#♧aroallo Artemy
shmowder · 4 months
Okay, AroAllo Daniil is lovely, but have you heard about AroAllo Artemy who:
Brings sticky and Murky along on your outings because it's the three people he loves most in the world together.
Takes you home on the second date to show you his bull pet in his backyard. Look at how cool the bull is. Isn't he cool? He'll teach you this steppe song about bulls he likes.
Loves his childhood friends immensely. Hugging, cuddling, and even the occasional forehead kisses for them. His friends are your friends, and he helps introduce you to them.
His sense of commitment and love outweighs all of his morals at times. For someone to be so moved by familial and platonic love that he'd move mountains.
Genuinely enjoys having you over, let's you help him sort through the herbs while he brews the tinctures.
Aftercare with him is very light-hearted in nature. A lazy bliss of basking in the aftermath of relief together, he pulls you closer to his chest. The clean up can wait, what's important is that you're with him here and he wants you drifting off to the sound of his heartbeat.
The kin clearly see how much you mean to him and treat you with the same respect reserved for a Menkhu's spouse. Herb brides are more friendly with you, steppe women include you when gossiping about their neighbours, butchers ask you about Burakh and if you require any help or assistance.
To be with him is to be part of a community that really looks out for its people. Sharing food and helping each other, accepting their differences and quirks.
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shmowder · 4 months
I'd be interested in hearing more about your aroallo character thoughts.
This is going to sound dumb, but as someone who is generally romantic to the point of tears I find it so difficult to wrap my head around. The one time I talked to someone about it, they made it sound like being aro was incompatible with a monogamous relationship? Maybe they were just talking about their own experience? And sometimes I'm just like - what even is romantic attraction. What does any of this mean 😭 /lh Obviously it's not your job to educate me, and I suppose the whole thing is rather subjective, so only answer this if you want to :)
🐿️ anon
I'd love to talk about them! thanks for asking.
And don't worry about it, honestly it's hilarious how opposite on the romantic attraction spectrum both of us are and yet we like the same characters and share the same taste in x reader stories.
Exactly! What even is romantic attraction? I think about it, and I just blank out. How can others tell what they're feeling is romantic and not just genuine care and unconditional love for another?
When you're younger, people tell you oh you'll grow up and know what being in love feels like. But silly, I already know what being in love feels like? I love my parents, and I love my siblings, I also love my stuffed toys, and I love my friends. But then they tut at you and pat your head saying "Oh that's not real love sweetie, you'll learn it soon don't worry"
So when Then eventually came and I have been in 4 relationships, the love I felt for the people I dated was the exact same love I felt for my friends and family. I didn't get what made them so special supposedly? Sure they're one of my favourite people and I care about them, I just don't feel differently towarda them than when we were friends.
Not to diminish the love I felt. It was massive I tell you, I would die for them. But I would also die for my friends so... they just happened to be my best friend?
I thought of romance as a preformance so I studied it! The petnames, the flirting and the romantic gestures. The language of flowers and the poetry verses. I wanted to get better at the preformace to make them happier and because it interested me as a form of art. Like some people study criminology when they want to write murder mysterious.
Romance for me is like moulding a clay pot, I enjoy learning about it to write it in my stories like any other genre. It also comes in handy to perform to others like a game of pretend. It's not something I can say I have ever felt, for a long time I thought everyone was also pretending and studying it like me, I didn't realise the clay pots we were making had a purpose besides the fun play of making it?
The process of making it is the fun part for me and not the clay pot itself. Which is why I never watch romance movies or read romance stories, it jusr doesn't interest me, and I don't get why the main characters aren't this passionate about loving their friends and family, too? So 90% of the x reader stories I read are just straight up smut.
I liked flowers for the botany and aesthetic like someone would admire a preserved butterfly in a glass case. I liked their language like any other language and how clever humans are to associate different objects with different occasions and make up meanings for relatively nonexistent things.
Tbh I still don't understand flirting, I see it as a complimenting competition. At least unless it's sexual in nature then I do get it and like it.
Aro is a huge spectrum like any other sexuality really. I'm Bi too. Some Aro people absolutely can't stand romance and avoid it like the plague because it makes them comfortable and that's fair. Some Aro people like me are absolutely fascinated by it as a phenomenal. Some others are neutral, it's like a dish served on a big buffet of different kinds of love, some would never glance it's way and avoid it, others would order it out of curiosity even if it tastes like nothing, while others don't really care either way.
But love has so many different aspects! I do feel love! Aro people love others in so many different ways. Romance is just one red rose in the colourful garden of the many emotions humans are able to experience. And ironically, red roses are my favourite flowers, even if i can't smell them.
So after that you'd see why some aro people are incompatible with the socially accepted definition of a relationship, and honestly they're fine with that. You don't need a relationship to be loved and having friends is more than enough for them.
Other aro people do want a relationship but not necessarily with monogamy. They are the most comfortable with it and it makes everyone in the relationship happy.
And some, like me, prefer monogony and a relationship. Humans come in many shapes and forms and their ways to deal with something they can't feel vary a lot.
Sure, I don't experience romance, but I am so full of love as a person that my partners always knew how much I cared for them and everything I did to make them happy. I didn't mind the relationship label, I just wanted my favourite person to stay with me only.
Now for pathologic characters, I'm just fully indulging myself by headcanon them as aro. It's really hard to tell irl because again, people express themselves differently. I never ever had a crush on anyone or felt any attraction besides sexual to another human.
Take Andrey and Peter for example, they clearly immensely love each other above all. Familial unconditional love at its finest. Platonic and full of devotion.
And despite Andrey's implied relationships with Eva and Maria in canon, he doesn't show any romantic intentions towards them? Like he feels extremely poly romance aversed aro to me, he doesn't care if Eva and Maria get with the bachelor and he doesn't express any affection besides platonic ones.
Eva however falls on the non-aro side for me. Ever since I played the bachelor route it's so blatantly clear she is head over heels crushing on Daniil. I may not feel romance but I sure can spot it from a mile away after studying it for so long.
Now Daniil is probably not aro but IN MY SOUL I WANT HIM TO BE. He loves love and humanity in general? Does it make it clear? He doesn't love Eva romanticly but he loves her symbolism in humanity's nature? He loves her essence and soul?
X reader Daniil would prefer a friends with benfits situation. He's a gentleman and never sleezy about it, but he's also not interested in romance gestures. He does love you and care about you like a dear friend tho.
Like how passionate he is above the truth and making progress. Why did we develop medicine if not to save our loved ones and ease their pain? Humanity as a whole is fully powered by love and spite, except that Daniil is more run by spite than most. He hates death, he hates the idea of Eva's innocence being lost and he hates other people suffering.
That's why Aglaya exploited that aspect of him. It's clear he is run by his own principles above all, and those principles include the betterment of humanity. The opposite of love isn't hate, its apathy and Daniil is the furthest thing from apathetic. He so desperately cares about everything all the time that it's sucking the life out of him.
Btw any time I'm talking about love, I mean love in general. Not romantic love. I'm talking about unconditional love, friendly love, familial love and even self love.
Capella is a prime example of aro too! She is looking out for the future of the town and thinking about politics when she is marrying Khan yes, but also she has more lines about him, when she is infected, all that she asks about is if he's well. When pushed, she admits that she doesn't love him, she never will but he will eventually grow to love her with time.
She cares, she deeply cares about him. Even if she'll never love him romanticly, she still loves him in all the other ways. Meanwhile Khan's answers when pushed about his feelings for Capella convay his romantic crush, he is flustered and embarrassed while Capella is confident and sure.
I've never felt flustered or embarrassed about loving someone either, because you love your friends all your life, you announce to the whole world how much you love your pets without a single hint of embarrassent so why would it be any different about someone you're dating?
Younger Vlad I think can't experience any type of love at all. He confides in you at the end that he never loved his mother, Victoria, despite the whole town loving her. He never hated her, he still cared but he just doesn't get the whole love thing at all.
And it does paint his character in a new light, he doesn't understand or feel love, in any form. It showed why he acts reckless and is confused when his father is angry at him. Why would his father care if he ends up hurt or not by his own actions? Love is sure weird.
So he looks at is subjectively. Much like he ignorantly wants to "uplift" the kin with better working conditions and enforce technology on them. He doesn't understand their ways which were built on love, all forms of love. He doesn't get their attachment to the earth, their love for their own mother.
Artemy is the vessel for absolute unconditional love in the game. His story is filled with it to the brim, much like the heart pumps more than blood onto your veins.
That's why I like seeing Aglaya as not aro. People always assume the mechincal and cold characters must be aro out of stereotypes, the "robotic" ruthless ones. Its so boring man. She clearly develops an attraction to Artemy through the story, and unlike Andrey doesn't paint it in a sexual light.
I spoke before about how her and Eva feel like the different embodiment of humanity's essence and i still stand by that. Also when Aglaya flirts with Artemy, he's neutral and doesn't reciprocate much yet she keeps going. But then at the end he hits you with the "she's my wife" line.
Like oh my god he loved her too all that time! Deeply! and she's smart enough to recognise that. She knew he didn't express himself romanticly and was fine with that, she also knew he didn't mind her flirting.
There is also Yulia, Victor, Nina and Maria who feel incredibly aro to me. Anna and Rubin too.
But of course when i write them in my x reader, I don't make them aro. Like I said it's just personal indulgence and I enjoy writing romance, it's really fun even when I don't feel it. Like a colourblind person painting! It's a science to me.
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shmowder · 4 months
The urge to headcanon every pathologic character as aroallo is getting harder to resist each day
They'd each fall differently on the Aversed/Neutral/favoured spectrum for romance. Some would go for a relationship, and others would prefer a fwb situation. Some are poly by default while others prefer monogomy.
#YOU'RE ARO AND YOU'RE ARO AND YOU'RE ARO AND EVERYONE HERE IS ARO#Lara is so Aro codded you CANNOT tell me otherwise#Honestly Aglaya might be the only non-aro character ironically enough#Actually Eva too#BUT ARTEMY? ALL ARO#VICTOR KAIN?? AROOOO. EVEN NINA KAINA FUCK YEAH ARO QUEEN#Rubin is aro but doesn't know what aro is so he assumes everyone is just the same#DANIIL DANKOVSKY THE AROALLO KING#Peter👀👀👀👀 Yes#Andrey too actually#LISTEN vlad#the younger obv#the older is so smitten in love and it's so beautiful#Capella actually feels aro to me the way she says she doesn't love khan but still cares and wants to be with him#ik it's for the town future but when pushed she admits he doesn't love her yet but he will eventually#but she doesn't say anything about her loving him eventually#Yulia is aro too you're not escaping the aro ray#Maria is romance repulsed aro she doesn't want a relationship either no matter what kind#But Artemy is romance favoured aro#Anna? Aro. BUT she likes peaple admiring her and getting crushed tho she will never reciprocite#ASPITY? AROOOOO all the way. Familial love is the whole world to her and everything else is second place#I don't see Katerina and Alexander being aro BUT they're very supportive parents of Clara being aro#By supportive I mean extremely embarrassed also completely misunderstanding it#Alexander Block looks at Clara like “What you're describing is what everyone feels tho right?” not realising he too is aro#He has intense platonic love and care for others#♧several characters
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