#✦ aster winton || answered ✦ talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish
unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@caeloservare asked: oh dear, here we go-
Qrow: ❤️💜💖💗💗💗💗💗 Hazel: ❤️💜💜💖💗💗 Clover: 💗💛 💞 (❤️ but shhhh…) Ghira: 💜 (worry not, it's just an observation. The man's hot) Glynda: 💖💗sometimes 💓 Aster: 💓 Oscar: 💛 Salem (same would go for Robyn, Adam and Jacques of course too but I don't wanna spam you forever xD) : 💔
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Popping this under a readmore, just for length!
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them. 💜: Finds them sexually attractive. 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. (x5)
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"You feelin' okay over there, James?" he asks, teasing lilt to his tone. But he pulls the other man into a hug anyway. He'd be lying if he said he didn't care..., but as with anything, he's just....scared of what could happen if he lets himself get too close.
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❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them. 💜: Finds them sexually attractive. (x2) 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. (x2)
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The idea that James Ironwood thinks so highly of him is still a little bit jarring. Part of Hazel doesn't know how to deal with it; it had been a long time since anyone had actually....cared about him, beyond his use as a tool. He hadn't realized what he'd been missing.
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💗: Finds them romantically attractive. 💛: Loves them platonically. 💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling. (❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.)
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"Be still my beating heart," he says with a grin. "Should I come by later, help you figure things out?" They'd been through a lot together, after all, and there were definitely some feelings there.
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💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
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A little laugh leaves him. "I'm flattered, General. And if I weren't happily married, I'd certainly be interested, but as it stands...., thank you for the compliment."
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💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. 💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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"It's nice to see your sense of taste hasn't been dulled, at least,"
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💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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"There's no need to be intimidated by me, James," he says with a soft laugh, tail curling lazily behind him. "Though I seem to be getting that response a lot."
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💛: Loves them platonically.
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He hadn't known the General personally for very long, but there was a lot of depth of feeling there. They'd known one another for quite some time, beyond his experience of the man, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't care about him.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"What a good little Tin Soldier you are, even now," she laughs. She doesn't care about him one way or another. He's....irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"Believe it or not, I don't hate you, General. I think we could have done some good if you'd told the truth sooner."
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💔: Hates their guts.
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He's used to humans hating him. Especially when he'd done nothing to them.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"The feeling is mutual, I assure you."
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: Aster, do you feel lonely sometimes? How do you deal with it?
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Normally, Aster had answers to all sorts of different questions, and if he didn’t, he usually wasn’t worried about admitting that. But a question like this…., well, it’s one of the things he’s struggled with for a while. He gets to know a lot of people, some of them quite well, but he doesn’t have many friends. And even fewer relationships throughout his life.
“I’m still just a person,” he says with a slightly lopsided smile. “I’m not immune to feeling lonely.” But how did he deal with it? He frequently just…..didn’t.
“There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks and getting to know someone much better for an evening,” is what he says, offering a wink. Sometimes that helped him feel more of a sense of connection, but other times…., it just made it worse.
He’s very good at helping other people, but sometimes, he still has trouble with himself.
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stardustedstories · 9 months
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an assortment of dialogue prompts // Accepting!
@decrheart asked: ❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜ -luci to whoever :D
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Aster glanced over at his friend, a soft smile on his lips. The two of them had been through a lot together; Aster had been there through a lot of Luci's on-again, off-again relationships, and he'd helped him pick up the pieces a few times.
He does his best not to show when he's feeling particularly…..off, even though he knows that that's a bad habit that will come back to bite him in the ass later. Still, he doesn't like being a burden, doesn't like worrying anyone. Apparently this time, he hadn't been paying attention, and Luci had seen his expression, had noticed him going off on his own to stare out into the gardens.
The blonde blows out his breath, glancing back down at the grounds below them. "I always like your company," he murmurs, leaning on the balcony railing.
Aster's not sure he wants to talk about why he's out here by himself, but he appreciates Luci's presence more than he can say.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Emotional Intimacy & Pillow Talk // Accepting
@hopeandharmonizing asked: ❝ we really should have done that sooner, huh? ❞ (dealer's choice, doesn't have to be referring to lewd!)
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It had been a long time since Aster had sung for anyone else, and an even longer time since he'd played the piano. But once Briar had found out that he'd considered being a musician, once upon a time, even though he'd ended up pursuing other avenues, she'd been encouraging him to sing for her.
They'd been spending some time together, ever since his first foray into her space, where she'd managed to pull him out of his own melancholy and almost effortlessly into her performance. It had been easy to talk to her, and he very much enjoyed getting to know her.
Which meant that, the next time they met up, before the club was really open, just the two of them and a couple of employees getting the place ready, he decided that he was going to sing for her. It wasn't anything special, not as far as he was concerned; just a little something he'd written a long time ago, when he'd still been young, had thought that love was easy. Aster loved people so quickly and it had backfired on him so much over the years that it was probably one of the reasons he'd stopped doing much with music. If he focused on helping other people, on being professional, then there wasn't time to worry about much of anything else.
He sat down at the piano, playing a few chords, remembering the feeling of the keys, even as his tail swept gently behind him, curling one way and then the other.
Aster took a deep breath and let it out slowly, starting into the intro of the song, letting the sound of the piano and the memory of the music wash over him, getting lost into it.
"In every heart, there is a room A sanctuary safe and strong To heal the wounds from lovers past Until a new one comes along
I spoke to you in cautious tones You answered me with no pretense And still I feel I said too much… My silence is my self-defense"
His voice had started out almost tentative, as though he was remembering how to sing after a long time…., which wasn't that far off. But he continued, his voice got stronger, more sure, until he was pouring himself into the song, his voice stronger or softer when the music called for it.
"And every time I held a rose It seems I only felt the thorns and so it goes, and so it goes and so will you soon I suppose
But if my silence made you leave Then that would be my worst mistake So I will share this room with you And you can have this heart to break"
He's focused on the keyboard in front of him, of making sure his chords are right, that the music supports his voice.
And as he keeps playing, as he sings, even though she doesn't know the words, he hears Briar jump in, adding harmony to his voice. He smiles up at her, their voices blending, rising and falling, until he plays the final chord. And for a long moment, he doesn't move, just lets the chord fade away, lets the sound resolve into silence.
"We really should have done that sooner, huh?" Briar asked, and Aster couldn't help the soft laugh that left him, even as a slight flush coloured his cheeks.
"You're right," he murmured, offering her a smile. "It had just….been a while. I'd forgotten how much I loved it." He'd always loved music, but making it was something entirely different. Maybe he'd get back to making more…., and maybe he'd even share it again.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@flightofaqrow asked: I don't think he's met Aster yet but probably 💓
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💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
Oh he will. And Aster will win him over eventually.
Aster's tail is upright, the tip bent even as he grins. "I'm only intimidating if you're a Grimm or a dessert." And he loves talking to people.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send a 🍁, ask a question // Accepting
Anonymous asked: 🍁 + Alright then, who do you wish would want and ask for your help most?
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(In reference to this post)
Aster raises an eyebrow, arms crossed over his chest. His tail flicks from side to side quickly, before he takes a deep breath.
"I feel like this question is trying to trap me in some way. Like the question you really want to ask is 'who's the most fucked-up person in Remnant.' But I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you. Each and every person has been through something that affects them, that might not affect someone else. Every single person is worthy of love and acceptance, and I'm not going to sit here and speculate about who needs my help the most."
His tail lashes again, and it's clear he's trying not to get more upset than he is. "It doesn't even have to be something big for me to want to help; I just want people to know that there's someone they can talk to, if they need it, and that they're worthy of love, no matter what they might have been taught or experienced."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@flightofaqrow asked: (Aster) 🍁 + How does he feel about being a faunus?
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Aster's tail swishes slowly behind him, a fact he's much more aware of, considering the question. How did he feel about being a faunus?
"Well, I've been a faunus all my life, so I don't exactly know anything different," he laugh. But he has a feeling that's not really the question that's being asked. They're curious about other things.
"It can be hard, sometimes," Aster says, his voice soft as he looks down at his hands. "Having people hate you, not for anything you've done, but simply for the circumstances of your birth, for something you can't control." A little sigh. "It can get tiring, always having to fight to be recognized as a person, and I don't exactly have the 'privilege' of being able to 'pass,'" the words are said with quotes because to some, it is a privilege not to be seen as faunus…., but….there are a lot of complicated feelings there.
"I wouldn't change that part of myself, if that's what you're asking, even if I could. I'm me, and if I weren't a faunus, I would be someone else."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@eiiskonigin asked: 🍁 + Aster, who in Remnant would you most like to help, among the people you've met?
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"Yes," he's tempted to respond, because he's met a lot of people, and he's wanted to be able to help everyone, if they wanted or needed him. But it's not that simple. He can't just go up to someone and be like "Ah, yes, you have problems; I'm going to help you today;" it was much more nuanced than that.
While Aster did his best to help as many people as possible, he can't help someone that doesn't want his help. Which makes the question difficult.
"I want to help anyone I can," he replies. "While there are plenty of people in Remnant who need some sort of help, not everyone wants what I can offer. And that's okay; some people aren't ready to accept help, some people can't ask for it, and sometimes, there's trauma that's stopping someone. And whatever the reason…., it doesn't matter. Because people aren't broken; they're not some vase that needs to be put back together. But sometimes people hurt…., and it's that that I might be able to help with."
A soft laugh as he sits back in his chair. "I guess the answer to your question is…., whoever decides that they need me."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send a 🍁, ask a question // Accepting
Anonymous asked: 🍁 Aster, do you feel lonely sometimes? How do you deal with it?
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Normally, Aster had answers to all sorts of different questions, and if he didn't, he usually wasn't worried about admitting that. But a question like this…., well, it's one of the things he's struggled with for a while. He gets to know a lot of people, some of them quite well, but he doesn't have many friends. And even fewer relationships throughout his life.
"I'm still just a person," he says with a slightly lopsided smile. "I'm not immune to feeling lonely." But how did he deal with it? He frequently just…..didn't.
"There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks and getting to know someone much better for an evening," is what he says, offering a wink. Sometimes that helped him feel more of a sense of connection, but other times…., it just made it worse.
He's very good at helping other people, but sometimes, he still has trouble with himself.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@caeloservare asked: "Mister Winton, would you by any chance have time to aid some of the students that came to Atlas? The Fall of Beacon was quite an experience and I believe we could use your expertise. Of course, you will be given a fair payment and whatever else you will find needed, accommodation in the Academy included."
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Though he hadn't been in Vale at the time, Aster Winton was very aware of the Fall of Beaon. At this point, he was pretty sure that most people in Remnant were aware of what had happened, or at least some version of it. Before the CCT had gone down, there had been all sorts of footage…., and then afterwards, well. The smaller towns had had to wait weeks for any sort of news to be delivered on foot, if it ever made it there.
He'd been very busy, after that, doing his best to tend to his own feelings about the school he'd gone to falling, along with everyone else's. There was a lot he still had to process, but that could wait; he had other people to worry about, especially with this request from James Ironwood.
Aster was absolutely going to help, of course he was. He couldn't force anyone to come talk to him, but maybe if they knew there was someone who would listen, it might help.
"I'm already on my way," was the only response; he had work to do.
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