#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞「 tertiary verse 」
//tag dump (this time with better formatting lol)
#❝ take it from old sally two-shoes‚ kid ❞ 「 in character 」#❝ there i was‚ a gangster-turned-vampire on the loose ❞ 「 headcanons 」#❝ two glasses and a bottle of johnny walker over here ! ❞ 「 memes 」#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy-boy ❞ 「 ooc 」#❝ that bloodsucking son of a bitch is completely full of shit ! ❞ 「 psa 」#❝ keep your voice down‚ dummy ; they're listening‚ remember ? ❞ 「 dash commentary 」#❝ i'll talk your ear off‚ kid ❞ 「 answered 」#❝ me‚ i don't show up very good in pictures ❞ 「 art 」#❝ bein' a vampire ain't no way to live‚ and being eaten by a vampire ain't no way to die ❞ 「 musings 」#❝ got some nice suits‚ new shoes‚ hat‚ the whole works ❞ 「 aesthetics 」#❝ be a pal and throw that chain away‚ wouldja ? i wanna chew your head off ❞ 「 shitposts 」#❝ get outta here with that blood of yours ❞ 「 promo 」#❝ beware the one who walks in the moonlight ❞ 「 self promo 」#❝ i can't stop myself and i don't want to‚ either ❞ 「 dash games 」#❝ it was gonna take some planning to get my fangs in his throat ❞ 「 victor bonicelli 」#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞ 「 billy 」#❝ that's the trouble with vampires‚ you know ? ❞ 「 main verse 」#❝ i saw him for the treacherous snake he really was ❞ 「 secondary verse 」#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞ 「 tertiary verse 」#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞ 「 before verse 」#❝ send in the big guns next time ! don't fuck around ❞ 「 vampire fight club verse 」#❝ i'll kill you when the time is right‚ but not now ❞ 「 roadtrip verse 」#❝ here comes the DEBT COLLECTOR ❞ 「 jojo verse 」
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//ignore me
#❝ there i was‚ a gangster-turned-vampire on the loose ❞「 headcanons 」#❝ two glasses and a bottle of johnny walker over here ! ❞「 memes 」#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy-boy ❞「 ooc 」#❝ that bloodsucking son of a bitch is completely full of shit ! ❞「 psa 」#❝ i'll talk your ear off‚ kid ❞「 answered 」#❝ me‚ i don't show up very good in pictures ❞「 art 」#❝ bein' a vampire ain't no way to live‚ and being eaten by a vampire ain't no way to die ❞「 musings 」#❝ be a pal and throw that chain away‚ wouldja ? i wanna chew your head off ❞「 shitposts 」#❝ get outta here with that blood of yours ❞「 promo 」#❝ beware the one who walks in the moonlight ❞「 self promo 」#❝ i can't stop myself and i don't want to‚ either ❞「 dash games 」#❝ it was gonna take some planning to get my fangs in his throat ❞「 victor bonicelli 」#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞「 billy 」#❝ take it from old sally two-shoes‚ kid ❞「 in character 」#❝ that's the trouble with vampires‚ you know ? ❞「 main verse 」#❝ i saw him for the treacherous snake he really was ❞「 secondary verse 」#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞「 tertiary verse 」#❝ send in the big guns next time ! don't fuck around ❞「 vampire fight club verse 」#❝ i'll kill you when the time is right‚ but not now ❞「 roadtrip verse 」#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞「 before verse 」#❝ i'd kill you too if i had the chance ; you and everyone you knew ❞「 wishlist 」
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Closed starter for @swxpped :3c
The sound of footsteps echoed all around Salvatore’s empty, concrete cell as the vampire paced back and forth, his head bowed low and his arms wrapped tight around his emaciated midsection. His blood red eyes were wide and wild, and he felt a churning in his long-dead heart that he hadn’t in a long time.
Earlier that day, a new caretaker had been foolish enough to enter Salvatore’s enclosure alone, noticeably without the silver around their neck that would protect them. Almost immediately, Salvatore lunged, slashing their face with his claws as he snapped at their throat. Unfortunately, and embarrassingly, he wasn’t able to actually bite them, as the other caretaker on duty caught wind of what was going on and quickly intervened. Bullets couldn’t hurt Salvatore anymore, but the silver nitrate they poured on him burned like a motherfucker.
Though he’d ripped the new caretaker a new one, he hadn’t gotten his meal, and now he was in pain and significantly more aware of his hunger than usual. Salvatore didn’t need blood to survive, sure, but the starvation still lingered heavily in his bones. All these years, and he hadn’t had even a single fucking drop.
More than that, though, Salvatore felt an aching sort of loneliness deep in his gut. He’d attacked the caretaker, sure, but before that, the kid had seemed eager to talk to him. People didn’t talk to Salvatore anymore--Victor had made sure of that. Yet this bright-eyed, fresh addition to Victor’s staff had decided to be the exception.
And what did Salvatore do? He ripped into them like a fucking animal. Shit, he really was a goddamn monster, wasn’t he?
Frustrated and furious at both himself and the world, Salvatore had taken to pacing his cell, glaring daggers at the cameras he knew were always watching him.
“Hope you’re enjoyin’ the fuckin’ show!” he snarled to the empty air. “Ol’ Sally finally put in his fuckin’ place, huh? Yeah, you sick fuck, I bet this is what you always wanted!” Nothing greeted him but his own voice, of course. Victor never spoke to him either, even though he knew the fucker was always listening.
Eventually, Salvatore grew tired of his frustrated pacing and collapsed near the back corner of his cell, in a little spot he’d learned was just out of the cameras’ view. He ground his sharp teeth together and growled, more to himself than anything. It felt good to be angry, but it wasn’t long before the anger melted out of him. He knew it was useless. No amount of anger would save him now.
Salvatore lay there on his side, huddled into a ball and staring into nothing. He did that a lot these days. However, it wasn’t long before his exhausted eyes fell on something he hadn’t noticed before: a small gap in the concrete wall, perhaps an inch or two long at most, only a few feet away. It was pretty unremarkable for the most part, but something about it had Salvatore transfixed, especially when he realized he could hear faint sounds of movement from the gap. Was there someone on the other side…?
Slowly, the vampire sat up, shuffling closer to the gap in the wall and pressing one pointed ear to it. Yes, he could hear someone on the other side. Most likely not a caretaker, because he couldn’t smell anything human there, but still someone. Someone alive and breathing and, hopefully, capable of talking.
Salvatore would never admit to the hopeful little smile that crossed his face as he pulled his head back to stare in wonder at the gap. Abruptly, he felt nervous, but more than anything he was excited. If this was real, he could finally talk to someone.
Feeling more than a little giddy, Salvatore leaned in and spoke into the gap in his dry, raspy voice, “Hello? Anyone there?”
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