haseti · 6 months
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The right hand was honestly just happy to be in warmer weather for the time being. He honestly loved visiting tropic places. He could swim so much easier and longer for that matter. He was used to frigid waters and other things. But there was just something about warmer waters he loved. They always seemed clearer to him for whatever reason. And the locals here seemed extra friendly. He hardly minded their touching as in his own tribe they showed affection through touch as well.
Some of the elders taking interest on his tattoos on his face and their meanings. But Hiccup on the other hand oh his poor husband Was suffering in this heat. He had retreated for the day to a rather shady spot on the beach where Toothless had taken to digging into the sand to bury himself.
Amber eyes looked upon Mari overlooking something further on the docks of her home. Never had he seen such a clear shot at the little snot. He watched his step. Made his footsteps as quiet as possible which deceived his very large form. He simply uses his foot and taps Mari's back with enough force to send her over the edge. Head first into the water as he looked down with a smirk on his face. "Ye looked 'ot lass. Should cool off aye?"
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haseti · 1 year
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@rathalascendant gets a starter
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Cargo was always the life lines of the Isle of Berk. Their island survived based off of the trading routes their chief had obtained and opened up. He was rather surprised being with the other how much he had opened to the common folk of Berk. Being a former trapper he had never heard of half the places Hiccup had been. But he was now excited to learn in his new role of right hand.
Leaving his now shared home with said chief he was informed he'd be having extra company for the day. The traveler who appeared on their island was going to be going out with him. He didn't mind but he didn't know babysitting was on his list of things to do today. But supposed he could allow Fishlegs to take over while he entertained their guest.
With a crate on his shoulder the right hand came to the docks to see the other await him already. Eager little bugger. Getting here before him.
"Ye 'aven't been waiting long 'ave ye? Chief said ye'd be comin with me fer the day."
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haseti · 10 months
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@worthkeepin gets a lil thing [Astrid uwu ]
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"Think tha' tree might be an unfit sparring partner don't you?" He asks curiously. He wasn't one to pick most fights but he was honestly interested in seeing where he and the other stood. "'haps ye be interested in a 'etter target?" He offers.
Hiccup trusted her with his life. And seeing his newer position he wished to do the same. If she would allow him that honor.
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haseti · 1 year
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@wolfpackmuses gets a starter (for Snotlout)
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"OI! Shortstack!" The sailor appeared above the bow of his ship as his amber gaze is downward towards the strange little man. A look a slight frustration crossing his features. "Ain't nobody teach ye some manners bout touchin other folks things?"
Perhaps it had been Snotlout who touched something, or perhaps he was set up by the twins? Who knew. But Eret did know one thing was that he was too close to the things being unloaded from his ship to not be considered a suspect.
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haseti · 2 years
@fatesdesign​ gets a starter
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The right hand wasn’t ever one for many words. But there were days he had to be more present when Hiccup wasn’t able to do what he needed to do. One of those days seemed to be this one. Of course it was during the royal visit where they were establishing relations out of the archipelago. 
He had to be sure Hiccup rested. And his beloved was not rested at all. Instead the chief had been out on raids with the other riders the entire night bringing new dragons to the isle. 
Closing the door to his home he came face to face with the princess of the royal family. Bright eyed and bushy tailed looking for Hiccup most likely. “Sorry yer ‘ighness. Chief won’t be out ‘ill later.” 
He motioned she go the way she came as he started off down the same way. 
“Ye need somethin?”
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haseti · 1 year
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@seachant plotted for a starter
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The seas were always a place of great pleasure to the former dragon trapper. Since he was young the boat and the seas were the only thing he had ever known. And he loved the sea. And he liked to think it loved him just as so. He had only seen it angry when he was docked on land and only once had he had the displeasure of being in the center of it while the seas were wild and unknowing even to him.
But today was not one of those. Perched on the head of his ship he enjoyed the breeze that came to his face. The smell of the salt in the air as he smiled to himself. While he was used to the sea dragons in the area and they did help him from time to time he was more at home doing things himself. After all he had been training his body to swim deep into the waters for years and it was almost second nature to him now. The cold of the waters hardly bothered him. The salt only stinging his eyes only a little.
Coming to a perfect spot he waved to the men on board to drop anchor. There was only two others with him. Taking off his fur pelt and belt it left him in his underclothes. His boots going as he strapped a smaller belt to himself. With the barest of tools , a net and a bag as he nodded to his men who would man the ship and make sure of its safety before the man dove into the watery depths below.
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haseti · 1 year
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@riidcr gets a starter
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Get the ship to the docks. That's all he needed to do. To get there and he could rest.
It had been over months since the last time the Berkains had contacted their closest of allies. He didn't want to leave and part from those he loved but it was only he who could escape the dangerous waters faster than anyone. Without dragon of course.
A new threat posed to their homelands that drove them to somewhere new. Somewhere safe while this nasty poacher tried and chase them. But they were a step ahead for now. Everyone but he was safe. His ship in shambles from the attack of the dragons that man seemed to have possessed. Tearing his sails, ripping boards off his ship till a gaping hole lay in her hull. Water had been taken on. But between quick thinking and crafty fixing he was able to make something of the tattered ship.
And he was was not so lucky to escape unharmed. Bruises deep on his form, cuts deep and bandaged poorly as he his breath was labored. The after effects of fighting off the venom of these creatures. By delaying it with cold water. Tricks he had picked up over the years of dragon trapping. His sight blurry as forms came running towards. But he couldn't keep his eyes open long enough as he crawled onto the docks of the kingdom so unknown to him. But it was where he needed to be.
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Eret collapsed upon the boards of the docks , out cold from the onslaught he had survived.
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haseti · 1 year
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@timewept gets a plotted starter
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He simply watched and observed. It was what he always did. He didn’t jump to conclusions since the confusion of seeing the man he had thought passed onto the next realm. He really hadn’t said much upon seeing Hiccup’s face amongst the crowd watching the dragon races of when he showed up. 
No...no he really hadn’t. His feelings were conflicted but he wasn’t stupid. He could see how much more at ease his once husband was with the other. How happy he was with the younger boy he called a brother. There was color in his cheeks again. Laughter on his lips. And he was so much like the Hiccup he knew before he married him. The Hiccup he fell in love with. 
The once right hand of the chief stepped up on his chief’s absence. He never imagined being a single father of four. Two of his own. And the two who reminded him everyday of the husband who he lost. Or he thought he lost. Things were much too complicated....
Its what made him seek refuge on his ship. The thing that stood steady against any storm and brought him comfort. Always. His only biological son clung to him as he walks about the deck running fingertips over the railings as he hears footsteps up the gangplank. 
The very same lad Hiccup showed up with. Hardly out of his company since being here. 
“Ye got a lot of gal boardin’ a mans ship lad.” Voice carries over as young son grips onto his hair to pull gently. Amber eyes moving to set upon the young wizard’s form. “But a hindrance I can ignore fer now.” Mighty hand raises to gently detach the smaller hand of Mihka’s his son. Placing upon his shoulder once more as he faces Douxie fully. 
“I won’t bite.” He tells him a bit more playfully. “Much.”
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haseti · 1 year
@riidcr Continued from here: [x]
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"Easy ta feel like yer not all 'here when ye haven't started to understand yer not the past ye came 'rom.." That was something he knew all to well. He watched and observed but he knew with Eugene being as he was he was ready to tackle most of it no matter where it would lead him. But the plagues of the past usually kept at your heels.
He didn't like to talk much about the things he once did as a trapper. He owned up to it and he was not different than he ever was before. But his fears were the things that kept him up late into the night. The eventuality of that past catching up to them and hurting those he loved now.
Those were the fears he only spoke of with Hiccup and no one else. Looking away from the other he simply breathed deeply to enjoy the breeze coming into the secret cove. His finder idly working into the scales of his armor as he knew the mark that lay under the layers under it. Its not something he was proud of. And it was only a mark Hiccup saw now when they were together in private.
"Sure ye 'ear what the others 'ere have ta say 'bout me." He wasn't stupid. He knew what they said. He just learned to let it go. He didn't need to get Hiccup more in trouble with his own people for sticking his neck out for him.
"Ye come from someplace with nothin' ta give. But yer able to 'elp regardless due to yer ability fer information. Easy to feel lost. But then ye find something, someone that gives ye purpose 'gain. Best thing fer ya to remember is the reason yer doing it for." Coming from a life of crime to one where there was no need was a hard one. The years he spent under the rule of Drago he couldn't remember. So long he had been in his employment. Hardly remembered a life before.
"Gets easier with time. Ye wait an see."
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haseti · 3 years
@wolfkcst​ Wants a sparring partner 
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“Been ‘earing ye looking fer a sparring partner lass. If ye need someone ta hold their ground I be willing.” The former trapper leans against one of the fence posts where the other warrior was. He didn’t mind needing to be a sparring partner every now and then. 
Especially when he heard if from Hiccup , Eivor needed a partner to go against. 
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haseti · 3 years
@riidcr​ Liked for a starter
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“So yer the trouble maker the chief ‘as been tellin me ‘bout aye?” he asks curiously as he spots the Coronian Diplomat towards the docks. Odd he’d find him over here but he wasn’t complaining. He understood more than anyone the comfort the sea could bring as he chuckles. 
Fingers wrap around the strap across his chest as he shuffles moving the bundle on his back. The small tiny human inside of the bundle moving and making a noise at being moved before they settle as the second in command turns his gaze once more towards the other. 
“Fancy a spin?” he motions towards one of the ships on the docks. His own. “Best time ta see the archipelago at this ‘our.”
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haseti · 4 years
@trollamulet​ Liked for a starter
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Right hand stand in one of the stalls that scattered around their already crowded island. Awnings placed in massive extensions as he watched the rocky beings strolling among them in daylight. Trolls....the things he heard as stories as a child were real. 
Of course Hiccup would befriend them. Offer them to come to their island home and form an alliance. He was just that kind of person. Fascinating creatures. 
But he stayed right where he was merely observing them. No more. No less. 
“What odd beings......fascinating...” He mutters to himself. 
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haseti · 4 years
@theuntamedthorston​ Liked for a starter
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“Aye ye supposed ta be doin’ that?” He may be new in his duties as the right hand of the chief but something didn’t seem right about what one of the twins was doing.
“The chief told ye ta do this?” 
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haseti · 4 years
@derangeddagur​ Liked for a starter
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Tricky thing meeting new people from tribes he’d never heard of. Not like he had to care before hand. When a particular letter had come from a terrible terror he had watched all color from Hiccup’s face drain at the same time. H had enough time to spend with Hiccup to figure out that this particular man made him nervous. Resting a hand on the mans smaller shoulder he reassures him he’ll handle him. 
He never heard a sigh of relief that loud before. 
Hiccup seemed to have lucked out. A raid not far off their shores needed his attention as he stood on the docks of the island. Waiting for the man known as Dagur to arrive. Fingers idly tap at the pommel of his sword as he watches the horizon. No doubt the other be coming by dragon but he learned pretty quickly here to expect the unexpected. 
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haseti · 4 years
@gaskaidja​ Plotted for a starter
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It been a year since he became apart of Berk. Learning their ways and learn about the dragons and the riders he had come to call his friends. But there were days he found himself wandering the woods. It was quiet and he could spend time with his daughter and teach her the essentials of surviving when she one day left the ship and pursued her own life. 
He was teaching her traps today. How to set them up and bait them to wait. She was doing great. Setting up the work using rope and discarded wood. He leaned behind him as she used his fingers to get the knots right as he stops for a moment as branches snap and he sees movement in the woods. 
“Aye poppet ye stay close..” His voice is low as he pulls her daughter close. Other hand pressed against the pommel of his sword to pull in case there is a threat. 
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haseti · 4 years
@fxrykiller​​​ Plotted for a starter
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“Ayye boys load em in!” He shouts as he waves to the men up on the lift helping him with the Deathgrippers going into the cargo hold of his ship. Amber eyes shifting to the other sitting on the docks as the ship was being loaded. Observing him. The former dragon hunter survived death as it came as a surprise of all of them seeing he came right into the Great Hall of the new island. Celebration was in the air of their current victory and he’d never seen the tribe as so united when it came to drawing swords on old Grimmel. He was rather impressed. 
He was slowly brought to the chief who sat upon newly appointed throne with a different by his side. Toothless having gone to the Hidden World to be with his new mate for the time being. Deep protective growls came from the Thornridge as a hand slowly came to her snout. 
Hiccup reassuring her as he sat up straighter to hear what the man had to say. No swords dropped on the other. He heard the tightening of several bows as the older hunter spoke. Finally realizing what Hiccup praised. The chief’s face never faltered from its rather stoic look. He didn’t seem happy to be hearing those words coming from the man who tried to kill Toothless. Perhaps he thought it was a ploy. A trick for them to let their guard down. But he listened. He listened so much more closely. It was his duty as right hand to make sure the other understood. He watched and listened as Grimmel spoke. Watched his body language. Heard the pitch of his voice. He was sincere about what he spoke to them. 
When Hiccup refused to show Grimmel their way of life he had been shocked. He’d been trying so hard to make the man understand and now he was here and he refused. Hiccup never gave an explanation as to why he said no to Grimmel. Bothersome. He didn’t know what made him speak up but he offered to do it in Hiccup’ s place. He had been like him once. He’d been given a second chance. Grimmel deserved that chance as well. He’d been tasked with a lot. Help the former hunter retrain the Deathgrippers without being sedated. Take him to what remained of Berk and train them there. He would come in a month’s time to see progress. 
“OI! WATCH IT!” He shouts louder to the men operating the crane loading his ship. He came back to what was happening right now. Seems he drifted off in thought. He watched the cage come up only to go back into the cargo hold once again. He ran a hand through his hair as he lets out a sigh of irritation. “Aye don’t take it ta hard ‘bout the chief. What ‘e said and everythin’. Been little frantic lately. Sure ye understand.” A couple more cages and they’d be setting off but now they had time to talk. He took a moment to sit on one of the crates he was going to bring aboard as he shifted and looked at him. 
“Seeing we ‘ave a moment. We should talk. Get least decent. What changed yer mind ‘bout our way of livin’?
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