#✒ the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself — canon divergence
divinikey · 1 year
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divinikey · 5 years
canon div post
unlike what others may think, lucy heartfilia does INDEED have a ribcage
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divinikey · 5 years
after the war, lucy was well. tired. she had almost died many times and the entire war really put That into perspective. mage life was fun and she made great friends, but was it worth her life? her time in fairy tail she had been tortured and almost killed countless times. what she truly wanted, her real dream was to be a writer. 
there are many other worries in her head as well. what would happen to her keys if she suddenly stopped being a mage? what would happen with her and her friends? they had been separated before and those times, she saw them less and was alone more. she hated being alone. where life in fairy tail brought many dangers, it also brought on many laughs and good memories.
in all: she is at a crossroads and doesn’t know what to do. not really. so she continues to try and bring some normalcy back in her life, even during the rebuilding of magnolia which got destroyed. 
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divinikey · 5 years
lucy & her spirits part 3/?
so imo, lucy does NOT have more than one (1) singular (1) star dress in my canon divergence and that would be the aquarius one. while i DO think that they are v v v v pretty and v v v cool, i do not think it is something that can just be learned. 
as jana stated here  it was shown in canon that the star dress was a blessing by the celestial spirit king to a summoner, in this case lucy. and i agree with that. lucy broke the key and summoned him and she got powers that were in the same vein her strongest spirit’s, aquarius’. it makes much more sense to me that she can only have access to her aquarius star dress, even after losing the key because it was a blessing and the part of her that was blessed by the CSK can give her access to it. and much like her key, she has access to that when she is in contact with water of some sort.
in the replacement of starbdresses: lucy instead shifted her gears into learning more caster spells. it was something she always struggled with and as i’ve stated here she does dig deeper into it after the GMG. she really gets time to train along with her spirits once fairy tail does disband though. 
tl;dr: the only star dress she has access to in her arsenal is the aquarius one. in lieu of that, she has more magic casting spells she has access to.
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divinikey · 5 years
lucy & her magic part 1/?
lucy, being a primary holder mage has a few weaknesses when it comes to her Brand. one of them that was exploited during the x791 grand magic games was that unless she trained otherwise---she was very defenseless without her keys. after the disaster that was the naval battle, afterwards she looked into being able to cast spells as well.
her affinity is light magic and knowing this, she looked to light magic spells that could help her. since the grand magic games she has been studying as well as practicing such spells. a lot of them were found in the library of the guild and other places as well. so far, she has learned a variety of light-based spells that she could use for both defensive and offensive spells. she still needs the incantation and has memorized them as needed. 
on a sidenote: she began a more physical aspect to her training which included building her muscle and endurance. while she doesn’t like exercise as much as others, she enjoys it enough to job around magnolia for a few laps before she finds a place to do other exercise. in fact, she found she quite enjoys running more than she previously thought. 
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divinikey · 5 years
while she does still summon taurus and scorpio in the beginning however, she does not cut flare’s hair with cancer. instead, when flare explained her hair can go anywhere and attacks lucy, lucy got her whip and the two befan to parry with that, as in the manga, they do go spinning. when lucy landed on the ground again and flare attacked her, she summoned horologium since he can heal minor injuries as well as be good at defense. this gave her time to come up with  a plan as well as heal the slight burns she got from flare.
she summoned virgo as she got out of horologium and as she parried off with flare again, virgo was able to fight underground and make it tough for flare to move her hair underground. flare began to overwhelmed from fighting above and underground. it was at this moment that flare revealed her cheating and we know what happened after that.
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divinikey · 5 years
it was established early on that contracts are made between a celestial spirit user and the spirit in question. with this in mind, lucy is VERY careful and keeps a lacrima crystal which is essentially a calendar app filled with notes on each day for times she can summon spirits and when they are not available. it’s color coded for each key she has and she keeps a careful eye on it.
with this in mind, certain fights that happen in canon work differently. i will make a separate post about the fight with flare, but on my blog it happened differently. for each day she was an active member on the gmg team(s), she had different plans for which keys she could use and took too account how much magic energy each used. 
lucy is, in general, an organised person and this spills into her time as a mage. she is careful not to summon one so often and takes note of their time. even if she could summon one on a day, doesn’t mean she always will. this only increased after her visit in the celestial plane and she saw how differently time worked there than in earthland.
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divinikey · 4 years
hc on: being legally alive / canon divergence because this was never stated in canon lmao
since the Incident on tenrou island left all those on that island legally dead (dead in absentia) one of the FIRST orders of business makarov had the guild members do was become legally alive. even though it had been seven years, the old man still had his connections. there was also no way he (and by extension, fairy tail) was going to enter the GMG without doing so. so much was riding on it and they couldn’t win prize money if they were legally dead.
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divinikey · 5 years
LUCY & HER SPIRITS part 2/? 
because one of her most powerful and long lasting spirits is aquarius, lucy carries around a water bottle whenever she is working in case she has a need to summon her. it is pretty big and also has cute decorations and she ties it to her belt to carry with her at all times. it makes summoning this specific spirit a lot easier.
this being said, she does not call on aquarius all too often. one being that she is a more volitile spirit and can and will attack lucy. another being that now that she also has scorpio it is easier to guess when they are currently going aquarius&scorpio time. 
she does also try to summon those two together because well. she knows she wont be interrupting. also they work really well together.
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