xxlordalexanderxx · 2 months
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So an unfortunate update on my little situation that had me on indefinite hiatus. My partner has lost his job so now were are figuring out next steps. I'll be coming out of my break and opening commissions to work fulltime and I have a GFM if anyone would like to help out. I will be setting this blog onto low activity and most likely being active through the queue when I have down time. I got a lot on my plate so replies will come when they come, as my mental health and life come first.
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shimmeringopulence · 8 months
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Just a heads up, as along as I don't got the go ahead to have Alexander do anything explicit with your character aka fuck them and anything along those lines? I will only default to fading to black or keeping things suggestive. I'm fine with going all out but only if I got permission too. So just ask, a closed mouth will not get fed.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 month
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I'll be a little spotty on here, my birthday is tomorrow and I just want to chill and celebrate quietly.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 month
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Thank you for all the birthday wishes ya'll, I will be quietly working in the background getting stuff queued up.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
Shipping with Alexander moving forward..
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After all that has gone down in the rpc these past two days I'm def going to be super super selective with who I ship with, chemistry or not. The first sign of you taking a ship we have too seriously to the point that you're treating it as if we are actually in a relationship, I'm taking my boy, and peacing out.
Also aside from what I've already got going down with friends I'm no longer going to be entertaining marriage and the possibility of children with Alexander. So anyone who I have already establish stuff like that is fine, we can still go along with our plans but any future possibility of that with new folks is very very slim to not happening.
The fact that one of my good friends nearly got bullied out of the community over a fucking fake relationship with characters that don't exist was enough to traumatize me into no longer wanting to do these things with others anymore.
They can date, they can fuck, they can be cozy, but no more marriages ( other than what I have potentially in the future with another muse) and def no biological kids with anyone, unless Alexander adopts a kid muse of yours and if that kind of dynamic develops.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
From a mutual who adores watching you from afar, please don't feel bad or that you have to apologize about anything! Life is hard enough when all is going well let alone where drama is involved. Just hoping things get a little brighter in the coming days for you and everybody else. Please don't feel obliged to reply to this, just wanted to let you know there's people on your side. Have a great rest of your week and may you enjoy some extra TLC <3
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I appreciate the kind words, cuz quite frankly I've been anticipating harassment and hate. Since that's how tumblr rolls and ya know...the accused having a huge presence. I'm going to do my best to resume things normally moving forward, and rehabilitating myself back into drawing and sharing lore. Cuz if folks have not noticed I haven't been doing much aside from RPing during this whole upset and so much more beyond that....since like October now.
I just wish things didn't have to end like they did.
This all could been avoided by simply just leaving well enough alone, and moving on after apologies were made. But some folks just don't want peace.
Life is very short, ya'll.
I recently had a friend I've known for a decade and a half pass away from stage 4 cancer and it shocked me so much cuz it happened out of no where ( and they never said they were ever sick). Point is, tomorrow is not promised to any of us, make peace with petty drama, focus on actual issues and relationships you have in your life, and keep this hobby as it is, a hobby. And live life.
Never let anyone steal your joy. Not me, not your family, and not your friends. Love them but take care of YOU. It's all we can do.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 months
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I've just had some very terrible news dropped on me that affects my life. Hiatus until I get it sorted.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 3 months
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Cordial reminder, since it's been a while. I'm strictly mutuals only and I'm highly selective ( esp after the start of this year ). Please read my rules. Before interaction if you haven't/are new here. Thank you.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 11 months
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Talking with friends last night helped me really articulate how I feel about fight threads or threads involving fights and if you’ve followed me for any amount of time you’ll know that spontaneous fight threads are the bane of my existence. I don’t like them and I don’t want them. I’m not even gonna dance around that subject anymore.
I’m all for Alexander losing, and he has many many times but I want it to be meaningful, not in a way that makes him look like a loser. This man is no god but he is powerful in his own right without also being a complete laundry list of superpowers, and to have him bested in the easiest way possible just feels so cheap. I'm well aware that there are characters with the capability to do that, but it's not fun and one-sided and I will never RP fights with anyone whose characters can do that. There's no point.
If you follow me with any intent of just simply fighting Alexander for the hell of it without there being a valid reason for it, then you might as well scratch that off the list because that will never happen. I am not here for that and he will not be your hero's villain.
Any type of thread where Alexander has to fight will always be done with my close friends because I trust them and we plot things out and we plan things out. I've had way too many bad experiences with people where they just don't write fighting well and fair and I’m simply not interested in randos coming in here trying to start shit out of nowhere.
By all means I'm never going to ask people to have their characters pull their punches, you write your character however you want. But Alexander will not be your character's punching bag. That also goes for Cromwell.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 6 months
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I'm back but also I will be leaving the blog marked for low activity as I will be prioritizing my work and mental health moving forward. It was a nice break that I honestly needed from here, as much as I love writing.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 6 months
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Just a heads up my activity will be spotty this week, just busy with work and kinda sorta a second passive job I've picked up as well. Not to mention two games I'm waiting for to drop this week. I'll mostly be working through the queue if I have energy to write. For now I'll only answer short form stuff when I have the time and spoons.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 8 months
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Man, I hate that we've all adopted this trend of having a time limit for folks to follow back before you peace out. I have actively perused blogs of new followers only be unfollowed before having the chance to follow back/during checking out said blog.
Some of us are not constantly glued to this site ya'll.
And like? There's no incentive to follow anyway because it feels like that potential interaction is soiled now because you've made up your mind about this blog or whoever.
Give a bitch a chance to go through your shit like....more than less than 24hrs please?
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
MUNDAY RP MEMES  // 7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge? (and/or) 36. When was the last time your tried something new and what was it?
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7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge?
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The first things I'm noticing right off the bat is a box of soft pretzels and two tubs filled with noodles and sauce from last night's spaghetti.
36. When was the last time your tried something new and what was it?
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Late last summer I decided I wanted to make my own prints and stickers without relying on a third party company so I invested in the appropriate equipment and I make my own stuff now.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 8 months
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So a small thing I want to bring attention to in regards to Alexander. Is that I need folks to understand that you are dealing with a man turned creature who's been stuck in the 1400-1500s and who is blissfully ignorant of a lot of shit, especially socially. He could laugh at something mildly fucked up and not know that it's inconsiderate to do so.
If he isn't checked and told these things are wrong, he'll never learn. Not to mention he is at the end of the day, a villain. A complex one but more or less evil, though at this point he's leaning towards evil-neutral or however else that goes.
I don't expect anyone's muses to hold his hand or even grant him the honor of an explanation, but just like with a real person who's learning and growing: if one is not told that something is bad one will not learn anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
There's no need to respond to this because this is more about trying to send you some good will and well wishes.
I'm sorry you went through all that. I'm sorry someone manipulated you into a relationship so they could weaponize you against their victims. I'm sorry they discarded you the second you made a decision based on your own merits. I'm sorry they've tainted aspects of role playing for you. I'm sorry for the damage they've done to you and everyone around you.
I'm glad to see you're still standing though and that you're willing to move forward with things. I'm amazed by your tact in admitting how things you were persuaded to do without thinking was wrong, and that you're opening the door for those who were bullied by you unknowingly are welcome to connect with you now if they so desire. I admire your grace and strength in all this.
I hope the bastard never darkens the RPC's doorstep again.
I wish you the best going forward. I hope peace returns to you and yours soon enough. ♥
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Hey, thanks for the kind and graceful message. ❤️‍🩹
And yes, I will fully own my shit, I allowed myself to be weaponized by Shiloh and go along with these smear campaigns via blocking folks without asking questions, because he seemed like he knew his shit. But I should of thought for myself and asked questions, esp when I'm moots and or friends, with that person. And I will be doing so moving forward.
While I never went after folks, but just quietly blocked, that's still wrong and I'm extending an apology to those I broke moots with simply for taking Shi's word as law, as stated before my IMs and metaphorical door, are open to those who wish to rebuild bridges, mend good will, and only if you will have me. And if not, that is your right and I fully respect it.
I will be writing some apologies/and only reaching out to folks who re-followed back to personally apologize. I want to respect boundaries so If I've been refollowed then I take that as an ok to communicate. I do not remember some folks I blocked a year ago despite doing my best to unblock so if I can be reminded through some means I'll do my best to recollect and reconsider.
However some folks from around that time period I won't unblock for my own personal reasons not related to this whole mess.
But yeah, I feel the same and hope affected folks, my friends, and the rest of the community heals from this blight.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
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It's been a lot for me these past 24hrs so honestly I might work on things and shove it all in a queue for later since I'm mentally checked out. Or do stuff tomorrow. My energy is very low.
As a note, I've done my best to go through my list of folks I've blocked simply cuz 'you know who' smeared them across the earth/gave ultimatums and for folks I've blocked due to that? I apologize. I should of just asked questions myself and spoke with folks rather than going off what 'you know who' was saying.
I guess since this person is so well spoken and sounded like he knew his shit I was convinced. I was wrong.
It's been about a year and I can't remember who I blocked so I did my best, my door is open to those I was moots with and those who were scared off due to my association with 'You know who', but if not, fair and valid and good vibes to you.
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