#✧・゚― 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘦 ❫ nahida
lusciiniia · 2 years
"You seem to come around much more often, these days." Observation noted with a smile; Nahida is rather pleased to see Zulaikha's more frequent presence not just around the Akademiya, but around Sumeru City as a whole. The desert may be home― in more ways than one― but dwelling in the past has only ever led to HORRID consequences. That Orchard of Pairidaeza must be a place of such anguish for Zulaikha, no? As beautiful as it is, as touching as its creation was, Nahida thinks it must be a heartbreaking place to be for its intended recipient. Yet Zulaikha runs there when overwhelmed, and the archon cannot wrap her head around why, cannot help but worry for her. So truly, it IS a relief to see the woman more present, at least on a literal level. Figuratively speaking... Well, it's hard to assess how present Zulaikha is MENTALLY, with all that she's had thrust upon her lately.
Ceasing the movements of her floral swing, Nahida hops down from her perch and dispels the swing in favor of keeping her focus on Zulaikha. All the while, that kind smile remains, though in her eyes there remains that worry― she's not forcing herself to be here, is she? A forced coping method born of stress and denial? Or maybe it's just some facade? She doesn't think Zulaikha to be a liar, but people are still unpredictable in her eyes. Besides, the one she's truly known for so long was NABU MALIKATA― the one before her now is... Almost the same, but not entirely. So she can't rely on past memories to understand the present.
That does not stop her from wanting to understand nonetheless― and to do anything in her power to help the likely conflicted soul before her.
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"Why don't you tell me about your latest trip?" she starts, intentionally vague. Whether Zulaikha wants to talk about her latest desert ruins trip, or open up about the Orchard trips, Nahida is there to listen. Given the history of it all, it will lead back to the same place whichever way they start. And that's all that matters to her right now.
@paradiisaea // ❤
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