chronicparagon · 4 months
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"Sweet mother of mercy! Help! HELP! My boyfriend is GOING TO GET ME!”
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ghoulxn · 7 months
The atmosphere had quieted in the flower shop. Earlier in the day it had been bustling, never an empty spot on the floor-- which Ava enjoyed to some degree as it kept him busy but he was just about pooped. This was to be expected with the holiday season and he was glad to be of whatever help he could be to the owners.
Leaning against the counter, he was just about to doze off, his thoughts swirling with various images...memories, ideas, impending dreams; it was that space right between the waking world and that of slumber. The jingle of the doorbell startled him back into reality and he sprung up from the counter, quickly wiping away any drool that had escaped his lips. "Welcome in!" Ava hoped that the customer hadn't noticed him scrambling. | @s-talking
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yuichiroswife · 9 months
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based on our newest thread  ♡
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b-erserk · 8 months
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❝ Not a chance, ❞ Guts sharply affirmed. ❝ Like I said, it's probably just a prank. ❞ He tried to believe that it was a stupid joke but Envy's indefatigable gaze, the silence outside the bedroom door swiftly buried that thought. After all, pranks usually were followed by loud laughter or something stupidly ridiculous meant to go viral on the internet — none of it. The hallway was quiet outside, devoid of the anticipated howling of desperate swingers, raging hormones and drunken rejects bound to fail college.
A long, very long, and possibly overdue sigh slipped past his scowl. This was meant to be a memorable night for the two of them, an opportunity to possibly even lose his virginity. It couldn't be helped, so he guessed, ❝ Fine, stay here for a sec'. ❞ One very simple fact Guts knew ever since he'd joined the campus was the following: once Envy made up his stubborn mind, no one could change the trajectory of his actions.
Guts took a moment to slip away from Envy's cold grasp and ventured deeper into the room. Every sports fan kept something trendy, and for our jockey, it was an aluminum baseball bat stashed under the bed. Nothing fancy, but sturdy enough to knock some sense into someone's head if necessary. He swung it once, twice, feeling his fingers grip at it tightly, ready for whatever might come their way.
❝ I'm ready. ❞ With one final powerful swing, Guts effortlessly rested the bat on his broad shoulder, casually glancing over at Envy.
continued from here | @s-talking
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clarafell · 7 months
‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’
ASK BOX TRICK-OR-TREAT :  Accepting!!! 🎃
Hi. This ask is super old, but let's pretend that it is still brand new.
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But there's more! Wanna take a peek down below?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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It turns out that I adore making moodboards for Envy and Homura. I tried to keep it strictly for Envy at first, but then Homura decides to follow. I decided that I still wanted to make something strictly for the dear killer, so I took things to a new level.
I realized that this second gift was going to be super tricky since Envy is a lovely original character, but... Challenge accepted? I'm not sure how I feel about this one, but I got it finished. Let me know if you want something else to match with them. Feel free to use it if you would like. I hope that you enjoy it!
(My favorite part on the dual banner gift is the sneaky butterfly!)
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 9 months
@s-talking asked:
THINK FAST: * throws a pokeball at one of your muses. *
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Well...she tried to catch it, but it ended up hitting her rather hard in the head instead, and now she's just laying there dazed, wondering just why anyone would throw a pokeball at a person. Did she look like a pokemon!? She knew she was small - but she's still growing!!
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umbralrosa · 1 year
⚠ // & right over the broad shoulder, most playfully patting her ass as he absolutely doesn't proceed to kidnap her in the broad daylight. ♡
send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse
Sakuyoru is starting to become accustomed to his behaviors, mannerisms, and to-be awful actions that are actually something to be worried about – or in this case of today, unbelievably mischievous. It's in that awkward tilt of his lips when he speaks softly to her, and the smile lingers while he thinks. That little gleam in his dark eyes that upturn in just the slightest way while he smiles that whatever he's thinking is an absolutely great idea to him. Usually if it pertains to her – which it always does when he's in a playful mood – he's more keen to being an inch or two away from her to give him ample space to work with by contrast to the literal like-glue proximity he usually does with her.
She should probably write a book one day about living with a killer like him, but he's to die for – to her, anyway.
She's about to clock out after closing up the floral shop for the evening. Envy just so happens to be a on-off part-timer who wasn't properly employed but shows up when Sakuyoru asks him to do the heavy lifting that she cannot. He gets paid, surely, but it's to her account since he doesn't really have one. Also in quite a many kisses and cuddles, which again – is awful about because he likes getting more than he's given from her.
Sakuyoru takes the key and locks up the shop, with her boss putting her things away in her car parked right at the front of the store. That's when he decides to be his awful, playful self. Lifting her suddenly right when he hears the door click in it's locking mechanism, and hoists her literally over his broad shoulder. To which, she isn't too surprised by it, just exclaiming "Oi" to him. Her elbow comes to pinpoint on his back to prop her head up as he starts walking off with her, and her boss looks over at the peculiar sight. Mostly because her most beloved and astute employee is usually so stoic that nothing goes by her, except for this man. Clearly, to her, they are much more than at-home friends.
The boss's eyes go wide, and she starts snickering to herself at the sound of Sakuyoru smacking him right on his back as he pops a large hand on her buttocks. "Envy!" she pouts, the tips of her pointed ears becoming quite pink at this point. Which, only goads him more, because he does it again, and his name is copied with a more warning tone. Her cheeks this time, are very red.
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He knows for a fact, that she hates when he's like this in public, but he also knows that she's denying enjoying this peculiar possessive yet playful behavior. Like she belongs to him, and that very distinct exterior she has goes down just for him, and maybe he knows that. No, he definitely does.
"Ow..." she hisses, the heat in her face becoming to much, because it does start to burn her skin slightly. The tingling has surpassed, which is the warning sign to calm herself, but she can't in moments like this. "Envy, please put me down, my skin is burning." she utters, going as far as to put her palms against her face. "If your hands are colder, hold my face for me will you. You started this, after-all."
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kllsworn · 10 months
THINK FAST: * throws nutella at zack *
❝ WHAT THE -- ?! ❞ He scrambled to catch it with his scythe clenched under his arm. It almost slipped past his bandaged digits but he managed to hold it in his grasp, blinking as he stared at it. Zack tilted the item in his grip as he was trying to figure out what it was. Eventually he unscrewed the lid, and stared at the mass inside.
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       ---    ❝ The hell is this? ... ❞ 
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chronicparagon · 4 months
Never Let You Go
Thunder growls lowly outside while the rain pours from the black clouds cloaking the star-studded heavens. Crystal drops tap against the glass dressed in a veil of mist. Those drops of water glide down over the window’s surface like tears of sorrow. It is a cold night, which is not too unusual in Mississippi at this time of year. It is a stark contrast to the warmth in this house. The house is far from empty with the owner and her guest.
Thunder growls lowly outside while the rain pours from the black clouds cloaking the star-studded heavens. Crystal drops tap against the glass dressed in a veil of mist. Those drops of water glide down over the window’s surface like tears of sorrow. It is a cold night, which is not too unusual in Mississippi at this time of year. The night’s chill is a stark contrast to the warmth in this house. The house is far from empty with the owner and her unexpected guest.
Low, dulcet notes play softly in the living room where Envy and Harmony quietly sway to the music. Her right hand holds his and her left hand rests on his shoulder. His free hand rests along the curve of her hip. The thunder rumbles to the song’s melody and the lightning lights up the room that had the gentle glow of candles as the light source.  The subtle warm light reflects in her sterling gaze while she looks up to see her beloved’s face.  It is much harder to resist the urge to smile when she takes in his flawless features. Her eyes sparkle with pure love for the Little Killer.  The dance slows down to a stop and Harmony takes this opportunity to make her move. She wraps her arms around Envy’s waist and pulls him close to her.
“Envy…” Harmony whispers, “I love you. I love you so.” Harmony moves to her toes and her hand reaches for Envy’s cheek. Her thumb stroke arcs over his pale skin and she catches him in a gentle kiss. The kiss seems to end too soon every time, but when her lungs ache for air, Harmony has no choice but to break the kiss. She draws a needed breath before gently pressing her forehead against Envy’s. There is pure love in her sterling gaze. He can see that in her eyes, but when it comes to his own black hues…
There is no warmth.
His intense gaze doesn’t hold joy or any sign of life. They are deep, dark as the storm clouds outside, and as cold as winter. They are black as the endless sea of unforgiving darkness.
The worries for him remain. She closes her eyes with her forehead still pressed against his. Then, Harmony’s hand moves away from Envy’s cheek, only to wrap her arms around him once more. She pulls him tight to her. She doesn’t want to let her beloved go, fearing the darkness could swallow him whole. She’s so very scared of losing him to the raging storm.
“I will never stop loving you.” She lowers herself back to her feet. Her head rests on its side against Envy's chest and her hand takes the one where he wears his promise ring. The young woman lifts that hand and kisses the bruise encircling his wrist.
"I won’t let you go…I will never let you go."
[Happy birthday, friend!! 💞]
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itgrowsunchecked · 10 months
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" You're stuck in here too, just like me. . . " Nigh a whisper was shared, a murmur easily snuffed by what infernal cacophony plagued all around. The place was once lovely, painted with dreams, a house for those less fortunate; he remembered seeing it on T.V, an orphanage with arms wide open, willing to accept any searching for succour - now barren.
Its walls lived on, old scabs of paint peeled off at the slightest touch as if this building had been abandoned for centuries and yet. . . somehow, it stood the test of time. Henry was seated against a closed door, whilst the hallway stretched onwards into what could be considered mouths of darkness. Any source of light shined from the flickering lamp above him, and he did not appear very concerned by the eerie atmosphere.
Affront his lowered gaze stood someone, or something, he couldn't quite make it for he refused to peer upwards. " or maybe I'm just imagining things again. " The suffocating silence on the hallway served of little help, it was as if the very building itself waited for him to press on in order to face its horrors.
@s-talking / starter
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dangaer · 1 year
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dibs ♡ // @ ayato. sorry but not sorry.
unprompted asks! (always accepting!)
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           ❛      h-hey!     ore-sama's supposed t'be the one to say those kinda things first!    ❜
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clarafell · 8 months
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no other friends allowed. even dolls.
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HOMURA’S BINGO CARD :  Accepting!!!
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All fourteen dolls still wear their smiles. They look like they are stocking up on their ammunition of tomatoes. A couple of pomegranates are amidst the tomatoes, but they seem to not register that. It’s a good thing that they aren’t human, so they can handle any rough moments. They aren’t offended since, well, they don’t know the meaning of no. They will play if they want to play. All of them are too busy to notice the change in their Mistress. They don’t see how she holds the card gently.
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❝  The… The card is almost…   ❞         Homura’s soft voice trails off into a gentle silence. She’s unable to stop staring at the card. She couldn’t even manage to finish her sentence. She did not really expect to receive anything. So, she is rendered completely speechless at the sight of her first bingo card.  It’s already slightly embarrassing that she’s so speechless, but she couldn’t help herself when she is given… all of this.
She quickly noticed that the whole card is nearly complete. Only one measly spot remains open about her dolls, but she didn’t really mind that. She didn’t know how her dolls would react to being rejected, but she personally didn’t care. All she could really focus on is the sight of the many, many bingos on the card. What could she even say in this moment? She tries to speak to properly express herself, but she suddenly feels rather timid to speak.
❝  You got s-so many bingos!   ❞
She shouldn’t be this surprised, but she is still hit with a wave of surprise nonetheless. She wished she could say more, but… Homura is already struggling to look at him. She has a lot of feelings over certain spots on the bingo card. Don’t mind her. She will regain her composure after an hour or two.
She is definitely keeping the card.
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spectralhunter · 1 year
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gently pushes a caramel sweet with creamy filling right between his lips. " . . . . "
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❝ Ah ~ ❞ Such tantalizing sound ensued as the lips parted, revealing a tongue which playfully stuck out slightly. Its cushioned surface welcomed the loving sweet, before it disappeared out of sight; they were his favourite!
Brightened spirits coaxed Takumi to come closer to Envy, not a moment too soon and the taller silhouette had been pulled down by the fabrics he wore. Takumi planted a quick kiss on Envy's lips, all whilst sneaking in a playful slap to that gorgeous ass.
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HEADCANON TIME! does nunnally enjoy reading books? if so, which one would be her most favorite? is there a specific story or genre ?
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Nunnally does enjoy reading. That is actually (together with playing chess, drawing and music), one of her favourite pastime activity. She is lonely and was brought up sheltered (or caged) without being able to form (many) bonds. Books became her best friends. She reads a lot, in many languages including Latin, and she is into old manuscripts, old history books, or more generally into books that tell her more about the world she so much misses. So she is more into the literature of fact, including (popular-)-science books, than fiction but she’s also love books about art and nature (even though she was in many places herself, but mostly to assist her father in his trips). And poetry.  
When it comes to fiction, it’s not that she does not read it, but she’d be pickier about it and opt for more classical (or old-fashioned) titles. Especially with less clear clichés for good and evil, as such simple divisions do not work for her. Perhaps with some bits of romances and stronger women that actually managed to get what they wanted in their life? A sort of empowerment for her?
As for the specific stories…? That’s like harder, but I would definitely see ‘Master and Margarita’ as one of her favourite stories with Woland and Behemoth actually not being purely evil and Margarita achieving her goal… ‘Divine Comedy’ as a source to challenge the depiction of the world there? Like a book to discuss with…? 'Faust'? On the other end, ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ I think she would secretly enjoy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ although she would never imagine herself being that disobedient even to chase for life. And yes, she is definitely be more into villains than heroes.
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kllsworn · 10 months
👻 & 🙈
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
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Zack doesn't believe in ghosts or the supernatural at all. He also doesn't believe in fate or god for that matter. If he can cut, smash or spit on it, its real to him. Everything else is too bothersome to think about. The whole concept is already too much to grasp for him but then he doesn't get why some invisible thing people made up should bother him in the first place. It's the living that make the world hell after all.
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🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
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Zack has come to terms with the fact that he's not part of humanity anymore and describes himself as a monster at this point. He even finds it ridiculous when anyone tries to see anything else in him as he has convinced himself that this is all he will ever be. A monster that solely exists to kill other monsters or anyone he damn well pleases. But somewhere deep down there is still that boy that never had the chance to grow up into a person. A long forgotten longing to have someone see him for what he truly is. A human being.
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chronicparagon · 7 months
There Can Only Be One - Part 2
Second Part of the One shot for @s-talking
Part One: Link
   Harmony looks up to see the visitor. He is tall, but is certainly a head shorter than Envy. A loose, tattered robe black as night covers his body and his head is concealed with the infamous Ghost Face mask that she knows so well.  In his black-gloved hand is a large hunting knife, its sterling blade gleams in the flash of lightning.
Harmony's immediate reaction?
She screams. She releases the loudest, most shrill scream and she throws her drink across the room.
"OW!" The full can slam against his face. Dark, fizzy liquid spills from the can and drenches the mysterious intruder's robe. "Oh, look what you did!" He snaps and lunges for Harmony. "Just you wait until I get my hands on y-AAH"
"STAY BACK! BACK, I SAY!" Harmony pulls off her slippers before jumping off the sofa. One flies at the other, hitting him in the chest already soaked with the cold soda.  "GET BACK!"  The man lets out a groan before the other slipper slaps hard against his mask. The girl grabs her phone off the coffee table, turns on her heel and dashes from the sofa.
"Why, you little!" He growls and runs after her. The woman squeaks and makes a break for it across the living room. The intruder blocks her way to the kitchen, barring her from accessing any weapons. Harmony makes her way to her bedroom where she plans to lock herself in until Envy or the police come. The intruder lunged after her. He pins Harmony onto the hard floor. A gloved hand wraps tight around Harmony’s throat and he wields the knife over his head.
This is it! He isn’t going to let this girl get away now! Her death will surely attract the one and only Little Killer of Mississippi. He followed Harmony for weeks, taking notes of other people she meets and spend time with. One is a tall, dark man who looked more like a ghost than a human being. Sometimes, he is with Harmony, but other times, he is also following her and watching her. It’s a curious observation but it made the other certain that he has found the Little Killer! The masked man has searched for the other killer for so long. His desire? To be the most feared serial killer and to do that, he must best the man who strikes fear in the hearts of all the people. He is just seconds away from realizing this dream!  
His heart racing….
His breath hitched as he sees the look of fear on the young woman’s face.
Sharp pain shatters his concentration. A harsh scream follows, and he nearly loses his grip on his victim. Harmony kneed him between the legs but failed to grab the knife that fell from the intruder's hand. A high-pitched squeal follows and Harmony pulls away with her phone. The force of the kick, makes the knife fly from his hand before Harmony has the chance to grab for it. and the knife. She makes it to the corner with every intention to make it to her bedroom while getting the emergency call. "D-Damn it! Don't make this hard!" Ghost Face growls and he reaches for her.
Harmony screams and falls back onto the floor when his vice grip tightens around her ankle. Lightning flashes and the lights go out while the pair ends up fighting for Harmony’s phone. She struggles to get to the emergency call with his hands reaching for her phone.
“Grr-G-GIVE ME-Give. Me. That. PHONE!” He snaps, “OVER MY DEAD BODY!” Harmony snarls and kicks her assailant. "Gladly!" He answers and wrenches the phone from her, and the girl slams her fists against his Ghost Face mask.
Her blood runs ice cold when his chuckle reaches her ears. Terrified eyes look at the infamous mask before her.
"You...You had to make this more difficult..." He grumbles in the dark and lightning flashes into the apartment once more. "Heh, no matter...I got you where I want you..." He adds, but Harmony gasps when she notices something when the lightning flashes again.
There at the far end of the hall leading to the rest of the apartment...A tall, black figure stands there. It seems the masked man doesn't notice they are not alone. "I have many....Many ways to destroy you..." Silence follows in pitch-black darkness.
Lightning flashes once again and the figure moves slowly. Harmony notices the little pale flesh exposed by his black clothing and dark locks, slick from the rain concealing one black eye. The other one is left visible and staring at Ghost Face.
Harmony's heart jumps into her throat when she realizes who it is. It's Envy. Her dear, beloved Envy. He showed up and with an unreadable expression on his face, is slowly creeping toward them.
"Hmm...I suppose I should get this started before he shows up. I know about your little boyfriend. Like he will ever save you now! He's too late. Far...too...Late..." He throws his head back with a loud laugh. Thunder roars and lightning flashes, revealing Envy is right there.
Standing right behind Ghost Face.
"Any last words before I wring your neck?" He asks the trembling girl, but notices that she isn't staring at him all this time. Quivering lips part as she nods her head and speaks.
"H-Hey...Hi, honey."
"Honey?!" Ghost Face asks, only to feel long, slender fingers wrap around his neck. An icy cold grip digs into the black cloth of the mask and digs into his own flesh. His vision quickly turns away from the girl now curled up in a corner.
Beneath the mask, the intruder's face holds true terror to see the owner of those hands now holding them. In the dark, he seeks a ghostly pale young man. His dreadful, black eye boring into his own wide gaze, and his lips...
Oh, those thin, colorless lips slowly stretch to a wide smile. A charming smile that is also very frightening. Ghost Face doesn't utter a cry or scream before he sees red.
Red...Blood...Terror...and a grisly, gorey demise.
Here, he learned a valuable lesson that would be his last: There can be only one. There can only be one man for Harmony....One who can follow her and watch from the shadows...and only one serial killer of Mississippi.
The bittersweet aroma mingles in the air as red petals dance in the stormy night.
There can only be one and that will be the infamous Little Killer.
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