#⭒ ˙ ˖ ��� — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴡ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ! ❞ ¦ 「 Chihiro IC 」
not-bcring · 2 years
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Mondo hadn't meant to fall asleep, the biker supposed to be in the midst of a tutoring session with Chihiro, it being taken as an oppertunity to spend more time with the programmer, though Mondo would never admit it. The schoolwork was just so boring, and Chihiro's voice so soothing to listen to as she read allowed for him, it perhaps obvious that reading wasn't the biker's strong suit.
The next thing Mondo knew, he had nodded off, though unsure of how much time had passed when he next awoke screaming.
It was with a shout of Chihiro's name, Mondo having watched the scene unfold like an out of body experience, her small body slumping to the floor after trying so desperately to calm her attacker, to calm him.
He almost couldn't recognize himself, the look on his face so distant, so lost, and yet he knew exactly what had put it there. Flashes of Daiya, blood and broken bones, a motorcycle mangled beyond repair...
Tipping backwards in his chair after the shout, it took Mondo a moment to regain his bearings, to remember where he was. The sight of Chihiro's worried face...it had him scrambling back, too afraid to hurt her after what he had seen. There were tears streaming down his face, the biker falling into a mute state as he gasped for air, everything suddenly feeling like too much. //consider him broken 😈
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Chihiro should probably wake Mondo up. They are supposed to be studying together. Or, more like Chihiro is supposed to be helping Mondo better grasp the lessons. But revisiting the schoolwork helps Chihiro just as much as it does him, repetition a vital key in remembrance. For that, she’s as grateful to him as he is to her. If not more so— in her opinion —since a tutoring session means she gets to spend more time with the biker. Something she’s happy to admit to, albeit while not being entirely truthful about the reasoning. Mondo is her friend, of course. One of her closest… and any growing butterflies in her stomach around him is simply an aspect of that.
Never mind that they only arise around him and none of her other classmates…
It had taken a few minutes before Chihiro even realized that Mondo was no longer paying attention, voice trailing away into quiet as she carefully set down the textbook. Transfixed for a moment by her sleeping peer, honey hues studied the rise and fall of his chest, before moving to the calm expression that looked so unfamiliar yet strangely right on the biker. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, the lock quick to fall back into its usual place, Chihiro smiles softly as she picks up a different book from the table. Flipping through lines of complicated code, a pencil lightly taps against her cheek as she studies her latest venture.
There’s no point in trying to force Mondo to learn if he’s too tired to grasp the material. Besides, it’s not a matter of life-and-death that they get through everything today. If need be, they can schedule another tutoring session. Poking the eraser of her pencil into a warmed cheek, Chihiro buries her face further into her notes, shoulders tense and stomach bubbling as she tries to convince herself that she’s NOT looking for another excuse to study with Mondo. It’s not like she needs to be teaching him for the biker to want to be around her, anyway. Surely if she asked he would… Then again, maybe not. She’s not exactly the type of person he seems to gravitate toward. Heck, she could just imagine what Mondo’s friends might think of her.
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It’s probably best to stick to studying…
Consumed by her own internal struggle, she neglects to notice Mondo’s. Startled by the biker’s sudden shout, book dropped with a yelp, Chihiro turns in her seat so quickly that she nearly falls as well. Barely managing to catch herself before she can slip, focus is immediately on Mondo. No stranger to waking up from terrifying dreams, it’s clear that whatever he saw— whatever he experienced, has spooked him beyond belief. Uncertain what it could be, Chihiro quickly gets to work trying to soothe him. Mistaking his scrambling back as general fear rather than concern for her safety, Chihiro slowly kneels on the floor, not wanting to further overwhelm him with sudden movements.
❝  Hey- Hey, Mondo… It’s alright. You’re alright.  ❞  Chihiro softly says, loving smile on her face tinged with concern. Worry twisting her stomach, she eases herself a bit closer, planning to stop immediately if he makes any further moves back. A hand sliding towards him on the ground, hoping to eventually reach his if allowed,  ❝  Whatever’s wrong- it can’t hurt you now. Everything is alright.  ❞  Making her breathing slow and measured, she hopes Mondo will try to follow suit.  ❝  Just… try to breathe like this, okay? You’ll feel better. I promise.  ❞     「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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"Who doesn't lock the door?!" //foooorrrrr ummmmm i have no fucking idea hfdsjk literally just pick some bitches you want to bang lmao -  ✩   「 @wrinkled-sheets-and-sunlight 」   ✩  
✩   「 Meme  」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Ever since Natsumi came to Chihiro's aid, the two had formed an unlikely yet perfectly matched pair. One deceptively-strong in her softness, the other secretly-soft in her strength. Neither judging how their unexpected friend portrays themself, but not shying away from encouraging change if needed. Even if it's understandable why someone acts a certain way, habits aren't impossible to break. Difficult— carefully constructed walls always the worst to tear down; people reluctant to see all that work and sense of safety go to waste —but not impossible. Especially if there's someone else who believes they can.
Whether they agree or not.
Most wouldn't dare dream of suggesting anything to a member of the Yakuza. Let alone one of the heirs. Yet the timid programmer, epitome of what most mistakingly consider ❛ weak ❜, not only suggests but insists. Mostly in Natsumi's capacity for kindness. In her being the type of person who not only shows it ( however she tries to portray it in an unsavory light ) but DESERVES it.
Granting it to the other woman whenever possible, Chihiro seems to have made it her personal mission to bring much-needed affection to Natsumi's life. What started as an indebted gratitude ( sincere but stemmed from a favor ) turning into a friendship that stands upon its own legs. Daresay an... admiration that spans over more than merely strength. Now an integral part of Chihiro's day— in person or through texts, if Natsumi is spirited away by responsibilities ( although Chihiro has grown comfortable frittering unimportant thoughts and updates to her regardless ) —Natsumi is one of, if not her closest friend. Perhaps Chihiro is even the same for her.
... But that feels like wishful thinking.
As are the images dancing through Chihiro's mind as she lies on her bed, towels hastily placed beneath her ( more than necessary, Chihiro over-preparing in her panic ) to catch whatever may escape. She can't stain the bedspread when she's expecting company... Oh god, she's expecting company. What should terrify just sends a jolt through her body, Chihiro whimpering at the thought of Natsumi in her dorm for a study session. It's not uncommon for the other woman to visit, but it still feels unreal. Lately, it's been growing harder to keep her excitement appearing platonic. Naturally affectionate as Chihiro may be, she's also awkward under pressure. And there's no greater pressure than trying to suppress steadily-growing feelings for a friend. Let alone Natsumi Kuzuryu.
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This is a terrible idea... but it's the only one to come to mind. Desperate times ( and she is DESPERATE ) calling for desperate measures, Chihiro prays that releasing all her pent-up yearning frustrations will help her survive hours pouring over textbooks with the most incredible girl in Hope's Peak. With plenty of time before Natsumi is supposed to arrive ( it not even crossing Chihiro's mind what may happen if she shows up early ) shirt is hiked up to offer some relief to her nervously-flushed form. Skirt is lifted as well, panties around her ankles, a timid hand between trembling thighs. Hard and dripping, her dainty dick lies on her stomach, completely ignored. Chihiro had tried to give it attention but...
It wasn't enough... It wasn't what she wanted.
Traversing all sorts of new territories right now, a glistening finger lightly prods her puckered entrance. Sucking in a breath as she barely applies pressure, Chihiro wonders if she should apply more lube. Glancing at the formerly-new now much emptier tube beside her ( a purchase she'd nearly DIED of shame when getting ), she lays her head back with a thud and shaky exhale. No, she's just stalling now. There's already enough lube dripping on her cheeks and coating her hand to fit MUCH more than her slim fingers. Taking a steadying breath, she pokes her asshole again... a bit harder this time. Shuddering, mind wanders back to Natsumi.
Would the other even want to do this? Not with her; Chihiro already knows Natsumi couldn't be interested. But if she were someone else, would Natsumi be toying... down there? Would she peg her— Or stick to fingering? This counts as fingering, doesn't it? It's as close to it as Chihiro can get. Like what girls do to each other... Breath quickening, Chihiro pushes harder, letting out a startled squeak as the tip of her finger finally penetrates. It's barely anything but it makes tears spring to her closed eyes. Biting her bottom lip, she forces back a whine, ass stinging as muscles TENSE around the new sensation.
❝ N-Natsumi... ❞ She whimpers without thinking, pleading for someone who isn't there. This is supposed to be fun, right? Hesitantly, she tries to ease her finger further in. Slick muscles attempt to welcome it, but the new sensation ( no longer painful but still... invasive ) still unnerves the poor girl. Why is this so intimidating? ❝ I—I'm scared... ❞ Chihiro breathes into the loneliness, breath hitching as she chokes back the beginning of a cry. Eyes firmly shut, a stray tear falls down her flushed cheek. Still, she tries to pleasure herself... To do what Natsumi might if she wanted her.
❝ ... I wish you were here. ❞ Chihiro mutters, shame painting her face pink as she reluctantly removes her finger. Hands resting beside her head, dick twitches pitifully in disappointed solidarity. She can't do it. She's not brave enough.
Unbeknownst to the poor programmer, the one driving her to this brink IS here— the sound of the door going unnoticed in her struggle —and there's no telling how long Natsumi has been... 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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Natsumi was just passing by when she caught the commotion surrounding the timid programmer, a man who's precense was certainly not welcome with how Chihiro cowered as he stepped closer. She had been planning on ignoring it and containing on her way (fuck you, she was), but the manner of the...solicitation had the yakuza stopping in her tracks. Lips twisting into a sneer, Natsumi put herself between Chihiro and the man within the blink of an eye, the woman not much taller than Fujisaki herself as she stared the man down. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh? She doesn't want you, so take the hint and buzz off!" Unsurpisngly, the man just laughed at her, though he was unable to get any further taunts out as first Natsumi's shoe collided with his shin, and then her fist to his face once he was brought down to her level. With a sickening crack of the other student's nose, he reeled back, calling Natsumi a few choice words before stumbling off, to which Nat almost gave chase if it wasn't for the no doubt frightened programmer behind her. "Oh yeah?! Let's see if you're still spouting that shit when my brother gets a hold of you, asshole! He'll bust your fucking kneecaps!" With one last huff pushing the anger from her lungs, the yakuza flexed her fist with a hiss of pain as she turned to Chihiro. She was about to scold her, to tell her to toughen the fuck up and stand up for herself instead of being backed against the wall that was how you died in her world, but the pure....well, pureness surrounding the smaller girl had her physically biting her tongue to stop the flood of what would have no doubt been hurtful words. "What a fucking prick, right? He'll think twice about pulling a stunt like that again, especially after my brother gets a hold of him." As for just who her brother was, the resemblance was uncanny. She was the spitting image of Fuyuhiko, minus the freckles along with the addition of an inch or two of height something Fuyu was still mad about, even after all these years. Still flexing her fist, the skin now slowly morphing from an angry red to a dim black and blue, Natsumi carefully wiped the blood from the other students nose onto her skirt as she looked Chihiro over. "...You okay, bambina?" -  ✩   「 @the-ultimate-muses​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Back bumps against the wall, breath catching with a strained yelp at the contact. Glancing behind her at the unrelenting stone, sweat beads upon her brow and makes her hands clammy as she looks back at the unrelenting MAN in front of her. Both walls may as well be cut from the same cloth, the others unwanted advances crashing down upon her like an avalanche. Chest crushed by the weight of her nerves, she can barely manage to breathe, let alone speak. Not that it makes much of a difference. All her weak refusals and pleas to be left alone falling on deaf ears; the way her trembling body shrinks away observed by uncaring eyes.
Reddened face radiates shame, hands clasped in front of her chest and cowered posture unbefitting someone completely clothed. But with the way the towering man leers at her, she feels as if he's somehow stripped her bare without her knowledge. Hungrily gazing upon every soft inch of her body, every sense and secret not meant for him. Thankfully, that is NOT the case... and Chihiro fervently prays it'll stay that way; terrified of how angry the other may be if he learned that—
Yelping at the sudden intrusion, wide eyes watch as the other girl courageously places herself in harm's way. Although, it seems like a far more dangerous situation for the hulking man. Squeaking at the first show of violence, Chihiro's eyes close on instinct, tears stinging in their corners as they tightly shut. Biting her bottom lip to stifle her whimpers, she flinches at every pained sound that fills the tense air; deserved as they all may be. It still causes her stomach to churn, mind offering suggestions of the bloody sight she's attempting to spare herself.
That crack hardly sounded pleasant.
Thankfully, the confrontation lasts only a moment, Chihiro tentatively opening her eyes when she hears heavy footsteps retreating. Blinking to try and clear her vision, glossy gaze looks up at Natsumi, still awash with fear. Only now it's for the scolding she knows she's going to receive. A well-deserved verbal lashing for causing Natsumi problems. Shaking and choking back frightened hitches of breath, she does her best not to cry, an apology already on the tip of her tongue— ... but instead of being insulted as she should be, her assailant is instead.
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Wiping at her eyes, surprise slips away into a smile, relief radiating in her heavy exhale and the light laughter lacing her grateful words, ❝ Y-Yes... Yes, I'm alright! Thank you. ❞ Tears still beading in her eyes and on long lashes, they catch the light with a newfound sparkle. No longer swallowed by the shadow of her harasser, the small girl seems to shine alongside the light of the sun. Not simply bathed in it, but adding to it. Pure demeanor evident in her honest words, ❝ It was really brave of you to help me... and you ended it all so quickly. You're so strong! ❞
Impressed gaze flits down to the stain now adorning Natsumi's skirt, cheer turned to concern as she exclaims, ❝ You're hurt! ❞ Without thinking, small hands dart out to hold onto Natsumi's injured one, only for it to be yanked away before she can have a better look. Chihiro's hands retreat in tandem, clasped over her chest as the small girl starts to stammer a teary-eyed apology. Wanting Natsumi to know that she didn't intend to— but before she can finish the thought, a wounded hand is slowly offered back to her. Honey gaze flits from the hand back to Natsumi's face, wanting to know the other is sure... When Natsumi doesn't change her mind, delicate hands reach for the other girl's.
Holding onto Natsumi's hand, touch is light, thumb gingerly brushing against the side of it. Careful not to touch the angrily-bruised skin, brows knit as Chihiro studies the coloration. ❝ I'm sorry... This is all my fault. ❞ She mutters, wiping her eyes with the heel of one hand, her other still holding Natsumi's. Looking up at the other, Chihiro hastily adds in a plea, ❝ I-I can help though! If we go to my dorm, I can put something on your hand to help. It'll work wonders on the bruising, I promise... ❞ No need to dwell on why Chihiro would be so certain of that. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 1 year
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"Are you a computer whiz, 'case it seems you know how to turn my software to hardware." Complete with finger guns and a shaky smile, Kazuichi sagged almost immediately after the line left his mouth, his face turning as bright as his hair as he pulled his beanie down over his face. "Please don't tell Mondo I said that to you, he will kick my ass." //for chihiro uwu
-  ✩   「   @from-across-the-stars​   」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   It takes a moment for the attempted flirt to sink in, Chihiro’s confused expression abruptly flushing a stark red as Kazuichi’s confusing question finally computes. Thankfully, it happens before Chihiro could inquire about his technological claim. If she’d prodded any further into his statement, she’s certain she’d have combusted with shame. Not that it FEELS as if she’s faring much better, barely able to comprehend the mechanic’s sheepish pleas over the pounding of her heart.
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An overreaction, she’s sure. Were it anyone else, her nervousness would be justified. Chihiro has had her fair share of run-ins with unsavory sorts. But Kazuichi isn’t a bad person… and even raunchy jokes coming from him aren’t cause for fear unease. Shes being overly-sensitive, that’s all. Awkward. As to be expected… Social interactions never were her strong suit.
Luckily, Kazuichi offers a distraction from the flustered fluttering in her stomach, Chihiro not having a clue how she is supposed to react. What did Kazuichi want from her? A laugh? Is she supposed to laugh? Will he get offended if she laughs? ❝ O-Oh, I’m sure he wouldn’t do such a thing… ❞ Voice comes out as more of a shaky squeak than intended, Chihiro clearing her throat into a closed fist, other one trembling as it grips her skirt. Looking away, shoulders hunch, Chihiro appearing even smaller as she shrinks in on herself, ❝ He’s not that type of person. ❞
Understanding Kazuichi’s concern— although misinterpreting it as Kaz simply being afraid of an intimidating biker, rather than realizing WHY Mondo may find an… issue with Kaz’s advances joke —Chihiro still figures there’s no need for it. Mondo isn’t the type to beat people up without cause, and it’s not as if Kazuichi means her any harm. So, there’s no reason for worry. Obviously…
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Running a hand through her hair, she awkwardly politely adds, ❝ That, um… That was a really funny joke. Good job. ❞ Was that the right reaction? God, she hopes so. 「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 2 years
✩ 「 @from-across-the-stars​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   Commander of the Keys... She’s never been called that before. But Chihiro can’t claim not to like it, eyes lighting up with an odd sense of pride at the nickname. Perhaps because, from what she’s overheard, Gundham doesn’t seem to give out false ones. Nor does he often mince his words if aiming them at someone he has a less-than-favorable view of. Being a Commander of Keys sounds like a compliment, and Gundham seems like someone she should be honored to be complimented by. 
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❝  Thank you! Thank you so much, Gundham!  ❞  Chihiro happily replies as she follows to the tree, a newfound bounce to her step now that everything seem to be alright. How could it not? With the Ultimate Breeder tending to the stranded cat, it will be safe and sound in no time. Taken by surprise when Gundham hands his coat and scarf to her— the significance flying over Chihiro’s head, but the thought that it wouldn’t be optimal to climb in it not occurring to her beforehand either ( far too excited at the thought of the cat’s rescue ) —she carefully takes the garments, breath catching at the unexpected company.
❝  Oh!  ❞  She squeaks with surprise, wide eyes focused upon the furry faces greeting her. Not concerned in the slightest about being bit— the Devas don’t seem dangerous —Gundham’s comment about her clean soul faintly hits distracted ears. But it does hit. Cheeks tinging with warmth at yet another compliment— what are other people talking about? Gundham doesn’t seem judgmental to her at all —Chihiro shuffles the garments comfortably in her arms, taking care to make sure they and the hamsters are SAFE. Giving the Devas a friendly smile and a polite hello, her attention snaps to Gundham when he takes a leap at the tree.
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Chihiro doesn’t realize she’s staring until the cat is in Gundham’s arms. 
Gundham’s leap was impressive, there’s no denying it. The control he has over his body, the way he twisted and lifted with such apparent ease, something that ANYONE would marvel at. But especially the strength-admiring programmer, breath having stalled as she gazed wide-eyed and mouth agape at the man scaling the tree. Unaware that the blush adorning her face had grown a bit more... noticeable, Chihiro’s chest flutters troublesomely as Gundham climbs. No longer merely caught by the others formidable might, but by the gentleness he displays. The care in his voice as he comforts the cat. Words that can be believed, because the soul saying them embodies it perfectly. Chihiro doesn’t know how to exactly put it...
Gundham is more than just a breeder of animals... He’s— a protector of them.
Chihiro supposes she can understand the others bad reputation more now. People tend to fear Guardians when they aren’t familiar with them. Mistaking their ability to protect as a capacity for harm. Forgetting that strength can be comforting just as easily as it can be cruel. Chihiro has to admit that even SHE is guilty of wanting to shy away from those who could hurt her. But it’s reasons like this that make her approach anyway. If only because, the risk of hurting a Guardian with unnecessary fear is far worse than the risk of anything that may happen to her.
Blinking to clear her wandering thoughts, Chihiro averts her gaze to the ground as Gundham makes his way down, face burning a pink she couldn’t even hope to contain. Bringing the piled coat and scarf a bit higher in an attempt to hide her cheeks, she offers a sheepish grateful smile behind the fabric anyway. One that grows at the new nickname, settling in Chihiro’s chest with a comfortable warmth.  ❝  Heh- Th-Thank you... Gundham.  ❞  She shyly replies with a nervous laugh as she shuffles in place, uncertain if she’s going to be able to continue this interaction without getting overwhelmed by the others kindness. It’s so... strange. Strange in a wonderfully-dizzying way, but strange nonetheless.
She’s never been described like this before. With names that feel empowering, or statements that seem sincere and well-meant rather than condescending, patronizing, objectifying— So accustomed to being aggressively sought after or ridiculed for her ‘ pure heart ’, part of Chihiro feels bad for deceiving Gundham. Certain that he thinks her better than she actually is. Would someone with a truly pure heart be gripped by such fear? Carrying secrets from almost everyone around her? Knowing that she has much to improve on... and yet wondering, sometimes, if she’s capable of it. Chihiro makes a mental promise to try harder. Fueled by those who see fit to support her, she adds Gundham to the list of people she needs to be her BEST for. To earn the compliments he’s given her.
To earn the faith he has in her. 
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Chihiro doesn’t hesitate to follow when Gundham beckons,  hurrying so that she is keeping pace beside him. Face still partially hidden behind the trusted garments, she beams happily at the prospect of spending more time around Gundham. Even if she has little faith in her ability to not make a fool of herself. Not only for the cat’s sake but because she’d like to enjoy this for as long as she is allowed. Doubtful that Gundham will want much to do with her once the cat is taken care of, she figures she might as well learn about the other.  ❝  Hey, Gundham? Sorry if this is a stupid question and feel free not to answer...  ❞  
Already feeling a bit embarrassed, she glances at the breeder with a shy smile,  ❝  Can you- understand animals? Because earlier you were asking her questions—  ❞  A small nod is given to the cat in Gundham’s arms,  ❝  —and it seemed like you knew her answer.  ❞  Feeling a need to elaborate before Gundham could think her a fool, Chihiro hastily adds,  ❝  I don’t just mean understand as in her speaking actual words to you— although I’d accept that answer as well. I just mean... Do you- know what animals are trying to tell you?  ❞
Wide eyes are focused upon Gundham, the programmer genuinely wondering... and obviously ready to believe whatever explanation Gundham sees fit to give.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
✩ 「 @from-across-the-stars​​​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   Chihiro isn’t a stranger to talking to things that can’t talk back. Part of her inspiration for AI technology was her habit of conversing with equipment while working, the small-talk aiding her focus and filling what would otherwise be far-lonelier air. Kazuichi isn’t exactly partaking in an amicable conversation with his stubborn tools, but the spirit behind it is the same. Sometimes talking just- helps. Whether it’s hyping oneself up to finish something previously thought a far-off dream... or expelling frustrations.
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While Kazuichi is embarrassed to be caught yelling at his tools, Chihiro is embarrassed to have interrupted. Cheeks dusting pink— from the sheepishness clenching her chest and partially because grease on someone’s cheeks is surprisingly cute —she opens her mouth with the intent to apologize once more. But words are interrupted before they can form, Chihiro looking away with a grimace at Kazuichi’s inquiry. Fingers fidgeting now that there’s no longer a laptop to hold, she hesitates to reply, seemingly mulling over her words with a drawn-out,  ❝  U-Um... Well... It was, uh—  ❞  Honestly, Kazuichi isn’t too far-off. 
What had started out as a game of keep-away from the short girl, Chihiro pleading and failing to get her laptop back from those who claimed it and her as their newest form of entertainment, had gone awry. The device flying past outstretched arms and tumbling down a nearby set of stairs with a horrible crash. Chihiro had gotten it back without issue after that; her tormentors quick to flee the scene. Not that they were in any danger of getting in trouble.  Chihiro was FAR too concerned over the well-being of her laptop. Frankly, she still doesn’t want to cause any more problems. Content to just get it fixed and pretend nothing happened.
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❝  Yeah. It fell down the stairs...  ❞  Settling for a partial-truth, hoping that Kazuichi won’t press any further. Looking back at the mechanic, uncomfortableness is replaced by hopeful curiosity,  ❝  I know it’s in really bad shape, but do you think you can fix it for me? ... Please?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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「 ☆ 」   Chihiro blames herself for this... She should have been paying better attention to where she was going. If she hadn’t gotten lost in thought— or more like, lack of it —thanks to the music blaring from her headphones, she wouldn’t have tripped. Over WHAT, she doesn’t even know. The only thing that’s certain is that she hit her head thanks to it. Internally chastising herself for being so clumsy, she rubs her aching forehead and looks around for them.
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❝  There you are...  ❞  She breathes through a sigh, spotting the cute cat-themed device lying a few feet away. A bit scratched up thanks to the tumble, but she can still hear ridiculously-intense drumming leaking from them. A tad distorted by static, but a bit broken is still better than unusable. Standing up, Chihiro bites back a yelp at the stinging that arises with the motion. Looking down at her knees, scraped raw and uncomfortably warm as blood slowly trickles down, she grimaces at the sight. It’s nothing serious... but it’ll make walking a pain.
Literally.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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Try as he did to get to class if only to avoid Taka's ire, Mondo managed to burst through the door only a few minutes after the bell, having just missed a good portion of their classmates while coming up the stairs. He...didn't look good, hair a mess, shirt torn and jeans tattered with dirt and blood smeared across his face and clothes. There's a rip in the sleeve of his jacket, a bit of road rash able to be seen where he had a palm braced against the open door, the biker wide eyed and frantic as he tried to catch his breath.
Taking in the near empty classroom, Mondo swore rather loudly, as if he had any other volume, a nearby trash can being kicked over to send its paper contents across the floor. "Motherfucker! Stupid ass truck! Stupid ass bike! Stupid fucking-" It...was mostly intelligible after that, a series of nothing but colorful swears as the adrenaline-crashing biker ranted and raved, completely oblivious to the few students still remaining in the room.
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   It had been starting out as an average day... The majority of her class isn’t what Chihiro would consider punctual, most of them normally wandering in after the bell has already rung. But they never take TOO long, arriving quick enough to escape any need of punishment from the teacher. Honestly, Taka is more of a stickler for the rules. Evident by how even the person in charge of the class was taking longer than usual to arrive, while the ever-present Ultimate Moral Compass was already straight-backed in his seat. Certain that there’s a reasonable excuse, Chihiro doesn’t think anything of it. 
With her bag already beside her desk, books and supplies set atop its surface in preparation for the day, she gazes absentmindedly towards the front of the class with her headphones on. Music blares into her ears in a volume that’s not the healthiest, but she prefers when every little sound is drowned out in favor of the raucous tunes. Cheek resting on the palm of her hand, elbow propped on the table, she startles at Mondo unceremoniously barging into the room looking like he’s just been dragged through Hell. In Chihiro’s opinion, anyway. Maybe a fellow biker would look at his condition and think nothing of it. But Chihiro is already scrambling from her seat once the initial shock has passed, hastily taking off her headphones—
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—and then grimacing with regret as her shield of sound is dropped.
Wincing as what had been witnessed as a silent comedy of trash-can-kicking and clear screaming turns into an overwhelmingly LOUD barrage of curse words— Chihiro doesn’t mind the foul language, although it is a bit... jarring —she hesitates beside her desk, needing a moment to consider the best approach. Not wanting to interrupt his venting, she fidgets in place for a few seconds, bounding from foot to foot with clear impatience. The longer he goes on like this, the more Chihiro feels her anxiety instinctively spike. Which isn’t the greatest when it comes to helping him. Not that she’s scared of Mondo! Never... But it’s difficult not to feel- uneasy with a large and strong man stirring up a fuss. No matter how harmless he is.
Chihiro tries to remind herself of this. Telling herself that it’s okay to feel unsettled by WHAT Mondo is doing, so long as she remembers that she’s not unsettled by him. She just... has an issue seeing anyone that openly violent  angry  upset. He has a right to be, though. Clearly worse-for-wear thanks to whatever happened. Stomach ill at the display, she harshly shakes her head before rushing over, deciding that Mondo isn’t going to finish until he runs out of breath. Perhaps it’s an over-exaggeration, but the biker DOES look like he’s ready to go for the entirety of the class if allowed. Heart pounding painfully in her chest from a mixture of concern and fear, Chihiro shouts as she approaches to be heard above the din.
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❝  Mondo, are you alright?!  ❞  A stupid question and she shakes her head immediately as if chastising herself for asking it. Powering through, cheeks flushed and fists clenched in front of herself, Chihiro hurriedly continues, anxiety lacing her every word,  ❝  What happened? And- And what are you even doing here? You should be at the nurse’s office being taken care of!  ❞  She hadn’t meant for her worry to turn to nagging quite so quickly, but the words are out before she can stop them. Not that Chihiro regrets them...   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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「 ☆ 」   Stumbling along her merry way, arms are heavily laden with bags of goods for the weekend. Apparently working herself ragged has been worrisome for Hope’s Peak authorities lately, and they suggested that she use the break for something not productive, but enjoyable. Normally she would apologize to ease their concerns before going back to her usual routine. But, as luck would have it, when out shopping, she wandered across the newest installment of a horror series she’s rather fond of but hadn’t the time to watch yet. So, this weekend was set aside for a marathon of terrifying films and non-nutritious but satisfying snacks. 
She can always work twice as hard next week to make up for the break.
Varying snacks, drinks, and instant meals— figuring she might as well do some grocery shopping while out —fill the lumpy bags, the small bag with her precious DVD carefully hanging on her arm. Peeking around the load as best she can, moving from side to side to try and get a clearer view of where she’s going, she chokes back a startled yelp as her foot catches on a stone and sends her scrambling forward a few steps. Regaining her balance with a relieved sigh, she takes another step before crashing right into another body with a THUMP. 
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❝  O-Oh! I’m sorry!  ❞  Chihiro says before she’s even realized who she bumped into, shuffling the bags in her arms to try and keep them from falling. One leans, sending a bag of chips onto the ground, Chihiro attempting to grab it before having to give up, fumbling to keep the other bags from following suit.  ❝  I should have been paying more attention to where I was going.  ❞  She continues her apologies, deciding to focus on what’s more important.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
✩   「 @from-across-the-stars​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   In her panic, this had seemed like the best decision. The ONLY decision. Were Chihiro in a better state of mind, she’d have never dragged Mondo into danger, no matter how far better equipped he is to handle it. It’s still her problem. Her burden to bear. People were always eager to cause her harm, whether they viewed her as a boy or a girl. When realization finally dawns that Mondo could be HURT or worse, thanks to her, a nausea hits her stomach far stronger than any fear that had filled her earlier.
What has she done?
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Barely able to breathe through her panic, grip is tight on Mondo’s jacket even as her conscience SCREAMS for her to let go. Heart pattering so quickly it hurts in her chest, eyes sting with tears unencumbered, sliding down her face as she hiccups,  ❝  I-I’m sorry, Mondo... This is all my fa-ault...  ❞  Expression crumpling with guilt, she trembles beneath his strong arms, burrowing deeper into their protection despite the nausea tearing apart her stomach,  ❝  I shouldn’t have gotten you involved. I’m- I’m so sorry....  ❞  
Yet here she is, hiding beside him through her tears. Apologizes worthless, the trouble already done, and Chihiro doing nothing to stop it. Sucking in a deep breath, wide eyes glance over at the hesitating figures. They seem reluctant to move any closer thanks to Mondo’s outburst, a few tense moments passing as the figures look at one another. Biting her bottom lip, chest hitches when a decision is made... and it isn’t a promising one. Tensing in Mondo’s hold as her would-be assailants seem to think their odds are pretty good with three against one, Chihiro hates that she has to agree. Mondo might be tough but he’s still only human.
She doesn’t entirely hear what the others say, her mind buzzing too loudly with panic. Decisions swarming within her as the sneering figures taunt Mondo— something about how he should mind his own business, before he gets himself in trouble —Chihiro glances up at her protector, grimacing at the furious expression on his face. He doesn’t look like he’d back down if it came to blows... and from the way the others claim that he should just ‘ hand over what's theirs ’, they don’t look eager to give up on their easy target. It’s going to get physical. People are going to get hurt. Mondo is going to get hurt... and it’d be because of her. 
❝ You- You don’t have to help me...  ❞  Chihiro breathes, voice breaking as she fights back the fear intertwined in her tone. As much as it pains her, knees weak as her body threatens to give out from the mere THOUGHT of what may happen to her, Chihiro’s frantic voice is firm in her claim,  ❝  This isn’t your problem. I-I’m not your responsibility!  ❞  
With a taunt that Mondo should listen to the smart girl, the leader abruptly takes a swing at the biker... one of his friends quickly making a grab for Chihiro during the attempted distraction.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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" Fujisaki-san? Are you in here?" Nagito called out as he nudged open the door, his hands were full of printouts. " I was told to bring you homework. " 
- ✩   「   @crushedmystars ​  」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   Sometimes Chihiro doesn’t take the best care of herself… It’s a bad habit picked up from her father, both of them having a tendency to overwork themselves to the point of exhaustion once they’ve gotten invested in something. Normally one could try and prevent the other from spiraling into invigorating but eventually-debilitating effort. Or at least, mitigate the effects of it. But with Chihiro living in the school dorms, her supervision is even less than she used to get at home. Not that there was ever much of that there either. Having made a breakthrough in her latest project, a perfect storm had arisen from her success.
Making the breakthrough on a Friday, that left her an entire weekend to fervently ride the wave of ravenous inspiration, barely managing to remember to eat and drink— if energy drinks and whatever snacks she had lying around on hand count —let alone sleep until two days had passed. Waking up, head throbbing and body aching from the abuse it suffered in the name of innovation, Chihiro had been distraught to realize that she’d slept through an entire day of class… Luckily the discipline in Hope’s Peak isn’t as stringent as other schools, and her teacher had been more than understanding when the tearful girl had frantically called spewing apologies. Still, guilt gnaws at her stomach as she tidies up around her work area, diligently throwing away cans of liquid energy and empty bags of what had substituted for her meals.
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Wiping down her area, careful to keep any stray crumbs from damaging her computer, Chihiro spares a glance at herself in the monitor— … Shoot. Gasping at the sight, Chihiro grimaces and quickly starts running her fingers through messy hair, trying to tame the short locks so they don’t stick out at odd angles. Patting at her skirt and fixing her shirt, she’s so engrossed in making herself presentable that she doesn’t notice her visitor until he’s already opened the door. Squeaking with surprise, she turns around to face the disturbance, nearly falling over in her clumsy haste. Bumping against her desk, she lightly laughs with a mixture of relief and embarrassment, grateful that it’s simply someone with good intentions… but wishing he hadn’t seen her nearly fall.
❝  O-Oh! Heh... Hello, Komaeda-senpai!  ❞  Chihiro says with a nervous giggle, recognizing the upperclassman that she’d been informed would be bringing over her missed assignments.  ❝  Thank you so much for bringing those!  ❞  Moving over, having to sidestep a few discarded cans still littering the ground, she carefully takes the homework with a smile, chipperly continuing with a wave of her hand to further invite him inside,  ❝  I’m sorry for causing you trouble. You probably have more important things to do than deliver my homework. But um, if you aren’t in a rush, then I’d love to show my appreciation!  ❞  
Setting her homework down on her desk, she turns to look at Nagito with her hands excitedly clasped in front of her,  ❝  Would you like something to drink? I also have snacks if you’re hungry— Of course, if you’d rather not hang around here, I could always give you something to eat and drink on the go. Heheh...  ❞  Not wanting to pressure Nagito into spending time with her if he doesn’t want to— she’s trying to do something nice to make up for being a bother, after all —Chihiro waves her hand with a sheepish smile,  ❝  It just doesn’t seem right to inconvenience you without offering something in return, you know?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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「 ☆ 」     ❝  Oh— I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you... I didn’t expect anyone else to be around here.  ❞  Hence why she had chosen this area to try and have a private cry. Normally she’d attempt to go somewhere less accessible to others when wanting to hide— having a tendency to cry... quite a bit, Chihiro had wanted to try and lower the number of times she’s broken down in front of another person —but with tears bubbling up and a tightening in her chest, she’d known that the tears were coming whether or not she chose for them to.
Looks like this place wasn’t as tucked away as she’d hoped.
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❝  Do you... need something? Can I help you?  ❞  Chihiro asks on instinct, trying to drive attention away from her red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained face. Wiping at her cheeks with her hands, she chokes back a sniffle and focuses as best she can through a misty gaze. After all, since they’re here now... and SHE’S here.... and things are- awkward.... She might as well try to turn this around into something productive and less depressing. Hopefully.   「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 2 years
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" Chihiro," Kaito spoke in a gentle voice as he held out a small container filled with homemade chocolate. " I know girls are supposed to give boys presents but I wanted to give you some chocolate. "
- ✩ 「   @crushedmystars ​  」 ✩
「 ☆ 」   Humming with surprise when she hears her name gently spoken, Chihiro turns to face Kaito, surprise only growing at what happens next. Eyes wide as she looks at the homemade chocolate, a blush quickly spreads across her face, chest tightening with something akin to nervousness— but not... bad. Simply a flutter that settles in her stomach before she quickly squelches it away, not wanting to make things awkward. It’s just a shock to be given a gift on the holiday— whether or not she’s technically supposed to be doing the giving today —by someone who isn’t... unwanted attention for the sought-after girl.
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Chihiro’s record for days like this one aren’t the best in terms of attention from people she would LIKE it from. Especially not people like Kaito, who are nice enough to offer it even when he doesn’t have to. Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear only for it to fall back into place, Chihiro instinctively averts her gaze for a moment, internally cursing herself for feeling so nervous... It’s just a gift between friends. Just some- homemade chocolate out of the kindness of Kaito’s heart. A kindness that she carefully takes with a soft smile, cheeks burning as she quietly replies,  ❝  Thank you, Kaito... This is really nice of you.  ❞  
... Wait—
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❝  Oh! I’m sorry- I didn’t think to get anything for you.  ❞  Chihiro says looking back at Kaito. Someone like him probably got plenty of chocolate and gifts already, but it still doesn’t seem right... She should do something nice for him.  ❝  Um— I know it’s not chocolate, but I can offer you my company, if you’d like?  ❞  Smiling hopefully at Kaito, she wills her nervousness to not show in her expression, even if the thought of rejection is lingering in the back of her mind.  ❝  Whatever you want, we can go do it! U-Unless you already have plans, of course...  ❞  It wouldn’t be surprising if he’s been asked out on a date or had a partner to be around today.
❝  It’s fine if you don’t want to hang out, I just- figured if you were feeling lonely... It might be nice?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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not-bcring · 3 years
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“Ah, shit, it’s later than I thought. I should probably head out.” Kazuichi shoves all his tools in his bag and slings it over his shoulder before walking toward the door. Waving over his shoulder, he calls out to Chihiro.
“Love you, babe! Bye!”
And then it hits him.
“I mean. Fuck. I, uh, like you a normal amount… buddy? I should really go.”
(Because he’s a fucking Coward who’s not ready to admit that he likes her so much lmao)
-  ✩   「   @honeydewmuses​​ ​​  」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   Time seems to whirl by when Kazuichi is around. Hours passing in mere seconds as they converse about machines, programs, new projects and endless possibilities. Chihiro never thought she’d come across someone who believes in even her most far-fetched ideas. From the reaction her own support sometimes receives, she guesses that Kazuichi feels the same. It’s nice, having someone with just as much faith in her as she has in them. Someone to talk to without fear of them becoming bored or lost, and even during times when she doubts she’s making much sense to anyone who can’t see into the expanses of her mind or understands the intricacies of programming as intimately as she does— Kazuichi listens.
It’s such a funny thing, being this grateful to have someone around who appears to enjoy listening. Of course, she makes sure to return the favor, soaking in every word and offering input when possible. Shame that time can’t stand still or have the courtesy of going at a normal pace during wonderful moments like this… Although it does have the audacity to stand perfectly still as those unexpected words hint the air.
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‘Love you, babe!’
Chihiro immediately stiffens in shock, face overtaken by a blush pushed upward from the stalled heart in her throat. Blood rushing and stomach twisting and ears ringing, she briefly wonders if she is about to die. This is what death feels like, right? An inability to breathe, to think, to do anything but stand there, choking back a surprised hitch of breath and looking wide-eyed at her friend. Chihiro can’t recall turning to face him; the last thing her memory offers is the feeling of shoving down the disappointment that grows stronger every time Kazuichi leaves… and then it cuts to NOW.
Unable to look away, throat bobbing as she swallows thickly in an attempt to force down a surprised cracking of her voice. Partially working, Chihiro utters a nervous laugh that’s painfully-close to a flustered giggle, a hand shakily tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she forces a weak smile,  ❝  O-Oh, heh— right… It’s late. Really um- late.  ❞  Finally able to look away, gaze lowers to the side, Chihiro fidgeting in place as hands clasp in front of herself,  ❝  I guess I’ll just… see you tomorrow.  ❞  
Yeah. Tomorrow. When they can both pretend the slip-of-the-tounge— because that’s all it was; just an accident and that doesn’t mean anything —never happened. And yet, Chihiro’s stomach twists at the thought and with it bubbles up a bit of courage she grabs onto against her better judgement. Body tensing and a discreet breath sucked in, fists clench determinedly in front of herself as she quickly looks back at Kazuichi and blurts out with a boldness that surprises even her,  ❝  Love you too, Kazi!  ❞  
Regret is immediate.
Choking back a squeak, face flushes with a fierceness that paints her skin bright pink, hands frantically waving in front of herself in an attempt to placate the reaction that may come. Be it outrage, amusement, utter shock that she can partially share— whatever it may be, Chihiro doesn’t humor the possibility of it being a GOOD one. Not that it needs to be. Because she doesn’t mean love in THAT context. Surely not. Definitely not. Completely and utterly and probably not.
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❝  A-As a friend, I mean!  ❞  Never mind the way her chest had thumped as the word left her mouth, or how the nickname formed effortlessly as instinct despite her never daring use it until now.  ❝  Because… friends can say stuff like that to each other, r-right?  ❞  Pointer fingers tapping each other, shoulders hunch and gaze focuses on them, Chihiro somehow managing to appear smaller than usual.  ❝  If they’re- close friends…. and I, well- I consider you a close friend….  ❞  
❝  … Is that okay?  ❞     「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 2 years
✩   「   @from-across-the-stars​   」   ✩   -   Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   Chihiro doesn’t hear them until they’re already too close.
Engrossed by thoughts of her newest project, of all the ways it could help people, the possibilities that will be open as soon as she works out the last few bugs, she hadn’t heard the hasty footsteps behind her. Hadn’t felt the eyes boring into her back, devious thoughts enveloping the men trailing like a pack of ravenous scavengers. Honed in like predators upon their prey, their intentions clear as soon as Chihiro hesitantly turned around to look behind her. Finally taking notice of her unwanted company, breath had caught in her throat, the beginnings of a cry for help already silenced by the terrifying realization that there’s none to be had. The walk up to this point had been completely devoid of life, nothing to aid Chihiro but the glow of the full moon.
Illuminating the men in front of her, covering the darkened world with a faint light that Chihiro didn’t realize was a ray of hope. All she saw was the expressions of her would-be attackers, the programmer stumbling back a few clumsy steps, tears already springing to her eyes at the harsh reality that her only chance is to run. Something that is barely a chance at all, her legs trembling at the mere thought of how quickly she’d be overtaken.  ❝  Pl-Please… Please don’t….  ❞  She breathes, slowly backing away as that evenly advance, reluctant to speed up her movements if only because they are certain to follow suit.
Right as one of the assailants takes a harsher step forward, Chihiro’s eyes widening when chase seems about to begin, there’s a disruption to their stalemate. Yelping at the sudden rush of fur and fangs in front of her, nothing but a large blur in the moment, Chihiro stumbles backward. Nearly tripping, she clumsily regains her balance before the ground could claim her, chest heaving from the spike of adrenaline, as well as stress of earlier. Hands clutching the strap of her book bag tight enough to hurt, big watery eyes dart over at the unfolding scene. It’s over in an instant, Chihiro flinching at the sheer volume of the canine’s roar. Despite this, she doesn’t make any further moves away from the creature.
Staring down in clear disbelief at the massive animal, breathing quick as she fights to calm down her rampaging heart, chest hitches as Chihiro fights back the whimpers clawing at her throat. Through no fault of the animal, merely the impact of what had almost happened trying to fully hit her now that the danger has passed and the fear is starting to settle. Stray tears cascading down her cheeks, Chihiro hastily wipes at them, white-knuckled grip released from her bag. Apparently having no fear of the formidable canine attacking while her guard is down, eyes shut as she rubs at her face, streaking the tears into her soft skin.
❝  S-Sorry…  ❞  She apologizes, polite even to the dog at her feet. Taking a deep breath, she slowly exhales, eyes blinking open, tears clinging to long lashes but ease starting to fill her gaze as she shakily smiles at her unexpected protector. He looks upset, perhaps even scared… and that simply won’t do.  ❝  It’s okay… I won’t hurt you.  ❞  Chihiro soothes, as if the formidable creature could actually be frightened of her. Yet she slowly moves closer, not wanting to risk startling him. Getting on her knees, a hand reaches out, hesitating to make sure it’s not unwanted, before gingerly petting the top of her protector’s head.
❝  Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry for causing you trouble though…  ❞  Voice is as soft as her touch, bittersweet smile faltering as she looks down. Free hand is clenched atop her skirt, trembling in a tell-tale sign of how shaken she still is. Scratching behind the canine’s ears, Chihiro attempts to soothe the meek creature. Strong in her softness, capable of more than her deceptively-delicate nature would attest, she focuses her attention on the one who saved her. Steadying her smile, Chihiro moves a bit closer, no longer as tentative in her approach. Wrapping her arms around the creature’s neck, cheek rests against thick fur as she hugs him.
Not a shred of fear to be found— why should she be afraid? —eyes shut and hold secure, Chihiro lets the affection calm her. Hoping that it does the same for the poor animal that had to storm in on her behalf. Racing heart finally beginning to settle, she happily chirps,  ❝  You know, you remind me of a good friend of mine. Big and strong and dependable…  ❞  Moving away, she giggles and affectionately ruffles the top of the canine’s head, reminiscent of what Mondo would do to her.  ❝  You’re just as cute as he is too!  ❞   「 ☆ 」
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not-bcring · 2 years
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"Hey, Chihiro!" Hiro waves to her, an easy smile on his face. "I think the peas and carrots I've been growing are finally ready. You wanna help me make some fried rice?"
Please say yes. Last time he got distracted and nearly burned the school down.
-   ✩   「   @honeydewmuses​  」   ✩
「 ☆ 」 Does she want to make fried rice with Hiro?
That’s like asking a bird if it wants to fly, or a fish if it wants to swim, or a star if it wants to burn— Actually, those sound like things that HAVE to act a certain way, and Chihiro doesn’t have to help her classmate. Aside from a civic-duty of stopping Hiro from causing another fire. But Chihiro is bubbling with excitement before Hiro has even mentioned the dish, interest piqued at the thought of all those peas and carrots finally ready to be enjoyed. As much as she loves gardening, it’s a pain-staking process. Unlike with coding, no matter how fast her mind and fingers may work, it’s up to nature to set the pace.
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And now nature said it’s time for the next step!
❝ Of course! ❞ Chihiro beams with an enthusiastic clenching of her fists in front of herself. Glowing with excitement, the normally soft-spoken girl giggles with an ease that very few get to see from her. Even most of her other classmates don’t get such a quick or pure switch from her introverted nature to the bubbly soul before Hiro. Chihiro can’t really explain it herself, the older classmate helping sooth her nerves simply by being around. ❝ I bet it’ll be the tastiest fried rice we’ve ever had, since we’re using ingredients you grew yourself! ❞
Provided they don’t screw it up… But honestly, even if they DO- who could look at her face and actually say so?
Raising herself up on her toes without realizing it, bringing her sparkling expression a bit closer to the tall man, Chihiro gasps and suggests to her friend, ❝ We should bring some to share with our class later! I mean, if we have enough ingredients… and if you don’t mind. ❞ Voice fading away during the suggestion, the smile on her face is sheepish rather than nervous. Hands clasped behind her back, cheeks tint pink as she adds, ❝ I just think- well, it might make everyone really happy… y’know? ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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