#✪ ᵀʰᵉ ᴬᶰᶳʷᵉʳᵉᵈ : Answered✪
azurexalacrity · 5 years
Jolteon doesn't recognize the other creature as human NOR pokemon, which was the most frightening thing to him. Already on edge due to being in the city, his fur stands up in fear. "Stay back," he warns as he scatters backwards against a brick wall. The last thing he wanted to do was fight- "Don't touch!"
( @allnostalgic )
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 A part of Sonic felt his heartstrings being violently tugged; so violently that his felt the strings attached to that organ wrench. It was like the strings that belonged to a puppet, but instead of a puppeteer playing, it was the hedgehog’s own heart and feelings that were stored within it. It… it could have broken his heart into two just by looking at the creature.
He can understand the small one’s terror, however. The feeling of seeing something that wasn’t seen before and how it could provoke such a flight kind of feeling. It was difficult to spur any ‘fight’ out of a ‘fight vs flight’ situation, especially if the individual is brimming with fright. Still, that doesn’t help the concern Sonic felt for this creature. This… Pokemon. That’s what these beings were called, right?
He rubbed the bottom of his nose with his index finger, hoping the small motion can hatch some sort of idea on what to do about this. Of course, he can simply leave the poor fellow alone, and that would be the end of it. He can easily pass by the pedestrians and would never have to bother the creature, but… that wasn’t in his nature to do such a thing. He… he can’t just leave the poor little guy here. It just doesn’t feel right to him no matter what could happen in the future.
Thus, instead of muttering an awkward “sorry” and heading further into the city, the otherworldly, blue alien stayed. Although, he kept one foot behind him, scooting a little away as to offer the other some space. Some space to think or to breathe or anything of that matter. He knew what suffocation felt like when everything was too close to him, too loud to him and he wouldn’t want the creature to feel that either.
He sank one of his hands into his pocket, the same kind of pocket that belonged to a coat he snagged from some store. He knew it wasn’t wise to do it, but he had to do something in order to survive; in order to disguise himself so that he wouldn’t cause any panic (and he miraculously failed that). He grabbed out a piece of bread; all toasted and still warm. He tore a piece off from it and crouched down towards the creature.
A smile of assurance and gentleness worked its way up to his lips, as to say that he means no harm. It may have been weird that he can talk to these creatures, but he wouldn’t dare hurt them.
“Hey… I won’t hurt you. I won’t touch you either.” He held out his palms for more assurance, right before offering the piece of bread. “Here… I dunno how you feel ‘bout offerings, but I bet you must be hungry.”
Maybe this could help, but then again, he has no clue. He just hoped that whatever he’s doing right now, it was enough to calm the poor thing down.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“And what’s your excuse?”
Late Nights Sentence Meme | @thewayfaringhero
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 Several noises of crinkling occurred, all caused by the adolescent hedgehog rummaging into his small backpack, to which have barely contained anything inside of it. There were a few numbers of materials in there, such as a flashlight, but there was hardly anything significant in there that was important to point out. Apparently, for Sonic, that would be the complete opposite.
In one swoop, the younger of the two yanked a couple of star maps from his bag, and without a single second of hesitation, he slammed it down on the ground, ignoring any specs of dirt covering it or any insects starting to crawl on it. He already knew he made his point clear by bringing this out (as if it wasn’t for the fact that the two of them are in the middle of a cornfield, this would be even less obvious). Sonic jabbed an index finger onto one of the stars labeled with some kind of name, then he pointed towards the sky.
“My excuse?” he echoed, the first word of the two was simply dunked into a vat of drama. It’s like this kid has been stuck in theater class for far too long. Yet, it was serious all the same. “My excuse is dat if we stay in this exact spot, right under where dat star is, then maybe… maybe we can see a UFO!”
The discussion about extraterrestrials was a random and strange one at best, but it’s something that always captivated the speedster. The discovery of a bizarre creature hovering in this elliptical starcraft, soaring through the atmospheres of unknown, uncharted territory and finding things that not even the people on his planet can find? It’s almost magical to him, no matter how much his brother would bicker that it’s much more of scientific discovery than something magical.
Either way, it made those emerald eyes of his twinkle just as much as the stars.
“I mean… I know it’s a home stretch but c’mon… ya can’t turn down on somethin’ like this, can’t you? And even then, sleepin’ under da stars is better than countin’ sheep ta sleep.”
Two for the price of one was the mentality he’s going for. And, frankly, he found that to be much more entertaining than just naming the stars in the sky. Although, that was still a fun activity of itself.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
🍟 / he loves burgers, fries, and shakes so he would 100%
Send me 🍟 for my muse’s reaction to yours stealing one of their fries | @starbaxx
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 If there was one particular thing that the speedster favored more than anything when it comes to stuffing your face with goodies, it’s fast food. It didn’t matter how much grease is smothered into a burger or how much salt is on a fry, all that mattered to the hedgehog was how good it tastes. Although, more than anything that was on the menu, he always had to settle a score with his favorite: The Chili-dog.
He shoved half of the hotdog into his mouth, munching on it like he hasn’t seen it nor tasted for centuries. He leaned back, clamping his eyes shut as a content sigh pushed out of him. He’s not sure his friend could understand how amazing chili-dogs are, but he’s willing to give a proper demonstration towards it.
“I canfth bel-leaf ya have this ‘ere!” Bits and pieces of bread spew from his mouth and in a rather immature yet gross fashion, but this hero was never the most polite when it comes to things. He paused to swallow. “I mean… if you could add it up with ice cream sundaes to da mix, then you’ll be golden -”
There came about three blinks from Sonic, causing him to stop his gobbling immediately and to turn his gaze over to his friend. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, he’s sure, but something about the Lombax made him curious. Made him believe that something is suspicious, and he couldn’t figure out what exactly until…
He noticed he only had three fries left.
That was when he placed his gloved hands on his hips, squinting his eyes to such a degree that it’s hard to spot the vivid green from them. He made eye contact with his crush, who he’s more than positive is wearing a smirk on his face.
“Did you… did you jus’ steal a fry?” Overly-dramatic emphasis was placed on the last word, making the speedy individual sounding like a little kid who just got his toy stolen. Or, a better comparison would be an animal who’s protective of their property.
He dragged the fries closer to him and must have looked crazed while doing so. He then pointed two fingers towards Ratchet and then back at him.
“I’m watchin’ you, buddy.”
He’s not exactly serious, per se, but you must be pulling your leg if he isn’t going to act dramatic for it.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“Care Package" From speedy to sonic: Jelly and Jam, some junk food, a few cool nicknacks and a jar of peanut butter.
Send me “Care Package” and include items you would give my muse to cheer them up! | @protectingourfuture / @sonicheroesnvillains
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All Sonic wanted to be was alone. Alone in the cockpit. Alone on the bridge. Alone in the front of the ship where he cannot be bothered and cannot be bothered enough that he’ll smash his old, worn ship into a few cratered asteroids. He would rather be submerged in his own subconscious than to deal with somebody blabbering on and on about their day. In fact, it’s the last thing he wanted to listen to in the first place.
His gloved fingers were never taken from the handles of the controls. They were sore, pulsing with pain, and possibly have become weary from such tension, but the blue pilot didn’t care. He wouldn’t give a single pinch of care to it, and he wouldn’t care if someone were to say that he needed to take a rest. He only had about three to four hours of sleep. He’s fine, he’s good, and he doesn’t need to be told what to do.
And just like the devil have stumbled upon his starcraft, armed with a steaming pitchfork, his twin had stepped inside. His energetic, excitable, obnoxious twin that he once would rather leave him on their home planet than to deal a single second of him. However, he wasn’t in the mood to tell him to zip it. He just wanted to get this day to be over with so that he doesn’t have to deal with it until next year.
A part of him wanted to question Speedy on why he doesn’t feel hurt by this day. A day that separated both of them since they were children and created such a fissure in the family that none of them could repair. Maybe Speedy moved on faster than Sonic did, but Sonic couldn’t help but feel… hurt by that.
Why couldn’t he move on from the day of the raid?
He lowered his head, having the weight of it all plummet down on his body. Immediately, he flicked on the switch of the ship for it to be on autopilot. His tired arms slipped from their hold and gingerly wrapped around his waist. He took no time to sink into his own embrace and to let his walls crumble.
Or, that’s what would have happened until a cardboard box was placed upon the passenger’s seat. Ears twitching, he snapped his head to face the box. His eyes glimmered with interest, and not like the indifference that he had from earlier. He scooted closer towards the box, flipping the flaps open so that he could see what’s inside.
A whole loaf of bread was his first clue, along with a couple jars of strawberry jam, grape jelly, and a massive jar of peanut butter. It gave him nostalgia like no other. There was also some jumbo bags of chips. Tortilla, barbecue, any of that delicious junk.
Yet, that wasn’t what caught his attention the most. Rather, it was all the nicknacks that were stuffed in the corners. Some were things he had never heard of nor have seen before. And out of all of them that have gotten him interested? Why, it’s the snowglobe that’s on top of the two jars of jelly.
Instantly, he grabbed a hold of the globe, bringing it close to him so that he can examine it. Each and every piece of it resembled an area that he doesn’t recall, but maybe his brother does. He tilted it, spotting not only white specs flowing in the globe, but he also spotted a note that’s on the bottom of the item.
Although, just as he had torn it off, he found out it wasn’t a note at all. Nope; it was a picture. A picture of a smiling, cocky face that’s right beside his happy brother. There were words at the bottom of them labeled “Best Bro.”
Sonic blinked. He blinked numerous times as he wasn’t sure it was the disbelief he’s feeling or that he’s trying to push back the tears that started welling up his green eyes. Without a moment to waste, he held the picture close to him, almost as if he’s hugging it.
If Speedy were to bring him for a hug, he would nestle himself in it. And for the very first time before that awful raid, he finally felt safe in someone’s arms.
His brother’s arms.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“Hello Princess”
Send “Hello Princess” to swoop in and carry my muse 'Princess Style’ | @projectlightfox
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It’s the building block of life. The one component, composed of both hydrogen and oxygen, blended into a perfect mix that is responsible to all life on the planet. It comes in all shapes and variations, sometimes bringing survival to nearby inhabitants, or spelling doom for creating another world under the deep.
Rolling waves crawled up on the eroded shore, smothering seashells, turtles, and anything else with its salt. The same kind of salt a mother would tell their son not to tip over the table, or otherwise, he would have gotten bad luck.
Yet, the one person who has bad luck around here is the Blue Blur himself, surrounded by a flock of tropical birds pecking on his sides, seeing as if the creature would either stir or it would become the next meal for the seagulls’ lunch. The insistent poking to his sides caused his eyebrows to narrow, thus making him utter a raspy groan.
In turn, the birds shrieked, and have gone to retreat back to the settlement in their nests that resided on the local palm trees, leaving the poor guy to be alone and to hopefully, hopefully, wake up.
While his sneakers, now tucked behind a rock that was only fifteen inches from the shore, was only covered in grains of sand, his body was pummeled by the element. He knew it was. He felt it all with him being swished around, thrown around like a ragdoll, and spit out of the ocean, having him being dragged on the land. And yet, when he’s safe like he is now, it still felt like it’s still happening.
He all but snapped his grassy green eyes opened, and can’t help but screw one of them shut for a reason. He can’t tell. He can clearly see in that one, but it just hurt to open it. Why? He wasn’t so sure. Unbeknownst to him, a red line was drawn across that eye. Not enough to permanently damage it, but also not enough to be harmless. It was sure gonna need some ice to patch that up.
His sight searched left, then right, finding nothing but discarded seashells and coconuts. He’s surprised the islanders of Adabat never found him, but maybe that was the thing: He was so lost that he couldn’t be found. Or… maybe the ocean drifted him so far away. He… he really can’t tell.
He just couldn’t.
A torrent of coughs spurred out of him like it was out of reflex or instinct. Or both. He brought his bruised knees close to his chest, shivering when the tides slapped against him again and again, clumping his fur and feeling like he’s been dipped in the glacial water.
However, before he can properly lift himself up from this disaster, grab his shoes, and then dash back to the town before anyone notices, two figures appeared in his vision. One taller and one smaller, eyes both tainted with nothing more but concern.
The hero’s hand gripped tightly on his scarred arm, sinking his face into it and feeling ashamed. Ashamed for daring to combat his fear in such a dangerous matter. Ashamed for dealing with that Dark Gaia sea monster in the ocean and becoming a punching bag for the sea. It was all but a terrible, terrible idea, but he couldn’t say anything to a pair of arms lifting him up from the beach. He bonked his head against the older hybrid’s shoulder, finally feeling safe after all what transpired last night.
“I’m sorry…” was the last word Saber spoke before everything went black.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
🎭 — performance art/acting
Muse Skillset Symbol Meme | @ultimateblackjack
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🎭 — performance art/acting
( This snarky little hedgehog loves the dramatics. Heck, he is dramatic. Now, he isn’t the greatest at acting if he were to be in a play, but he’s great in that for the more… comedic approach. He does it to tease with his fellow friends and loved ones, which can be both endearing and eye-rolling at the same time. He’s very expressive, so that adds to that factor.
Though, I’ll say he’s very good at acting when it comes to suppressing his negative emotions, as bad as that sounds. Don’t get me wrong, he does get called out for it but otherwise than that? Yeah.
Also for performing arts? The most he ever enjoys about doing is dancing. He doesn’t dance as often as he did in his youth, but he loves to breakdance and have a good time while doing it. That and music can be an art he’ll perform too. Again, he doesn’t do that as often as he did when younger, but it’s still a pleasure or hobby he does from time to time. )
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“Whatever you do, don’t make the goose mad” // lmao XD
Animal and Pets, Sentence Starters | @thewayfaringhero
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Yellow was what revolved around the two blue hedgehogs in the surrounding area. Tall, incredibly long strands of wheat crawled up in the atmosphere, appearing as if they can match skyscrapers in height. They swayed under the gentle, spring breeze. The same kind of breeze that brought forth pollen in the air and made the youngest hero wrinkle his nose, attempting to not make a snot rocket out of sneezing.
He prompted his gloved hands behind him, resting them right on the back of his neck (and feeling the awful humidity of the sun beating down on it). He leaned back, a content smile spread across his muzzle. It’s times like this where he actually loved to take things slow and enjoy the scenery for what it truly is. Some say it’s odd for the Fastest Thing Alive to do this, but as a lover of nature, how could he not?
Slender fingers gripped on the straps of his small backpack that held the greatest ingredients to a campfire known to man: A bag of jumbo marshmallows, a box of graham crackers, and a whole pack of chocolate bars. Sure, this was a camping trip that won’t last that very long, but the talk of a bonfire and roasting marshmallows made the youngster thought of numerous ways to spend it.
“C’mon! I think it’s right around this corner!” he chided merrily, skipping throughout the fields as if he’s frolicking. Frolicking like he’s a ballet dancer jumping down a field of flowers. “It could be da perfect spot ta watch da stars!”
Or, so he thought. As he raced around the field, possibly yanking wheats from their roots while doing so, the precious, perfect spot that Sonic has been talking about has been intruded. Intruded by not a person, not a fellow bystander or a friend he’s known about. Heck, not even a round of Badniks hasn’t stolen his spot.
What did, however, was a goose. A goose that reared its head to the speedsters, blinking its beady little eyes. Its feathers were ruffled, and Sonic can’t tell if it’s because the bird isn’t fond of the wind or if it has unwanted company. The unwanted company as of them, to be precise.
The teenager didn’t flinch nor decided to run away. Instead, he stood there, his eyes widening as he felt his jaw clamped shut, revealing his agitated, gritted teeth. Now, he won’t ever be afraid of a goose, but he knew that they aren’t harmless. Which was why he can’t help but swerve his head to face his alternate once the said alternate said those words. If there’s anything he didn’t want to happen, it’s to have the goose mad and pluck out his eyes.
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“Arrow…” he whispered in a hushed tone, inching closer to the elder, “What do I do?”
Out of all the situations, he thought he ended up in, this was the least expected.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
Care Package: A red scarf, some blueberry muffins from Tattletales along with a thermos filled to the brim with her homemade hot chocolate, a drawing Bails had done from school, and a photo. Wasn't just any photo though; a polaroid, in Abadat. With a little light gaia in the foreground... and a werehog in the background. Written on the back? 'I've been hanging onto this cuz I didnt want u to throw it away since its past tense now and all. Call it a souviner. H.Z. 🔥'
Send me “Care Package” and include items you would give my muse to cheer them up! | @kildriia
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 The door to the apartment room opened with an uneasy creak, but not one to show of some intruder waltzing in the place (or, at least, a harmless intruder). Sneakers were dragged across the floorboards, not caring in the slightest for getting leaves and possible grains of dirt to coat the flooring. Normally, this visitor would have the common courtesy for that, but oddly enough, he didn’t for this particular day.
His sneakers were kicked off to the side, now having their straps hang loosely off the sides of them. They were placed right beside the couch. The same couch where the hedgehog flopped right on top of it and buried his face into a nearby cushion.
All ten of his fingertips drilled into the cushion, beginning to poke tiny holes into the fabric and cotton. They shake slightly as the hero facepalmed himself with the pillow before just allowing his body to lay flat. The grip on the pillow eventually loosened and the usually proud hero became quiet. Quiet enough to raise some eyebrows, that’s for sure.
It was a rough day. A rough day that was nothing more but a discussion about his mental health. About his consistent nightmares, about his sudden spike of anxiety, and probably plenty of other things that he didn’t want to talk about. He knew he had to, though. He knew he had to talk with somebody about this. He knew it could get him to feel better.
But… he didn’t understand. Why isn’t he getting better?
He flipped to where his back is now on the couch. His hands clasped together as he stared at the ceiling and seeing all the dust that’s on it. He would rather watch that than to constantly have his thoughts nag him.
An irritated sigh emitted from him and he rammed his forehead against the couch. He curled himself up. Arms around his legs and legs close to his chest. He was now just a blue spec on the couch. He didn’t care. He didn’t want to be bothered anyway, and keeping himself hidden this way was the key to that.
“I thought I was gettin’ better…” he muttered; his voice barely audible and raw with emotion, “Why… aren’t I gettin’ better? I made it this far… so why aren’t I gettin’ better?”
Tears started pricking his eyes. He always hated that about himself; becoming emotional no matter what is thrown at him. If he can nearly break down at the expense of having a bad day, then… he’s not so sure how on Earth that he will get better.
He’s not so sure how he can be as strong as people make him up to be.
Before he knew it, he passed out on the couch. He was still in his curled position, just like a harmless little hoglet that’s snoring almost as loud as a bear’s roar. His feet twitched from time to time, antsy to move, but unlike his said feet, he didn’t respond to that movement. Instead, he was kept on the couch. No sleepwalking or sleep running involved.
Despite that, however, he still heard things outside of his dream world. There were faint whispers, the noise of handling objects, and Sonic could have sworn his nostrils caught something sweet. Whatever it was, he cannot tell.
He didn’t let it sit there, though. He wanted to find out what was going on. Bad day or no bad day.
His eyes, now raw from whatever tears he spilled from earlier, opened in a heartbeat. Slowly but surely, he pushed himself up from the cushions, rubbing one of his eyes as he raspily yawned.
“Mmm… guys? Wha… what’s goin’ on?” He questioned in between another yawn, stretching out his stiff limbs, “Don’t tell me ya made all da goodies without… me?”
No one was there to answer him. No one was there to tell him what was happening. The only thing that gave him any answers… was the box that sat on the table.
It was covered by about a wad of scotch tape. It taped the corners, the sides, everything except for the flaps that will open the box. It made Sonic tilt his head to the side, squinting in suspicion.
That’s odd. He didn’t ask for a package today. Heck, he didn’t even order a package. Maybe Harper did, but he doesn’t see why it should be on the table and untouched. If anything, it should be opened.
Sonic blinked. His fingers gingerly took a hold of the flaps of the box, eagerly waiting to open the darn thing.
Well… it couldn’t hurt to take a little peek, now wouldn’t it?
And like a child opening a Christmas present, Sonic opened the flaps and poked his head into the box.
What he found inside was anything and everything he didn’t expect to come from an ordered box. Nothing like all those weird little styrofoam-like thingies that he used to play with when he was little. What was there instead of that was a whole assortment of things.
A red scarf was stuffed in the corner. It was made of wool and it looked brand new. Brand new as in someone knitting it pretty early. Alongside it was a paper bag filled with muffins. Blueberry muffins. His favorite muffins. The kind that made his stomach rumble.
Okaaay, what’s going on here?
He brought out the scarf and took out the muffins. Of course, he bit a chunk of it before getting through the rest of this box. And Chaos, it’s a big box.
He attempted to be extra careful when grabbing the thermos. It steamed with that rich scent of chocolate and reminded Sonic of the coldest days of winter. If it wasn’t beginning to warm up right now during the season, he wouldn’t have minded it one bit. Now to say that he would mind it now, but he can’t help but wonder what brought this on.
Usually getting care packages like this weren’t common (unless they’re from Amy… or a fan).
The one thing that didn’t make him question was the drawing. A drawing that was made entirely with crayon. It almost reminded him of Cream in a sense, and he can’t help but chuckle fondly at the thought. He kept the drawing close to him and make sure it won’t get stained by hot chocolate.
He’s not sure where to put it up, but he’ll definitely keep it in mind.
And just when he thought he was done… a photo was the last thing in the box. A photo that came from a polaroid. It was kind of old-fashioned, yet colored in a way that looked like it came from this day of age. And without a moment of hesitation, Sonic grabbed it.
He leaned back against one of the cushions, using it as support in case he would collapse from spiraling emotions. He held the photo close to his chest, blinking. He blinked so many times that he’s not so sure that he can even blink anymore.
Small huts and wooden flooring was what surrounded the two individuals in the photo, with them staring out into the distance of the island. One of them was what Sonic recognized the most: His nocturnal form. The werehog. The werehog that stood there, taking in the view of the night. Sonic wasn’t sure what he was exactly doing that night. He guessed that maybe he was just taking in the scenery, but that wasn’t what was important to him right now.
Nope. It was the little chihuahua in the picture. The one who would flap around with those ridiculously short wings and would offer bars of chocolate at the most sudden of times. The one who created a golem out of the Gaia Temples and did whatever it took to defeat his counterpart: Dark Gaia.
Not once did Sonic look away from the photo. He didn’t even take a glimpse at the amulet he’s wearing. The same amulet that Chip had. Rather, he reached a hand to the photo, touching it and dragging his fingers across it.
“Chip…” His voice came out in a way that was foreign. Soft-spoken, light, and nearly choking from tears. He sniffled, keeping the photo as close to him as humanly possible.
He didn’t break down, despite how he looked he was about to. A smile adorned his muzzle and he stared at the photo fondly, finding something special about this photo. Something special that was the words imprinted on the back of it.
He… didn’t know what to say about it. Heck, he didn’t know how to respond to all of this. He didn’t know what to say to his freckled friend who helped him out on this rough day.
But what better way to do it then to show it?
Show it by having that Polaroid photo framed up in his room.
It was one thing that the speedster will never forget. Not in a million years.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
"You would never understand," the bunny snaps at Sonic, raising a pointed finger at him. "Unlike you, /I know where to draw the line/. I've seen what happens if you don't consider the consequences of every animal you lay eyes on. For all you know, you have ruined so many family's lives for /nothing/!" Judy was angry, yes... but tears were in her eyes. She's obviously shaken up by what the hedgehog just done. // UM HOPE THIS WORKS!
( @allnostalgic )
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 No one knew that this would happen.
No one knew what could have happened when that gargantuan monster flew into the Earth’s atmosphere today. No one could have known that it devastated a decently sized portion of the city; tearing through it like the whole bulk of it has been plunged inside of a twister and all that’s left are smithereens.
Fragments of glass were scattered all over the pavement, the sidewalk, and wherever else, speckled with blood. Either blood from the monster itself or the frightened citizens who attempted to scramble out of harm’s way.
The one who was coated with the majority of the monster’s blood was the one who stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of all of this mess: A blue hedgehog, suited up with armor and gauntlets to boot. Intended for protection, but now made for destruction. For decimation. For slaying the vicious alien monsters that threatened people’s lives and for fueling the ever so fire of the hedgehog’s need to destroy those monsters.
Who knew that such an objective, such an… order; an obsession, could only prove to create mass destruction? Who knew that the people the extraterrestrial officer intended to protect others, but gave them harm instead?
Sonic (or, rather “Nic” by his boss) hardly keep eye contact with Judy. Not because he didn’t necessarily care, but the whole area surrounding him couldn’t help but eat at him alive. Everything that he’s seeing… it was all his doing. The monster probably had some part to play in it but… it was mostly his fault.
Each word of Judy’s hit like thousands of arrows piercing into his suit, his fur, his skin, and bones. The gleaming cyan collar wrapped around his neck couldn’t even hurt him with such a pain. Nothing could. From what he’s learned throughout his life as being trained to be this… machine was that no matter how he can endure pain physically, the mental pain will always stay there.
And it always will.
Slender arms of his were folded over his beating chest, which was constricted by the lack of breathing he demonstrated. His fingertips already dug into the fabric of his sleeves and then his skin. It was an act of either sheer anxiety or rather to help himself to focus on Judy, focus on her words, instead of slipping. To focus on reality.
And, when he did find that reality and took a hold of it, his gloved fingers curled around his helmet, yanked it right off his head, and slammed it down on the pavement; right by his feet. His visor had broken into pieces, but he hardly acknowledged it.
All he can see is Judy now… and her tears. Tears that might have caused Sonic to shed some of his own if it weren’t for all the shock that’s pummeling him at the moment.
“I didn’t try ta make it all f’er nuthin!” His voice echoed among the silent city, possibly making his own ears ring by doing so. It hurt to speak like that. It hurt to shout at someone like that. He was told he was supposed to suppress that. To be like an emotionless, order-taking robot. But not anymore.
“I… I didn’t mean f’er things ta turn out this way…” He averted his gaze from her for a second, clamping his eyes shut so that nothing could escape; not even tears. “I thought takin’ care of da monster would solve everythin’… just like it always has been! I…”
He paused again. One of his hands was clasped over his mouth, muffling those shaky, stuttering breaths from him. “…I know it doesn’t excuse this but… I’ve been fightin’ monsters like these my whole entire life. That’s what I know what ta do since I was a kid. I never…” Another sigh. “I never lived in a city and met other people. Y’anno where I lived!?”
Several cracks were in his voice, and it sprung tears into the soldier’s eyes. He had never shed tears in years and now here he is, having them stain all over his face.
He wanted to be angry at Judy but he couldn’t. He knew she’s right. He knew it at the bottom of his heart. He can’t tell if that was the goodness of his heart or not, because he didn’t believe it.
He didn’t believe he is good.
“I lived in a facility. A base where I’m supposed ta train ta protect everythin’ in this galaxy. Where I’m trained ta fight, ta kill, ta do whatever my boss tells me ta do and guess what? If I don’t do what he says, I… I’m gone!”
Now he’s covering his face. He couldn’t even try to toughen up now. This was all too much. Far too much.
He’s already told Judy everything. Why bother straying away from that when he knows he can’t hide from it anymore? Why bother at all?
“But why bother thinkin’ dat at all? I… I jus’ told ya everythin’. Everythin’ dat I only know…”
They always say that the truth can set someone free… but for Sonic? It only proved to trap him.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“Can’t you see? I can’t stop, not for a second.” // ;D
Steven Universe Ask Meme | @thewayfaringhero
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 The more initial response to this sudden, out of the blue claim, was confusion. In fact, the confusion struck the youngster like a cord. Like as if storm clouds rolled in, black as coal, and sending billions of lightning bolts to slam at the very tip of his noggin.
His green eyes bulged faster than he could possibly feel it, with his eyelids blinking at such a rapid pace that his vision must have been blinded a little by doing so. He stood there, stiff and unyielding as a sign in the middle of a seemingly endless road, untouched by the gentle winds of spring rattling it every now and then.
His attention locked onto the sight of the aged, moss-coated floorboards of his treehouse becoming dented by the soles of his alternate’s feet. Each and every bit of his movement made the said floorboards creak almost inhumanly like they have been given a voice. A voice that either was begging the elder to cease this dancing at once or was enthralled by seeing it for the very first time.
Regardless, the consistent tapping reminded the teenage hedgehog of the filmed, old, black and white showtunes that his hammer-wielding, love-stricken friend constantly begged him to watch with her one night at her house. While he gnawed on the salty, buttery treat that is popcorn, he couldn’t help but keep his eyes on how the dancer performed. How the tapping made a rhythm that reminded him of percussion instruments; of drums. And just like that night, he’s just as intrigued about it as he is now.
His elbows lightly perched themselves onto the wooden table of the small, small hideout. Some of his old maps, covered in an unhealthy amount of dust, was crinkled by his movement. However, it didn’t bother him as all he could stare at was his elder flicking his legs from side to side, creating deafening clips. The younger of the two never flinched.
His sturdy, gloved fingertips poked his cheeks, forcing him to lean a little closer to study this dance. He had seen numerous ways that a person can dance. He can breakdance, and he’s more than ever sure that either Amy or Cream has done ballet once in their lives, but this?
This was different. So much different that the Blue Blur just has to know to be taught about this. Just so he can either gain another dance to master or by making it yet another game that the two hedgehogs can have fun at.
“How… how did ya do dat?” he inquired innocently, nearly having his whole torso on the table now, “Not ta stop ya on y’er record of fastest tapper in da world, but…” He tilted his head to the side, sinking the side of his face into his hand. “I have never seen somebody do it dat fast before.”
There came a beat of silence before he peeled himself away from the table, now standing in preparation for a lesson. If the other hero is willing to contribute, that is.
“Ya got any pointers ya wanna share f’er a beginner?”
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
😇 — following rules ⌛️ — time management 📥 — organization 💌 — romance/flirting
Muse Skillset Symbol Meme | @projectlightfox
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😇 — following rules
( Sonic follows the rules, but mostly when it agrees with his morals. He doesn’t follow all of them, but ones that he thinks are not only fair to him, but for the people surrounding him. If a rule either upsets people, threatens people’s lives, or are corrupted or showing injustice, then he’s not afraid to bend and even break them.
So, I say he’s not a loose cannon but he’s also not someone who blindly follows the rules, ya see? )
⌛️ — time management
( Time management isn’t a strong suit for this fellow blur, no matter how fast he is. Sure, he can sort out multiple activities or tasks on his schedule but due to his impatience, his management of time is all over the place. Like, say, if he were to do chores, he would do them as fast as possible, which unfortunately shows that he’s doing a poor job at it.
He tries, though. )
📥 — organization
( He’s not the most organized person, but he’s not the type of guy to live in a pigsty either. He would stuff things here and there and in places where he’ll recognize them. There are times where a stray sock will be on the floor or some bag of chips, but it’s not to the point where trash is all over his room.
I would say it’s more like if somebody were to keep things tidy, but not to the point of over-exaggerating it. )
💌 — romance/flirting
( Despite how numerous depictions of him showing him how he’s some kind of ladies’ man and all, he’s not one at all when it comes to my portrayal of him and boy, does he have it bad. He’s “Mr. Clueless” when it comes to knowing the first thing about romance and flirting, whether Amy blabbers to him about it or not.
When he’s head over heels over someone, flirting isn’t his go-to. More so, it’s being with his crush is what he does. He’s there for them, would help them through thick and thin, and would push his feelings to the side so that his love would be happy. Although, those feelings slip out and do make it very obvious that yes, he’s in love.
The thing is, he doesn’t care that all for romance. He gives out gifts and calls his friends and crushes affectionate nicknames, but he’s not one to send out a chocolate rose or so unless it’s to just make the person he cares about happy. He never believes in love at first sight, he doesn’t believe that two people will get together the second they kiss in the rain, but he does believe if two people really care for each other (whether romantically or platonically), then that relationship can last forever. )
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“You probably think my face is red because of you but it’s not” (runs)
Blushy, flustered sentence starters | @sticksnwild
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  A scoff sputtered out of the hedgehog’s lips, to which have curled into a smirk that probably spread from ear to ear. One brow of his was raised, whether it can be an act of disbelief or amusement. Or both. That works too. Whatever the case was, he’s definitely not buying what his teammate is selling. He knew that look. He knew it all too well. If Amy reacted that way when that robot-jerk Swiftly came into the picture (and stole his charm and glory by doing so), then surely Sonic can be able to recognize that look from Sticks.
“Oh yeah? Then what is dat on y’er face? Heat from da sun or did ya stole some makeup from Amy’s place?” he inquired, placing one palm on his hip, while his other, slender arm was raised in the air, and he simply played the role of a macho man flexing his muscle. Only, anyone with eyes can see this hero is anything but muscular. “I know, I know, I’m quite da irresistible speedster, aren’t I?”
Nevermind the pink tinge that’s coating his cheeks as well. Of course, he wouldn’t dare to point it out or admit it. He would rather tease the absolute heck out of his friend than to admit that. Yup. He’d rather do that than to feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Definitely.
Although, it begged the question: Is she really blushing because of him? If so, then… why?
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
"It looks like she might be hurt. I want to help them, poor little thing."
Animal and Pets, Sentence Starters | @kildriia
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 It shattered his heart into billions of pieces the second Sonic took a single glimpse at the mentioned animal. She was miniature and fit perfectly in the superhero’s palm. Her tiny body curled up on the said palm, but she wasn’t curling up in comfort. Rather, she’s in pain, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that.
The animal is a Flicky. A bluebird, young Flicky. Her eyes were shut aggressively tight and have tears clinging on the borders of her cheeks. The hedgehog’s ears flattened against his head, and the frown on his face deepened. His gloved fingers gently caress the youngling’s head, the one place where she isn’t injured. She tweeted, leaning against his hand as if seeking for solace.
And, frankly, he can’t blame her.
Raising his head slightly, he met face to face with his friend, his eyes shimmering in nothing more but sheer concern and melancholy. Perhaps even heartbreak. He doesn’t doubt that Harper feels the same way. With a heavy sigh flowing out of his lips, he started marking off the first batch of ideas that popped into his mind.
“We… we can take her to a vet,” he spoke as levelly as he can, “Da doctors might nurse ‘er back ta health. Or… or maybe Vanilla can. She’s good with takin’ care of animals, and ‘m sure she knows what ta do ‘bout this…”
He sure hoped so, because he couldn’t stand the see the poor thing being like this. He couldn’t stand to see Harper like this either.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
“It just followed me home, stop giving me that look”
Animal and Pets, Sentence Starters | @projectlightfox
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 No matter how intentional the follow was or not, it didn’t matter in the hedgehog’s eyes as he stared at the little animal in front of him. His green pupils dilated to the size of moons and he was sure his jaw dropped down to the ground in a matter of seconds. He blinked a multitude of times before taking one step forward. A gentle step as to not disturb the animal, of course.
His sneakers scuffled against the grass blades of the front yard, making a distinct crunching noise that reached the small animal’s ears. The ears of the said animal perked up, earning a surprised bark that made the world’s hero nearly jump rapidly like a child in a candy store - but… he doesn’t want to scare it off.
His gloved fingers drummed on the ground, hoping to convince the little one to come even closer. A soft whistle escaped from his mouth, along with him gesturing his hand to him. He even came to plopping down on his knees. As long as it gets the dog to come over to him, then that’s all that matters to him.
The dog’s little legs scurried over to him, with it wagging its tail profusely. It barked out in an excited manner that got the speedster grinning from ear to ear. Immediately, he ran his fingers and combed the back of the puppy, already becoming entranced by its features.
“How… how can I not?” he spoke, not even glancing up at the hybrid and only focusing on the animal, “I mean… look at it! How can ya say no to an irresistible face?” He never thought he would ever use to a word like that (like words such as cute and adorable), but there comes a time for everything.
Including a time where Saber might even suggest taking this pup home. That is, if he can, of course.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
She is just gon flop on the Sonic and idk be done with drama for a bit.
( @sticksnwild )
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 The island’s hero’s verdant eyes widened to the size of saucers the very second he felt something flop upside his spiked back, and if it wasn’t for the frame of this something (or rather, someone), his quills would have gone flying and punctured everything in the surrounding area (including the poor intruder stumbling inside of his hut). That would make a horrible chore out of his day, but he wouldn’t have to worry or complain about that as he is well enough aware of who is beside him.
He didn’t need to take a solid millisecond to guess who it is, even without those pointy ears of his to track their footsteps. Tails would have made a racket with his tools, Knuckles would have stomped inside out of excitement, and Amy would have knocked on the outside wall since he doesn’t have a door. It was a no-brainer to him that Sticks out of all his friends has come to his lovely home.
The reason? He’s not so sure about that. Maybe one could be trying to escape from the tropical humidity that decided that it wanted to bath the village in its heat. Stupid heat. Another could be just a harmless visit. Nothing wrong with that. But, none of those probabilities could explain Sticks leaning on him, like a log on a rock. Sure enough, while the concern is still evident in his eyes, no one could mistake the amount of pressure weighing down on him. Maybe he can suggest Sticks to lay down on his hammock. That could be good. Yeah.
“Hey, not dat I don’t enjoy y’er company of anythin’ but uh… y’er crushin’ me here.” Not to the point of a bear hug from Knuckles, but he guessed it was getting there. “Is… everythin’ okay? I know ya usually talk ta Amy ‘bout these things but uh… ya came ta me instead of here this time, so I guess it’s something different, huh?”
Maybe it is; maybe it isn’t. Sonic just hoped it wasn’t too crazy, or otherwise, he would be some kind of idiot standing in quicksand, having absolutely no idea on what to do. Heck, he has no idea what to do now.
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azurexalacrity · 6 years
“You’re going t' be fine. I promise.”
Injuries Sentence Thingies | @thewayfaringhero
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The first thing his ears flicked to was the sound of beeping. Beeping that sounded like the ticks of a clock. Or, in his case, his own heartbeat. It was slow yet faint to his eardrums, not nearly as deafening enough to stir him upright in a jolt. Although, it made the muscles in his brows knit together despite their throbbing, making his face scrunch in nothing more but confusion.
It was like he was lifting stories tall of cinderblocks the moment his eyes opened. His eyelids sagged unevenly on said eyes as if he might black out again in seconds. His sight searched to his left, then to his right, finding walls that would have bleached for how pale they were. He also found the monitor that stirred him out of his slumber, almost shooting daggers at the darn thing for making him wake up.
With a heave, he puffed out his stomach as a poor attempt to lift his torso from the mattress, but it didn’t seem it want to move. His fingers wiggled, but his hands didn’t move an inch. Oddly enough, it didn’t hurt as much as his head. Or his stomach. Everything else in his body is numb.
Sickeningly, horribly numb.
He craned his neck so that his head would fall to the side, and that he would shut his eyes for more shut-eye. He was about to if it wasn’t for the soft clapping of footsteps catching his attention. It all belonged to the one who brought him all the way here, even if he doesn’t remember it.
His alternate’s voice was soft, like the whirring noises of the fan that hung on the ceiling. He didn’t catch much of it, as the words came out in small parts or cut off at times. The only thing he focused on was the accented hedgehog promising something. Promising something that will probably be worth it in the long run. Or… Maybe he was promising about his safety. He guessed.
“…Arrr… Air… row?” his slurred voice mumbled out while his face contorted into more confusion, “What... What’s goin’ on? Where am I?”
He assumed it’s a hospital, but it didn’t make any sense as to why he’s here. Then again, his entire world faded to black before he was sent here. Hopefully, Arrow can fill in the details, or otherwise, he’ll start playing the game of twenty questions.
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