#✦ ⫽ ooc … my only coherent thought was: YIKES!
ambitiouslyher · 13 days
stroking the trigger is definitely a euphemism………..
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
i love your thoughts on claudia, especially what you said about the past 6 episodes. you’ve pretty much articulated all my misgivings with this season but far more thoughtfully and succinctly lol. ive been iffy about their handling of her since the lazy writing that was the assault in s1 but in terms of motivations and personality i felt like s1 was still coherent and convincing when it came to her. s2 though, yikes. feels like she got a personality transplant and it’s so rough to watch. where is the shrewdly perceptive cunning woman who outsmarted everyone? desperation/loneliness or not, trying to convince anyone that she’d be so clueless to the point of begging for entry into this tacky coven is laughable. if it wasn’t for delainey’s performance i wouldn’t buy any of it for a second. she’s fantastic and probably my favourite thing about this season but like you said, an actor can only elevate the material so far. it’s unfortunate that the writing isn’t meeting her halfway. i keep hoping for a last minute twist and for something to be revealed about her characterization, be it memory failings or outright lies but the more the season progresses the more more i think this uneven, patchy characterization might just be who they think claudia is :( and i hate that for her (and me lol)
Hi! Thank you for saying this, it makes me feel so much better. 😅 Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills or smth because I don't see anyone else pointing out the weird writing and characterization this season.
It was even more blatant in this most recent episode. Armand is the most powerful mindgift user out of all the vampires and the show makes it a point to show us the extent of his powers many times. We see him unearth Daniel's deepest and most shameful secrets in ep3, as easily as if he was reading from the phonebook. But somehow we're supposed to buy that he's not aware that Daniel is working with the Talamasca and that Rashid is a double agent operating right under his nose? Come on now! And clearly, the writers were aware of this plot hole because Daniel snarkily points it out in the very same episode. But still, no good explanation is ever given for it. Repeat after me Uncle RoJo, characters pointing out flaws in the narrative in a clever bit of meta-textural self-derision does not prevent it from being bad writing.
I also don't understand why Louis would buy the silly lie that Armand was "given a choice" by the coven. I could not prevent it my butt! Louis's seen how powerful Armand is. He should know Armand would have absolutely nothing to fear from those theatre freaks when he can freeze and barbeque all of them with a snap of his fingers. We see him do it in ep 4 with ease. So is Louis a naive dum dum or is he simply too dickmatized—by a man who the story repeatedly lets us know Louis doesn't care for and no longer even has sex with by the looks of things? (#justiceforloumand! We were robbed of all their freaky BDSM scenes 😭)
It's such a bummer because I so wanted to love this season. There are so many moments that are exquisite and the entire cast was acting their skinny overcaffeinated asses off. They were giving Oscar-worthy performances under less than ideal circumstances of multiple strikes, a major recasting etc. But unfortunately, the overall narrative just falls flat because of the incoherent writing choices.
My fingers are crossed that maybe something will be revealed in the next two episodes, that explains why a lot of the characters feel so ooc and behave like naive clueless dum dums in order to allow the plot to happen.
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psychedeliccanvas · 4 years
ooc --- hey, just a heads up ! i may be unfollowing some of you from my personal ( gerrylivesau ), and it’s only because i connected my rp / musings sideblog to alice’s account now. i also don’t want to clog anyone’s notifications with reblogs / likes from my personal. nice to keep everything separated. so, just to let you all know, it isn’t because i don’t want to interact or i’m breaking mutuals, only tidying up and following back from the more appropriate blog ! 
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gildedtma · 5 years
apollo , at the end of the last olympian : hold on , i’m getting another great prophecy. apollo : 
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pftones3482 · 6 years
Found Family
Commission number one for @kriss-the-writing-nerd. Keith angst ahead, wee!! Set in season...jesus, was his kamikaze mission in season 4? Yikes, time has flown. 
Note: Shiro may seem ooc here, and it’s cause I’m writing him as if he isn’t Shiro. Aka, as if he is Kuron. 
Under a cut for length. I really, really enjoyed writing this.
Pidge found Matt pacing Green's hangar when they returned, his rebel uniform rolled up at the sleeves and his fingers gripping his hair. Their heart climbed into their throat and, shoving aside their weariness, they chucked their helmet aside and sprinted to him. "What happened?" Pidge demanded, grabbing him by the forearm. "Matt," they emphasized when he didn't answer instantly. "What. Happened? Who got hurt? Did Mom and Dad contact-?"
"No," he managed. He turned to look at them, eyes blurred with tears, and then he pulled them into a tight hug, firm. Pidge squeezed back, fingers rubbing his back as he practically dragged them off the floor.  
"What the quiznak, Matt?" they whispered. "You're scaring me."  
"I'm sorry," he murmured into their ear. "I just...that was close. And especially after Keith..."
He choked back his words and Pidge felt a coil of anxiety lift in their stomach. Keith was like another brother to them, and Matt's tone...
"What happened?" 
Matt pulled back, rubbing his neck, and his shoulders slumped as he looked away. "He...before Lotor showed up, he was preparing to launch his fighter into the particle barrier around the base."  
When Pidge didn't say anything, Matt took a breath. "With himself in it."  
That elicited a sob from his sibling and Matt whipped his head around to look at them. They had their hands pressed to their mouth, shoulders trembling, and Matt reached out and squeezed their arms, circling his thumbs on the armor there even though he knew they couldn't feel it. "He's okay now," he promised.  
"But he's not," Pidge whimpered, and Matt had never heard them sound so broken, except perhaps on the mission that failed to retrieve their father. "He was going to do it in the first place, which means he..."
Pidge coughed, breaking from Matt and sprinting to the elevator. Matt didn't hesitate to follow.  
When they arrived on the main floor, they found Keith standing in a huddle with Lance and Hunk, laughing at some joke Hunk had told, still in his blade uniform.  
"KEITH QUINZAKING KOGANE," Pidge snapped as they stormed into the room.  
Everyone looked up in surprise, and it was then that Pidge realized that literally everyone was there, from the main Blade members down to the rebel fighters. Allura and Shiro were at the console together, talking with Coran and Kolivan, and they looked surprised at their outburst.  
Keith, meanwhile, had gone pale, his eyes flickering behind them to Matt, who probably looked at least a little guilty. "Pidge," he managed, giving a weak laugh. "What-?"
"Don't you 'what' me, you asshole," Pidge snarled, stomping up to him. Hunk and Lance backed away, eyes wide and hands up as if to escape their gremlin wrath. They studied Keith for a long moment, eyes eventually going watery, and Keith let his stance relax, his eyes softening.  
"Pidge, I-"
Pidge shut him up with a firm hug, tucking their head into his chest and clenching at his back tightly, struggling not to sob. "Don't do that," they whispered. "Please."
Keith wrapped his arms around Pidge's shoulders, threading his fingers through their hair and keeping his eyes off the other paladins. "I had to."  
Pidge broke away and slapped his arm, hard. Without his paladin armor, it actually stung. "Don't give me that bullshit!" they shouted. "You didn't have to, and you know it!"  
"Keith," Lance said cautiously, his eyes darting back and forth between the two. His hands were still raised. "What is Pidge talking about?"  
Pidge glared at him for another second, their eyes watering, and then they turned to look at Hunk and Lance. "He was going to fly into the particle barrier Lotor destroyed."  
Lance's eyebrows wrinkled as Hunk's jaw dropped. "Like...kamikaze style?"  
Keith and Pidge both flinched, making the answer clear, and Lance lowered his hands, face slack and eyes wide. "Dude," he breathed, looking at Keith in disbelief.  
Keith pursed his lips and glanced sideways at Shiro, Allura, and Coran. Allura and Coran looked horrified, but Shiro was practically stone cold, like he hadn't heard what Pidge had said. "Look," he managed, clenching his fists. "I had to! I didn't know Lotor was going to show up, I couldn't have! It was a last second ditch effort to save you guys, to save Voltron. You know, defender of the universe and all that? The literal savior of the free universe? Voltron is needed way more than one Blade member, and you all know it."  
"We also know that you're that Blade member," Hunk said softly, his eyes watery. "And that you were also a paladin. And that you are needed just as much as we are, especially by us."  
Keith swallowed the lump in his throat, ignoring the stinging in his eyes. "You can do this without me, though," he tried again. "I'm not needed to form Voltron."  
"Not now, perhaps," Allura broke in. Her eyes glinted in the light. "But if anything were to happen to any of us, you may be needed again."
"And how is that any different than the situation that just happened?" Keith demanded.  
"Because we didn't try to kill ourselves!" Lance snapped.  
Keith whirled, eyes wide at the emotion lacing his voice, only to find Lance in his face, tears curling down his cheeks and a finger jutting into Keith's chest. "You do not get to claim that you aren't important to us and then deny us when we say otherwise, you quiznaking douchebag!"  
He swallowed, a little afraid of the intensity in Lance's eyes, and then found himself wrapped in another hug, this time by the red paladin. He shuddered, letting his hands fall onto Lance's back and trying to fight the sob rising in his throat.  
A warm mass enveloped them from behind Keith and he leaned back into Hunk's chest, shutting his eyes. He was shivering.  
Pidge latched back onto his waist and he let a hand drop from Lance's back to thread in their hair again.
A cool hand cupped his cheek and he pried his eyes open to find Allura standing there, eyes soft and a tear track on her skin. "You are important, to more than just Voltron, Keith," she said, voice low. "You always have been. I know we've had our differences-"
Keith moved his other arm away from Lance and dragged her into the group hug, settling his chin on top of her head. Moments later, Coran joined them, and Keith was thrown back to the moment that he left Voltron for the Blade.  
He looked around. Shiro was nowhere in the vicinity anymore, and Kolivan and the rest of the rebels, including Matt, had turned aside to give them privacy. His stomach sank at seeing his brother, his friend, the person who had stood by him for ages, gone. Like he was ashamed of him, no longer willing to call him a friend.  
The tears stung and finally fell, and Keith gripped tighter to his family.  
His old room was exactly as he'd left it, dark and cold, his jacket still dangling on the hook where he'd last put it.  
Keith changed slowly, peeling off his uniform and draping it over the closet door before sliding into a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. He picked the jacket up in his hands and sank onto the bed with it, fondling the soft fabric between his fingers and tracing over the hems.  
He had almost died today. Of his own volition.  
Keith wasn't stupid. He knew someone was going to find out; Matt had been the only one to know what he was doing, but it was enough. Hell, Keith himself might have accidentally let it slip in one of his less coherent moments.
But he hadn't expected Pidge to literally fling themself at him. Certainly hadn't expected the second hug to come from Lance, the familial love toned deep in Allura's voice.  
Most of all, though, he hadn't expected Shiro to just up and leave. That was what perhaps hurt the most in this whole situation: that Shiro had seen his state of being, had seen the way he needed to be held, and had left.  
As if his brain had conjured it, a knock sounded on his door, hesitant and heavy, metal. That was how Keith knew something was up. Shiro never knocked with his prosthetic if he could help it. He hated the thing with a burning passion. Pidge had been trying to alter it before Keith left, to make it less Galra-like, but Keith wasn't sure if they had continued once the war efforts picked up.  
"Keith? Can I come in?"  
Keith sighed and lowered his arms to rest on his knees, jacket dangling to the floor. "Yeah," he said quietly, almost hoping that Shiro didn't hear him and would leave.  
No luck, as the door swooshed open and Shiro stepped in, eyes downcast and hand rubbing his jaw. He had changed back into regular clothing and looked exhausted. They all were, but Shiro especially looked dead on his feet.  
The door closed behind him and for a moment they both just occupied the same space in silence, Keith staring at Shiro and Shiro staring at the floor. Keith took the moment to formulate what he wanted to say in his head, about how hurt he felt, how much he wanted Shiro to be there for him, how it would have meant something if he had spoken up earlier.  
All that came out was, "Why?"
Shiro looked up, guilt flickering in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he said after a moment.  
He dropped his hand and shoved both into his pockets, scuffing a toe on the ground. "I didn't know how to react, Keith," he whispered. "A person I consider my little brother tells me that...that what? That he almost killed himself, because he thinks we don't need him? Is that what you think letting you go to the Blade meant?"  
Keith stiffened and looked off to the side, letting his hair fall in his face to shield him from the intense stare Shiro was giving him.  
"That is what you thought, isn't it?" Shiro said, his voice surprised. "You thought that because we told you to go, to follow the path you laid out for yourself, that we were saying we didn't want you? Keith, that's...that's ridiculous."
"You guys didn't really try to stop me," he reminded Shiro with a huff.  
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Shiro's foot slammed into the floor. "Dammit, Keith! You're here and not helping with Voltron and the recruiting, and then we tell you it's okay to leave and you think that we're the ones pushing you away?"  
Keith turned to look at Shiro, his jaw hanging a little at the anger in his voice. The man was standing, fists clenched and eyes flashing. "That's bullshit, Keith, and you know it as well as we do."  
"Shiro, I-"
"Just..." Shiro took a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes and letting his shoulders slump. "There's people here that care about you, Keith. If you're not happy with the Blade, come back here. I can't guarantee a spot in Voltron, but you're intelligent and know how to fight. We can use you. But if you stay with the Blade..."
He shook his head and dropped his arms, turning back to the door. "If you stay with the Blade, then you need to take care of yourself. Whatever that means for you. We can't lose a valuable team member, someone that people care about. Not again. There have been too many lost to this cause. We don't need to lose you too."
"I understand," Keith said, voice tight as he watched the door open again.  
Shiro tossed a weak smile over his shoulder. It looked forced. "Get some sleep, okay? We have a long war ahead of us."
The door slung shut, leaving Keith to laugh bitterly in an empty room. "When don't we?"  
Three am found Keith in the training room, beating the absolute shit out of a punching bag and sweating harder than he had since leaving the desert heat. His gloves were tight on his fingers, a firm grip that didn't falter as he slammed punch after punch into the sack in front of him, every previous frustration building up and releasing.  
He swung one last time, hard enough to send the bag spinning, and then turned to Coran, chest heaving. The man was watching him in concern, and Keith realized with a start that he wasn't wearing a uniform. Rather, he was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt, a pair of what resembled house slippers on his feet. "Did I wake you up?" he found himself asking, realizing as soon as he said it how stupid a question it was.  
Coran smiled and humored him. "Not at all. I make rounds every four hours while everyone sleeps. Usually I leave anyone training be – don't want them to lose their focus – but you were just exercising and you seemed...rather agitated. Is everything all right?"
Keith sighed and pulled his gloves off, tossing them on the floor and sinking down the wall, rubbing the tension from his knuckles. "Is that even a question?" he joked weakly.  
Coran sat next to him, close enough that their shoulders were brushing but nothing else, and rested his forearms on his knees in an almost meditative pose. "I phrased it as one, yes."  
That got a chuckle out of Keith and he shook his head. "Coran...are you upset with me? For doing what I did today? Er, yesterday, I guess?"
Coran tilted his head, lifting a hand to tug at his mustache. "How could I be?" he asked, his voice gentle and filled with genuine curiosity. "You were doing what you thought best in the moment, even if the decision was based in emotion rather than logic."  
"I was being-"
He caught Coran's look and slumped, wrapping his arms around his knees. "I didn't want them to die," he croaked, cursing internally as his throat started to ache once more. "I didn't know what else to do, I just...I didn't want them to die. I..."
"You care for them," Coran said softly.  
"I love them."  
Keith let that settle for a moment before dragging a fist to his mouth and letting out a sob. "I love them so much," he whimpered, not protesting as he felt Coran scoot closer. "I couldn't lose any more of my family, I had to-"
A hiccup cut him off and he let Coran wrap an arm around him, going so far as to thump his head down on the man's shoulder. "I understand. I was in the same position, only I was much more helpless."
Keith nodded, swiping angrily at his tears. Coran continued, his voice low and his hand stroking Keith's bicep and shoulder. "I had to watch as the princess I consider a daughter nearly died, as four other aliens I have come to consider my children nearly died."
He paused, and Keith could practically feel his mustache twitch. "And then I had to find out that the only son I would have had left if they had died almost killed himself."
Keith's breath hitched and he pressed further into Coran's grasp, reaching out a hand and wrapping it around Coran's fingers. They were cold, trembling a bit, and Keith squeezed them firmly.  
"You didn't want to lose your family, son," Coran murmured. "I understand that, believe me I do. But have you stopped to consider that you are also someone's family to lose?"  
"I have today," Keith admitted, voice breaking. "Thanks, Coran."  
Coran hummed and squeezed Keith's hand back, his fingers still rubbing circles into Keith's skin. "Of course, son. Would you like me to walk you back to your room?"
"Can we just...can we just sit here for a bit?"
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bandpracticerooms · 7 years
Prompt from tumblr user writemesomewords
Prompt: ¨I have no idea who you are, but we’re trapped on the highway in a snowstorm and we need to stay warm.¨
Word Count: 756
Characters: 3957
Characters Without Spaces: 3219
Warnings: i think there may be a couple swears ???? the only other thing i can think of is just good ol’ awkwardness if that trips you up.
Tags: fluff, mgs, one shot (may connect to other one shots though????,) solid snake, some slight flirting, ooc solid snake (?¿), male reader insert (i mean, it’s intended for male reader however it doesn’t use any pronouns to describe the reader so,,) i think that’s it ???? iḿ new to posting work send help,,
Summary: Solid Snake / David and you are stuck on a bus together in a snowstorm, y’all happen to be the only 2 on the bus, and awkwardness and an attempt for more warmth ensue. Just kind of a nice lil thing, may be considered fluffy ???? idk man
AN: Yike, I made this last year and revised it a little (well, i added a lot more and changed a decent amount but it’s overall the same thing,) but I still kinda feel like Solid/David is ooc ???? and heck, I’m sorry if he is, but then again heck, I guess we never really see him in a more kinda chill home setting and just everything casual and not having to save the world or anything. Also heck, this honestly just kinda really heckin’ sucks man. Also,, I wrote in the 1st person, sorry y’all; I hope it doesn’t grind your gears too much. Anyways I think I wrote too much up here,, oops,, I’ll shut up now.
I suppose this was one of the downfalls of living in New York. Here I was, stuck on a bus with only the driver and a well built man that was probably in his late 20s or 30s. We were stuck in traffic and wouldn't be moving for at least an hour due to the weather, road conditions, and traffic. But, considering that there has been some collision (whether it was bg ro small was still unknown,) it’d probably be at least another half hour. I sighed softly and looked at the guy in the backseat. It had been almost an hour and my shakiness level had escalated higher than a chihuahua’s. I battled with my thoughts for a little while, debating if any of these ideas bouncing around for warmth would actually work. Then, I made one of my best and boldest decisions to date: I moved to sit by the aforementioned man. He had a nice big jacket and he could probably fit another person in there… I know it’d be awkward but, heck… it’s so cold. The man, who happened the be stunningly handsome, glanced down at me curiously. I felt my face begin to heat up as the blood rushed to my cheeks and I attempted to muster up all the courage I could.
¨I have no idea who you are, but we’re tapped on the highway in a snowstorm and we need to stay warm.” I rushed my words, but he the man had no difficulty in understanding what I requested; He chuckled softly, and I automatically melted.
His deep blue eyes seemed to utilize a mystical paralyzing power as he gazed into mine.
¨How do you suppose we so that?¨ He asked quizzically, a faint smirk taunted me and only helped me sink further into awestruck silence.
‘His voice… fuck…’
As I tried to force my brain to work and for me to actually respond coherently, my face only heated up more.
¨With how much you’re blushing, you may be fine after all. Did you come over here to just flirt with me?¨
It took me a moment to actually defend myself, ¨W-well, I actually came over for the warmth proposition but it seems to have taken a turn-¨ I paused for a moment before adding more on quickly, ¨I-I mean, it’s not like you’re unattractive! You’re a very handsome man, I just-¨
I was cut off with a chuckle before he interjected, ¨You don’t need to explain. Would you like to come a little closer?¨
Before thinking, I moved closer and blurted out, ¨I’d fuckin’ love to get in on some of this jacket action.¨ He chuckled again softly, and any panic I may have had fell right off my shoulders.
¨I’m David, by the way. You can call me Dave, if you want.¨ He stated after a while of us semi-awkwardly snuggling into each other.
¨I’m y/n… thanks for lettin’ me get in on the jacket action.¨ We both shared a look and started laughing softly.
After some casual small talk and beginning to delve into some more personal things, the bus started back up and not only was the heat back, but we were finally moving again; bless!! I stayed there for a couple moments as the heat worked it’s magic throughout the bus. I moved to sit across from Dave, so I could see his face as he continued our conversation. I had learned that he used to reside in Alaska, and had recently moved to New York after returning from deployment a couple of months ago. Coincidentally, he lived in the same apartment building as me. However, we hadn’t stumbled upon each other there because he admitted he never really left his apartment.
¨I’d love to get to know you more, Dave.¨ I smiled at him warmly as we stood up to get off the bus.
¨I would also love that,¨ Dave flashed a small back at me.
I grinned widely as we began going up to our apartments. Our apartments happened to be right across from each other, ¨what a coincidence, huh?¨ I pondered.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dave awkwardly scratch the back of his neck semi-awkwardly, ¨Y’know, this is a little impulsive and soon but, would you like to stay at my place tonight? We could continue to get to know each other-¨
If I wasn’t mistaken, I believed Dave had blushed faintly, ¨I’d love to David.¨
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honeyspilleda · 6 years
erase  the  live  action  kim  possible  immediately
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ambitiouslyher · 13 days
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ambitiouslyher · 3 months
just wanted to say real quick and be soft on main that i really appreciate you guys for being a part of the nina experience. i love her so so bad so it's nice to have you all along for the ride < 33
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ambitiouslyher · 1 month
uh YEAH. she’s that girl actually
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ambitiouslyher · 3 months
nina has no idea what tiktok is ( she does but it's all information she learns against her will ). but there are so many trends i can see her in and i think she would slay all of them
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ambitiouslyher · 4 months
i know that nina has failed and she will fail at times because she's an imperfect individual but also in my head, she's perfect and therefore can make no mistakes and is amazing at everything she does so.......
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ambitiouslyher · 4 months
good morning, world 🫶🏼 two more days until nina’s one year anniversary on this blog ‼️ i don’t usually do stuff but i cherish her deeply and wanna do something special. it’ll probably be another edit and i don’t have too many mutuals here to do anything bigger / more engaging. so , maybe even just a little celebration post 🖤 ANYWAYS, BIG THOUGHTS. have a good weekend, everyone ‼️
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ambitiouslyher · 4 months
no one i’m mutuals with here actively writes anyone from bleach but … i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t thinking of a bleach verse for nina 😗 i do like the idea of her possibly being a quincy. but maybe an arrancar ?? maybe i’ll write it up for funsies 🤭
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ambitiouslyher · 4 months
✦ ⫽ visuals ... wears a smile like a loaded gun ✦ ⫽ study ... no one wants a half-remembered tragedy. ✦ ⫽ muse ... it will stop your breath how cruel i can be. ✦ ⫽ aes ... red compels ̗ it stains. ✦ ⫽ lookbook ... anything can be a weapon if you wear it right. ✦ ⫽ desires ... we obsess ̗ it's in our nature. ✦ ⫽ main ... my touch is lethal ̗ my touch is power. ✦ ⫽ tmau ... how it ruined you ̗ name the organs it kissed. ✦ ⫽ marvel ... tastes like every dark thought you ever had. ✦ ⫽ double agent au ... a boxing ring where fools and devils put up their fists. ✦ ⫽ sxf au ... even with a bullet through your eye ̗ play your part and say your lines. ✦ ⫽ if i let him do this to me ̗ what else will i allow ? anything anything anything ... ninajason (spllledwlne). ✦ ⫽ we make each other alive ̗ does it matter if it hurts ... ninaloid (eleutheriya). ✦ ⫽ two strangers with each other's secrets ... nina and carol (danversiism). ✦ ⫽ nina and drucilla (spllledwlne). ✦ ⫽ nina and fujiko (eleutheriya). ✦ ⫽ my heart beats in the rhythm of threes ... NJLS.
✦ ⫽ ooc … my only coherent thought was: YIKES!
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ambitiouslyher · 4 months
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muse vs mun
tagged by: @eleutheriya tagging: anyone who hasn't done it < 33
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