#★ ghira belladonna || answered ★ you have the word of ghira belladonna
unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@caeloservare asked: oh dear, here we go-
Qrow: ❤️💜💖💗💗💗💗💗 Hazel: ❤️💜💜💖💗💗 Clover: 💗💛 💞 (❤️ but shhhh…) Ghira: 💜 (worry not, it's just an observation. The man's hot) Glynda: 💖💗sometimes 💓 Aster: 💓 Oscar: 💛 Salem (same would go for Robyn, Adam and Jacques of course too but I don't wanna spam you forever xD) : 💔
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Popping this under a readmore, just for length!
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them. 💜: Finds them sexually attractive. 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. (x5)
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"You feelin' okay over there, James?" he asks, teasing lilt to his tone. But he pulls the other man into a hug anyway. He'd be lying if he said he didn't care..., but as with anything, he's just....scared of what could happen if he lets himself get too close.
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❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them. 💜: Finds them sexually attractive. (x2) 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. (x2)
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The idea that James Ironwood thinks so highly of him is still a little bit jarring. Part of Hazel doesn't know how to deal with it; it had been a long time since anyone had actually....cared about him, beyond his use as a tool. He hadn't realized what he'd been missing.
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💗: Finds them romantically attractive. 💛: Loves them platonically. 💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling. (❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.)
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"Be still my beating heart," he says with a grin. "Should I come by later, help you figure things out?" They'd been through a lot together, after all, and there were definitely some feelings there.
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💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
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A little laugh leaves him. "I'm flattered, General. And if I weren't happily married, I'd certainly be interested, but as it stands...., thank you for the compliment."
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💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive. 💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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"It's nice to see your sense of taste hasn't been dulled, at least,"
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💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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"There's no need to be intimidated by me, James," he says with a soft laugh, tail curling lazily behind him. "Though I seem to be getting that response a lot."
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💛: Loves them platonically.
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He hadn't known the General personally for very long, but there was a lot of depth of feeling there. They'd known one another for quite some time, beyond his experience of the man, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't care about him.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"What a good little Tin Soldier you are, even now," she laughs. She doesn't care about him one way or another. He's....irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"Believe it or not, I don't hate you, General. I think we could have done some good if you'd told the truth sooner."
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💔: Hates their guts.
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He's used to humans hating him. Especially when he'd done nothing to them.
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💔: Hates their guts.
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"The feeling is mutual, I assure you."
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@wclfmother asked: 🧲 compliment your waifu
Send 🧲 for a list of what my muse finds attractive about yours // Accepting    
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“I could happily talk about Kali for hours.”
Her hair is beautiful; he’s seen it in many different styles, and he always loves it, no matter what she chooses to do with it. 
Her lovely eyes are one of the first things that drew him to her. 
She has a dancer’s body, and he loves every inch of it. 
Her laugh. He loves hearing the sound of her laugh. 
She smells amazing, and she also picks excellent perfumes. 
How fiercely loyal and protective she is. 
Though she be but little, she is fierce. 
The way she smiles at Blake. 
Her smile lines, and the way they’ve grown and deepened over the years. 
She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and her advice has been invaluable more often than not. 
Her mind is also a thing of absolute beauty. 
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Prompts for dramatic reunions // Accepting
@missallanea asked: hurry inside. i'll tend to your wounds. / kali to ghira
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He had known that this particular mission was going to be potentially dangerous, but the White Fang had tried to peacefully protest….; it had turned into something that Ghira had never wanted. They couldn't solve this with violence; that would only show the humans that what they feared about Faunus was true, even though there was a lot more to it than they were willing to accept.
Still, there had been minimal casualties and no fatalities. He honestly hadn't even realized that HE had been injured until Kali called attention to it. Ghira glanced down to see blood seeping from beneath his shirt even as he allowed his wife to usher him inside their home.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," he admitted, dropping onto a stool in the kitchen. "The more I try to keep things peaceful, the more everything seems to go off the rails." He didn't want to just give up; this was important, but something had to give. Ghira just wasn't sure what that was, what would make a difference.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@noctistenebra asked: “ happy fathers day dad ! ” ( for ghira <3 )
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He smiles at his daughter's words, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. Becoming a father had been the best gift he could ever have had, and he's always grateful for Blake, and he's just glad she's receptive to allowing him to show that again.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@scareqrowbranwen asked: Blake offers Ghira a small gift box, inside which he would find some pressed flowers from Menagerie, arranged in a small book so he could keep them in a wallet or in his pocket. A way for him to always carry a piece of home with him. "I-happy fathers day, dad."
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Ghira had been going over a few things at his desk when Blake pushed the door open, stepping inside with a small gift box. He offered his daughter a soft smile as he accepted the box, opening it to find the book containing pressed flowers.
He runs a hand over the spine, over the flowers held within its pages, and his smile widens as he turns back to Blake.
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Without a word, he gets to his feet, enfolding his daughter in a tight hug. "Thank you, Blake," he murmurs, and it's about much more than the gift. She'd come back to them, had let them tell her how much she meant to them, how much they loved her…, and he's going to do his best to continue to show her that, in the best way he knows how.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send a 🍁, ask a question // Accepting
@eiiskonigin asked: 🍁 + Ghira, how did you feel when you realized that the White Fang participated in the Fall of Beacon?
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A frown finds its way onto Ghira's face at the question. That very thought had plagued him since he'd found out exactly what had happened.
"I initially thought it was just a splinter group, some radicals using the White Fang's name and reputation for their own gain…., but to discover that Adam Taurus was the one leading the group….., it saddened me."
He had no love for Adam, not after everything that had happened…, but he'd been hoping for better for the young faunus. But instead, he had led members of a group that Ghira had cared for to do something as terrible as participating in the Fall of Beacon, one of Remnant's best defenses against the Grimm….., and Ghira still wasn't sure he fully understood why.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: so, ghira: your wife was kind of vague, but how big are you ACTUALLY?
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Ghira raises an eyebrow at the question, crossing his arms over his chest. "What kind of a question is that?" he demands, despite the fact that he knows full well what kind of a question that was. It was one of the first things people thought of when they saw Kali next to him, when they realized that she was his wife.
"I'm 6'10", the last time I checked," he responds. It's not what they're asking, but he hasn't exactly measured himself. For length or girth.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Right to horny jail // Accepting
@wclfmother asked: “i couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.” [for ghira]
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Ghira has been in one meeting after another all day. From going over proposals for new buildings to looking over potential budgets for various other projects, his head is swimming with numbers, and he wants nothing more than to leave his office, to go find Kali and just……bury his face in her hair and breathe in her scent.
Almost as though she'd read his mind, he hears his wife's voice from the door of his office. A smile slips onto his face, and his mood lifts almost instantaneously. She truly was a balm for his soul; no matter what had happened during the day, Kali could raise his spirits merely by smiling at him.
But that smile on her face suggested she had more on her mind than simply greeting her husband after a lot day.
With a soft laugh, he pushed the chair back from his desk, getting to his feet. He closed the distance between them, pulling Kali into his arms, his eyes meeting hers as a slow grin slips onto his face.
"Is that so?" he asks, his voice a low purr. "And what were you thinking about, mera daanav?"
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Kiss roulette // Accepting
@wclfmother asked: 🎲 (ghira)
RESULTS: 39. A tentative kiss
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They had been courting for a little while now, and Ghira knew full well that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Kali. Granted, he had known that after only spending a little bit of time with her; he had very quickly been smitten by the wolf Faunus.
But he had taken the time to get to know her a bit more, to properly court her, rather than simply asking her to marry him right off the bat. That probably wouldn't have gone over well, and he wouldn't have blamed her or anyone else for refusing him at that point.
They were walking along the beach, taking in the beautiful sunset, with Menagerie's waters glittering in the fading light of the sun.
Ghira turned to face Kali, his yellow eyes meeting hers, and his heart skipped a beat, the way it usually did when he met her beautiful eyes. He loved her with all of his being, and he wanted to tell her that, to show her.
After a moment of hesitation, he tentatively bent to press his lips to hers in a soft, sweet kiss, though it meant much more than just a simple kiss. It was his way of promising her that he would do everything he could to make her happy.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Soft action prompts // Accepting
@wclfmother asked: [ ESCORT ] receiver notices the sender is starting to get sleepy so they pick them up to carry them to bed. (for Ghira)
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Ghira loved his wife dearly, but she was nothing if not stubborn. She was only a few weeks away from her due date, but she still insisted on doing as much work as she could, even though Ghira tried to help. He did some of the things she couldn't do, that mostly involved large amounts of bending down, but she wanted to be working, wanted to be moving well into her pregnancy.
Now, though, she was starting to nod off in the middle of the new blanket she was making for their little one. A tender smile slipped onto Ghira's face as he watched her struggle to stay awake for a few more moment before he finally got to his feet.
He slipped an arm under her legs, the other moving to support her back as he lifted her into his arms, carrying her with ease, despite how late in her pregnancy she was.
"Come on, mera daanav; let's get you to bed," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head as he carried her to their bed. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it likely wouldn't be the last.
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@missallaneousmuses asked: ◄ for one muse treat the others injury caused by a third party / kali treating ghira uwu
Enemies to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, and Everything in Between // Accepting!
Ghira Belladonna was tall and imposing, and most of the time, that kept people from bothering or harassing him.  But there would always be those who felt safety in numbers when they decided to heap abuses upon those different from them.
He'd been away from Menagerie, trying to negotiate on behalf of the White Fang, which hadn't gone as well as he'd hoped.  The leaders he'd been speaking to were hesitant to make a decision, considering the state of the rest of the world, something that frustrated Ghira.  Yes, it was important to deal with threats, but was it not equally as, if not more, important for Remnant's peoples to have the same rights?
With his meeting over, he'd boarded a ship back to Menagerie, trying to consider the best way to proceed from this point.  He'd been towards the stern of the ship, lost in thought, when he'd been jumped by four others.  They'd managed to get a few hits in, and one slashed his arm with a knife as he got over his surprise.
He let out a roar and unsheathed his claws, quickly gaining the upper hand in the fight, even as the ship's crew came running to see what the commotion was.  Those who had attacked Ghira were quickly led away as the ship pulled into Menagerie, and Ghira disembarked.  At this point, he just wanted to get HOME.
Kali was waiting for him when he got in the door, and he greeted her with a tired smile, wincing a little as he took off his coat.  Ghira saw the way Kali looked at him when she saw the gash on his arm, and he shook his head. "It's nothing; just a scratch."
She crossed her arms over her chest, and he let out a little sigh as he sat down at the table, telling her what had happened while she gathered supplies to clean his injury.
"Looks like I'm going to have to try something else," he said, and this time he winced because of what Kali was using to clean his injury.  It hurt, but he knew that it would be better in the long run after it was cleaned.  "I'm just glad they chose to attack ME and not someone else," he said, his voice soft.  He could handle that sort of thing; he'd been dealing with it his whole life, but if they'd chosen to go after a child or someone who hadn't been able to defend themselves, it could have been a lot worse.
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@missallaneousmuses asked: " see? i knew there was a soft heart under all that grumbling! " / kali for ghira uwu
Grumpy/Sunshine Trope prompts // Accepting!
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There was a lot that Ghira had to do as chieftan of Menagerie.  He'd been the leader of the White Fang, at one point, and there was MUCH more paperwork involved now than there had been when he was High Leader. While he wasn't FOND of the paperwork, he made sure that it got done so that Menagerie was well taken care of.
But apparently he'd been doing quite a bit of grumbling about it today.  Kali had likely heard him as he was making sure that all the permits he needed were in order for the annual gathering.  There were quite a few people in Menagerie, and only so much space where it could be held where everyone could attend.
Despite that fact, and despite how much of a headache it caused some years, Ghira did everything he could to make sure it went off without a hitch, even if only Kali would ever know the extent of the planning and time it took to make sure it happened each year.
He looked up from the papers, reaching up to readjust the reading glasses perched on his nose.  "I want to make sure everyone enjoys themselves, but it takes so much work, every year."  He mostly put that out of mind when he wasn't actively planning the event, but it made many Faunus who lived in Menagerie very happy.  So he'd put up with the headache of the planning.
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