#❤️[Mr. 10pm Bedtime]
goblinselfshippr · 5 months
My f/os rn (Im the tennis ball)
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silverhallow · 3 years
Headcannons for benophie, couldn’t help but notice your a huge fan as well 💕 does Sophie ever get jealous of baby Violet. I can only imagine he’s got Ben wrapped around her finger since birth. How does Sophie feel about sharing Ben’s attention with Baby Violet? Love ur baby bridgerton series💕
Why thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
a little Drabble Ben + Sophie + their little princess.... let’s see shall we?
Sophie will never forget the day Violet Bridgerton the second came screaming into this world.
Out of her four children, her pregnancy with her daughter had been the hardest... and the actual birth had been the worst.
Violet had come into the world breech... the pain has been excruciating and Sophie for the first time felt real panic she wouldn’t live to see the next morning...
But when she heard that scream, that ear piercing cry and “congratulations Mrs Bridgerton... you have a daughter” Sophie burst into tears.
She held the tiny bundle in her arms as her husband broke down into sobs next to her... and as she handed their daughter, who’s small mop of hair was clearly lighter than that of her brothers... Sophie knew, from the look on Benedict’s face she would have to share her husbands heart with another.
As Benedict stared down at his daughter, the crying stopped in an instance and her tiny, even more tiny than the boys had ever been, hand grabbed his thumb and held on with such force he knew...
He would do anything for his daughter.
In the weeks following her birth, Violet would cry if she couldn’t see her father. She wouldn’t feed if he wasn’t there, she wouldn’t sleep without him... Sophie felt exhausted as Benedict had taken the boys out for a few hours and all her daughter did was cry.
Until she threw up. And then cried some more.
She was 8 weeks old before she would settle without her father being there.
As a baby Benedict would take her cot into his studio and work, rocking her crib with his foot as he worked.
Her first words, unlike the boys who’s first word has been “mama”, Violet had squealed “Papa” Benedict had cried for an hour after.
Violet was Benedict shadow. If she wasn’t chasing William around, she could be found with her Papa.
The only time Sophie became jealous of the time the pair spent together was when the boys had gone over to Romney Hall for Oliver’s birthday and were having sleep over. Violet was 3 and had been in the studio all day with Benedict painting and telling stories and having a tea party... and Violet had said it was just “Papa and vivi” time...
(William who was only 2 when she was born couldn’t say Violet and had called her vivi.... which just stuck with all her brothers)
She’d ended up dining alone that evening... it was past Violet’s bedtime and Benedict still hadn’t come to her.
It was bad enough she’d been excluded from the entire day but now... to be waiting for husband to come to bed was just... the irrational sting of jealousy hit Sophie for the first time in their 10 years of marriage.
Jealously at her own daughter. The one thing Benedict had wanted above all else...
Wrapping herself In her robe she made her way to the studio, pushing the door open, she saw Benedict with their sleeping daughter on his chest lounging as he flicked a brush against the canvas in front of him.
It should have made her heart sing, her heart melt to see her husband, being the doting father she knew he was, the sight of him and their little princess but Sophie felt a little put out.
She cleared her throat at the door “is Papa and Vivi’s day over now... or is Papa sleeping in here tonight instead of with Mama in their bed?” She asked trying to keep the twinge of pain from her voice.
“What time is it...?” Benedict asked as he glanced up at the clock on the mantle and saw it was after 10pm “oh sorry my love... I guess she just got comfortable and fell asleep... I didn’t want to disturb her” he said smiling at the little blonde girl in his arms.
Sophie just crossed her arms over her chest “I assumed as much. Rather leave your wife alone all day and night than move her” unable to keep the pain and stabs of jealousy from her voice “sorry to disturb you both” she said and left heading back to their bedroom, climbing into bed and desperately willing herself not to cry.
She knew it was ridiculous to be jealous. She’d spent countless days with the boys whilst Benedict painted but she always made time to include him. Always came and got him as the boys went to bed... it was the first time she actually felt lonely.
Benedict had felt his heart lurch at the pain in his wife’s face, the pain in her voice as she’d left his studio. He hadn’t realised the time. It did often get away from him in his studio and he and Violet had been working on something for Sophie but he felt guilt wash over him.
She’d been by herself all day, clearly haven eaten dinner without him as the housekeeper had brought his and Violet’s up...
He carefully took Violet to the nursery and put her in her crib. Went back and grabbed the now dry painting and headed to bed.
As he pushed the door open he listened for the sound of Sophie’s breathing to see if she was a sleep... after 10 years of marriage he knew if she was faking sleep or not...
“Soph...” he said softly as he took off his clothes and climbed into bed, having placed the canvas at the side of the bed.
She ignored him.
He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him “Soph... I know you’re not asleep... come on love... please look at me”
He leaned over and pressed a feather light kiss on her brow “Sophia... my love...” he said as she continued to ignore him.
He sighed and snuggled into next to her “you know I still love you... and I’m sorry I let time get away with me... I should have come to dinner, I should have brought Vivi down but we were making something...”
He pressed a kiss to her neck in the spot he knew would make her tingle and shiver... which it did
“Vivi wanted to make a painting for Mama... and we got a little distracted....” Benedict said softly
“She did?” Sophie said her voice small and quiet, she still hadn’t opened her eyes to look at him
“She did... she wanted to surprise you... she loves you very much you know... as do I...” he said as he pressed another gentle kiss this time to her nose.
“I’ve brought it in if you want to look at it...” he said softly.
Sophie turned slightly and nodded as she opened her eyes, looking at him directly.
Benedict could see the redness in her beautiful green eyes from where she’d clearly been crying and felt his heart break a little.
He brushed her cheeks with his thumb and lifted the canvas to show her the work in progress.
A painting of Sophie wearing a crown, half filled in and their daughter, so startlingly like her mother sat on her knee.
“Vivi said that mama was a queen and she wanted a picture of queen mama and princess Vivi” he said as Sophie’s eyes filled with tears
“Oh Benedict... it’s beautiful” she said her voice choked with emotion.
“See she does love you... she wanted it to be a surprise but I rather felt you might be feeling a little neglected...” he said softly
“Not so much neglected but...” she paused biting her lip “a little jealous I guess... Vivi always wants to be with you. She always has done... I guess... or I had hoped as she got older she might want to spend more time with her Mama as the boys did with you” she sighed a little sadly.
Benedict leaned down and put the canvas back on the floor and pulled his wife onto his knee “soph... you’re an incredible mother. Our children adore you and she will, as she gets older she’ll not want her old Papa all the time. She’ll want to be with you, doing girl things and she will want her Mama” he stroked her cheek
Sophie leaned into her husband “I do rather think she’s always going to be a Papa’s little girl so don’t worry about that... I am sorry I got jealous...” she said softly her head resting on his shoulder.
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips “you have no reason to be sorry my love... I am sorry I did not realise... but if you will allow me to...” he said his fingers brushing along the outside of her nightgown “I have some neglect of my beautiful wife that needs attending to”
Sophie smirked at him and nodded “well it wouldn’t be very good of me to protest that now would it”
And as Benedict slid of her gown and worshiped his wife, Sophie’s love for her husband grew tenfold knowing that yes, their daughter may share her husbands heart but she was the one who held the key... and she knew there was no better man she’d share her heart and children with.
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goblinselfshippr · 3 months
Funny af to have 3 official hero f/os and just absolutely refuse to call them that shit.
"I'm working, it's Eraser rn"
"I'm not calling you that. Dumb. It's public knowledge anyway."
If ever in a situation where she can't my s/i just doesn't refer to them and will talk in the most stilted way to get around it. Like bro you're 45 years old with a mortgage bigger than my student loan total, I am NOT calling your ass "endeavor" in front of your work friends
WILL call them Love/darling/dear/etc. Just please don't make me call you the embarrassing nickname you chose between 16-25.
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goblinselfshippr · 9 months
Part 1/2 of How my mother would rate my f/os if I brought them home based on our convos:
Ver g il-
This guy is basically already part of the family. Sometimes he does shit she doesn't like, but overall she sees him as a poor baby that needs help.
Himbos rate high with my mom lmao. Finally, her specialized skill set of only being able to cook for a small army comes in handy. She's pretty sure the dude's got no thoughts in his head, but that's perfectly fine because she just needs him to get the tea off the top shelf for her (my mom is like 4'10 istg)
He's very cute, but sometimes he says the most concerning shit like it's normal lolol. Also doesn't like that he walks super quiet or when he whistles because it creeps her out.
Like I said, himbos have an unfair advantage. Blacksmithing, hunts his own meat, knows how to smoke it, AND he's clearly smitten? Amazing, no notes. He brings her pelts and bones and she's fucking THRILLED. He gave her elk antlers as a gift one year, and the two spent a whole day cutting them into little runes and then Farkas put a little iron border around them.
Good job, good with kids, super introverted, plus he loves cats, these two get along pretty well. Mom totally disagrees with the overall ideology of UA, though, because it's basically making child soldiers. Sho explains (after quite a few drinks) his whole idea of wanting to make sure he can help as many kids as he can because they're going to go into this awful line of work anyway and my mom straight up starts drunk crying. (Based on true events lol)
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Life hack: when you have to do chores, pretend it's domestic fluff with your f/o
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
Health update: we dunno what's goin on, but I will be getting scanned at the hospital to see what is up at some point next week (tummy is too angry to see what is wrong)
Blorbo update: I bought an A.izawa tsum tsum with a removable sleeping bag as a special treat for being brave (also a comfy pillow to help the pain)
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
hdjdjdhdx being Ai.zawa's menace partner that knows how to pick locks (+regularly helps students locked out of their lockers) and the whole time he's just sweating worried I'm a criminal, but in actuality, I'm just autistic+ like puzzles
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
Convincing my friend to watch BNHA by dunking on All Might and she hits me with the
"Oh look, it's one of your grumpy pixel men"
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
I really just come on here and post lovey stuff about my f/os like I don’t spend all day being a menace to them.
I said “ok j/oe g/oldberg” to Shota after he said he was gonna make me eat more vegetables bro I am literally VEGETARIAN wtf else can I eat
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goblinselfshippr · 1 year
Currently being bounced between two men with long hair
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
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Maximum serotonin achieved
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Losing my absolute shit at this screencap of Sho in his jimjams. Baby boy where are your shoesies??? Your feet will get cold... hello rolled up sleeves my beloved—
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
I do not want to watch but also cannot avoid
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Omg have you guys seen the shops that make custom labels (for like themed birthdays and such) that'll be a bag of doritos but it's been reprinted to say like "Xavier's 10th birthday triangles" or what have you?
Cracking up at the idea of Sho having a mini fridge of his lil fruit pouches that have been relabeled say goofy crap like "Aizawa's planning period snack; I hate mondays flavor"
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Yea I’m ugly crying and freaking out about a fictional character so what
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Ah, the duality of man. Completely forgot I had a true crime podcast up, so I’m just kicking my legs and happy stimming (reading fluff abt Doughboy ™️ lol) while some dude details a wild ass bank robbery in the background.
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