gctthehcrns-a · 5 years
@kildriia replied to your post: “So somehow I got stuck in Saskatchewan again…”
“You went without me!? AGAIN!?”
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“Not like I was tryin’. I needed to stretch my tires, and Nevada’s boring.
...not to say Saskatchewan was much better, but.”
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fighteternally · 5 years
  “I may not be wanted but I’m clearly needed.”
   She can feel the barbs laced in his words, but that doesn’t stop her from taking a step closer.
  “You’re bleeding like a stuck pig and are probably gonna get a K.O. from blood loss soon unless you get help. Unless you want that, let me at least bandage you up and stuff.”
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“Hey! What part of ‘get out of here’ did you not understand?! I said--!”
Movement, out the corner of his eye; a shuddered sensation of pure chaos energy rippled along his skin, his quills bristled; Sonic turned, stepping between her and the creature that was beginning to rise.
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“Damn,” he sounded glad; a smirk had rose along Sonic’s face. He dashed forward, a light blue energy forming in his left hand before he chucked it, using that momentum from his dash to enhance the spear.
It tore mercilessly through the creature that had been in the midst of its attempt to pry itself out from under the fallen trees. A gurgled cry left it, before its body twitched and then shattered, light particles of pure chaos energy floating into the air. Aimlessly.
Before those particles redirected, and floated over before absorbing into Sonic’s body. He inhaled, then exhaled; as this occurred, those wounds on his body seemed to momentarily give off light wafts of steam before closing up on themselves.
That irritating thing dealt with, Sonic turned back towards the gal that had decided to stick her nose where it didn’t belong. Brat.
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“I told you. Now go on, shoo. Go on.”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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     “DAT’S IT!” 
     Volt had to act fast and fully grab his daughter by the scruff, still being dragged a few solid feet before he could get his footing and stand up with the pup screeching and howling in pure unbridled RAGE. 
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          GET DESE HANDS!”
     Volt held firm, only wincing once as she let loose a howl that could have been mistaken for a wolf.
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callsignjack · 5 years
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@team-phantom YES HE DOES. HE HAS DIFFERENT WIRES AND USB TYPES!! and who knows what else, it makes for a good gag
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metallumdash · 5 years
kildriia replied to your post: Proxy: A battle-hardened killing machine with an...
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| SᕼᑌT ᑌᑭᑌᑭᑭᑌᑌᑭᑭᑌᑌᑭᑌᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭᑭ |
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obeyeternally · 5 years
Dominic had sensed that burst of energy & gone to investigate. Somehow, he felt that Sonic was not far behind, in terms of causality. Fresh gauze was wrapped around the upper left side of Dominic’s face, obscuring that ghastly wound from public eyes.
Had it not been for the sheer intensity of the energy, Dominic would not have left his home. He had been quite enjoying a new book that Amy had brought over. Due to the nightmares and lack of sleep, Dominic had taken to reading more, and rekindled his love for the craft of losing oneself to written word. That was neither here, nor there, however.
He focused, eye flicking around, until he spotted the source: some small bits of energy, like little spheres, floated. His gaze narrowed, and Dominic softly approached. It was the same energy signature, from before, but Dominic thought he could hear, sense, soft weeping coming from the little spheres.
Dominic drew closer still, then paused just a few paces from the spheres, his hands lifting up, to show he was not hostile.
“Do not be frightened. I mean to help you.”
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chaosbcrne · 5 years
team-phantom replied to your post: okay so...hear me out shadow's immune to germs and...
Ok this is silly but,what if he sneezed like a kitten-would he even be more confused
akaego replied to your post: okay so...hear me out shadow's immune to germs and...
oh no, he’s gonna be in those animal videos who r weirded out by their own sneezes
kildriia replied to your post: okay so...hear me out shadow's immune to germs and...
If he squeaks like a rl hedgie during a sneeze im gonna go ahead and die
shadow inhales a breath of air a little too full with pepper. his mouth twitches. his ears go completely flat. his entire face scrunches up around his nose. his eyes squint down to two thin slits, but you can still see them screaming “SOS”. he has no idea what’s happening. his jaw slacks despite himself. he’s gonna breathe in again. no he’s not !! he’s stuck !! what is happening !! and he sneezes in the most piercing, squeaky fashion. he takes a step back in recoil. eyes wide with confusion. he sniffs and shakes his head. he blinks several time. for a good minute, he’s stuck on a dumbfounded expression of ‘oh ? that’s what it feels like ??’ and ‘i had no idea i was physically capable of producing such a high-pitched noise’
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29874198 · 5 years
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue ▲ @kildriia
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"The way you flirt is shameful."
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robotnikium · 5 years
@kildriia  / sc.
     He was seldom seen with the dozens of Badniks he’d deploy to spread misery and mayhem, as he much preferred to watch it from the comfort of his own base. However, his curiosity couldn’t helped but be piqued as he slowly became aware of this new player in the game. One of Knuckles’ friends, or something along those lines. That part didn’t matter. What did matter to him, however, was that this was a human. Quite the unique one at that.
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      Complimenting his need for a show, the collection of robots cleared a path for him to make his entrance. Don’t let the mini-army encasing the both of them, fool you. He swears he’s just here to talk. Accompanied with a wicked a smile, he bowed before the other. He was a gentlemen, after all.
     “ A pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Harper. ” He is using the extra foot of height he has on her to his fullest advantage. “ Please, I implore you to hear me out before you decide to do anything rash to my machines. ”
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outofthisgxlaxy · 5 years
The open hand of the temple statue has a human inside it's palm, it seems. Harper's day was long and hard, and she bore a nice shiner and a few glowing cracks to prove it, but right now she was snoozing and recovering in isolation. Well, almost. Someone seemed to have noticed her up there finally. Welp.
Sapphire was quiet even after she’d discovered Harper lying on the warp pad. Beyond a soft disapproving hum, there was nothing but the quiet air around them. She raised her hand and focused her power in to the gentle touch that followed. Helping Harper’s injuries came first. However, she did suspect the sudden chilly touch against her face would wake her.
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Sooner or later, she’d get answers. For the time being, a sort of ‘mom mode’ had been activated. Harper would just have to cope with it.
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runncrup · 5 years
"I'm not letting go until you stop looking sad."
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     “Harper..” Rip started, accompanying a sigh. “I’m fine. It doesn’t even bother me that much anymore.”     False. It bothered him.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
tagged by: @fortruechaos  tagging: @thewayfaringhero / @projectlightfox / @kildriia
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NAME: Kendall Maurice Rennard
NICKNAME: Ken, Kenny, Ren, Sonic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Pansexual demiromantic.
PREFERRED PET NAMES: Darling, Honey, Babe.
FAVOURITE CANON SHIP(S): Sadly, I don’t think there are any.
FAVOURITE NON-CANON SHIP(S): Sonic x Chris, Sonic x Knuckles, Sonic x Elise, Sonic x Amy, Sonic x Shadow (???), Sonic x Rouge, Sonic x OC.
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: Kendall believes in true love.
OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Kendall doesn’t believe in love at first sight: it feels childish to him, and more like a fantasy than anything else.
HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: Oh, stupidly so. You might not think it looking at Kendall, especially when he was a teenager, but he’s a big fan of romantic gestures. He loves to playfully flirt with people, but it’s tough to tell when he’s being serious or just ribbing on someone.
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Eyes, smile, height, voice.
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Someone that’s willing to joke around with Kendall, but knows how to be serious too. Someone that is themselves, but cares for others. Basically, just be a decent person, and hang out with Kendall enough, and he might just fall for you!
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: None, really. Kendall’s surprisingly open with that kind of thing, despite his ‘ideal’ traits.
IDEAL DATE: A romantic walk on the beach, an amusement park date, a date at a restaurant, lounging back at Kendall’s house.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Yup! He’s not going to reveal it though~!!
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Kendall’s in it for the long haul. However, he will break up with a person if it feels like there’s no bond present anymore. It’s rare, but Kendall isn’t one for forcing a relationship if it’s just grown out of, over time.
PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Hand-holding, cuddling, hugging, staring, making another person laugh, ruffling someone’s quills / fur / hair.
COMMITMENT LEVEL: Extremely committed.
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: Had a girlfriend once; he broke it off.
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fighteternally · 5 years
S O N I C  //G O L D
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Considered a lucky color to have, the gold soul color is never short of achieving their goals and prospering. Analytical, intelligent, and cunning, the gold soulcolor is alluring to even those who aren’t their soulmate. You either envy them or hate them, there is no in between, and they’re fine with that.
This color has expensive tastes and chooses to live in the world of high fashion. They aren’t shy about showing off their achievements and wealth, and they often lose themselves in materialistic things. Bigger and better is their motto.
Gold soulmarks can seem shallow and judgmental to those who don’t know them well. They’re not afraid to cut nuisance out of their life and don’t put up with different opinions than their own. They are known to indulge in self care often, and they avoid things that stress them out as much as possible.
Always knowing how to get what they want, the gold soul color surrounds themselves with people who are not going to stand in their way. They are usually surrounded by a small clique of people designed to lift their spirits with praise. They are also clingy to those who make them feel good, and they are known for bending for those they deem important.
R Y K E R  //P I N K
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Never short of affection, patience, or understanding, those with a pink soul color are energetic and respected. They are seen as nurturing individuals, and they attract many people who feel misguided in life. They tend to always find the good in every situation and inspire others to do the same.
Pink soulcolors are highly in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They believe all feelings should be acknowledged and dealt with in a healthy manner. They look out for those who don’t look out for themselves, often spreading themselves thin and crashing in the process.
While friendly, this color is introverted and shies away from social gatherings. However, it’s not uncommon for them to accompany a friend out into a social situation or be a wingman if needed. Their friend circle comes first and foremost, whether it be large or small, and they will attempt to make time for everyone even if they are spent.
This color is also drawn to doubt and question if they’re doing enough. They like to conform and know that they are accepted. This leads them to try and be something they’re not, and they often grow disappointed or disgusted with themselves should they deceive themselves and others for too long. They are also bad at keeping promises, setting goals they can’t achieve, and unintentionally disappointing those they wanted to impress.
tagged by: @blucpincushicn
tagging: @fortruechaos / @kildriia / @sonicnightlife / @kindheartedacorn
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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     “I really hope they all kick the shit out of him... Save Harmony the trouble of having to get her paw pads dirty.” Says the hybrid who is currently making his way to go pick up said four year old to keep her from doing just that.
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@kildriia​ ★ starter call
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     “It’s cool, I’ve got this.”
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metallumdash · 5 years
kildriia replied to your post: | TᕼIS IS ᗩ ᑕᗩSᑌᗩᒪ ᖇᕮᗰIᑎᗪᕮᖇ TᕼᗩT I ᕼᗩᐯᕮ, ᗩT Oᑎᕮ...
“…bite me.” -sticks tongue out-
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| ᕼOᗯ ᗩᗷOᑌT I  KIᒪᒪ YOᑌ IᑎSTᕮᗩᗪ? I ᗯOᑎᗪᕮᖇ ᗯᕼᗩT ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ ᗷᕮ Tᕼᕮ ᗰOST ᗩᗯᗩᖇᗪIᑎG, TᕼOᑌGᕼ - ᖴᖇᕮᕮᘔIᑎG YOᑌ IᑎTO ᗩ ᑕᖇYSTᗩᒪ, ᗰᗩYᗷᕮ? SᕮTTIᑎG YOᑌ ᑌᑭ ᗩS ᗩ ᑕᕮᑎTᕮᖇᑭIᕮᑕᕮ Iᑎ ᗰY Tᕮᗰᑭᒪᕮ? ᕼᗰᗰ. ᗪᕮᑕISIOᑎS, ᗪᕮᑕISIOᑎS. |
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