extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I hope so. It has been a little under a month and I'm hoping that within the next month or so I will see more change. I have seen change in my endurance but I would like to see a little more change in clothes and the scale.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Yes it is.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I woke up sick on Tuesday morning and thought it would be just a one day quick little sickness. Boy was I wrong :(
I really really really, did I mention really, not like going to a Doctor of any kind, including the Dentist. I just really do not like it at all! And luckily I don't get sick very often. In fact, I really don't remember the last time I actually was sick.
So it was just a sore throat to begin with so I made sure to take some medicine and drink lots of water. But that quickly turned into a runny nose which turned into sinus pressure and ear aches. Along with that came what I believe聽menopause聽will feel like because I was hot then cold, hot then cold. Needless to say I have been miserable since Tuesday.
Today however I feel much better than I did on Tuesday and Wednesday and while some of the symptoms have gone away they have been replaced by a violent cough with mucus coming up, gross I know.
Anyways I felt like I could actually workout today because I have more energy and just overall feel pretty good. No bad, bad, bad idea.
I聽apparently聽don't have as much energy as I thought I did and coughing with this mucus crap the entire time means it is a no-go.聽
:( :( :( :(
That is okay though. I need to make sure my body is healthy before I wear myself out.
So tomorrow I am hoping will be a better day.聽
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I need to remind myself this over and over.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I love green tea. I need to start drinking it again. I've never tried any other type of tea, but I guess I should.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Woke up sick this morning
I have felt terrible all day long. Sore throat, runny nose, coughing etc. :(
I ate pretty healthy and made sure I got plenty of water but I still feel like crap.
My head is telling me just push through it and work out but my body wants to curl back up in bed and sleep this away.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
That's what I'm trying to do.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I wish i could drill this into my head and never forget it
I need to keep reminding myself this.....
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Questions for anyone who cares to answer?
-Why do I taste blood in my mouth sometimes when working out? Normal/Abnormal?
-Why are heel kicks so hard for me? How do I make them easier or at least not hurt so much? (I believe that is what they are called. They are done right before high knees in the warm ups)
-Should I lift weights to make push-ups easier? (Because they are extremely tough and I can only do 2)
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Day 28... But technically Day 22 of Insanity
I completed three workouts today :)
I feel great!
I've said it several times and I'm pretty sure I will always say it, but I really dislike morning workouts. I just don't have the energy to give it my all and I get dizzy and even this morning I felt like I was going to throw up. But I chugged along and finished the workout, which was Plyometric Cardio Circuit.
Tonight I have officially caught back up and I am on track with the Insanity workouts and I did Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tonight! I love the feeling I get afterwards :)
Because we were away for the weekend there wasn't any food in the house today so I went out to eat with my sister for lunch to Olive Garden and I made really good choices, or the best I could! But my mom went to the grocery store and now we are all stocked back up.
I'm excited to finish my last week of the first month of Insanity this week :)
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
I believe I am at day 27ish so almost there :)
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
One of my favorite fruits.
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Day 26 and 27. Weekend getaway.
8.25.2012 and 8.26.2012
Well weekend away was nice.聽It was good to just get away for the weekend.
I wasn't able to workout but I did do a little bit more walking than normal and I swam some laps in the pool on Saturday, so I guess that is better than nothing.
I feel a little bad about all of the bad things I ate... but they were soo good. So many cute little random places to eat there that I couldn't say no.
All that means is workout overload this week to make up :)
Overall a good week and I'm going to end this weekend with a few drinks while catching up with my bestfriend to celebrate her Birthday tonight.
I will weigh myself tomorrow morning, but I am already expecting a slight gain so I have to remind myself it is just a temporary set back and it will be okay.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! And I'm going to need some extra motivation this week as I am starting back up with Insanity!
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extremely-insane-blog 12 years
Slowly but surely one pound at a time will get me to my UGW!
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