#➕ 〻 gregory house — verse: main.
downs1de · 2 months
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House stands still at the door to Exam Room 1, the patient's medical chart in one hand and his cane in the other.
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"You look like crap."
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downs1de · 11 days
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@fatalhymn liked for a canon line starter
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"You know relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest penis of any animal?"
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downs1de · 11 days
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@plastrieve liked for a canon line starter
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"I take risks; sometimes patients die."
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"But not taking risks causes more patients to die, so I guess my biggest problem is I've been cursed with the ability to do the math."
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downs1de · 12 days
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@wh0safra1d: "That's the last of it! I promise!" (from Abigail)
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House has met some interesting characters in the month since he was admitted to the psychiatric hospital—from his unbearable-attempt-at-a-rapper roommate to the man who thinks he’s Superman.
It was usually easy to tell what was in the mind of the institutionalized before him, but this changed with Abigail Hobbs.
Since her arrival, her innocent demeanor and silence have caught his attention. And if there’s one thing that’s true about Gregory House, it’s that he’s presented with a puzzle, he will have to solve it.
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"Last of what, exactly?"
He’s skeptical, and the tone that accompanies that skepticism cuts through the sterile air of the room. He doesn’t buy that to be the full extent of her story, as he can see how she shifts under his scrutiny.
"If you mean your fabricated tale, sure--I’d like the real one now if you’re so kind."
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downs1de · 18 days
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@cagedpotential: "I always get what iI want."
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"Of course you do; you're almost too pretty. I don't think anyone's ever said no to you."
It's more of an observation than a compliment, although House is no stranger to hiring someone based on their appearance. He's done it before with Cameron and Chase, and even with some temps who came before them. However, when he does, there's always something behind that piques his interest.
Dr. Hart's credentials are solid, as is her family history. But that will only get her shortlisted: she still has to go through the trials.
"I'm sure you'll do a great job, maybe even convince a few people to drop out early, but you still have to prove yourself to me."
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downs1de · 2 months
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@vullcanica: "Hand it over. I know you have it."
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"I have what? Your wallet, your dignity? If you don't have them on you, I'm sure you left them at home."
House is fully aware of what he means, as the shiny coin shines in the light of the sunbeam that hits it through the roof window of his office when he spins it between his fingers, but he doesn't care.
"What makes you think I've got something of yours?"
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downs1de · 2 months
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@fatalhymn: "I've never lied, not even once."
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"What are you, a nun?"
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"Based on your looks, I'm sure you make good money dressing like one—you might need to give me your number."
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downs1de · 10 days
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@cursedher liked for a canon line starter
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"We are selfish, base animals crawling across the earth--but 'cause we've got brains, if we try really hard..."
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"We can usually aspire to something that is less than pure evil."
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downs1de · 11 days
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@0brighta liked for a canon line starter
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"There's an evolutionary imperative why we give a crap about our family and friends. And there's an evolutionary imperative why we don't give a crap about anybody else."
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"If we loved all people indiscriminately, we couldn't function."
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downs1de · 11 days
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@sheldoney liked for a canon line starter
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"Like I always say, there's no 'I' in 'team.'"
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"There is a 'me,' though, if you jumble it up."
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downs1de · 11 days
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@dreammakcr liked for a canon line starter
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"What would you prefer--a doctor who holds your hand while you die or one who ignores you while you get better?"
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"I suppose it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die."
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downs1de · 13 days
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@lcngdays: "I feel dizzy."
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House’s eyebrows furrow as he examines his newest clinic patient. Not that he’s thinking too hard, as he’s not thinking at all, for the symptom was too vague and could be both caused by and be related to too many things for him to count.
"Have you tried eating some candy? You might have low blood sugar."
He suggests as much based on how many times he’s found that to be true. Waddling towards the cupboards and counters, he pulls out a drawer full of lollipops meant for pediatric patients and hands one to them, stealing a red one for himself.
"Try it out. If that doesn’t work, come back to the clinic--but not before five."
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downs1de · 16 days
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@theirmadness — Jessica Jones shares whiskey with house.
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"Balvenie Peated... excellent choice."
House clinks his glass against hers, savoring the first sip.
There are only a few things he knows about her: Her name’s Jessica, she’s a complete stranger, and she knows how to handle her liquor. At 11 p.m. on a Wednesday in an increasingly deserted bar, that’s all he needs to know.
Soon, the musician at the piano ends his shift, leaving it “open” for business (not officially, but the bartender didn’t seem to care), and on his second glass of whiskey, House works up the courage to limp over to it, taking the pianist’s place.
From across the bar, House catches the attention of the woman he’s shared the night with.
"Any requests?"
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downs1de · 23 days
" you spiked my coffee. you ... you drugged me! " for house, thirteen test.
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"Oh, relax, it's just an anxiolytic... if you start falling asleep, I may have given you too much."
House's words are in no way comforting, but he means well, sitting on the other end of the glass table in the DDX room.
"You were useless like that, all nervous, dropping things--I'm just lending you a helping hand."
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downs1de · 27 days
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He could've saved them, he should've saved them; what's the point of all that medical training if, when he needs it, it's no use? Now their lifeless body lays still on the pavement, the gushing of blood from a stab wound near their liver finally coming to an end, and House is sitting on the curb, most of the crimson liquid on him, on his hands, on his face, staining his clothes.
From afar, he can hear them, cop cars and ambulance sirens, but it's too late; there's nothing they can do. He can hear a voice, too, feminine and kind, but he can't make out the words or what's being said to him, if it even matters.
Once he finally comes to, he's no longer outside but in the bathroom of an apartment that he can't recognize as his. It was probably Jackie's, if he can guess, and he's proven right when she returns with a washcloth and a bucket of water. That's when he realizes he's shirtless, his band tee thrown god-knows-where, and that the water is cold, because it hits his skin and he shudders.
He watches her as she cleans the blood off him, and when she reaches the hem of his pants, he's conscious enough to stop her.
"It's okay."
His hand is on top of hers, holding it in place. Under his pants lies his infarction scar, and he's vulnerable enough to know that he's scared of her reaction, feeling botched and disgusting.
"I'll throw it in the wash when I get home; you don't have to--"
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downs1de · 2 months
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@vullcanica: "Ah, ah, ah... It's not that simple.”
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"It is that simple: once an addict, always an addict."
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"Even if you overcome an addiction, it's always there in the back of your mind. And you get addicted to other things. And when those things aren't enough, you return to your good old friend, the one who was there to begin with. So despite all your holier-than-thou attitude, you're just like me—And if you could steal my Vicodin, you would."
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