eluxcastar · 2 years
Can I request you headcanons about Columbina, Sandrone and La Signora (separeatly) with gender neutral Reader?
Reader is introvertic, shy and really dependent on them. Bassicly they can spend entire day with head on theirs lap or sitting on their lap while huggung into them while blushing bright red.
Just reader being clingy and acting like puppet/puppy.
If you could, can you make this yandere headcanons if you do such things? I haven't read your rules in long time.
~❄ Anon
Good puppies are always loyal
── ୨୧:columbina, sandrone, la signora x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: just some little optionally yandere headcanons of cuddling and stuff
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff but only if you squint lmao
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, yandere reader, implied yandere columbina, signora's has you referred to as a dog, this is rushed ngl, we know not the name proofreading in this house
୨୧﹑words :: 810
dw anon I'm happy to fulfil yandere requests ❤️ I couldn't figure out whether the yandere part referred to reader or characters because the idea of reader being conditioned to be this way rly spoke to me but I am also a SUCKER for yandere readers. the puppy part made me think that was probably what you actually meant so I intended to do that but then for some reason it seemed very mutual yandere instead?? idk I'm tired
tell me if you want/meant the other idea cause I can do that too (one day my demons will win) (I'll probably end up doing it anyway possibly with other characters)
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─ ୨୧: columbina
Columbina just thinks you're so cute, enjoying how clingy you can be, though she lets you down firmly enough when you need to be away from her for whatever reason, though she wishes it were appropriate to drag you into the places the Harbingers meet to dote on you all the time there, though she's not too eager to share you either, so perhaps it's for the best she has an excuse not to let you be seen by those unworthy of you.
even her colleagues can be filthy, and they fight constantly, always riling each other up. your innocence has no need for such an environment, a little dove in the hands of wolves. no, you belong with another dove who can nurture you and treat you properly. that is why you love her after all, isn't it? what draws you to her and what keeps you fixed on her. she's like a pretty drug, though far more angelic and no less addictive in nature.
she allows you to touch her however you like, even publicly if you wish as Columbina doesn't have anything against being seen being affectionate with you, only with the eyes that watch. she wants to be seen that way, actually, to be seen smothering you in the love you crave and which you will so gladly take from her so that others know you are not to be toyed with and taken advantage of, even if she embarrasses you at times with her fussing. you probably aren't too fond of the attention in public, are you? all those people staring at you, you must be so flustered, poor thing.
─ ୨୧: sandrone
Sandrone is very fond of your behaviour, you're much better than her other ones, something that doesn't need instructions to obey. you're so attached to her, and she'd much rather cart you around latched onto her side and happy to lay your head in her lap while she strokes your hair.
she likes to see you happy, indulging you perhaps more than she should, as to see you practically purr with delight because she knows what you want, and she's going to give it to you in order to see you smile up at her from the comfort of her lap. she wants to say you're predictable, as a compliment that is, she likes it when things do what she wants them too. it's much easier to know how to please you when she picks out your tells, and begins to fall into a rhythm though she also likes it when you just cuddle with her.
she wants you to curl up in her lap, letting her cuddle you close and spoil you, though not too much. she enjoys the feeling of you laying your head on her shoulder like a pillow. Sandrone certainly pedals to your little crush. is it a crush if you're supposed to be her girlfriend? you certainly act like you're giddy and struck by puppy love sometimes. Sandrone likes to let you keep some of her creations and often makes you some she thinks you'll like, usually ones you can cuddle up to and be clingy to in her absence, little pieces of her she leaves with you in her stead.
─ ୨୧: la signora
acting like a stray puppy before the Fair Lady was never a good idea, let alone when she's taken such a liking to you, such a cute face. you are, in many's eyes, spoiled by her, just not in a way anyone truly wishes to be. thankfully you are more grateful to Signora's way of loving than most. she lets you follow her anywhere you're willing to go, as long as you behave yourself. she realised quickly you'll eat her instructions up.
crimson butterflies are a beautiful thing, even in the wintertime when you shiver they warm you in the absence of heat or a fire. you notice it first when one lands on your nose. it emanates warmth you never care to shoo away, always the work of Signora who notices your shivering and acts to fix it before you freeze to death under her care. she simply cannot allow that to happen, though it only really happens when you're not cuddled up to her mooching your warmth off of her body heat. she'll play with your hair, making sure every piece is perfect.
she has you whipped to her beck and call that's for sure. she always has. she treats you like a child sometimes, finding you to be something like a cute, pathetic little dog in desperate need of loving and caring to ease the yearning for comfort you hold. she's unexpectedly kind to you as a result, cooing at you almost like you can't even take care of yourself and like you need her. how would you go on without her benevolence? without her love?
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t4tdanvis · 10 months
hey guys give me ur sexuality/gender headcanons for mcd characters i need them
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wintereign · 3 months
Weiss was never allowed to date as a teen. Her priorities were always the SDC, her studies and all of the extra curricular activities "jobs" she was made to do by her father. However, when she did have a partner, it was of her fathers own choosing, one he saw fit to be with his daughter. She was never allowed a say in who she saw. And most of the boy's she dated, was for the good of the company.
& when she did date, she was never allowed to do more than holding hands with her partner or hugging them when they left.
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icemde · 3 months
Happy pride, I have an important announcement below the cut
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zorkaya-moved · 5 months
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What I always find most fascinating about Zarina is that her indulgence is a mask. It's a mask that hides the hollowness, the cold, the pragmatism, the void that needs to be filled. Indulgence is human, indulgence is flawed, and indulgence is something that takes mind off things. But when Zarina is stripped clean off the masked indulgence where she stands alone in silence with only her own thoughts, she longs for permanence that has never been present in her life. Behind indulgence and playfulness, there is a winter longing for an embrace instead of drowning. There is a winter who wants to have some semblance of life to exist within its cold, cold embrace.
She wants a family (a home to come back to), she longs for someone to accept her, and she longs for safety that she's never experienced as a child because it's always 'survival of the fittest' in her life. How can one feel safe when safety hasn't been there since her childhood? And yes, her family is her [safety] but even they make Zarina put on the appearance of a strong person because Sokolovs must be strong to protect the family. It's all about family and family values, it's their culture and it's their leading core values. 
So is Zarina's. Her core value is family, her core value is love of family and the protection of family before her own self. Her own self and her own indulgence, her selfishness comes a step below family. She is a greedy and selfish individual who lives for herself, but she also values her family more than anything else. She is the older sibling, the oldest child, the progidy child with her brother. There are too many eyes to ever feel safe. Others watch, but they do not [see] her. They see the title and the reputation, but nothing real. And the indulgence is a mask they witness all too brightly; thus, calling her in degrading manners from slurs to nicknames she hates more than anything 'princess'. 
But at the very end, no one sees that at her core Zarina will always be [lament]. A wintry lament, because at the very end of her jounrey, if she does not change, she will always be left alone in winter. Because in winter all dies and all becomes silent, and her strongest flaw remains in how she doesn't expose her hollowness and her yearning desire to be human yet watching her humanity slip. There is desperation in her existence, there is desperation in finding a permanent home and safety that has never been there. Her family is her family, and she loves them dearly, but they are not her [personal] home and there is still guards up as the oldest child who has expectations placed upon her. She wants to find someone, platonically or romantically, who will look at this hollowness and this lament she represents and still reach out, dragging her into their embrace and say that she can rest within their embrace even if the icy edges cut into their skin. 
It's selfish, it will be like pulling teeth, but when you do go through it? When you break through the ice cold clutches of winter? She'll be there to bare her heart and soul to you. In all her coldness, in all her hollowness, in all her stubbornness. But will you be able to withstand the winter or will you, too, abandon the idea or wither within her frigid embrace? That's the question. 
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fornora · 7 months
The following is a transcription of several tapes found in the personal effects of Harold Clarke, a founding member of Seaboard Cryonics. The two main speakers have been identified as Dr. Victor Fries and his wife, Nora Fries.
VICTOR: The time is 2:22 in the afternoon on April 5th, 1972. I am here with Nora Fries–
NORA: Your wife [laughs], don’t leave that out.
VICTOR: My wife, Nora Fries, for her pre-procedure interview. These interviews serve as documentation for an individual’s decision to undergo cryopreservation and should be viewed alongside their living wills or advanced directives. Nora?
NORA: My name is Eleanor Grace Fries, and I am of sound mind. I’ve chosen cryopreservation because I was diagnosed with Huntington’s three years ago, which is an inherited condition that causes progressive degeneration of neurons that eventually results in death. My family doesn’t have a history of it, so I, um, was just unlucky. Oh. I’m shaking.
[Sound of rustling.]
NORA: Thank you, dear [sighs]. My prognosis was about twenty more years, with worsening symptoms. I’m currently thirty-six. I work– worked for New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation as a biologist. I…
[Conversational pause – 10 seconds.]
NORA: I don’t want to die. It’s really that simple. We’ve all got to go eventually, I know, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life on a decline. Victor started this career for me, I hope you know… whoever’s listening to this in whatever year it may be.
VICTOR: [Quietly – hard to make out] It was in our vows.
NORA: Most people don’t make career changes off of “in sickness and health”, dear. But… you know I’m glad you did. Where was I? Decisions, right. I don’t want to die. If I stay here, I will. If I go into cryopreservation, I have a chance. And if it doesn’t work, then it’s not like I would have lived anyways. So I might as well have hope.
NORA: Besides, I helped with some of the compounds. What sort of scientist doesn’t have faith in her own work?
VICTOR: Without Nora, we wouldn’t have the methodologies currently in use. “Help” is… an understatement.
NORA: You flatter me.
[More rustling – someone shifting on a bed? Gurney?]
VICTOR: Never.
NORA: That’s my story, then. You can look at my living will if you’d want it written out.
[Conversational pause – 4 seconds.]
NORA: Victor?
NORA: I’m terrified. It’s silly – I’ve thought it all through, we've thought it all through, but I’m still…
VICTOR: I am too.
[TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Victor’s emotional affect has remained the same throughout this tape. Flat.]
NORA: I know. You’ve got that pull to your lips. [Attempts a laugh, it trails off.] Well, I guess we should get on with it. Promise you’ll be there when I wake back up?
VICTOR: Always. Do you promise not to leave if I’ve gone gray?
NORA: [Laughs] I think you’ll look distinguished, dear.
[Brief conversational pause.]
VICTOR: This concludes Nora Fries’ pre-procedure interview.
[Tape recorder clicks off.]
[Background noise – machinery humming and some sort of pressurized gas, the beeping of a heart monitor.]
VICTOR: The time is 3:01 in the afternoon on April 5th, 1972. This is a recording of Nora Fries’ cryopreservation procedure. It is intended to be used as reference material for her future cryorevival procedure. I am here with several members of Seaboard Cryonics’ medical staff.
VICTOR: In this instance, we begin with general anesthesia… Nora?
NORA: I’m ready. Are you?
NORA: Come over here before you put me under.
[Brief footsteps. A noise of surprise – from Victor?]
NORA: Did you really think I wasn’t going to give you a kiss goodbye?
VICTOR: I… wasn’t sure. [Clears his throat.] Do you want me to put the mask on for you?
NORA: Please. And Victor?
NORA: I’ll see you again. Soon.
[Various background noises. It sounds as though other people are moving around the room, presumably the medical staff.]
UNKNOWN MALE #1: She’s under.
VICTOR: We now substitute cryoprotectants for blood. Nora– the patient’s blood type is AB-negative. The body is also cooled at this stage.
UNKNOWN MALE #2: [Unintelligible.]
UNKNOWN MALE #2: Nothing.
VICTOR: Legal death occurs during this stage.
UNKNOWN MALE #2: Christ.
UNKNOWN MALE #1: I’m starting transfusion.
[Various background noises. Eventually, the heart monitor flatlines.]
UNKNOWN MALE #1: Time of death 3:29PM.
VICTOR: [Unintelligible.]
UNKNOWN MALE #2: You don’t think this is fucked up? I didn’t sign up for… this.
VICTOR: Then you can leave.
UNKNOWN MALE #2: That– she was your wife! This is murder, they– they’re going to put you in jail and throw away the key, holy–
VICTOR: [Sharply.] If you were going to be squeamish, you should have left. Don’t talk about Nora to me.
[Sound of a door being thrown open and slamming shut.]
UNKNOWN MALE #1: New hire. Sorry, Dr. Fries. I didn’t know he’d crack up. Um, anyways, it’s just the total transfusion now and lowering her temperature.
VICTOR: I know.
UNKNOWN MALE #1: I can step out if you want to be alone. Just page me if…
VICTOR: Please.
UNKNOWN MALE #1: I’ll come back when it’s time to transfer her over. Get someone else to help too.
[Sound of a door opening and being quietly closed. No speech for six minutes.]
VICTOR: …Nora.
The next four hours of tape are silent, punctuated only by the occasional medical observation about transfusion process or temperature. Fries is alone for all of it.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
I firmly believe that Todoroki uses the title of "conspiracy theorist" just to tease people/Midoriya. Like he won't even mean anything he says, he'll just say it to get a laugh out of people and for himself.
He does this mostly around Midoriya because he knows he'll react to it. He doesn't even have to bring up Midoriya, just anyone will do.
"Hey, Uraraka, I was wondering if you and Thirteen related by any chance?"
It doesn't even have to be secret family relationships. It could be anything!
"I bet Mr. Vlad has been replaced by a clone a week ago because I saw him sneeze twice. He usually just sneezes once."
"Todoroki... that... why...?"
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eluxcastar · 1 year
Okay but thought of Yandere Columbina making blindfold just like hers for GN! Reader and taking full control over one of their senses just to posses them more is just so *chef kiss*.
Can we get headcanons about it?
Yandere Columbina and her love of sensory deprivation
── ୨୧:columbina x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: I APPARENTLY FORGOT THE SYNOPSIS TOO?? It's written on the tin 😭😭
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, yandere, sensory deprivation, reader's concent and circumstances are ambiguous, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 446
so this is not the best request to come back to after playing the entirety of Dramatical Murder (ノ*°▽°*) oh it may be horrible, especially with Clear's bad ending still living in my head ( ◡‿◡ *) this does remind me of his bad ending actually, like microdosing it if you're not cool with having poor reader's eyes, arms, and legs removed
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Columbina’s ‘mask’ is more like a lace covering for her eyes, easy to see through at a glance. She is uninhibited, unlike some other Harbingers who you stare at the masks of and wonder how they manage to see as you can’t even catch a glimpse of their eyes—unlike the mask you look at that has been tightly woven for you by the hands of the Damselette.
As you expected, you can’t see a thing when she fastens it in place, tight around your head, but it doesn’t hurt. If anything, there’s a…mild discomfort, as if the absence of sight makes you conscious of the fact it’s there, pushed by the notion that if you wanted to be able to see again, you should remove it.
When you try to reach back to remove your blindfold, a pair of hands stop you, holding you in place as she commands you to “Leave it, use these disobedient hands you have to feel.” ever so gently.
So you are forced to do just that, feel your surroundings helplessly for something to tell you where you are, what’s around you. Where is the chair she sat you down on? Where is the drink you had? The bottle she was carrying? Where is the rest of the furniture? And most importantly-- your hand touches something that feels different, warm and pliable in your hand, something that squishes but not completely– is that her?
If only she hadn’t giggled you wouldn’t know, completely confused by her, but her scent becomes clearer like a bouquet of silk flowers before you, and her breath is close to you, her presence is nearer than you thought. She is watching, and she is enjoying watching you struggle to find your bearings— oh, how adorable you look—arms waving around and stroking at what they find as if that might help you grasp what’s there.
A table under your hand lends only a sound you have heard time and time again, the smooth feel of wood, but you recognise that much at least.
You’re so helpless, so unable to move when you’re too afraid to bump into something. You don’t question where her mischievous hands lead you nor what they lead you to do, though your ears catch the noises and your hands the sensations.
There is no question, no fight, only hesitation—a feeling quite easily forgotten—and you are completely at her whim suddenly in a world where you, who once relied so heavily on your sight, is now without it. That feeling of dread, like you will become lost even in a familiar place, is creeping up, but a pair of hands find yours to guide you along whichever way she pleases.
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t4tdanvis · 10 months
"you cant headcanon men as lesbian/sapphic thats lesbophobic" has to be one of the worst takes ive ever seen. tell me ur not normal about trans women without telling me ur not normal about trans women
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resolvebound · 3 months
Breaking up the guild was a decision Makarov made with the intention that it was for their own safety. Predicting an invasion from Alvarez, and knowing Lumen Histoire was their main goal, he figured Fairy Tail would be targeted and wiped out for holding it.
Of course, there were other ways he could have dealt with his concerns, without disbanding the guild, but oh well. It happened.
He made the decision, much to the shock of everyone, and gave no explanation.
The fairies lost their family, their home, and their sense of stability with that one decision of his. A great deal of them had been in the guild for more than half their life, so to suddenly be without it was unthinkable. They fought against the idea of disbandment, but when they did so and said they would simply continue without Makarov, he yelled and threatened them.
In canon, they all disperse eventually, and somehow all retain their guildmarks. I know this is to carry on the idea/hope that Fairy Tail is not truly gone etc, but it is kinda inconsistent.
With Makarov’s announcement, Fairy Tail was disestablished – removed from the list of active legal guilds. Any guild not active/recognised by the Council is counted as a dark guild, as mentioned by Levy when the guild reunites and she is working on paperwork. She states that just saying FT is back isn’t enough, and that they need to register with the Council or else they’re a dark guild. So it seems during the whole year, some of them (who didn’t join a new guild or remove the FT mark) could potentially have been viewed as ‘dark mages’.
So if a Fairy Tail mage took up a posted mission while wearing the FT mark during the time of disbandment, the job would be unable to be considered officially accepted and they would likely be committing a technical crime, and also not be entitled to any reward.
The presence of their guildmarks is a somewhat small detail really, but I’m going to say for my muses that when Makarov disbanded the guild and the members protested, he then removed their guildmarks to make the matter final.
Though viewed as the ultimate betrayal for some, Makarov felt it was the only way to stop them clinging to the guild and to force them to move on safely. The lack of guildmark was especially difficult for certain members and made the year even harder for them to bear.
And now, because in my head Gray and Juvia didn’t learn of the disbandment until a few months after the event, and because they and Natsu (probably Gildarts too), would have rushed to Magnolia if their guildmarks had disappeared (and that would change a few things too much), I’m going to say that Makarov’s magic to remove the marks was limited to those present/within range. Gray, Juvia, Natsu, and Happy were outside of that range and so their marks were retained.
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wintereign · 4 months
I've probably talked about this before? But a conversation with @rosavulpes made me wanna talk about it. Weiss doesn't drink often as it reminds her of her mothers alcoholism/addiction. but when she does? It's usually a single glass. She doesn't do more than that. & she's a lightweight, so she isn't capable about holding her liquor.
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icemde · 4 months
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Gray was given one of the earliest models of the MCL by Erza ( who had gotten it from Warren directly ) for the purpose of the avatar job. Following the fall of Avatar and Gray's return to Fairy Tail, he was more that content with continuing to use the model he was given. Gray had ended up using that MCL for almost a year before being bullied by Lyon to upgrade to one with more features ( namely one that allowed text messages because his original only allowed for calls ) . He ended up getting a Navy Nebula, not wanting to drop too much money on something he typically ignores. The only time he actually uses his MCL is either on jobs or to make dinner plans with Lyon. ( Also, he will never admit it, but Lyon was correct about text messages being much better than constant calls )
Gray was one of the last ( if not the last ) kids in the guild to get their own place, even though he stopped staying in the guild or the church much earlier. Gray was content couch surfing for awhile, mainly staying at Cana or Mira's until ultimately deciding he has saved up enough to get his own apartment. Said apartment is a one bedroom apartment located near the northern side of Magnolia, only a few blocks away from the train station. Not a lot of people know where Gray lives ( the amount of people could probably be counted on one hand ) due to his still very prevalent habit of crashing at other peoples places before heading back to his own, and he typically tends to avoid having company over. He only really became more consistent in returning to his apartment after adopting Flakes, not wanting to leave her alone for too long.
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zorkaya-moved · 11 months
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List of Zarina's misdeeds/crimes in Genshin Impact and honestly across majority of her verses? *cracks knuckles* Let's go. Everything is, by the way, done largely under different aliases and not known to the general public but committed nonetheless. This is what hides behind the genius of Amurta Darshan. :)
Pickpocketing Theft Assault Bribery (across Teyvat) Trespassing Breaking and Entering Blackmail Espionage Identity Theft (Mistress Serebro) Arson Conspiracy (abstaining from stopping Azar) Destruction of evidence Extortion with threats to kill False or misleading information False Statements Forgery Sabotage Treason Obstruction of justice Abuse of power Aiding and abetting Maleficium (study and usage of Abyss) Organized crime Corruption Weapon trafficking Manufacturing of drugs, poisons, and illegal substances Drug trafficking Fraud Robbery Assassination Poisoning Human and non-human experimentation Murder Manslaughter
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fornora · 7 months
[ hurricane ] ?
cocktail quiz - which song describes them the most? why?
Easy. Grapefruit High by French Thyme - although, really, this is more Victornora... (Also the source of my carrd header quote!)
Frozen kisses from our loved ones Boiling madness from the past ones I was told to be delightful But looking now that seems so frightful Holy candles keep the dead ones Blossomed flowers here to save them You can never truly keep them Hold them close but still they free themselves
So maybe Faced with Fire by Margaux, which is also more Victornora, hm...
Darling I’ve no other ideas You’re my only idea Love can make a one-track mind
Or maybe Ode to Fire by Jealous of the Birds, which- oh, you guessed it...!
What is rest? What is rest? If I cannot sleep next to you? What is warmth? What is truth? If I can't have an effect on you?
Something something do not separate the two of them. But anyways, all three of these (and everything else on my playlist, um) get me every time. Victor's pretty solely motivated by love, even if his history has taken a toll on how that's expressed. I think it's only fitting that what I consider "his" playlist is equal parts about him and Nora's relationship, too.
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hcttrick · 1 year
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Note: this boy might appear soft and innocent to most but if he's threatened or his loved ones lives are in danger, if he dons his helmet and his claymore is summoned...one word: RUN.
He is theorized to have a higher body count then his siblings given what he was trained to be, a assassin, his helmet that usually doubles as a security blanket when approached by people is actually a noise canceller to deafen the screams of those who lives he ends.
He is human but when the helmet is on, his mind and body becomes that of a machine.
Tasked with two orders: protect the Hearth and destroy all who threaten to bring harm to it.
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