#✯ ┊ ⊰ liiberer ⊱
librarycards · 3 months
sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask, but you seem knowledgeable about anti-psych related things and i wanted to know your opinion. i’ve wanted to become a therapist for a couple years now because i struggle with what’s labeled as “mental illness” myself and am just generally interested in people and helping them with their struggles. do you think that it’s a good idea, or is the situation exactly like cops where the entire system is broken and therefore even “nice” cops are still upholding said system? i don’t want to cause any harm, especially as someone who has been traumatized by forced institutionalization, so if being in that sort of career in general is upholding the system, i’ll gladly find another career that isn’t as harmful. honestly, I’d rather lose my job than forcefully institutionalize someone
hi anon - I saw your message on mad liiberation's blog, and wanted to direct you to a couple messages I've answered before. the tl;dr is that we are, collectively, in an impossible spot: people will both genuinely want and need and be forced into carceral psychotherapeutic systems, and/or need to navigate these systems, however ambivalently, to find support unavailable elsewhere. i can't make the decision as to whether or not / how you want to participate (though I will say that there is no profession in which you will do no harm. literally none.) but i can give you some wisdom borrowed from my own therapist, an abolitionist provider who is a Mad queer crip of color herself and refuses to institutionalize even "very at-risk" clients [hi] in the first bullet point below, as well as some other similar asks i've answered in the last 2 years.
becoming a therapist but also being radical
seeking treatment while being antipsych
engaging with psych while antipsych
approaches to psych disability beyond meds
approaching harm reduction in social work
ethics of working with/in support of autistic ppl
the importance of community healing
i'm also adding this ask to the masterpost which I also recommend checking out!
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universoimortalbr · 2 years
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Sim queridos seguidores, é isso mesmo que vocês leram! A AMC+ LIIBEROU HOJE, DE SURPRESA O PRIMEIRO EPISÓDIO DE #EntrevistacomoVampiro. A confirmação foi feita por vários fãs americanos, que falam sobre a série no Twitter. Como nós que moramos na América Latina já estamos cientes, a série não tem previsão para chegar em solo latino 😭 #iwtvemstreamingnobrasil #interviewwiththevampire #cronicasvampirescas #thevampirechronicles #vampiro #vampiros #annerice (em Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFz6EULYL2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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japanskalekt · 7 years
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robyackley · 4 years
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softswerving · 4 years
when a self awreness about your own body and accepting it wholly, in its flaws and lushness, makes it liiberating
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drbldy · 2 years
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Liiberals’ stupid logic 🙄🤦‍♂️🤣😂🤣😂 (at University of Toronto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcT72mPMcRN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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endtaxation · 6 years
Deneen on Liiberalism - https://t.co/baZ6PvIxpV
Deneen on Liiberalism - https://t.co/baZ6PvIxpV
— End Taxation (@EndTaxation) January 16, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/EndTaxation
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that not denial im hearing
FF ii2 cute and ii’ve had hii2tory wiith my own iin the pa2t why would ii deny iit? who the fuck would beliieve 2omeone 2ayiing they dii2liiked a fuckiing feferii? ii’ll 2pare you all blatan lie2.
iif you mean the one who’2 haiir ii liiberated comb2 from though two my knowledge 2he liike2 the gal2, 2trange matchmakiing beiing2 of gray and 2hade2.
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TFW uploading the character is a tricky 10-20 step process. Consideration for but not limited to…
Work electric dancing anima animus 2 mouths kiss to wheel Swallow a line microphone Popcorn/fireworks Ask for Pambish (animus) Come in through back of theatre Angles, mirror, stained glass or screens Speak backwards Fiction speak exact character to hold space Play ‘And you are not it’ br> Buttons for Gnostics on left Buttons for Thee Toothess right (Why only go when both are on?) Ask for body parts Eat foods Pretending feeling modes
Liiber linen Osiruus sent hacking that majorly puma cats the game last week. Huge love for that. Then game got hacked with feeling of sore or bumpy glitch.
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joeroganblog · 4 years
Joe Rogan HATES Los Angeles, California, Liberal Democrats, & Censorship. Wants To Move To Texas. @JoeRogan
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romanticmoonchild · 6 years
hopefully 2018 is the year people stop using people’s deaths to shit on political parties they don’t like or agree with
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Liiber London, a Cameroonian clothing line makes a bold statement with New Collection.
Liiber London is a brand that is known to be based on vibrant colors that bring out the beauty of African print which every true african woman should value. These exquisite pieces are modeled by Kellie Neh Kim. Her rich dark skin is put on display by Adewole Akinyele‘s lens. She speaks a Classy yet fun woman who loves her roots and blends high end fashion and the former perfectly. The Niki Heat team came in with their brushes to add more glamour to this theme.
Read also: 237Fashion: OZI INTERNATIONAL presents The “VIBRANT” Collection!
“Liiber London simply captures the amazing changes that lead to a new period of growth and improvement in our environment both in the fashion and arts movement” Anrette Ngafor, CEO Liiber London
This brand has been low key for a while now and it decided to stage a comeback with Rebirth.
Style: Anrette Ngafor
Photography: Adewole Akinyele
Makeup: Niki Heat
  237Fashion: Liiber London showcases the Rebirth Collection Liiber London, a Cameroonian clothing line makes a bold statement with New Collection. Liiber London is a brand that is known to be based on vibrant colors that bring out the beauty of African print which every true african woman should value.
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laketofountain · 7 years
Wrestling the Python
My first python program follows - At the end of the output you will see two warning messages stating that the convert_objects function covered in the tutorial is deprecated. I was unable to find a way to suppress this but will keep trying.
The program examines optimism versus pessimism in the minds of Liberal and Conservative voters based on the Outlook on Life Surveys (2012, Belinda Robnett, University of California-Irvine; Katherine Tate, Brown University)
To define Political Affiliation I reduced the data chosen by creating 2 subsets of the original code set (question W1_C2: We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Where would you place YOURSELF on this 7 point scale?) - it had values from 1(very liberal) to 7(very conservative) and -1 (missing). I decided to define Liberal was using values 1-3. I removed 4 as it was right in the middle leaning neither one way or the other and -1 as that signified missing data. Subset 2 was conservative where values 5-7 defined the set.
I then split the results based on Optimism - (question W2_QE1 - When you think about your future, are you generally 1.optimistic, 2.pessimistic, o 3.neither optimistic nor pessimistic?) I used only 1 and 2 selecting only those folks who aligned with one or the other.
The results were interesting - while the population was evenly split between Liberal and Conservative there is a definite leaning toward pessimism in the Conservative camp.However, there is a propensity for Optimism in the overall group with more than 75% feeling optimistic.
Data Point                             Count Distribution ==========                        ===== ============ Overall Population
Total Number of People:             717 100 % Total who are Optimistic:           544 76.0 % Total who are Pessimistic:          173 24.0 %
Affiliation Populations
Total Number of People:             717 100 % Total lean Liberal                      351 49.0 % Total lean Conservative:            366 51.0 %
Total Number of Optimists:          544 100 % Liberals who are Optimistic:        314 58.0 % Conservatives who are Optimistic:   230 42.0 %
Total Number of Pessimists:         173 100 % Liberals who are Pessimistic:       37 21.0 % Conservatives who are Pessimistic:  136 79.0 %
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Spyder Editor
This is a temporary script file. """ import pandas import numpy
data = pandas.read_csv('ool_pds.csv', low_memory=False)
#convert fields of interest to numberic type #Can optimism and political affiliation be linked?
#ARE YOU OPTIMISTIC? data["W2_QE1"] = data["W2_QE1"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) #PERSONAL BELIEF - CONSRVATIVE or LIBERAL data["W1_C2"] = data["W1_C2"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
#lowercase data.columns = map(str.upper, data.columns)
#how much data is there? responses = (len(data)) print (" ") print ('Number of Responses: ',(responses)) print (" ") print ('Assumptions') print (" ") print ('Liberals - those with a rating of 1-3 on Scale of 1-7 where 1 is very Liberal and 7 is very Conservative') print ('Conservative - those with a rating of 1-3 on Scale of 1-7 where 1 is very Liberal and 7 is very Conservative') print (" ") print (" ") #Sample - we reduced the sample by aligning liiberal and conservative as follows #SUBSET 1: Optimists who are Liberal (Assumes 1-3 on scale of 1-8)   sub1=data[(data['W2_QE1']==1) & (data['W1_C2']>0) & (data['W1_C2']<=3)] #SUBSET 2: Optimists who are Conservative   sub2=data[(data['W2_QE1']==1) & (data['W1_C2']>=5)] #SUBSET 3: Pessimists who are Liberal (Assumes 1-3 on scale of 1-8)   sub3=data[(data['W2_QE1']==2) & (data['W1_C2']>0) & (data['W1_C2']<=3)] #SUBSET 4: Pessimists who are Conservative   sub4=data[(data['W2_QE1']==2) & (data['W1_C2']>=5)]
#Lets do some math on the responses c9 = sub1["W1_C2"].value_counts(sort=False) c10 = sub2["W1_C2"].value_counts(sort=False) c11 = sub3["W2_QE1"].value_counts(sort=False) c12 = sub4["W2_QE1"].value_counts(sort=False) #Percentages p9 = sub1["W1_C2"].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True) p10 = sub2["W1_C2"].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True) p11 = sub3["W2_QE1"].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True) p12 = sub4["W2_QE1"].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True)
#who is optimistic and pessimistic - count1 = (sum(c9) + sum(c10)) count2 = (sum(c11) + sum(c12)) count3 = (count1)+(count2) #Who is Liberal and Conservative count4 = (sum(c9) + sum(c11)) count5 = (sum(c10) + sum(c12)) count6 = (count4)+(count5) #Liberal Optimists #who is optimistic and pessimistic - Distributions countp1l = round(((sum(c9))/(count1)) * (100)) countp1c = round(((sum(c10))/(count1)) * (100)) countp2 = round((count1/count3) * (100)) countp2l = round(((sum(c11))/(count2)) * (100)) countp2c = round(((sum(c12))/(count2)) * (100)) countp3 = round((count2/count3) * (100)) countp4 = round((count4/count6) * (100)) countp5 = round((count5/count6) * (100))
# Print out print ("Data Point                        Count Distribution") print ("==========                        ===== ============") print ("Overall Population ") print (" ") print (("Total Number of People:            "),(count3),(100),("%")) print (("Total who are Optimistic:          "),(count1),(countp2),("%")) print (("Total who are Pessimistic:         "),(count2),(countp3),("%")) print (" ") print ("Affiliation Populations") print (" ") print (("Total Number of People:            "),(count3),(100),("%")) print (("Total lean Liberal                 "),(count4),(countp4),("%")) print (("Total lean Conservative:           "),(count5),(countp5),("%")) print (" ") print (("Total Number of Optimists:         "),(count1),(100),("%")) print (("Liberals who are Optimistic:       "),(sum(c9)),(countp1l),("%")) print (("Conservatives who are Optimistic:  "),(sum(c10)),(countp1c),("%")) print (" ") print (("Total Number of Pessimists:        "),(count2),(100),("%")) print (("Liberals who are Pessimistic:      "),(sum(c11)),(countp2l),("%")) print (("Conservatives who are Pessimistic: "),(sum(c12)),(countp2c),("%")) print (" ") print (" ")
runfile('C:/Users/a248959/Documents/Study/Python Work/ool_script_v4.py', wdir='C:/Users/a248959/Documents/Study/Python Work')
Number of Responses:  2294
Liberals - those with a rating of 1-3 on Scale of 1-7 where 1 is very Liberal and 7 is very Conservative Conservative - those with a rating of 1-3 on Scale of 1-7 where 1 is very Liberal and 7 is very Conservative
Data Point                        Count Distribution ==========                        ===== ============ Overall Population
Total Number of People:             717 100 % Total who are Optimistic:           544 76.0 % Total who are Pessimistic:          173 24.0 %
Affiliation Populations
Total Number of People:             717 100 % Total lean Liberal                  351 49.0 % Total lean Conservative:            366 51.0 %
Total Number of Optimists:          544 100 % Liberals who are Optimistic:        314 58.0 % Conservatives who are Optimistic:   230 42.0 %
Total Number of Pessimists:         173 100 % Liberals who are Pessimistic:       37 21.0 % Conservatives who are Pessimistic:  136 79.0 %
C:/Users/a248959/Documents/Study/Python Work/ool_script_v4.py:17: FutureWarning: convert_objects is deprecated.  Use the data-type specific converters pd.to_datetime, pd.to_timedelta and pd.to_numeric.  data["W2_QE1"] = data["W2_QE1"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) C:/Users/a248959/Documents/Study/Python Work/ool_script_v4.py:19: FutureWarning: convert_objects is deprecated.  Use the data-type specific converters pd.to_datetime, pd.to_timedelta and pd.to_numeric.  data["W1_C2"] = data["W1_C2"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
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29tokens · 7 years
creativegeneric - Today at 7:18 PM Do you want me to unfollow that? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or need to back off that sort of thing.
d20s - Today at 7:19 PM dont talk two me riight now. dont even thiink about me. becau2e you obviiou2ly werent when you deciided two let piink back to thii2 planet. reactiivatiing the drone2 ii2 bull2hiit. ii am 2o iinexpiicably iirate wiith you riight now. ii dont want an explaiinatiion.
creativegeneric - Today at 7:21 PM I suggested your option to every single person I talked with and literally tried to get people behind it, Sollux.
d20s - Today at 7:21 PM dont wa2te your fuckiing tiime. ii dont beliieve you. ii dont. you know why. becau2e you sypathiize wiith them
creativegeneric - Today at 7:22 PM Them?
d20s - Today at 7:22 PM tho2e wader2 2oul 2uckiing u2ele22 fii2h. and youre goiing two let one of them actiivate the one thiing that we were liiberated fromwhen that biitch diied. the whole way ii make money ii2 by hiighblood2 tryiing two exploiit eachother and that goe2 away wiith authoriity. iit goe2 away. my hiive. the project. everythiing iive done. all becau2e you want two 2ave grub2 who wiill have two grow up on thii2 2hiit planet. and you diidnt even warn me you diidnt even per2onally warn me. friiend2hiip fuckiing canceled.
creativegeneric - Today at 7:28 PM There are a lot of things I want to say right now, but none of them feel...right. So I'll just, unfollow your vent. And apologize, because I admit that I haven't been the most thorough person at keeping up to date with you, or others. I just hope you eventually see that I'm just trying to do what's best for everybody.
d20s - Today at 7:31 PM ii hope you enjoy your reiign emperor vanta2.
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michelleosablog · 7 years
Update On France Poll: 39yrs old Macron to face Ms. Le Pen in final round
Update On France Poll: 39yrs old Macron to face Ms. Le Pen in final round
A 39-year-old man is about to become president. My fellow Nigerians youths, are we seeing this? Emmanuel Macron, a Liiberal centrist and radical right leader Marine Le Pen are projected to advance to the final round of the 2017 French presidential election, AFP reports.
Macron is projected to win between 23 and 24 percent of the vote, while Ms. Le Pen is expected to finish second with between…
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jimivaey · 7 years
Update On France Poll: 39yrs old Macron to face Ms. Le Pen in final round
Update On France Poll: 39yrs old Macron to face Ms. Le Pen in final round
A 39-year-old man is about to become president. My fellow Nigerians youths, are we seeing this?
Emmanuel Macron, a Liiberal centrist and radical right leader Marine Le Pen are projected to advance to the final round of the 2017 French presidential election, AFP reports.
Macron is projected to win between 23 and 24 percent of the vote, while Ms. Le Pen is expected to finish second with between…
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