#❨ post // jaewon. ❩
sollucets · 5 months
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aired march 29th - april 26th, 2023
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exoexid · 1 year
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chersoyei · 1 year
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com·fort noun a person or thing that helps to alleviate a difficult situation.
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fierrochase-falafel · 6 months
Reasons I love Xie Lian's character
Maybe this is more of a personal post, but I really appreciate Xie Lian's characterisation and his character arc because of his humanity. He's grown up being seen as special and different, and he really was special and different, and yet is shown at his lowest, falling all the way down from his position to rockbottom and he STILL makes it out alive. Not even alive by choice, but he makes it out nonetheless. And everyday he has to make the choice to see the good in humanity, after having been exposed to the worst human responses and knowing the extent of the damage he and others can do under certain circumstances. Even when he seemed perfect, he never was, and when he seemed despicable, he wasn't that either. He's jaded but not inconsiderate, angry but not vengeful or brash, guilty but slowly learning to love himself. He has the potential to be the most fearsome calamity or the most powerful god, but he decides to spend his time in a little shrine he built himself with his ghost king boyfriend. He can be cold, he can be cunning, he can be naive, he can be reckless, he can be clumsy and he can be stubborn. He can have so many flaws that may go under the radar, so many virtues that go unappreciated by the people around him. He can be the kindest or most scary person you would ever meet, and the only thing stopping him from being the latter is his will to choose to be kind. He is complicated, like a walking oxymoron. And he is traumatised, and he is repressed, and he is trying- he is still trying after everything. He is one of the most human characters I have read despite being an immortal, and gives you the hope that in the face of everything in all its complexity, our choices matter and we as people matter too, no matter how awful our position may be. Maybe the compassion of even 1 other person we meet could be the thing that saves us after all, and maybe no matter what, we're never too far gone.
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mare-sanguis · 1 year
Jihyun and Jaewon at the library
The whole scene with them together at the library touched my soul but the one that really tugged at my heart the most was when Jihyun waved at Jaewon with such a big fond and happy smile.
And yet again, besides its beauty, it has so so many hidden meanings. From the way they sit in the shadow or the light, to how the camera is placed and how much focus is put on Jihyun.
We see Jaewon sitting across his ex- all covered in a dim light, sun catching the left side of his face. Paired with the things he says, or doesnt say, to his ex its as if he is trying to leave the mask behind he so hates to wear. The light is searching for him.
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We get a shot of him from the side, where he is illuminated by soft golden light- his clothes and movements dimming the scene, showing us clearly how he continues to struggle with his mental health. But still, theres something on the horizon foreshadowed by the light shining on him.
Right after this, we get to see Jihyun sitting on the other side of the library- we get to see how happily he waves at Jaewon, with that adorable smile. The scene? Bright, not really colorful but white and clean. The color of innocence, purity and most importantly?
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Jihyun is bathing in the sunlight- in white. He is Jaewons hope
The track towards Jihyun is straight, without any obstacles- except the shadow on the left side to the corridor- its what they both need to overcome to meet face to face. For the scene, they again picked the OTS/TPS (over the shoulder/third person shot) they picked for the shower scene- to make it clear we are Jaewon. To make us feel what he feels.
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Above Jihyun hangs a painting, representing both characters very well; its colors are:
Blue- for Jihyun its the color of trust, security, loyality, honesty and reliability. For Jaewon its the color of depression and passivness.
Green- for Jihyun its the color of harmony, safety, growth and health. For Jaewon its the color of jealousy
Yellow- For Jihyun its the color of happiness, optimism, inspiration, creativity and warmth. For Jaewon, its the color of fear, betrayal and cowardice
Orange- For Jihyun, its the color of youth and upliftment. For Jaewon its the color of insincerity and pessimism
The painting is a sunrise. The very thing Jihyun represents in Jaewons life
Its not just a cute and adorable scene, but also highlights so much about their characters, shows their personality and inner thoughts without even saying anything. And with the scene having no background noises or music, except the light buzzing, paper rustling and Jaewons soft laugh, its as if we're watching something so intimate, almost holy.
Its truly beautiful and next to the shower scene my favorite one so far
In this post, I mentioned how Jaewon sees Jihyun in a dim light- notice how it shifted to something light over the past episodes? Jihyun already helped him overcome some shadows
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(content warning: I will be referencing suicide attempts and vomit in this post)
I saw other people speculating that Episode 6 might be some sort of medication misuse psychotic break on JaeWon's part and honestly? Having just watched it. I definitely think this man is hallucinating.
I'm not entirely sure if this was something that came from the nature of watching this episode not on Viki, but so much of the episode seemed too bright, too blurry. The way the light hit the JiHyun's white jacket made it look like he was reflecting light, like he was heavenly or angelic in a way.
Like when they are in the car in the beginning:
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Or eating on the bench:
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Or arriving at the beach:
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And something I noticed while watching these scenes, admittedly coming in to it having already seen discussions of a possible mental break, is that JaeWon rarely makes eye contact with JiHyun and they do not physically touch until 12 minutes into the episode.
Not until we have seen them walk up the stairs once already.
First set of stairs:
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Second set of stairs:
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But crucially here, it's windy, and JiHyun is gripping JaeWon in a way that might equate the force you feel from a strong wind.
Other hints that JaeWon might be hallucinating?
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Same food order at the same time, something cute if they actually did that, but something that could also be explained if only one person was ordering food.
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JiHyun taking his food with him when he goes to the bathroom but leaving his drink. We saw him take a bite out of the food, so if that food was real and he left it on the bench, we would have seen evidence that food had been eaten. But we never see JiHyun take a sip of his drink AND we never see JaeWon or JiHyun buy that drink. Meaning it is completely feasible that JaeWon ordered two drinks and set that one down for "JiHyun" even though he isn't actually there.
And of course, there is further evidence, in my mind, for this being a hallucination or mental break of some sort due to the many, many instances throughout Episode 6 of JaeWon's face being blurry.
For example, here:
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And here:
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And here:
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And...ok you know what? I'm going to stop these examples here
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The morning they wake up on the beach seems fake, again it feels too bright, too heavenly in a way:
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And the kiss scene is so interesting to me for a few reasons, and is also why I am leaning towards hallucination/imagination. First of all, they are in public, there are other people around on that beach. When JaeWon was holding JiHyun's thigh in Episode 4 and JiHyun's best friend came out on the roof, they slid apart real quick.
And it's not like their attraction to one another hasn't been obvious, and it's not like JaeWon hasn't literally kissed men in front of people before. They aren't completely opposed to being openly queer, but this is a huge, undeniable, and extremely public kiss.
I am also just so in love with the choice the production team made to cut out all sound when they are playing in the water. Because that silence can be interpreted so many ways, the main two for me being: intimate and insidious.
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"To cause you trauma," is an excellent response to JaeWon asking why JiHyun kissed him. Because water is, presumably, a very traumatizing thing to JaeWon. I don't think he said how his brother died, but his microexpressions to JiHyun referencing water torture definitely lead me to believe that JaeWon's brother drowned (learning to surf perhaps?) and JaeWon finds both comfort and pain in returning to the sea as a way to feel connected to his brother but also to punish himself for failing him.
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Then we get the bed scene. Now, I don't want to presume anything about JiHyun, he's totally allowed to be a slut, but...this show has continuously established this boy as naive and innocent. Like, totally unaware of the implications of asking JaeWon if he wants to "eat ramen".
So to go from not understanding innuendos and still not being entirely certain that JaeWon kissed you intentionally that first time or if he was just drunk, to full on make out sessions and getting dicked down? I am all for JiHyun testing out his slut era, but I don't think that is the case here.
And I'm citing the background music as part of my evidence here. Because the background music is the song "I Can't Lose it All" and comes in at the last verse of the song, BEGINNING WITH THE LYRICS:
"I'm losing my mind
So darling just call
Tell me everything's alright
I don't want to slow
I can't lose it all
Make me feel like I'm suppose to go
Tell me what you thinking about me when I'm gone."
Which honestly, makes me believe JaeWon is imagining all of this intimacy with JiHyun as something that he craves but can't let himself actually seek out. Therefore he is letting himself have it all.
And I just want to give a shout out to this shot:
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The way the waves are washing over their feet, in this room that we didn't see them rent, when they were only supposed to stay there for one night and now are apparently on night two in a fancy room instead of camping on the beach. It's a beautiful shot, but also some beautiful foreshadowing to the tragedy at the end of the episode, with the water rising up to meet them.
My final piece of evidence that this entire episode has all been in JaeWon's head?
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This shot at the end where JaeWon is sitting by himself, looking at his hand in the sand because I'm pretty sure this shot comes chronologically before JiHyun's drowning. I think it's what any outside observer would actually see if they were to look at JaeWon, and I think the image below, in the brighter light, holding JiHyun's hand, is the hallucination that JaeWon is having.
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Which meanssssssssssss............
If we believe the trip itself to be real, but JiHyun's presence on the trip to be false...
If we take this entire trip to be imagined/a dream then he hasn't actually woken up from binge drinking the night before and in that case I would say that he could be aspirating on his own vomit at the end. Either way, I feel like next episode might start with JaeWon waking up in a hospital.
Personally I think the greater tragedy would be JaeWon had a mental breakdown, disappeared without a trace, wound up at the beach here, and drowns, alone. With the resolution being that he is rescued, revived, possibly involuntarily committed or something for a possible suicide attempt...
...which now that I think about it, this could straight up be a suicide attempt of him trying to overdose on his medication, and like the alcohol result above, the drowning could be him aspirating his own vomit from overdosing on pills.
All of this to say, I think JaeWon maybe took his therapist's question "why not make the relationship deeper?" very much to heart, and imagined a world where he was comfortable confiding in JiHyun and being entirely honest with him.
And also all of this to say that I believe there will ultimately be a happy ending for this show with JaeWon almost dying resulting in JaeWon finally cutting his shitty friend out of his life, JaeWon's Dad possibly being less aggressive after realizing he almost lost both of his sons, and JaeWon and JiHyun admitting their feelings for each other and being boyfriends in love surrounded only by supportive friends. I think JaeWon will end up graduating with his business degree but maybe pursue photography as a career or something at the end.
And I'm tagging @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @chicademartinica, and @respectthepetty because I want your THOUGHTS, I want your FEELINGS, I want your THEORIES and also tagging @lurkingshan because as I was scrolling through tags to try to find the original post about the possible medication induced psychotic break that started my theories rolling, I noticed you point out a lot of the same things I mentioned here so I also want your thoughts, feelings, and theories, or at the very least say that you are not alone in thinking that this was fake.
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piganatur · 1 year
I have to start with the scenes after the intro. In the first ep Jaewon sat with his back to the fish tank
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this shot feels so oppressive. First, the focus is on the fish swimming in the tank, then it shifts to the therapist lady meanwhile Jaewon remains out of focus with his back to the viewer, blocked in by both sides. The lights in this shot are insane, it’s like the different sides of a coin.
Fast forward to the second ep
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Now Jaewon faces the camera but he won’t look up and he is shown through the fish tank. It’s like he’s in the deep now, up until the moment he stands and leaves, kind of scaring the fishes that scatter for a moment. Once again, note the reflection of the lights.
Episode two is just as solid as the first one. Finally a drama where the extreme close ups are incorporated into the story for a reason and not just to be aesthetic (which ofc they still are) (I’m totally not side eyeing Nevertheless,) Could the shower scene be that insane without the extreme close ups? Nope.
There’s so much to unpack here. Like Jaewon being so soft around Jihuyn. I mean it only took them one (1) bus ride to the sea to act like bffs yet the moment Jihyun wakes up Jaewon has the nerve to pretend he doesn’t know what his name is and ask him again….boy you’re such an unbothered chill sunbae *cackles* Never have I witnessed such a tragedy going down over the assignment of rooms. The sheer disappointment of not sharing a room with the freshman you’ve only just (presumably) learned the name of... Jaewon really had to pause like that before (and after) reading Jihyun’s name, huh? pls chill
Can we take a hot second to appreciate that in Free Bird’s promo shots and posters (so in the past when Eunji and Jaewon were presumably together) Eunji is always seen wearing a blue wetsuit while Jaewon wears black. And when Jaewon takes Jihyun to the shop, he deliberately chooses two identical black wetsuits for them so they would have that couple look match. Aaand Eunji also wears a black wetsuit now (trying to match with Jaewon) but it’s one she chooses herself not like the one Jihyun wears that Jaewon chose for him.
I’m completely normal about the dressing scene just like I was completely normal about the phone strapping scene in The crossing. (Although I have to mention that Jaewon is still so soft around Jihyun it kinda hurts, all heart eyed and shit)
Jaewon taking care of Jihyun, telling him he must be cold so warm up like Jaewon himself wasn’t in the same sea and couldn’t possibly feel cold. At this point, he’s still taking care of Jihyun like a good sunbae but he’s doing all that multiplied by 10000. He’s running the extra mile every given time and I’m not sure he’s even aware of it. Sometimes it’s a conscious decision but other times it’s just his curiosity and attraction to Jihyun. Like when they play the ‘I like you’ drinking game, Jaewon stops clapping the second he utters Jihyun’s name. Unlike the others, he doesn’t stop because Jihyun won’t continue the line and the game stalls, he turns to Jihyun, waiting for his reaction and his system crashes. It crashes a lot around Jihyun.
Jihyun is such a complex little bean, not enough people talk about him. He says he’s afraid of a lot of things but that never stops him. When he talked with his boss about the places people coming to live in Seoul visit he said he only went to the Gangnam station area once. His boss lady asked 'Have you ever gone on subway line 2?' and Jihyun said he didn’t. They talked about the Han river parks and the next time Jihyun visited a park by taking subway line 2.
He joins the surf club even though his roommate and hometown friend can’t understand his reasons for joining (and, even though he can’t swim which made me go BOI the things you do for a hot dude) Although he acts like he wants to spend time away his roommate and messes up by visiting the Han river park an hour away from their university, he still calls his roommate, sends a text to his mum, keeping in touch with the familiar people in his life. He also does that on the beach like an anchor in times he’s in need not to feel scared and that’s so precious. He does things his own way, going through the process of trial and error, constantly trying not to be scared.
I’m still loving Yoonwon to bits. Besides Jaewon, she’s the only member of the club genuinely happy that kwiyomi has joined. She welcomes him and keeps being nice to him. Her singing at the bonfire healed my soul and I don’t even like singing in films but she’s magical.
Yo, the confrontation scene between Eunji and Jaewon? The fact that after Jaewon tells her he has zero feelings for her (neither good nor bad) a club member comes out and passes between them saying 'It’s cold, so cold'. That’s how you put down the groundwork for a scene. I think Eunji is so pissed because she knows something’s up. But then Jaewon says 'Let’s give each other that basic courtesy.' He means it both ways. He won’t tell others about why they broke up (from an outside perspective, it would be Eunji’s fault). In turn, Eunji should back off and not question the inner workings behind their breakup. But then she does, and Jaewon literally logs out of that conversation, and it is ridiculously in-your-face. He rather chooses to go to Jihyun than speak with his ex for another second. In that scene, before Eunji leaves, her looking at Jaewon looking at Jihyun is so powerful. Her eyes tell that she knows.
I’m having such a ride. Can’t wait for next week.
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mineonmain · 1 year
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Thanks to @flootweed for the inspiration, I just had to make it👬🏳️‍🌈💛
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candygalaxyyy · 1 year
It’s 4 AM for me rn, I should probably go to bed because my sleeping schedule is a mess… but I’m dead set on understanding the timeline for the eighth sense. Sorry in advance for any misinformation or plot holes :) I’ve been rewatching episode 6 since Wednesday and I’ve just finished rewatching all six episodes again, safe to say things are becoming clearer. So first of all, it’s not a dream. The whole of episode 6, the drowning scene, jae won pulling ji hyun out of the water, it’s all very real. Even though the gas station scenes felt very surreal and almost mystical, especially with the lighting, blurred polaroid effect and music, but it’s still real?! People have already mentioned that on here; about it being real, time being warped with future events and other theories. And idc if this is obvious but I need it in writing to come back to.
Here’s my understanding of the past/present/future theories. Everything in episode 6 is the present, up until the trauma kiss. After the trauma kiss scene the screen fades to black, I believe that indicates a shift in the timeline being shown (it happened before but i forgot when exactly I’ll update later after I’ve watch it again). So the eighth sense is centered around jae won’s therapy session! How do I know this? Well after the opening theme in episode 1 the first scene we see is jae won at his therapist’s, and she says ‘tell me about your worries’. And so the story begins. He mentions in either episode 4 or 5 that his current worries kicked in after leaving the military so we meet ji hyun exactly when jae won’s been discharged. We still get ji hyun’s focus sometimes because as much I feel this story is jae won centered, ji hyun’s perspective gives a full picture of their relationship (have not grasped the whole story of why yet, probably to give depth to ji hyun and his importance in this story).
Jae won’s present day therapy session only appears after certain triggers are brought up, and the most telling one is him getting wasted, and his dad smashing the camera his brother gifted him (episode 5). I think this is the trigger that causes the whole therapy session, cause he mentions him putting up a front (his fake friend taehyung talking about his family), his dad aggression (broken camera) and other things we’ve seen. Furthermore, it was the longest snippet of the session we’ve seen thus far. It’s also all one session, we know this because they’re wearing the same clothes and hair in every therapy scene. Anyways, as he lets all his worries out and she asks what makes you happy these days. He thinks of ji hyun, tells her and then she says she should further their relationship if that’s the case. So he decides to take ji hyun to the beach, following the advice of his therapist and since ji hyun told him to rely on him. (present day leading to episode 6). So now we are in episode 6, going to the beach and all that good stuff, Jae won opens up because he’s just been advised to deepen his relationship with ji hyun and he feels comfortable to do so. They surf and give each other trauma through kisses… THE SREEN FADES TO BLACK.
We’ve jumped to the future, the lighting, tones and atmosphere after the trauma kisses has totally shifted from the rest of the episode, so it’s fitting to say it’s future events. To me that hotel scene is another trip in the future because they clearly say that they are only staying for that one night on the beach, because they don’t have clothes (and after them getting close on that trip it is safe to assume they will definitely go on more boyfriend trips). One reason I think the writers might have done this is to remind us of jae won’s current relationship with well deep relationships. All of his relationships after his brother and up till ji hyun were surface level. Why? Because he lost someone who he loved so deeply in such a traumatic way, he couldn’t protect his brother, he couldn’t protect his love so he chooses to disassociate from human relationships. But he can’t do that with ji hyun, he’s on his path of loving ji hyun. HE TOLD HIM SOMETHING HE’S NEVER TOLD ANYONE EVER BEFORE, HE WANT TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHER AND ONLY HIS YOUNGER BROTHER KNEW THAT. JAE WON IS ALREADY TRUSTING AND LOVING JI HYUN ON ANOTHER LEVEL THAN ALL HIS CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS. And of course after this we cut to them getting even more intimate and in their boyfriend era in the hotel, that’s their future. The drowning scene is also their future. And how will jae won react to *potentially losing another loved one after just starting to open up again (JI HYUN WON’T DIE THOUGH). How will he handle the guilt and pain he feels when ji hyun ends up in a hospital bed because of them surfing together in deeper water when ji hyun can swim that well? How will ji hyun handle it this time around?
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alright, I know, I'm late to the party because it's been literal days but here are we are ready to talk about ep. 7+8:
do you all know that football meme, that "they had us in the first half"-meme? that's how I felt after the first 17 minutes of ep. 7... my lord I was so sure jihyun was fine and then they pull this shit on us I was genuinely scared.. so thanks to jaewon for putting me out of my misery by saying he just almost died
I was actually kind of shocked that something genuinely serious happened, because I thought it would be enough for jaewon to back away from jihyun if there was just the tiniest possibility of him getting hurt but I guess we went the drastic way, anyways I'm really glad he's alive
also seeing what the accident did to jaewon was so painful to watch.. he looked so bad and to see how his "friends" just glossed it over and being like: "oh I'm glad you're back to your regular self" like wtf are you saying, do you see him?? he was barely present the entire time, literally just a shadow of himself
we literally only saw his impression change twice - both times involving jihyun - once, when he's about to punch taehyung and the second time when jihyun speaks about his behavior in the surf club
what I also liked was how hard jaewon tries to get jihyun away from him but when they properly meet again in front of the classroom he can't even say no to jihyun asking to talk
well, back to the seniors.. they - emphasis on eunji and taehyung - are still assholes like wow you really don't even have the slightest bit of empathy left in you, have you? I found it pretty crazy how well you could tell in these episodes that neither eunji nor taehyung actually care for jaewon like at all, it feels like they see him as a trophy to carry around and show off and boost their egos with
that being said, I'm so glad taehyung got punched and eunji got absolutely devoured by jihyun, serves them right
taehyung is just so insensitive and childish, he makes me go insane, what was he expecting when he said that about jihyun? that people would clap?? no you idiot, be glad jaewon didn't break a bone or two
and eunji?? is she not embarrassed? her entire behavior is so embarrassing oh my god.. I know she can tell that jaewon doesn't want to be with her because she's not stupid, she just doesn't want to accept it, she can't accept being rejected and left and - what's even worse for her - she can't accept being left by jaewon for another man and I get it, it kinda sucks but you gotta face reality at some point, babes
and considering all that, it's so funny to watch how jihyun gets her blood boiling by simply existing, like she hates him so much and it's so amusing because jihyun couldn't care less, he just doesn't care
so the whole scene of them in the park was so satisfying to watch because with how the characters are positioned - eunji standing and jihyun sitting - and with the camera angle - looking up to eunji and down on jihyun- it's supposed to seem like she is above jihyun and then he just complety verbally destroys her because she already came into the conversation insecure, trying to cover it up by provoking jihyun but just didn't work
I genuinely believed in her redemption arc but at this point I don't think that's happening anymore
alrighty, next up, how sassy did jihyun get after literally almost drowning?? I really liked how he was joking around with his friends talking back to them and all that
and seeing his determination to get jaewon back was great, like he's better than me because I could never, he has a goal and he wants to achieve it
the thing that also stuck with me was him saying "I want to heal his wounds." which we all know he said with good intentions but I think jihyun also has to learn that the only person able to heal jaewon's wounds is jaewon himself, yes he can be there for him and be his support system but jaewon has to want this himself
I also really liked that we saw more of joon pyo in these episodes and he could redeem his "annoying childhood best friend"-image.. he's just a really sweet guy who, yes, is a bit much and a little awkward at times, but he has a good heart and really cares for jihyun
now onto the last bits of ep. 8: that hurt, it really hurt.. I get why jaewon pushed him away, I really do but that was not it, bestie.. I wanted to give jihyun a hug so bad
but honestly even though that was quite painful and I think jihyun might be a little thrown off, I think he's gonna keep pushing.. he was so sure about getting his man back I don't think he's stopping now
what I'm saying is, I hope they get back together and we get a happy ending on wednesday because otherwise.. well idk what I'd do otherwise
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horangslay · 1 month
wow as if today couldn't get any worse, I just found out Hwarang has left Tempest
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sollucets · 1 year
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tae hyung: [rude to jae won]
ae ri and ji hyun, immediately: i want to see the light leave his eyes
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lcvestricken · 2 months
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THE INTERSPECIFIC COHABITATION CLASS : known as the I.S.C.O or simply the co. class, it is the study and observation of the two main species: human (homo sapien) and vampire (vampir) and their biological interaction with each other. exclusive to cross university, the class is held in two parts: with the basics and integration held during the first semester, and then the merging and observation of interactions between them during the final semester. the class is selective and students are chosen by the school, regardless of their year. it consists only of thirty students, 15 human and 15 vampire, and the class is only a year long. it is taught by the infamously icy madame moon—she who has been rumored to be the mother of the last known vampire heir of their clan: moon jaewon. includes babies from @distortedallegory / ©
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exoexid · 1 year
jihyun when jaewon told him that they're sleeping out at the beach with a single blanket to cover them:
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pose4photoml · 1 year
So I’m at work and during my lunch I was watching the eighth sense and well let’s just say it’s a good thing no one is around or they may not have liked my commentary on these two episodes!!!!
- first off there’s two seniors that need a realty check. To be honest those two should date each, I mean they both feel their entitled, both are jealous of what they can’t have and they both treat others like shit! Perfect match 😉 and before y’all say something I know they are just playing a character BUT they are doing such a great job being assholes.
- that senior who got punched Deserves much worse… I mean hear me out.. he’s supposed to be his friend but from episode 1 to now.. he acts like a jealous ass. Always talking about what our Boy has and how privileged he is. Our Boy has helped him a few times that we’ve seen and puts up with the way he talks to him. Then he says a remark that everyone heard and wants to act like a victim. What he said during the hearing was bullshit. I’m glad our Boy only community service.
-I loved the reaction of the best friend finding out who our baby boy likes… but I was worried at first with his face expressions. I guess I would have been hurt as well having a secret kept from me knowing the person for so long. But thankfully 😅 all is well and I’m so glad he has him to be there for our baby boy
-I LOVED the way our baby boy spoke to his senior and his sarcastic smile 🥰 I’ll say it again I don’t like her!!!
- I LOVE baby boy boss. She takes care of our baby boy, she’s funny and her advice is good but also honest!!! She stood up to that senior (who we all should hate by now and if you don’t let me know why,,,, cause as much as I hate to fight .. I feel I could take her down a peg)
-ok now the worst part of this episode…. Our Boy lying to our Baby boy… I get it he has issues and I’m sure he’s feeling confused on his feelings BUT dude.. how could you look him straight in the face (a very cute one I might add) AND lying like that. I wanted to reach through the computer monitor and … well I don’t know but I DIDN’T like this at all!!
That ending sucked and I’m not happy that this week two of bad confusing episodes ~ SOMETHING good needs to happen next week!!!
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moonkhao · 1 year
okay so either they moved the cursed eunji/jaewon scene further back in the show, or it got deleted which seems very unlikely but ??? like i just saw a spoiler from the movie, and it looks like that scene happened right before jihyun and jaewon had their talk from the end of ep8 so i’m like 🤔. especially since it would’ve really fit in between the eunji/jihyun exchange and the jaewon/jihyun talk since jihyun actually asked her to come to his workplace with jaewon.
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