#『mira one piece』☠📕「this is madness」
unkiindness · 2 years
continued from here || @ryathenaughtykitsune
The things that happen when I try to be nice, she thought.  She really should have pistol whipped this bitch.  Dragged her to the nearest infirmary in the underground.  “There’s no goddamn way you’re in fighting condition.  If the marines spot you, what then?  Get back to your hide out as soon as possible,” Mira said.  “And unless you got a good amount of gold on you, I’m not helping you any further.”
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unkiindness · 2 years
’ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ’ (ashyuki, aceyuki, miralaw, or saboyuki, your choice)
(( Too fucking bad, you're getting all four. Feel free to send more. ))
Ashyuki Hit Me Like A Man -- The Pretty Reckless Bad Reputation -- Joan Jett And the Blackhearts Found & Lost -- Survive Said the Prophet (Cover by Giita ft. okami Ken) Note: This is mostly from her point of view, not Ash's. In this 'verse she is young and just as reckless as he is. I wanted to reflect that, but I also see her as a possible object of hope the way Shorter before her was and the way Eiji is after her. It's playful, grungy just like their banter and bickering. An outsider would think it's vitriolic, when really they're just poking fun at each other. I also see her as a reflection of what Ash could be and what he could turn into. Despite this, they make it work somehow. Can't say it's the healthiest, but it's significantly healthier than the environments they grew up in.
Aceyuki Let Us Burn -- Within Temptation Queen of Disaster -- Lana del Rey Little Girl -- Trading Yesterday Note: Miyuki would honestly die for Ace if she could. Especially, if she had Bon Clay's power. Do not underestimate the lengths this girl will go to in order to save him. This devotion can get pretty unhealthy if it weren't for Miyuki's crewmates and adoptive family. However, Ace is one of the very few who saw through this feral child's walls to the scared girl inside. Should they get past the pedestals they created for their respective half, this 'ship can really survive. Especially, if they can save and work on themselves. The last song is Ace's invasive thoughts about his heritage, and the fact that nearly everyone in the world wants him dead. It can get exhausting to tell him to focus on the people who love him, because only they matter. But I also think that Ace sometimes drowns in his thoughts, that he does not see Miyuki's struggles and he should. I imagine Miyuki struggling against her own problems and life threatening situations, while Ace is holed up in his room. Not one of Ace's proudest moments, but then again mental illness isn't glamorous and is a pain in the fucking ass (I got a few). The first song is when they work together.
Saboyuki Faster -- Within Temptation Kiss Me -- Sixpence None the Richer Be My Daddy -- Lana del Rey Note: The first is Miyuki going "No bullshit, you're falling for this fucker." Miyuki at first did not want to. She thought it would be unfair to both Ace and to Sabo. She sees Sabo as a separate person, not quite like Ace, but to her it's like falling in love with twins. Even though she fights this, she gives in. So, really it burns and grinds her gears when Sabo brings this up, and she is just "Are you fucking kidding me, universe? I just fucking figured shit out." She nearly loses him. I want this to be the first time he hears her speak really informally (she uses ore, kimi, etc.), because it's such a raw moment for Miyuki. "You're your own star, Sabo. I wouldn't have gone through with this if I did think you're both the same. You're similar, yes, but you both have different little things that I like watching. But if there's one thing that you both share, it's easy to be myself with you both and that's really important to me. I hope it's the same for you." So the second song is them making up after this, and getting past that hurdle. However, it does come up some times, and Miyuki's just "Let me show you that you both fit in my heart." The third song is crack, even though Miyuki doesn't quite have a Daddy kink. It's an inside joke for them.
MiraLaw For This You Were Born -- UNSECRET (ft. Fleurie) Resistance -- MUSE Breath -- Breaking Benjamin Note: I find it harder to find songs for this pair than it is for other 'ships, because I find these two lovey dovey in secret, even from their muns. Mira has shown me she has a soft spot for powerful, grumpy men with dark, sad, and tragic pasts. And most likely have a weakness for gold eyes. Three songs that are edgy as fuck, but it wouldn't be them if they weren't edgy. The first one is reassurance that they were born strong enough to carry the will of so many dead. Definitely for both sides, if a male sings a cover to the song. Second song is basically the fact they are both from the D family, and well if they should have a kid, that kid will be targeted by the World Government. While they can see the evidence of what it did to Ace, I can see them eventually saying "Fuck it", and having a kid of their own. I can see Mira with sons, but a daughter will be adorable because... soft Law. They pretty much have a HadesPersephone vibe, but they switch the roles. I don't know, I like Persephone!Law as much as I love Persephone!Mira. Third song is very edgy, but very them. I think it's mostly Law's thoughts. What he wants to say, but won't admit it out loud or in front of anyone else other than Mira herself unless something big happens.
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unkiindness · 3 years
What kind of Villain are you?
Your Result:unwillingly evil
you were forced. your resolve was broken slowly but surely, and now you're unsure of whether you'll ever get it back. for some reason, you believe that your current position is your fault. it isn't. it's the fault of those who did it to you. and yet you soldier on, facing forwards even as you slowly lose your will to continue. when you die, you're calm. unafraid for the first time in a while. this is the one thing they can't take from you.
“Suppose it makes sense?  There has always been potential for cruelty as there a potential for good within people.  Magic is neither good nor evil.”
---one piece!Mira---
“... A waste of time, honestly.”
She is cackling. “What a fucking joke!”
Mun says otherwise, but no context has been given.
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unkiindness · 2 years
Miyuki: They were really shitting on the brothers and you.
Mira: So you set fire to them?
Miyuki: Yep :D! Cigarette butts come in handy! I watched him burn.
Mira: Good. -pats Miyuki's head- Remind me never to piss you off.
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unkiindness · 2 years
one piece au
Mira: (flips a page in her book) “It’s bad to bore me.  You should be very...” (presses her foot onto her enemy’s wound) “...Very, very disappointed with yourself.” (slams her book shut and grins) “Any last words?” Jasper: (rolls over on deck) “I’m sick to death of being left on the ship, and no one tells me shit.  What if I want to go shopping too?  AGHHHH!!!” Crimson: (rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat) “Wow, it really must suck to be you.  You had such a hard life.  Well?  So, did we, but you still wag your tail for the World Government.” Miyuki: (throws her swords up in the air)  \ o / “Drown with me in a sea of red!”  (catches them and slices with both with a wide grin) Nerissa: Marie: (follows an enemy as if they were their reflection, giggles as they freeze and stare) “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the bloodiest of all?”  (Grin) “You are, my dear.” Marquis: (twirls his scalpels)  “Now, where is it that you feel the most discomfort~?” Ana: “Ms. Goody two-shoes?  Sorry to pop your bubble, but I’m not.  Haven’t been for months.”  (takes out her guns and starts firing) Shakti: “Once you hear the voice from the sirens, you’ll never want to leave your ship.  However, it’ll be too late.  Utau utau no Crescendo!” (starts singing, outstretches her hands as her crew mates come into view) Rockette: “Don’t you dare attempt to rip this ship apart, or so help me I’ll crush all of your bones!” (Readies her gigantic hammer.)
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unkiindness · 3 years
"That skeleton is really giving me the creeps. or makes me want to toss it in the ocean." Michi glared at the male skeleton and then back at Mira. Always the damn skeleton. "But enough of the boney fellow, why don't you come out for a drink with me at the bar?" Michi asking someone for a drink? Suspicious. //at Mira
She cackled at him.
Mira's lips widened into a grin. "That's interesting, with all things considering," she said. She placed her lit cigar to her lips and took a drag. "Isn't it, Henry?" She looked over at her skeleton, which the twins positioned to look like he was also having quite a laugh at the hellhound's expense. Henry was dressed in safari get-up, his machete placed on the side table next to his easy chair.
The twins closed Henry's jaw and turned his head to stare at Michi. It seemed Mira wanted to get under the hellhound's skin a bit more.
"Thought so," she mused, tapping the ash off her cigar. She gestured to Marquis to get her naginata. The other weapons and possible armor was already on her person. It was better to go prepared, especially with an ally she did not trust. She took one last drag, before crushing the burnt edge into the tray.
"Alright, but if you do anything funny, I'll place your severed head on the front of my ship," she stood up to follow him onto the deck and towards the gangplank.
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unkiindness · 3 years
valentine's day application
Name: Michi Age: 32. Do you like to cuddle?: ... Do you want me to crush your bones? Can we make-out?: Not with my mouth. A night in or dinner out?: A night in my basement. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Strawberries with chocolate. What makes you a good Valentine?: Nothing, but sent this in anyway to torment you. Would you cook for me?: Does raw food count as cooking if I put it on the plate? Would you let me cook for you?: If you don't try to kill me with it.
(( Not sure who this is for, but I'll answer via Mira and Miyuki looking over her shoulder))
Mira looked at the application with her navigator. It was their "cannibal benefactor" or rather what Miyuki would nickname him.
"No, I rather you not crush my bones," Mira replied. She looked uncomfortable.
"No one is going in your basement!" Miyuki quipped.
"Strawberries with chocolate doesn't sound bad, but I would prefer it's made here," Mira said. Mira's lips curled into a peeved smile. "I know."
"He'll make us e--" Miyuki started.
"No shit," Mira interjected. "I do not eat raw food."
"..." Mira stares at the application. "I don't think you want to know how I intend to kill you, Michi. If it gets to that point." She looked up at him. "Denied."
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unkiindness · 3 years
@viciousbite asks  ☠ begonia : how cautious is your muse ? are they prone to noticing red flags , or paranoid to the point of distrusting mostly everyone ? why or why not ? //Mira or any you want
Mira ☠ is very distrusting in many of her verses.  She is not easy to befriend or get to know under any circumstances.  She tries to distance herself, and comes off as stuck up because of it.  She used to be trusting.  She tried her best to get along with people at first, but when she felt continuously betrayed, she resolved to shut herself off from most people.
I actually have a love-hatred for when I write Mira.  I have to be in a particular mood or have a certain thought about the world to get into her mind.  There are more reasons to this, but sometimes Mira’s just cathartic to write as at times.
Anyhow, Mira’s red flags depend on the ‘verse one befriends her in.  This was illustrated in one of her first incarnations as callous-bibliophile, back in the mid-late 2010s.  (If you befriended me around that time I absolutely apologize for my attitudes then.)  In her main verse (One Piece), she was kidnapped and made a slave.  Her father was killed because he was a spy for the Revolutionary Army.  Her mother died right before the government checked for Oharan descendants after the buster call of Ohara.  Before that, she was bullied viciously by the wealthy and lower nobles for her father’s occupation as a funeral director and mortician.  Throughout the rest of her childhood and teen-aged years, this pattern of losing control, gaining back that control, and losing it again screwed with her head.  The red flags she comes up with are from those times in her life where she was oppressed, bullied, and made a slave to the times, when she became the oppressor or abuser.  To an outsider, or to us, she has little patience and little empathy.
While her first crew mutinied against her, and she learned a lot from her time marooned at sea, arguably she has not changed much.  She is still as cautious.  Still has little patience for crap, and little empathy for those who try to hurt her.  She is still petty, and writes mostly everyone off as an enemy until they prove themselves.  However, she has reexamined the things she did wrong and wants to get better in some way.  Will she ever be like the protagonists of the series?  Hell no.  Nakama power can only do so much.
I hope that answers that, despite only using her One Piece verse.
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