ladyseidr · 2 years
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@crushedmystars​ asked: ❝ ☃ — [kaito] offers [maki] a cup of hot cocoa/apple cider  ( crushmystars ) ❞ ( autumn themed prompts )
Bundled up in her thick sweater and boots, Maki’s slight aversion to the cold had to have been obvious. She wasn't shivering, but she held her arms closer to her body than was typical, huffing when Kaito had wandered off with only a vague explanation.
But she waited for him. She wouldn't have had the heart to abandon him for the warmth of indoors, no matter what she might have claimed. She didn’t expect the offered hot cocoa when he returned, however. She hesitated for just a moment before taking the cup.
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“. . . Thanks, Kaito.” She took a sip, savoring how the sweet heat warmed her insides. Cup held between both hands and the warmth radiating into them, she glanced back up at Kaito. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” She paused, however, eyes averted back to the cup in her hands. “It’s nice, though.”
“You better have bought something for yourself too, though.” It was frustrating when he often only thought of others.
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ahogedetective · 2 years
@crushedmystars replied to your post: ""Sorry, can't come to..."" hibiki : i'll skip too
"Ohoho...very good. I knew you'd get me, Hibiki. Let us celebrate this momentous day together, shall we..."
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@crushedmystars​ asked:  “Only Death solves all problems " Nagito no ( crushedmystars )
Agatha Christie’s Marple prompts - Accepting!
When Sonia had finally found him, Nagito had seemingly ensconced himself in the courtyard surrounding the Main Course fountain. She couldn't disparage him for running, truly: even if she was quite small and slight, Hiyoko Saionji's fury was larger and more magnificent than even Nekomaru Nidai's stature. And she was far more accustomed to being on the giving end of teasing and mockery, not the receiving. Until that morning, that is.
When she'd rounded on Nagito, shouting and screaming at him at his attempt to 'help.' She'd run out of conditioner, something that made her hair smell like orchids and appear lustrous and elegant in her tied-up style.
It hadn't been a crime that he wanted to help one of his friends.
And it hadn't been a crime that, upon visiting the convenience store, he'd mixed up conditioner with hair removal cream. Ensuring that Hiyoko had shown up to class that morning with what was left of her hair tucked into a hat, her face as red as a tomato as she unleashed her fury at Nagito Komaeda.
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But while Ibuki and Mahiru had taken to comforting the now half-bald Hiyoko, Sonia had sought out Nagito instead. With a soft sigh and shake of her head, she took a seat beside him on the bench. "I don't think death would solve this problem, yours or Saionji-san's. Or any problem, that is," She told him gently, her hands folded in her lap. "We all make mistakes, Komaeda-san. Saionji-san will forgive you...in time. Eventually."
That was more of a hope than a certainty, but considering whom she was addressing, Sonia had to pray that it worked. Reaching out with one tentative hand, she laid it over his own, patting it in reassurance. There was no point in insisting that he couldn't help it: his talent worked mysteriously, the benefits and the mishaps curious and difficult to discern until they showed themselves, often at the worst possible moment. She rather felt Nagito spent most of his life apologizing just for existing, the rest of it spent on exalting his classmates to a higher pedestal than he himself belonged. When Kazuichi did it, she held little compassion for him. But Nagito was different: the smiles he gave when proclaiming his own unworthiness struck her heart far more than any ode to her beauty, purity, or title ever could.
"In any case, I think I saw both Mikan-san and Hanamura-san struggle not to smile when it all unfolded," She continued. It wasn't the best way to bolster his confidence, that at Hiyoko's demise other classmates saw triumph, but it was better than nothing. Considering they were quite a distance from the school building and they could still hear Hiyoko's wails, insisting Nagito be properly punished, Sonia rather assumed anything that added a shred of confidence to his soul was better than nothing. "You know, I doubt Yukizome-sensei will proceed with homeroom, with the state of the class like this. Would you like to take a walk with me, and perhaps acquire something comforting to eat? A late breakfast, I'll treat you."
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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​“I don’t NEED anyone’s advice. I’m good. But if Tao says I have to or whatever, ​I’ll put up with this if it gets him off my back.”  And not because the nerd freaks her out a little...
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takinghisbow · 3 years
@crushedmystars​ replied to your post:
" Cocoa, I didn't know you liked reading th-that.. Too." Kaito is learning new things today
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❝ Yeah! Normally they’re really bad and fun to laugh at. Plus, sooooometimes they’re actually good! But more importantly— ❞
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❝ You just admitted to reading dirty stories! You’re not as innocent as you act~ ❞
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despairdivamoved · 2 years
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“ahha! squishyyy~” she’s just jabbing her finger at Nagito’s cheek!
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ladyseidr · 2 years
@crushedmystars liked for a starter from Kaede.
Kaede hadn’t been on many dates before, so perhaps her nerves were getting the best of her. Smoothing out her dress, she stood in front of Miu’s door for a good minute attempting to work up the nerve. “You can do this, Kaede,” she mumbled to herself, fingers fumbling with her hair one moment more before she finally knocked on the door.
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When Miu answered, Kaede smiled with unnatural shyness. “Hi.” It took her a moment to gather her usual courage and energy, but soon her expression had smoothed over, replaced with tender excitement. “I’m really look forward to tonight. I know we’re gonna have a ton of fun! Are you ready to go?”
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not-bcring · 2 years
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" Hey, I'm Kaito Momota! Luminary of the stars! " a young child with messy hair and tones of little bandaids on his knees and elbows. " I'm an Adventurer! Wanna become my assistant? " ( to Lil' Kitaro - childhood besties threads let's go!~!! )
-   ✩   「   @crushedmystars​  」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   Kitaro starts when he’s abruptly approached by a very odd boy. Not that he can claim to be much better. Stumbling back a few steps at the sudden intrusion, arms stick out as Kit haphazardly regains his balance, shoes squeaking on the slippery grass. Sighing with relief at not falling down in front of a newcomer, Kit straightens his crooked paper crown— shining silver in the sunlight thanks to the foil lining it —and tightens the knot keeping his cape in place. Edges are frayed, rips on the purple fabric further attesting to what the little king has endured on his adventures.
Resting his hands on his hips, pale limbs are adorned with colorful bandaids on par with the stranger’s, gathering in a swarm on his hands. Wrapped carefully around tiny fingers, a testament to Kitaro’s stubborn dream of becoming an expert swordsman and his unrivaled ability to get his hands on sharp objects when adults have their backs turned. Lifting his chin in an effort to make looking up at someone somehow feel like looking down upon them, Kit beams a proud smile,  ❝  Adventurer, huh? Well, Star Boy—  ❞  A thumb juts into his puffed out chest, smile growing bigger upon a heavily-freckled face,   ❝  I’M a King! Kitaro Ouma, King of the entire world!  ❞  
❝  And Kings are assistants to nobody. But—  ❞  Pointing at Kaito, determination radiates from the loud child, mismatched eyes of violet and grey practically shining with stars,  ❝  You can be my servant!  ❞  Every king needs loyal followers to do their bidding. Since all the other kids already know Kit as an annoying and very punchable tyrant, Kit figures this excitable guy will have to do. Apparently sold on his decision, Kit nods firmly with a hum of approval,  ❝  I could use a brave luminary to do my bidding. Plus, I haven’t conquered the stars yet, so you can help me figure out how to do that.  ❞
❝  Do a good job and maybe I’ll even give you your very own star as a thank you gift.  ❞     「 ☆ 」
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ahogedetective · 2 years
Tagged by: @nulltune THANK YOU!!! ♥♥♥
Tagging: @stellarmagnus​ @somemindsatwork​ @crushedmystars​ @eternitycyber​ @oopsiliedagain​ @phantomuheist​ @upbeatpianist​ @cntrldvil​ @earthssprout​ @belovedblossoms​ aaaand anybody else who would like to do this~!
Pink Character
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Pink characters are generally sweet and nice people who care about their friends deeply. They don’t often chose to be a part of the action, but instead get swept up in it almost against their will. They often aren’t fully equipped for the situations that are thrown at them, and can have a lot of feelings of inadequacy as a result. They don’t tend to be fighters, often preferring learning and discovery to anything else. They will go along with risky plans in order to help their group of friends or organization that they’re close to, but they’re generally terrified of whatever they’re doing. They are lighthearted and have a good sense of humor, fun to banter with but finding it hard to be genuinely mean to others. They are pretty emotional and sensitive, which turns out to be one of their greatest strengths. They have a lot of emotional maturity and are good at recognizing others’ needs.
They are one of the voices of reason amongst a group of often impulsive people, which manifests itself in ways that others might dismiss as paranoia. (It is in some ways, but their fear of what might go wrong is also a crucial step to making the planning process so sound.) Even around people who care about them, they can tend to be the butt of the joke, and don’t have healthy boundaries to stop it. As they grow, they don’t necessarily become less fearful, but they do have a stronger sense of courage to get through their fears. They are compassionate friends and often do small things to show that they are thinking of the people are around them. They are dependable and trustworthy and a good ally to have. Pink characters need people around them who won’t mock them for being sensitive or having fears, but will validate their feelings and encourage them to overcome their doubts about themselves. They need their boundaries to be encouraged and respected, and for others not to pressure them into doing something they’ve said no to.
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" Merry Christmas! " Nagito called as he handed Sonia an ' homemade ' ramen using instant ramen and chicken from a gas-station convenience store with mayo on top. ( crushedmystars )
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Christmas asks - No Longer Accepting!
Sonia tried her best not to stare. At least, not to stare in the shock and horror that befell her: and she was someone who adored horror movies and often created culinary disasters of her own. But at least when she made something inedible, it was with her own two hands. She didn't try to alter premade food, or anything she found at Japan's most fascinating convenience stores.
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It was likely a cultural crime, to transform the delicious, deep-fried karaage or prepackaged ice cream bars that tasted just as delicious as their hand-scooped equivalents.
And ramen. Ramen that now had soggy chicken and a generous helping of mayonnaise on top. A condiment Sonia didn't exactly enjoy in excess, and the pieces of chicken rather seemed to be swimming in a mix of broth and half-melted mayonnaise cream.
A part of her wished that Nagito, as generous as he was with his gift, had also brought stomach medicine. As a dessert, maybe, if she couldn't keep the entree down.
She smiled instead. She had to believe in her own strength: her kindness, her stomach lining. She'd sampled enough of her own 'cuisine' over the years, surely she'd built up some sort of resistance.
"Thank you so much, Komaeda-san," She replied, with as much Christmas cheer as she could muster over her apprehension, which now threatened to win out. "I can't wait to taste it!"
Hopefully she wouldn't disgrace herself in front of him, by adorning his outfit with his gift to her.
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giving-brain · 2 years
@crushedmystars liked for a momma Iruma starter!
Clutching Kaito's hand like her life depended on it, the pair sat outside of a hospital room. Usually when a cute girl invited someone to visit her mom, you don't expect to be in such a place. Despite such a glum environment, Miu dressed to the nines to see her mother. Adam ducked out of the room swiftly. He wasn't wearing his usual uniform, slacks and a button down, but the cowboy boots stayed.
"She is awake, you can speak with her." He said in a low voice, looking Miu in the face. His blue eyes were foggy, lined with lavender of the lack of sleep. Miu had her fathers eyes, not my blood, but by habit. She learned it from him. He blinks away the mistiness before turning to Kaito to give him an acknowledging nod, his way of saying thank you for coming. His voice always got tied in his throat in this place.
"C'mon! I wanna introduce you to my mommy." Miu hooked her arm with Kaito, leading him.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@crushedmystars​ liked for an hoh kaz starter! (X)
It was late, far too late for the half conscious mechanic to worry about running into anyone as he trudged his way back into the dormitories, every sound being heard as if his head was underwater from spending the evening using his drill to change tried on a handful of cars students had brought in for a tire change earlier in the day. He knew he should have dug out his ear plugs to keep this from happening again, but he just wanted to get everything done before anyone had gotten impatient. If he couldn’t hear for the rest of the night, so be it, he was just going to bed anyways. 
Rummaging through the fridge in the kitchens for something to eat, Kaz has just pulled out a Tupperware of leftover pasta that Teru had so kindly set aside for him, only being able to pull off the sticky note with his name on it before a hand met his shoulder, sending the container and subsequently its contents crashing to the floor with a loud yelp. “What the fuck!” His voice, though he couldn’t hear it, was far too loud, echoing about the room through slurred syllables that spoke exactly to his predicament. 
He was almost scared to turn around, scared for someone to see him like this, for him to not be able to hear the things they would say to him. About him. He’d probably just get scolded like he always did when someone found out he couldn’t hear well, it was always the same story. Why don’t you get hearing aids? As if they weren’t expensive as all hell. Or better yet: Why didn’t you just wear ear plugs so this didn’t happen in the first place? Like the damaged hadn’t already set in beyond repair. 
So he didn’t turn around, just staring down sadly at what was supposed to be his dinner, Kaz tried to keep his voice lower, knowing he always tended to edge towards too loud when he got like this. “Whoever you are, go away. I’m too tired for this shit...”
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lovesiicknurse · 2 years
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➤ @crushedmystars​ sent;  " Happy birthday, " Nagito said, placing a large assortment of medical supplies wrapped haphazardly in pink and blue paper into her arms. " I also have cupcakes with candles. "
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A happy giggle emits from the nurse as she’s whised a happy birthday. She clasps her hands together in front of herself as she smiles widely at Nagito. ❝T-...thank you!❞ She chimes. Once the medical supplies are placed in her arms she struggles a little, trying not to drop anything! ❝A-all this is for me? Y-you didn’t have to... T-thank you so . . . so much!❞
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takinghisbow · 2 years
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@crushedmystars​ asked: ❝  " Happy birthday, Cocoa, " Kaito breathed out, kissing Kokichi's forehead. he moved away to reveal the buffet spread of food and a cake with a checker dice pattern. " I hope that you have a lot of free time. I planned all kinds of fun activities for us to do. " ❞ ( birthday ask! )
Kokichi was still getting used to anyone truly caring about his birthday. After all, he didn’t tend to announce it, much preferring to ignore the day altogether. For all his claims of loving attention, he didn’t enjoy people pretending to be nice to him.
That wasn’t something he needed to worry about with Kaito, though—of that he was sure. So, when he walked into the apartment and was greeted by a well wish and a kiss to the forehead, Kokichi broke into a smile. “It’s even better now that I’m here,” he replied, tone stuck somewhere between teasing and flirting.
Kaito stepped aside, however, revealing the table full of food; Kokichi lit up. “I hope this restaurant gives out takeout boxes because I’m gonna be eating like a king for days,” he joked, hand easily slipping into Kaito’s and tugging him along closer to the table. “I have plenty of time. . . if I can have my dessert before dinner.” Kokichi was eying the cake, practically rocking on his feet as he tried to determine what flavor would be revealed once he cut into it. “It’s the best cake ever,” he said decidedly. Maybe it was an assumption based on appearance alone, but he stood by it.
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He turned on heel suddenly, arms reaching up to tug Kaito down into a barrage of kisses peppered across his cheeks. He finished by pressing their lips together—a lingering, gentle kiss. “Do I tell you that you’re the best boyfriend in the whole world enough? Or should I get it tattooed on my body?” He chuckled, brushing his nose against Kaito’s playfully before finally releasing him. “Okay, tell me allllll about what you have planned for today while we eat!”
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ahogechef · 2 years
" Kae-kun! " Koichiro called out as he scurried over to Kaede. " I need you to train me how to cook without poisoning someone. " ( crushedmystars )
@crushedmystars !!!
"Ah, Koi!" Kaede looks up from her magazine, giving him a smile. "What's up?" As she listens to his request, her eyes light up in surprise. "You want me to teach you how? Also, I hope that's an exaggeration, h-haha... but yeah, of course!" Smile brightening, she nods her head. "I'll be more than happy to teach how to cook, Koichiro. Was there a specific recipe you wanted to try making? Or if not, I can teach you something simple!"
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ladyseidr · 2 years
@crushedmystars​ liked for a starter.
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“C’mon, man, I’m just trying to. . .” Be nice was how he initially planned to finish the statement, but it wasn’t exactly accurate. Not trying to avoid Nagito was more like basic decency. Probably. “Well, whatever! Do you want my help or not?”
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