#⟨⟪ v: au ⟫⟩
arobinwithoutbatman · 3 months
@1mpulsee Closed Starter
If Tim had a weakness (other than the obvious things) it was a pretty face and the newcomer on the dance floor was a very pretty face. Dancing away without a care in the world, clearly here for a good time, occasionally welcoming others into his space... huh... seemed to skew more male. Interesting~ Tim watched from the balcony for a few minutes, the pulse of the music mimicking the heartbeat he no longer had, his chin resting on his palm, long pianist fingers gently drumming against his cheekbone. Certainly a cute one. All that fluffy red hair reminding Tim of a lion's mane and a slender figure that would look gorgeous in his sheets~ That was all he could make out from here, Tim wasn't in the habit of overdoing it with his gifts even if he was essentially in the middle of his feeding grounds. There was no real point extending his senses in such an already overstimulating environment.
Though that might be about to change as someone the newcomer had previously welcomed into his space start to get a little handsy.
Tim leaned on Dio, his partner in this club and in his unlife, murmuring into the blonde's ear that he'll be right back. He got a knowing smirk for his trouble. A century and a half together as friends, business partners and more will do that.
Now, he didn't need to do too much as the newcomer seemed to have it handled already as Tim caught the tail end of an utterly vicious verbal lashing. He smirked, tapping the unwanted dancer on the shoulder and briefly tapping into one of his powers. "I believe the gentleman told you to leave." He warned, voice low as he guided the now temporarily enthralled man into the arms of the club's very good security. "Sorry about that, I hope it didn't ruin your first experience here." Oh no, he's even cuter up close. Beautiful gold eyes and an adorable smattering of freckles and apparently quite the personality if that telling off was anything to go by. Yup. Tim is doomed. As much as he adores Dio, he's probably going to end up obsessing over this mortal for a while. "Mind if I join you for a few songs?"
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hiislegacy · 4 months
[Continued from Here]
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"...Yes, of course. Let's go!" Cloud knew they did not have the time for formal introductions, and he had been lucky enough to get his name out during their heated conflict with that monster. The taunting. The powerful strikes. It was some miracle that the two of them had made it around the corner and away from the one-winged angel. After a few minutes, making sure they were actually at a safe distance, (or aka - just not followed, for now, because Cloud knew...)
He turned towards the other, and caught his breath after a few seconds, seeing the man was still in the same sort of condition as before. Which he felt ultimately responsible for... Guilt running through him. He did not know what powers these people possessed, but it was clearly strong enough to at least keep Sephiroth at bay.
"... I'm sorry. I... It's really hard to explain, but I think it's pretty clear that we're both not meant to be here. Your people might be in danger, but also not just yet. He's got a weird need to always come for me. The guy should be dead. I ran him through with my blade, but..." Cloud was still so furious over that fact. This monster who ruined his life was still going around, causing problems. Breathing. He should have it in him to finish him off, and yet, it's like the other's powers have increased. It frightened him to no end, but he would try to ignore that.
"All I remember is what I've said... A light appearing, taking me in... Sephiroth's doing, no doubt... And I ended up here. I have no clue how to return, but he most likely does, and is just messing with me."
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fllameshield · 9 months
Starter | Muse: Joshua
There wasn't really a plan, but all he knew is that he wanted to get his brother back. The letter did not seem real, and all agreed that something needed to be done. They were just taking too long, and he knew that actions were needed, or else he would never forgive himself if something happened to his brother.
It took several long days, and maybe a few weeks of travel, having told the others that he was only going off to find more about their ultimate enemy. He did not like to lie, but this was a mission he took on by himself, thinking he could do it alone.
Finally, his destination was made, and in the middle of the night did he finally find his way inside the kingdom, using whatever skills he had to remain hidden from any guard. The other's presence was felt, he just couldn't tell where exactly, but kept to the shadows as he made his way down several long stretch of hallways, unsure if he should check rooms just yet. 'Clive. I'm here. I'm here!...' He urged in his mind, hoping that he was heard, and hoping that he was not too late...
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futurespacess · 1 year
[Continued from HERE]
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Now, he was usually so calm, and relaxed about most things, but whenever the two of them had been in each other’s space, even for a short few seconds - there was something so intoxicating about it. There was a spark so familiar, and had been there for years. Well, at least he could guess it had been years. Those memories are so old and faded. Some he had a hard time remembering everything, but that was the price for getting older, he figured.
  “...Ah... Yeah. You’re right. A break is probably worth it, but...” He paused, glancing a little off to the side as his arms folded across his chest. “Is it so wrong to want to stay up for a while longer? I just can’t go rest like this. You’ve...--” How badly did he want to blame him. The way those lips had been so close to his, or had he imagined it just seconds ago. Either way, it was enough to make him feel that same spark, again; viciously did it grip a hold on him. It was banging around in all his thoughts, not wanting him to settle in for the night. Not just yet. He cleared his throat, realizing he left it off at some awkward moment.
  “...-- Uh...- I think you’ve made me want to go off and train some more, honestly. Then, I’ll think about resting. - So demanding...”
Maybe all I need is hard, cold steel between my fingers to reset my thoughts.
| @specialops​ |
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hazycalidreamin · 3 months
Closed starter with @arcanescholxr
Leslie grit his teeth as he pushed his way through the crowded street, trying to remind himself why he had agreed to this. It wasn't as if he had had a choice at the time, it was either agree to whatever the royal family had demanded of him or be killed on the spot, but he hadn't realized it was going to be like this.
Or rather, he hadn't realized that the role of a body guard would more often than not involve hunting down the prince after another escape attempt.
All in all, he couldn't blame the prince. He didn't agree with the family's way of ruling, but it wasn't as if he had any ability to stand against it. Despite him being more peaceful by nature, he'd learned the hard way that the world around him was cruel. Most common folks weren't exactly kind of welcoming to creatures like him. At least working for the royal family secured him a safe place to rest.
So long as they didn't kill him for the prince slipping away again, that is.
"There you are..." He muttered under his breath as he spotted the cloaked figure up ahead. He moved swiftly, silent as a shadow, until he was directly behind the prince.
"The forest is a much nicer place if you're looking to go for a walk, you know," He said, a small grin coming to his lips. "Much more peaceful."
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transfcrmcrs · 10 months
From the ask: "No one can save you now. You’re mine." (@imperiumrex )
| Muse: Soundwave |
The binds were tight around his wrist, and arms sore from how long he's been dangling with his knees on the hard, cold floor. It wasn't right for how long he'd been kept in this position, but he knew it wouldn't be for that much longer, considering a voice finally spoke to him. Red optics moved up, and he stared at this one that had just appeared in the doorway to this cell. Were he able to move forward, he would, but the most he was able to do was to adjust whatever side most of his weight was on. His knees were aching, but he'd continue to hold on with that gaze of his.
"... Autobot scum... I belong to no one..." That voice rang out with a musical thrum, and he hated how alone he felt. The minicons of his had all fled before his capture, and he missed them terribly so. He could only hope that one of them received his distress call, before he fell unconscious. It was his one way out of here, if they could reach him. For now, he'd glare at this one, and be so uncooperative.
| @imperiumrex |
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mcnsternature · 1 year
OPEN RP | Muse | Zilla
Stalking through the city at night was always hard to do, since almost every person below you would scream and alert the authorities, which resulted in the usual run around and avoid helicopters. Though, for the moment all had been avoided, and they were thankful for it. There were hardly anyone around, and their stomps were quieted so as to not make too much of a rumble. A snack was all they wanted, and the scent of something delicious was near, but just needed to be found... After all, the new clutch of eggs would require as much sustenance as they could all get, whenever they would hatch.
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liightwarrior · 1 year
Starter | Muse: Ayden | Verse: From another Star
Now, it had all been so sudden, as he was thrusted upon a new world that was similar to his own, but with many slight differences. Ayden had not been prepared to hear of this sort of news, as to the one these ‘Scions’ had wanted him to defeat was someone akin to his own power? It was strange to hear such a thing. They may possibly be even stronger than that? Being considered a Warrior of Light in his own right, this was not to be taken so gently. He needed to go see it for himself, of course. To not only test if this was just some strange rumor, or a brisk and bleak reality.
So, he set out for the tower of residence, where this one had been held up in, and his boots clacked loudly in the vast halls. It had been maybe a week of him trying to figure out what exactly went down, and why this being was such a threat. Though, he could only take the words of the others with as much trust as he could allow, because what did he know?
These halls were beautiful, and of such that he seemed to have seen in dreams. For it certainly felt like one, now, what with the quickness in that he was set out to do all this. With his bow on his back, dagger at his side, he was not sure if he could be more properly prepared.
  “Hello?...” He called out, quite disturbed by the silence, and came into a larger hall, possibly a room.
| @kintsugiscars |
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dirtykhan · 11 months
Starter | Muse: Khan Noonien Singh
Once more the silence of his long-needed rest was so violently interrupted. He had been dreaming something peaceful, when the sound of alarms had interrupted the cryogenic process, and flooded his senses with  a new sort of panic. With a heavy gasp, air flooded into his lungs so rapidly, and his hands reached for the side as the tube opened for him. He sat up, swinging his legs over the edge, and gripping the edges with white-knuckled fingers. 
Whatever had woken him would be dealt with, as soon as his vision stopped seeing stars. He was in a daze, as the grogginess of cryosleep still held him back, and he slowly was coming back to himself. That gaze swept the area, but his vision cleared only momentarily on a figure not too far from where he was. Rather close, even, but he couldn’t see him clearly in this room’s low light, and instinctively he tensed so hard. Flashes of old memories resurfacing, and even that old Admiral’s voice echoed in his skull. He waved them away, trying to focus on the present.
  “...Who’s there...?” His voice was deep, and broken from lack of use in several months. Or years? He wasn’t sure at this point.
| @kingofthewebxxx |
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smaugthcgolden · 1 year
OPEN RP | Muse: Thranduil
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It was just as he feared. The darkness that he had been trying to keep away from his lands, from his people, it was slowly approaching. Every day did it draw closer, and he could feel the walls of his very chambers bend with a terrible ache. The winds above were harsher, and the trees shook and swayed. Smoke was more prominent, and the scent of it filled their lungs whenever they stepped outside their walls.
  “This cannot be...”
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darling-of-roses · 1 year
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 ─── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗ a journey of three ( rp starter for @shousbox & @zoharsdream ) 
irritation swells the veins of erulissë's forehead and she frowns at the woman before her. she loved the mortal world, is what she kept repeating in concern to her superior's worries. yet it seems that the mortal world has changed quite drastically since her last visit. or perhaps it was simply the air of this region. 
"I do not know how much more I can stress this, miss.'' she addresses in a pointed manner. were her wings out on display, they would surely flick and fluff with her vexation. "but in going against me, you are risking divine retribution. surely you are knowledgeable on that much?" she glowers. behind the pair stood a tavern, one that they had decided to abandon to discuss matters further.
erulissë wasn't exactly thrilled to be working with the maiden dressed in armour, but she supposed that it could not be helped. not when it seemed like they would both be of great aid to one another. "furthermore, that target has dealings with the heavens. wouldn't you think it wise to return him to where he belongs? rather than slice your blade through his skull.'' she tries to keep her voice from quivering with anger, but she cannot help it. to end off her line of argument, she shoots an accusatory glance at the woman's sword. "at this rate. we'll never find that blasted route.'' 
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arobinwithoutbatman · 18 days
@dramatisperscnae closed starter
As much as Tim hated to admit it, the situation had officially gotten too big for him to handle alone. Between the huge Arkham breakout, his crush almost dying, Bruce getting his back and spirit broken, Jean-Paul, a man Tim had recommended and helped to train, getting more nuts every day, his dad being kidnapped, Bruce and Alfred halfway across the world, getting attacked by a quickly mentally declining Jean-Paul and being locked out of the Cave entirely? Yeah. Time to call for help. Even if it went against every fibre of his being. Besides, he had to know what kind of mess was happening back home. And Dick had always said that Tim could come to him with anything. Had promised as much when Dick had figured out how different Tim was and even proven it by always being there and fulfilling every promise they made or at least giving a heads up and a reason of things changed.
He could trust Dick with this. He *needed* to. Tim was quickly running out of options.
It wasn't hard to track Dick to his current abode; a little hacking, a little spying, some footwork and logic. Plus he knew Dick was still working alongside the Titans and they were based in New York so that already narrowed things down a lot. Which was how Tim got here, knocking rapidly on Dick's front door with an overnight bag.
Hopefully Dick wouldn't go nuclear at the sight of the bruise on his neck that would be visible the second he removed his coat and scarf.
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hiislegacy · 4 months
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"... You wanted to see me, sir?..."
Sephiroth strolled right into the room, after having an hour to clean off and prepare himself for this talk. He was lucky they gave him that much time. Those emerald eyes locked with the other's, before they flicked away, and he casually folded his arms across his chest. Just waiting. Though, you could just tell he was slightly worried, impatiently so. He knew exactly why he was here, but would be in such heavy denial over it.
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fllameshield · 9 months
Starter | Muse: Sleipnir Harbard
"Poor little dragoon..." That voice echoing in the hall as he came out from the darkness, from who knows where. The next room, most likely. Those cold, pale eyes were gleaming with a kind of mischief to them, and he was enjoying this moment; seeing his surprise, even if it was small and so minute of an expression. The clack of his fine-polished boots on the tiles as he approached, and he wore such a smirk on his face.
"Are you not exhausted from everything? What keeps you up at such an hour like this?"
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futurespacess · 1 year
❛  was all of this just a lie?  “ @specialops Ocelot to The Boss ( for that good old familial knife in the wound )
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Cold blue eyes locked with his, almost a mirror of each other in that aspect. The Boss was one who could withstand so much from anyone. Yet, it was with this man, her own flesh and blood that the pain ran through, freely. She could not believe the truth had been told to him, or at least she could imagine this is what that was, and it was a wonder if he was now in danger because of it. A sigh left her, and she averted her gaze, standing a little ways from him.
  “... Major, you’re going to need to be a little clearer... What lie?” She tried to act as though she hadn’t a clue of what he was talking about, because she wasn’t a-hundred percent certain of it.
| @specialops​ |
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arbitcr · 11 months
OPEN RP | Muse: Thel ‘Vadum / The Arbiter
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  “This... can’t be happening... Can’t be real...” 
His breaths were coming out hard, and vision going in and out of focus. The armor felt heavier than normal, and he was starting to wonder if he were truly about to pass out from this immense pressure. The fatigue was draining his strength, but he was trying to hold on for as long as possible.
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