#✧ ′ so you're saying we both can coexist ⦗ crossover ⦘
imsparky2002 · 1 year
Ghouls and Monsters - The Witch and Doll
(Scarynette does the Wednesday thing of poking Maridoll's shoulder. The voodoo girl looks around and sees no one there, she turns around and yelps as the human gives her a manic grin.) 
Scarynette: Gotta say, it's so cool to see myself as a monster. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you pricked yourself? Would I feel pain even if from another dimension?
Maridoll: Oh…when I get hurt it effects everyone in the immediate area, so…I try to avoid it as much as I can.
Scarynette: Oh, that sounds unpleasant. I hope you've babyproofed the school. I can be a bit of a klutz at times.
Maridoll: Most of my belongings are babyproofed and my friends always look out for me.
(She has a warm smile on her face.)
Maridoll: They’re always there to pick me back up when I fall.
Scarynette: I can say the same thing. It's good to have friends, and even better to hear them scream! Can I ask if you've got some special someones as well?
Maridoll: (Blushes) Yes. My wonderful partners, Kagami, Adrien and Luka.
Scarynette: (She lets out a dreamy sigh) How they make my heart shiver. I bet they treat you very well.
Maridoll: Yes! Kagami is very protective but also gentle. Adrien is such a ray of sunshine, I can’t help smiling too. And Luka…he always understands what’s inside my heart.
Scarynette: They truly are blessings, aren't they? Ooh, may I see a photo of them? And your friends?
(Maridoll takes out a picture to show her.)
Scarynette: Such a wide variety! But they all look as awesome as ever. Ooh, by any chance do you have a witch at your school?
Maridoll: We do! She’s a friend of ours, her name is Candace.
Scarynette: Oh, Candace! She's a cheerleader in my dimension. Mylene and Kagami have made sure that there's plenty of school spirit for her squad. 
Maridoll: You go to school with humans? Like... a regular school?
Scarynette: Well, Adrien and I are taught alongside our sisters by the Witches of Wisdom, but we also go to DuPont.
(The witch then frowns.) 
Scarynette: I'm assuming that you aren't so as fortunate in your world?
Maridoll: N-no. Humans…most of them REALLY don’t like monsters.
(She gives her a comforting hug.) 
Scarynette: Monsters in my home aren't appreciated by most corners of the world, either. Even if becoming heroes of Paris have helped somewhat, we're nowhere near coexisting.
(Maridoll is interested in the "hero" mention, and decides to change the subject.) 
Maridoll: Wait... you and your sisters are superheroes?
(Scarynette nods) 
Scarynette: Would you like to see?
(Maridoll has a small smile.) 
Scarynette: Arachne! Web me up! 
(A dark and spooky transformation happens and Zhīzhū appears. She opens all of her red eyes and shows off a fanged grin to Maridoll, climbing up to the ceiling before dropping down behind her.) 
Maridoll: Woah... you look so much like Reshy!
Zhīzhū: I’ve always had such a love for spiders…what wonderful creatures!
Maridoll: And they're very helpful when we're designing clothes! Your outfit already looked beautiful, but after transforming... wow. (Zhīzhū shows off her Morticia esque dress underneath the cloak.)
(Maridoll squeals and claps her hands)
Zhīzhū: I'm glad to see you appreciate fashion as well. You know, you're a very pretty girl. Some people might say you need to have more confidence in yourself, and that's true, but remember to stay true to who you are. You can be as quiet as you want, you know that?
(Maridoll squeaks and runs in to receive a cloak hug. Hearing her own voice makes the compliment feel even sweeter.)
Maridoll: (Sniffling) T-thank you.
Here's the second-to-last crossover and it's the first between different species! Both characters are a joy to write, and thanks to Weeby for helping with the dialogue. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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Hello there! When I came across your post comparing between the Light and Darkness from Destiny and the Light and Dark Sides of the Force from Star Wars, it was a surprise to be sure, but more than a welcome one — aside from my Discord mutuals, it's truly a rarity to find someone who "mash[es] Destiny lore into Star Wars", let alone on tumblr.
On the topic of such crossover, would you mind if I asked a few questions related to the Force, the Light, and the Darkness? However, it does involve inform from Lightfall, so in case you — or anyone else reading this ask — wishes to complete the campaign spoiler-free, I've embedded them under the "keep reading" below:
So Lightfall finally seemed to answer the nature of the Light and the Darkness, per dialogue between Osiris and Nimbus:
OSIRIS: At its root, the Traveler is a terraformer, a—a gardener. It generates natural life, physical transformation at a molecular scale across whole planets. This should have been our first hint — the domain of the Light is the domain of the physical. The Darkness... then is revealed in many facets. Dreams and nightmares. Emotions. Pain. Memory. The nature of Strand confirms this line of thinking. Darkness is something entirely apart from Light — a paracasual union, conjoining intangible conscious realities discursively linking to- NIMBUS: You're talking about the river of souls! OSIRIS: River? --<omitted short exchange>-- NIMBUS: Since before history, there's been this raging river... some try to divert the river. Others try to build a dam. But nothing stops it. Lots of people have believed that we either sink in the water, or learn to swim. OSIRIS: Don't we? NIMBUS: See, that's the real wild part — we ARE the river! OSIRIS (witnessing Strand flow through him): And empowered by it, it would seem.
— Nimbus & Osiris Strand Power Cutscene Destiny 2
This description of the Darkness effectively renders it (near-)identical to the Force, wouldn't you say? If you don't mind my asking to partake in "mash[ing]] Destiny lore into Star Wars," what say you of the potential ramifications and implications that the Darkness = the Force, in a universe where the lore and rules of Destiny and Star Wars work and coexist?
Alternatively, headcanons have been raised that if the Darkness (much less the Light) was equivalent to the Force, perhaps they are synonyms or analogues to EU aspects of the Force, with the Light corresponding to the Physical Force, and the Darkness with the Unifying (or alternatively Cosmic) Force — thoughts?
(P.S. I apologize for any impolite or abrupt tone contained in this ask, just a bit excited to ask, really)
This is a very cool question (and it's great to hear from someone else interested in Destiny/Star Wars lore mixing!), although I fear it may begin to delve a bit more deeply into the details of lore on the nature of the Force than I can do justice to. Still, I'll organize my thoughts as best I can and see if something interesting comes out.
The Lightfall additions to the lore on the Darkness definitely make its connections to the Force easier to see, although I don't think they make it ultimately more similar to the Force than the Light is, since as you note the domain of the Force is both physical and nonphysical (in addition to phenomena such as the thanatonauts and their visions, and various direct interactions of Light and Darkness as energies).
What the new lore does emphasize is that the difference between the Light/Darkness and the Force lies in the fact that the Light and Darkness are binary, distinct, and ultimately non-moral forces; had the Winnower conceded, or had the Gardener lost more quickly, the universe could very well have had one force without the other. As Osiris says in your quotation, "Darkness is something entirely apart from the Light." The Force, on the other hand—at least the way I approach it, in order to syncretize various sources—can be divided into various aspects (light and dark, cosmic and living, etc.) for analytical purposes, but is fundamentally unitary; those aspects arise—sometimes to the point of leaving clear traces even on inanimate objects or locations—because of individuals' approaches to the Force, and in the case of light/dark those differences in approach are explicitly moral.
I do recall that some EU Force-users (unfortunately, I can't remember the group's name) describe the Force as a "Great Current," which was the first thing I thought when I heard Nimbus' line. But the Force is not only "a paracausal union, conjoining intangible conscious realities": rather, "it surrounds us, penetrates us, binds the galaxy together," that is, the Force is essential to the physical presence of the galaxy and the existence of life within it—the role of the Light.
(Ysalamiri and the Yuuzhan Vong are both tricky subjects within Star Wars lore because of this; from what I understand, Timothy Zahn altered his description of the ysalamiri anti-Force power in later books to comport with the fact that you simply can't have a space in the galaxy where the Force "doesn't exist." (Edit: hadn't realized you were one of the contributors to that post!))
And there are various, although less foregrounded, points in the lore that describe the Light as itself a unifying power, from the Speaker's defiant speech to Ghaul ("The Light will find a way," very similar to various lines about the Force) to the flavor text on exotics such as the Aeon gauntlets ("We are unique emanations of the same shared Light") and Light Beyond Nemesis ("...The everywhere Light"). Of course, these are all from the perspective of in-universe characters with far less information than Osiris has in Lightfall, and Bungie might decide to let their opinions go by the wayside much as they retconned Rasputin's nature in Warmind; until then, however, I think there's plenty of reason to view the Light as itself capable of uniting disparate times and places, if in very different ways from the Darkness.
(And, of course, there's the big twist at the end.)
So much for the Darkness/Light = the Force. But we are fans who want to have fun, so let's forget the hard and fast rules and keep going.
Point one for a crossover/fusion like you suggest is that the Force is, as we see above, a much more fundamental part of its universe; the Light and Darkness would be, in a basic sense, superadditions, although it would be unlikely and a bit boring for them to remain functionally separate from the Force.
(You could, of course, bring in only the Darkness, but I don't think you'd get a very fun universe from it, simply because the Darkness is the principle of elimination; without the Light to counter it, even in the absence of the Witness, that would not create a lively universe.)
The biggest contribution of Lightfall here is the suggestion that, ironically, there are some powers of the Darkness that the Sith, with their self-centered view of and approach to using the Force—would be incapable of using. Other aspects would surely come more easily to them: Hive and Sith sorceries seem like they could be contiguous or at least compatible, Stasis requires self-acceptance but is fine with self-assertion, and the sword logic and the philosophy of the Winnower are both very much in line with Sith ideals, but Strand would remain beyond them.
A similar irony arises for the Jedi, in that they, like the Sith, would probably find it much easier to use/discover the Darkness, despite their principles aligning with the Light (which, aside from Ghaul, can so far only be "stolen" with the aid of the Darkness, or used by those to whom the Traveler gifts it directly—although this need not remain the case in a universe where the Light is adjacent to the Force). This would also lead to some interesting vocabulary issues, since Strand-using Jedi would be no problem, whereas Jedi who fall to the dark side inevitably make themselves everyone's problem.
(Guardian abilities are also much more lethal than typical Jedi powers, although the reduced need for "ways to disintegrate one's enemies" would certainly be fruitful ground for exploring finer applications of various Light techniques—I'm thinking particularly here of Saladin's ability in lore to control his flames to avoid starting a forest fire.)
Where things go from there depends on the nature of the crossover, and of course on the presence or absence of the Witness and Traveler: they could exist offstage, with some fragment of the Traveler left behind for those in need of its secrets, or they could arrive in the galaxy as an active, cataclysmic change, or they could be substituted for by Star Wars-native entities like the Ones. Or, of course, humans and Eliksni could discover, or have discovered, the Force, during or before their Dark Ages or even the Traveler's arrival.
Hope you find this interesting, and feel free to follow up if you want me to go into more detail/explain something I said!
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salvatcrechilda · 2 years
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          ❛   the  S T O R M  is  getting  worse.   ❜  jacob  said  as  he  found  himself  running  towards  a  home  that  became  a  shelter  for  him  now.   ❛   thank  you  for  providing  shelter.   ❜   jacob  responded  to  the  other  male,  looking  at  him  &&  giving  him  a  soft  smile.   ⦗  @guiltlost​  //  ✨  ⦘
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      LIVING  IN  BEACON  HILLS,  jacob  never  realized  how  alike  this  place  was  with  mystic  falls.   even  the  people  seemed  to  be  similar.     but  he  liked  the  place,  living  alongside  werewolves,  being  his  own  person  here,  and  what  not.   he  turned  to  look  over  at  finn  and  he  chuckled.   ❛   what,  why  are  you  looking  at  me  like  i’m  dinner ??  ❜   //   @mvnces
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salvatcrechild · 2 years
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      jacob  sighed.   as  soon  as  he  finished  his  spell,  he  turned  to  look  at  the  girl  that  was  there  with  him.   he  knew  that  it  was  tricky  to  show  someone  outside  the  supernatural  his  P O W E R S ,  but  he  wanted  to  keep  them  safe.   so  he  did.    ❛  we’re  going  to  be  alright,  as  long  as  we  stay  inside  &&  stay  away  from  the  windows.   ❜   he  said.   the  barrier  spell  did  plenty  to  keep  them  safe  from  the  monster  that  was  out  there.
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                                                                         ⦗ @frayededges​ ​liked for a starter ⦘
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salvatcrechild · 2 years
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           midterm  exams  were  coming  up  &&  jacob  found  himself  at  the  library  almost  every  day,  getting  his  homework  done,  finishing  projects,  &&  of  course,   S T U D Y I N G .   friday  was  just  another  day  spent  at  the  library,  even  if  was  with  friends.    eyes  shifted  up  to  look  at  jenny.    ❛   i  think  i’m  ready  to  head  out  soon.   my  brain  is  going  to  turn  to  mush  if  i  keep  trying  to  reread  the  same  line  over  &&  over  again.   ❜   jacob  admitted.
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                                                                           ⦗  closed starter for @ofdamages​ ⦘
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salvatcrechild · 2 years
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     jacob  grabbed  damian.    he  was  always  the  happiest  whenever  the  two  of  them  were  together.   even  now,  when  they  were  in  bed  together,  enjoying  the  nice  summer  breeze  that  came  through  the  window.   ❛   i  could  stay  like  this  all  day,   ❜   he  whispers,   kissing  his  boyfriend  softly  on  the  lips,  so  C O N T E N T  to  having  a  lazy  day  with  the  other.
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                                                                           ⦗  @blccmngs​ for a closed starter ⦘
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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    𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄,  laughing  softly.    he  didn’t  feel  like  doing  much  more.   he  rubbed  his  arm,  sighing.   ❛   this  working  out  thing,  not  sure  how  much  i  like  it.  ❜   he  nods.    ❛   you  do  this   EVERY   morning ??  why  torture  yourself ??   ❜  //  @chngjr​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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       𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄.   he  was  in  love  with  the  boy  next  door.   in  love  with  the  boy  that  he  couldn’t  keep  his  eyes  off  of.   he  rushed  over  towards  ryder’s  side  &&  he  slipped  his  fingers  between  his.    ❛   so––  what  are  we  doing  this  weekend ??   anything  FUN  happening ??  ❜   jacob  smiled,  leaning  closer  to  the  other.   //  @contradictivs​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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      𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃,  smiling  softly  at  him.   ❛   damian,  it’s  about  to  be  SUMMER,  what  are  we  going  to  do,  hmm ??  ❜   he  asked.    he  grinned  after,  seeing  his  face.  ❛   i  was  thinking  we  have  to  go  swimming,  maybe  a  little  roadtrip,  i’ve  always  wanted  to  go  to  florida.   ❜   //  @blccmngs​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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         𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐄   were  the  flames  surrounding  him.   jacob  couldn’t  believe  that  his  POWERS  had  turned  to  the  worst.    but  here  he  was,  trying  to  see  if  he  could  get  out  of  his  apartment.   this  would  happen  to  him.   a  newly  twenty - something  kid  on  his  own,  &&  a  fire  he  couldn’t  control.   he  ran  over  to  his  bedroom,  closing  the  door  behind  him,  but  things  were  becoming  foggy.   and  before  he  could  reach  his  window,  he  felt  his  body  hit  hard  on  the  floor.   //  @sadscngs​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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         𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐘  that  came  from  the  other  male.    hand  producing  light  electricity.   but  he  closed  his  hand,  watching  the  other  carefully.    he  smiled  softly.   ❛   so,  what  did  you  say  your  name  was  again ??  ❜    he  asked,  looking  up  at  the  other.  //  @kemuele​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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         𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑,  &&   he  smiled.    he  could  feel  the  ENERGY  coming  from  the  other  male.    ❛   you’re  like  me.   i  can  feel  it.   ❜    he  whispered.    ❛   no  need  to  deny.    ❜   jacob  responded,  keeping  his  eyes  on  the  other  male.   //  @screamxftime​
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
○ ′  ✨ int bathroom   ⦙  @mvnces​
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“Your hairs all over the place.”
There was a soft grumble as Decker swiped at his face before he gave a small nudge to the other male. He had never been one for taking baths - Not since he was a little kid. (And he had gotten used to showers only during his time in the marines). But he seemed to enjoy them when Jacob managed to pull him into one.
“I think it went into my mouth,” he mumbled with a small scrunch of his face. It was hard to tell if he was joking or not.
        𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒  when  he  heard  decker  comment  on  his  hair.    he  turned  to  look  at  him.    for  all  jacob  knew,  this  was  all  new  to  the  man.    not  many  took  baths  like  he  use  to  when  he  was  living  in  the  1800s.    he  grinned.   kissing  the  other  softly  on  the  lips.
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      ❛   someone’s  a  LIAR,  ❜    he  laughed.   but  he  bit  his  lower  lip,  before  leaning  in  again  to  kiss  decker  once  more.    ❛   you  know,  back  in  my  day,  we  use  to  take  baths  all  the  time.    and  couples  would  do  it  together.   it  meant  more  intimacy  with  one  another.   ❜
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salvatcrechilda · 5 years
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         𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄,  laying  down,  head  rested  on  mike’s  chest.   christmas  movies  were  being  played  &&  jacob  was  happy  that  they  were  here  together.   
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           ❛    you’re  a  good  pillow,  ❜   jacob  smiled.   ⦗  @boychaang​  ⦘
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salvatcrechilda · 5 years
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      𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄, 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄,  and  he  felt  like  there  was  only  one  coffee  place  around  in  this  small  town.    he  was  glad  when  he  finally  got  his  cup  of  joe  and  started  to  head  outside.    his  clumsiness  came  out  of  nowhere  and  he  had  bumped  into  someone,  spilling  his  coffee  everywhere.   ❛   oh  my  god,  i’m  so  sorry,  ❜    his  eyes  in  shock.    –––––––   ⦗  @redecae​ for haimish  ✨  sc ⦘
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