#✧.* anonymous tip: 🎩
absolutebl · 3 years
Hello hope all is well with you heading into the New Year.
Before we close out 2021, I wanted to send you your flowers 💐 and tell you how incredibly thankful I am to happen upon your Tumblr this year. I had started my journey into the world of BL last year and had so many questions and didn’t have anyone to share with or provide me recommendations on what to watch. And one magical day, I Googled something (can’t remember) and your Tumblr page came up. I said hmmm let me take a look at what this person has to say and so began my journey into Absolute BL’s world. Months later I decided to sign up for a Tumblr account so I could send you questions that I needed understanding to. The first one I sent to you was asking about recommendations and you actually responded and even posted my question. I was so excited. The second time 😬 it was about Top/Bottom and let’s just say, you read me my rights on that and I was like oh boy 👀, then going forward you linked it to other post about the topic and I was like OMG!🤦🏽‍♀️ Im so embarrassed about asking this. But I wanted to say thank you, thank you for your honest response because what it did was make me uncomfortable and I needed to be uncomfortable in order to change my perspective on the BLs I was consuming and the lens I was consuming them in. That’s what you want, you want to shed your old world views. I know this is a long rant but for me I just had to let you know what an impact you’ve had on my experience in the BL world, I’ve learned so much and I’m all the better for it. So I tip my tiny 🎩 to you. Wishing all the best in 2022 🤗
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Aw, thank you so so so much for this. For tolerating my pedantism and my reprimanding (gentle or otherwise).
I have to say one of the reasons I revitalized this blog was so I could be more genuine and honest (under a cone of anonymity) because I don't get to be that way in IRL job (which is also how I mostly interface online).
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So every time I respond with bluntness, especially to an ask, there's a side of me that's really nervous about it. And then I have to remind myself that this is part of why I am here. To get to be a bit more of myself.
There is now this little corner of the internet where I get to just enjoy a thing i love, with more of my actual personality (who can be a bit of a... erm.. bitch).
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So thank you for being brave enough to ask questions, and to being open to learning, and to being open to joining this hell site, and participating in this ridiculous fandom, and I really hope, in the end, it's made you love and watch more BL and ask more questions and learn more.
Happiest of happy watching, and best of 2022 too. I think it's going to be glorious BL.
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