#✉ oυтɢoιɴɢ
conscriptur · 3 years
“I punched him.”
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“ I'm sorry...Hermione, who exactly did you punch ??? ” The question was completely informal for the new title he held as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor; however, Remus was taken aback by the sheer bravery Hermione had in stating the fact that she had a physical altercation with another individual. It was quite possibly the last words he would have thought to hear from the girl. Due to that, his childlike demeanor came rushing back into him as if he was back at school himself listening to dear Lily go on about who she put in their place this time.
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conscriptur · 3 years
“I never wanted to raise our child alone.”
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"Wait...what?" He questioned her frozen in the spot he stood. Percival was in pure disbelief at her words. It could not be true, what she said. Out of many people he was acquainted with, she of all people would be considerate enough to let someone know of such a delicate secret that pertained to another party--greatly.
"I hope to God you are not toying with me right now, Hermione. Because I really don't see any way that it would make me feel any different if this is just some story." There was part of him, deep down in his heart that he believed her even though it just seemed so unlikely for her to hide things from him even if they were no longer an item anymore.
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conscriptur · 5 years
“I need you.” ( Clint )
lost meme
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“ No, you need the old me but he’s not around anymore. No one needs this me. I’m a monster. ” Clint denied the other with ease. The words fell out of his mouth like it was nothing. He was numb to the pain that it should have brought him as he spoke. Clint knew that it was the truth even if she would deny it right then and there. His family was gone and he had become something evil. His act of purging those who were undeniably evil themselves was just an act of evil in itself. He was no better than than them. Not now nor ever again would he be redeemed. “ Wanda, you need someone good and strong. Someone that doesn’t waiver in their judgement like I have. ”
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conscriptur · 5 years
“Take my hand.” @ kelly
lost meme 
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The request took the mortal by surprise. Her eyes searched the angel’s own for an unspoken answer of his plan once she let her hand slipped into his grasp. The wait for such an answer did not keep her hesitating to obey for very long. Kelly came to decide on her own that an answer was not needed right now and he would explain his actions soon enough. Her angelic protector always did. 
She let her fingertips brush against his before entwining her hand with Gabe’s, the warmth against her palm almost instantly giving her a comfort. “ Now what? ” She asked him in return the curiosity further taking over in her mind. 
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conscriptur · 5 years
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ( Kelly )
a lost meme 
A small shriek left the woman’s lips when Gabriel swept her off her feet so quickly and so sure of himself. It wasn’t as if she was not expecting it to happen when he walked over to her but how quickly it happened and with such ease. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck as he walked her back to the bedroom. Kelly was positive the angel was becoming rather annoyed with her now that she determined she was perfectly fine to walk around the house and take care of small chores here and there though she was getting closer to the end of her pregnancy. 
“ If you give me another speech needing all the bed rest I can get, I don’t know what I’ll do just yet, but I’ll do something! ” Kelly eyed something on the nightstand, the corners of her lips turned up into a smile. “ I’ll hide your bag of gummy bears. ”
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@gavrele ( gabriel )
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conscriptur · 5 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
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Thank you  !!! This is so sweet and i will throw all the love back at you !
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conscriptur · 5 years
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.” ( for finnick )
hurt meme. || not accepting 
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“ Nell, ” Finnick began, his tone soft and hushed an unconscious precaution for if he was not so gentle with his voice it could easily bring the other to shatter. He reached out for her hand to pull her back to the surface with him rather than wherever she attempted to hide during this conversation. Of course, he had no idea what went on in her mind, he was not going to blatantly assume that what was trapped inside was not so threatening. However, Finnick had dealt with a similar case with his past love. Nell and Annie were two different people but he had learned how to deal with the moments where it was difficult to understand. Finnick was able to be the stability for someone so fragile. In that case, Nell wouldn’t be so different and he would do everything to be there for her just like he was with Annie.
Now, the question was did he dispell his past to the woman in front of him or just carry on and make her understand that there was no reason to distance herself from him. Finnick ran his thumb over the back of her hand looking to her with hopeful eyes. “ You may be right that I don’t want to be there but if that’s where you are that’s where I need to be. There’s no reason for you to be alone in that dark place in your mind. I’ve seen firsthand the destruction that happens when the mind has an uncontrollable hold on someone. ” For a moment he was falling back into thought of that time but he did his best to shake it off and give Nell a smile. “ Sorry to break it to you but you really can’t get rid of me that easily. ” A classic Finnick Odair move, to bring out the light-heartedness that was hidden underneath a serious conversation, an attempt to bring a smile matching his own onto the other’s lips.
@secondnell ( nell crain )
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conscriptur · 5 years
“Please don’t cry.” (@kelly!)
3 LITTLE WORDS… || accepting
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“I’m not crying.” The words swiftly escaped from her lips to reassure Jack that she was indeed alright. But it was hard to hide the tears that welled in her eyes even with the touch of a smile and her eyes illuminating a shy brightness at the sight of her son. Kelly was crying and all the signs were right there expressed on her face. Her hand moved to lightly touch her son’s cheek. He was real. He was standing there right in front of her and the image was not being whisked away like a disturbance in a dream mere seconds before one wakes. 
Part of Kelly wished to tell him she never wanted to see him now knowing where exactly her feet stood. The repetitive cycle of memories had been broken by his entrance into her backyard not knowing this was not the first time he had stepped foot there. Though she wished to never see her own son, it was only a selfish wish for him not to be here in heaven–in death. For really, Kelly longed to see her son grow up and be an amazing man, with angelic powers or not. “You aren’t supposed to be here. You’re supposed to be…” The realization of his death was finally setting in and led to more tears springing in to cloud her vision of the handsome boy that stood before her. “You’re supposed to be alive.” A gasp for air as the admittance of reality was spoken aloud and her words echoed in her ears. 
@halfgraced ( jack kline )
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conscriptur · 5 years
“I stole it.” / from fangs
3 LITTLE WORDS… || accepting
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“ Wait, what? How the fuck did you get your hands on that? ” Joaquin’s eyes went wide in shock. A hand fell onto the other’s shoulder so he could get a better look at the item that his friend held in his hands. The teen had no idea if he should be worried about the consequences that would come from this turn of events or excited for the possibility of finding a way to escape the hell that the Gargoyle King had bestowed on the town. “ Y-You don’t think—fuck, this could be our saving grace b-but… ” Fear was rising in him. There was no fear for his own life but for the other serpent. Fangs were already doing so much on behalf of the serpents by playing the guinea pig in this operation to infiltrate the gargoyle gang. Joaquin has already put his neck out in multiple situations with both sides of this war, the serpents, and the gargoyles but picking a side was thrown out easily when it came to his best friend. Fangs Fogarty was his one and only ride or die guy and Joaquin would do anything and everything to keep him safe just like when they were kids, even if Joaquin had always been a shrimp and unable to live up to this mindset he was in. “ Fangs, if they go after you–you gotta get outa there, alright? Worst comes to worst, you pin it all on me and make sure you look like you don’t have anything to do with it. ”
@pathsdiverge ( fangs fogarty )
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conscriptur · 5 years
“I kissed him.”
3 LITTLE WORDS… || accepting
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What was the point in letting him know about a kiss between him and some other guy–even if it was his best friend. So, maybe there was a reason for him to know about it but it was as if he wanted to know. Kevin obviously moved on and was kissing Fangs, his best friend. Kevin was not his anymore so there was no point in fighting over a simple kiss. Part of him wanted to cause the argument or even storm off and ask Fangs what the hell he was doing. There was that whole bro code shit that guys weren’t supposed to break because they were–bros. However, Joaquin was not the kind of guy to cause a scene especially with the guy he was still in love with, Kevin fucking Keller.
“Cool cool.” Joaquin finally spoke up softly. His eyes never fully reached the eyes of the other. They only flitted up with a glance to his lips that were no longer his to kiss. That was an obvious statement because here they were talking about his ex kissing Fangs. “Congrats to you–both, seriously. You guys deserve each other.” It was going so well for him up until that point and his words were like daggers spouting out. His feelings could be confused with anger but it was only of hurt and regret that he couldn’t be whatever Fangs was able to be to Kevin. The only thought racing through his mind now was to just walk away from it all and pretend that he had not heard those three words. 
@hispreppy ( kevin keller )
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conscriptur · 5 years
💔 (for Hal)
43. Our muses at a mutual loved one’s funeral.
As eyes rested on the casket in front of him, his mind reeled back to the night that led up to this moment. Perfection? That was always the goal to be achieved with the Cooper Family. Both him and Alice striving to make the world outside be envious of their family. Everything was exactly that, perfect until his eldest daughter jeopardized everything. Parents often say that a child takes after the father or mother, Polly, in this case, was much like her mother. Though Alice fought with him and made her stance clear on how they should handle the situation at hand now that Polly was back from the Sister’s. 
Now, not only was Polly tarnishing the reputation the Coopers had but Alice as well. She defied him with Polly and then had the heart to create a domino effect by seeking out their son. Alice Smith, the beautiful bad girl she was begging for a life she could only dream of which Hal gave to her. Hal gave her everything she could ever want; the clothes, the jewelry, and near all expenses paid for by him and his parents. Better yet, the status of being one of them, a Northsider. What was Alice doing after she was given so many luxuries? Throwing it all away like it never meant anything! 
That night, another fight boiled to the edge and overflowed causing Hal to snap. His hands curled around her delicate neck in his fit of rage. Even as she tried to claw at him, her nails only hitting the surface of his sweater it had been of no use. The life slowly drifting out of her eyes. Her eyes rolled back with fluttering eyelids until she was still. There was finally peace in the Cooper house once again. The murder was the easy part; however, finding the best way to cover up[ what he had done was trickier. Bruises would form around her neck and fabric tucked under her nails. There was also the tragedy of telling his kids. 
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Hal was drawn out of his thoughts when a figure walked up beside him. His eyes flickered up to see the young man who was now at his side. Blonde hair and those sad blue eyes. He heaved a sigh looking down, no longer wishing to peer at the open casket. He had seen enough of his wife. The older man licked his lips before he uttered a comment to the other. “ It’s too bad you didn’t get much time with Alice. ” That was all he had to say. There was nothing sweet or comforting about his words. Now was not the time for Hal to become sentimental with his reemerged son. 
With that, he stole one look to the young man before leaving his place next to him. There was nothing more to say, nothing more to do but stand in the back away from the individuals coming in and out and offering their condolences.
@snakeblccded ( charles smith )
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conscriptur · 5 years
“ i had nothing to do with that. ” moose
angst & post-angst sentences.  || accepting
If it hadn’t been for the fact there were countless people sitting in that waiting room worried sick about Fangs Fogarty, including the young Serpent’s mom, Joaquin would have pulled the tough guy act and attempted to lunge at the jock. How could he say that he had nothing to do with it? Moose may have not pulled the trigger that night when the riot broke out but he had everything to do with Fangs getting shot. Petty anger, that’s all this was but it meant a whole hell of a lot more to Joaquin. This was his best friend that was in surgery on the brink of death. This was his best friend that he saw lying in his own blood. So taking his anger out on Moose was the only way for him to cope right then. 
Why had he been so against the Northside teen? Easy. He was the boyfriend of the girl that ended up almost dead--the incident in which Fangs was blamed. Joaquin didn’t actually know the whole story of what all happened but there was a gut instinct that Moose played a role in it somehow. “ You didn’t shoot him, no, but you’re the girl’s boyfriend, right? You’re just as guilty with how you treated him, you and your Northside asshole friends, when my best friend has been nothing but honest about everything. So you didn’t do the deed but you still have everything to do with him in there-- ” Joaquin pointed to the double doors, where behind in some cold, white room, no doubt Fangs was being stitched up like a doll. His emotions were getting the best of him now. He could just hear Fangs give a laugh at how sensitive he always could be. 
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“ My best friend might fucking die. All because of you and the other Northside jocks getting a little upset that your girl finally had a realization of what good taste in guys was. ”
@oftroubledsouls ( moose mason )
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conscriptur · 5 years
“ you would’ve let me die. ” for joaquin
angst & post-angst sentences.  || accepting
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“ N-N-N-No…Archie, I didn’t… ” There was no way to argue with those words. Archie was right, the teen would have let him die. That was the whole point for him to ascend, escape from the hell hole that was juvie. Killing the Red Paladin was the quest he had prepared himself to take on and complete for ascension and he had failed. Though, now, broken beyond repair and alone to fend for himself, for the most part, knowing he could not go not retreat back to the Serpents nor the Gargoyles. As he now was faced with the red-haired teen he was meant to assist in his murder. 
Once again the poor boy’s eyes burned with tears, just as they had when he plunged the knife into his friend’s abdomen before his fight that day. Joaquin was guilt-ridden. It had been selfish of him to only think about his escape but even with those words Archie had spoken with the care of a friend that day that he would come back, could it have been believed? Why did he deserve to be saved after the escape, merely more of an acquaintance of the teen? However, as much as he would have wanted to believe those words and not have committed the treachery he did, there was no way the young Hispanic would have lasted behind those walls for any longer. It had been his one chance to be free again and live rather than die and he took it. 
“ The Warden…Archie–If I didn’t shiv you, I wouldn’t be alive…I–I’m so sorry, Archie but I–I couldn’t. I had to do it or–or– ” It was becoming harder to speak, his voice quivering the further his explanation trailed. A tear had finally fallen onto his cheek. His face was beginning to pale as he thought back to that day, the before, the climax, and the after. 
There was now just some hope that Archie could forgive him. Nothing else mattered anymore. Knowing that he failed his quest and would not ascend, there was no hope. Joaquin was sure to be punished for his failure–outcasted just as he already was with the Serpents.  
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conscriptur · 5 years
‘ by the way , you’ve been uninvited . ’
—    BILLIE  EILISH  LYRICS . || accepting
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“ Wai--what? You seriously can’t be univinting me from this, man. Like I get it I’m not whatever you are or like those other guys but I want to help you guys! This hunting shit you do is like pretty freakin’ awesome. I can handle it. ”
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conscriptur · 5 years
Holds hand.
Send for your muse to do one of the following to mine. || not accepting 
There has been something lacking in the marksman every since that dreadful day in Sokovia. It was something he had pushed deep inside himself so as to not burden others with the tremendous wave of emotions that had come about due to that day. He’s always putting a brave face on. That’s what you have to do in this line of work. People die all the time, they risk their lives to save others. However, the loss he witnessed in Sokovia was not just someone that faced these consequences head on and considered it their duty--their job. No, this was a kid, a naive kid who risked his life to protect him an old man and the kid he was holding because he was unselfish and without wearing a badge or known to the world, a hero. 
The day Pietro died was one that he won’t ever forget. Getting out of there with a kid saved from the terrors and another one by his side laying dead on the floor was a mix of relief and regret. Clint was only thinking of the present then, how thankful he was for Pietro for risking his life and doing what any man would do by taking his body back to be properly laid to rest for Wanda’s sake. The boy’s poor sister who had endured enough suffering with him and now--to be without him and having to face the world alone. 
It did not hit him till he actually got back to the States. Months later after he offered Wanda to stay with him while they come up with the game plan of what she would do, if she wanted to go back and put her life on the line with the rest of the Avengers or stay away from that spotlight. Being around her more and more with his family, he was happy for her but the feelings were only crawling back onto the surface of his skin. The blame was setting in deep. Clint was at fault for them becoming separated with life and death. If he hadn’t urged them to fight alongside them, maybe--just maybe Pietro would still be alive. It could have been a possibility for him to find them again and take them in as part of his family just as he was doing now.
So there were days like these, where his emotions got the better of him as he thought back to that day. Drinking his beer on the back porch, alone while the rest of the family was carrying on with their day. Thought back to losing Pietro and how much Wanda was suffering because of his persuasion for them to fight. He ruined the happiness she had left in her life. 
Clint was drawn out of the cold thoughts that clouded his mind when he felt the warmth of a hand entwine with his own free hand. The man looked over and couldn’t help but give a sad smile to the redhead that now accompanied him. It had passed his mind times before to open up to her and let her know he was sorry for what he did. However, he never wanted to open those wounds again. If it was hard enough for him to patch up his own, there was no telling how difficult it would be to bandage her’s again. Clint gave Wanda’s hand a squeeze as he took a sip of his beer. They could relish in the silence as the summer air drew colder with the setting sun. Having Wanda here with him right now as he was stuck in the murky water of despair, he was able to come to a final decision. 
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“ I’m gonna retire. I can’t do the hero thing anymore.” She could take those words how she liked. Make up her mind if he was retiring with his third child here and needing two parents to take care of him. Or, if she would see through and know the past kept him encased in quicksand, lacking the hope to escape when the loss of a life was weighing him down.
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conscriptur · 5 years
“ she’s not you. ” Lukas @ Philip
His heart skipped a beat at those three words and for a moment he forgot what it was like to breathe. Although Gabe had said when his stomach hurt that it meant he was in love, a different feeling was erupting in him. It was soft and fleeting. He felt queasy and yet like butterflies were fluttering around in him and would carry him away from the earth all the way to cloud nine. The vulnerability of the boy he loved emerged and it was the start of something–of them. 
Philip wanted to kiss the other right then and give into those words. He wasn’t Rose. He definitely would argue that he was definitely the better kisser without even having kissed the girl before. He was able to make Lukas happy for moments and feel good about himself with as much as a single touch. The lonely teen stretched out his arm allowing his fingers to trace down Lukas’s arm. However, once he reached the other’s knuckles he withdrew his hand giving a sigh. Should he let himself fall deeper into those pretty words only to be pushed away again? Philip’s face was losing the expression of bliss the replacement one of sadness.
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“ You’re right and she’s someone you’re okay with talking to in public, holding hands in public–kissing. I’m just a secret you’re ashamed to be around unless it’s just you and me. ”
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