#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞「 before verse 」
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//tried to make sal in this picrew and ended up making pre-vampirism sal and i gotta say. this does not look like him. but he is cute. i wanna hug him.
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//ignore me
#❝ there i was‚ a gangster-turned-vampire on the loose ❞「 headcanons 」#❝ two glasses and a bottle of johnny walker over here ! ❞「 memes 」#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy-boy ❞「 ooc 」#❝ that bloodsucking son of a bitch is completely full of shit ! ❞「 psa 」#❝ i'll talk your ear off‚ kid ❞「 answered 」#❝ me‚ i don't show up very good in pictures ❞「 art 」#❝ bein' a vampire ain't no way to live‚ and being eaten by a vampire ain't no way to die ❞「 musings 」#❝ be a pal and throw that chain away‚ wouldja ? i wanna chew your head off ❞「 shitposts 」#❝ get outta here with that blood of yours ❞「 promo 」#❝ beware the one who walks in the moonlight ❞「 self promo 」#❝ i can't stop myself and i don't want to‚ either ❞「 dash games 」#❝ it was gonna take some planning to get my fangs in his throat ❞「 victor bonicelli 」#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞「 billy 」#❝ take it from old sally two-shoes‚ kid ❞「 in character 」#❝ that's the trouble with vampires‚ you know ? ❞「 main verse 」#❝ i saw him for the treacherous snake he really was ❞「 secondary verse 」#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞「 tertiary verse 」#❝ send in the big guns next time ! don't fuck around ❞「 vampire fight club verse 」#❝ i'll kill you when the time is right‚ but not now ❞「 roadtrip verse 」#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞「 before verse 」#❝ i'd kill you too if i had the chance ; you and everyone you knew ❞「 wishlist 」
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//gonna try and see if i can fix my laptop today. but i wanted to share a little just-for-fun writing with pre-vampirism sal and his buddies ✨️ no context for u
"Goddamn, Sally, you are one mean son of a bitch!" Lenny cackles, shaking his head as he smirks wryly. "Surprised someone hasn't put a bullet in you yet, the way you act." Laughter echoes around the table, and Salvatore suppresses a grimace.
"Hey, now," Salvatore protests with a half-smile as he languidly shrugs his shoulders, feigning casual annoyance. "Just 'cause I ain't friendly to bottom-feedin' idiots doesn't mean I ain't a perfectly respectable gentleman when the situation calls for it."
"Yeah!" Johnny finally chimes in. "We may be jackasses, but we ain't fuckin' idiots, Sal." Johnny elbows Salvatore in the side for emphasis, snickering as the other man sputters and nearly chokes on his drink.
More laughter, followed by protests and jeers of disbelief. Salvatore grumbles, his smile falling as he snatches up his whiskey.
"You're all fuckin' jackasses," he growls as he takes a swig. "Wouldn't know a gentleman if he bit you on the ass." Another swig.
"Nah, it ain't that," Felix assures him, smiling kindly. "Just that, ah, you don't exactly fit the bill." It's a kind way of putting it, but it still has Salvatore's hackles bristling.
"Watch it, you dumb fuck," Salvatore spits at him once he's recovered, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand as he shoves Johnny back with the other. "Try that shit again, and I'll-"
"This is what we mean!" Lenny crows. "You ain't no goddamn gentleman, Sally--you're a fuckin' animal like the rest of us." Salvatore flips him off with one hand, prompting another raucous round of laughter and jeering as his face flushes in embarrassment.
"Yeah," Johnny agrees, leaning back into Salvatore's space despite the glare he receives in return. "The only people who'd ever say you're a fuckin' gentleman are the skirts you've been chasin', but even the dames know you're a damn hound dog."
Salvatore resists the urge to shove Johnny again, knowing it wouldn't help his case. Instead, he decides to strike back, realizing he has the perfect opportunity to do so. Once he's a little more composed, he grins cruelly and puts an arm around the taller man's shoulders.
"Well, Johnny," he says, "at least the dames like me. You'd be surprised how many of 'em like a bad boy. You, on the other hand..." Salvatore squints as he exaggeratedly looks Johnny over. "... You'd be lucky if a gal so much as spat on ya'!" Laughter echoes around the table once more as Johnny's face reddens dramatically and he sputters. Salvatore just keeps smiling at him.
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troublewithvampires · 11 months
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//there's gay sex and then there's whatever sal and bruno did before they got together
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//laptop is shitting itself a bit :( oh boy!! i'll see if i can fix it in the am.
but in the meantime before i pass out. some dialogue with pre-vampirism sal and one of his buddies i wrote to entertain myself
"You kiss your mama with that mouth, Sal?"
"Nah, but I kiss yours just fine."
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troublewithvampires · 11 months
@skitzo-kero Helping Sal (and you) feel loved and cherished with a little Ari: It had been a few minutes from the time Salvatore had stepped out, and Ari had joined him. She did not speak right away, simply pulling out her own cigarette, lighting it, and taking a slow, long drag from the toxic bliss. Her blue eyes flicked over him before a sigh left her lips. Blocking out the streetlight with her form, she stepped in front of her long-time friend. Her hands smoothly fixed his tie after the "rough-housing" they had endured minutes earlier. "You can breathe easy now, pet." She spoke around the smoke stick that laid between her lips. "The deed is done, and you've earned some much needed rest." The hand that smoothed down his tie came up to gently cup his chin to ensure his face was turned up towards her. "How about I draw you a warm bath, we pour some whiskey, put on some jazz, and have a small dance between the two of us, hm?" Her lips had the faintest upturned hints of a smile that her eyes held all the warmth and softness for. "After all, my pet deserves all the comforts the world can offer. And I will ensure you receive each. And. Every. One." In-between each punctuation, as if to make them count, Ari placed chaste kisses. Four in total. The top of his head. His forehead. His temple. His cheek. Leaving the last, only slightly more lingering kiss to be on his lips. "Now let's get home."
Salvatore hadn't noticed at first that his hands were shaking as he lit his cigarette. His bloodied knuckles ached, but he hardly registered the pain through the haze of adrenaline beginning to seep out of him in waves. The first drag of burning smoke into his lungs relaxed him in increments, his tired eyes slipping closed.
It wasn't long before Ari joined him. His eyes cracked open to look her way, a slow smile spreading across his face. Like Salvatore, she was disheveled, her blond hair out of place and her clothes in disarray. Her knuckles were just as bloody as his, and she had a healing cut on her bottom lip.
"What a night, huh?" he drawled. That was certainly a way to put it. He took another drag from his cigarette, breathing out the smoke with a sigh. For a moment, he and Ari stood in silence, until she turned to him, reaching out to straighten his tie. The gesture was tender, speaking to years of trust and companionship.
Her words, however, prompted a snort. "Yeah, right," he said. "Gonna have to report back to Nickels in the morning--gotta let him know ol' Jimmy ain't gonna be a problem anymore, and then I gotta get to work cleanin' up the rest of his buddies." He peered up at Ari, smiling grimly. "You and I both know I ain't got time to relax, boss."
Still, despite his protests, he leaned into her touch as she cupped his face. Even rough and battered, her hands felt nice against his skin. Her expression was mostly neutral, but he saw the shimmer of affection in her eyes that had his shoulders drooping.
"... Maybe a night in wouldn't hurt," he finally decided, a ragged chuckle escaping him as Ari pressed kisses to his exhausted face. He rested his free hand on her arm, lightly running his fingers across the silky fabric of her shirt. Maybe that's what he needed: a nice bath, some nice booze, and a nice place to let his guard down and sleep. After all, even the most hardworking dog had to rest sometimes.
Salvatore squeezed Ari's arm and shot her a grin. "Yeah, let's get goin'."
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@oceanoecielo said: ❛ fake dating you is a lot more fun than i expected. ❜ (oopsies. don't worry about it dude. don't worry about it LKFDJSDF)
(fake dating starters - open)
"Oh, yeah?" Salvatore glances over his shoulder at Simon, trying and failing to hide how much the casual remark has him perking up. "How you figure?" Right now, he's alone with the older man, getting ready for some fundraising event Simon is set to appear at. Salvatore's job tonight is twofold: take the opportunity to scope out potential new business partners for the Gianetti family, and hang off Simon Fairchild's arm as his plus one.
Initially, Salvatore had recoiled at the prospect of being chosen as Simon's fake date, vehemently rejecting the idea of pretending to be some old fogey's toy. He wasn't a cheap whore for his boss to lend out, after all, nor was he a fucking queer. (At least, as far as anyone in the family knew, and he's damn determined to keep it that way.)
However, Nickels had made it very clear that this wasn't about what Salvatore wanted. This was business, and Simon was a lucrative business partner for the Gianetti's to get whatever he wanted. So, if Simon wanted a sweet young thing to sit in his lap and smile at him, then he'd fucking get it. And if Salvatore wanted to keep working with the family, then he'd shut his trap and play the part.
So, Salvatore went along with it, ignoring the twisting and fluttering in his guts as he spent more and more time around the older man. For the most part, they've only made a few public appearances as an item, mostly at high society events Salvatore never thought he'd be caught dead at. They receive plenty of sideways glances, but it seems no one sees fit to question Simon. He's such a poof, anyone would be able to tell with a single glance. It'd be more unusual if he didn't bring a man with him, really.
Salvatore isn't at all what he was expecting, but be supposes that isn't such a bad thing. Simon is endlessly optimistic, positive and friendly to the point of pissing Salvatore off some days, but with something darker underneath he can't quite identify. Whatever it is has Salvatore's hackles bristling as much as it shoots a thrill through him.
More than that, though, Simon seems to actively enjoy having Salvatore around. And, despite himself, Salvatore's been enjoying it too. They both know the truth of the situation, that this isn't real, but it isn't really so bad to pretend. Hell, this fake relationship is more enjoyable than his actual one at times.
(Salvatore ignores the pang of guilt that shoots through him whenever he thinks about that. Bruno would understand. This is just business.)
It takes Salvatore a second to realize he's become lost in thought, his hands stilling in the middle of tying his tie. He feels his face grow warm as he averts his gaze and quickly finishes the knot. Once he's done, he smoothes down the front of his jacket.
"You ain't so bad either," he says after a moment. "I- I mean, this ain't the worst, I guess. It's been... fun, yeah." Change the subject, idiot. "So, you said this was a fundraiser for, uh... some Usher Foundation?" Is he remembering that right? "Or something like that." He hates how stupid he sounds right now.
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//excerpt from some dialogue ideas i wrote in my partner's dms the other night, feat pre-vampirism salvatore, his ex boyfriend bruno, and my partner's oc jaz, which i might impulsively make a comic of (cw: misgendering)
bruno: yeah, sally and i, we've been talking about going out and getting a little house in the country, settling down, maybe having some kids someday...
jaz: [snorting] oh, yeah? [nudges sal] never thought you'd be that kind of guy. you're just full of surprises, aren't you?
sal: well, i gotta keep you on your toes, don't i? [takes a long sip of his drink] ... truthfully, i don't know if i'd be cut out for that shit either. this jackass is just real fuckin' persuasive. [nudges bruno, smiling] so i guess i'll try it, see how long i can handle it.
bruno: hey, that's not true--i think it'd be good for you to get out of all of this. a nice, quiet life.
sal: [shrugs, thin smile] we'll see, i guess.
jaz: [gentle smile] i think it'd be nice for you, sal. [more teasing grin] and i'm sure you'd have a great time in a shitty little suburb terrorizing your neighbors. you could teach all the neighbors' kids how to cuss and shoot guns.
sal: oh, yeah, i'd be a fuckin' fantastic addition to the neighborhood. they'd be lucky to have me.
[sal and jaz both laugh, bruno puts a hand on sal's knee]
bruno: [said as though comforting an insecure salvatore] c'mon, you'd make a great wife. [kisses sal on the cheek] and i know i'd be honored to be your husband.
sal: [very visibly tenses slightly, taking a second before speaking again] .... yeah, well, i-if you're just hopin' i'd clean your stupid fuckin' house for ya' all the time, you've got another thing comin', freckles. i'd marry you, but you're a grown-ass man. you can do that shit yourself.
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troublewithvampires · 11 months
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@modestmuses said: eavesdrop for mordecai lol i know we just started plotting / writing them but still
(eavesdrop to hear what sal thinks of ur muse - open)
"No, sir, I don't think the Marigolds have figured it out," Salvatore says in a low voice. He's currently hunched over a payphone, speaking quietly to the receiver. As he listens to Nickels' response, he taps the fingers of his free hand against the box itself, his eyes falling closed as he nods.
"Well-" he pauses, opening his eyes and looking down, as though his boss will see his contrition through the phone. "That quiet, scowly one seems like he knows something. Mordecai Heller. He's definitely onto something." At least in Salvatore's opinion, though it seems Mordecai is generally prickly with the people he interacts with, which he definitely understands. Still, one can never be too careful.
Nickels says something on the other line that has Salvatore flinching slightly before he remembers himself and straightens, his expression screwing up into a scowl.
"Understood," he says. "But I won't let that happen. That little freak tries anything, I'll bust his fuckin' teeth in." His snarl abruptly becomes a toothy sneer, Salvatore grinning proudly to himself at Nickels' approval. "You can count on me, sir--I won't let him get in the way. I'll do you proud."
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//tag dump (this time with better formatting lol)
#❝ take it from old sally two-shoes‚ kid ❞ 「 in character 」#❝ there i was‚ a gangster-turned-vampire on the loose ❞ 「 headcanons 」#❝ two glasses and a bottle of johnny walker over here ! ❞ 「 memes 」#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy-boy ❞ 「 ooc 」#❝ that bloodsucking son of a bitch is completely full of shit ! ❞ 「 psa 」#❝ keep your voice down‚ dummy ; they're listening‚ remember ? ❞ 「 dash commentary 」#❝ i'll talk your ear off‚ kid ❞ 「 answered 」#❝ me‚ i don't show up very good in pictures ❞ 「 art 」#❝ bein' a vampire ain't no way to live‚ and being eaten by a vampire ain't no way to die ❞ 「 musings 」#❝ got some nice suits‚ new shoes‚ hat‚ the whole works ❞ 「 aesthetics 」#❝ be a pal and throw that chain away‚ wouldja ? i wanna chew your head off ❞ 「 shitposts 」#❝ get outta here with that blood of yours ❞ 「 promo 」#❝ beware the one who walks in the moonlight ❞ 「 self promo 」#❝ i can't stop myself and i don't want to‚ either ❞ 「 dash games 」#❝ it was gonna take some planning to get my fangs in his throat ❞ 「 victor bonicelli 」#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞ 「 billy 」#❝ that's the trouble with vampires‚ you know ? ❞ 「 main verse 」#❝ i saw him for the treacherous snake he really was ❞ 「 secondary verse 」#❝ you don't wanna end up as a vampire‚ billy ❞ 「 tertiary verse 」#❝ you vindictive little muskrat-looking FUCK ! ❞ 「 before verse 」#❝ send in the big guns next time ! don't fuck around ❞ 「 vampire fight club verse 」#❝ i'll kill you when the time is right‚ but not now ❞ 「 roadtrip verse 」#❝ here comes the DEBT COLLECTOR ❞ 「 jojo verse 」
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