ever-winter · 1 year
@paradiisaea asked:
“Don’t feel sorry for them, they deserved it.” //arlecchino to columbina or sandrone? :0
Toxic Relationship Meme
"Oh? Do you not feel even a little sorry for their situation?". Columbina looks almost as though she'd been about to cry for those who'd fallen, with the way in which she lifted her mask to dab at her eyes, though the innocent look was somewhat ruined by the soft smile that never left her lips. Humans were such fragile creatures and yet they never ceased to find ways in which to make her fascinate over them. Short life's that they threw away for next to nothing - flames that burned so brightly, only to be snuffed out when they took that step too far. Only the extraordinary would ever truly shine, but oh was it fun to watch the others struggle in their attempts.
With a soft hum, she jumped down from the wall she'd been perched on, having been watching over the events to be occurring within the orphanage, mainly out of boredom than anything else. She'd have perhaps sought out another for entertainment, but Arlecchino had managed to provide her with some this time. For that, she gave a soft kiss to the others cheek, the Seelie humming softly as she walked over to examine one of the bodies.
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"So, just what did they do to deserve your wrath? I only caught the ending of the show".
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: ❛ a guy walks into a bar... he was disqualified from the limbo contest. ❜ -cyno to like. anyone. i'm sorry this entire list was calLING HIM KSAFKDG Pun prompts // Accepting!
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              He’s silent for....a MINUTE. Slowly putting his pen down and his head slowly resting on the table before a resound THUNK is heard as Tighnari slams his head into the table.
          He just groans and sits up to look at Cyno.
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                “.........I want a divorce.”
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grislyintentions · 1 year
“  There is nothing we can do.  ” //cyno to candace? :0
Meme (x) || Accepting || @paradiisaea
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Despite knowing all along the likely outcome that would arise from this, no amount of preparation could make the sting of disappointment hurt any less. The Guardian is silent, only the rustle of her clothes heard when she approaches the fallen. She does not trust herself to speak just yet. For she knows her voice will betray both her sorrow and anger from the way it shakes. One by one, Candace examines their faces- still only in death, and gently slides their eyes closed. She has nothing valuable to offer in exchange for their safe passage into Eternal Night. But they have served with loyalty and justice over the years, this is value enough.
"Could we spare some time? I'd like to give them a proper burial before we depart." It is the least she could do for them.
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lusciiniia · 1 year
"You seem to come around much more often, these days." Observation noted with a smile; Nahida is rather pleased to see Zulaikha's more frequent presence not just around the Akademiya, but around Sumeru City as a whole. The desert may be home― in more ways than one― but dwelling in the past has only ever led to HORRID consequences. That Orchard of Pairidaeza must be a place of such anguish for Zulaikha, no? As beautiful as it is, as touching as its creation was, Nahida thinks it must be a heartbreaking place to be for its intended recipient. Yet Zulaikha runs there when overwhelmed, and the archon cannot wrap her head around why, cannot help but worry for her. So truly, it IS a relief to see the woman more present, at least on a literal level. Figuratively speaking... Well, it's hard to assess how present Zulaikha is MENTALLY, with all that she's had thrust upon her lately.
Ceasing the movements of her floral swing, Nahida hops down from her perch and dispels the swing in favor of keeping her focus on Zulaikha. All the while, that kind smile remains, though in her eyes there remains that worry― she's not forcing herself to be here, is she? A forced coping method born of stress and denial? Or maybe it's just some facade? She doesn't think Zulaikha to be a liar, but people are still unpredictable in her eyes. Besides, the one she's truly known for so long was NABU MALIKATA― the one before her now is... Almost the same, but not entirely. So she can't rely on past memories to understand the present.
That does not stop her from wanting to understand nonetheless― and to do anything in her power to help the likely conflicted soul before her.
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"Why don't you tell me about your latest trip?" she starts, intentionally vague. Whether Zulaikha wants to talk about her latest desert ruins trip, or open up about the Orchard trips, Nahida is there to listen. Given the history of it all, it will lead back to the same place whichever way they start. And that's all that matters to her right now.
@paradiisaea // ❤
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gedenktemori · 1 year
bond tags!!!
[ lifedeath ; shinrci ]
[ death & gent ]
[ gent & life ; shinrci ]
[ gent & columbina ; paradiisaea ]
[ gent & belkia ; norxii ]
[ gent & time ; shinrci ]
[ gent & fate ; shinrci ]
[ gent & chaos ; shinrci ]
[ gent & jiwoon ; jiwone ]
[ gentiyu ; shinrci ]
[ gentalexandrite ; norxii ]
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: “  kill  me.  go  on,  i  dare  you.  ” //pantalone for vi! Hero/Villain Prompts // Accepting!
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    So it comes to this- the final hours of Celestia and the heartbeat of the nations has ceased to beat at his command...
             She had already sent her brothers back to Granny so they would be away from the outcome of this confrontation. And in her hands, a simple knife. Each step up to the northland bank made her feel her rage and anger over the years manifesting in small ways.
               Remembering each and every life taken-                    The northland bank’s true currencies are blood and tears after all.
      Remembering every. single. threat. not just on her life but on her family’s.
       And she ripped the doors of the Bank open- heading straight for the harbinger in the sea of blood and bodies that she left in her wake, they were casualties. HE was her target.
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       Vi’s ears pinned back to her head as she flung her knife at her former boss. Slamming her foot into his chest and making sure the crack of him hitting the ground could be heard throughout the silence of the bank.
      “I don’t CARE if it was your call, THOSE PEOPLE NEED THAT MORA.” A snap- inches from his face, yanking her knife out of his shoulder as her vision slowly began brimming with life, but she never used it, never activated it...
      And then the taunt hit her ears- slowly perking up little by little at it.
Oh...oh that would be easy.         After all she was used to bleeding her enemies dry.
       Vi slammed her blade into his hand to free hers as they went for his neck, applying pressure little by little as she just stared him down. She wasn’t going to stop until he was dead, until she heard his neck snap under her hands, until he stopped breathing.
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      “You make that sound as if I haven’t done it before- now DIE so I can repay the people with what YOU stopped giving them...”
                            Stop his heart so the people’s would beat again.
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lusciiniia · 1 year
@paradiisaea sent an ask:
With a playful wink, Hu Tao kneels to the ground and takes Yanfei's hand in her own to place a kiss on the back of it-- but she can't help the grin pulling at the corners of her lips at her own dramatics. "Finally free?" Spoken more like a statement, for she knows Yanfei's business hours like the back of her hand. "It's still relatively early in the evening, you know. Why don't we take a stroll, hm? I've got something to show you!"
If Yanfei is any one thing, it is PUNCTUAL. Once office hours come to a close, there is no negotiating for her to stay behind even an extra few minutes. There is more to her life than her work, and even the hardest workers need a break anyway. Beyond that, her free time can then be freely given to others― none more than Hu Tao, the very reason that Yanfei has learned to carve out more time for herself lately to begin with.
Her partner's dramatics are, as usual, met with a matching grin coupled with a laugh. And she is just as quick to turn her wrist just enough to interlock their fingers, gently pulling Hu Tao back up to her feet to that she can press a quick kiss to her cheek while there are no onlookers to pay them any mind. Everyone else on the street seems focused on getting back home themselves, or rushing over to one restaurant or another to grab dinner before the rush can begin. In fact, Yanfei is about to suggest doing the same, until Hu Tao offers something a bit different.
Curiosity is piqued now― or maybe it's more accurate to say SUSPICION. she knows Hu Tao isn't necessarily the kind for cliche gestures and dates like this. Usually it's Yanfei who invites her along for such occasions. Last time that Hu Tao did so, she ended up taking them to a certain haunted trail that left the legal adviser far more spooked than she would like to admit. And with such misadventures in their history, she just has to wonder, what could it be this time?
( Admittedly, she's dying to know, since it'll just become a laughable memory in the end anyway )
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"Where to, then?" Mild hunger forgotten and hands still locked together, she steps to her girlfriend's side, mirth shining in her eyes despite her trepidation. "Do I get any hints as to where we're going, either~?"
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: The HC meme for Michael! owo Headcanon meme // Accepting!
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1- Michael is the oldest between him and Samael, sadly that difference has resulted in Michael being INCREDIBLY protective of his brother (to the point he has scared away potential suitors for Samael) yet at the same time he has no issue with Elli (Ish. He’s super skeptical about Samael’s relationship with a human...) 2- Michael’s contract with the gods of Celestia takes the form of a giant eagle tattoo spanning his entire back, arms, and coming over his shoulder to his left pec. Due to his affiliations with the heavenly principles and the god of war his contract lets him harness the power of gods making him stronger, more durable, faster, and less likely to tire out easily. However, it also will burn him up the longer he uses it (think Dabi tbh)- he’s come very close to burning himself alive using his contract, so he uses it sparingly. 3- Michael has never actually walked teyvat before, his search for Samael is the first time he’s ever properly walked among humans instead of destroy their nations. So far he has enjoyed the sights and food (His favorite nation so far is Mondstadt) but the history is what has begun to change his mind on Celestia and the heavenly principles. 4- Michael’s name comes from the Archangel Michael- who is known for battling with Satan and/or casting him out of the heavens (Depending on what version you read). His name means “Who is like God?” and it’s of Hebrew descent! The Archangel Michael from the bible is stated to be “a spiritual warrior in the battle of good versus evil. He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick, and the guardian of the Church.” 5- Whereas Samael was adept with a blade, Michael’s weapon proficiency came with ranged weapons- specifically, a bow and arrow. His aim is about as deadly as a hawk’s and he prides himself on his skills in battle as a ranged fighter. In a sense, he and Samael were a pair- he made up for Samael’s lack of ranged combat where Samael made up for Michael’s lack in close quarters combat. The two of them made a very deadly pair when they fought together.
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ // Fatui Takeover [Vi & Serpent]
        “Honestly I’d rather work under you than with that piece of shit hiding in the bank.” A seething hiss from her as she sat on the ground, flicking a few rocks and frowning- her ears just twitching every now and then before she looked up at Serpent.
   Someone around here actually seemed decent. (That was a stretch. It was the fucking Fatui of all people.)
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     “Don’t take that as a fucking compliment, I just mean it’s easier to work with you.” If I had it my way I wouldn’t even associate with the fatui...
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: 💗 //cyno to tighnari 👉🏽👈🏽 KISS MY MUSES // Accepting!
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           Wake up, go to work, go home, sleep- repeat. A usual cycle for these two with the occasional spontaneous days off but Tighnari rarely took them. Though incentive usually came from the general walking through the doors of his home- making it come alive once again with his presence and making Tighnari’s life much easier than it had in ages...
     Record player going off in the corner, Collei quietly working on her practice work he had assigned her, the two of them quietly enjoying each other’s company in the kitchen of Tighnari’s home. Shared affection here and there yet when they slowed down to properly enjoy their company- Cyno was first to initiate.
          Gentle kisses that made his ears fall back, tail slowly go to wrap around him, his arms just tightening holding onto Cyno with the softest of smiles forming in their kiss.
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      He didn’t need to say anything after that, though hands went from holding onto his shoulders to holding his face- thumbs gently running over his cheeks, just enjoying the moment.
   Tighnari finally had to break it off so they could breathe, forehead resting against Cyno’s with a tiny smile on his lips- “...You’re going to make me want more of those, I hope you know.” A chaste kiss to the general’s lips again as he laughed softly.
     “...I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” Kiss me again.
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viisiond · 1 year
paradiisaea replied:
cyno vc: ah, you're saying i should improve my jokes to avoid divorce?? good to know :/
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“No more.....please, no more even a fungi is funnier than you....” A pause. He has realized what he has done unintentionally....
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“......i fucking hate it here.”
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: shiplist! //hit me with the cynonari content <3 SHIPLIST // Accepting!
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Snow- Ricky Montgomery
To me evergreen wasn't such a bad dream Oh, and sometimes things aren't as plain as they seem, darlin' When I go, bury me six feet in snow Here we are wasting our chances for the last time And when we go, I'll try not to be so slow Skeletons, skeletons, what do we have here Hiding from the mirror? Say it once, say it twice, try to be nice Well, let's not lose ourselves
Good old fashioned lover boy- Queen
I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things We can do the tango just for two I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings Be your Valentino just for you Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy? Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy
Would that I- Hozier
With the war of the fire My heart moves to its feet Like the ashes of ash I saw eyes in the heat Feel it soft and as pure as snow Fell in love with the fire long ago With each love I could lose I was never the same Watch it still live in roofs Be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Lay in waste of my lovin' long ago
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: When feeling down, what kind of things does he do to pick his mood back up? In general, does he prefer to keep the company of others, or stick to himself? Does he have a favorite place that he likes to spend time? Let edon talk about Adrian 2023 // Accepting!
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aight here’s the part of the show were Edon gets a lil sad about their meow meow
1- Isolate. He kinda just...doesn’t? Adrian’s known to just sleep the day away when he’s upset or down, he won’t talk to his brothers unless he’s EXTREMELY upset but even then he just ends up going to sleep since he doesn’t want to bother them. Adrian’s more apt to just avoid the subject all together too to be honest. 2- He’s a bit of both! Adrian’s a people person, but he does enjoy the solitude of being alone every now and then- but mostly his brothers are the ones he spends time around to recharge with unless he’s with someone. (He’s also used to waking up alone at times so he just enjoys it while it lasts.) 3- Adrian likes hitting up whatever dance club he can! But outside of that, you’re more than likely to find him either someplace high or in a library- he just enjoys both, considering he’s from the ocean he likes seeing places from up high than on the ground.
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ // Starter [Innamorati for Serpent!]
      Rather condescending applause coming from the other harbinger as she stood up from her seat, walking up to her colleague and giving her a smile- “A marvelous show, Sandrone~! Truly right up your alley~” Compliments who? she didn’t know them, this was just observation.
         “It’s so nice to see a familiar face within the confines of Fontaine...~”
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   A wave of her hand and she sent her men away so they could properly talk, her smile disappearing once they were gone.
      “Alright let’s not cut corners- What’s the status on the gnosis, Serpent?”
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viisiond · 1 year
@paradiisaea​ said: “I think you need to take a break. Let’s do something else.” //serpent to samael! RP Memes- Hurt Edition // Accepting!
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          “I’m fine, Sandrone.” He snapped, white-knuckling his sword as he ripped it from a fallen skirmisher, trembling where he stood and breathing heavily. Taking a few steps before stumbling and finally having to sit down, staring at the ground, picking at his gloves before finally taking them off to properly hold his hands. Bouncing his leg and mumbling into tattooed hands trying to calm himself from their recent mission and it’s failures...
           Why why why why why why why--
      Everything hurt, breathing heavily as he attempted to calm down but failing- just continuing to bounce his leg and stare at the ground, if she spoke he could barely hear her now- just lost to his thoughts.
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        “...Michael I’m sorry- fucking hell, I-” He exhaled, still unable to hear anyone around him until his leg kicked his weapon and bringing him out of his thoughts. “Michael?!” His head shot up and he stared at her, still breathing heavily before running a hand through his hair.
    “...your....recent suggestion sounds...like a plan, Serpent...” A weak whisper as if his recent meltdown didn’t just happen, why did coming across their slain skirmishers set him off so badly? ...nevermind, he knew...
     “...we need to go...we just- we need to go...”
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viisiond · 1 year
Is it legal to say "all muses"? :thinking: LMDKLGKMFHM but if I had to choose one (or a couple, because we all know I'm bad at choosing) I'd probably say Lara and Baizhu! I do so adore how you've built Baizhu from nothing but crumbs, and now he's the only canon I accept <3 And Lara I adore through all the fandoms I've seen her in. I stan her so hard. But honestly that goes for all of your OCs because I'd lay my life down for all of them, no hesitation KMDLKFM
For followers of multi-muses, tell them who is your favorite muse of theirs and why? Whether on anon or not! // Accepting!
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DFKGJLDFKGJSGK CINDEEEER ILY,,,,, But yes it's legal to say all I would know I am the law //SHOT (this is a joke everyone I am sorry NKJFDGDKLSJG) but have you also considered....no u? Cause I love your muses??? all of them ??? sm???
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