#❝ — ღ prince strat & MEMES ❞
modcrn · 6 years
✉ & ø ( harv & prince ! )
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( SMS , PRINCE TO HARVEY , NOT SENT ! ) - god , you looked so fucking cute today and i could’ve just fucking kissed you but i can’t fucking tell you that or do that( SMS , PRINCE TO HARVEY , NOT SENT ! ) -  what if i hurt you ? i've never really fucking cared before but i care. i care about you and i can’t hurt you. 
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( SMS , PRINCE TO HARVEY , outgoing ! 1:33 AM ) - i would be 0% mad if you showed up with food. honestly , i wish there was lower percent. negative 100% mad. it’s open , let yourself in. 
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modcrn · 6 years
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sms from PRINCE , outgoing: i know i said i don’t care but it really bothers me that you hate me so much like ?? okay , i was a jerk. but jesus , why can’t be just be friends ? 
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sms from PRINCE , outgoing:  i’m not saying hate sex would solve everything but i am saying that hate sex might make u a little more Tolerable ok it’s just an IDEA
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sms from PRINCE , outgoing: just curious , has your personality always been so intolerable or is that just recently ? sms from PRINCE , outgoing: i don’t remember you always being so unapproachable and rude all the time 
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modcrn · 6 years
△ prince, how do you feel about harvey?
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“ HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT HARVEY ? well , fuck , uh – i … like harvey. he’s , uh , pretty fucking special. ” @ambitionled.
rating , 8/10 because prince SUCKS at feelings !
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modcrn · 6 years
sexy time, are you kinky or vanilla?
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“ I WAS GOING TO SAY vanilla as a joke but i don’t feel like getting called the fuck out. ”
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“ I KINDA FEEL LIKE IT DEPENDS , there’s time for both , although i’m thinking more romantic and loving than i am VANILLA. does anyone really like plain boring sex ? ”
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modcrn · 6 years
are you in love with anybody right now? if not, do you think there is someone you could fall in love with?
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“ THIS IS A LOADED question , and i don’t really know if i think i’m love material. i can hardly compute feelings and you think i’m gonna be able to spit out names of someone i could potentially LOVE ? pass. ”
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“ I CHOSE BUSINESS OVER LOVE a long time ago. don’t think i can really go back from that now. ”
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“ I’M NOT , and i think i’m okay with that for now.”
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modcrn · 6 years
# , ツ for prince & nik
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( SMS , PRINCE TO NIK , outgoing ! ) - you left that book you really like here the other day and i haven’t told you because i started to read it and holy ? shit ? rip my fucking heart out with the ending, nik. how do you read these things ?
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( SMS , PRINCE TO NIK , outgoing ! ) - we’re still going to the bookstore today right ? i need to get the second in the series so help me nik you did this to me you better take me to the damn bookstore because i ! need ! to ! go !
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modcrn · 6 years
describe your worst sexual encounter
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“ TWO WORDS , foot fetish. you don’t know fear until someone suddenly shows interest in feet when you’re in bed with them. NO THANKS. ”
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“ THE WORST WAS probably when i was younger , still living at home. not only was it just NOT GOOD , but my mom walked in and started to lecture us both. right there. definitely beats out any other sex story i might have. ”
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modcrn · 6 years
✆ prince / viggo .
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( SMS , PRINCE TO VIGGO , outgoing ! ) good morning i’ve already made a stupid decision and need a place to hide out for the day so i’m coming over see u soon ! @viggcs
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