lusciiniia Ā· 1 year
ššƒš™·š™“ š™»š™°šš‚ššƒ š™¾š™µ šš„šš‚ [š™“š™æš™øšš‚š™¾š™³š™“ š™¾š™½š™“]Ā šš‚š™“š™½ššƒš™“š™½š™²š™“ šš‚ššƒš™°ššššƒš™“šššš‚. Ā  feel free to change pronouns/tenses/anything to suit scenarios, etc.
and thatā€™s your biggest worry?
the whole world becomes sick all at once.
i presume the prospect of a viral pandemic keeps you up at night as well.
well, now there is reason to evolve.
i was gonnaā€™ make you birthday pancakes.
you know i donā€™t really like pancakes.
youā€™re still alive, you old fucker.
heā€™s dependent on me. not the same.
iā€™m not splittinā€™ this job.
i barely wanna split it with you.
we could work a double.
iā€™ll bring back a cake.
shit. hope for us yet.
canā€™t tell you how exciting it was listeninā€™ to that fuckinā€™ conversation.
i swear you will use this later in life.
hey, is everything okay? like, on the news?
there was just a lot of police and stuff on the road today.
people out there need to get right with jesus.
i was thinkinā€™ weā€™d make some cookies.
you wannaā€™ give me a hand?
you locked the door for once. good job.
that doesnā€™t mean anything to you, iā€™m sorry.
iā€™ll get us one tomorrow.Ā 
you got me a present?
whereā€™d you get the money for this?
i sell hardcore drugs.
itā€™s better than what i do.
i couldā€™ve stolen 60, but i put the change back because iā€™m an honest thief.
besides, itā€™s the thought that counts.
you were never gonna do it for yourself, so.
but iā€™m in jail.Ā 
wasnā€™t my fault this time!
look, it doesnā€™t fuckinā€™ matter.
itā€™s a fuckinā€™ madhouse, [name].
get in the truck! right now!
weā€™re gonnaā€™ be brave, and weā€™re gonnaā€™ get outta this.
[name], you get back inside the house!
theyā€™re saying itā€™s a virusā€” some kind of parasite.
minute ago, newsman wouldnā€™t shut up.
how do you know weā€™re not sick?
theyā€™re saying itā€™s mostly people in the city.
somebody elseā€™ll come along.
fuck! everybody had the same fuckinā€™ idea.
i canā€™t get through this.
son of a bitch, gottaā€™ go around. grab somethinā€™!
i canā€™t drive throughĀ ā€˜em all.
thereā€™s nowhere to fuckinā€™ go!
easy now. weā€™re not sick!
weā€™re gonna get you somewhere safe first.Ā 
i gottaā€™ get you up.
thereā€™s gonna be a little tickle right here.Ā 
or i could just shoot you.Ā 
yeah, but then what would you do?
i just know theyā€™re real.
pills and bullets, bullets and pill.
well, the more you shoot people, the harder it is to sleep, i guess.
i need the bag back.
hey, do yourself a favorā€¦ stay off the streets for the next few nights.
fuckinā€™ fireflies been blowinā€™ shit up all week.
two of our guys got shot this morning.Ā 
itā€™s easy to make a mistake in the dark.Ā 
what do you want me to say, [name]?
itā€™s not like i planned onā€¦ rippinā€™ you off.
how about we just let it go?
what else are you gonnaā€™ do?
you gonnaā€™ keep me here? kill me?
i want you to forget this ever happened.
i paid you for it, you sold it to someone else, and you spent my money.Ā 
i mean, you think iā€™ve never done shit like that?
my guys fucked you up.
you cut off a finger or whatever the fuck you wantā€” i donā€™t care.
theyā€™re your fuckinā€™ guys.Ā 
i give you my word that he wonā€™t hurt you.
theyā€™re shooting. theyā€™re shooting at us.Ā 
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, fuckā€¦ you.Ā 
hey, people are gonna come looking for me!
let me out or youā€™re gonna pay, motherfuckers!
iā€™m not supposed to be here!
is there any chance itā€™s cominā€™ in at night?
itā€™s never taken him more than a day to respond.
youā€™re a capable guy, but there are worse things than infected out there.
i got jumped by a couple guys.Ā 
you know these guys were born after the outbreak. never learned how to argue, they just start swinginā€™.Ā 
itā€™s a miracle youā€™re alive.Ā 
itā€™s a miracle any of us are alive.Ā 
nothingā€™s lost. shit like this is gonnaā€™ happen.Ā 
now we just shake it off, and we go get our cards back, or the battery.Ā 
okay, fuck it, we get our money back and the battery.Ā 
but i would very much like for you to hurt him.Ā 
letā€™s go hunt that motherfucker down.Ā 
my answer is to follow fuckinā€™ orders.
why do you have some random girl locked in a room?
we are in a war against a military dictatorship to restore democracy and freedom.
are we winning?
you tell me to look for the light and iā€™ll break your jaw.
how about we start with thank you?
i am the one who toldĀ ā€˜em not to shoot you, if you recall.
you that anxious to be a soldier?
you think i chose that place?
they put me there when i was a baby. itā€™s for orphans.Ā 
you my fucking mom or something?
do i look like your mom?
why wonā€™t you let me go home?
you have a greater purpose than any of us couldā€™ve ever imagined.
what iā€™m going to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone. because if you do, i assure you, you will die.Ā 
take it he wasnā€™t down here last time?
you think he came down after he was infected?
itā€™s like they reframed the whole structure.Ā 
what the fuck? someone put a piano in front of this?
war must be goinā€™ pretty shitty for you to be buying from scumbags like him.Ā 
he obviously didnā€™t take fuck off for an answer.Ā 
i need it for a better reason than you do.Ā 
youā€™re the cause of it. you turned my own brother against me.Ā 
we wonā€™t make it anywhere like this. not for a while anyway.Ā 
oh, you donā€™t have time?
i know what youā€™re capable ofā€” for better or worse.Ā 
my team will not jeopardize that.Ā 
remember what i told you?
the radioā€™s a smuggling code, right?
iā€™ve never been on the other side of the wall.
so, whatā€™s the deal with you anyway?
you some kinda bigwigā€™s daughter or somethinā€™?
holy shit, iā€™m actually outside.
you stay close and you follow my lead.Ā 
okay, letā€™s talk this out.Ā 
yep. weā€™re doinā€™ this by the book.
you wouldā€™ve killed me!
i should fucking kill you!
it doesnā€™t matter! you have to trust me!
theyā€™re gonna catch us if we donā€™t run!
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lusciiniia Ā· 1 year
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
what soft romance clichƩ are you?
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love at first sight
let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
Send ā€œTalk about-ā€ and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
send one for your muse (the sender) to do to my muse (the receiver) and add + to reserve the roles!
(ruffle) ā€” to ruffle my museā€™s hair playfully
(massage) ā€” to give my muse a relaxing back/head/foot massage
(cheek) ā€” to give my muse a kiss on the cheek! could be platonic, familial, or romantic
(behind) ā€” to give my muse a hug from behind
(pull) ā€” to pull my muse into your museā€™s arms to cuddle
(pillow) ā€” to whack my muse with a pillow in an attempt to start a pillow fight
(pin) ā€” to playfully pin my muse to the ground/wall
(tickle) ā€” to sneak up behind my muse and tickle them
(lift) ā€” to lift up my muse
(spoon) ā€” to let my muse be the little spoon
(dance) ā€” to pull my muse into a slow dance
(nuzzle) ā€” to nuzzle your museā€™s head in my museā€™s neck
(trace) ā€” to trace a part of my museā€™s body (specify!)
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
@lusciiniia said: ā stay with meā€” hey. nabu? oh my god, please donā€™t do this. āž -Rukkhadevata to Malikata ā™”
hurt/comfort starters!!
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No knowledge can ever come without a price. Everyone knows that, here in this budding land of wisdom. Exchange of equally valuable information, currency, services-- there will always be some form for reparation for knowledge given. But when it comes to the taboos of this world, hidden truths that even the gods themselves should never be privy to, the cost is much higher. Still, Malikata didn't mind this price. Deshret seeks an admirable future for the people, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to see the heavens overturned. It's hard not to carry a grudge for her exile, after all.
And to that end, she used all of her strength to bring him the answers he needed, or at least show him the path to those answers. Whether she was successful or not, though, she can't tell. It's far too hard to focus-- she's weak, in terrible pain, and her sight and hearing are fading.
She is only vaguely aware of arms that wrap around her now, and a voice that sounds as if it is muffled an far away. The Lord of Flowers STRAINS to focus her vision enough to make out the blurred scene above her-- oh, is this her quarters back at Ay-Khanoum? Deshret must have brought her back here, then... But how long has it been? Maybe it's no wonder it felt like time was crawling on as she waited to finally die.
Finally, her attention turns to the figure cradling her. Even through her blurred vision, Nabu Malikata knows that head of white hair and those bright green eyes anywhere-- and it pulls a wry smile to her face. What she wouldn't give to be able to move, to lift a hand and brush away those tears! Perhaps, in all of this, her only regret is leaving her beloved behind with so little explanation as to WHY. And regret for Deshret too, of course, but at least he will have the tools to make her sacrifice worthwhile.
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"Don't... Don't weep, ya amar..." Celestia above, it hurts just to speak-- but she has to, refuses to leave Rukkhadevata without a word. "This was... part of the plan. It was necessary. For a bright and--" A coughing fit interrupts her, wracking her body and leaving her with pained tears in her eyes and more black spots in her vision.
"...and better future for the people," she finishes what feels like an eternity later. Her voice is weaker now, raspy and underlined by a soft sort of wheeze with each word. Yet her exhausted smile remains, and she's now curled up to her beloved as much as her dying body will allow.
"...I hope you'll help him. Help him carry on where I cannot. And overturn those.. cruel laws of Celestia, once and for all. Can you... can you promise me that, habibti? My final, dying wish?"
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
ā†Ŗ Ā  Ā  š‘«š‘°š‘¹š‘¬ š‘ŗš‘°š‘»š‘¼š‘Øš‘»š‘°š‘¶š‘µš‘ŗĀ  . Ā  Ā (Ā  Ā a Ā collection Ā ofĀ Ā dire / urgent situationĀ  sentenceĀ  &Ā  actionĀ  starters .Ā  Ā adjust Ā phrasingĀ  +Ā  Ź³įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Ė¢įµ‰Ā  as Ā necessary .Ā  Ā )
šƒšˆš€š‹šŽš†š”š„ :
hide .Ā  Ā hideĀ now .
shh !!Ā Ā thereā€™s somebody in the house .
iā€™m not gonna hurt youĀ !Ā  see ?Ā  look ,Ā  iā€™m putting down theĀ  [ weapon ] .
[ name ] ,Ā  what were you thinking ?!
youā€™re being followed ,Ā  pretend you know me .
stop , stop !Ā  just put theĀ  [ weapon ]Ā  down !
drive ,Ā  just drive fast !
you seriously think i couldā€™ve done this ?
can you walk ? Ā i need you to walk for me , Ā okay ?
let me handle it ,Ā  just go !
what was your plan ??Ā  you couldā€™ve gotten yourself killed !
youā€™re just going to leave me here ?!
[ name ] ,Ā  can you hear me ?Ā  get out of there !
you knew and you didnā€™t tell me ?!
donā€™t you know how dangerous this is ?
youā€™re not going to shoot me .
move and you die .
iā€™m gonna come back for you ,Ā  do you hear me ?
we have to stop the bleeding .
can you see how many fingers iā€™m holding up ?
i just want to go home !
donā€™t move a fucking muscle .
if it werenā€™t for you ,Ā  we wouldnā€™t be in this mess .
i almost DIEDĀ back there ,Ā  and youā€™re laughing ?
youā€™re only making this worse for yourself .
you think this is a joke ?
if i go down ,Ā  i want you to run .
weā€™re gonna die ,Ā  so whatā€™s the point ?
this was the ONE thing i told you notĀ to do .
i canā€™t promise weā€™re going to make it out of here .
whereā€™s your first - aid kitĀ ?!
just calm down and find your phone ,Ā  we need to call the police .
someoneā€™s been stalking me .
just listen to me for onceĀ !
i didnā€™t think you had it in you .
put the gun down ,Ā  and kick it over here .
we canā€™t stick around here ,Ā  letā€™s go .
kiss me before we die .
do whatever you need to do ,Ā  hurry .
i canā€™t breathe ,Ā  i canā€™t -
please ,Ā  pleaseĀ  -Ā  let me in ,Ā  thereā€™s someone -
iā€™m gonna give you one last chance .
you have to believe me ,Ā  i didnā€™t do this !
run ,Ā  and donā€™t look back .
this is real ,Ā  iā€™m real .Ā  look at me .
take this .Ā  itā€™ll keep you safe .
follow my instructions very closely .
put your hands where i can see them .
you canā€™t just let me die !
i thinkĀ  ā€¦Ā  i think i need a doctor .
we need to get out of here ,Ā  come onĀ .
no ,Ā  this isnā€™t it .Ā  weā€™re getting you out of this .
you panicking is not going to help us right now .
š€š‚š“šˆšŽšš’ :
[ GETAWAY ]Ā  sender acts as a getaway driver for receiver .
[ MEDIC ] Ā sender arrives on receiverā€™s doorstep ,Ā  badly bleedingĀ .
[ HIDE ] Ā sender and receiver hide from a threat togetherĀ .
[ HUSH ] Ā sender clasps a hand over receiverā€™s mouth to silence themĀ .
[ DRAG ] Ā sender physically hauls receiver to safetyĀ .
[ RIGHTS ] Ā sender calls receiver from a police precinctĀ .
[ REALITY ] Ā sender helps receiver through an episode of derealizationĀ .
[ SHELTER ] Ā sender and receiver must find shelter from a stormĀ  .
[ ARMED ] Ā sender brandishes aĀ  [ gun / knife ]Ā  at receiver .
[ CRASH ] Ā sender and receiver survive aĀ  [ car / bike ]Ā  crash togetherĀ .
[ SEARCH ] Ā sender barges into the hospital demanding to see receiverĀ .
[ BACKUP ]Ā  Ā sender calls receiver panicking after committing a crime .
[ CORNERED ] Ā sender menacingly backs receiver into a cornerĀ .
[ UNEXPECTED ] Ā receiver comes home to find sender already insideĀ .
[ BREATHE ] Ā sender helps receiver get through a panic attackĀ .
[ BADGE ] Ā sender and receiver flee from the cops togetherĀ .
[ STRANDED ] Ā sender and receiver become stranded in the woodsĀ .
[ EMBRACE ] Ā sender kisses receiver thinking itā€™ll be the last timeĀ .
[ STRANGER ] Ā sender canā€™t remember who receiver is after an injuryĀ .
[ TOKEN ] Ā sender gives receiver a lucky charm before they go into battleĀ .
[ CHOICE ] Ā receiver has to choose between sparing their own life or the senderā€™s .
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
"You seem to come around much more often, these days." Observation noted with a smile; Nahida is rather pleased to see Zulaikha's more frequent presence not just around the Akademiya, but around Sumeru City as a whole. The desert may be homeā€• in more ways than oneā€• but dwelling in the past has only ever led to HORRID consequences. That Orchard of Pairidaeza must be a place of such anguish for Zulaikha, no? As beautiful as it is, as touching as its creation was, Nahida thinks it must be a heartbreaking place to be for its intended recipient. Yet Zulaikha runs there when overwhelmed, and the archon cannot wrap her head around why, cannot help but worry for her. So truly, it IS a relief to see the woman more present, at least on a literal level. Figuratively speaking... Well, it's hard to assess how present Zulaikha is MENTALLY, with all that she's had thrust upon her lately.
Ceasing the movements of her floral swing, Nahida hops down from her perch and dispels the swing in favor of keeping her focus on Zulaikha. All the while, that kind smile remains, though in her eyes there remains that worryā€• she's not forcing herself to be here, is she? A forced coping method born of stress and denial? Or maybe it's just some facade? She doesn't think Zulaikha to be a liar, but people are still unpredictable in her eyes. Besides, the one she's truly known for so long was NABU MALIKATAā€• the one before her now is... Almost the same, but not entirely. So she can't rely on past memories to understand the present.
That does not stop her from wanting to understand nonethelessā€• and to do anything in her power to help the likely conflicted soul before her.
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"Why don't you tell me about your latest trip?" she starts, intentionally vague. Whether Zulaikha wants to talk about her latest desert ruins trip, or open up about the Orchard trips, Nahida is there to listen. Given the history of it all, it will lead back to the same place whichever way they start. And that's all that matters to her right now.
@paradiisaea // ā¤
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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Petition for Nabu Malikata to be banned from ever having a thought ever again
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
part one of lyrics from hozier's music library turned into starter prompts. will not be separated by song or album, some quotes may be edited slightly for easier use. trigger warnings for mentions of abuse, drugs and mature content.
ā› let me put my lips to something. āœ
ā› i wanna feel the edges start to burn. āœ
ā› i had a thought, dear, however scary. āœ
ā› why were you digging? what did you bury? āœ
ā› honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips. āœ
ā› we should just kiss like real people do. āœ
ā› so i will not ask you why you were creeping, in some sad way, i already know. āœ
ā› i knew that look, dear. eyes always seeking. āœ
ā› it's bloody and raw but i swear it is sweet. āœ
ā› toying somewhere between love and abuse. āœ
ā› she's the angel of small death and the codeine sene. āœ
ā› there's money to be made, whatever's still to come. āœ
ā› there's something magic about you. āœ
ā› don't you agree? āœ
ā› babe, there's something lonesome about you. āœ
ā› no tired sigh, no rolling eyes. āœ
ā› idealism sits in prison. āœ
ā› chivalry fell on his sword. āœ
ā› innocence died screaming. āœ
ā› babe, there's something tragic about you. āœ
ā› there's something so wretched about this. āœ
ā› babe, there's something so precious about this. āœ
ā› where to begin? āœ
ā› i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door. āœ
ā› babe, there's something tragic about you. āœ
ā› go and take this the wrong way. āœ
ā› would things be easier if there was a right way? āœ
ā› i fall in love just a little every day with someone new. āœ
ā› the dark caress of someone else, i guess any thrill will do. āœ
ā› i should've worshipped her sooner. āœ
ā› if the heavens ever did speak, she's the last true mouthpiece. āœ
ā› 'we were born sick,' you heard this say it āœ
ā› the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you. āœ
ā› i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. āœ
ā› i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife. āœ
ā› offer me that deathless death, good god, let me give you my life. āœ
ā› only then i am human, only then i am clean. āœ
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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(Point at Yanfei) I designate you a glass cannon with tank behavior
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
ā†ŖĀ  š‘øš‘¼š‘¬š‘ŗš‘»š‘°š‘¶š‘µš‘°š‘µš‘® š‘“š‘°š‘µš‘«š‘ŗ . Ā  ( Ā aĀ  collectionĀ  ofĀ  100+ question prompts .Ā  Ā adjust Ā phrasingĀ  as Ā necessary . )
youā€™re leaving ?
can you shut up ?
are youĀ  [ name ] ?
who am i to you ?
why should i care ?
can i come inside ?
did i do something ?
you donā€™t trust me ?
can we make a deal ?
are you lying to me ?
are you free tonight ?
are we going to die ?
can i come with you ?
can we call it even ?
you stay here , okay ?
you think iā€™m stupid ?
can you stitch me up ?
are you doing alright ?
is that ā€¦ my shirt ?
who takes care of you ?
have you seen yourself ?
what took you so long ?
canā€™t you see iā€™m busy ?
who do you think i am ?
why are you helping me ?
are you happy with him ?
are we having a moment ?
are you listening to me ?
how are you so arrogant ?
how did you afford this ?
what are you doing here ?
is this all in my head ?
why wonā€™t you look at me ?
are you here to kill me ?
do you want some company ?
are you from around here ?
do you need to lie down ?
are we on the same page ?
why didnā€™t you defend me ?
are you sure youā€™re ready ?
where is this coming from ?
where were you last night ?
you wanted to talk to me ?
will you PLEASE be quiet ?!
what was i supposed to do ?
why do you look so guilty ?
[ name ]Ā  ā€¦Ā  truth or dare ?
why did you bring me here ?
are you looking for someone ?
since when does that matter ?
why do you put up with me ?
THIS is your breaking point ?
what can i say to fix this ?
do you think i deserve this ?
hey ,Ā  hey ,Ā  are you with me ?
why are you leaving so soon ?
what do you get out of this ?
[ name ] ,Ā  what have you done ?
do you have a minute to talk ?
did you ever actually love me ?
do you need somewhere to stay ?
why donā€™t you ever listen to me ?
do you hear yourself right now ?
you knew & you didnā€™t tell me ?
do you want something to drink ?
when did you know you loved me ?
when was the last time you ate ?
whatā€™s your favorite scary movie ?
do you want to get out of here ?
why is this so important to you ?
can i at least buy you a drink ?
how can you think this is funny ?
are you sure youā€™re up for this ?
are you trying to start something ?
what are we supposed to do now ?
can we at least try to be civil ?
why wonā€™t you just leave me alone ?
are you thinking what iā€™m thinking ?
why are you so concerned about me ?
why canā€™t you just stay out of it ?
youā€™re not bailing on me , are you ?
how long have you been lying to me ?
can you keep your eyes open for me ?
how long have things been like this ?
why is this suddenly such a problem ?
what ,Ā  am i supposed to be impressed ?
do you ever wish you could run away ?
youā€™re going to believe them over me ?
why are you looking at me like that ?
why canā€™t you just tell me the truth ?
why canā€™t you ever take responsibility ?
what can i do to make it up to you ?
can we put this whole thing behind us ?
iā€™m coming to get you , where are you ?
can you stay ? just for a little while ?
why wonā€™t you let me be here for you ?
when are you going to forgive yourself ?
is that what your nightmares are about ?
what kind of person does this make me ?
where are we supposed to go from here ?
are you TRYING to get yourself killed ?!
why canā€™t we just talk like we used to ?
why do these things always happen to me ?
how long has it been since youā€™ve slept ?
canā€™t we just enjoy the moment for once ?
why canā€™t you ever stand up for yourself ?
why havenā€™t you been answering your phone ?
what was i supposed to do ,Ā  let you die ?
can you just listen and do as i say for once ?
what do you mean ,Ā  youā€™re not coming back ?
can you see how many fingers iā€™m holding up ?
youā€™d tell me if something was wrong ,Ā  right ?
where do you go when you space out like that ?
you were going to leave without saying goodbye ?
youā€™ll stand by my side no matter what ,Ā  right ?
what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into ?
i need you to sit up ,Ā  can you do that for me ?
if you have nothing to hide ,Ā  whatā€™s the problem ?
you really donā€™t care about any of this ,Ā  do you ?
can you just tell me everythingā€™s going to be okay ?
you know weā€™re gonna have to talk about this eventually ,Ā  right ?
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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What ifā€¦.. Layla gets to keep Twirly Whirly from the eventā€¦.. Thatā€™d be so cute
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
my kind of flirting is getting into a physical fight with someone and finally pressing them against a brick wall, a knee between their legs and my hand roughly grabbing their jaw, leaning in way too close into their personal space and whispering "you done already?"
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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To you in the new Samsara
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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Remember me, love, When I'm reborn As the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn
genpact multimuses ft. greater lord rukkhadevata & nabu malikata, by spectra and cinder. (x)
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lusciiniia Ā· 2 years
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Starter call! Length may vary and such, but specify muse please! No cap on this one, for now.
4 notes Ā· View notes