#❝ Behold! Answers! ❞ ¦ Answered Memes
markscherz · 8 months
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There is a happiness no-one else knows: the feeling of mud between fully webbed toes; the caress of a breeze on your moist shiny skin; the warmth of the sunlight that slowly soaks in; the gentlest hum of a thought far away, as you sit and you soak and let time tick away.
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aseuki · 5 months
🐛💜 for stell yippee
[ask meme]
Yippee! Yay! Here we go!!!
🐛 (Caterpillar) - What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Stell certainly likes to say that he is fearless, but he has fears just like any other being, better masked as they may be.
The thing Stell values above all else is agency, his sense of control over a situation. He worked hard to get to where he is now, and anything that threatens to tip the delicate balance he's built will send him scrambling to set things straight. They've clawed their way out of dark days, and they'll do anything to not slip back to the bottom.
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Otherwise, you can also toss dirt at them and watch them freak out hahaha
💜 (Purple Heart) - If they were corrupted by the Jamba Heart, which negative traits of theirs would be amplified?
*looks at them* would there even be any difference asdlkfdjsfnf
If Anything they may end up becoming more proactive in their tendency to look for a challenge, becoming much more easily aggroed and actively seeking out others to challenge rather than simply waiting for them to come to him haha
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creature-beast · 28 days
For the ask game for Motz!
Appearance: 8
Object: 1
Food: 11
Weather: 11
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8. What is your characters favorite physical trait they possess?
Their big beautiful eyes 👁️ 👄 👁️ ✨ ✨
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1.is there an item your character doesn’t like to leave without ?
Sprouts call whistle! It’s a kind of beacon they use to have him come running, it’s a very important tool for all captains, navigators, and medic and they should always carry one! They make a fun phWEEEeeeee sounds when you blow them! (side note the whistle was originally going to look like a vape pen lmao but I wanted it to look more “organ-y?))
The other Thang is Chop! Venerians raise and are currently domesticating wolves, chop is the grandpuppy of Motz childhood dog, Flower. Chop’s main job is hunting, being a heating blanket, and most importantly Companionship. He is excellent at his jobs!
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11. Is your character food motivated?
Motz Loooooovveess salmon and can be bribed with it if you have dried salmon (if they could have teriyaki they would kill for it)
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11. What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
Equal parts rivers and wolves, they love how water feels and will just float for hours if you let them. That and because of salmon run season! The fish are in the rivers! The rivers give us fish!
And the wolf bit has to do with them being a social outcast, the wolves love Motz and Motz can understand them better because wolf body language doesn’t really lie or hide how they feel (the autism).
‘Thank you so much for the ask! I’ve been wanting to draw some more of them and these were super fun to do!
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masteryoftheseas · 1 year
@takenamiss asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?" (Styx to Pallas)
Pallas offered his wife a pleasant smile despite the annoyed look on her face. She made it no secret she despised being pregnant. The fact that she even agreed so in the first place shocked him beyond belief. But he was grateful and was at her beck and call whenever she needed something. Anything.
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He kept his smile as he leaned over to kiss her temple and rub a gentle hand upon her growing belly. "I thought you appreciated adoration. My fierce beautiful consort carrying my child lying beside me. What more could I want?" He mused, not hiding his sentimental tone. Styx could roll her eyes and scold him for his emotions but she must have liked hearing so or else she could have left him already. He wasn't afraid to let her know how much he loved her.
"And I'll be even happier when I can hold our baby. They will have powerful lungs like yours. Screaming as they enter this world like how you enjoy screaming at me." Pallas added with a laugh before his lips replaced his hand on her stomach. He kissed her there before looking up at her again. His smile turning into a smirk.
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lemeute · 2 years
13 & 5!!
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
so I mean. realistically. unfortunately. if I lived in a universe with the purge there's a strong chance I'd be like. doing anti-fascist community defense to help handle all the plans neo-nazis would make. or like being part of a roving de-escalation and mutual aid team. it would be very necessary and help a lot of people and also I would hate it
however if fascists could make purge plans in advance I guess I could too so like. I could also be doing things like
finalizing a fradulent deal that transfers a ton of homes/apartments from asshole mega-landlords to community land trusts
committing sexy sexy (risk-aware relatively safe) sabotage of terrible businesses
liberating a bunch of people from jail (I know crime has supposedly dropped a fuckton in the purge universe but I don't think it ever says that was accompanied by mass decarceration)
maybe even just? changing some laws?????? all by myself?
"twenty-four hours in which all crimes are legal" doesn't necessarily specify that all things that are otherwise illegal would be possible, right, when it comes to things that aren't accomplished by force, so it's somewhat unclear what the answer is to "can I now just declare that something is a municipal law, maybe write it down someplace official-ish, and when everybody wakes up in the morning having to exist in Society again we will all have to abide by it unless it is repealed in the proper fashion"
ok. ok ok ok I realize the question was "what is the first thing you would do" not "what would be your political goals and theory of change during the purge" (which I also didn't answer, only vaguely gestured at the existence of the question) - but - the first thing I would do would be put on a really cool outfit with built-in disguises and so many pockets. and the second thing I would do would be hold hands with my crime buddy so we wouldn't get lost. and then after that we would go do amazing things. ok the end.
5. favorite form of potato? HOME FRIES
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araedi · 1 year
Can you really forgive him, Thor? He caused the deaths of so many you held dear. If it weren't for Loki, then Odin, Frigga, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, they would all still be alive.
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There's a tightness to the Asgardian's expression which betrays a conflict sitting beneath the surface. Guilt and indignation tighten his jaw; love and loyalty soften his eyes.
"'Tis hard to say if they would be alive for certain, or meet their fates in far worse a manner. To blame Loki as the sole catalyst of so many problems would make me hypcorite.
Forgiveness is a process, never complete. Today, I forgive him."
[a-taggin' @benevolentgodloki ]
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lycianlynx · 2 years
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worst thing your muse could hear from someone?
ask meme - emoji asks
// "don't come back" "how could you do that and think its okay" "you were never enough" "it's your fault" and "i'm very disappointed in you" all cut deep, but are ultimately things they can shoulder. they're statements made to them, things they can process and bridge on their own, somehow. fix, somehow. do something about, somehow.
// but news that something happened again to someone their family, news of loss of a loved one? it would be something that happened, really happened, something that happened to someone else that they can't find a way to take the burden of. they've sworn off a repeat of that fateful, awful day, and if it happened again on their watch...
// i'm not sure how they'd cope. if they'd cope. fall back into helpless rage again, maybe, and maybe, if the loss is great enough, with no coming back.
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bigshot · 2 years
how meta-aware is spamton in the series? does replaying the game break any 4th walls? why does he have a giant rainbow mecha form? what's his favorite color? are those glasses prescription or just shades?
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Send me questions about my character’s series || OLD MEME, NOT ACCEPTING
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Spamton's meta-awareness is a tricky subject! He's never outright said anything, himself, but there's been a lot of implications. I'm putting all this under a Read More because it turned into a ramble.
** Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers ahead, by the way!!
I'm of the assumption that he understands he's a character in a scripted video game and that his choices don't matter in the long run. He knows he's following a script, he just doesn't know what the script says!
He's been shown to be aware of the player controlling Kris and has alluded to having been through something similar, being controlled by an outside force like a living puppet. It seems he's already somewhat escaped (or rather, been abandoned) by the time we meet him but he still suffers greatly from whatever constraints were left on him.
I think that his actions in-game were less for the purposes of manipulating Kris but, rather, for manipulating the player. He's aware that you're playing a game and he wants you to think he's quirky and charming!! He wants to be your favorite character!
Why wouldn't you go out of your way to do your blorbo's sidequest, after all?? He needs your help!!! Isn't he so skrunkly??? So pathetic???? I think that's why he comes off somewhat differently in the Twitter Q&A: he didn't get what he wanted from the players, he knows he never will, so he can let the mask drop a little.
Whatever the phone guy did to him just makes it hard for Spamton to talk about what he knows, if he can at all. Replaying the game doesn't get anything new from him, so I don't think he's aware of Saves or Resets. Or, maybe he is and just isn't saying.
I think he's just a little confused as to the difference between the Light World and our world (the real world). He probably can't quite grasp the concept of it being separate, he might just think the player is a very strong Lightner. Either way, he calls both Heaven.
His giant mech form is, and I'm putting this in different terms because the whole thing doesn't make total sense outside of context, the prototype body of a robotic character (Mettaton NEO) from Undertale. Mettaton is a Lightner in this game. Spamton thought using something a Lightner made might give him enough power to break his "strings" (the hold the game/phone guy/his coding has on his actions) and escape into the Light World.
He had himself uploaded into a floppy disc and installed (he is a computer program, after all) into the robot and when it didn't work the way he wanted it to, he fought the human teen who helped him in the hopes that their human soul would give him the power he was missing.
He lost, the body was destroyed, and Spamton, having spent all his energy, gave what remained of himself to the human as an item in the hopes that they might be able to break away from the game/player's control someday. His big mecha form is gone. :(
It being a mess of colors was just a design choice, but Spamton likes the asymmetry!
Also: His favorite color is sky blue!!
His glasses are just regular shades but I think of him as being a little sensitive to light, so aside from it being a fashion choice he also wears them to cut down on headaches. In-game, they are one of the two items he can become for the human after being beaten.
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inhcritance · 1 year
harry & mj !
Childhood friends to ship, the investigative reporter and the heir to a corrupt company. What more could we ask for?
Who’s the cuddler?
I feel like this is a difficult one, at least at initiating... but I feel like it might be Harry, slightly more often, once he's confident enough with the relationship.
Who makes the bed?
Either Harry or whoever wakes up later. Harry likes seeing things tidy and he will make the bed if it's unmade without thinking too much of it.
Who wakes up first?
Probably MJ. Harry has no notion of healthy sleeping habits, so unless he's needed early at Oscorp, or they are doing something together -or simply agree to enjoy the day together... or the night- he's probably either going to bed late, or waking up so early it doesn't count as having slept.
He's probably the one cooking breakfast most often, though, because the moment she moves, he probably wakes up, and he likes cooking.
Who has the weird taste in music?
Probably Harry. He listens to a lot of music while in any of his labs, and he's more than once tried putting on random discs or radio stations just to see if he likes the music.
Who is more protective?
I'd say Harry, because he's a worrier by nature, but he tries very hard to leave it at worry and never step into control (because he knows how stifling that is, and he refuses to be controlling himself).
This said, it might be a close call, given their history and Harry's situation and occasional recklessness.
Who sings in the shower?
MJ. Harry doesn't sing in the shower by himself, but he could be coaxed into singing.
Who cries during movies?
I'd say MJ, because Harry can be very stonehearted with media. And no, those are not tears, MJ, he's just having some emotions-
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Harry. No doubt about it. Both on clothes, because he's vain and likes designer fashion and, above this all, dressing rich is just one of his many tools, for all that his style is not particularly extravagant... but also because he likes treating himself and the people he cares about, if they let him, and he has a persona to keep.
Who kisses more roughly?
MJ starts the rough kisses. Harry continues them, especially at first in their relationship. As he grows more comfortable, it grows into an even split.
Who is more dominant?
In their daily life, I'd say that MJ. She's the most direct of them both, while Harry is both very determined not to be pushy nor controlling, and far more given to acting indirectly. He's also very in love with her determination, so he's very happy being the chillest one in the relationship.
In the bedroom... it probably takes a lot of figuring out each other's boundaries before they get there, but MJ can definitely coax out Harry's more dominant side and after that it's him more often than it's her. Until that point is reached, though, it's MJ too.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
9 out of 10. Chef's kiss. Lots of potential there.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
What's the funniest thing that ever happened during the drawing process?
honestly my inability to use spacing & realizing that i like giant canvas so i can just. draw all over the page like i'm a child. that & my inability to actually finish anything <3
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i think it's funny at least KDJSKS
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dokitm-arch · 2 years
🦇 ' ⟪ in character. ⟫ / conversations with a mirror. 🦇 ' ⟪ out of character. ⟫ / just your local crying simp. 🦇 ' ⟪ aesthetics. ⟫ / beauty behind the horrible. 🦇 ' ⟪ thoughts. ⟫ / each mind has its terrible crack. 🦇 ' ⟪ music. ⟫ / jamming to sweet soundtracks. 🦇 ' ⟪ template. ⟫  /  playing a game of dash. 🦇 ' ⟪ meme prompts. ⟫ / specify a muse of your interest. 🦇 ' ⟪ character study. ⟫ / behind the eyes of the beholder. 🦇 ' ⟪ ship aesthetics. ⟫ / am i not deserving of love as well? 🦇 ' ⟪ queue. ⟫ / take your time. 🦇 ' ⟪ answered. ⟫ / simple replies to the unfortunate. 🦇 ' ⟪ crack. ⟫ / i am the meme that is approaching!
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fatesown · 15 days
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver. (gortash for zarae)
meme tag. // @nightsbloom.
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Normally moments like these would be met with a proud it's not mine, but she's been ruminating on their closeness for a tenday. His touch grows soft against her skin, even through the damp cloth, and leaves gooseflesh in its wake. Gooseflesh she'll blame on the cold air, of course. His softness he'll blame on her tender flesh.
But they're both smarter than that, more perceptive, and the slowly dawning realization that what they hold for each other may be more akin to affection than a base power struggle—it makes her shift uneasily. His brow knits unconsciously, with concern, as he begins to search for wounds amongst the mess.
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"It's not mine." Her tone pulls sharp, offended, but falls just flat. (Affection. Concern. Caring. Neither of them are experienced.) "You don't need to be so gentle. Just clean it up."
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rejectshumanity · 10 months
Mr. DIO, what's your opinion on cone snails?
unprompted asks | ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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❝ cone snails? ❞   he looks truly bewildered. not once in his exceedingly long life has DIO spared the creatures a single thought.   ❝ i have none. what is there to say? ❞
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masteryoftheseas · 1 year
@takenamiss asked: "Are you going to kiss me again or do I have to do it myself?" (Styx to Pallas)
An amusing curl emerged on the corner of Pallas's lips as Styx's words reached his ears. They sounded sweet despite the tinge of annoyance that hung in the air. He was beginning to understand the oceanid the more time they spent together. She no longer turned him away, wished him leave. One might even say she enjoyed his presence. And with asking for another kiss, such a theory must be right.
"I never figured you to be a beggar." Pallas teased her just before he leaned in. Just when their lips were about to touch, he slowly inhaled and exhaled. His breath brushed her lips and his hands wandered onto her hips. They smoothed themselves up her body, taking their precious time to tease and caress her skin. He would prolong her request just as she avoided him when they first met. But it was just a reminder now, that he wasn't going anywhere. He would make her his. Even if everyone, including herself, claimed he would never possess her.
Hate and war. They would make perfect mates.
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"Consider this an invitation to kiss whenever you wish. Whenever you desire. These lips are yours...just as long as I may have yours." Pallas beckoned before strong hands settled on each cheek and finally pressed his lips against hers.
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lemeute · 2 years
4, 14, 18, 28
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real? I deny none of them but also affirm none of them!
14. do you think you’re dehydrated? nope!! most of the time I tend to have had enough or a little too much water and not enough salt--I am getting better at handling this but it used to be a massive problem.
18. your boba/tea order? not a boba person, and I don't drink tea unless I am being Forced By The Temperature to have a warm beverage (I do not drink any warm beverages except under this condition and I am always a little mad about it)
28. last meal on earth? okay, realistically, eating food is the last thing I want to think about in any dramatic or tense situation. but that's a boring answer so I will say uh. fancy breakfast pastries and lots of fresh fruit and that kind of thing?
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wynterlanding · 1 year
tag dump –
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