fat-butch-dyke · 9 months
Emergency Sketch Commissions!
Hey yall money's tight this month and rents coming up so! I'm opening up a few slots for some sketch commissions if you'd like to help out!
Will do: original characters (with reference) + Canon characters (both yugioh and other media), suggestive content, mild blood
Won't do: mecha, heavy gore, heavy nsfw, furry
If you have any questions feel free to DM me and I'm happy to answer! Payments through my Kofi 💜
Expect up to two weeks for the final product. I will send a rough sketch/outline to get confirmation you like it before cleaning it up for you!
Bust/Headshot: $25 + $10 per additional character (up to 3)
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Half Body: $35 + $10 per additional character (up to 3)
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yumik00001 · 1 year
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Me and my tsundere boyfie
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storge · 8 months
welcome back!!! i was beginning to get worried dhsjhjd hope you’re doing well! i missed your commentaries hehehehe
Thank you friend!!!! And I am well so no worriesssss.💖💖💖💖 And my commentaries..... i haven't the slightest idea what you meannnnn ¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿
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othercrossee · 10 months
Kinda insane some of y'all defend people who deserve to die with such. Passion
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imikhailo · 1 year
yo, i got my blue checkmark thingy :)
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dailysideshowbob · 1 year
cant wait for your return!!!! i love your blog so much
thanks for staying loyal like that it has been 4 years
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queenii-llama · 2 years
havent seen anyone shipping Dream and Lucifer yet which is. a shame
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queermil · 2 years
these days i really only log onto this website to drop devastating gif sets and then bounce for another week
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kotoyin · 2 years
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sunny entering a room full of ne'er-do-wells, charging a dazling gleam,
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I might have covid for a second time, or a really bad headcold, hard to tell yet.
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arainbowmess · 3 months
Lady. LADY. Lady. Get the fuck away from me.
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sayurime · 5 months
tmnt 03-12
Ok, mirando los episodios de tmnt 2003 me estoy dando cuenta de muchas cosas que están mal con 2012, lo cual es duro porque AMO a los chicos 2012.
1.- el como tratan a Mikey, este ha sido un tema muy recurrente dentro del fandom, sobre todo con los fanáticos de Rise, ya que en los fics siempre hablan de como los chicos 12 tratan a su Mikey y bueno en tmnt 03 solo he visto muy pocos momentos en dónde golpean a Mickey o lo ignoren. Y ME DUELE RECONOCER QUE LOS HERMANOS 12 SON MÁS BRUTOS 😭
2.- El tema del líder, en 12 es muy subrayado que Leo es el líder, es un recordatorio constante y algo que lo define, en cambio en 03 jamás se hace mención de esto pero todos sabemos que él es que manda, como un acuerdo y aceptación silenciosa de que Leo es él líder del equipo. (Aclaro que apenas estoy en la segunda temporada, aún me falta mucho por ver).
3.- Splinter, tengo un amor-odio hacia Splinter12, ya que se que ama a sus hijos y los quiere proteger, pero al mismo tiempo siento que de alguna manera los crío para ser soldados que libren las batallas que el no pudo ganar, en cambio Splinter 03 hasta ahora solo ha mostrado amor y preocupación por sus hijos, sin ningún motivo oculto. Es como si el Splinter que fue un animal antes de mutar fuera más amoroso que el que alguna vez fue humano.(vuelvo a aclarar, voy en la segunda temporada, quizás me llevé una sorpresa en el futuro)
Yyyyyy, hasta aquí mi reporte… hasta que siga avanzando en más capítulos y tenga más cosas que decir, chao.
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storge · 2 years
hiiiiiii helloooooo <3 i wanted to say that your holic gifsets are Gorgeous Beautiful Stunning and i want to apologize in advance bc i will most likely continue to be deranged abt them in the tags for the foreseeable future <3 thank u so much for making+sharing them!!
i was also curious bc of what you said abt there being two sets of subs, could i ask where you found them? i watched it on k*ss*si*n out of sheer desperation and the subs were soooo bad it was hilarious actually lmfao (if you have any tips abt any good place to download the movie itself i'd also appreciate it, but i understand if you prefer not to share links for whatever reason)
in any case, i hope you have a great rest of the week!! and once again thank you for such beautiful work ♥♥♥
AHHHHHH!! Hello there friend!!! 💖💖🧡💚❤💙💖💚💙💖💖💖💙🧡💚💖💖😭😭😭😭😭😭 You are being to kind too meeeee. Thank you so much trulyyyy 🥰🥰🥰. I've been waiting for the moviee to come out and im so glad i can finally gif it. Thank you for thinking they look niceeee. And i loveeee happy tagssss so yessssss no worries!!! Tags are my thingggg 👌
Okay okay so now the goodssss. friendddd... not the kis*asian... friendddddd... that's always gonna be a hit or misssss. Don't do that to yourself 😌😌😌. Now there is one set of subs i think on Avis*s but i haven't gone there to check. (Someone told me about them.) The subs I watched were from the lovely aoinousagi. Which you can find on their page (where you will have access to everything you need) , or on drama-otaku (which you will have to sign up for.. BUTTT its not hard too and it's VERYYY worth to get👍👍).
If you need anymore help just let me knowwww, i gotchu friendddd!! Thank you againn and i hope you have a lovely end of the yearrrrrr 😗😙😚😘😘😘😘😘
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gingerteaonthetardis · 2 months
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april 27th is the most important day of the year. to me
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retquits · 18 days
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i guess we're doin this
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s1ithers · 2 years
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shapeshifting lessons with the gf
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