#♪sorry for an inconvenient end of your world...♪))
larsonabarsona · 6 months
🎶🎵I′m the escape, salvation, the mother of lies
I'm the mace, the map, the fall & the high
I'm the creator of chaos, the order of life
I′m the pain, the reaper, a structure of lies...
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landofzero-archive · 8 months
Ibara Saegusa - Caution or Warning?
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Event: Two Sides◆The 2×2 of Lies And Truth
Episode 1:
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(Location: Cafe)
Ibara: Ahaha! I never expected Anzu-san to accept my invitation so readily. I’m very happy to hear that!
…… And that’s enough flattery. To my understanding, you accepted the invitation because you felt guilty, right?
The people who decided to accept the 2x2 job were the two from 2wink. You were just respecting their wishes.
Option 1: But……
Ibara: There’s no “but” about it. Arrangements have already begun, and you must have been making preparations for some time.
Is this a time to brood? For now, take responsibility for the new program and the idols appearing on it, and focus on seeing it through to the end.
Option 2: I apologize for the inconvenience……
Ibara: I don’t know what will happen in the future, but…… So far, I haven’t had any trouble.
It’s true that no matter how active 2wink is on that program, there’s nothing in it for us, so I can’t exactly be thankful for it!
Option 3: Thank you……
Ibara: Instead of saying “thank you,” your face looks like it’s saying “I’m sorry.”
This time, I’m not involved in the program at all. If you would like to show your gratitude, then please give generously to our office’s idols.
Episode 2:
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(Location: Cafe)
Ibara: …… Or rather, the huge amount of material you were compiling the other day was for 2x2.
I got the point from both your unclear answer and your unsatisfied attitude.
Factional conflicts are common. Wouldn’t it be better to learn more about tactics and strategies to not only survive, but to also advance yourself?
Option 1: Hm~mm……
Ibara: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with increasing the number of weapons you can use on the battlefield.
If you think that it’ll be a burden to you or a negative, I won’t force you to do it. It’s just a suggestion.
Option 2: Is there a way to prevent it?
Ibara: Hold on, how could you have prevented this situation?
…… If you’re thinking about self-defense in the future, I think you should take this opportunity to learn. For you, and for the idols.
Option 3: You mean the secret of success in life?
Ibara: Ah, I think you’re missing that too. The world is not so kind that you can get by with only good humanity.
Kindness can sometimes hurt the dignity of others. Therefore, I think it’s a necessary skill to “not hurt others.”
Episode 3:
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(Location: Cafe)
Ibara: —Now then. If we keep talking like this, you’ll get bored and won’t be able to relax.
You may be dissatisfied with the long wait when your menu has only been opened. Shall we choose something and order it?
A seasonal limited menu, a meal set only available during lunch…… Has Anzu-san already decided what she wants to eat?
Option 1: Have you decided yet?
Ibara: Yes. Since I only order drinks, I just have to look at the pages that have drinks and decide quickly.
Even if you tell me to eat properly…… I understand. I’ll eat something, so please don’t be so aggressive at times like this.
Option 2: I’m still worried.
Ibara: If I could give Anzu-san one piece of advice, it would be to use the calorie index as a reference at restaurants.
See, it’s listed next to each menu item. Looking beyond photos and prices may help solve your problem.
Option 3: I want to think about it a little more.
Ibara: You’re having trouble deciding which of the three limited menu items to choose…… Then, let’s make a quick decision using Ghost Leg lottery. (1)
And if you want to try other things, just visit again during the offer period. If you do that, you’ll eventually conquer the menu♪
Ghost Leg is a method of lottery where vertical lines are drawn between the players and an outcome, with horizontal legs between those lines (as added by the players, who don't know which end of the vertical lines equals what/who). From there, the players trace down from the top of the vertical line, crossing between lines whenever a horizontal leg is encountered until they reach the bottom and receive whatever outcome that indicates. In Japan, it's referred to as "阿弥陀籤" (Amidakuji). It's also known as "사다리타기" (Sadaritagi) in Korea and "鬼腳圖" (Guijiaotu) in China.
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Hello! (๑>◡<๑) Could request a BTS Ship game? Please and Thank you so much. Let me tell you a little about myself. My personality type is ENFP-A but I feel like I have a bit of INFP-A.( If that makes sense lol ) I’m also a Scorpio.
My height is 5’6 , brown eyes and a brunette. Kinda slim body. ( Tho I’m self conscious about my appearance) I’m a shy person at first meeting. But once I’m more familiar with someone I can express myself well and be more energetic with that person. I enjoy sometime out like a walk in nature, a small get together or a museum but some days I enjoy staying home reading a good book. I love to paint it really relaxes me. I don’t like it when the attention is all centered in me. It makes me a bit uncomfortable ( and I don’t think very highly of myself ) I’m also very soft spoken so I have been in many situations where people ask me to speak up more. ( also a bit naive but I’m learning to Stan up for myself) And boiii Am I clumsy. The kind of clumsy that you trip will walking in a straight line clumsy.
I used to play the Violin which I very much miss. I have also been in Theater activities when I was in school. I don’t shy away from deep conversation. I can go on and on in any topic and share my knowledge.( Tho I suck at studying Lol I get easily distracted) I also enjoy expand it more. My taste in music is Everywhere. From Old 80’s Rock to Pop Rap, Grunge to R&M and Indie/ Alternative to Synthwave. My favorite KDrama is My ID is Gangnam Beauty. It’s my comfort show it just love it ε-(´∀`; ). I relate a lot to the main character and her experience. I’m also a Hopeless Romantic and Any gesture of affection like hugs from behind, kisses, holding hands ect. Just melts me . Well Thanks again! ♪( ´▽`) I’m sorry if this was to long. I really enjoy your content!!💕💕✨
Hello @thenightbazaar01
K-Drama's always manage to get one in the feels.
The person I ship you with is Taehyung.
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You have unlocked Soulmate AU.
In your world a process called soulmate manifestation occurs.
Which is basically at any point in your life the soulmates mark will make itself visible
Since its different for everyone and only matches with your soulmate. That's how you confirm that this is your soulmate.
For example your friend got an obvious mark her soulmates neck on her collar bone. Which she never failed to show off.
Another one could visit her soulmate in her dreams which helped them continue their long distance relationship.
Before you could figure out your mark you met Taehyung.
You met at the music room of the orphanage you both volunteered at to participate in the music event for a fundraiser and also so that the kids could have a good time.
You along with other volunteers taught the kids to play the instruments and dancing. Taehyung taught them the dance and you violin and another volunteer Yoongi guitar.
One day Taehyung cannot make it for the appointment because he is sick so you and Yoongi take up the class.
Except you start hiccuping. Since you were a kid you got hiccups at very inconvenient situations like that one time during exams when you had forgotten to bring your water bottle.
You would try everything to quite or end them but they always disappeared as miraculously as they came.
You and Taehyung started dating. It was all well until he had to go on a month long vacation with his family.
And you got hiccup stricken.
Your friend joked about it being your soulmate mark when the epiphany dawned.
You called Taehyung.
"Wah, you're really my medicine I was having these hiccups which made eating food difficult I might or might not have dropped my soda on my litter sisters dress." He tells you.
"Not the medicine I think I'm the cause of the hiccups."
"Is this what I think it is. You're not pulling my leg right?"
"It's exactly."
"I called it Jiminie and Jungkookie owe me 100 dollars each. I love you let me buy you a ring ok when I come back. .. I will get you the biggest rock in the shop love ..oh my mom's calling .. mom its my soulmate.. no not jimin .. ok bye love..."
I guess now you have a soulmate and soon a ring and a competitor?.. anyway I wish you have a happy time with your lovable soulmate.
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mikarashis · 5 years
Cheval Live - Epilogue Two
Summer Sky * Galloping Cheval Live - Epilogue Two
Season: Summer
Location: Horse-riding club
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Mika: (...naa?  Lookin’ out over th’ crowd, there’s even people that’re standin’ and watchin’.  ‘S not like we did that great a job advertisin’ or anythin’, so ‘s kinda weird there’s so many people here?)
Arashi: Mika-chan?  You stopped moving.  If you’re tired, why don’t you take a break?
Mika: naa, ‘m not tired!  I’m fine!
‘s about this promotional live...th’ truth is, I didn’t think about th’ whole advertisin’ part much, so now ‘m wonderin’ - even though I overlooked alla that, there’s so many people here.
Arashi: well, maybe the people at the club did their best to gather an audience.
Mika: I see...I...everyone’s helped me so much - Anzu-chan, Ritsu-kun, Oshi-san...’m so thankful, ‘m gonna start cryin’.  
Arashi: ufufu, it’s because Mika-chan is a good boy, so many people want to lend you a hand!
(Hey, Mika-chan - if you knew that Nazuna-chan was one of those people too, what would your reaction be?  But of course, I won’t say anything; Nazuna-chan doesn’t want you or your ‘Oshi-san’ finding out...besides, I’m just your friend, I wouldn’t feel right interfering in that sort of relationship.  
But I did ask Nazuna-chan for advice on how to promote the live, so that’s the real reason there are so many people gathered.  Ufufu, you know, I wonder if Nazuna-chan is watching from somewhere, too)
Mika: ......
Arashi: what’s wrong, Mika-chan?  If you forgot the choreography, just keep doing the steps you already did.  I practiced a lot, so I can take over.
Mika: ‘m sorry, Naru-chan!
Arashi: eh, eh?  Why are you suddenly apologizing?  It’s fine, you can follow me if you’d like!  Leave it to your Onee-chan ♪
Mika: naa~... ‘s not that, but I feel like, in this case, I need t’ apologize t’ Naru-chan.  So I apologize fer all the inconvenience that I’ve caused!  This was s’posed t’ be about makin’ summer memories fer ya, but b’cause of my mistake, we ended up doin’ this promotional live fer the ridin’ club.  I mean, maybe the idea of makin’ summer memories in the first place was annoyin’ by itself.  
I thought it up on my own and kinda pulled ya along with me.  I jes’ wanted t’ do somethin’ nice fer my friend, but I guess I’m really a big idiot.
Arashi: that’s not true!
Mika: Na-Naru-chan...?
Arashi: seeing a friend of mine try so hard just for me...there’s no way I would ever find that annoying.  Honestly, I was happy.  I didn’t have much of a summer this year, so I was already hoping next year would be better.  You don’t need to blame yourself for any of that.  
What was the promotion of this riding club but another kind of ‘Summer Fes’?  And getting to stand on-stage together with you was the most wonderful memory I could hope to make.
Thank you, Mika-chan.  Because of your efforts, I got to enjoy a piece of the best summer ever... ♪
Mika: Naru-chan...
Arashi: here, here; lift your head up - let’s sing and dance together ♪
Mika: r-right!  Na~, let’s get th’ guests t’ pay attention t’ us!  Y’know, I don’t mind it at all this time; I want t’ be noticed!  Ahaha, I wonder why ♪
Arashi: let’s show everyone how close we are ♪
Mika: na, isn’t it hot if ya cling t’ me?  Don’t y’ hate gettin’ sweaty?
Arashi: if I’d hated it, I wouldn’t have suggested it.  You’re-special, Mika-chan; you’re my best friend ♪
Mika: yeah!  Naru-chan is my best friend, too!  Everyone~  look, look!  This is my most wonderful friend in the whole world  ♪
♪~ ♪~ ♪~
Arashi: (my, my, saying that kind of thing...but, if you say I’m the most wonderful friend in the world, then I also feel the exact same way about Mika-chan.  Let’s keep getting along well from now on.  I love you, Mika-chan)
♪~ ♪~ ♪~
That’s it!  Honestly I’m kind of amazed I managed to get all of this done, but I hope you enjoyed reading it~
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