#✧ diluc ragnvindr. ic / it is now time for you to witness my resolve
gold-rhine · 2 years
Four times Lumine failed to have a conversation with Diluc and one time she’s figured it out
warnings: second hand cringe, otherwise safe for work
First time they’ve met, Diluc Ragnvindr told Lumine “Not interested in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know,” but it took her few tries to learn that lesson.
After some time, she could feel the silence growing awkward. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem, as she had a perpetual noise-generator floating with her at all times, but Paimon had a reverent crush on Diluc and was trying to keep quiet. Lumine herself was never the most avid talker, and currently she wasn’t fully fluent in the language, as she’s only had two months with Paimon to learn it, and even less fluent in social norms of this world, but she was never the one to give up before a challenge.
In all the worlds under all the stars the weather was the most universal, safe topic to mention. Sentients were always prone to discussing an upcoming rain or the lack of thereof, no matter if the rain was made of water, acid, sulphur, ice or solid diamonds. 
“So, uh... the weather seems nice!“
Diluc looked at her askew and said with surprising conviction 
“Listen, as long as you stick to your own path, it doesn't matter what Mother Nature throws at you.”
Lumine blinked. She opened her mouth. What could she possibly say to that??? Her mind was drawing blanks. She closed her mouth. She opened it again and said 
Thankfully, Paimon finally spoke up.
“Wow, Master Diluc is such a strong individualist, it’s really inspiring!“
Sometime later she saw him stare at the distance with a frown and tried again. Surely it was just a one off blunder due to her inexperience in small talk.
“You seem troubled. Is something on your mind?“
“The darkness that seethes with evil, full of demons that must be vanquished, will take more than a blade to be torn asunder,“ Diluc said, not turning to her.
Lumine didn’t open her mouth this time. She knew immediately she wouldn’t be able to come up with the answer, so she just stood there, blinking at him.
“Wow, this is so deep, Master Diluc! You always think so strategically.“
The third one wasn’t even her fault. She didn’t say anything, having already given up on trying to fill the pauses. Instead, the rain started and Diluc said
“I don't need an umbrella, but you can use one if you need.“
Lumine almost agreed, but then she remember what he said about how it shouldn’t matter what Mother Nature throws at you. Was it a test to see if she’s strong enough to “stick to her own path”? He said he doesn’t need an umbrella. Would he call her “weak and conservative” like the Knights if she took one?
While she was agonizing in silence, Diluc sighed and said.
“Rain... If only it could cleanse the corrupt souls of this world.“
Lumine almost tripped over her feet and forgot her troubles with the umbrella decision. Even Paimon seemed to have problems with coming up with something to suck up to *this one*. 
It was the fourth one that broke her though. They were walking through an open field, light breeze passing through the high grass. 
“Some use the wind's whistling to drown out the sound of their crimes.“
Lumine bit her lip. At this point, she was fairly sure it wasn’t her inexperience in local social norms. No one talked like that in Teyvat either. What did he even mean??? What crimes??? 
What possible crime sounds can be drowned out by the wind’s whistling???
She started chewing on her lips to stop herself from talking. Diluc met her obviously frustrated eyes and nodded sagely.
“I know. Injustice is infuriating.“
“You have already proven your determination. Well then, it is now time for you to witness my resolve.“
Lumine had just finished running back and forth to the Angel’s Share, throwing slime lures and lying to the Knights, and it was all for nothing, because turned out Kaeya knew everything anyway. She was, quite frankly, done with this shit. 
She looked Diluc square in the eyes and said calmly.
“Not interested in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know.“
Diluc nodded with a small approving smile. It was so rare to meet a kindred soul.
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ahsterism · 2 years
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He is not amused...
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ahsterism · 2 years
Crepus vc: pay no attention to him, Diluc. Don't worry about it--
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OH, HE'S WORRIED ABOUT IT— so worried in fact that he's going to ""talk"" to the Doctor right now...
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ahsterism · 2 years
@ diluc lol
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OF COURSE, because he isn't the Darknight Hero. What in all of Teyvat could possibly make you think otherwise?
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ahsterism · 2 years
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“anonymous” (PICHU) asked: Dottore and yourself // send my muse two ( or more ) names for them to honestly admit which one they like the most and why
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“….” Well someone is regretting his words from earlier. Diluc SIGHS first, before grumbling his answer. “Myself. I have… regrets, of course, though I’m not part of the Fatui.” Plus the other atrocities-
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ahsterism · 2 years
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@pyriety asked: Dottore or Childe for Diluc uwu // send my muse two ( or more ) names for them to honestly admit which one they like the most and why
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“CHILDE,” He answers, to the point as ever. “There is no question you could ask me in which I would choose that man over anyone.” Not going to elaborate on why you prefer Childe, then?
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ahsterism · 2 years
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@iimpacts asked: ❝ i know you want to sleep, but you need to stay awake for me. ❞ albedo and uh. diluc? // hurt/comfort starters
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DILUC IS NOT OFTEN CAUGHT IN THIS KIND OF STATE, one to keep any injuries entirely to himself when he does sustain them— and, quite frankly, it's been a LONG while since he's ended up with any wound so severe. It was a mistake he should have been able to prevent, one he has countless times after all the CONFRONTATIONS he's had with members of the Fatui. Just his luck that this one time, he happened to be with Albedo as well.
"I am— ... fine, I've... dealt with much worse before." Diluc grunts in pain as he tries to sit himself up more, though it helps keep him awake. He has SLEPT ON much worse before, too, memories of his time hunting through Snezhnaya flashing through his mind. He is not intentionally careless with himself, he simply prefers to treat his own mistakes on his own. Though he isn't the most capable of DOING so when his eyelids are heavy and the pounding in his head keeps beckoning him towards closing them and drifting off against Albedo's warning, is he?
"Has the bleeding stopped?" Diluc had not FELT IT very much, only the lightheadedness that came with the warm sensation at his side and the metallic taste that filled his mouth. He can still breathe, his chest rising and falling as he does his best to focus on the intake of air rather than the pull of unconsciousness. "I can bandage it."
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ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 5: g.enshin (2/3)
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