#✗ ¿merezco la salvación? ╱ headcanon.
chingonaclaws · 1 year
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chingonaclaws · 2 years
tag drop.
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#tag drop#tag drops#( tag drop. )#tags#✗ 04. ╱ su cara.#✗ la sangre en mis venas.  ╱ ii. isabela.#✗ yo no soy ningún juguete.  ╱ iii. christian.#✗ ¿merezco la salvación? ╱ headcanon.#✗ eres la cara del futuro. i. jenna.#✗ verse: ( infernalrampage )  i want to run towards something. ( IT au. )#✗ verse: ( euphoria. )  i believe in life.#✗ BEV. INFERNALRAMPAGE.  ╱ diosa pelirroja.#✗ dinámico. ╱ hang tough. ( bev y laura. )#✗ dinámico. ╱ never felt like a loser with you. ( mommy bev y laura. )#✗ dinámico. ╱ kate y laura#✗ dinámico. ╱ where you lead i will follow. ( kate y laura. )#✗ verse: ( rcalmxnstcrs  ╱ kate  ) i know i was born to be yours.#✗ verse: ( rcalmxnstcrs  ╱ clawsdad  ) what’s so fucking funny gigglybits? ( hockey au. )#✗ verse: ( hockey au  ) what’s so fucking funny gigglybits?#✗ dinámico. ╱ me estoy acostumbrando a ti. ( tory y laura. )#✗ dinámico. ╱ esperanza cuelga en una cuerda. ( mj y laura. )#✗ dinámico. ╱ hermanas de otros señores ( mayday y laura. )#✗ dinámico. ╱ familia instantánea. ( happy y laura. )#✗ PEBER. SENSESDIALED.  ╱ hasta mañana te abrazaré muy fuerte.#✗ TIO ALEGRE. WORMHOLXTREME.  ╱ barriga llena. corazón contento.#✗ KATE. ╱ if you’re going to throw your life away he’d better have a motorcycle.#✗ LOGAN. ╱ don’t be what they made you.#✗ dinámico. ╱ peter parker y laura.#✗ dinámico. ╱ pep y laura.#✗ 01. ╱ memes.
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chingonaclaws · 2 years
* fixing this ish.
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chingonaclaws · 3 years
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     let me tell you about this chica’s flaws...
1.  temper like no other. ( yes, she gets it from her father. ) & sometimes it’s almost unsubstantiated.   2.  she works by her instincts. the usual ‘social norms’ do not occur to her.  right and wrong is almost subjective, except she’s seen real evil and knows what that looks like. but, if she’s hungry and steals a meal to survive she sees no wrong in that.   3.  she can’t get pregnant.  not sure if this is a ‘flaw’ -- though she sees it as one down the line.  all hope of having her own child is null and void. her healing factors since birth have kept her from developing certain human ailments -- she doesn’t get periods, ovulate or get cramps as a normal human woman.  so -- unless she’s cloned ( ha! -- comic canon??? ) there’s no hope of passing on her own dna-- aka having children.  4.  she pushes people away when she feels they get too close.  this needs no explaining, really. she does it to most everyone until she decides it’s safe enough to stick around, but she won’t do it for very long. -- as her father before her, she’s a ‘wolverine’ and does not have a pack mentality but enjoys solitude.  5.  she’s always hungry.  just fact.  
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chingonaclaws · 3 years
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     LAURA CAN DRAW.  It was one of the very few things she found delight in. The comic book art, vibrant colours, set inspiration for her. With the very minimal dulled crayons she was gifted on occasion by the nurses, she began sketching as a form of therapy, often hiding the drawings beneath her pillow until she could do away with them or gift them to the various nurses that actually cared for her and the Transigen children. So now, she uses this talent as a way to disembody her anger and anxieties, and sometimes she produces something quite lovely, such as a portrait of her favorite people, or a flower -- and horses, oh so many horses. She takes things she’s seen in the world and places them on paper from memory if only so she can capture it for a bit longer. So in the verses where she’s acquired a homestead, she more than likely has several used up sketchpads hidden beneath her bed. ( Which also means quite a few replicas of the art she’s seen of her father through the years -- including that infamous colourful costume. )
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
*  sooo. in speaking to lau’s sig. other i realized that she is immune to birth control. drugs, other than the serum developed in the same lab that essentially created her, do not work on her, and she cannot get drunk. due to her regenerative healing power i am assuming it would just absorb and dissolve the pill into nothing. so sorry @pepperpxtts no birth control other than condoms apparently.   * i also don’t think she can have kids due to her mutation.  :/ 
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chingonaclaws · 3 years
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
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     *  Note: Since LOGAN takes place in a dystopian world set in  the 20th Century Fox world of their ‘XMEN’ in 2029 -- I’ve had to tweak Laura’s canon timeline to fit in with the MCU. These are my compiled ideas/notes for where Laura would/might fit in, according to the MCU timeline. This can also be amended/altered depending upon who I am writing with & whatever stories we come up with on the sides. I will update/list those verses within this list as well. XO. - Betty. 
2012.  AVENGERS.   ✗ verse: ( mcu 001. avengers. )  i am not my enemy.  
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     2002, Alkali-Transigen  aka ‘Essex Corp’ ) conducts it’s second round of the Weapon-X program utilizing children ‘perfected’ in a lab/facility. Laura Howlett ( known as X23 amid the program ) was ‘born’ into the program, the daughter of an unknown Latina woman ( who is more than likely murdered by the company shortly after Laura’s birth ) & James Howlett aka The Wolverine.       2012, a 7 year-old ‘killing dream’ begins her hardcore training under the Transigen umbrella, having grown up within their cage and knowing nothing but life within ‘The Facility’. During the events of ‘The Avengers’, Transigen ( more than likely a subsidiary or sister-company to HYDRA ) attempts to gather knowledge/the power of the alien forces that attack Earth. It is quite possible during this attack, the Xmen join the Avengers. - Transigen utilizes newer technology to harness a killing serum that triggers and strengthens the children’s mutant abilities. Through the years they continue to medicate and test the formula out on the children, including Laura;  to which they discover if they choose a specific target, she will stop at nothing until said target is vanquished. 
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2015.  AGE OF ULTRON.  ✗ verse: ( mcu 002. ultron. )  i can do anything.  
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     2013,  8-year-old Laura, along with her ‘brothers and sisters’ attempt to escape from the underground jail in Mexico ( where she was ‘born’ ) when given word/hope of a safe haven full of mutant-kind. The children are provided stories with the help of comic books smuggled into the facility. Some of which include stories of The Avengers, while others house a storyline shadowing the truth about the XMEN. Upon their first attempt of escape, the children are unsuccessful, and Essex Corp demands that they relocate to a ‘more secure’ unit in New York City. In 2015, the attack of ULTRON commences, more or less rocking the hard walls of the New York facility to rubble.        For the most part, with the help of HYDRA, Transigen is able to gather up their little ‘test subjects’, some having successfully gotten away, sadly Laura not being among them.      2016, an 11-year-old Laura with the help of the nurses, including Gabby, leads the pack to escape once more. It’s here Laura encounters her father ( Wolverine/James LOGAN Howlett ), Xavier & Caliban by psionic-ally following Charles’ guidance. During this timeline she goes on the wild chase, running from Transigen and relying on what remains of Logan’s strength. The climax ends with Xavier’s passing and Logan’s sacrifice, and the children successfully fleeing for the Canadian border to ‘Eden’ aka the safe haven which turns out to be a new school for the gifted, headlined by a group of vigilante mutants ( aka, the plotline of Mangold’s LOGAN. )      It should also be noted that during this time period, the X-men are dwindling/dying out, and going into hiding due to many people either wanting to lock them up out of fear or provide them ID badges and what not ( similar to the plot of the ‘Civil War’ in the comics. ) 
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2017.  CIVIL WAR.   ✗ verse: ( mcu 003. civil war. )  my choice mine.   
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     At 12, Laura quietly slips from the safe haven ( headmistress at this time being Emma Frost ) , feeling as though she’s really more of a danger than anything else, specifically due to the ‘death’ serum. Laura cannot control herself when injected with it, especially if she’s provided a ‘target’. To think she could end up killing one of her own terrifies her, not to mention the more she keeps running the less likely Transigen is to discover her.       During the time of the Avengers’ ‘Civil War’  ( between Tony & Steve ), Laura is only a child but spotted through the streets of New York. A time or two, Tony witnesses the feral child having pick-pocketing or slyly stealing a thing or two of necessity. Unable to confine the child or discover her whereabouts, he becomes aware of the ‘mutant strain’ in DNA, now knowing there is far more to this life than other worlds, planets, Norse gods and experimental projects gone wrong like Banner -- Hydra’s been hiding the secret unit to which not only have they began to suppress the X-gene that creates the ‘mutants’ but that they’ve been testing the effects of their serums and juices and what have you on children more-or-less created in a lab with the specific function of utilizing them as some ultimate mutant army. It is a terrible and harsh reality and one he does not take to lightly.      Contrary to the comics’ canon ( & the Xmen’s Civil War ) when Tony discovers she is a mutant child born and raised the way she was, he almost feels an obligation to protect her from others who felt mutants ought to be branded or ID’d and what not. ( A bit contradictory to the Xmen comics, I know, but it makes sense when you think of Steve/Capt America in the comics and how against Laura he was in the beginning, I feel he’d be a little apprehensive in the MCU as well. This could change depending upon whom I’m writing with. )       On the search for a place to help her ‘lay low’, Tony keeps her at the compound, until Pepper insists she just come on home with her. ( Again, this can be adapted depending upon the individual story. ) 
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2018.  HOMECOMING.   ✗ verse: ( mcu 004. homecoming. )  are you sure i deserve salvation?  
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     At age 13, since Pepper thinks it best that the pre-teenage girl get used to a ‘normal’ life, Laura begins attending public school, where she continues to attempt to ‘lay low’. Of course she does her very best to fit in, though there are many ‘human’ things she’s unaware of such as personal space and certain topics of speech. She basically follows the lead of people she feels she can trust like Peter Parker. Technically since Laura also ages much slower than most everyone, she will be a teenager for a longer period in her life. It is within these confines that she learns more about humanity, her compassion for the human race quite evident and her curiosity ever the more present. She spends a lot of time making up for lost time in her childhood, things she’s never discovered, places she’s never been -- a life she never knew she could have.  2019/2023.  ENDGAME.   ✗ verse: ( mcu 005. endgame. )  i’m f*cking wolverine. 
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     During INFINITY WAR ( obviously just prior to this timeline ) Laura of course fights along side the team sustaining little to no injury even though she could’ve severed a limb or two, due to her mutation, she recovers rather quickly. Upon the realization that she could lose her family of mutants with Thanos’ plan, she scurries to get back to the school, begging many of the others to fight along side the Avengers. She succeeds in convincing several of the XMEN, including but not limited to Emma Frost,  to take part in the battle... but it is only to their demise as her healing is too rapid for his ‘curse’ and rather than fluttering into ash, she witnesses all those she holds dear dissipate having to see, once again, the utter destruction of those she holds dear. It tears her apart from the inside.       In 2023, Laura is just about to turn 17. -- Upon Tony’s return from space (2019), and the realization that Pepper hadn’t been taken away, Laura barricades herself within the hope she can have a somewhat normal family. She stays with Pepper and Tony, far away from the compound. She takes up her roll as a sister-figure to Morgan, something she absolutely takes seriously. She’d give it all up for this little girl -- hell, for this family. Tony stands in as an unlikely father-figure, but even moreso, Pepper as her mother. ( Again, these choices can be adapted/tweaked depending upon the storyline/plot we have -- maybe Laura grew up at the compound, or with someone else or with Aunt May... the possibilities/ what-ifs are endless... She could’ve also gone off on her feral way, etc etc. ) 
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     When the final battle hits, and those who were taken away appear within the portals, a sudden relief washes over her. She has much more to fight for, and she gives it her all. But it is at the loss of Tony where she feels her world crumble once more, wondering if she should go off on her own and call it good, because it seems no matter where she attempts to land, there is far more loss to be had. She contemplates whether or not Logan had it correct when he was always insistent they stay far away from people, isolate and keep to themselves. Of course that was a much different time in the world and Transigen/Hydra has/have more things to worry about than hunting her down lately -- still, it’s a threat.        With Peter Parker’s ( and possibly others ) insistence, she remains close by. 2023/24.  FAR FROM HOME.  ✗ verse: ( mcu 006. far from home. )  el que con lobos anda a aullar se enseña. 
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     Basically, Laura ( now, tech, post-snap almost 18 ) is hanging out with SHIELD, there to aid Peter where needed, more or less helping to keep an eye on him, along with Happy doing her best to stay out of trouble.   
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
* laura buys all of her xmas presents during this holiday weekend. ( and by buy, sometimes she is a stealthy thief -- ingrained since childhood... whoops )
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chingonaclaws · 3 years
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     NUNCA LA LLAME ‘FERAL.’     Laura absolutely abhors being called ‘feral’. Even worse when it is by someone she knows. To her it is just another insult utilized to showcase the fact that she’s a wild THING that no one really wanted, akin to a pet thrown out on to the streets. She’s worked to overcome the obstacle of not being the killing machine the people who made her, taught her to be. ( In her mind’s eye ) she never asked to be raised the way she was, she wasn’t asked to be born or  exist and to be poked and prodded and experimented upon only to truly struggle for her freedom and then be whisked into society and judged as harshly as she’s been. It’s one of the biggest pet peeves. And if she discovers you calling her ‘feral’ she loses a lot of respect and/or possibly trust. Most consider it a joke -- but it is really not a joke to Laura. It hurts her.  Whenever she overhears someone call her that she usually chooses from two main choices: ignore it, attempt to bury it and hold a grudge becoming far more cold and aloof to the offender, or, she calls them out on it...and still may potentially hold a grudge. 
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
     * another fun? random fact about laura is she suffers from insomnia drawn out from her ptsd that she refuses to admit she has yet has been diagnosed with both by the nurses at the facility and emma frost whilst staying at the safe haven. her nightmares and fears keep her awake at night, so she is constantly on the alert and when first meeting people she is very hands off. 
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
      don’t ask me why but ...laura loves the “muppet movie” ( the original from 1979. ) 
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
Who is her favorite muppet?
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
     It just dawned on me, after all of this time writing Laura -- that the energy drink Laura is chugging at the gas station, Transigen used to suppress the mutant gene. Meaning, part of the experiments done on the children was in regards to testing out the effects of the energy drink, to see if their gene-suppressant was working. SO she saw that drink in the fridge, recognized it and chose that to drink! BECAUSE why out of all the options of soda and juice and water, did she choose the one that Transigen (secretly) owned, and not something new??? -- Am I making sense... TLDR;  Transigen utilized the children to test the gene suppressant that ended up killing out the xmen.        *  HYPNO. the name of the brand is HYPNO & it’s secretly distributed/created by Alkali-Transigen.
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chingonaclaws · 5 years
laura ama a selena.  she owns several ( slightly oversized ) t-shirts gifted to her over the years. when she was stuck within the facility, the nurses would sneak the children little things every now and again to make them feel more human. gabby always brought laura songs, magazines and books.  the 90s icon brings comfort to laura.
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chingonaclaws · 4 years
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