#โœฆ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐“๐„๐†๐Ž โžœ ๏ฝข Verse Notes ๏ฝฃ
bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒ ๐๐ž๐ฐ ๐˜๐จ๐ซ๐คโœ๐ฌ ๐‹๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Œ๐š๐ ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ฅ ๐“๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฌ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ
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This verse is a bit new, so bare with me! I still need to work on it a bit more thoroughly, because I want to it make perfect sense when it's all done. And this verse can still go a multitude of ways, but this will be her main direction, at least to start.
This is basically her MARVEL verse! Not entirely set in stone, as I said before.
She's still a witch; a mutant perhaps, if you will. Her parents, however, are not. However, unlike most who have no control over their abilities, Hermione Granger does. Studying, concentrating, self-training; things she did to hone her abilities. And instead of her parents resenting her and pushing her away, they supported her throughout. She uses her wand to help channel her magic, but as she gets older, she can channel it without and through her fingers, or just through speech.
After doing a lot of research, Hermione comes across a forum online, something about โ›Xavier's School for Gifted Youngstersโœ, specifically for children like her. Actually, for people of all ages, so it reads. Helping people who have difficulty with their abilities, to hone them, to be better with them and to help others. Her stubbornness says she doesn't need help; but she also knew that it would help her more to receive lessons and assistance from people like her. And obviously, when she transfers, she obviously brings her cat, Crookshanks, with her.
And before you ask; she doesn't have a code name, not yet. She doesn't really wear red, and Scarlet Witch is taken and most likely copyright claimed.
When she's enrolled into the school, she's around 13 ( PoA age ), but she's about 16-18 in the main area of things. And I'd like to think, as an adult, she's a witching doctor or lawyer, but that's just me.
She is open to crossovers of muses from the Marvel side of things, or any hero side of things.
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐๐ซ๐จ๐›๐š๐›๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐€๐ญ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ง๐ž๐ฒ ๐ข๐ง ๐–๐ข๐ณ๐š๐ซ๐๐ข๐ง๐  ๐‡๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ
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Another little verse type thing, but another career route! I know, I'm pulling ideas from here, there and everywhere, but you can't tell me that Hermione Granger wouldn't be a fantastic lawyer. She'd be fighting in someone's corner, checking all the facts, being herself and walking around with power on her shoulders purely from her name and the weight it carries.
Does she flaunt it? No. She wants to show the wizarding world that she can help in more than one way, and that's by defending the people of it.
She isn't like typical lawyers, flaunting their money around, fancy houses and cars; oh no. Hermione still lives in her plain, muggle looking house, cosy furniture, her ginger, fluffy cat strutting all over the place and takes the Floo instead of anything else, or the train.
No doubt she's had questions from Ron, and even Harry, about why she doesn't spend the wage she gets at the end of the month, and her response will always be that she's saving it for her children's future, if she ever has any ( which she probably will, Matilda is MY canon child for her so~ ). Securing a future for her family is all she wants. It's what her parents would've wanted her to do, too.
Also, she'd look damn good in a nice shirt, blazer and skirt, or a nice dress. You can't tell me she wouldn't because oh boy, yes she would.
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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I want to think that when Hermione finishes her eighth year, she has a special floo connection or portkey to attend Harvard to get her grades and things for her to pursue her career as an attorney / lawyer. This is so she can still attend one of the best schools worldwide to do the job she wants to commit to but also so she can still see and be with her friends and family.
Is she dating anyone as she's attending school? That is entirely left open. It depends if said person who's wanting to be with her doesn't mind that she wants to (1) port key / floo nearly every day for something she's really passionate about and (2) if they're actually okay with her career choice.
Hermione is, admittedly, a romantic, and she wants someone to love her for her as much as she'd love them, but if her career path is in the wayโ€”well, it'd just take some discussion and working around. She's hopeful, though.
She wants to help people, it's one of the main things that she's always wanted to do, and she plans to make her strides to do so.
But, if her career does go through, she can end up working for an entirely separate wizarding law firm, or for the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Her home is England, and she'll stay in England. No doubt she'd get offers for American firms, but she is happier being where she belongs, and where she knows that her family and friends are.
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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This is a little thing for her Sherlock verse because I love it so much.
Hermione takes up a bit of an "apprenticeship" at St. Bart's, getting Stamford's permission to study directly under her mother in the morgue. Yes, this isn't really appropriate, but Molly's the one who's there a lot of the time and the one who does most of the body diagnostics for important cases and other matters. And, even though Molly would be biased ( since she's her child ), Hermione would remain entirely on task as she analyses reports, bodies and other things. It's more like a work experience course, in a way.
She's even neutral when her own father walks into the room, making all kinds of demands. The first time seeing her would be a bit mind-bogglingโ€”though no words exchanged, just shared looks between himself, her and Molly. This would only last a few minutes before the air returns to "normal". John, however, would be pally, as usual, asking how they're doing, how Hermione's studies are going and if she's enjoying what she's doing. Always a nod of the head and a polite smile, but never distracted from what she has to do. A trait from her father, no doubt.
There's just something about a lab coat that fills her with that found confidence, getting to feel like she was really in the medical field. Thrilling, actually. Harry and Ron commend her for wanting to do something to out there, and Ron even cringes when she describes the type of things she looks at and finds interesting, but obviously not everyone deems it as impressive. Malfoy, Parkinson and co. always have a thing to say, which really doesn't mean anything to her. It isn't like any of them can impact her future career, right?
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐€๐ซ๐œ๐ก๐ž๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ฅ ๐‚๐š๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐ซ ๐‘๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ž
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Now, there isn't really a sector for this within the Ministry, but let's say there is, just for this. Perhaps in the Department of Mysteries. Hermione is that of the librarian there, who does file paperwork but also goes on her own little adventures for the sake of research.
She'll be sent to places all over the world in search of magical artefacts, cursed or otherwise. She thrives on it, actually. She gets to travel to places she's never been, discovering magical items that hold so much history and magic behind them. Sometimes they're easy trips, sometimes they're dangerous trips.
Harry, Ron and Ginny often express their concern for her with how easily she's up and off, touching items that could possibly kill her. She understands, of course she does, but what life was it to work behind a desk all the time? Not a life, if you ask her. Sometimes Harry or Ron are assigned with her ( if they've taken the auror path ) and even then it's hard to keep a sort of โ›leashโœ on her.
It's thrilling for her, really. Seeing the world and excavating ancient items from tombs, vaults and things alike, and then returning to Wizarding London with her findings, proud of herself ( even if she has a few cuts and bruises ). She'll even purchase books and other itemsโ€”souvenirs for her friends and family mostlyโ€”and bring them home, the books going straight onto her bookcase in an orderly fashion.
She gets sneers from the likes of Lucius Malfoy, โ›A muggleborn mudblood getting her hands dirty. Typical. Have you no dignity?โœ, nothing new, really. It just makes her eye roll, and she cracks on with her day like she hadn't heard the pompous wanker at all. Always the odd few that look at her with utter disdain, but does she care? No, not one bit.
Getting her hands dirty to find items worth thousands of galleons for research, or knowledge for her, was worth it. Very, very worth it. Fulfilling, actually.
That being said, her trips aren't all that often. 3-4 times a year, at most. And sometimes, she'll even come home utterly fruitless in her search of being in another country for a few weeks. It's just one of those things that can't be helped. At least she can bring some books she'd purchased over there with her, that was definitely still a win, and she can make a good report for the Ministry.
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ƒ๐จ๐œ๐ญ๐จ๐ซโœ๐ฌ ๐–๐ข๐ณ๐š๐ซ๐๐ข๐ง๐  ๐‚๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐š๐ง๐ข๐จ๐ง
โคท This verse is basically affiliated with @talesfromthevoiid's Tenth Doctor!!
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This verse is one of those I thought of just because my super good amazing friend inspired it into existence! So I apologise if it's a bit bare at the moment!
Hermione, a grown woman at this point, has become the Tenth Doctor's wizarding companion. Why would he need a witch for a companion, one might ask? Who knows, there's no explanation for it.
They bicker, after all, are you really close with this witch if you're not bickering with her in some way, shape or form? The Doctor, himself, isn't big on the whole magic thing, not really believing her that she can do it, so they always have a bit of a tiff about it. He warns her to be careful in certain eras as if she doesn't have a clue and, good Godric, it makes her utterly FUME. So she often fires back saying his whole "time travel box" is just rubbish that he makes upโ€”though she does know that isn't the case.
Though, regardless of all that, she respects the man greatly. Even when she argues back, she finds the whole TARDIS and everything it can do, and what he can do, utterly fascinating.
She just finds it entertaining to brush it off as if it were all just magical coincidences.
Harry and Ron have questioned โ›who the bloody hellโœ she's travelling with, but she just rolls her eyes and tells them to stop being silly. โ›Just a gentleman who'd offered her new bits of knowledgeโœ, she'd said. She had no idea that knowledge that meant bloody time travel, but she has played with it before, after all.
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bccksmarts ยท 10 months
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This verse is basically still fresh, so it will be developed a lot further, I'm sure.
In this verse, at a young age, around age 10 or so, Hermione ( and by extension, her family ) received a letter in the mail around the time her magical potential started to show itselfโ€”but not from Hogwarts.
No, it was from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. They were the first wizarding school to reach out to her and her family, offering help and relocation and accommodation to France. And so, they moved.
Her family house now located in Paris, a beautiful city for a child to grow up in, as well as a Floo network set up to go from her house straight to the school grounds. She adjusted with the surrounding students, dressed sensibly in their blue uniforms.
Though, when the Triwizard Tournament came around, she was allowed to accompany the school on their visit to the infamous school known as Hogwarts. She wasn't a stand-out sort of girl ( even if her hair did get her some stares and looks ), but she thought she fit in rather nicely, regardless of her uniform. She wasn't a fan of the Slytherin table at first glance, a bit too... judgemental for her taste. The Durmstrang students were interesting, Viktor Krum obviously being the main attraction ( famous Quidditch player and all thatโ€”the game was barbaric! ).
โžค This verse is primarily a NO VOLDEMORT AU verse, but it can be written in others if plotted! And if people want to include their muses as Beauxbatons students, or even Durmstrang students, by all means! It's still a major work in progress, and I WILL be doing art for it!!
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