#✒ something good in everything i see — likes
divinikey · 1 year
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tag drop ii.
0 notes
sokoviansimp · 1 year
hi! I absolutely love the package au series you have going on, it’s so cute and one on my favourites on here 🤫
if you’re taking requests maybe we could see reader running around the compound causing trouble and wanda (and/or nat) trying to stop them causing mischief??
ps hope you’re having a good day 🥹
In Your Corner
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✒ Pairings : Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary : As reader becomes more comfortable, things become harder for Wanda.
✒ Tags and Warnings: tantrums, embarrassment, lmk if I missed any.
✒ Author's Note : I really appreciate the request, I am so sorry that this took so long, hope you enjoy
✒ Word Count : 2252
✒ Read Time: 11 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU
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Now that you were starting to get comfortable around the compound, you had the itch to explore every inch of it. It was natural for someone your age to seek out their environment and try to discover what the world holds around them. Most kids your age, however, are not surrounded by multi-million dollar science labs housing tech that could quite literally destroy the world. 
Until recently, you never felt the need to go out of your way and seek new things, it was stressful enough for you to just find solace in the fact that you were safe here now and no one had any sort of hidden agenda. You had grown accustomed to trusting no one during your time at Hydra; it was hard for you to believe that anyone would want you without something in return, but Wanda made you feel safe again. 
The more your worries melted away about this place, the more you became more curious about your surroundings, wanting to touch and feel anything you could get your hands on and know why and how anything and everything came to exist. Up to this point, you’ve had no boundaries throughout the compound. There was no need really, you mostly followed Wanda around like a lost puppy, attached to her hip, never venturing to somewhere she didn’t lead you to. 
This morning, however, Wanda left you in the common room to watch tv while she made you breakfast. This gave her a clear view of you when needed, but ultimately the freedom to whip up your meal quickly without interruption. You sat there facing the cartoons on the television, but your mind couldn’t help but wonder what lays down the hallway by the stairwell. You’ve seen plenty of people go in that direction, but you’ve never been down it yourself. No one had specifically told you that you weren’t allowed down the hallway, so why haven’t you explored it yet? What are you waiting for? Nothing, there’s no reason for you to be left in the dark about it at this point, so you get up from the couch in the living room and head down the mysterious hallway. 
The corridor had a few twists and turns; but not too long after venturing down, you came to an elevator plastered with a warning sign that read Authorized Personel Only underneath a red exclamation point encased in a triangle. This didn’t phase you much though because those are big words and you barely know how to read yet. Sure, you could sound it out, but even if you got that far, you wouldn’t know what it meant. To you, the exclamation point just screamed fun.
On the next floor up, there was a room with large blurred glass windows and a set of automatic doors. You walk right in with ease, wondering why the lights are so bright in there. The room is littered with every kind of tech you can imagine, you curiously examined all the different gadgets and machines that were strewn about. One of the items on the counter was a remote, it held a couple of buttons on it, but there was one large blue button housed by a glass door that had you intrigued. 
“Y/N, do you want me to put syrup on your waffles?” Wanda called out to you from the kitchen. She knew that you would ultimately want syrup on your waffles, but she made it a habit  to give you as many decisions as she could. This way, you can have her put the syrup on for you or you could do it yourself. Either way, it was a part of your life that you could control and after growing up in similar circumstances to you, she understood how important it is to feel in control of your own life. “Y/N?” She follows up after not hearing a response as she makes her way over to the couch. Once she's met with empty cushions staring back at her, she starts looking around in areas that you frequented. Like the bedroom, movie room, and bathroom; but when she comes up empty in each spot her nerves began to rise. It’s not like you to just walk off. 
Without thinking of what the button could be controlling, you lifted the glass housing and pushed both of your thumbs down onto the blue piece of illuminated plastic. Suddenly, the lab was filled with a bright red light, and one of the machines in front of you started to shake violently. F.R.I.D.A.Y. immediately alerted the compound that one of the machines was malfunctioning. Tony and Nat rushed in, trying to figure out what was happening. And then, out of the light emerged a giant robot, towering over them all.
Your eyes widened in awe as you saw the robot come to life. "Woah!" you exclaimed as you stood still in shock.
Tony was not amused. "Y/N, what did you do?" he began raising his voice.
You shrunk at the sound of his tone. You didn't know what to say. You had just been exploring and didn't mean to cause any trouble. You didn’t mean to make anyone upset with you, especially Tony. Men already scare you a bit, so an angry man was surely not something you sought out.
Wanda quickly came in and saw the commotion. She took one look at the robot and quickly realized what was going on. With a flick of her wrist, she used her powers to shut down the machine.
“Y/N, what are you doing in here?” she asked kneeling down to your level.
“I was esploring” you stated honestly. 
“You were?” Wanda was surprised, that’s not something you ever cared for before now and she wanted to tread lightly on the topic so that she didn’t completely kill your spark. 
You nodded in return, “Sweetie, there are some places in the compound that aren’t safe for little ones” 
“Der is?” your embarrassment began to build up, you didn’t know that you weren’t allowed here. 
“It’s ok, you didn’t know. There are plenty of places you can explore, I can show you,” she states as she reaches out for your hand, which you take. 
Throughout the day, Wanda took you all over the compound to show you places that you could go at anytime and other places that you can go with adult supervision. You were grateful that Wanda took the time to show you all over. Most of these places, you only needed to see once to be sated, but having never known what lay behind the doors may have driven you mad. 
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The next couple of days, you began breaking out of your innocent shell. With the itch for exploring scratched, you were still feeling more comfortable around the compound. Wanda felt like everywhere she went she was cleaning up after you. You began to play more with your toys in different areas, leaving them around for her to pick up. Nat found marker scribbled along the walls this morning on her way to the kitchen. Luckily, she found it before Tony and was able to show you how to clean it before he caught sight of the damage. 
Wanda was grateful that Nat was there for you, not only to help teach you where the proper spots to use markers are, but also to teach you how to clean up your mess and take responsibility. This past week has been stressful for her, it almost seems like a flip just switched in your brain and you became a completely different person. Of course, there were parts of you that were still the same, but they seemed overshadowed by all of the mischief you’ve been causing. 
“Put your plate in the dishwasher and we can go upstairs for your bath” Wanda explained in a gentle tone. Your eyes widened at the mention of bathtime. As quickly as you could, you placed your plate into the dishwasher and darted into the common room to delve into your toys. Confused, Wanda turned her head to watch you blatantly disobey her. Maybe you didn't hear her, “Y/N? Time for a bath, come on” she waved.
“NO!” you yelled as you continued on with your legos. Surprised by your response, Wanda had to take a deep breath before continuing, “No?” she replied in a stern tone. 
“I don’t want to take a baf!” you cried out as you began smashing the legos you had in your hand down onto the floor. Unbeknownst to you, in your intense emotion, Wanda could feel the floor begin to rumble as the items that hung on the wall started shaking. 
Wanda's fingers illuminated as red seeped into the air, causing all of your building blocks to vanish until you were left sitting in the middle of an empty floor. The shock of everything around you disappearing caused you to still for a few moments.
“What’s going on, Y/N? You love bathtime.” Wanda stated as she came to squat down at your level, trying to prevent the situation from escalating. 
You looked back into her eyes, and instead of being mad at you, she was curious. Tears immediately began building in your eyes, and you broke under her soft gaze. Here you were causing trouble and acting out and she was nothing but gentle with you. Once your tears started to fall, she immediately wrapped you tightly in a hug, “Oh, come here detka” 
“I- I sorry” you choked out before uncontrollably sobbing. 
“It’s ok, let it out malyshka” she said and she gently rubbed circles into your back. 
During your crying fit, Wanda scooped you up and carried you upstairs to your shared room, all the while holding you tightly and whispering reassurances in your ear. 
She stood there swaying you back and forth in her arms. After a long and intense crying fit, your sobs had become quieter, and your body movements had become slower as you hesitantly began to calm down. Your cries eventually turned into sniffles as you tried to regulate your breathing, and the sadness in your expression shifted towards neutral as you relaxed into her neck. Your face was still wet with tears, but your breathing had begun to even out. As you tired yourself out, your body felt heavy in Wanda’s arms.
You took to sucking your thumb as a form of comfort, something to focus on, and as much as Wanda had been trying to nix that bad habit, she didn’t say anything in this moment, she just continued to sway her hips as you settled down in her arms. 
Your eyes would occasionally flutter open and closed, struggling to stay awake as your body relaxed. Every now and then, you would let out a deep sigh as if trying to expel all the leftover sadness and frustration from your body. Wanda gently rocked you back and forth, whispering soothing words and running her hand through your hair. 
Despite your exhaustion, you still had a hint of sadness in your expression and your breathing would occasionally hitch, indicating that you weren't fully over your emotional outburst. However, as you grew more tired, your tears dried up, and you became more and more at peace, finally dozing off in Wanda’s arms.
Wanda continued to hold you in her arms as she rocked you back and forth to ensure you would continue to doze off deeper. As she sat there mindlessly running her hand through your hair, she thought back to what could’ve been the cause of your outburst. It seemed like you were certainly coming out of your shell more lately but you never behaved like this. The past few days have been rough for her just trying to keep up with you. It seemed that you were extra hard to keep up with. 
It could be that, like her, you were just exhausted. You weren’t used to going through so much energy at once and your body just needed its rest and you didn’t know how to interpret that so you became irritable. 
Once Wanda feels confident that you’re sound asleep, she gently tries to lay you down in your bed and tuck you in. However, as she pulls away from you, your grip tightens as you whine for her. 
“Shh- sh,” she coos as she tries to comfort you enough to pull away. 
“Mama cuddewls-” you whined again as you tried to pull her closer, still on the edge of slumber.
The title took Wanda by surprise, her eyes immediately widened, “What did you say?” 
Not completely conscious, you didn’t answer. Instead, you tried to seek comfort from her. 
Giving in without hesitation, she climbed into your bed along with you to cuddle. Your body immediately molded to hers as you tried to get as close as possible for comfort. She held you with a goofy smile on her face, elated to know that you think of her as your mother. 
The feeling of you being her daughter came to her the moment she laid her eyes on you through the cell door, but she never wanted to push or pry to be that for you. She wanted you to keep the memories of your birth mother and instead of replacing her, she simply wanted to exist along with her. To be there for you no matter the circumstance, to teach you that good really does exist in the world, to simply be in your corner.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda @livslifeonline @reggierizzoli @mythixmagic @lesbicentism @marvelogic @katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​
Lmk if you ever want to be removed or added <3
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trailablaze · 11 months
✒ ╌╌╌ when the lights go out
genshin characters helping you through your fear of the dark.
includes: wanderer, kokomi, zhongli, jean, ayato, mona, thoma, yoimiya, itto, ganyu.
content: gn reader, wanderer is called scara, established relationship, many mentions of fear, honey is used as a term of endearment in thoma's part, sfw.
a/n: it's been storming here these past few days so i'm worried the power might go out and to cope i'm writing this because teehee guess who has a fear of the dark. i'm writing this in a sleep-deprived state btw sorry. also! first post on the blog! whoo! i have a habit of making writing blogs on here, posting once or twice and then vanishing for months before deleting the blog but i don't intend on doing that with this one. i'm determined to keep this one up and running.
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✧ --- scara is familiar with the feeling of fear, having felt it briefly during his whole extravaganza in his pursuit of godhood. his fear felt a lot different from the fear you were feeling now, however, as he sees you shaking all because of a little darkness. had you been someone else, he would've thought you were pathetic for being afraid of something so small. since you were you, however, he finds himself a bit more lenient as he lets out a slightly exasperated sigh as soon as he realizes you're scared. he moves around more loudly than he normally does just to make sure you knew he was there so as not to scare you even more. he'll guide you to the nearest source of light, be it a single flame of a candle or a window with the moon shining through. if you cling to him in your fear, he'll tense up a bit, but he won't push you away. just don't bring this up in the future or he'll cross his arms and glare at you. he may act like your very existence annoys him, but he truly does care for you, and he doesn't like seeing you scared. don't worry, he won't let the darkness get to you.
✧ --- the first time this happens, kokomi would immediately depart from whatever tasks had her attention when she realizes that you're scared. even if she doesn't know why you're scared, she knows that you shouldn't be left alone in such a state. you don't have to explain your fears to her, she won't ask any questions as she summons a small jellyfish to keep you company as she lights some candles or finds anything that can be used as a light source. she'll even let you hold onto her vision just for the faint glow it emits if that'll make you feel better. as an expert strategist, kokomi will make a mental note of your fear and will plan for something like this to happen again in the future.
✧ --- zhongli has been alive for so long, darkness is something he doesn't even process anymore. it just became a natural part of the cycle of existence, so he was a bit surprised when he learned that you were afraid of it. while fear is definitely something he personally hasn't experienced in a good long while, he does know that the feeling can be debilitating at times, and he knows that being alone when you're afraid is not a pleasant experience. if your fear leads to you panicking, he'll guide you through every step of the way and he'll be your pillar of support until the fear and panic subsides. he'll become keenly aware of your fear of the dark after the first time, and he'll start gifting you rocks that glow in the dark just in case.
✧ --- jean takes your fear of the dark very seriously. why wouldn't she? as your girlfriend, she tries her best to make you as comfortable and as loved as possible, even when she's busy with her work as the acting grand master. as soon as anything happens to trigger your fear, she'll stop whatever it is she's doing to be by your side. even if she's mid-conversation with someone, she'll quickly excuse herself just to hurry over to you because she knows you need her right now more than ever. she'll hold you close and tell you that everything is okay, and that there's nothing in the dark that can hurt you. even if there was something there, she won't let it anywhere near you. you're safe with her. she'll protect you, no matter what.
✧ --- while ayato would love nothing more than to abandon his duties to be by your side, he simply cannot. of course, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be there for you whenever you're scared. honestly, the first few times you get scared because of the dark, he probably isn't even around to realize it. it isn't until thoma or ayaka brings up your fears that he becomes incredibly aware of it. he'll be a bit confused as to why you don't just come to him when you're scared, but knowing you, you probably don't want to bother him when he's busy. so, the next time something happens to trigger your fear of the dark, ayato will take a moment and step away from his work to find you. when he does, he'll announce himself either by speaking or some other means before gently guiding you to his office so you can sit with him while he works. he'll divide his attention between you and his work if he must just to make you feel even a little less scared.
✧ --- mona is very accustomed to the dark, so she honestly forgets that it's something people can be afraid of. of course, once she learns that you of all people are afraid of the dark, she'll do her utmost best to make sure you don't have any encounters with it that'll leave you scared. she lights up her home with star-shaped lamps that emit a faint glow just to make sure her home is shrouded in darkness whenever you come over to visit. if you do end up scared, mona hold you close and tell you all about the stars and all about the constellations in the sky. she may even give you a reading, free of charge.
✧ --- thoma is always prepared for something like this to happen. whatever helps you through your fear, thoma already has it ready. you want some comfort food? you got it. you want a book to distract you? he's got an entire stack ready for you. you want him to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings into your ear while running a hand through your hair and lightly scratching your scalp every so often? honey, he'll do that even when you aren't scared. you mean the absolute world to him, and he wants you to know that he'll be by your side through anything. he takes your fear of the dark seriously, even if you don't.
✧ --- it's a good thing yoimiya always keeps some sparklers on hand! she loves the dark personally because it means she can paint the sky with bright colors, but she understands why some people are afraid of it. if something triggers your fear, she'll pull out one of the sparklers she keeps on her and she'll light it immediately, letting the bright glow of the burning sparkling flame shine between you two as she takes you to a place with more light. she'll keep your fear of the dark in mind whenever she had a firework show she wants to show you, always making sure to take you to places brightly lit as the two of you sit together to watch the fireworks.
✧ --- itto would immediately comfort you, no hesitation. even if he doesn't understand why you're scared of the dark, you're scared nonetheless and that simply just won't do. honestly, if he could, he'd probably beat up the dark for scaring you. alas, that wasn't possible, so all he could do was comfort you and try to make your life a little easier by distracting you from your fears. he'll gladly fill the silence between the two of you with stories of random things, and random memories of his. perhaps he doesn't quite realize it, but his constant talking really helped to keep you grounded whenever you were scared, and you were always glad that he could so easily talk about everything and nothing.
✧ --- ganyu isn't normally the type of person to put off work, always trying to finish things on time and never letting even the slightest thing deter her from her job. however, now that you're in her life, she finds herself more willing to step away from her work if you needed her. and tonight, you really needed her. her work could wait, you were far more important. even if it meant she had to pull a few all-nighters later for so abruptly leaving her post, she doesn't care. she's there for you each and every time you need her to help you through your fear. she's not entirely the best at comforting people, it's still something she's getting used to, but dammit she does her best. she traces shapes into your skin, she tells you all about the history of liyue, she tells you random anecdotes involving work. she uses her vision to offer you some light, letting you cling tightly to her as she holds you close. it doesn't matter how long she has to be there for you, she'll stay by your side until you're able to fall asleep after getting through this bout of fear. she stays by your side a little longer after, just to make sure you're sleeping comfortably before she hesitantly departs back to work. ganyu would chase away the darkness for you a thousand times if you asked her to.
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seobseobs · 1 year
who's there
junhan x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
platonic; angst , comfort
[ tw LOTS of self loathing and swearing , not really a happy sha la la ending because it just doesnt work that way , not proofread , im going to be real this is a vent of me struggling w cluster b el oh el ]
back to suite
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one thing about you is that you hide . a lot . always at your friends' doorstep and always one step ahead in making plans together , you seem to be there for people . but you would come back from the dates and the misery of your world slaps you in the face .
there is always something wrong . something good is happening ? won't be too long , you know it .
you pride in the fact that your friends could not for their life tell what you are thinking despite bonding for so long . but you also despise the fact that this means you have to be vulnerable . that no one would come to your feet because "you seemed off today ." no one to knock your door simply because they miss you . you have long acknowledged the fact , deeming it your responsibility to tell your worries , but never too deep , never too raging .
but today was one of those days where it hurts way fucking more . hell , it wasn't just today . it was yesterday and the day before that too . your world is crumbling and you still have to muster up a lot of courage to simply get told that you matter ? fuck no .
everything is your job . even making sure your loved ones see through you is your job . you hate it . you hate it . you hate it .
gritting through your teeth to keep your feelings at bay , you walk fast towards your home , not really caring if you bumped into strangers' shoulders at this point . just one more minute and all hell will break loose . just one more minute and you can fucking scream at the mean characters on the screen instead of you . just one more minute and—
"y/n?" , a gentle voice calls out to you .
"what the fuck is it?" , you didn't intend to sound harsh , and the furrowed eyebrows on the person's face makes you want to punch yourself . gaze lowered in utter embarassment , you string out apologies in hopes of not losing another relationship .
he doesn't know , you remind yourself . he doesn't get it , you suck in your breathe to salvage what ounce of face you had left .
"oh just— i thought you'd be up for a cafe hangout with me and jungsu this thursday," hyeongjun finally replies , one hand rubbing the back of his neck . "they just opened and i know you like carrot cake so," he shrugs at the end of the sentence as he explains further .
one beat of silence .
you collect yourself to answer properly whilst still in such a state but before you manage to say anything , he interrupts you . "or you can just hold one finger for yes and two fingers for no." it's not even much but you feel a slight weight off your chest , raising one finger up and the corner of his lips turn upwards as he throws a little fist to the air .
hyeongjun makes his exit known , giving you a small wave after he tells you to have a good day . you copy his actions , eyes staring into the distance hard and long until after his figures disappear .
knock knock .
five more minutes before all hell break loose .
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✒ the message that i want to get across is that making someone's day less shittier means so much more than you think. so try even if you won't make their life upside and all cherries and unicorns and make them completely happy. making someone's day less bad is as still as big of an effect as making someone day more good. anw please request me lmao ily mwah mwah
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toadbreath · 4 months
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dear john;
simon keeps a journal to grieve johnny's death and we all have to suffer for it..
✒ w.c: 3,5k
✒ pairing: ghost x soap // simon riley x john mactavish
✒ rating: m
✒ archive of our own: link here
✒ genre: angst
✒ warnings: mcd!! soap is dead in this fic. suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, implied self harm, emotional distress
✒ author's note: this is only the first chapter, the rest is on ao3, i might add more to it but i'm not sure yet. all ur comments and tags mean the world to me omg
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JANUARY 19th, 2024
They call it longing because it takes forever. It is a yearning without an answer and a desire without a satiation. But that is not the whole truth. Longing is only the beginning of it. Longing is a seed in your belly that sprouts the roots of love, but even as the plant begins to grow, you don't know if it's going to bloom a red rose or a poisonous weed. When you're a kid, you think you will know the difference when the time comes, and you will choose the rose, but the older I get, the more I realize that it's not up to me. There is no rhyme or reason to who blooms a flower and who is pruned instead.
I never thought I'd find myself standing among the dead waiting for the flower to bloom. I always assumed I'd be the one with my hand on the sheers, trimming back the branches that would never bear fruit. But I am a soldier, not a gardener.
It’s been three months since your funeral, Johnny. I know you're not listening, and even if you were, there's no way for me to send these to you, but the psychologist said it would help, and I'm running out of ideas.
I'm not used to having something to lose. You changed everything, you changed me. You were a brother, a comrade, a friend, a leader. But you were never just any of those things, and now I don't know how to find my balance again.
I didn't know how much of my weight you were holding up until the ground fell out from beneath my feet. And now, every morning, I wake up, and I forget. Just for a moment, I forget, and the world is right, and the sun is shining, and then I remember. And the loss is the same as it was the day you left, only, now, the wound is festering. I'm rotting, and nothing I do is enough.
There is no honor, no pride in your loss. I cannot make a martyr out of the memory of you. Your death was senseless and meaningless, and I cannot find peace in the knowledge that it was in the name of a noble cause.
There was no nobility in the way he killed you. He didn't kill you because you were a soldier or a terrorist or a man. He killed you because you were in the way. The only comfort I have is that you went out the way you would have wanted, fighting, saving lives, being a hero. But the way you died doesn't erase the way you lived, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot separate the two.
The first time I met you, I saw the same thing in you that I see in myself. You were a killer, and I didn't want to like you, but you made me laugh. It's hard to hold onto your ideals of goodness and righteousness when you've had your hands around the neck of a man begging for his life. But you reminded me what it was like to have a heart, to be human. You made it okay to be the things I was.
There's not a lot of things in this world that scare me. I've stared down the barrel of guns. I've been beaten, tortured, starved, shot, stabbed, burned, and I've survived. I've faced down monsters in men's skin, and I've killed them all, and yet, I don't think I've ever been as afraid as I am right now. I'm scared of who I'll become without you. I'm scared that the last few years will have been wasted, and I'll turn into the kind of man that I would kill. I don't know who I am without you. I don't know how to be alone.
You told me once, after our first mission, that there was no room for regrets on the battlefield, and that there was no point in dwelling on things that could not be changed. At the time, I thought you were being flippant, but I think, now, you were trying to prepare me.
You knew, didn't you? That one of us was going to end up buried.
I wish we could go back, to those first days when the war was new and so were we. Back to the nights of playing cards and talking shit and watching cheesy American movies. We were young and invincible, and we knew everything. It feels like a lifetime ago. I was a different man then, and so were you.
Now, I look at myself, and I don't recognize the person staring back. I'm harder, colder, angrier, and there is a blackness inside me that I'm afraid will swallow me whole.
You were a light in the dark, a candle burning in a window that I could find my way home by. I was lost without you, and you found me. You saved me, and I will never be able to repay you for the debt I owe.
There was always a part of me that wanted more, a part that longed to burn up in the fire of you, to be consumed and destroyed. The only time I have ever felt alive was when you were in my arms. You were the only thing that made sense, the only thing that was good and pure and true, and now you are gone. And I'm left standing in the darkness, waiting for the storm to pass.
I hope that wherever you are, you are finally at peace. I hope that, somehow, you can hear me, and that, maybe, you understand.
I'm not sorry for loving you, Johnny, but I am sorry for saying it too late.
Yours, Simon Riley
read the rest of the chapters on the ao3 link up top~
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mammonswhore · 3 years
Headcanon: Brothers with a Chubby & Dummy Thick F!MC.
warnings: Female MC,slight NSFW,mention of insecurities and cursing.
Notices but doesn't really care at first. He thought that if you do good at RAD everything will be fine.
He was wrong. Succubis are hot but you were way hotter than any of them.
Maybe it was the soft type of attention you gave him or the sometimes attitude you gave him sometimes when he made some sort of mistake.
He loves boobs. You two can be sitting in his office doing mere paperwork and he might just pick you up and look at them for two or three seconds before placing you on his lap and just hold one of them while working.
Might use them as a way to relieve the stress of his day too so be careful.
If you are insecure he will make sure to get rid of your insecurities as fast as he can. Do you feel like going to therapy will help you? Done,once per week he will take you to the human world for a session with your therapist. Will praise you and your actions a lot for big or small things as having good grades or cooking something tasty? He is already telling you how good you are at whatever you do. Body insecurities? Oh baby he will praise your body so much he might start to realize that he indeed has a soft spot for you.
I picture Lucifer as a man who boobs> ass/ thighs but loves them anyways.
Such a simp for you already but your thighs can get the best of him always. He will buy you skirts and thighs high socks just to see your thighs every time he can.
Will ask you to wear them only when he is around because he doesn't want his brothers to say anything or even look at your legs or ass.
Will quit it if you tell him that they will never get see what's underneath the clothes he bought for you. Mammon will be a stuttering mess but will still try to act cool and say that you will obviously want them to know that you are dating the GREAT Mammon.
Body insecurities? We don't know them here. Mammon will make sure you know how good you look every day but bare with him because he will blush,stutter and say that you are still a dumb human.
If you don't like your clothes or how they fit in you,get in bitch we are going shopping. Spoiler: you will be the most spoiled human in the history of humanity.
Makes sure his brothers know that you are dating him and only him,leaving hickeys all over your chest and thighs so they can see just a hint if what he gets to explore every time he can.
Will totally notice your body and get a nosebleed almost instantly.
Will have to ask himself more than once if it will be okay to make a comment about it since he has seem Asmo worship your body more than once and gotta say dude loves the blush crossing your face when his younger brothers does such.
He likes your ass. Just seeing it when you walk or when you bend againts the kitchen counter.
Leviachan.exe has stopped working.
Overprotective. Man will be over the moon with you but will never forget so are his brothers and when his jealousy gets in the way maybe the best thing to do is to reassure him that you want him and only him to avoid bad moments with the other residents of the House of Lamentation.
Don't expect him to worship your body unless you are having sex because he still feels too shy to do so. Maybe if he practiced with the mirror for more than week he will tell you that you look pretty but will hole himself up right after.
He loves you and your body but man is more interested on how smart you are.
If he sees you as dumb he will be the first one to tell you that but also the first to offer his help to change such.
Study sessions with him will always end up the same way,having rough sex if you don't answer his questions right.
Be careful thought,he knows when you answer wrong in purpose and that will just push him to tease you.
Massage his back,please. He has a lot of stress that needs to be gone and having the person he loves on top of him taking care of it it's magic.
Such a simp,honestly you are the first relationship he has with someone warm and loving towards him. He goes to you every time his brothers piss him off.
Loves your thighs too,he likes to lay on them,squeeze them or even bite them when he is feeling in the mood.
Will fight anyone who tries to disrespect you. Succubis better think twice before making a comment about your figure,he is not the Avatar of Wrath for nothing.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
He loves every type of body,very positive about your body and shape.
Expect to be praised for the most mundane things. Walking,talking or just laying down are worth a compliment from Asmo's perspective.
He loves your ass,boobs,thighs. Everything. Let me reformulate: he loves you.
Also a big simp,not only because he feels attracted to you but because you are the only one who accepted him with all his flaws even when he says he doesn't have any.
Sex with Asmo is new experience every time,even if you feel like it can't get any better.
Takes you shopping and spoils you rotten.
If you have any type of insecurities or feel like you don't fit in because you are a human he is making sure you get the messages that that is not true and will never be.
This relationship is mutual simping,he is totally hooked up with you and vice versa.
Both of you will have spa days at his room. Asmo is a fan of taking long baths and expects to take one together and it doesn't even has to end up into something sexual for him to enjoy it.
He is not the cursing type but when he is eating it he becomes a whole new person. Mixes the cursing with body worship and pet names (if you are into it ofc).
Is trying to keep himself from having certain thoughts about your body because he knows it is disrespectful.
But he has seen you bending and stretching sometimes and he can't help his mind anymore.
Reassure him that you don't mind his thoughts so he can free himself a little.
Thighs lover. He squeezes them and bites them like no other.
Is very good at going down on you. Is the best at saying that he is hungry with this tone so you know what type of hungry he is talking about.
Won't hesitate on throwing hands for you, any person who dares to disrespect you better be ready to catch those hands.
Goes feral sometimes without noticing,even the most vainilla things with Beel will escalate quickly and becomes something way more steamy.
Is very good at listening but not very good at giving advice so he is willing to listen to all your concerns and to reassure you that you are perfect for him.
If you are not comfortable eating in front of him he will try to find a solution,will read books and consult with his brothers (mostly Satan and Asmo) on how to help you.
This guy is kinda slow to catch up on the fact that you like him but when he catches the idea,he is thrilled.
Never thought of himself as someone who is going to stay awake more than three hours on a row for someone who is not Beel but here he is,dating you.
Knows you are insecure but doesn't know how to approach the subject.
When he does (after asking Beel how he should do it of course) he is listening carefully but if you don't feel comfortable talking about it now he is going to give you space or cuddle you if that's better.
With Belphie things can get very steamy within a second.
What started as a sloppy makeout session can become on a quickie and you won't even notice.
He is slow for everything but for this? He is faster than anyone.
Grabs your ass and asks you to get on top of him. Belphie is a switch but prefers to let you on top so his hands can roam around.
Squeezing your ass or just pushing your back so you two can be closer are his favorite moves to do.
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andromedastar · 2 years
⛅ Couple: Bruno Buccellati × F! Reader | silent room part 2
✒ Words: 1.198
⚠ Warning: NSFW, loss of virginity, vanilla, oral sex, masturbation, unprotected sex
📇 Synopsis: The first time with your capo is something to remember.
💬 Author's Note: I was not so happy with these last two chapters. It's not my fault! This sudden change in weather left me with a cold. My head hurts and I couldn't keep up the logical thinking to write well enough, so I'm just sorry. Enjoy!
Part 1
Part 3
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NSFW after Cutting
The last thing you noticed was the relieved smile forming on your lover's face before he suddenly stuck a finger inside you. You threw your head back and clung desperately to whatever you could reach. The pillow, the headboard, the sheets, but it was in Bruno's coat sleeve that you felt most secure.
It was weird. Not that he was hurting you, it was just uncomfortable, like something inside his womb had shifted. It took a few seconds, with Buccellati pushing him calmly against your walls, that the discomfort finally gave way to a wave of absolute pleasure. Your lips parted to allow the frantic in and out of air as your spine arched against the Bruno's body. Your impulses were instinctive, almost uncontrollable. Your mind became a tangle of confused thoughts while your body was only able to feel the man's fingers working your sensitive flesh. You thought about how warm his skin felt against yours, how affectionate he could be just for you, what he'd stopped doing to be there, now focused only on giving you pleasure. It was almost unfair to think that just the simple touch of his index finger made you so dizzy. How stunned he makes you. How patiently you've waited for this moment to be rewarded in this way. How good he does you. How much you wanted him.
"Love, wait, calm down" You gathered the strength to protest and, as predicted, he stopped absolutely everything he was doing just to look at you. The sudden break of the touch made your legs tremble in response, but it didn't take long. You let go of the man's slender body and untied your pants to discard them in some dark corner of the room. It was weird to be with such an exposed intimate area, and honestly, the urge to cover yourself with the sheets was great, but there was no point in doing so. Any and all doubts that had inhabited your head since the night began, at that moment, no longer existed. There was nothing more to think about, just having him for herself at once.
Bruno looks to you two or three times, maybe a little earlier, waiting for some kind of permission before he crawls in to position himself between your legs. You were a little intimidated by how close the face was to your bare pussy, but not the idea to get used to. You had imagined this situation before.
"It's okay if-".
"Yes, Per l'amor di Dio Bruno, I know what I want. Stop asking and just do it" You felt a pang of conscience for talking like that, but you'd leave it to yourself to blame later. Bucciarati's muffled laugh just showed that he genuinely didn't care about your tone.
You felt the man's tongue lubricate your wet slit. It was sudden and it caused you an intense sensation, as if he had just stopped an itch you didn't even know you had. It didn't take long for you to feel his tongue again, and again. It was slow, almost experimental, but it was enough to cause a wave of ecstasy more intense than the effect of a hallucinator. It was when he finally started eating you for real, sliding into your entrance nonstop, that you felt your soul leaving your body for the first time. You no longer had the ability to think or see anything in front of your eyes anymore. The moans, once shy, now rolled freely down your throat and spread through the room. Sweat broke out on your forehead and rolled down your reddened temple. It was all too much to bear.
He held your clit between his lips one last time before you came undone on top of his face. Obviously, he wasn't taken by surprise: it was easy to tell how close you were by how much your inner thigh twitched and how much your body convulsed. You lay there, looking up, waiting for your soul to come back from the flow it was in. Your mouth and your fingertips were cold and your eyes weren't able to focus on anything – and they weren't even capable, given the darkness of the room –. It was necessary for Bruno to get up from the current place so that you, with difficulty, woke up from the trance and smiled shyly at him.
This time, it was the man in front of him who appeared to be stunned: His breath was panting, his lips were swollen and sweat glistened on his face. You can see the bulge forming in his pants, which made you feel a little embarrassed that you weren't able to help him sooner. You used the headboard to support your back, sitting facing him as you thought of the right words to continue.
"Caro, listen to me. If you want, I ca-".
"No, no, it's okay." He interrupted you almost immediately, approaching your weak body to lay a few chaste kisses on your mouth, leaving a trail up to your neck, making a few hickeys in extremely strategic places.
It took a little help for the two of you to finally discard the rest of the robes left on the floor and go back to kissing each other possessively. You guided your hands down the man's bare torso until you intertwined your fingers with its black strands: you remember perfectly well the first time you kissed him that way. The doubt of where to put your hands or how to act made you try several things over time, but it wasn't until you held him by the hair and gave him a little squeeze that you could feel him stiffen more to the touch. That's how you found out how weak that guy was when you got close to his locks. It's like scratching a cat's ears, just do it and it will be tamed for a long time.
To your misfortune, he seemed to realize what was going on inside your head, as he quickly brushed the strands of sweat from your face as he spoke in a calm, patient tone, as he used to when explaining something to his subordinates.
"Il mio fiore, if you don't want it, really don't want it, we can stop and go for an all-you-can-eat pizza or whatever".
"I want to, Bruno, how many times do I need to repeat it? I'm just a little anxious, it's normal. If it was with anyone I would have left by now, but with you I want to".
That was enough to clear up any doubts Buccellati had up until that point. He took just a few seconds to study your naked body closely before taking both your hands and placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"It's going to hurt a little bit. Let me know if you need to stop".
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
Hi friend! I know I've already requested twice but I couldn't resist, I'm loving your fics! totally don't take this if it's too much though. But if it's no trouble, maybe 6 or 18 from the scene starters with either Sheriff Brackett or Tommy Ludlow? Thank you! <3
ahh friend, i hope you're doing good !! your requests are no trouble, thank you so much for keep coming back !! 😊💖 it was fun writing for tommy this time and i can never deny our favourite sheriff b !! ✒ enjoy as always 💖 and happy halloween 🎃👻
tommy ludlow
It was barely light out as you waited by the curb outside your apartment building for Tommy to pick you up. That sallow grey light that waned away as each autumn day passed.
You pulled your coat tighter around you, a thick scarf wrapped around your neck and as many layers as you could manage underneath. You hoped Tommy would be here soon so you could finally escape the chill for a while on your drive to the studio.
Like the angel he was, Tommy showed up right on time. The station wagon pulled up beside you and you blew a kiss to him through the window. You pulled open the passenger door and climbed in, relaxing into the beat up front seat.
"Good morning," you greeted, leaning over to kiss him quickly before settling back down.
"Mornin'," he looked away, back to the road as he pulled the car away from the curb and started on the well travelled route downtown. That was, until he noticed something.
He glanced back at you; once, twice. "Is that my sweater?"
The question confused you for a second before you look down at what you're wearing. A NY Knicks basketball sweater. Your bedroom floor is, more often than not, a mess of clothes and laundry. It's no surprise that Tommy's things get muddled up with your own now and then.
You giggle, "Oh yeah, I guess it is."
He shakes his head in faux disappointment, "Is nothing sacred?"
"Well," you shrug coyly, "if it comes off later, I suppose you can have it back."
"If?" his hand leaves the wheel and rests gently on your knee.
You smile at him, "I'm sure you can work your magic."
He looks back at you again and you wink. His grin tells you that he agrees.
sheriff brackett
Baking was something you loved to do when you were younger, but as time went on you'd fallen out of practice. However, since being with the Sheriff, something had put you in the mood to go back to these little domestic routines.
Pretty much everyday you had a few hours spare between finishing work and the Sheriff coming home for dinner and, seeing as the weather was taking such a cold turn, with fall quickly giving way to winter, today seemed a good day for some baking.
Rummaging through the cupboards, you mange to find pretty much everything you need to get started. What better cookies to make on a crisp autumn day than gingerbread?
Quickly you fall into a rhythm and no sooner have you started, the cookies are cut and laid on the baking tray. The whole house smells of sweetness and spices when they start baking and you bask in the warm glow of the oven while you wait.
So engrossed in watching the cookies rise, you don't hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. In fact, you don't notice anyone else is there until two hands on your waist startle you.
You jump in surprise and the Sheriff chuckles, "Honey, I'm home."
You relax into his hold, giggling yourself as he turns you around to look at him. Leaning up you kiss him softly, glad that he's home for the evening.
"Guess what's cooking?"
"It smells good, whatever it is."
You grin and kiss him again, "It's gingerbread."
Time with the Sheriff passes easily, languid on the couch, warm and content, until the timer goes off and the cookies are ready.
Bringing a plate back with you to the couch, you offer the Sheriff the first try. "I made them for you, really," you insist.
He concedes, taking a cookie before you and taking a bite.
"You're an excellent cook," he says.
"I'd make a good house wife? If I started baking more often?" you lean into him, lips ghosting close to his but not close enough.
"If I could keep you home all day, I would," he teases, hand trailing up your thigh before pulling you over to straddle his lap, "But I don't think that'd go down too well." He closes the distance between you.
You melt into the kiss and smile when you realise he tastes of gingerbread.
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sprouter · 3 years
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𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥!
─────── ✧───────
So I was trying to figure out what to do to celebrate and I thought what better way than to spoil you guys rotten with some fluff because who doesn’t love some good fluff? So I left some prompts down below! Along with the rules.
So I was trying to figure out what to do to celebrate and I thought what better way than to spoil you guys rotten with some fluff because who doesn’t love some good fluff? So I left some prompts down below! Along with the rules.
So I was trying to figure out what to do to celebrate and I thought what better way than to spoil you guys rotten with some fluff because who doesn’t love some good fluff? So I left some prompts down below! Along with the rules.
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✦︰ I want to do short fics for these but some of them will be drabbles so feel free to request up to 4 characters and tell me which ones you really want done just in case. The max for short fics is 2.
✦︰ Mix & to your hearts content but the max is 4 different prompts and or dialogue.
✦︰ I’m also open to doing these with 3rd years!
1 “If there was ever anybody for me. Its you.”
2 “Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand”
3 “They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
4 “I thought I had the worst luck until I met you.”
5 “I think I’m in love with you.” I think that-
6 “Everything feels right when you’re with me.”
7 “You are my family.”
8 “Can I kiss you?” ﹕✒︎ Bakugou
9 “I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
10 “I love you” “I know. I love you too.”
11 “I don’t know if I want to yell at you or kiss you.”
12 “Can you quite being sappy for 5 seconds.”
13 “I could never get tired of you.”
14 “I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to….”
15 “where’s my chocolate?” “..I ate the last of it my bad.”
16 “Your arms are my safe space, so that’s where I’ll sleep tonight.”
17 “I need you to plant a kiss on my forehead. Please.”
18 “I’m so happy I could kiss you right now!” “Is that an invitation?”
19 “Smile for me.” “Where’s the camera?” “There is none I just like your smile.” [ in writing. ]
20 “People piss me off so fucking much!” “..Do I count as people?” “Of course not.”
21 “I can’t move because your sitting on top of me.” “Have you ever thought that maybe the problem isn’t me sitting on you but maybe you sitting under me?” I think that-
22 “ What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see you”
23 “Why are you staring at me like that?” “Because I think your beautiful.”
24 “I’d wait a 1,000 lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for, so when you are ready. I’ll be here.”
25 Picnic under the stars and person B is continually looking at person A in awe. [ Under the stars ]
26 Picnic and cloud watching.
27 Asking person A on a date until they say yes.
I think that-
28 Comparing hand sizes and then linking fingers together.[Under the stars ]
29 Finding a sketched picture of them on person B desk.
30 B throws away something important and A shows up with important thing smelling like shit.
31 Handwritten letter at your doorstep.
32 Looking for your shirt just to find it in your s/o drawer along with all your other clothes.
33 A game of 20 questions just to ask “Can I kiss you?” At the end. [ Under the stars ]
34 Sharing an umbrella.
35 Person B buys persons A their dream house as a surprise.
36 Getting stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel.
37 Staring too many times for a coincidence.
38 Play wrestling.
39 Smiling at each other from across the room.
40 Making a playlist for each other.
41 Playing laser tag and person A pushes person B into a corner and kisses them. But shoots them and walks away.
42 Person B doing normal things while carrying person A on their back.
43 Person B kissing person A to distract them from what they’re doing.
44 Art museum date.
45 Bringing the other person leftovers because they skipped dinner.
46 Scar worship [please this sounds so weird but it’s like body worship just not kinky.]
47 Shopping together.
48 Pillow talk.
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I gathered these fluff prompts from around the internet and tumblr.
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