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flowerypudding · 6 years
a bulletpoint summary of jiuniang’s backstory ( aka i can’t ever be concise about ANYTHING so this is long also i cover yellow wine’s bg a little and make commentary on this / certain interperations )
bc idk who cares about this but i probably need to slap this on some pages at some point but for now, some very rough interpretations ( courtesy of me plugging things into three different translators and trying to make sense of things; aka this is also for my own reference so i don’t have to do that anymore ) 
here’s the very concise TLDR; about yellow wine’s backstory incase you don’t want to read bulletpoint hell below: basically yellow wine is a p decent dude who happens to hear about children being kidnapped and amongst the children that he ends up saving, jiuniang happens to be among them. bc she’s under orders not to attack ( from her m.a., presumably ), he decides to protect her and takes her home with him + is very quick to fall into the protective older brother role lol 
so we actually can’t start out talking about jiunjiang’s backstory w/out talking about yellow wine’s, because yw’s tells us about the exact circumstances under which they meet and give us extra context as to why she acts the way she does
also yes i’m lazy and abbreviating yellow wine to yw. sorry.
the tdlr; is that yw happens to overhear gossip about children being ‘lost’ ( it’s later made more clear that they’ve supposedly been kidnapped ), so yw decides to make it his business to be involved and goes to check shit out ( aka find the people involved and figure out where the children are )
yw finds the children and proceeds to unleash hell on the criminals ( via beating them up and then tying them up, probably not killing anyone? not all of us need to solve things with murder, if you’re a certain murder-y food soul pls take notes ). 
it also should be noted that the children seem to have been terrified from the start ( which is fair i mean they were kidnapped ) and yw has probably just struck more fear into them, gg. which forces him to take the children individually to get them out.
jiunjiang is, convienently, the last child that yw comes across— of course, he’s quick to realize she’s a food soul and asks why she hadn’t fought ( he notes that even if she looks like a child, she should still be capable of fighting / is strong regardless— the implication being, that despite being a child, she’s a food soul so she should’ve been able to fight; which logically makes sense ). 
it’s a little hard for me to understand the next part, but given what i know of her own backstory— she says her master attendant ( i assume ) wouldn’t allow her to fight back against them. it seems to be that her m. a. had been sold ( or herself, possibly? both seem possible BUT i think it’s supposed to be that her master had been sold / possibly she’d been forced to go along when he was sold )
which is something he was going to scold her for ( given that so many of the food souls do attempt to fight back for their masters / can’t when given the order not to, yw is probably the kind of the person with the mentality to fight anyways ), but ends up softening up bc he’s afraid of scaring her ( again ) and instead promises to protect her  / wants to take care of her
yw is NOT like crazy overprotective of her, but he’s pretty protective of her considering she keeps hiding behind him and being scared of basically anyone else.
oh also he does the head rub thing with her this is very important for you all to know?? thanks.
ANYWAYS. he ends up having to talk to like.. civil services? because of the entire ordeal ( you know. freeing children. tying up criminals. just your average tuesday ). she gets concerned and brings him some tea bc he’s working hard  ( this is jsyk she’s a good good girl??? )
also this is the first time we see her say his name, referring to him as ‘黄酒哥哥’ ( lit. yellow wine older brother >> which is why i refer to him as her ‘big brother’, although i’m not entirely sure if that’d be correct; ie. elder brother might be more ‘polite’ and in line w/ the original meaning )
also jiuniang is the kind of person to avoid gazes a lot, apparently. she keeps looking away / only looking up briefly ( probably part of her shyness ). at least at first she does anyways??
anyways the last part of yw’s backstory ( besides all the yw related details ) just talks about him taking her to different people in town and notes that she’s pretty shy around strangers / overwhelmed / nothing particularly important to note. tdlr; is that people seem to dote on her a lot. ( what a mood. we can all blame yw and everyone else if she ends up spoiled )
and that’s that for yw’s backstory, which means we can get to the good stuff now.
there’s no good way to summarize her background but here’s my best TLDR; of the really important details: under some circumstances jiuniang had been separated from her m.a. and is trying to find them, so yellow wine is helping with her search. they end up getting seperated while visiting another town, bc she runs off after spotting someone that seemed familiar to her. she ends up getting herself overwhelmed and panics and gets herself into trouble ( and almost gets KIDNAPPED AGAIN ). thankfully yellow wine saves her in the nick of time and also apparently the kidnapper is ( probably ) involved with whatever happened to her m.a. ?? it gets wild. also good sibling dynamic stuffs.
so we start of jiuniang’s backstory with her having a nightmare ( again, i assume this is about her master attendant ). if we are to take this to be something that happened or close to it, it seems like her and her master were kept in some bad conditions, which lead to them getting sick? ( if one / both of them had been sold re: the kidnapping incident, this wouldn’t seem too out of line w/ what might’ve actually happened. yikes. jiuniang has a bit of a ‘oh it’s just a dream’ reaction when she wakes up, so it’s also possible that this was like a worst case scenario dream come true ). 
( nyways this is one of the things that makes me read into her having some sort of ptsd )
anyways she wakes up and yw comforts her ( his reaction seems to indicate this isn’t normal, but we have no clue how long she’s been living with him so?? )
in the second part they’re traveling, and jiuniang gets dizzy so yw carries her on his back ( she also apologies to him so?? she hates being a bother i think ). she starts to ask him a question and she notes that yw’s usually not like that ( reassuring ) and even though he looks angry, he’ll always be soft towards her ( again not relevent but you all need to know this stuff )
we’re getting into parts i can’t fully understand again. anyways it turns out the question she has is relevant to their reason of traveling. from what i can gather, i assume she’s trying to find her m. a. ( now that she isn’t being held captive ), so yw’s reassuring that he’ll help her find them. when they get to town, she sees someone ( she recognizes them, so probably someone related to whatever happened with her m. a.? her master themselves? i’m not sure ), which sends her running off into town
the third part picks up here, with jiuniang lost and seperated from yw, which sends her into a panic attack ( ? i’d dub it as a panic attack bc this + the following flashback apparently pains her and also this seems like something that’d be covered by her general anxiousness and/or her ptsd / trauma ) bc the town is crowded / noisy / unfamiliar to her. we get a flashback of her and her master attendant. again, hard to tell what’s going on, but at one point she wants to fight for her master, but she’s told to not fight ( aka, this is what gives context to the stuff in yw’s backstory )
the third part wraps up w/ some public officers ( ? ) finding her and leads into the fourth part w/ them offering to help her ( ofc, when she says she’s trying to find her brother, they take this as needing to be reunited with her family ). she wants to go with the officers because they’re nice / trustworthy sort of thing; but also she doesn’t want to bc she knows if she waits, yw will come find her.
AND THEN THIS IS WHERE SHIT GETS WILD. so an older woman calls out to them ( i assume probably claiming she’s her’s or something that gets across a similar meaning )— jiuniang makes a comment that i believe gets misheard as her saying mother ( again, don’t know chinese here, but yīyàng and niáng seem like they could sound close, especially given that jiuniang’s more soft spoken and stutters ). in reality, she’s actually terrified bc the woman gives her ‘the same feeling as the man in her memory’ ( so really her day has gone from bad to worse rip ). 
so ofc since they think she said mother, the officers think she’s been reunited with her family and tries to get her to go with the woman and meanwhile she’s just petrified with fear and can’t say anything.
thankfully yw comes along to save her :’’)
they’re literally the ‘i’ve known x for only so long but if anything happened i’d kill everyone in this room and then myself’ meme bc yw picks her up while threatening them with his sword owjflsak  
also instead of watching all this play out she decides to hide her face in his neck?? she’s such a baby 
anyways part four wraps up with her thinking about how she knew he’d come and how she’d been waiting for him ( i get really emo about how much faith she has in him tbh?? )
sO PART FIVE. remember how i was like ‘this shit gets wild’ yeah this is where we explain why that was all so wack. so APPARENTLY that old woman?? actually a cross dressing man. presumably the same one that jiuniang knew / thus why she was so fearful despite the disguise. this is also another part of ‘i don’t know what the fuck is going on i hope someone translates this so i can understand what’s going on’. 
but if i were to take a wild guess, that man and the master attendant she’s looking for are the two in the scene....? i can’t really tell what on earth is going on / the intentions, but they make it pretty clear that he was trying to kidnap jiuniang ( again ) probably.
( also hey what is it with jiuniang and kidnappings....... pls let this child rest?? )
anyways her backstory ends on a happy note at least. the misunderstanding b/w them and the officers gets cleared up pretty quick and we go back to her and yw, who is scolding her ( bc she frightened him ) except when she starts to apologize he’s like ‘no wait i’m not blaming you for all this’ he’s just not good at communciation. also the background event during this is him combing her hair. ( it mentions that he’s combing her hair but like super awkwardly / clumsily?? which is sweet.. he’s trying his best )
anyways she asks something along the lines of ‘will [older brother] always follow me?’ ( and she pouts at him?? look at what you’ve done you’ve spoiled her ) and he just kind of is like ‘yeah’ ( i imagine it’s like him sighing as he accepts that this is what he’s gotten himself into )
tldr; these two have a really sweet sibling dynamic and also she deserves not to have to go through any more shit thank u for coming to my ted talk
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flowerypudding · 6 years
tag dump pt. 2!!
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