#⦗✦| But also very inspired by The Mummy movies ♡ |✦⦘
bccksmarts · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞
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Now, there isn't really a sector for this within the Ministry, but let's say there is, just for this. Perhaps in the Department of Mysteries. Hermione is that of the librarian there, who does file paperwork but also goes on her own little adventures for the sake of research.
She'll be sent to places all over the world in search of magical artefacts, cursed or otherwise. She thrives on it, actually. She gets to travel to places she's never been, discovering magical items that hold so much history and magic behind them. Sometimes they're easy trips, sometimes they're dangerous trips.
Harry, Ron and Ginny often express their concern for her with how easily she's up and off, touching items that could possibly kill her. She understands, of course she does, but what life was it to work behind a desk all the time? Not a life, if you ask her. Sometimes Harry or Ron are assigned with her ( if they've taken the auror path ) and even then it's hard to keep a sort of ❛leash❜ on her.
It's thrilling for her, really. Seeing the world and excavating ancient items from tombs, vaults and things alike, and then returning to Wizarding London with her findings, proud of herself ( even if she has a few cuts and bruises ). She'll even purchase books and other items—souvenirs for her friends and family mostly—and bring them home, the books going straight onto her bookcase in an orderly fashion.
She gets sneers from the likes of Lucius Malfoy, ❛A muggleborn mudblood getting her hands dirty. Typical. Have you no dignity?❜, nothing new, really. It just makes her eye roll, and she cracks on with her day like she hadn't heard the pompous wanker at all. Always the odd few that look at her with utter disdain, but does she care? No, not one bit.
Getting her hands dirty to find items worth thousands of galleons for research, or knowledge for her, was worth it. Very, very worth it. Fulfilling, actually.
That being said, her trips aren't all that often. 3-4 times a year, at most. And sometimes, she'll even come home utterly fruitless in her search of being in another country for a few weeks. It's just one of those things that can't be helped. At least she can bring some books she'd purchased over there with her, that was definitely still a win, and she can make a good report for the Ministry.
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unsteals-archived · 2 years
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what’s the best inspiration for your muse? (gonna let you talk about the mummy )        ♡        @giftshopped​.
BABE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. sure, let’s talk the mummy. i’ve loved this movie since i was little. i found it like, two months after that big shiny egyptology book landed in my life, so of course i wanted to watch it. and then i wanted to watch it again, and again, and again, and again. this went on for years. it continues to go on, to this day. evy made me want to be like her, and i’ve carried that with me all the way into my adulthood. and i am far from the only person who has associated the mummy with layla - so i think everyone kinda gets how it might be an influence. but it’s also that evy and layla are very strong, intelligent women, who have a lot of passion for their work. 
but that’s not the only inspiration i’ve got for layla. of course i watch the source material over and over trying to get the voice just right, but there’s other things too. i turn to the things that make me love archaeology to help me explore her love of archaeology. i’d watch egyptology documentaries but there’s honestly not a lot of them out there that i like, because there’s not a lot of them out there that aren’t completely overshadowed by the imperial nature of early archaeology and its impact on modern day archaeology. so i do my own reading and i poke around on egyptian blogs and websites to explore how layla probably views herself and the world around her as an egyptian woman. 
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bccksmarts · 1 year
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𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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It goes without saying that I do indeedly use Emma Watson as Hermione's face, voice and mannerisms, but she doesn't have the hair. I'd say her closest versions to how I'd picture how I see my Hermione's hair is the first and second films ONLY. Especially her Chamber of Secret's look.
Now, when it comes to drawing, I primarily use P.rincess A.urora's hair curls for inspiration, whatever's easiest for my hands to manage, as well as Hermione's official art for products and merchandise ( you can view those on her about page ). But visualising in my head, I use the characters & actresses above.
Z.endaya is a prime example here, especially with this look particularly, since I give my Hermione a curly fringe / bangs. I look at S.ofia W.ylie is another prime example, purely for the tightness of the curls in this particular scene / outfit in The S.chool for G.ood and E.vil. They're tight, heavy and you can see the volume there. This is also why I use P.rincess M.erida, as her curls are wild, but very heavy, but you can still tell the volume of it, and how tight some of the curls actually are.
Styling, however—like I said, I prefer my Hermione with a fringe / bangs of sorts—I look at E.velyn C.arnahan / O'Connell from The Mummy ( first movie only ) because of how it's styled. Curly fringe, more controlled but still has that element of wildness here and there. It's still a bit of a rats nest, but for a grown woman really, it's... ❛tamed❜ in a sense. Even when tied up or back, the curls are there to see in her little bangs and bits on the side of her face that come loose.
And then, well, another I look at is... myself? I know that sounds absurd, but it's how I've always had this type of hair, not needing any sort of product to help with it, either. Wild and untamable since a young age but growing up and managing it on my own, doing it how I want and still having these really tight ringlets that bounce and are heavy is just... it's freeing, in a way, to be able to picture a character like that as well. I have a curly fringe ( even if wild most of the time ), and long curls that go part the way down my back, and I take inspo from that, especially when it's dried from after a shower. It's soft, it's heavy, it's not totally dry but not wet either which gives it a bit of weight that makes it look nice. I'll even include some little pictures of when my hair used to be crazy wild under the cut.
But yeah, those are how I actually look at Hermione's hair!! So even though I use Emma as the primary face, voice, look—her hair is a TOTALLY different story. ♡
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I was 14 Years Old here, this is when my hair actually started to drop due to my curl's weight!!
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I can't even tell how old I was here,,, 3 years old, maybe?? But good GOD—
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