#❛ Β  Β  π’πˆπƒπ„ π’π“πŽπ‘πˆπ„π’ Β   ⧽ Β  Β β€” Β  answered.
dangaer Β· 1 year
what if ... i answered asks that were just over a year old.
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dangaer Β· 1 year
if there are love languages for roleplaying i think mine will always be the insistant urge to write my partners a lot in an ask / thread whether that was ic or ooc.
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dangaer Β· 1 year
i need to ask the community ... do they give off the same vibes to you.
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dangaer Β· 2 years
happy sinday. your daily reminder that literally the majority of my muses are massive switches!
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dangaer Β· 2 years
a small psa? note thing? to say that i am planning on responding to as many, if not all my drafts before i go on holiday in three weeks time ... however, i know the majority of them are about 2/3 months old. while i will be replying to them, i just want my mutuals to know that there is literally no pressure to reply to them if you have no muse for them, can’t remember how the plot went or simply wish to start something new because it has been so long.Β 
on the other side of things, i like to reiterate my rule that i literally have no qualms when it comes to reply speed to me, either. if you ever have a thread / ask / draft of some kind from me and you do wish to respond to it but worry that i’m gonna be upset if you reply late then literally please don’t be! when i say i could wait forever for a responce, i mean it!Β 
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dangaer Β· 2 years
you’re laughing. i got my favourite love interests bad ending first time and you’re laughing.
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dangaer Β· 2 years
((πŸ’Β  +Β  my url if possible? (No pressure if you can't or don't want to ofc!)))
cherries for positivity ( no longer accepting! )
we always accept positivity in this household β™‘ while we haven't written together ( yet! i need to fix this OTL ) i just wanted to begin this by saying just how much of an understanding person you are? it's clear just how empathetic and understanding of your mutuals you are despite the situations you may find yourself in. you honestly radiate such a kind, welcoming energy to those you interact with, and anyone who has felt intimidated by your presence is certainly missing out! you have such a fun and interesting set of muses, and while my bias has to fall back towards angels of death and the witches house ( being the main two ive played ) it's so, so lovely to see such a variety in one place! people are so quick to shame multimuses for having so many muses, but the way you've layed them out both clearly and concisively proves just how much effort you're willing to put in for every single one, as well as your mutuals comfort at the same time. it makes you such a sweet and understanding partner to write with, and you really do set the standard high for any multi's who get a chance to interact with you. i wish i could go into such detail sometimes!
your writing is also absolutely stunning!! it's clear you take every interaction you get and you pour your heart out into creating something beautiful for your partners. the dynamics i've seen so far on the dash are so lovingly written and incorporated, while you refuse to stray too far in your own characters direction while still managing to create such a unique take of your own. you've managed to take what the games give and make these characters absolutely, unapologetically human - which is a trait so often ignored but really well and truly admired. threads aren't always one way or another, you're willing to take so many experiences and make them your own despite this, and it's so nice to read your ask replies on the dash, knowing you've taken all that into account in one go.
i hope you've had an absolutely wonderful week and don't let work get you down! you've absolutely got this, i promise you.
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dangaer Β· 2 years
πŸ’ + yeonban ( since it was just their birthday! )
cherries for positivity ( no longer accepting! )
ft @yeonban !
chris has honestly been such a delight to follow since the moment i first had the opportunity of seeing him on my dash! through every headcanon, thought or reply he writes, you can really tell just how much depth he’s developed for all his muses, no matter how long or little he’s been able to write them! it’s always a blast to see him online because you know you’re going to get a post that’s either a.) well thought out and inspiring, or b.) something that never, ever fails to bring a smile to everyone’s face.Β Β writing can be so, so hard when you have so many other commitments in life, but whatever chris puts out is nothing short of absolutely beautiful. it’s clear how much time and thought has gone into every reply, and the sense of realism in his settings is something i honestly cannot help but admire more than anything. it’s so clear how he writes his characters so human, while giving every writing partner he has something both fun and beautiful to work with. i, for one, could say i would wait 1000 years for a reply, because honestly? they’re just that good!Β 
as for out of character things, chris has got to be one of the sweetest people i have the pleasure of following, especially considering just how interactive he is with his own mutuals no matter what. he’s always one of the first to support both old and new mutuals, those who he may be close to and those he may not, which makes his blog such a positive and inspiring place to be around. there have been times where i have been so, so excited to see his icon pop up in my notifications, whether that’d be through a like and an ask, and he always takes whatever has been written to him with so much care it’s absolutely beautiful. being such a creative person and also basking in others creativity is such a lovely trait to have, and it really shows just how kind of a person he is.Β 
i hope you had a lovely birthday, chris and that you got to celebrate your 21st with all the fun and care in the world, because you deserve it! β™₯
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dangaer Β· 2 years
πŸ’Β  +Β  * sneaks my url into your pocket *
cherries for positivity ( no longer accepting! )
envy ... envy envy envy, what is there not to compliment about one of my all time favourite writing partners and humans? honestly, i remember when you first followed me here and how immediately stunned i was with awe at the fact that you had chosen to follow me of all people, and then all over again the more i read your writing, about and even headcanons. the time, devotion and absolute love you've placed into both envy and his story shines through with every single thing you post, and you manage to enrapture such a large audience with this due to how incredibly talented you are through both writing and art, ooc posts and even simple aesthetics! your writing is so incredibly immersive and never fails to direct the story so well, no matter how unpredictable or unusual your partners outcomes may be, and your ability to match envy to absolutely all kinds of muses, with dynamics that are always so unique but so so different to what would be considered the rpc's norm is truly something that i admire like, a lot more than one can ever say. there's nothing you're not afraid to bring to the table, but the consideration you have for your muses strengths, powers and abilities despite all that really does create something so beautiful it would be so much more difficult to find that sort of thing somewhere else!
ooc you are nothing short of an absolute gem either, considering just how genuine and sweet you can be to all your mutuals! you've always been one of the first to support me whatever unusual, oddly specific dynamic i can make come to mind and for that i cannot thank you enough, but your kind words have always been something i've held dearly whenever i see them. you've been one of my biggest supporters here, and that's something i haven't ever managed to appreciate enough! to see you in my notifications or im's really doesn't fail to make me smile because i know something beautiful is going to come out of it and i honestly cannot wait to go further with our plots and our chats. even just having the opportunity to see you posting on the dash makes me feel so happy, knowing that no matter if you're writing canon or oc, you're going to bless us with something absolutely stunning by the time the day ends,
i hope you had a lovely week and an even better weekend even after your birthday celebrations!
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dangaer Β· 2 years
Laito: You see, I often thought about why I was the person I was. Or why I couldn’t be like you or Kanato-kun instead? That’s why I hate you…I loathe how you feign ignorance when you actually know exactly what’s going on. And above all…I’m envious of how you can be so honest and upright about everything. …I know I can never be like that. I’ve been ruined by that woman. I’m not hiding my feelings either. They’ve simply been erased from within me. …Haha. Ayato: I hate you too. You’re never honest…I mean, if only you had asked for my help at some point, I would haveγƒΌγƒΌI knew you were putting up a tough facade the whole time. …However, as much as I admired you for your strength, it also pissed me off at the same time. I couldn’t forgive you.
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dangaer Β· 2 years
πŸ’Β  + my url??
cherries for positivity ( no longer accepting! )
sere! we've been following each other for literally over a year now ( how has it been so long? it feels like just yesterday since i first saw your blog and you must've seen mine! ) and i can't help but admit that same appreciation i felt about you from the start has never failed to even soften within me until this very day. you are such a sweet, kind person, who manages to fit her own muse into so many tricky and different verses without too much of a hitch when it comes down with it, all while owning a variety of blogs in which you prove just how far your writing can go even further with just a click of a mouse! you have so much appreciation and love for your muses that it really is a delight to know you have posted, all while knowing you are giving some of my favourite otome bias' the same love and inspiration i've always wanted to see them written with. it's clear you've not only focused on your own characters lore but that of the world around them, making you able to create verses that really do stand out above the rest ( i have a biased for your dangan.ronpa verse but maybe that's because of my bias towards the game? either way akira's ultimate is so sweet and he's always given me some of the funniest interactions i've had on that blog! )
you as a mun are also such an incredibly kind person, always going out of your way to poor your heart out to your muses but also make sure you interact and converse with so many of your mutuals around you that it's absolutely beautiful! your writing holds such a playful element to it but at the same time can get so beautifully serious if the situation so demanded it. you never, ever let your mutuals feel left out when interacting with you, and it's so clear how much honest rapport you're able to bring to the table with them that you've made me and my small knowledge of persona 5 feel like i know and remember the protag as though i've been the one who's played this game the entire time more than the one hour i may have spent learning lore / watching playthroughs of the beginning.
remember to keep your head up high and remember you're really, truly acing it no matter what!
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