#ch; valka
dragetunge · 10 months
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@murkyhazed like for a starter [Valka]
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"You know Fishlegs has been mentioning for a bit that he's going to be needing some help for the newer riders coming into the academy as soon as its rebuilt. If you'd be interested in something like that?" It had been a bit of an adjustment with everything. Valka being here on Berk. He didn't think he's seen his dad smile this much in the past fifteen years or so. But with the rebuilding of the isle perhaps the other dragon rider would be interested in seeing for herself how much Berk had changed.
It would help with the other rider to stop asking him a million questions about her too. He could talk her ear off for a few hours.
"Or I uh...could give you a new tour after I help at the forge?"
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
I'm scrolling through the how to train your dragon tag and I too wish Disney had made snotlout and hiccup cousins bit I genuinely think the funniest thing would be if spitelout was valkas brother. Spitelout firmly believing stoic is not good enough for his sister would be so funny and it would give her more ties to the village when she returned. I feel we were robbed of so much potential
Spitelout: you are not good enough for my sister! End. Of. Story!
Spitelout: *slams the door in his face*
I’m sorry I couldn’t resist, but tbh it would be amazing. At the same time it would also make sense why Spitelout in a sense craves Stoick’s approval. Stoick and Hiccup is the last reminder of his sister, and id like to think that if this is true Spitelout grew more distant to Valka after the marriage, so maybe he’s trying to make up for that in his own Spitelout-kind-of ways.
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spyritevesta · 4 years
Timeline of Sleepless Squad Comments
For reference, because I promised Swirlzie I’d make one.
First chapter of comments (aka jumbo thread 1):
Theories in this section:
-Light Fury and Jack parallels
-Hiccup is unbalanced without Jack (pt.1)
-Every single theory about how Jack will get back to the past, except the confirmed Njordr vs. Manny energy theory
-Valka’s confirmed timeline (and the spoiler)
-my first written prediction (guardians get berk to see jack)
-WHAT IS THE SEEING RULE???? (i still don’t know. it haunts me at night)
-Fabllama’s first book canon info dump
- #GuardiansNeedToTreatJackBetter (pt.1)
-that time I wrote out wedding headcanons
-prediction 2 (jamie bennett gives jack the staff, causing berk to see him)
-can hiccup now talk to toothless?
*note that Madcap has been commenting on every chapter, so those comments should be read in timeline of actual chapter number. I have not found any in Soul of a Druid yet, but I also haven’t really looked yet, due to laptop problems.
Second (that time when Silverly updated twice in one week so we didn’t have a lot of time to comment on chapter 1):
Theories in this section:
-Hiccup doesn’t believe in Australia (aka Jack knows science, and Berk does not)
*note that this one began near the end of the first jumbo thread, and there was an overlap before we switched over to the jumbo thread on the next chapter.
Third, (aka jumbo thread 2):
Theories in this section:
-confirmation that Jack’s Dagur trauma revolved around touch being weaponized
-Madcap_Miss joins the squad!!
-who is the final villain in SoaG, and where did the nightmare men in ch. 1 of SoaD come from????
-more Seeing Rule guessing
-my first thing about the compass
-Madcap blows all our minds with celestial-earth tension
-Madcap’s prediction about how Valka meets the Guardians
-hidden realms theory
-me predicting pt. 3 (just for how valka might meet the big 4)
-madcap talking about post reunion recovery
-i think??? we figured out the seeing rule? but silverly has never confirmed it, which makes sense cause that’s probs gonna come into play in SoaG
-confirmed way for Jack to get back to the past, via the Njordr vs. Manny energy thing, also confirmed source of intangibility
-maybe the real villain all along was Manny (featuring some more #Guardians-need-to-treat-Jack-better)
-I challenge Silverly, via us trying to get a certain number of comments before the next chapter, and three days later a new chapter goes up.
-also slightly disconnected from this thread, we have Fabllama’s second info dump
Fourth (aka jumbo thread 3):
Theories in this section:
-Post-canon Riders, and gods parallel pt. 1
-Jack deserves ALL the father figures
-Protective!Berk dealing with even more Reckless!Jack
-Madcap theorizing how SoaG might go.
-my 5 part prediction :3
-Fabllama introduces Emily Jane Pitchiner, and I immediately get super attached. (and then i write a version of the 5 parter that has Emily in it)
-madcap points out that the only one with confirmed power to send people into the past is Magic
-Berk ends up in the future (and related heacanons)
-grimmel is a witchhunter
-what if grimmel kills jack?
-wards are how berk disappeared
-ice statues come to life during the battle
-battle tango
Fifth(the most recent):
Theories in this part:
-dragons can magically scent mark people, and share magic (aka Berk is slowly turning into a tribe of dragonlord-esque people)
-Njordr is Valka’s cranky dragon dad, and HiJack’s softie dragon grandpa
-Manny is the real final villain pt. 2
-Emily and Jack are the seasonal spirits, and Jack represents winter and spring, while Emily is summer and autumn
-Gods parallels pt. 2, + Emily meets Hiccup headcanons
Ok, i think that’s it! Hopefully this will help people navigate the comment sections a little more easily!
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forgotten-fr0st · 4 years
Take Me Back Ch. 11
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 11: Three Little Words!  Hiccup finally gets to share the exciting news with Jack, and Jack has some news for Hiccup, too.
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12806413/11/Take-Me-Back
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13677735/chapters/53803642
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elistwilightofart · 5 years
Stay Close to Me - Chapter 4
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch9
Berk, someone new, and someone old.
Everyone had warned him that it would be a long journey, and after a full day of flying, they still hadn’t arrived at Berk.
“It’s a few hours more,” Fishlegs said at sunset. “Do you want to keep going or stop for the night?”
Hiccup squinted at the sun. “How long till we get there? If it’s soon enough that Dad is still awake when we arrive, we should keep going.”
Fishlegs nodded and kept going. Hiccup took that to mean they’d be there soon.
Sure enough, the sky was still blue (albeit a really dark blue) when they arrived at Berk.
Fishlegs insisted they land behind Stoick’s house. The man in question opened the backdoor, took one look at Hiccup, and said, “What in Thor’s name.”
Fishlegs explained the situation and Stoick invited them in.
“I’m coming back with you,” Stoick said, “to the Edge.”
Fishlegs nodded. “Please. The other you does not respect anyone and it’s driving me insane. I don’t know how Hiccup stands it.”
“I mean,” Hiccup said, “he kind of doesn’t. He yelled at my dad on the way to the Edge, and he’s pretty passive aggressive.”
Fishlegs shrugged. “The passive aggression is normal for him when he gets annoyed, but I hadn’t heard about the yelling.”
“Well,” Stoick said, “that’s fascinating. Fishlegs, why don’t you go to your parent’s house? We’ll get ready to leave tomorrow.”
Fishlegs nodded and left. Stoick turned to Hiccup. “I may have some old clothes for you.”
Hiccup gave a single puff of laughter. “Good, ‘cause I’ve been wearing this for three days.”
Stoick smiled. “I’ll look tomorrow. For now, you can sleep in Hi-your room.”
Hiccup nodded, but hesitated halfway up the stairs. “I guess it’s not really my room, is it?”
“I suppose not,” Stoick agreed, “it’s mostly the same, though. And it’s only for one night.”
“I guess so,” Hiccup said and braved the final few steps.
Stoick was right; the room was mostly the same. Many of the drawings in this room were of dragons, and the rest were people. Hiccup found a sketch of older him with the other teenagers next to the bed. Next to that was a sketch of Toothless. One part of the room had a stone slab covered in scorch marks. That must have been where Toothless slept.
Hiccup smiled. The night wouldn’t be bad.
 Stoick woke him up by knocking on the frame and chucking an outfit at him.
He found that Fishlegs was ready to go already (he was either up early or had stayed up late), so he ate breakfast, grabbed the bag of clothes his father packed, and took off after Fishlegs. Stoick followed on a green and red dragon.
“What kind of dragon is that?”
“This,” Stoick patted the dragon's side, “is Skullcrusher.”
Fishlegs offered, “He’s tracker class.”
Stoick flew faster. “Let’s go. We should try to get to the Edge by the end of today.”
 “Heard Viggo’s got a plan to bring down the dragon riders.”
A whisper overheard in a busy market, but one that was nevertheless intriguing. Valka raised an eyebrow.
The man packaging her food heard it too. (she couldn’t survive only on fish, as much as she wished she could) “Viggo. He’s been here for years,” he informed her, “Taking care of the dragons. Haven’t had many dragon problems since he arrived, and nearly none in the past four years.”
“Really?” Valka asked, “What’s he been doing?” Let it be merciful, Valka prayed, but she knew it was likely a violent endeavor.
“He traps ‘em. Sell ‘em for parts n’ stuff.” The man handed her the food.
Valka, impassive on the outside, winced internally. She smiled and left.
She spent the next several days trying to find more information on Viggo. Cloudjumper kept high in the clouds, but somehow, dragon trappers spotted them anyway.
The first warning she got was a single arrow, whizzing by her face. Then chaos broke out. She dodged several nets and what looked like fireballs before someone showed up.
The girl wasn’t anything Valka expected. She hadn’t expected to see anyone on the back of a dragon, to be honest.
The first thing that came to mind was slavery, but a closer look assuaged Valka’s fears. The dragon (a razorwhip, it seemed) was clearly well fed, and had few scars – less than a wild dragon, even. The girl clearly took good care of the dragon.
Between the two of them, the trapper ship was easily destroyed. The girl came up close to Valka.
“I gotta say,” she said, “You’re not what I expected to find when I saw that ship taking you down.”
“No?“ Valka smirked, “Who were you expecting?”
The girl shrugged. “A wild dragon, or maybe one of my friends.”
“Your friends?” Valka asked, “Who are your friends?”
“Dragon Riders,” the girl said, “they’ve been trying to take Viggo down since they got out here.”
Valka blinked. “Can you take me to them?”
The girl squinted. “I dunno. Why?”
Valka explained that she’d only recently heard of Viggo.
“Gods I hope I’m not making the wrong decision,” she said, “sure, I’ll take you.”
The girl led the way, heading mostly south. Valka followed.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
The girl leaned back. “I forgot! I’m Heather.”
Valka smiled at the girl. “Valka,” she said.
“Tell me about your dragon riders.”
“I don’t wanna give away too much, but the leader is Hiccup.”
Hiccup. It whispered through her mind.
“Hiccup… Haddock?”
Heather stopped. “Yeah. How do you know him?”
“He’s my –” she choked on the words, “He’s my son.”
“No way,” Heather denied immediately, “Hiccup’s mom died eighteen years ago.”
“I,” Valka forced the words out, “I was carried off by dragons eighteen years ago, Heather. It’s not an illogical conclusion to come to that I’d been killed.”
“Why didn’t you return?” Heather’s voice shook. Valka privately wondered why she cared so much.
“I thought he’d be safer without me.”
“That’s bullshit,” Heather spat, “he absolutely was not. Gods, I’ve only known him a few years. Ask any of his other friends what his life was like for the first fifteen years.”
Heather turned around and continued flying.
Valka caught up with her. “Maybe I shouldn’t come.”
“No, you’re coming.”
“Why!” Heather shouted. She pulled up right next to Cloudjumper.
“Why do this for me?” Valka murmured.
“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for Hiccup. Because Hiccup was the first person on Berk to treat me like a human being!” She stood up and clambered onto Cloudjumper, every word taking her closer to Valka.
“Because I consider Hiccup to be a brother. Because I know what it’s like to live your life not knowing your parents, wondering if they even loved you!” She was in Valka’s face, poking her in the shoulder.
“Because he deserves to fucking know what happened to a mom he’s been missing his whole fucking life!” Heather was close enough for Valka to see her green eyes flashing with anger. Then she turned away, something bitter crossing her face. “Though knowing Hiccup, he’ll forgive you the moment he sees you.”
She hopped back on her razorwhip and began flying again.
“Can we,” Heather twisted around, glaring at Valka. She swallowed. “Can we at least slow down and give me time to prepare?”
Heather faced forward again, her words almost lost to the wind. “No. Viggo’s got ships heading towards the archipelago and I’m worried he’s going to attack Berk. I need to warn the Dragon Riders.”
Valka didn’t speak again. They flew for several hours in silence. Valka told Cloudjumper to follow Heather and she spent the time working out what she’d say.
They came up on an island with several buildings built into the cliffs.
“There’s something you need to know,” Heather said. “Viggo has something that can bring people through time.”
Valka furrowed her eyebrows. What did that mean? Heather continued, “He used it to bring Hiccup and Stoick four years forward. That means there’s two Hiccups and two Stoicks running around.”
Valka’s jaw dropped.
“I don’t know what they did after they escaped. Last I knew, older Hiccup, nineteen years old, and younger Hiccup, fifteen years old, were hiding older Hiccup’s identity from younger Stoick. Until I know otherwise, older Hiccup is my brother, Kay?”
Valka nodded. Heather took a deep breath and swooped down to the building. Heart in her throat, Valka followed.
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saieras · 5 years
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CH 9: A Grandmother’s Meadow
Summary: Every midsummer, the Haddocks made their way across the Great North Sea, back to the Hidden World where they could meet their dragons again. But as kings and empires rose in the East, and news spread about the wonders of the Archipelago, men sought after beasts of fire made flesh, for fire was power.
The fate of the Archipelago now rests on two families:
One with skin; the other with scales.
Genre: Adventure/Drama
Rating: T
NOTE: I am tagging people who have ever reblogged any chapter of this fic. If you don’t want to be tagged, please let me know! Cover courtesy of gifs provided by @drchee5e and @frostyviking.
The Chief’s residence stood at the top of Haddock Hill, a little separated from the usual hustle and bustle of the village, but still easily accessible for anyone who wished to drop in. Not that they’d find the Chief or Chieftess there very often—these days, it seemed her father spent a day abroad for every two he did on New Berk, and of those two, one would be spent entirely in the Meade Hall or the Forge. As for her mother, the woman preferred to be in the Arena—something about the warm sands in her toes and the way the walls warded off gale but let through breeze. Zephyr suspected she was just grumpy over not being allowed to spar.
Even Grandma Valka wasn’t usually home during the day. Zephyr didn’t quite know where she would go, but New Berk was a big island, with imposing cliffs and deep lakes and more nooks and crannies to find and explore than Old Berk ever had. If her father had stumbled upon the Cove back on an island they’d lived on for seven generations, who was to say there weren’t a thousand new interesting places to explore on this one? Finky, for one, seemed to have nine tenths of the island plotted, and was still adding more landmarks to his maps every year.
Zephyr puffed as she sprinted the last steps up Haddock Hill. It was probably past dinner time by now, and she felt somewhat guilty. They usually made sure to have dinner together as a family, no matter how busy each of them were, which made it a family tradition of sorts—like braiding day, or story nights… or the mandatory mug of yaknog Mom handed out every Snoggletog.
Well, not too guilty. A warm rush filled her chest as she remembered Uncle Snotlout’s words. You’ll be a great Chief.
Read CH9 on AO3/FFN. Start from CH1 on AO3/FFN.
TAGLIST (Let me know if you want in or out!)
@justatranquilcloud @dinochickrox @themoderncartoon @gigaburst02 @pentaghastrogue @horrendous-haddocks @hiccstridsource @tzapora @mcdlch @skatermusic @tailoftoothless @ejs168 @httydfanfictionfanart @snow-bird-of-iceland @history-is-better-than-math @loyal-shithead​ @over-active-daydreamer​ @asterlis​ @crimsonrosephoenix @mytrashemo @httyd-hiccstrid @clawdieuh @bugbiinees @hiccstridfanfic-collection 
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guestbusters-blog1 · 7 years
My Arrow Flies Ch. 1
Hunger Games AU: When Hiccup Haddock is reaped for the 74th annual Hunger Games with Astrid Hofferson, he thought it was the end. All he had to rely on were his crafting skills, a bow, and his meager hunting knowledge. Meanwhile, Astrid Hofferson just wants to survive-and keep an eye on Hiccup.
Read the FanFiction.net version here. -katurdi
My arrow flies
Strong and true
I won't miss my mark
Nor feel any rue
This cruel world
Is all we knew
Our lives painted gray
With a hazy hue
The birds who sing
Haven't got a clue
Of the lives we live
While they simply flew
We might say goodbye
One day quite soon
To this life we live
And start anew
My arrow flies
Strong and true
My aim won't fail
Neither should you
Hiccup POV
I cursed under my breath, watching the rabbit I was hunting skitter away. I tossed my long auburn-colored bangs out of my eyes, trudging to the tree my arrow hit. I grabbed the arrow with one hand, yanking it out. I reached back, sliding the arrow back into my quiver. Tightening my hold on my hand-made bow, I silently followed my prey.
I was hoping to make a nice meal for my father- or, relatively nice. We're used to eating half-baked bread and the meager amounts of grain the Capitol gives us. Why do I want to make a nice dinner? Today is the Reaping.(1) Usually after the Reaping is over, everyone celebrates. Well, almost everyone.
Lucky for me, I know how to hunt. I'm also pretty good at making traps, but someone might find them and take my game. My mother, Valka, taught me how to hunt when I was little. Well, littler. She died in a mine explosion when I was eleven. No one found hers or anyone else's bodies.
Even though hunting or and even stepping foot in the woods is illegal, I do it anyway. In fact, more things are illegal here than things that aren't illegal. Some of the many illegal things are owning weapons, hunting, going outside the district, and generally being happy. Sarcasm so included.
"District Twelve. Where you can starve to death in safety." I muttered sarcastically. I glanced over my shoulder, making sure no one was following me. Even in the middle of the woods, you tend to worry about being caught. Courtesy of the Capitol, of course.
When I was younger, I used to scare my parents to death by making sarcastic comments about the Capitol. The Capitol is the people who rule our country, Berk. The Capitol is far away from here, almost all the way across the country. Still, they're pretty good at keeping order here. They usually do it by executing anyone who so much as breathes. I still make sarcastic comments about food shortages, the Reaping, and occasionally the Hunger Games. I mostly do it in my head, so no one can hear me. I definitely don't do it in front of my father.
Not many in District Twelve like me. In fact, I think they despise me. I'm not sure if it's because of my witty comments, my lean structure, or something as simple as my messy hair. Maybe it's because I'm the mayor's son. Either way, barely anyone talks to me. Almost everyone avoids me, which I'm okay with. Less people to get in my way, right?
I pushed aside a stray branch, stepping over a log. My green eyes locked on the rabbit, which was sitting directly in front of me. I crouched down, pulling an arrow out of my quiver. I positioned it on the bow, pulling back the string, and aiming the arrow at my prey. I narrowed my eyes, preparing to shoot it in the eye.
"Watcha up to, Haddock?" Startled, I released the arrow. It landed several feet from the rabbit, who bounded away. Turning around, I glared at the intruder. Heather, my best-and only-friend, was trudging towards me. She had long black hair, pulled into a braid over her shoulder. Her green eyes sparkled mischievously, and her lips quirked into a cocky grin.
"I was hunting, until someone scared off my prey!" I huffed, standing up. I trudged into the small clearing, grabbing my arrow.
"Relax, Haddock. You'll find another one." She said. My real name is Hiccup, but she calls me Haddock. I'm not sure if it's because it's my last name, or simply because it's a type of really ugly fish. "It's not like it's the only rabbit in the woods!"
"It was the first rabbit I found for miles!" I turned around, glaring at her again. She grinned at me, seeming even more amused.
"Fine, you're that desperate to catch something?" Heather picked up a decent-sized rock, throwing it into a nearby tree. Several birds flew out of the branches, shrieking loudly. Quickly, I positioned my arrow and launched it, hitting one of the birds. "There you go!" Heather said.
I stuck out my tongue at her, jogging towards the fallen bird. I picked it up by the arrow impaling it, then examined the bird. "I suppose it'll do…"
"What do you need it for, anyway?" Heather frowned. "Can't you just get food? You're the mayor's son, you're rich."
"This isn't for me. It's for my dad. He loves fresh meat."
"Still, couldn't you just take it?" Heather asked. She's poorer than I am, and lives in the Seam. That's the name for the part of the town where all the miners live. I used to live there, before my mom and I moved in with my dad. Now, since my mom is technically blown to bits, I still stay with my dad. Heather is sometimes bitter about this, and I honestly don't blame her. She has barely enough food to survive, while I could have all I want.
"I'd rather not." I answered. "There's other people who need it more than I do."
Heather smiled fondly at me. "You're too selfless for your own good, you know that?"
I blushed slightly, not used to being praised. "Yeah, I know."
Heather and I sat on a hill, watching the birds fly. I sighed wistfully, watching them swoop over the trees. Heather broke the silence. "Don't you wish we could just leave this place? We could be free, like the birds."
I nodded. "That would be nice. We probably wouldn't get five miles, what with all the Peacekeepers(2) around."
"Well, if we could, I'd go that way." She pointed at the horizon, where the trees extended for miles.
I smirked slightly. "Oh, I almost forgot." I pulled a loaf of bread out of my pouch, handing Heather a piece. I took on the accent of Eret, son of Eret, the overly enthusiastic Capitol resident, who comes to District Twelve once a year to read out the names at the Reaping. "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds-"
"Be ever in your favor!" Heather finished. We busted out in a fit of laughter. Heather and I joke about the Hunger Games a lot-either that, or we could be scared to death. I prefer joking, honestly. And, as a plus, the Capitol accents are so ridiculous that almost anything sounds funny!
I smiled over at Heather, who was still giggling. She's one of the only people who I can be myself around. No hiding my thoughts or stoic expressions: just myself. I watch as she stuffs some of the bread in her mouth, still smiling. It's crazy how alike our eyes are- they're just a shade different. Heather's eyes are more of a grassy green, while mine are closer to the shade of the forest.
Most of the people in District Twelve have dark hair and brown eyes. I stand out a lot, with my auburn hair and green eyes. Plus, a lot of the people here are huge compared to me. They also smell like pigs, if that helps describe them better.
I sighed quietly. "We should probably get back. The Reaping is at two."
Heather also sighed. "You're right." She stood, then held out a hand. I took it and pulled myself up. We walked down the hill, both trying not to think about what was coming. I never noticed Heather hesitated to release my hand.
I walked through the streets alone. Heather had gone to her home earlier to get ready for the Reaping. Everyone dresses in their best clothes, and scrubs themselves as clean as possible- which still isn't very clean. Most of us work in the coal mines, so we tend to get really dirty. I suppose I should go get ready as well, but I'm avoiding my father. He's usually the grumpiest on Reaping day, not that I can blame him. Every Reaping there's a chance I, his only son, could be reaped to go into the Hunger Games. Although he never shows it, I can tell he cares about me.
I sighed heavily, ducking my head down. I tried avoiding everyone's accusatory glares. Like I said, not many people here like me. As if it's my fault I don't have to get a tessera!(3)
I glanced up momentarily, then looked back down. Many families were in their yards, washing themselves in a tub. The water was tinted black with dirt and coal dust from working in the mines. I scowled bitterly. The Capitol is evil, treating people this way. I'll admit, although I'm treated much better than those in the Seam, I still hate it. It makes me sick how those in the Capitol act.
I tensed up, feeling like someone was watching me. I turned around, darting my eyes back and forth. Finally deciding no one was there, I continued walking towards my house.
I closed the door to my house, walking inside. I listened to my footsteps echo around empty room. "Hello?" I called. I pricked my ears, listening for activity. When I didn't hear anything, I assumed my dad was out getting ready for Reaping day. I sighed, trudging up the stairs to my room. Once reaching my small bed, I froze. There, on the sheets, was a small silver pin. I wouldn't have noticed it, if it wasn't so shiny.
I walked up to my bed, picking up the pin. I stared at it curiously, turning it back and forth. It was circular, with a strange design on it. It looked like a curled-up dragon, complete with two tailfins. I cocked my head. Who would've put this on my bed? Shrugging, I set it on my night stand.
Once finished putting on my nicest clothes, I looked in the small mirror. I wore a light green tunic and greenish-brown pants. I attempted to smooth down my messy hair, but gave up eventually. Trying to tame my hair is always a lost cause. I looked around my room wistfully, as it could easily be my last time being in this house. A glint of silver caught my attention. I looked back at the night stand, where that silver pin still sat. I picked it up, shrugging. I attached it to the right side of my shirt, close to my heart. You never know, maybe it'll give me good-or better luck.
I walked through the square, looking for both Heather and my dad. I had already signed myself in, which is mandatory to do. The square was extremely crowded, since the entire population of about eight thousand was required to be there. If you weren't, you could be imprisoned, unless if you were literally at death's door.
Since I was unable to find Heather or my dad, I just went to stand with the other seventeen year old boys. Most of them ignored me, as usual. I stared up at the stage, where there were two large glass bowls, one for the girls and one for the boys. They were both filled with little papers slips, each with a different name on them. Six of them had my name on them.
Finally, my dad appeared. He truly lives up to the name Stoick the Vast. He's a mountain of a man, with a wild red beard and piercing green eyes. He was dressed in his nicest suit for the occasion. He sat in a large chair on the stage, then was joined by Eret Eretson. I stared at the empty third chair, which was supposed to be occupied by District Twelve's one victor.
Eret Eretson, District Twelve's escort, was dressed like a typical Capitol citizen. He had bluish hair, blue tattoos on his chin, and wore a yellow suit. He grinned at everyone, waving with his regular flourish.
When my dad stood, everyone in the crowds instantly quieted. He cleared his throat, then spoke in his usual booming voice. He told the exact same story as every year: about Berk, which rose from the ashes of what used to be the Archipelago. He talked about the droughts, the storms, the fires, the disasters, and about the seas that swallowed most of the Archipelago. After this came Berk, a new country consisting of the Capitol, surrounded by thirteen districts. After that came the Dark Days, which was the time of the rebellion of the districts. They failed, and District Thirteen was destroyed. The Capitol issued the Treaty of Treason, and instated the Hunger Games as a reminder that the Dark Days should never happen again.
The rules of the Hunger Games are very simple. A boy and a girl from each district, called tributes, are imprisoned in a huge outdoor arena. Inside could consist of anything from a desert to a frozen wasteland. The tributes are forced to fight to the death, until only one remains.
This was the Capitol's way of reminding us that they are in absolute control of us. They use our fear to stop us from attempting another uprising. I have to admit, it's a smart tactic. Evil, but smart.
Even worse, the Capitol forces us to treat the Hunger Games like a big festivity. They turn it into a TV show for the Capitol citizens, who place bets on the different tributes. To them, this is just a big game. To us, it's completely terrifying.
The victor's district gets monthly prizes, mostly consisting of food. The district gets to celebrate with delicacies like sugar, while the other eleven districts still starve to death. Unfair? Definitely.
"It is both a time of repentance, and a time of thanks." My dad finishes. Then, he lists the names of the past victors. The only one from District Twelve was a man named Gobber the Belch, who just now stumbled onto the stage. He screamed something unintelligible, then fainted in a chair. I assumed he was drunk. He was a funny looking man, with a long blonde mustache and a large potbelly.
Stoick started turning red. He knew that because of Gobber's behavior, District Twelve was the laughing stock of Berk. The entire speech was being televised as he spoke. He cleared his throat, and introduced Eret Eretson.
Eret leapt up, walking flauntily to the podium. He spoke in that ridiculous Capitol accent, that Heather and I usually thought was hilarious. Now, though, my heart was pounding. He was about to choose the tributes. "Happy Hunger Games!" He said with a flourish. "And may the odds be ever in your favor." He droned on and on about what an honor it was to be here, but I knew he just wanted to be promoted to a better District. Most of the Capitol citizens laughed at District Twelve, since we were the poorest.
I looked through the crowd, spotting Heather. She smiled slightly, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back at her, mouthing a "good luck." I knew the odds were not in her favor. She had to apply for several tesseraes. She looked away, biting her lip nervously. I did the same, and sighed heavily.
Eret sauntered to the large glass bowls, preparing to draw a name. "Boys first!" He said, as always. I never understood this, since the other Districts usually did girls first. He reached in a hand, grabbing a small slip of paper. My heart pounded, feeling like it was about to jump out of my ribcage. He slowly unfolded the slip of paper.
The whole crowd held their breath, waiting for the cursed name to be read. I begged Thor for it not to be me. Eret opened his mouth. "Hiccup Haddock." It was me.
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primedoverlord · 7 years
I wasn’t kidding when I said that I was completely rewriting Race Against Time from the ground up. After finishing the sequel AND its partnering threequel, I realized that the origin story needed a complete revamp. Especially since the beginning screamed Mary Sue which I am so terrified of what Baxter is turning into. 
So here’s a snippet from ch 2 completely rewritten 
“They call you hiccup too? Does it bother you?” Renee had looked to him in surprise.
“No, it’s actually my name. The vikings around here look up to me for who I am, not what I am called. ” Hiccup explained as he draped a fur cloak around her shoulders. Renee gratefully took the cloak and pulled it up tighter around her neck, feeling a chill draft.
“Where I’m from, they call me hiccup in spite. I’m just a waste of their time. I can’t do anything right.” Renee admitted remorsefully as she followed Hiccup, Valka following. She watched as passing vikings acknowledged Hiccup’s presence in greeting. He was right, they do respect him. She wondered if she would ever earn that kind of respect from her uncle.
“Perhaps you don’t belong with these people then?” Hiccup replied as they walked deeper through the village. 
“I would leave except, I’ve got no where else to go. Being thirteen where I’m from, you’re still required a guardian. And coming from a tiny family, I was lucky enough to have extended family.” She explained, stopping briefly as a group of juvenile dragons barreled through their path. She smiled as she watched them tumble over themselves and each other like puppies who could barely run as they dashed by.
“Doesn’t seem fair that you should be with such people.” Hiccup said as Renee hurried to catch up with him.
“It wasn’t exactly fair that my parents died, leaving me to be under their care either.” Renee spoke in contempt. Hiccup, Toothless and Valka glanced towards her in silent alarm.
“Well, there you go. My cliché origin story.” Renee scoffed insincerely.
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ao3feed-hiccstrid · 4 years
COTD: Dawn of the Dragoniters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dtuB3K
by AniuNava16
War has been raging between the Dragons and Viking Tribes of the Norwegian Archipelago for 300 years and the Beings who call the Norwegian Mythagican Archipelago Home unable to do anything about it until four Soul-Mates, two from the Botarskalian Tribe and two from the Elf-Fae are brought together with their Familiars, friends and family to find out why the war is being fought, who started it and how to end it before an ancient enemy grows too powerful and it is too late. Together, the four-Soul-Mates must bring together the newest generation of Athelonian Children of Goodeela and learn the ways of their Ancient Order while bringing two enemies together to defeat a common foe. However, this is only the first quest they must succeed in to save their Home, their World and the Galaxies from the Utmost Evil.
Words: 10751, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce, Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game), Underworld (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Stoick the Vast, Original Child(ren) of Stoick and Valka, Original Sibling of Astrid Hofferson, Astrid Hofferson's Parents
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Original Character(s), Astrid Hofferson/Original Character(s), original male ch
Additional Tags: Magic, Soul Bond, Telepathic Bond, True Love, Family, Saving the World, Dragons, Fae & Fairies, Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Elemental Magic, Ancient History, Magical Artifacts, War, Sex, Torture, Character Death, Resurrection, Interspecies Relationship(s), Mating Cycles/In Heat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dtuB3K
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dragetunge · 3 months
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@murkyhazed plotted for Valka!
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Emerald hues overlook the massive map the young heir held. Various ship figures scattered around the surrounding islands of the archipelago as he knocked a few over. It had been a few months since the events of Drago's attack. Berk was finally rebuilt and back to a somewhat normal state. But there was something bothering him this whole time. The dragon itself. It had disappeared completely that day but there was a sense of unease when it came to it.
A report sat at the corner of the table as he trailed his finger down the list. Reports of ships sinking. Particularly fishing ones. There was no pattern he could see but he did send for someone who might make more sense of them. With the small squawk of the dragon he sent the heir raised his arm as the terrible terror perched on it. Rubbing the little dragons chin he smiles and gently looks up to see his mother making her way to his workshop.. "Mind your head Val there's a low spot in the frame."
The very spot his Dad always nailed his head on every time he tried to squeeze in here.
The terror playfully nipped at his fingers as he reached for the small stash of treats in the pouch on his hip as the other entered. "Glad to see Sharpshot got his point across." His fault really. He should have just attached a letter to him but he forgot about it.
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forgotten-fr0st · 4 years
Take Me Back Ch. 10
Take Me Back Ch. 10
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 10: Stoick’s Gift! Hiccup IV found a gift Hiccup III left for his father.
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12806413/10/Take-Me-Back
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13677735/chapters/53482225
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forgotten-fr0st · 4 years
Take Me Back Ch. 12
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 12: Hiccup makes another discovery.
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12806413/12/Take-Me-Back
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13677735/chapters/54378376
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forgotten-fr0st · 5 years
Take Me Back Ch. 9
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 9: Midnight Sun! Things are going well for Hiccup at his internship.
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12806413/9/Take-Me-Back
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13677735/chapters/53437123
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forgotten-fr0st · 5 years
Take Me Back Ch. 8
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 8! Hiccup and Jack have to cope with the idea of being 3500 miles apart.
Read on Fanfiction.net. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12806413/8/Take-Me-Back (There are some formatting issues I’m trying to fix, sorry!)
Read on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/13677735/chapters/53410840
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forgotten-fr0st · 6 years
Take Me Back Ch. 7
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons. 
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 7! Hiccup has to leave his boyfriend behind.
Read on Fanfiction.net.
Read on AO3!
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forgotten-fr0st · 7 years
Take Me Back Ch. 3
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV was named for his many-greats-grandfather, the pride of the viking village of Berk and expert dragon trainer. His mother, Valka (named for his many-greats-plus-one-grandmother), is an archaeologist. Hiccup, like her, has a thirst for his family’s history. He meets Jack, and together they dive into the past after bonding over one special thing: dragons.
Rating: M
Pairing: Hijack
Chapter 3 is up, in honor of season 6 of Race To The Edge being released.
Read on Fanfiction.net.
Read on AO3!
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