#➴ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ʳᵉᵃˡ ᵇⁱᵍ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ʷⁱˡˡⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ʰⁱᵈᵉ; XI.☼
sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: "I think I have some books overdue, Mr Librarian," Xi says in a husky voice, leaning back against the desk so that the bulge in his khaki trousers is on display. "Whatever can I do to pay the fine?" (i'm sorry)
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    Circle framed glasses are taken from the bridge of his nose and dutifully set to the side. Aleksy regards Xi with a calculated look, brow raised and a cocked hip. What Xi would do after hours will continue to amaze him, and what’s worse is Aleksy’s own willingness to comply. 
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“You can start by getting a calendar.” He replies evenly, arms crossed. Aleksy plays the snooty librarian stereotype rather well. Too well. “Leave it somewhere that you’ll know you’ll see it, and mark down when you should have your books returned by. But in the meantime,” the brunette saunters forward, lavender gaze heavy with intent. “Take off your shirt.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
ahiiru said: ♨ aftercare 🥺
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        Leg twitched as a warm cloth grazed over the hand shaped bruises left on his hips. It travels further, wiping away the fluid caked to the inside of his thighs and back up to his pelvis. It almost hurts to lean back against Xi’s chest, body arched and tensed for so long it felt strange to relax. Arm moves, and the water moves with him. Aleksy is careful not to splash outside of the tub, intertwining his fingers with Xi’s and craning his neck to kiss along the other’s jaw. “Thank you,” he murmurs, the soft curl of his lips meant for Xi and Xi alone. “You don’t mind me staying over again? I don’t think I can drive.” His laugh is slightly hoarse, reminding Aleksy to avoid Xi’s neighbors at all cost the next morning. 
“You’re so sweet to me..” Almost ironic after the night they shared, but this moment between them proved how gentle Xi could be. If he had paid attention, Aleksy would have been able to feel his heart flutter. Unprompted, Aleksy begins to get up on stiff and wobbly muscles, turning himself around ( a tad awkwardly ) to face Xi. Head upon his chest, he lays against Xi as the water swishes up his back, the larger man following in the waters footsteps and gliding his hand up the curve of Aleksy spine. Despite the shivers it caused, both the warmth of the bath and of Xi’s hand gets him to drop his shoulders, appendages doodling small shapes into the tattooed flesh beneath him. “Sorry to get mushy, but I’m really glad you came and talked to me the day we met.” 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: xi has inappropriate thoughts about aleksy..he thinks he’s...👀 sexi
Inappropriate Thoughts
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    “I would hope you think I’m attractive. Otherwise this is about to get awkward.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: "who is jason bourne..."
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        He laughs, soft and airy. “Some action movie character. He’s supposed to be really handsome and intimidating, so I was calling you Jason Bourne.” Knuckles tap once against Xi’s chest, smile a little bit crooked and brow raised. “I only have one ex, and the only thing I’d compare him to is a rock.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: how is his 🅱️enis
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     Award Winning.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: and ȹ because BVSLDKFJS
Accidental Nudes
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    Hm. Xi wasn’t the intended audience- the picture featured Aleksy leaned back against the pillows of his bed, smile coy as two fingers pushed aside the fabric of his boxer briefs to expose himself to the camera. But he certainly wasn’t complaining. Now that he already hit send, the picture disturbing their previous conversation, Aleksy’s glad it was Xi he had sent it to ( even as an accident ). 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: oh whoops! 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: i’m so sorry xi i hope i didn’t send you that at a bad time! it wasn’t on purpose 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: i think i’ll leave that one with you. are we still good for tuesday?
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​​ said: ϖ he would
Accidental Nudes
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      Interest piqued; Aleksy hunches over in his seated position the moment lavender colored gaze catches exposed skin in the preview image. Thankful he wasn’t at work this time, the spartan can actually enjoy himself. And better yet, egg Xi on. 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: it’s not even my birthday. celebrating it early for next year? 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: have i ever told you how much i love your tattoos? your dick is nice too 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: xi: -sends him a picture of a monkey- munke
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       Sorry Xi, but he’s laughing; Just a bit. 
[ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: this can’t be real. No animal looks like this [ Sent to; Xi 🍆💦 ]: monkey’s have human faces. Why
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: xi gives him a kith
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      -When Xi pulls away, the ghost of his lips still firm on Aleksy’s, the prince himself didn’t look the least bit satisfied. Truth be told, he wasn’t. The corners of his mouth pulled into a frown, the same way his brows pinched together and he stares up at Xi with a pout. Brat. Sun-kissed fingers take hold on the collar of Xi’s shirt, but doesn’t guide him down like he wants to. No, Aleksy wants Xi to go to him on his own volition. “Mmm.” He grunts, showing a side of himself only to Xi; One that isn’t always articulate, or proper. “Again.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said:🗡🗡🗡 for xi bully him pls
Relationship Wishlist
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      What the fuck dude? Thinking you can just stand there all sexy and shit? He’s gonna slap you- slap you right on the ass. And maybe kiss you a little bit but no homo tho. A little kissy wissy and a little huggy wuggy even. but it’s not gay. Are YOU gay bro? haha only gay people are gay bro. He’s gonna push you now. Push you right onto his couch and aggressively hold you. little bitch
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sunsmitten · 4 years
ahiiru replied to your post:        “Coochie for sale-!”
xi: I Am Buying
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru said: xi sits down carefully next to the immobile lump in his sheets, reaching out to rub aleksy's back with the hand that isn't holding a glass of ice water. he understands these sudden bouts of depression all-too-well. at times, he gets like this, too. "you don't have to talk about it," he murmurs, "but i'm here for you. i'm not goin' anywhere you don't want me to."
      He’s disappointed in himself; Moping in a bed that wasn’t even his own, letting his thoughts run wild and rule over his limbs. He feels defeated, and it was his own petty uncertainties that left him huffy like a toddler. It makes it all worse that Aleksy is taking up Xi’s space when really, he should be at home, handling it by himself and not causing the other to worry so much. At least not worry about something so insignificant as this. He likes Xi, and it hurts. He likes Xi, and he wonders when he’ll die because of it. But that’s dramatic, he’s being dramatic. Aleksy won’t die for wanting to be with someone, he reassures himself, but something in him says otherwise. Something in him, like a faint memory, says to end it and never see Xi again. And it hurts just as bad. 
The hand at his back cracks a smile, eyes peeking up from the pillows he’s buried his face in. “That tickles,” he murmurs, back arching away from the touch as shivers dance down his spine. “Έχετε μια ευγενική καρδιά.” He says, knowing Xi cannot understand it. It was selfish, it was cowardly, and it’d make it easier when the time came to end whatever they had- Stop thinking like that. They don’t have anything ( yes we do ). You’re being delusional again ( no I’m not ).
“Don’t worry about it,” it’s said with less enthusiasm as he’d like it to be, “I’m just being a drama-queen.” Another smile, and Aleksy finds the motivation he needs to sit up. The bed is soft beneath his knees, and the brunette scoots himself closer to Xi. Head against the taller’s shoulder, and arms wrapped lazily around his torso; Another selfish act, wasn’t Aleksy supposed to be letting go? Heart beats loudly in his chest, clenching in a way that causes him discomfort and head is lifted to look at the other. If he is taken away ( again ), he wants to remember. He wants to remember his eyes, the curve of his jaw, the dark strands of his hair, the way his lips felt against his own- But perhaps Xi is just another illusion, a means to trick himself into loving what is not truly there. And if that were the case, Aleksy determines it would be for the better. That way, he would not die. That cold, empty blackness wrapped around his soul like a macabre present had left its mark; The loneliness was suffocating, chiseling down his sense of self until he was nothing. 
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“I think-” Aleksy clears his throat, chest far too tight to be considered normal and his skin feels hot to the touch. Stop thinking like that, you’re not going to die. ‘I should go home,’ He wants to say, but that would be lonely, too. Selfish. And before he knows it, tears choke him up; Springing forth like a broken dam and he clutches onto Xi in a desperate attempt to keep him from vanishing. 
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: mew mew *cuddles chu for no reason*
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         “I’m going to peg you again.”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: xi pulls a tiny bunny out from under his shirt -- a brown dwarf rabbit with those ears that stand straight up. he noticed how much aleksy loves rabbits and rabbit-related things, so went asking around for one and found this little guy. "surprise~"
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    It’s obvious Xi has something when he walks into the room; If the bundle under his shirt wasn’t a telltale sign, it was the smirk. Self-satisfied and cocky, and so terribly attractive it should be criminal. Aleksy sets down his bowl of grapes in order to give Xi his full attention, lips parted to voice his curiosity till he’s stunned to silence. Did he-? He didn’t. No. Did he really? Tentatively reaching out and letting the small creature sniff at his hands first before stroking it between the ears. Eyes wide and bright with excitement, Aleksy can only continue his gaping at the cute little rabbit. “Really? Really, really?” Did Xi go out of his way just to find Aleksy a bunny? The prince himself never had a pet before, the house growing up in had enough animals ( siblings ) to make up for it, and despite his desire and fresh independence, he still never thought to get one. Though, this could be the exact push he needed. Xi was too kind, and the rabbit too adorable. Aleksy couldn’t, nor wanted to, refuse. 
“I'm panicking- in a good way! Oh my-” he stops to coo when it burrows its head into the palm of Xi’s hand. The rabbit was cute, but there was something so precious about Xi, resident tough guy, bonding with a tiny animal. Aleksy lived for it. “Don’t move! Let me take a picture. This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re the sweetest thing in my life.” Xi should be expecting the biggest kiss in history the moment they’re able to find a temporary place to put the new addition to the family. And after, a visit to the pet store. “Thank you! Thank you, thank you!”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
tag dump
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