#✧.° ⦙ ɴᴏ sᴇɴsᴇ ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇ. — ❪ & memes. ❫
burstbombbitch · 5 years
tag dump #1 bc tumblr user agonybow killed my tags upon following. literally
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
Which Rare Cat Breed Is Your Kitty Spirit Animal?
Take the test HERE and REPOST with your results!
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You are loyalty incarnate. There is nothing that matters more to you than the people you love, and there is nothing you wouldn’t do for those closest to you. You may be a little suspicious of new friends, but once you create a bond, they have your undying loyalty. Do you think your spirit animal is the LaPerm? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which rare cat breed is their spirit animal! 
Tagged by : @bluesquidz thanks bbu !!
Tagging : @musesoiree @coriignis @sturmazing @badlette @gottaxroll this just in i can’t tag ur hub blog or @splashysquid ‘s or even @iinktarian ‘s but i was gonna just let y’all do it for any muse look i like cats and ill tag everyone ok--
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
repost, don’t reblog. tagged by: @sturmazing & @bluesquidz tagging: 2 tired steal it
a face your muse makes when happy:
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a face your muse makes when sad:
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a face your muse makes when they see something they want:
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a face your muse makes when their berserk button is pushed:
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( uhhhh i think y’all get it but i have a lot okay )
a face your muse makes when they see someone they dislike:
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
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Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Synnie. Nickname: Syn. And a bunch of bastardizations of Synkling. Age: 22. Faceclaim: Noodle from Gorillaz, and Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite.
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, He/Him (less frequently). Height: 5′3″. Birthday: November 6th. Aesthetic: Fluffy OC things, Competitive Gaming, and CATS. LOTS OF CATS. Last song you listened to: lmfao Aaron... hit me up with some fucking music. I love BotanicSage tbh. (Old School Knuckles)
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: Truthfully, I haven’t written very many. I’ve only done OCs---any time I’ve contemplated canon, I never really go through with it. I do want to write characters like Bayonetta and Catherine (ATLUS), but I know I only have the capacity for one---maybe two at a time. Anything else is just a pipe dream.
If I had to choose, Jin was really wonderful. She deserved so much better. And so did I, honestly. Alas, all I can do to immortalize her is to make her my FC. She was my first tumblr muse---and that means I really, really haven’t written many, for I’ve only had a grand total of five. And two were immediately abandoned.
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What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): My friend @theseasirens and I just wanted to RP tbh. The community was pretty barren until we showed up and everyone just... popped out of the woodworks, which was pretty nice. We were banking on Spla2n reviving everyone, but an early resurgence is a good one.
Splatoon is my special interest. I have fun playing it, and I want to play with others, too---so a lot of my posts as of late have been me just gaming. Granted, most people get tired of playing with me after a while, but I can understand why.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse: She’s... extremely multifaceted. I’ve worked a lot on her history. I am in love with her design, her symbolism, and her annoying mannerisms. Of all the characters I’ve created who started off with bad pasts, her own has constantly kept up with her, albeit I wish I had more opportunities to show it. I get ecstatic when I’m told she is very fleshed out and relatable. She’s the epitome of perfect child who burnt out, but she’s suffered the burnout long before she ever deserved to.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: No idea. It smacks me in the face. It will take forever for me to ever write anything. I’m a person who needs the perfect environment (just dont be fucking hot, really... I hate this place). Music and mood really helps, too. Sometimes Bon screams at me what to do. Other times, I end up with like, 25+ drafts going untouched for weeks until I slash them all in one fell swing. Kinda annoying. Looks at my drafts rn like... can’t wait for it again.
Favorite types of threads:  I love threads that challenge your muse! Whether it be a fight, morals, or what have you---I just want them to rethink their lives as much as I do. I also reeeeally love intense fluff, because I’m a slut for fluff. Just warm fuzzies. I could use lots, lots, lots more of that in my life. I just really like to write scenarios a lot, no matter what it may be.
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Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse:  Goodness, um... Writing-wise? She’s used to having her way. So when she’s challenged---and cornered in a way that she cannot refute, she becomes unresponsive, or petty. The pettiness is reserved for close friends she doesn’t mind showing her whiny true self to, but the others? She has to fight tooth and nail to justify her already shattered perceptions. 
I also worry that I’ve... done perhaps too much work on her. A lot of it may never come to fruition. That honestly ends up being the case a lot. But... sometimes my fears are quelled, just because... maybe it’s better off that it isn’t. I was told I don’t call a lot of dramatic attention to it, which I don’t, because... I’d rather people find out on their own, IC. It’s cooler that way to me. She has a lot of little things about her that relates to her character as a whole, and for one character to find out all the little ins and outs of it? I think that would mean the world to the both of us.
Oh, and I have to write fucking super haughty because... it’s her. So. That’s always a fun pain in the ass. 
There’s probably more, but I can’t think of anything right this second.
Tagged by: @musesoiree is too lazy to tag people. Tagging: but uh, so am i.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
Bold what applies to your muse, italicize what selectively applies; repost, don’t reblog!
tagged by : @sturmazing tagging : i’m tired if u havent been tagged consider urself tagged
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to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. | under a bus, with my fingers crossed. | it feels like nothing matters in our private universe. | take me, i’m yours. | i’ll be a rock and rollin’ bitch for you. | you want the real story? you shouldn’t ask me. | i’m so drunk, i don’t mind if you kill me. | i don’t pretend to know what you want, but i offer love. | you’re so mean, baby! | she will have her way. | i’m bored; come on, let’s get high! | why don’t you walk away? | where i go, there’ll be no kind welcome. | into temptation, right where you belong. | we’re still outsiders. | i never feel pain, won’t you hit me again? | oh, i just don’t know where to begin. | practically all is nearly forgiven. | black words slipping off my tongue. | couldn’t it be easy to believe? | you are afraid of me; that’s why you’re so unkind. | sinner; i have never learned. | desolate in anger and safe in isolation. | do you feel the pressure? | i wanna be forgiven. | spare us the theatrics and the verbal gymnastics. | how i needed you when i needed you. | history has been cruel. | do you see what i see? | is there anybody in there? | i’d beg for some forgiveness, but begging’s not my business. | we may never meet again, so shed your skin and let’s get started. | every day i love you less and less. | there’s nothing that you love that i’ll ever miss.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
BOLD what your muse can do. REPOST, don’t reblog. TAG ten muses.
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bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a backflip | play chess | give cpr | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive/calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | magic tricks | yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock
tagged by: @lcylines snatchy snatchy tagging: @sturmazing @musesoiree (any muse) @theseasirens (any blog) @octokiing @seelostsouls (choose a blog pls) @coriignis @bluesquidz @rhondavoxs @flounderfashion look it says 10 but i literally wanna tag everyone so if you could do me the favor of just tagging yourself for me that’d be swell
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
👀 + a platonic one between dustin and bonbon because b o i
Relationship Meme || ⚜Platonic || Romantic || Hate
[ ♪ ||     Gifts start appear at places Dustin happens to frequent most. It’s rather eerie, actually, because it’s usually things he’s stated he wanted in passing—and also things he’s never mentioned to Bonbon. She doesn’t do well with giving, albeit she does it more than she lets on, so she does it anonymously. It’s very easy when you’ve sensitive ears and a scope that lets you spy on others from afar… However, they all have the same print, and the same insignia her family likes to use, so it’s not terribly hard to guess—and yet she’ll still deny it!
[ ♪ ||     Spontaneous text messages. Unless she wants something, she normally won’t initiate conversation (and is relatively slow to respond). She’d actually start messaging him? With sometimes just stuff she’s interested in or things she thinks he’d be intrigued by? Occasionally memes. Gets a little sheepish on the few that he has to correct her on, but at least Soda’s bitch ass wouldn’t get the satisfaction of doing it.
[ ♪ ||     Their closeness means she makes more contact! As arrogant as she is, occasionally Bon refuses to touch others (especially if she believes she is stooping low to do such a thing). Of course, causing others pain changes all of that—she’s a lot more willing if that’s what her tactility will entail. However, with a friend, she actually gives tentacle hugs, pokes their noses, actual hugs, and the occasional peck on the forehead or cheek. She’d also throw (light) punches, but she’s a little hesitant considering Dustin looks like he could be used to play what humans called “Fetch”.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
Use THIS to make a chibi version of you and your muse, and then tag ten other people to do it! Repost! Don’t Reblog!
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Tagged by : @bluesquidz xoxo bless u
Tagging : i’m tired. do what u want
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
Send a Symbol; Headcanon Meme || ⚜Still accepting! Send more!
⛾ – does your muse prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps both, or neither?
[ ♪ ||     Bonbon most definitely enjoys tea over coffee! She’ll call her butler to quite literally cart some over to her even if she’s miles away from her home—and he’ll do it, too. She’s a strickler for them, though, and will usually stick to her favorites, although the more… exotic flavors ( such as the mun’s personal favorite, Maple Bacon Pancakes ) will pique her interest without fail. She’s also partially biased to it because her old friend nemesis Nia Di Napoli made the best tea. It’s just one of the things she’s kept despite their friendship ending ( on her terms, not Nia’s ).
          You can very easily find her having some in the mornings and an hour before she goes to bed. Coffee just never grabbed her in the same manner, although she isn’t that heavily against it. It’s just… no one told her you don’t have to have it black.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
⚭ ☠ ☤ !!
Send a Symbol; Headcanon Meme || ⚜Still accepting! Send more!
⚭ - does your muse have any contradicting opinions/views? If so, then what are they?
[ ♪ ||     Bonbon pretty much sides with the Octarians. Or, at least, she most definitely sympathizes with them. It’s not a fact she screams out, considering she’s set herself up to be drafted for a quadrant in case war breaks, but she believes that they had an obligation to assist them once the water levels rose. The animosity between species bugs her, ever so slightly, because of the joviality just before the fact. Still, she does nothing to assist them. Her morality is very confused and grey. Out of obligation, she feigns hatred. She’s genuinely fascinated by their differences, mostly because her simplistic life makes the visage of hardship very inconceivable.
☠ – has your muse ever killed anyone? Has it been in cold blood or self-defense? Both?
[ ♪ ||     Many, many, many times—she has come close to it. Never has she killed, however, though her actions may have indirectly caused deaths. Ironically, it ties in with the former headcanon. :^) Her morality is so very blurry and grey…
Nevertheless, it would be neither in cold blood or self-defense. It would be… hunger. She has an unsatiated, uncurbed habit that her parents failed to wean her off of. Cuttlefish eat octopus. And she has a habit of biting. Perhaps a little too hard, and a little too much. Unbeknownst to her, her actions indeed do have consequences. And unfortunately, she genuinely thinks she is doing nothing wrong. There are times where she knows her actions are foul, but this one is a simple lack of knowledge on the matter.
☤ – what’s your muse’s health like? Do they keep up with it, or has it degraded over time?
[ ♪ ||     Besides her Chromesthesia occasionally making life difficult, Bon’s health is flawless (with a few hits to her mental health, admittedly). She’s relatively (physically) fit and uppity, and she goes on strong. Probably because her quality of living is ridiculously high.
Her Chromesthesia is another story. She doesn’t pay it much mind, unless it has come to a point where she absolutely cannot disregard it. Her family, especially Sebastian keep her in line and in check in those regards. Even then, the… “condition”, as they would call it, does not physically harm her, unless it happens to overwhelm her at inopportune areas or moments in her life.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
TAGGED BY: i stole it TAGGING:  FINGER GUNS. it’s time. @sturmazing @brushrush @octokiing @inklighter @candykraken​ @octoweaponries​ (or whatevs blog u wanna use) look i wanna tag every squid ok? ok. EVERYONE DO IT. i can’t recall all the urls i wanna hit the fuck up rn also @silentisms​
RULES: Tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better!
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MUSE: Bonbon
Name: Bonbon Charbonneau NICKNAME: Bon, Bunny, Lite Brite ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius GENDER: Female FAVORITE COLOR: Pink AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 8 - 10 hours. Sometimes 12. LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: Dank Meme Compilation HEIGHT: 3′11″
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MUN: Synnie
NAME: Synnie NICKNAME: Syn, Hoe, Bitch, Scumbag, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh this goes on ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio GENDER: Female FAVORITE COLOR: Squidgirl Blue (and blue in general!) AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: i only get 5-6 hours if I’m lucky LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: jyushimatsu lmfao thanks @theseasirens​ HEIGHT: 5′3’
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
Send a Symbol; Headcanon Meme || ⚜Still accepting.
♟ – has your muse ever used someone to gain something, whether it’s been power/material possessions/political control/etc?
[ ♪ ||     Most definitely. She knows she does, too. A big part of her ruse is feigning helplessness so that others do her bidding, although she chooses when she does and does not want to introduce herself as a sweet, helpless child or a cruel young lady. Whether it be beating someone down for her own pleasure, or sabotaging someone’s career for the sake of her own, Bon has no sense of shame if she feels that she is just in the matter—and watching others work for her just brings her so much pleasure. It’s a wonder that, deep down, she has a huge heart. Or so we’d like to think?
☐ – does your muse feel incomplete? Do they feel whole? Why do they feel whichever way?
[ ♪ ||     Bon feels oddly incomplete. While she’s always had a goal set for herself in life, even when she had gotten out of that squib phase, it never felt like her own. She questions her choices constantly, wondering if she had any reason to pursue a war-bound life beyond a desire to follow in her family’s footsteps. Singing, dancing… the arts in general makes her feel whole, and knowing that makes her even shakier on her decision. But backing down now feels like a waste of her previous years, her skill—everything. Presently, she has no driving force to chase what she truly wants, and that crushes her. She can only take solace in the fact that she would be fit for war, even if her heart wasn’t fully in it. Fighting against a side she somewhat vouched for doesn’t help any, either.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
👀 n max as u wished me to send
Relationship Meme || ⚜Platonic || Romantic || Hate
[ ♪ ||     Slowly but surely, the Octoballs— and other members of the Octarian troops— stop going missing. What means a lot to a friend eventually comes to mean a lot to her, too. Even if she won’t show it. Although she feels obligated to enter the war due to her own family’s history, she questions heavily whether or not Inklings were in the right to allow damage to be sustained in Octo Valley. So Power Eggs and Zapfish begin disappearing instead… Assumably, Inklings can handle a few going missing.
[ ♪ ||     It’s embarrassing, but she’d quietly start requesting to be picked up more. Powerful little legs will have her leaping up onto his back considering his slouching habit ( oh, how sad it is to have to wriggle and prepare to leap, like a cat ). She’s extremely more tactile. Wanting affection a bit more frequently, she’ll ( sometimes not so ) lightly bite his nose, neck and ears ( unfortunately, this also means she’s probably still just as physical with punishments, if not moreso lmfao ). She craves reassurance and validation at times, so every little pat he gives her when she’s leaning her head on his side is nudged into happily. He also gets more of a chance to see all the glowy spots on her body changing in her happiness. All of them.
[ ♪ ||     Every fucking curse that comes out of this man’s fucking mouth makes her grit her fucking teeth. She can physically feel her hand balling up—and occasionally slamming into his side—when he does it. She can’t even shake Mr. Swear Jar at him because his money is nothing to her ( and giving him money doesn’t matter because he’d blow it all instantly anyway ). She doesn’t expect it to change any time soon, but oh how she wished she could curse without Sebastian hearing from ten miles away and telling her to put money in the jar. How come this asshole gets to do whatever he wants? She never got to. And she has all the money in the world! How come she can’t do everything? She deserves everything.
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