? unbelievable.
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liked by ynsmybestie, landofan92 and 88 203 others
view all 6 001 comments
ynsmybestie NO FUCKING WAY
ynsmybestie SHE LOOKS SO HOT
ynsmymama the way he looks at her ??? 🫠
ynsfan92 find somebody who looks at you just like lando looks at yn. YOU CAN'T
⤷ ynsmymuse have you seen how max looks at her?
landofan92 do I need to change my bio from norizz to yesrizz?
user39 yeah, moving on quickly when her exboyfriend is talking about how he adores her
⤷ ynsmybestie where??? because i only saw how awful he was to YN from the moment they broke up
user02 yeah, move on quickly and go trough all the drivers
yourinstagram added to her IG story!
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liked by yourinstagram, maxverstappen1 and 1 004 392 others
lando.jpg yn showed her favourites
view all 203 494 comments
danielricciardo LIAAAAAR. SHE LOVES ME MORE.
⤷ yourinstagram of course
⤷ lando.jpg i love your sarcasm
maxverstappen1 💛
yourinstagram not my fault you were the only ones available for photos
⤷ maxverstappen1 I don't mind
⤷ lando.jpg neither do I
⤷ danielricciardo I DO
⤷ charles_leclerc I DO TOO
ynsmybestie hot
ynsmybestie but also i see you YN with favouring Max and Lando, i see you girl
ynsmymama why I've never realised how hot those two are???
ynshands is there a thing she does badly?
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liked by ynsmybestie, maxandyn and 68 574 others
ynupdates YN and MAX VERSTAPPEN at the bar tonight in Zandvoort, celebrating Max's win!
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ynsmybestie SEE? you defend the girl, you get the girl!
ynsmymama i mean i was rooting for them but i am still speechless
ynshands YAS PARENTS
maxfan85 after the race that he had, tying to yet another record and getting a girl? is there a thing he can't do or can't have??
ynsfan93 sooo, do we say they're together orrr?
⤷ ynsmybestie i mean, look at them. i have many friends but i'm not that cozy with any of them
⤷ ynsmymama i vote early stages of dating. yn's a touchy person in nature so you know, it can be that
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yourinstagram added to her IG story!
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a/n: do you want to see more of them?
part 2
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welcometomyoasis · 13 days
🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics: @arrblgs @heyitz00
Taglist age tbc: @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
@blissedjoon @kokoiinuts @hyeissante
666 notes · View notes
diordeer · 4 months
“if you want someone, then just call me up, and remember where I'll be: sweet in bare feet, you can find me where no one will be” - lana del rey (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader, who is literally just a cutie pie and everyone loves her, face claim is shay rudolph
description: guys i need to stop playing safe bc i was dming this guy but then ghosted him bc hes a bit of a pathological liar but like… he kinda cute
requested by: @tomblythsslut
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Liked by leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln 🐱🐱
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user1 shes so real for practically mainly only posting pics of her cat
↳ yn.ln he’s my muse and also runs the cult… that im- um in 😊
↳ user2 this is so real, every cat is borderline terrifying
↳ yn.ln he attacks me WHILE i cuddle him but gets mad when i go away like make it make sense
↳ user4 yn is my muse
user3 i literally love her shes so cute
iamcharliebushnell i am terrified of your cat i think i get ptsd whenever i see a pic from him after last time
↳ yn.ln WHAT?! he loves u rly 🩷🩷
user5 yn and her cat is my roman empire
dior.n.goodjohn the angle in the last pic is KILLING me
↳ yn.ln wdym he always looks like that 🤷‍♀️
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell and others
yn.ln 0.5s on set (+ dior 😘)
tagged walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries
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walker.scobell i cant believe u cut me out!!
↳ yn.ln i thought putting u on the cover would make up for it 😣
↳ aryansimhadri WHAT AB ME
↳ yn.ln ill star you next time im so sorry 😔
user1 she knows what the fandom wants and feeds us gourmet meals
leahsavajeffries charlies glasses 4 life
↳ iamcharliebushnell moneys well spent
↳ yn.ln i still need to have a go with them 😣
↳ iamcharliebushnell ok bet ill bring them next week
user2 whats happening next week!
↳ user3 girl shut up leave them alone
↳ user2 ummm..?
dior.n.goodjohn i cant believe i get the starring role in this post
↳ yn.ln ofc pooks 😘
yn.ln just posted on their story
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Seen by dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell and others
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, aryansimhadri and others
yn.ln ice cream with my pookie pies!! <3
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↳ user2 whoever it is better be some dream guy bc NOTHING can happen to yn
leahsavajeffries u can never go wrong with mint choc chip!
↳ yn.ln exactly!!!!!
aryansimhadri im still waiting for my feature !!
user3 guys ik this is a stretch BUT she did call charlie a cutie on her story
↳ user4 yeah but i feel like she would call everyone that
↳ user6 ok onto this theory charlie literally posted on the comments of her last post that they were seeing eachover next week AKA THIS WEEK!!!
↳ user7 oh my god oh my god oh my god
aryansimhadri pookie nation!!!
↳ yn.ln going strong 🫡
iamcharliebushnell i cant believe you would get mint choc chip when chocolate was the obvious choice
↳ yn.ln excuse me 😃
↳ user6 “WAS”?
↳ user2 y’all reading into stuff like maniacs
taglist: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r @highfidelities @b0ok-lover
787 notes · View notes
pseudowho · 2 months
Operation: Babymaker-- Honeytrap/Maid Café
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💜 💛 When it comes to trying for a baby, Nanami Kento always works overtime. And the reader had better be ready. 💛 💜
💜💛 You are sent undercover to a Maid Café on ovulation night, to Honeytrap a curse-user for capture and trial. Kento is pissed off, and he won't be letting anyone get away with this lightly.
💛💜Part 1 LINK HERE: A Trip to the Tailors
💛💜Part 2 LINK HERE: Benchpress
💛💜Part 3 LINK HERE: Ditch the Party...again
💛💜 Part 4 LINK HERE: Wet Dreams
Warnings: 18+ throughout, breeding kink, fertility/infertility discussion, jealous Kento, exhibitionism, use of toys
Ships in the night.
Five days...a week...a week and a half. Kento couldn't take it anymore. The universe was conspiring against him. Against you. Work had meant you had barely shared a room together, let alone a bed. Kento hissed as he threw a file onto Yaga's desk, his neck prickling with rage...his balls heavy and untouched.
Another two months of negative tests had passed. He was still yet to see you, swollen and round with his seed. He was still yet to justifiably refuse for you to be sent on dangerous missions. His heart broke for every dribble of cum he saw trickle out of your pussy after he was finished with you.
Kento had taken to plugging you with his cock until he was ready to fuck you full of his seed again. Forcing your arse up on pillows, his cock still cushioned within you, Kento would overstimulate you with your vibrator. With you pinned and whimpering beneath him, his cock throbbing to life again inside those plush clenching walls, there was nowhere your shaking orgasms could suck his cum other than up.
Kento was obsessed. He could feel this desire to breed you becoming pathological. He read dirty doujinshi, full of x-ray panels of cocks spurting cum straight into empty wombs, soon swollen and bursting with load after load. He fisted himself with urgent strokes while reading these, your panties wrapped around his hand, moaning into your pillow with your smell, each time stopping just before he came...just in case you were to arrive home early. Which, you never did.
He cursed at the unreliability of ovulation tests, and grabbed your freshly discarded panties out of the laundry basket instead, fingering your discharge between forefinger and thumb, assessing for that egg-white stretch. You woke up more than once to a thermometer being snuck into your mouth, Kento logging your signs onto a spreadsheet, waiting for that golden ovulation algorithm to ping.
In a mad moment, he even considered buying a long syringe, so he could jack off, fill it, and then fill you with his cum while you slept, exhausted from your long days. Kento laughed at himself, horrified by such a truly insane, unthinkable notion...although...
Kento shut himself into his office, barely suppressing a groan at the thought of squirting his warm cum straight through your cervix. Kento crouched down on his haunches, cock beginning to ache and fatten, and raking his fingers through his neatly parted hair.
With a groan and a prayer, Kento pulled out his phone and messaged you. At first he was thrilled, his heart leaping with love when you text him back immediately...before the slow descent into madness began again.
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Your knees. Your panties around them. Your fingers, dabbing clear, stretchy discharge between them.
Kento's cock had never stiffened so quickly in his entire life. He stood, silent. He left you on read. He couldn't possibly put thoughts as debauched as his into words, he thought, stalking through the corridors and paths of Jujutsu High until he reached his car.
Kento arrived home with a spring in his step, listening to old, saved voicemails and voice notes you had left him, on his drive home. His cock ached, stretching against his tan trousers, weeping pre-cum. He planned to keep you up all night, but he'd graciously keep filling you, prone and sleepy (with your permission, of course), if you tapped out.
"Darling!" He called out, tossing his briefcase into the corner before slamming the door closed with his foot, "I'm home!"
Except, you weren't. He could feel that instantly, and a seed of horror sowed itself in his core, growing into something far meaner as he picked up the note you had left behind on the kitchen counter for him.
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Kento's hand shook, crumpling the paper between strong fingers with a crunch.
He had had enough.
Reaching into his pocket for his phone, he dialled, waited...and spoke.
"Ijichi? Tell me where she is. Now, please."
A brothel, barely masquerading as a Maid Café, skirting the borders of the entertainment districts and the red light districts. The usual Friday night haunt of a Curse user who had been evading capture for months. The dump where you had been sent to honeytrap him before he could escape again.
Kento had dressed to fit in, in a slim black suit and open-necked white shirt, expertly tailored, with just enough room to fit his blunt blade and harness beneath the jacket. He snaked through the dimly lit street, feeling the necking couples in alleyways, cutting through the lamp-illuminated steam billowing from noisy restaurants, until he reached some narrow stairs up, barely visible unless you knew what you were here for.
Ascending the steps, Kento could feel every curve of you on the side of his tongue, tracing your Cursed energy above the suppression of his own. He felt the Curse user, too, and Kento's face twisted into a snarl to feel such filth near you, on tonight of all nights--
"Table for one. Somewhere quiet."
The Maid demurred, smiling and simpering and barely a grown woman, Kento noted, keeping a respectful distance as she led him to his table. The lights were low enough to mute the wandering, clasping hands of the raucous tables of men. The rooms tucked to the side, bathed in red light and sin, were clearly for private commissions.
Urged into a plush corner couch, Kento turned the lamp away from himself, plunging him into shadow. He leaned back, eyes dipped low beneath dark glasses, waiting to taste you on the side of his tongue again. He accepted only a drink.
You had entered actor mode, not unfamiliar with the practice, having reeled in more than one unsuspecting Curse user over the years. In your black and white maid dress, stockings and suspenders, and tall high heels, the devilish fun of the hunt was still tainted by your lost evening with Kento.
You knew, bitterly, that you were ovulating, with sore plump breasts, that familiar low ache on one side of your belly, and your desperate need to be at home, being filled, instead of at a maid cafe trying to reel in this creep. You were doing a good job of looking like you were enjoying the feel of his cold hands creeping around your thighs. You giggled and slapped his chest when he nosed at your neck. Your new manager looked on approvingly, the new girl already raking in the customers.
Before long, you heard the other girls whispering to each other.
"--so hot, but he doesn't want anyone--"
"So what, like...he's just here for drinks? I don't get it--"
"--tried to sit on his lap and he told me I deserved better, what the hell does he mean--"
Intrigued though you were, you hardly had time to see what the ruckus was about. You were moving in for the kill, your flirtations paying off as your prey pressed a wodge of bills into the hand of the manager, and a couple of bills between your breasts.
"Let's go somewhere quiet, doll, yeah?"
"...sir...I am sorry to interrupt your evening, sir...only, my girls have noticed that they don't seem to be to your liking. Is there anything I can do to make your visit more enjoya--"
"Your new girl," Kento offered, clipped as he interrupted. The manager raised his eyebrows, turning briefly to see you, being toyed with on the lap of another patron. The manager cleared his throat, his pocket full of a fat roll of bills, smiling awkwardly at Kento.
"I'm sorry, sir...it appears another guest has already taken a liking to--"
"How much?" Kento interrupted again, his deep, smooth voice gravitational, drawing the many wandering Maids closer to him. The manager faltered again, so Kento raised his voice, gripping his glass and swirling the bourbon within, amber in the warm distant light.
"How much," Kento enunciated, taking a long draw from his glass, with a hiss, "do you think your new girl is worth? Tell me."
The manager paused, his squirrelly little mind grasping another money-making opportunity. He offered Kento a figure. The girls jumped and squealed as Kento's hand tightened on his glass, breaking it, an audible crack in his hand.
"More," Kento pressed, dropping his glass to the table. Another figure was offered, higher this time. Kento bared his teeth, growling at the manager, leaning forwards on his knuckles as he began to stand.
"More." The manager stuttered, throwing out another, much higher figure.
"MORE." Kento roared, slamming a fist on the table, the café growing immediately silent around him. He thought he saw you try to turn your head in his direction, and a slither of violent disgust burned in his chest as he saw the Curse user grasp you to him by the neck, pressing a sloppy kiss to it.
The manager gawped at Kento, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Kento scoffed, pulling a thick stack of bills out of his pocket, passing it to one of the nearby Maids, without breaking eye-contact with the sweating manager.
"She's priceless," Kento hissed, hearing the Maids gasp behind him at the stack of bills. "So if you know what's good for you...they'll split that between them, and you will not interrupt me. Do we understand each other?"
You held your Curse user prey by his collar, walking backwards on your heels, leading him to the red velvet room. He grinned at you, all spit and salacious, with cigarette-stained teeth, his hands wandering down to ruck up the skirt of your dress.
You pushed the door open with your heeled foot, pulling the Curse user in with you. The door swung closed behind him, and you had barely a moment to see the hulking, backlit red-spectre lying in ambush behind the door.
"Get your dirty fucking hands off my wife, or I'll snap your neck."
Picked up by the back of the collar, and tossed sideways like a ragdoll, the Curse user hit the wall beside the bed with a dull crack, out cold in under a second. Kento snatched a curtain-tie, binding the Curse-user's hands behind him. You flustered at Kento, as he stood.
"Kento-- what the hell are you doing her--"
You felt your chin gripped, firm but gentle, between Kento's thumb and forefinger. He glowered down at you, icy cold, his protectiveness frosted with jealous possession. His voice was calm, measured, manipulative.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here, little one? Dressed like that, no less...anyone would think you weren't married."
You swallowed, blushing and moving to defend yourself; "It's work, Kento, you know I--"
"--didnt mean anything by it? That it wasn't real?" Kento kept you gripped by the chin, slowly moving you back towards the high edge of the bed. You teetered on your heels, and he stabilised you, one thick arm looping around your waist, pressing you to him. You could feel the throb of his cock lengthening against your belly, and trembled.
"You're right..." Kento whispered, his breath ghosting your lips as he leaned down to trap you against the foot of the bed, caging you in, "...you couldn't possibly be satisfied by him, over me."
Kento fingered the lace edge of your stockings, the ruffled puff of your barely-there skirt. He shuddered against your lips, feeling his cock jump in his boxers.
"...seems a shame to waste this. Let's give these bastards a real show, shall we?" Kento hooked open the door with his heel, enough to hear the laughs and chatter from the café beyond.
After pressing a single, deep kiss to your lips, Kento dropped to his knees, glaring up at you in challenge. You found yourself glassy-eyed with anticipation, biting your lip, smiling as you teased the ruffles of your skirt up, to edge your lace stockings; "...do you like it?"
Kento bit, gripping you round the thighs and pressing them open with bruising force, aggressively nuzzling his face under your skirts. You squealed, laughing as he nipped and licked at you, growling against your mound and nuzzling your wafer-thin panties aside; "I love it...fuck, I love it, c'mere--"
Kento hooked your knees over his shoulders, looping his arms under your thighs to pin you against the foot of the bed. You heard a passing Maid outside your door gasp at the same time as you, at the sight of Kento kneeling and shoulder-deep in the ruffles of your skirts, your stockinged legs over his shoulders, his tongue plunging between your folds to taste you with an ecstatic moan.
"--oh god Kento-- yes yes yes please," you babbled, sinking your fingers into his hair and tugging at the roots. Kento murmured against your pussy, lubricating you with his spit, rolling his nose, tongue, and chin up and down the length of your folds, with all the fervour of a man deprived.
You heard whistles and catcalls from the café, and blushed, throwing one arm over your eyes, your pleasure building with the sloppy debauchery of Kento dipping his tongue into your entrance and nuzzling his nose firmly into your clit. He repeated this, patient, stroking his tongue over and around your clit with relentless wet flicks and sucks. When Kento gently nipped your clit between his teeth, you screamed in alarm, juddering and close to orgasm.
You clamped your thighs around Kento's head, muffling the sounds of the café around him. Reaching up two fingers, plunging them into your pussy and hooking them forwards towards him and the squashy g-spot in your cunt, Kento hooked you. Flicking his tongue from side to side over your clit, Kento chuckled against your pussy, his cock leaping within its confines.
"--in front of every-- Kento, fffuuuck please close them-- nnnngg cumming, cumming I'm cumming--"
You cried out in bliss, convulsing, gripping Kento's hair for dear life. In tandem with your twisting and mewling, you heard a chorus of cheers, hoots and clapping in the café, the men jeering and the women giggling. You shuddered, stunned, still wracked with pleasure.
"More?" Kento asked, nuzzling between your folds still, gripping you tightly to him so you couldn't clamber away across the bed. You babbled nonsense at Kento, slapping at the top of his head as his pulled his face away a little, and repeated, louder; "MORE?"
More cheers sounded from outside, and Kento grinned beneath your skirts, diving in to pleasure you again. You could barely stay upright, seeing stars, crunching around his head. The Curse-user began to stir on the floor to your right, as Kento dragged you across the coals to another stinging orgasm, so sharp after following your first so closely.
Kento came up for air to find you, flopped backwards, flushed and gasping on the bed. Slapping your thighs hard enough to make you squeak, Kento reached down and pulled you up by the back of the neck, pressing a long, familiar kiss to your lips. Tasting yourself on his mouth, you knew his next words to be true.
"Mine. Now, always, and especially-- fucking-- tonight," he emphasised each word with a brittle slap to your thigh. Flipping you over against the bed, face down and arse up, your heeled feet wobbling against the floor, Kento sighed, flipping your skirts up and admiring the view. He trailed his fingers against the top of your stockings, and the way the plush of your thighs peeped over them.
"Still no fucking baby-- and you fuck off to seduce another man tonight? The audacity," Kento purred, and you heard the clink of Kento undoing his belt behind you.
Kento was hooking his weeping, heavy cock out of his boxers just in time to see the Curse-user awaken, dazed and furious at Kento stroking his cock in preparation, over his Maid, strewn helplessly over the bed. Kento smirked, letting his Cursed-energy burst out with enough force to leave the man on the floor, and you on the bed, breathless with the stormy oppression of it.
"...you bastard-- that's my...I paid for her," the Curse user snapped, straining against his bonds. Kento laughed, bracketing you with his thick arms against the bed. His left hand grasped your left hand as he lined his aching cock up with your entrance. Kento slid your clasped hands, wedding bands clearly visible, across the sheets towards the Curse user.
"Yeah? I married her," Kento growled, kicking your heeled feet aside and fucking into you in one smooth movement, rocking his hips a few times against your cries, until he bottomed out with a roar. Kento pulled you to him by your hair, and smacked an affectionate kiss to the side of your face, before flinging you back against the velvet sheets.
He stood tall, gripping your hips to press your pussy close, and cracked his neck from side to side. He heard the enthusiastic crowd behind him, feeling a bizarre prickle of competition down his spine.
When Kento began thrusting into you with joyful abandon, you felt every vein, every throbbing ridge of him. Gripping the sheets for something, anything to stop you from being fucked up the bed, you screamed into the sheets with every hit. When you turned round to shoot Kento a blushing look of barely-sincere fury, Kento landed a stinging slap to your arse, and the Maids behind you giggled at the door.
Kento was lost in the moment, thrilled to be finally able to fill your belly, ecstatic with the knowledge that he was about to spill into you at just the right point in your cycle. His pleasure built fast, grasping your hips and slamming them back onto his cock, with rough slaps and grunts. He controlled himself for long enough to slip his hand beneath your mound, pinching and rolling your clit between his fingers while he whispered husky promises in your ear.
"--so fucking good-- waiting for me...haaah yes, take it-- good girl-- fuck a baby into you tonight-- you want that? Hmm? Is this-- is this it-- is this the--the one...fuck, not gonna last, cum with me, c'mon, please--"
Kento reached over you, his hand grasping you by the neck and jaw, craning your head backwards. He thought he'd be able to last, but when you sucked his forefinger into your mouth, your wet little tongue rolling over the pad as you suckled on it, Kento came with a slew of curses, a rough, alarmed bark.
Wildly overstimulated, you clenched around Kento as he pumped thick ropes of cum into you, feeling him tense and groan against your back with the blinding force of his orgasm. He continued to roll your clit, plugging you and panting until you came with a shaky little cry, your pussy tightening and sucking at his cock until he shivered with residual bliss.
Panting, coming down from your respective highs, you and Kento both turned to look at the Curse user on the floor. A noisy round of applause rang in from the café and you laughed despite yourself, wiggling against Kento.
"Lucky bastard..." the Curse user whined into the rug, "Piece of...piece of shit...should have been me--"
"Fuck off," rumbled Kento, "you're lucky you're not dead. Save it for trial."
You felt Kento rummaging in his pocket behind you. As he slipped his softening cock out of you, you squealed to find yourself hurriedly filled with a dildo, plugging you all the way to your belly. You groaned against the sheets, squirming, and Kento flipped your skirts down.
"...do you want to finish your shift?" He offered, voice full of mirth. You kicked back at him with one heeled foot as he laughed.
"If this is the one that gets us pregnant, I'll kill you."
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 month
The Pathology Murders
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Summary: When the reader and the boys stumble across a gruesome scene, they get the feeling that the monster they're hunting is of the human variety...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 5,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, lots of mentions of gore/death, trauma, accident, fluff
A/N: This fic was inspired by this imagine (which makes an appearance in this one shot) and also by the horror movie Pathology!
“What the hell…” Dean and Sam looked around the abandoned house, pausing like you had when they got to the kitchen. Your boys weren’t wimps by any means. They’d seen some serious crap. Done some serious crap. But that kitchen? 
It took Sam all of three seconds to step out of the room and upheave his greek salad from lunch.
Meanwhile Dean took it all in before his eyes landed on where you were trying to work the scene, fighting back another dry heave. 
“You alright?” he asked. You knew he was concerned. You weren’t one to puke up your guts either. But the poor soul on the kitchen table, or rather what was left of him…twisted wasn’t even the right word for it.
“Not particularly,” you said, pointing at a glass jar that housed a pair of kidneys on the stove. “Not all the organs made it into jars. Pretty sure the liver is in the sink.”
Dean cautiously took a step inside, swallowing thickly. Unlike you or Sam, who had your own experiences with hell, Dean’s had been far more…interactive. Sam’s soul was battered around by Lucifer but it’d been more psychological than physical. You’d spent an unpleasant night with a hellhound in the same cage and while it hadn’t been fun, you’d been able to stay in a corner and out of harms way. Dean though…Dean had been sliced and diced and hacked and every other possible horror, imaginable or not. And then he’d performed the acts himself. You never blamed him for giving in, for breaking. You’d told him time and time again he was, and always would be, a good man.
Some days, more often lately it seemed the older he got, he seemed to believe you.
“Whoever did this performed an autopsy on this guy. While he was alive,” said Dean, leaning over the body to get a closer look. “Huh. Anybody see a heart around here?”
You surveyed the bloody room, finding more than a few peculiar shaped body parts but nothing resembling a heart. Sam finally made his way in, taking a deep inhale as he got used to the gore before him. “I got nothing over here.”
“Could be a werewolf,” said Dean, cocking his head as he straightened, brow furrowing. “Or a witch.”
You knew he wasn’t buying that though, neither of you were. You tore your eyes away from the search to watch Sam’s expression flare up with a strange look of familiarity. “Sammy?”
“I think a person did this,” he said. Dean rolled his eyes.
“No shit Sherlock. Someone used a knife or-”
“No, jackass,” said Sam, shooting Dean a harsh look for a brief second. “I mean I think this was a human, like an actual human. They were just talking about a cold case like this on a podcast I listened to during my run last week.”
“You and your fucking serial killer obsession,” muttered Dean. Sam’s eye twitched, the tension rising in the room. “It’s fucking weird, Sammy.”
“We hunt monsters, dumbass. How is that any different?”
“That’s our job. You don’t see me watching murder documentaries like a certain someone in my free time.” Sam got closer to Dean, Dean taking one to match, both boy’s jaws clenching. 
“Hey,” you said with a snap of your fingers, the pair reluctantly turning towards you. “Dean, plenty of people are interested in cold cases and as long as Sam isn’t a serial killer himself, his hobby is fine. Sam, Dean just gets concerned that you don’t take enough of a break from hunting but he can’t come out and say that. So hug and make up. You’re on the same side.”
They both grumbled and gave each other a half-assed embraced but it made you smile regardless. 
“So what’d your murder podcast say?” asked Dean, walking around to the other side of the cut open body. Sam’s face soured. “That good, huh?”
“They called them the Pathology Murders. A string of five victims about ten years ago that went unsolved. The killer performed live autopsies like you said about this guy earlier. The only lead they ever had was that the killer must have medical training, like a doctor, based on what they did to the victims. Oh, and all the murders took place in the Seattle area.”
“Which downtown is only twenty minutes from here,” you said, crossing your arms. “Was the heart missing at the other scenes?”
“I’m not sure. They could have skimmed over that,” said Sam. Your gaze followed Dean’s, his green eyes laced with uncertainty. “I can do some research back at the motel. You guys could check in with Seattle PD, see if the case files have anything useful.”
“We should double check that it’s not our kind of monster and if it really is a person-”
“We’re not working this case,” said Dean. Your eyebrows shot up, Sam’s face already frowning. “We do not investigate serial killers. Save it for the police.”
“Uh, what the hell is going on? You would never let a killer, monster or human, stay on the loose,” said Sam.
Dean’s gaze shot to you and quickly away, his eyes turning sharp as they zeroed in on Sam. You scoffed, Sam cocking his head in question.
“It’s because my mom was murdered. By a serial killer. Isn’t it, Dean?” Dean’s lips pressed into a thin hard line and you shook your head. “They caught her killer which you know. What does that have anything to do with-”
“You caught the killer, you did that,” said Dean, Sam completely lost. He knew your mom had been killed but not the gory details like Dean.
“Wouldn’t that be a good thing then?” he asked. “Y/N has experience with this sort of thing then.”
“Why don’t you explain to Sammy just exactly what you did to ‘catch’ her killer then, sweetheart. Go on. I’m sure he’d love to hear it.” You glared at Dean, feeling an unpleasant prickling in your eyes. Dean didn’t back down as you teared up though, instead focusing on Sam. “She let herself be bait. She let herself get caught by the son of a bitch. She almost died because she doesn’t see when she’s going too far with serial killers. The same thing happened on that Tulsa case five years ago.”
You could sense Sam had shifted very quickly to being on Dean’s side of this argument. You’d been young and reckless with your mom’s killer, barely a day over eighteen. That was years and years ago. You’d learned since then to use more sense. Tulsa…well your plan as being bait would have worked if your former hunting partner hadn’t been more focused on getting some ass that night than watching your back.
“Yeah, that’s how we met, Sam. Not working a case. No, Y/N was fucked and if I hadn’t been driving back from Jody’s that night and saw the fucking asshole grab her, she’d be dead. Wouldn’t you?” Dean snarled. You narrowed your misty eyes at him, Dean lifting his chin. “We will make sure this isn’t our kind of deal and if it is in fact a run of the mill serial killer, we are getting the fuck out of here, understand me?”
“I fucked up once. Once,” you breathed out. You swallowed thickly, wiping off your face with your jacket sleeve. “Just how many times have you been kidnapped Dean in the five years that I’ve known you? I’ve been taken once. You? How many times have I cut you loose? Taken out the monster with a knife to your throat? A gun to your head? How many times have you gotten lost in a case? Gone on a rampage? I never realized we were keeping score.”
Dean’s gaze fell to the floor, his hand running over his jaw, searching for the right words.
“Sam, go back to the motel and research. Dean and I’ll do the fed schitk and get the files we can. Whoever’s behind this, I’m going after them. You two can do whatever the hell you want,” you said, storming out of the room and out of the house.
“You look pretty,” said Dean softly a few hours later as you exited the motel bathroom in your fed suit, a light blue button down blouse with your charcoal gray suit jacket and pants. You ignored him as you dug through your duffel for your pointed black booties. Professional but also you knew for a fact you could run and fight in them. You growled in frustration when you couldn’t find them though, hearing Dean clear his throat behind your back. You glanced over your shoulder, following Dean’s gaze to where he’d set them down by the end of the bed.
“Thanks,” you grumbled, slipping them on and pulling up the side zipper. Dean was sporting his navy suit today, the one he looked extra hot in. You ignored that fact as you tucked your gun into the back of your pants, fixing your suit jacket over it.
“Y/N.” You sighed, giving him a look that you really didn’t want to do this right now. He took a long breath, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Sam quietly slinked out of the room into his adjoining one. Most of the time the three of you shared but when you could swing it, Sam got his own next door to give you and Dean some privacy.
Privacy you didn’t necessarily want at this moment.
“You do good cop, I’ll be the hardass if it comes to it,” you said, shoving your phone in your pocket. You tried to walk past him for the door but he caught your hand, stopping you after a few feet. “Dean.”
“I do not, and have never, thought you were weak. But serial killers are a blindspot for you. Sam and I both have them. This is yours.” He lowered his head, like he was fighting the words that were coming out. 
To your surprise, he dropped your hand and stood. 
“Be careful on this one, sweetheart.” He walked past you to the motel door, cracking it open and pausing. “We should get going.”
“You sure I’m not going to lose it? Get too carried away and get myself captured?” you said, unable to stop from poking back after his earlier insinuations. Dean’s shoulders rose and fell, one hand going to the doorframe to grip it as you watched the back of his head lower.
“Y/N, don’t you know by now I’m an idiot that’d rather lose you because I’m a dick than find you in the hands of some monster like whoever did that to that poor guy? Don’t you know I know you’re stronger than me? Don’t you think I realize how hard it is to be with someone like me?”
“You don’t stop Sam from doing dangerous things,” you said. “You don’t bring up the past to him.”
“Yes I have,” he said quietly. “And convincing Sam to stay in a motel room where it’s safe to research has never been hard thankfully.”
“You don’t treat me with the same respect though,” you said softly. “It hurts to know you never will think of me as being as capable as he is all because I’m your girlfriend.”
Dean shook his head, straightening his back. “You are more than capable, sweetheart. But sometimes…I just want to be a man that protects his girl. I don’t want to be scared of failing you for once…because if that monster got anywhere near you…”
You took quiet steps over to him, staring at his broad shoulders as they sagged.
“Eventually everyone I love dies or has something awful happen to them. Maybe I don’t say it the right way but fucking hell, all I want is for those things to not happen to you.” He spun around, green eyes full of worry. You nodded, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together. He squeezed them gently, the warmth of it pleasant.
“Our job is dangerous, Dean. We hunt the monsters, supernatural or not. I love you but you don’t get to keep me locked away.” You ran your thumb over his scuffed up skin, still healing form last week’s hunt. “That said…I promise not to get so angry if you promise to just say you’re scared for me. We’ll figure it out, okay?”
“Okay,” he said, a flicker of a smile on his face. “I just have a bad feeling about this one.”
“Then we’ll be smart, okay?” You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “And don’t call yourself an idiot. I don’t like it.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he said. “Let’s go figure out what the hell is going on.”
Two Hours Later
“This guy’s a fucking psycho,” you said into your phone while Dean came outside with a bag of burgers and fries. “Apparently he sends the hearts to the victims families in a little box with a bow.”
“Sounds about right for a guy who cuts people open for fun,” said Sam on the other end. “I’m gonna pour through the records you just sent over.”
“Alright. Dean and I should be back in fifteen-”
“Why don’t you guys have a date night? I got this for a few hours.” You bit your bottom lip, Sam’s silence going on. “Come on, Y/N. You guys should talk about Dean’s protectiveness and your stubbornness.”
You wanted to argue that fact but sighed, closing your eyes.
“Any suggestions on how we find that line when our job is to hunt killers?” you asked.
“Maybe remember that he’s your boyfriend first, hunting partner second. Most boyfriends wouldn’t want their girlfriend near a serial killer either, no matter what their job.”
“Don’t have good points, Samuel,” you said as Dean took a seat next to you on Baby’s hood. “We’ll be back in two hours.”
You hung up and dove your hand into the bag of fries, smirking when Dean presented you with a chocolate milkshake. He grinned as you dipped the fry in it and tossed it back, giving him a big thumbs up.
“I love you,” you said, Dean smiling as he dug out his burger. “I always love you, even when we fight.”
He glanced at you, landing a gentle kiss on your lips in the next moment. He barely moved his lips, letting them linger instead. He moved back only an inch and nodded. “I was a dickhead earlier. All because I’m afraid of finding you with a serial killer standing over you with a giant ass knife again. I don’t know why I can’t just come out and say that shit in the moment.”
“Because you’re human,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist. “And you’re so much better at talking to me than five years ago. The old you wouldn’t have even been able to say that to me.”
“I try,” he said, letting you kiss him, your own a tad more forceful than his had been.
“That’s all I ask for,” you said, Dean’s phone going off at that exact moment. He sighed as he took it out, Sam’s name appearing. He tapped it onto speaker and took a bite of his burger. “What’s up Sammy?”
“Guys, I think I figured something out. All the victims were patients at Mercy West hospital back in the day and this latest guy? He was a patient there last week.” You and Dean shared a frown. “Yeah, I know. The cops investigated all of the hospital staff there back then but they never came up with anything. They thought maybe a doctor was behind it but he died in a car accident between the second and third vics.”
“It could have been him and he had a partner. Definitely is someone with access to records so they have to work there,” said Dean as you held up a finger. “What?”
“I could have sworn I’ve heard about this hospital in the news before. Something to do with a boat accident?” you asked. You heard Sam typing loudly before he hummed.
“Yup. They made national news about six months ago when seven of their medical students died in a boating accident. Explosion apparently when they got boozed up and had a bonfire on the boat. The bodies were so bad they couldn’t identify the remains,” said Sam. Dean took another bite of his burger and swallowed. “Already checking through the police files. Shit.”
“Shit what, Sam?” you asked, dunking a fry in your milkshake.
“Shit as in the boat accident wasn’t an accident at all. There was definitely an explosion but they found damage on the bodies indicating some injuries occurred before death. Like being carved up alive. They don’t want the public knowing the killer is still active in the area.”
“It’s gotta be someone linked to that hospital. Only question is why can’t the police figure out who?” asked Dean.
“Good question,” said Sam. “I’m going to keep digging, see if there’s a connection between the two we missed.”
“Thanks Sammy. We’ll be back in twenty to help,” said Dean, hanging up. He glanced at you, biting the inside of his cheek.
“This isn’t a monster,” you said quietly. “At least, it’s a human one.”
Dean polished off the rest of his meal quietly, the air still for a few beats. 
“When you get too worried about me on hunts, you put yourself in danger,” you said, slowly sipping from the shake. His heated gaze was on you as you handed him the drink. “You have to trust that I’m strong enough to do this. Careful and capable. We both need to work on that.”
“Alright. But do me a favor? Stick close to me or Sammy on this one. You’re just…” You waited, let him find his words. He took the drink and finished it off, shoving the trash in the bag. “You just got over that shoulder injury. Your punches don’t hit as hard as normal right now. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just-”
“Okay,” you said, finding his hand, slipping yours inside. “Now let’s figure out who this bastard is.”
He hummed, letting go of you for a brief moment so he could toss the garbage away. You slid inside the passenger seat, Dean back and behind the wheel after the blink of an eye. Approximately ten seconds later you were pulling out of the parking lot and on the road, headed down main street and for the motel.
“So I was thinking this guy does autopsies on victims right?” said Dean, turning the radio down low on a soft rock station. You glanced out the window on the dark night, a rumble of thunder overhead. “But the cops can’t find him. Well, isn’t there someone that sometimes works at hospitals and for the police that would be able to fuck with a body after the fact and hide traces of their involvement?”
“A pathologist. I was thinking that too but wouldn’t that have been their first look? I mean they literally call them the Pathology Murders,” you said, waiting for the the light to turn green. “It could be someone that knows someone at the department covering for them. Stranger things have happened.”
“Maybe. I get the gist this guy works alone though. I only clocked one set of boots at the scene this morning,” he said, the bright green light illuminating the dark interior.
“Same. It’s absolutely someone associated with that damn hospital-” you said, Dean’s arm shooting in front of you in your peripheral. A millisecond later, something slammed into the right side of Baby, your side. Your lap belt tugged on you hard as your body lolled to the side, weightless for a moment before gravity reared it’s ugly head and slammed you down. Your head smacked something hard and it all went dark.
You could hear Dean asking a paramedic a million questions, not a single one concerned about himself. You opened your eyes to find yourself in the back of an ambulance, Dean lying on a stretcher beside you. He could tell you were awake and struggled to reach over to you but couldn’t. Instead he thrashed his head back against his pillow in defeat, straining against the straps that held him down.
“Sir, I need you to calm down,” said the paramedic as you blinked slowly at Dean. You knew something was wrong with you, with both of you, but you weren’t quite sure what that was yet. You struggled when you saw Dean upset. You wanted him to feel better. “You need to relax, she’s seeing you panic and that’s making her do the same.”
Dean stopped as he took in how your heart rate had skyrocketed, how scared you looked. He sighed and forced himself to stay calm. You saw him relax and heard him say it was okay. Neither of you enjoyed the feeling of being tied down, especially when the both of you were in plain view of one another and couldn’t reach each other. You tried to speak but couldn’t as you felt how raw your throat was. 
“We’ll be at Mercy West in just a few minutes,” said the paramedic to Dean as you half-listened. 
“No, take us somewhere else!” yelled Dean suddenly, fighting again. The paramedic sighed as you both started struggling once more. You didn’t have much of an idea of what was going on but if Dean didn’t want to go there, it wasn’t safe. 
“I’m going to give each of you a sedative and by the time you wake up, you’ll be in your hospital beds feeling a lot better,” he said gently. 
“No, don’t you touch her,” said Dean as you started to get very sleepy. The last thing you saw was Dean shutting his eyes as you finally remembered what had happened.
If Sam didn’t get to you soon, you were screwed.
Your eyes wearily opened under bright lights that made your head hurt. You winced and turned away from it, limbs heavy and still. Dean’s voice echoed somewhere, to your left maybe? You forced your eyes open again, Dean strapped down to a metal table with metal drawers behind him, the look on his face like he was screaming at you. You blinked, the ringing in your eyes loud and obnoxious, droning him out.
“Get up, fucking get up!” Dean shouted so loud you shook your head, a splitting headache cracking over you. “Y/N get out of here!” 
It took only a moment to discover that unlike Dean, you weren’t restrained in what was most likely the hospital morgue. Something was wrong though. A sedative? No. You were becoming more alert if anything but your arms were growing more tired, head becoming too heavy to lift.
“Something’s off,” you tried to say, the words caught in your throat, unable to be voiced. Your eyes flared wide, Dean’s drifting past you.
“Someone took a long time to wake up,” said a voice to your right. Suddenly a hand was under your head.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Dean snarled, your head set on a…stand? Something to keep it elevated and from rolling to the side. You tried to move but the message wasn’t getting to your body, your eyes glued on the handsome face with a just slightly off smile leaning over you.
“You were in a nasty accident, Agent Carlson. Unfortunately for you, your head trauma was too severe and you coded in the ER. Meanwhile Agent Manns in his grief unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. At least that’s what the autopsy report will say,” he said, inspecting what felt like a cut on your temple. “Such a shame. It won’t be my best work but you’re not the first law enforcement to cross me. Sadly no one will be able to discover your remains once you’re accidentally incinerated as John and Jane Doe but it’s good practice.”
“Let her go you fucking psycho,” growled Dean when the doctor moved out of view and returned with a pair of shears. 
“Psycho? I’m Dr. Thomas, ER Trauma physician and part-time pathologist. I’ve saved far more lives than I’ve taken, Agent Manns,” he said, snipping through your blouse. 
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Dr. Thomas bagged your shirt in a plastic bag nearby, doing the same with your pants and boots once they’d been removed.
“Paralyzing agent. Hard to come by but it has it’s advantages. No messy straps or ropes in the way,” he said, lifting your arm as you watched helplessly, cold metal against your skin as he cut through your bra straps.
“I swear to god I’m going to rip your spine out of your fucking face. If you touch her-”
“Not my style,” said Dr. Thomas, pulling away the fabric, sending a chill down your back. He gave you his focus again, a smirk on his face as he put two fingers to your neck. “Your heart is hammering away, isn’t it? Biology is fascinating that way. It’s so strange how an emotion such as fear can cause physical reactions in our bodies.”
“Get the fuck away from her!” shouted Dean. Dr. Thomas’ smile towards you dropped when he looked at Dean. He sighed and set the shears down, walking out of view.
“You’re really starting to irritate me,” he said, the distinct sound of tape being ripped from a roll filling the room and then Dean’s cries became muffled, only quiet thumping as he struggled coming from him now. Dr. Thomas appeared again wearing another smile. “Sorry about that. It’s always the men that get all squirmy. The women always live longer. Now, one could argue that’s because women have on average more blood in their bodies than men but I’ve gotten a fairly large sample size over the past decade to believe they’re psychologically stronger and therefore last longer.”
You tried hard to move your hand when he held up a scalpel near your face but nothing worked. 
Fuck if you could move anything you’d be shaking harder than a tree in a damn hurricane. Dean struggling right beside you with a front row seat was not helping.
“Now I like to explain all of my procedures to my patients beforehand. While you are paralyzed to a degree, you will still feel things. That’s perfectly normal.” You were wide eyed, Dr. Thomas chuckling. “The procedure typically takes me around thirty minutes. However, you’ll die from the blood loss or shock after roughly seven so don’t worry about that aspect. Considering you were in an accident less than an hour ago, I suspect it’s more like four or five for you which is unfortunate for me but it is what it is. Perhaps Agent Manns will give me more time.”
He lowered the scalpel to your shoulder and dug in hard to the skin, dragging it inward towards your chest. Your scream was caught in your throat as he did it on the other side to match.
Dean was shouting and thrashing on the table beside you but you couldn’t even turn your head to look. Dr. Thomas started talking about incisions and procedures and then you felt something completely unnatural against your arm, another shout trapped in your lungs. Forget the brave face. You would have been full on wailing if you were capable of it.
Crack. Snap. Shudder. Rip. It was around the time that Dr. Thomas held up something dark red and sticky looking that your body decided passing out was the best course of action. Unfortunately, it wasn’t doing that for some reason and you were stuck on the edge of consciousness, terrified and wishing something would come along and smash your head in to end this.
A loud bang shot out and something heavy smacked your leg, something else skirting against your side. 
“Dear god,” whispered Sam. Your eyes were locked open as you heard Sam rush over, staring down at you for only a split second before he moved to Dean. 
That was not good. You were far more injured that Dean, somewhere on the verge of death if you figured. Sam would have stopped to help you first.
Unless you were beyond saving.
“Sweetheart,” said Dean, grabbing one of your blood covered hands in both of his. Fuck he was crying. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were so totally fucked. He looked over to Sam, Sam staring back with an open mouth. They couldn’t fix this. Shit, shit. You were going to die cut open like a Thanksgiving turkey. “W-What about Cas?”
“Dean,” said Sam, an air of resignation in his voice. “He’s in Kansas.”
“Jack then.”
“He’s with Cas. He doesn’t know how to-”
“A spell, a cure, something! Take her upstairs to a fucking doctor!” shouted Dean. 
“De. Half of her organs are…” said Sam as you got light headed, Dean’s hand running over your head. Dean found your face, his chin wobbling. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
“Then we sit with our girl,” said Dean softly, tucking a hair behind your ear. “And you fall asleep, sweetheart and when you wake up again, you’ll feel all better. I’ll come find you someday. Okay? Just close your eyes and try to sleep for me.”
Dean lowered his head, kissing your forehead as he fought back the tears that wanted to spill over. Sam took your other hand, squeezing it gently as you tried to do what he asked.
“Bloody hell, of course a Winchester took out a nutter like that. I’d have thunk he deserved more than a bullet,” said a familiar voice. 
“Rowena?” both boys echoed. She didn’t respond though, Sam’s hand dropping yours as a flash of red hair moved in front of you. You stared up at her, her hands cradling your cheeks.
“Dean, let go.” He did and about two seconds later you were shot straight upright, body in one piece, full of feeling and horror as you wrapped your arms over your chest, looking all around. 
“What the hell was that?” asked Sam while Dean shrugged out of his fed jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders, buttoning you up before he picked you up and was cradling you in his arms.
Rowena faced him with a hand on her hip, your own gaze falling down to where a dead Dr. Thomas lay on the floor, blood oozing from the back of his open head.
“Do you boys still not see me as a friend?” she asked, an undercurrent of hurt in her voice. You were shaking in Dean’s arms, clutching to his shirt with your too long sleeves. 
“You’re the queen of hell. Why would you stop a death?” asked Sam. She rolled her eyes and approached you, resting a hand on your arm.
“Because I’m the queen of hell and I do as I please, Samuel.” You wanted to say thank you but all you could manage was a few jumbled words as you buried yourself in Dean’s neck. “She’s in shock, quite bad. Best to take her home and let her rest.”
“Thank you Rowena,” said Dean, walking past her, stopping near the entrance to the room. “Next time you need something, just let us know and we’ll help.”
“Of course. I’ll take care of this mess. Oh and Y/N, dear?” You managed to lift your head, grateful to find Sam was right on Dean’s heels. “This lad is going to be spending a lot of time on the receiving end of what he gave out up here down in hell. I promise you that.”
You nodded, giving her a thumbs up. Dean kissed the top of your head, his hold on you tight.
“You’re going to be alright, sweetheart. Just give it some time.”
“How’s that feel?” asked Dean for what felt like the twentieth time back at the motel. You’d showered, took another another shower, took a bath, took another shower and currently were wrapped up in a mess of Dean’s pajamas on the bed with a big towel in your hair. 
“Better,” you said, your voice back with you once you’d gotten out of the hospital morgue. Sam was off relaying what he’d found to the local police. Apparently Dr. Thomas had worked on a few cases for the county but his sister it turned out was a hot shot detective who’d been covering for him for years. It was how he’d found out about you and Dean investigating.
Honestly that woman would be better off going out like her brother. She’d covered up a lot of murders for her brother. It’d be a miracle if someone didn’t take her out before then. Not that you particularly would mind that. 
You patted the bed beside you, Dean taking a seat and pulling you into his lap. He removed the damp towel and nuzzled the top of your head with his cheek, strong arms wrapped all around your body.
“So we really nailed that whole careful thing, huh?” you said. Dean chuckled deeply, inhaling the scent of your damp hair, a pretty lilac and vanilla blend you knew he liked. 
“How do you do that? Make me laugh when I don’t feel like ever laughing again,” he said, tightening his hold.
“Because I’m hilarious,” you said, closing your eyes, wrapping your hands around his forearms. “You might not understand this but what you said when I thought…you made me feel safe even when I was scared that was it. You were a guy protecting his girl tonight, even if it’s not the way you meant it.”
“Meant every word,” he whispered, breathing slowly. 
“Don’t you dare fucking apologize for not stopping it. There’s no way we saw that coming.”
“Okay,” he said, draping his legs over yours, leaning back against the headboard with you. “How’s that feel? Comfy?”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes at him, tucking in closer. “I got you, Winchester. I’ll be alright. A chocolate milkshake and order of fries wouldn’t hurt though.”
“You’re hungry? After all that?” he chuckled. 
“Yup. Ask Sam to pick some up on his way back,” you said, tilting your head back, kissing under his jaw. “Our date got cut short after all.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You couldn’t talk earlier,” he said, taking your hand, lacing your fingers together.
“I’ll have nightmares, I’m sure, and all the other crap we get. But right now in this moment, with you, I’m okay.” He smiled, holding your body against his.
“I love you so much. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Even if you do get kidnapped by serial killers.” You whacked his leg, Dean’s laugh rumbling against your back.
“Love you too, ya dork.”
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chvoswxtch · 1 month
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: lately frank has been acting suspicious, and you've decided to finally confront him about it.
warnings: swearing, lots of angst
word count: 3.4k
a/n: i hope y'all have been enjoying things being nice & light & sexy & fun bc these last few chapters aren't holding back any punches. shit is about to get real. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[previous chapter] | [series masterlist]
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Not even five minutes after Frank walked through the threshold of his apartment, the rumble of an incessant banging sounded on his front door. His dark brows instantly furrowed with irritation at the sound. Slipping his right hand behind his back to grab the handle of the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans, he turned the knob and swung the door open with just as much ferocity as the person knocking on the other side. 
The creases of annoyance on his sharp features suddenly smoothed into recognition at the sight of you standing in front of him, but not long after, his warm brown eyes widened in complete bewilderment seeing the raw fury that was burning in your eyes. 
Before he could utter another word, you forced your way inside his apartment, causing him to quickly retreat backwards, wincing when you swiftly slammed the front door shut behind yourself.
“You need to tell me what the fuck is going on with you, right now.”
Frank was utterly caught off guard by your aggressive behavior. The last time he had seen you this angry with him was when he showed up at your place after Cavella and Walker had attacked you. He was so distracted by your incensed entrance, he almost missed what you said. But when his brain finally caught up with his ears, your words only fueled his convoluted confusion.
“There nothin’ goin’ on-”
“Bullshit! Don’t you dare fucking lie to me, Frank.”
“Sweetheart, I’m not lyin’-”
“You’ve lied to me three times in the past month.”
Creases of puzzlement settled between Frank’s thick brows hearing that. Had he really lied to you three times? He couldn’t even remember what he’d lied about, or how you caught onto the fact that he was. Frank admittedly had been a bit out of it when it came to you lately, but he wasn’t doing it on purpose to hurt you. He just happened to be caught in the middle of something he was trying to keep you as far away from as possible.
Taking his silence as evidence of guilt, you stared up into his eyes, wanting him to see the proof of grief in your reflection that his actions had caused. You wanted him to hear the severity in the words that lacerated your tongue as they slipped past your lips that had been bitten raw from your tortured anxiety.
“You never once lied to me before Frank, ever. I don’t know why you’re choosing to start now, but if I hear one more lie come out of your mouth, I am done. I will walk out that door and I will have nothing to do with you ever again, that's it. Do you hear me?”
That caught Frank’s attention. There was no waver in your voice, no threat in your tone, just raw emotion and sincerity. 
For the past month, Frank had been acting strange. You’d caught him in three white lies, and while they may have seemed small and trivial to someone else, they were anything but that to you. Because you’d been stuck with a pathological liar before, and there was no such thing as harmless lies. A lie was a lie, and it was a crack in the foundation of trust and integrity that you’d built with Frank, and a crack could turn into a rift, and a rift could divide you and make it all come crumbling down.
Since yours and Frank’s schedules didn’t always line up, you’d both done everything you could to make every moment count since your first date. But lately, it felt like you were the only one putting in the effort. Frank was chronically distracted these last few weeks. He was late to meet you for dates, he didn’t call when he said he was going to, and sometimes you didn’t hear from him at all until the day was practically over. And when he was with you, Frank was physically present, but mentally he seemed to be somewhere you couldn’t follow. Even sitting right beside one another, it felt like there were oceans of distance separating you subconsciously. 
At first, you’d tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was one little white lie. One missed call after a long day. Just fifteen minutes of waiting at the restaurant. This was Frank, the man who had saved your life more times than you could count. He was different. This was real. You had nothing to be concerned about.
But then one white lie turned to three, and one missed call turned into not hearing from him until an excuse appeared across your screen at half past midnight, and fifteen minutes late turned into not showing up at all. His behavior planted a seed of suspicion in your mind that grew like wild ivy, coveting the sense of security you had in him with leaves of doubt, sprouting spirals of diabolical hypotheticals that canvassed your brain with catastrophe. 
Every knot of faith Frank had woven into your heart with his actions over the last nine months were steadily being unraveled by his own hand in a matter of weeks. The confidence you had in him was now frayed in shreds and left you in a fit of mania, scrutinizing his every intent under a microscope. 
You had been here before. You’d been lied to, manipulated, cheated on, pushed to the brink of insanity, and eventually left behind. You recognized all the signs of duplicity and betrayal, but you’d covered your own eyes so you wouldn’t have to acknowledge them, because it was Frank. 
Blunt-and-brutally-honest, jump-in-front-of-a-bullet, remembers-every-little-detail, got-his-knuckles-bloody-for-you, killed-for-you, Frank.
And that’s why this hurt so much. That’s why this dagger of deceit tore clean right through your chest, leaving you standing in the middle of Frank’s living room, hysterical and furious for an elixir of truth that could make this pain go away and heal your belief in him once again. He’d been so MIA lately that you had spent hours camped out in front of his apartment building tonight, waiting to see his truck pull up just so you could follow him inside and finally have this conversation face to face.
Frank could hear in your voice that he’d hurt you, and even worse, he could see the evidence of it shining in your eyes. The pieces of yourself you’d lent him to patch up his own heart were suddenly bleeding at the seams seeing how his unintentionally selfish preoccupation had left you marooned. Shame didn’t begin to cover the way he felt. He knew he needed to be honest, but he couldn’t tell you everything.
Not yet.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. But it ain’t what you think, sweetheart.”
“Then what is it? Explain it to me.”
Frank took a seat on the couch and gently patted the space next to him, looking up at you with diligent patience while you internally debated between standing stubbornly or giving into his request to sit with him. After a moment you finally sat down, but you intentionally put space between the two of you and folded your arms across your chest in a silent gesture of defensiveness. Resting his forearms on the tops of his thighs, Frank clasped his right hand over his left wrist, staring down at his worn boots while deciding his next words carefully.
“I got a new assignment.”
The quiet tone of Frank’s voice and the lack of eye contact while he spoke immediately caused a spark in your nervous system. 
“I don’t know yet.”
Frank let a moment of silence pass before turning his head to look at you with an apologetic gleam in his warm brown eyes.
“I’ve been helpin’ Madani with somethin’.”
Pinching at the bridge of your nose, you let out a slow exhale of irritation. Frank had already strained your patience with his behavior this past month, and his obscure responses were only making it worse.
“Why are you being so secretive about this?”
“It’s complicated-”
“Complicated how? You didn’t have to hide the last job from me-”
“This one is different-”
“Different how? That doesn’t make any sense-”
“You gonna let me talk? Or you gonna keep yellin’ at me?”
The way you clenched your jaw and narrowed your gaze at his quip made Frank regret letting his own frustration get the best of him. You were already pissed off, now was not the time for him to snap back at you like he normally did when the two of you argued about something. A wave of annoyance quickly crested within you. The second you stood up from the couch, Frank’s large hand reached out to grab your wrist.
“Hey, c’mon. Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Walk away from this conversation-”
“What conversation, Frank? You’re not doing anything but giving me vague excuses. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?”
Frank gave your wrist a gentle tug to get you to sit back down next to him on the couch. He once again waited calmly as you stood defiantly for a moment before reluctantly sitting back down. He let his large hand glide across your wrist to take your hand into his own, holding it firmly in his lap while cocking his head to the side to try and catch your gaze.
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
When he gave your hand a gentle squeeze, the prolonged pause of silence caused you to eventually shift your attention back to Frank, and you could see that his brown eyes were a deep shade of contrition.
“I’m sorry. I know I’ve been distracted lately, and I haven’t been ‘round like I shoulda been. And you’re right, I did lie to ya, and I’m sorry ‘bout that. I’m not tryin’ to keep things from ya, sweetheart. It’s just…this one is…it’s different.” 
“Why? What makes this one so different that you have to lie to me about it?”
“It’s personal.”
Now it was your turn to be perplexed. You thought Frank was long past holding you at arms length and keeping up a fortified impenetrable steel wall around his heart and mind. He’d opened up to you before, talked about his life in the Marines, told you about the family he’d loved and lost, even spoke about them more comfortably and freely now without the shadow of grief looming over his words. Why was he back to shielding his vulnerability?
Frank knew you wanted more of an explanation. You needed more. And he hated that he couldn’t give it to you right now. He hated that there was still so much that he was holding back from you, and that it was his own fault you were even doubting him in the first place.
“Listen, I can’t explain it right now, alright? But I will. When it’s all said and done, I’m…I’m gonna…I’ll have to tell ya some things first, some things you may not wanna hear and probably won’t like hearin’. But I promise, I’m gonna tell you everythin’, alright? I just need you to trust me right now.”
Every word Frank spoke hid another piece of the puzzle he was crafting, and you were left with misshapen gaps of confusion. You didn’t know what he meant by saying there were things he had to explain that you might not want to hear, or how that factored into the job he was currently working. Nothing he was saying made any sense to you, and it only left you with more crucial questions than justifiable answers. Pulling your hand away from his, you got up from the couch and started to stressfully pace back and forth.
“So the reason you’ve been a shitty boyfriend lately is because of this new assignment, that you can’t tell me anything about, other than it’s personal, but you can’t explain why that is. And it’s going to take you somewhere eventually, but you can’t tell me where, because you don’t even know yet, and even if you did, you still wouldn’t tell me. And I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you have no idea how long this is going to last, but you expect me to sit here and act like everything is fine between us and trust you even though I have no fucking idea where you’re going or what you’re doing. Did I miss anything?”
Frank could hear the barely concealed hostility in your tone. He couldn’t combat a single thing you said. When you finally stopped pacing and turned to face him, staring at him expectantly, a ring of treachery was blazing around your irises. He could see it right then in your eyes. If he didn’t fix this, he would lose you.
Slowly rising from the couch, Frank stood there with a dispirited weight resting on his shoulders, a look of pleading softening his warm brown eyes. 
“I’m gonna handle this as soon as I can, I promise.”
“I can’t do another month of this, Frank.”
“Then it won’t be another month. I’ll figure it out before then.”
The resentment you felt towards Frank was rapidly fading into pure desperation. All you wanted was an answer, a real answer. Something of substance that you could understand, something tangible to hold onto during this period of uncertainty. Frank could feel the despair radiating off of you in thick sorrowful waves, and the fact that you were close to forfeiting this argument had him instantly tensing as the chill of dread straightened his spine. He had to give you something.
“Listen, Madani gave me some intel, alright? I’ve been followin’ it, tryin’ to find proof she’s right, or if she’s just seein’ what she wants to see.”
“But why did she give it to you? What can you do that Homeland Security can’t?”
Frank stared at you silently for a moment, and you could see a look of hesitation flash in his eyes. There was something there, something you couldn’t figure out. But you could tell by the expression on his face that there was a lot more to this than it being a top secret assignment from Homeland. Whatever it was, it had everything to do with Frank. You just couldn’t figure out why. After a terse minute of silence, Frank stood up a little straighter while subtly clenching his jaw, and there was a hardened look in his eyes.
“Cause it’s connected to someone I know.”
The way he spoke that sentence with an ominous undertone sent an icy torrent down your spine. Sensing your trepidation, Frank let out a deep sigh and glanced around his apartment for a moment while lost in thought before eventually looking at you again, this time with a softer gaze.
“Look, I can’t explain it all right now, sweetheart. All I can tell ya is that Madani needed someone she could trust on this, and I owe her a debt.”
Letting those words sink in, you tried to put your biased emotions aside for a moment and think logically about what Frank was saying. Dinah had asked him for a favor. Part of you found it  surprising that she came to Frank and Billy, considering the way she acted towards Billy the day Steven was arrested. But maybe that look of distrust and disdain had everything to do with the complicated relationship they’d had that Billy mentioned. 
If Frank was working for Dinah, then he was working for Homeland, which meant he probably didn’t have a choice but to keep everything from you. And yet, here he was still trying to give you crumbs of explanations, and promising to tell you everything once this new assignment was over. At least you could lay the fear to rest that he was seeing someone else. Standing here now, you felt ridiculous that you’d restlessly jumped to the conclusion of an illicit affair. But in your own defense, it had been difficult to think clearly when Frank’s covert behavior mirrored that of past boyfriends' unfaithful performances.
As your shoulders physically deflated from your own conspiracies unraveling just to get tangled in a new set of ambiguities, you let out a deep exhale and rubbed both of your palms tiredly down your face, grasping onto the back of your neck for a moment. When you first showed up at Frank’s apartment, you had felt completely warranted in your anger. Now, you weren’t sure if you had overreacted in your manic state, or if you still had a right to be upset with Frank. At this point, you just felt drained from trying to balance on that tightrope of your own conflicting emotions.
Frank had saved your life several times over, and Dinah personally made sure that Steven would spend the rest of his life in prison. You owed them both everything. The least you could do was show them a little patience. 
“Alright. Fine.”
In the nine months that Frank had known you, never once had you conceded in an argument. Even when you were in the wrong, you struggled with admitting that you had been erroneous. Frank’s blood ran cold with the thought that he might have pushed you too far healing the casual defeat in your voice. He didn’t want you to give up on him like this. Frank quickly took a step towards you the second you took a step towards the door, reaching out to gently grab your arm.
“Hey, hey c’mon. Don’t go.”
“Frank, I’m tired-”
“Then stay. Just stay here, c’mon. It’s late, yeah? Stay.”
Frank wasn’t giving you any room to decline the offer disguised as a command. One of his strong arms slipped around your waist, pulling you firmly into his chest while his large hand gently cradled the back of your head. He pressed his lips in a soft, lingering kiss to the crown of your head, hugging onto you tightly while resting his cheek against the side of your head. The rigid tension in your body lethargically began to melt, and Frank’s deep gravelly voice whispering into your ear dismantled the last of your defensiveness.
“Just stay with me, baby. Please stay.”
Frank knew that he didn’t deserve you. He didn’t feel that he’d earned this second chance at life he was getting. But he would be damned if he’d let anything ruin this now that he had you. He would’ve told Madani to go to hell if he’d known the favor was going to cause such a big disruption to the peace he’d found within you.
But not only did he owe his second shot to her, he desperately needed to know the truth himself.
“When will you leave?”
Frank hugged onto you even tighter, rubbing his hand along your lower back in soothing slow circles.
“M’not sure yet. But I’ll tell ya as soon as I know, I promise. And I’ll make sure you’re taken care of while I’m gone, yeah? I’ll be back before ya know it, baby.”
Hearing the soft sigh that sounded from you, Frank nuzzled his nose into your hair and whispered gently to you.
“Listen, I won’t take no more jobs like this, alright? I’m gonna handle this for Madani, and that’s it. I won’t do anythin’ else that’ll take me too far from you, yeah? I’m not gonna leave ya, sweetheart. I told ya I’m always gonna be here. I meant that then, and I mean it now. You ain’t ever gotta worry ‘bout that.”
You tried to find comfort in those words, but you weren’t in the mental state to accept any vows. You couldn’t get past the glaring truth that Frank was hiding something from you, and until you knew what it was, that crack of dishonesty would continue to slowly spread. You had a sneaking suspicion in the pit of your stomach that whatever verity Frank was concealing had the potential to shatter everything; unveiling the illusion that your relationship hadn’t been formed out of the impervious stone that you’d believed in, but rather of futile glass.
tags: @thyme-in-a-bubble @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @xcastawayherosx @avengerstower-houseplant @stevenknightmarc @ponyosmom35 @babygal-babygal @wellwwhynot @oldermenaremyreligion @combustiblemeow @tired-night-owl @fairykiss32 @danzer8705 @calkissed @fxckahs-blog @lemon-world1 @polskiperson @imperihoe @v4leoftears @harperdoodle @spideyvibez @joalslibrary @cherry-berry-ollie @sorrowfulfragmentation @kdogreads @sumo-b98 @blackhawkfanatic @gloryekaterina @whistle1whistle @starbritestarlite @callmebrooklynbabes @hallway5 @scarletfvckingwitch @bifuriouslatina @soupyspence @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @wonwoosthetic @linguist-breakaribecca @nerdytreeflower @mrs-bellingham @smhnxdiii @s3riou2 @slavic-empress
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