#✧ closed starter
gatekepts-a · 1 year
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         ❛  did  you  leave  these  behind  on  purpose  ?  ❜  she  refers  to  the  box  of  letters,  now  unopened  after  a  long  night  of  reading  and  revelations.  ❛  i'm  not  leaving  until  you  tell  me.  the  truth  —  don't  try  to  lie  to  me.  ❜ @womansound / second to last bullet
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hvbris · 5 months
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@multipleoccupancy . Theo's family gets bigger
The Baudelaires had been in New York for a few days now, living in the house of their new guardian: Theodore Beneventi. New York reminded Violet of the town where she grew up, only bigger. Much, much bigger.
Mr. Beneventi, who had told them they could call him Theo, seemed like their most normal guardian so far. For starters, he was not afraid of turning on the stove, which was very nice, because it meant the Baudelaires could enjoy a warm meal for the first time in a few weeks. There were no snakes in the house either, which, to be fair, was to be expected. And of course, here, they were not ordered to do horribly long and difficult chores.
The other thing that differed from their last guardians, was that Theo already had a family. He had a wife, Andrea, two sons, and a baby daughter, who was already getting along great with Sunny.
Violet felt like their luck might have finally turned. Even the terrifying shadow of Count Olaf didn't seem as scary, considering that Theo was an FBI agent. She did not usually consider herself lucky, not since the terrible fire that had killed her parents, at least. But for the first time in months, she was feeling much more hopeful than usual.
And, it's with that noteworthy hopefulness that she left the room she shared with her siblings, and tip-toed to the kitchen. It was still early in the morning, but she was awake and craving a glass of milk.
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"Good morning," she said politely when she saw that the kitchen area wasn't empty. Theo was already there. He was very nice, and she already felt comfortable around him, so she poured herself a glass of milk. "The view is very beautiful from here," she commented, not only to make conversation but also because it was true.
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immortalmolloy · 6 months
Daniel was a bundle of nerves and excitement as he entered the bar. He hoped that he would meet someone tonight. Sure, he would like to get laid like any young man his age, but it was more than that. He hoped to meet someone special. Someone who was interesting and different than all of the other lame assholes Daniel had ever met. He was desperate for a real story, something no one else could write. He hoped that this would be the night that lightning would strike and illuminate his life.
He wasn’t exactly sure who he was searching for until his gaze stumbled upon him. The first thing Daniel noticed about him was how breathtakingly gorgeous this man was. Daniel was pretty sure he’d never seen anyone this devastatingly beautiful before. And there was something about him. Maybe it was his aura if you believed in that sort of thing. He seemed to radiate this electric energy that drew Daniel in like a magnet. He didn’t know what it was yet, but he just had a feeling that that this guy was unique. His gut told him that this guy had a story to tell. So he approached him and tried his best to act confident and cool.
“I mean, if something happens, I’m cool,” Daniel said. It was no secret to Daniel that a lot of queer people frequented this particular bar. Maybe he’d be extra lucky and he’d get a story as well as getting laid. Would someone so gorgeous and mysterious actually go for him though? “But I really want to interview you.”
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markhxffman · 9 months
[ Closed Starter for @looking-for-roleplay ]
Ever since Detective Mark Hoffman had made eye contact with FBI Agent Peter Strahm, he’d plagued his thoughts like a phantom. There was no room in his mind to be distracted by such simple things and yet he often found himself staring at his ceiling at night, thinking about the witty Agent who always seemed to be pissed off about something. Leading a double life had been so easy for the last couple of years once he’d found his rhythm. The whiskey and bourbon did a good job of drowning out the pain and regret. Maybe it was true that if you lied enough, you’d start to believe it.
Washing the blood off of his gloves for what seemed like the thousandth time, he felt his flip phone buzz. It was probably the office. Maybe a lead. It didn’t help that Strahm was like a goddamned bloodhound trying to sniff out the killer. Once he’d dried his hands off, he looked at his phone and noticed that it was Chief Matthews. He’d requested that Mark come in the next day on his day off to work on the case. Mark sighed and answered ‘Sounds good’, shoving it back into his pocket so he could get back to what he’d been doing.
When he finally walked into the office the next morning, dark circles were evident under his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping, nor would he start now. Glancing up to see Peter Strahm with that hip cocked out as he leaned over something, he felt that nagging feeling that said ‘don’t let him get to you’.
“Morning,” he grumbled over his coffee, sliding past him to grab the files for the case. “You’re here bright and early.”
His tone indicated that it was a jab.
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victoriousssss · 7 months
Closed starter 🎬
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Riley's life has been changed since her first big role in the movie. Too small for the Hollywood's first line but extremely important for a beginner in the industry. She did it and she was so happy! People began to recognize her, meet her on the street and ask her for photos and autographs. This was the dream come true!
But she didn't want to stop on one role. Riley Page has her long way to the top and now she was just on the first stage of her new life. That's why her friend-manager suggested her to try herself in different ways. One of them was a casting for a music video for a band called Metallica. Who were they even? Some dirty guys playing noisy music? Riley was sceptical about it but her manager assured her that they were one of the hottests things in America, and that this collaboration will help them both.
Whilst her team did all the paper work, Riley was preparing for her take. Just some acting warm-up and she'll be the best. But once she entered the room she was flabbergasted. There was a ton of pretty chicks of different nations, races and even body types! Riley gulped, sitting near one of the girls in the line. "Are they all here for the casting?", she asked quietly but got only a sarcasmic chuckle. "First time here? Never thought that someone doesn't know how the "casting" goes for the metal bands", the girl said with a smirk, making Riley feeling anxious. Was there something she didn't know?
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natsukosmxsez · 4 months
potions class drama
Rp partner: -> @drarryshipperandsnover
{ Contains BL. }
{ Harry x Draco }
{ Plot: enemies to lovers }
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{ Harry was distracted by whatever was in front of him, he was trying to write notes about what he was supposed to but the thing in front of him was making it harder for him to make notes. } “ What even is this anyways.. is this supposed to be a globe of some sort.. I’m so confused. “ {Harry was looking at the thing, he couldn’t break eye contact with it, he was minding his own business though. That’s kind of all that mattered to him. }
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forestofstarlight · 2 months
The Princess's Secret (Closed rp with @the-blackbird-roleplays)
Viola lets out a sigh as she finishes getting ready for the day, straightening out any wrinkles in her dress. She knew today was going to be another day of performing her royal duties, and that also unfortunately means another day of her father trying to marry her off to another egotistical and snobbish prince or duke.
She lets out another soft breath before she opens the door to her bedroom and steps out into the main hallway, smiling when she sees the head of the royal guard and her main bodyguard Leo waiting for her. A soft, barely visible pink blush on her cheeks as she stood in front of her Faunus bodyguard... and secret love.
"Good morning, Leo. I hope you're ready for whatever the day... or father... has planned for us." She says, hesitating slightly before she mentioned the king.
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freeusemuses · 4 months
“This is the last time I let Renji talk me into anything,” Ichigo groused, standing a bit uncomfortably towards the back wall of the karaoke bar.
The idea had been pitched as a guys’ night out in the Seireitei—a couple of drinks, a couple of laughs, and a couple of guys just hanging out. What it turned out to be was an excuse to get absolutely wasted and attempt some drunken hook-ups with the members of the Shinigami Women’s Association who just so happened to be in the same place at the same time for the same wild ride.
Ichigo winced as he watched Shuhei attempt to shoot his shot yet again with Nanao only to be immediately rebuffed, and took a long swig of his drink. The sooner this night was over, the better—but, at least he wasn’t out there making a fool of himself like the others. And thankfully, no one had stepped up to make a pass at him, either, and hopefully it would stay that way.
(your choice of Bleach woman)
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It wouldn't be long before those hopes were dashed. A set of dark skinned, slender, yet extremely powerful arms locked about Ichigo's waist. "Well well~ Look who decided to step out and finally enjoy himself~"
Yoruichi smiled and slipped into the seat beside her handsome former student. "Good to see you again, Ichigo."
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
closed starter for @divinealign​
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          ❛ i don't have time to deal with your shit right now — i'm a little busy, if you can’t tell. ❜
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immortalmolloy · 6 months
Daniel was wandering the city in search of a story. He had no destination in mind. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for, but knew he’d recognize it when he saw it. He needed a real unique story, something that would make his career and that no one else could write.
The sound of music drew him in. He found himself watching a performer busking on the corner. The young man was ridiculously pretty. The melancholy music seemed to flow from his very soul. The violin was an extension of himself. Daniel was in awe. He’d never seen anything like it.
A small crowd had gathered, a few of them dropping money for the talented performer. Daniel waited until the other people had dispersed, then he approached the musician. “You’re incredible,” he blurted out, immediately embarrassing himself. “I mean, I’m a journalist. My name’s Daniel Molloy and I’d love to interview you.”
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
Tim suffers from a situation where he occasionally commits thought crime (thinks about how killing someone would be easier/how he would like someone to be dead/plans out how to kill someone) but does the right thing in person, and doesn't kill people and will act heroically to save even the lives of villains and people he hates. Which gets him cancelled as lacking in morals and being 'two seconds from killing at any time'. While someone like Jason, who commits actual crimes in person but validates the reasons for doing it in his head, gets lauded for why killing drug dealers is excellent and should be morally correct.
Maybe it's a bit law and justice and rules follower of me, but thinking the bad thoughts and still doing the right thing is a better approach than doing the bad thing while telling yourself it's for the right reasons actually.
Actions are more important than what you say in the privacy of your own mind. That's the bit other people can see and interpret.
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steven-g-rogers · 2 years
//Closed Starter. @agentpeggycarterrogers
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Steve was exhausted.  It had felt like he’d been fighting for decades now.  Although that was probably true.  It had been a long time.  Just one thing after another, wearing him down until there was only Captain America and nothing left of the man before.  Ultron had told him that without war he’d be nothing, and for a long time that as all he believed.  Ever since the war every part of him had been chipped away.  Losing Bucky.  Crashing the plane.  Being pulled out of the ice only to find that the thing he’d died trying to destroy was back in the hands of people using it to try and take over the world again.  Loki.  SHIELD.  Ultron.  His own friends.  By the time Thanos had snapped his fingers, Steve had already lost everyone he’d ever had.  Some of them more than once.
But he’d kept going, because that was all he had.  Until Scott had shown up and given him a glimmer of hope.  So he fought again and won.  He lost more, Natasha and Tony, but there was hope underneath.  Hope that maybe, thanks to time travel Captain America could be handed off for good and he could be Steve Rogers again.
He’d had concerns though.  Concerns that he’d talked to death with Bucky.  Would everyone be okay without him?  What if Peggy didn’t want him?  What if he’d changed too much and he wasn’t the man Peggy had fallen in love with?  What if he messed up the timeline?  But in the end Bucky had assured him he’d be okay.  That they all would.  The timeline couldn’t be changed, if Steve went back and Peggy took him back, then that was what was meant to happen.  If not, then that was meant to happen too, and at least he’d know for sure that there was no place in this world for Steve Rogers anymore.
Even knowing that, he was frozen in place.  He had been travelling through time for weeks now, fighting and sneaking around as he put the infinity stones back where they belonged.  He was beaten up, exhausted, and terrified.  This was the moment.  He was going to see Peggy again.  His Peggy.  And if she rejected him, he wasn’t sure what he’d do next.
He brought his hand down, knocking on the door.
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hvbris · 6 months
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@mossyent . sniper verse starter
It was Cassandra's first time off-base, but really, this was just another base. Less secret, sure. Still not exactly freedom. Her eyes scanned everything around her, a little frown knitting her eyebrows together. But what could have looked like innocent curiosity was in fact careful planning. This was it. Her first real shot at running away with Mina.
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For now, though, she still had to play along. After 2 years of somewhat excellent behavior, they had loosened the leash. She couldn't ruin everything by being rash. So, she smiled at the man -tall, very tall- she had been paired with. "Hello," she said politely Well, coldly, really.
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mr-tony-stark · 9 days
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// closed starter for @norabarnes143
Tony had been up for a few days now.  He wasn’t great at sleeping at the best of times, but since the whole ‘hole-in-the-sky-with-aliens-pouring-out’ debacle, he’d been having nightmares.  He was scared to go back to sleep, not that he’d admit that to anyone.
He’d been distracting himself in the lab when he wasn’t actively out being Iron Man or taking meetings with people. Since the Battle for New York, he’d made twenty-three new versions of his Iron Man armor.  All the different versions lined the walls of his workshop in different cases.
He was waning though.  In the past when he felt like this, he’d head out to a club, pick out someone to take home, and hope the sex would give him an endorphin high that would get him a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Tonight, he went to the communal kitchen to make himself the strongest coffee he could.
When he stepped into the room he was surprised to find Clint up.  “Hey, Legolas,” he said, beelining to the coffee machine.  “Can’t sleep?”
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barnesandbarton · 9 days
𝒶𝓋𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓍 𝒸𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝒷𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑜𝓃 𝓍 𝒷𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 𝒷𝒶𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓈
Ava was nervous to meet the Avengers. She had been told great things about them, and Stephen obviously looked up to them in more ways than one, so the stakes was high, but when she met them? Oh god, she was so happy it went okay. She got along with Natasha right away, and Tony also was cool. Steve intimidated her, but that was only because she knew Captain America was still, after all these years, America´s sweetheart. Ava had on her cute summer dress that hugged her upperbody, it was wavy around her legs, reaching mid tigh, she had beautiful long legs, blond hair, light make up. She was simply a natural beauty. She wore some white heels aswell, wanting to be on her bed behaviour... atleast for now. Ava was a short girl, 5´1. "So, you still need to meet the last two, Bucky and Clint, they are actually a couple," Natasha explained and nodded softly smiling a bit. "Hey guys!" Natasha spoke, and Ava couldn´t help but have her jaw drop just at how hot they are, and together? They where absolutely to swoon for. Ava swallowed and nodded clearing her throat, getting her anxiety in check before she walked over and held her hand out for them and smiled softly. "I´m Ava. I´m joining you guys from now on," she spoke gently, however she was weak in the knees just by how hot they where.
Bucky and Clint hadn’t really been paying too much attention to the comings and goings at the tower today.  It was their day off and they were much more caught up with getting to spend some quality one on one time with each other.
They’d been together for a few months now, but there had been at least a full year of flirting and a certain super-soldier figuring out his sexuality and realizing he could let himself be happy if he wanted to.  They were well and truly in their honeymoon phase, where sex was exciting and they wanted to try out so many different things, and they just wanted to live in each other’s pockets whenever they could.
They were cuddled up, playing MarioKart on the couch in the Avengers common area when Natasha came in with the rather pretty blonde.  They both looked up and Clint jumped to his feet.  “Oh yeah?” he asked, coming over and offering her his hand. “Welcome to the team.  What can you do?  Laser eyes?  I hope it’s Laser eyes.”
“Clint,” Bucky scolded.  “Give her some breathing room.”
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freeusemuses · 3 months
Caine smirked as he stepped into his private dorm, the figure that greeted him an extremely inviting one. Even in the low light, he could clearly see the familiar figure and floofy hair of the resident blonde cow of Beacon, poking about his room with her back to him. With the rest of his team out and the weekend just beginning, he had no reservations as he silently slipped inside, slid up behind her, and reached up to squeeze her voluptuous chest as he growled into her ear. “Now what are you doing here~?”
It was only then, though, that he noticed the floofy hair he’d seen was silver, not gold.
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Shrike was very much like her older sister. Mainly in that, her chest was very sensative, and she loved having the girls being groped. However, that fondling ended far too early, and was far to gentle for her liking.
"Heeeey...~ Why did you stop...?~" Shrike whined as she looked up at the bull Faunus. "And why were you so gentle...?~"
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