#『miyuki headcanons』🌙🌊「secrets of the moon」
unkiindness · 2 years
’ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ’ (ashyuki, aceyuki, miralaw, or saboyuki, your choice)
(( Too fucking bad, you're getting all four. Feel free to send more. ))
Ashyuki Hit Me Like A Man -- The Pretty Reckless Bad Reputation -- Joan Jett And the Blackhearts Found & Lost -- Survive Said the Prophet (Cover by Giita ft. okami Ken) Note: This is mostly from her point of view, not Ash's. In this 'verse she is young and just as reckless as he is. I wanted to reflect that, but I also see her as a possible object of hope the way Shorter before her was and the way Eiji is after her. It's playful, grungy just like their banter and bickering. An outsider would think it's vitriolic, when really they're just poking fun at each other. I also see her as a reflection of what Ash could be and what he could turn into. Despite this, they make it work somehow. Can't say it's the healthiest, but it's significantly healthier than the environments they grew up in.
Aceyuki Let Us Burn -- Within Temptation Queen of Disaster -- Lana del Rey Little Girl -- Trading Yesterday Note: Miyuki would honestly die for Ace if she could. Especially, if she had Bon Clay's power. Do not underestimate the lengths this girl will go to in order to save him. This devotion can get pretty unhealthy if it weren't for Miyuki's crewmates and adoptive family. However, Ace is one of the very few who saw through this feral child's walls to the scared girl inside. Should they get past the pedestals they created for their respective half, this 'ship can really survive. Especially, if they can save and work on themselves. The last song is Ace's invasive thoughts about his heritage, and the fact that nearly everyone in the world wants him dead. It can get exhausting to tell him to focus on the people who love him, because only they matter. But I also think that Ace sometimes drowns in his thoughts, that he does not see Miyuki's struggles and he should. I imagine Miyuki struggling against her own problems and life threatening situations, while Ace is holed up in his room. Not one of Ace's proudest moments, but then again mental illness isn't glamorous and is a pain in the fucking ass (I got a few). The first song is when they work together.
Saboyuki Faster -- Within Temptation Kiss Me -- Sixpence None the Richer Be My Daddy -- Lana del Rey Note: The first is Miyuki going "No bullshit, you're falling for this fucker." Miyuki at first did not want to. She thought it would be unfair to both Ace and to Sabo. She sees Sabo as a separate person, not quite like Ace, but to her it's like falling in love with twins. Even though she fights this, she gives in. So, really it burns and grinds her gears when Sabo brings this up, and she is just "Are you fucking kidding me, universe? I just fucking figured shit out." She nearly loses him. I want this to be the first time he hears her speak really informally (she uses ore, kimi, etc.), because it's such a raw moment for Miyuki. "You're your own star, Sabo. I wouldn't have gone through with this if I did think you're both the same. You're similar, yes, but you both have different little things that I like watching. But if there's one thing that you both share, it's easy to be myself with you both and that's really important to me. I hope it's the same for you." So the second song is them making up after this, and getting past that hurdle. However, it does come up some times, and Miyuki's just "Let me show you that you both fit in my heart." The third song is crack, even though Miyuki doesn't quite have a Daddy kink. It's an inside joke for them.
MiraLaw For This You Were Born -- UNSECRET (ft. Fleurie) Resistance -- MUSE Breath -- Breaking Benjamin Note: I find it harder to find songs for this pair than it is for other 'ships, because I find these two lovey dovey in secret, even from their muns. Mira has shown me she has a soft spot for powerful, grumpy men with dark, sad, and tragic pasts. And most likely have a weakness for gold eyes. Three songs that are edgy as fuck, but it wouldn't be them if they weren't edgy. The first one is reassurance that they were born strong enough to carry the will of so many dead. Definitely for both sides, if a male sings a cover to the song. Second song is basically the fact they are both from the D family, and well if they should have a kid, that kid will be targeted by the World Government. While they can see the evidence of what it did to Ace, I can see them eventually saying "Fuck it", and having a kid of their own. I can see Mira with sons, but a daughter will be adorable because... soft Law. They pretty much have a HadesPersephone vibe, but they switch the roles. I don't know, I like Persephone!Law as much as I love Persephone!Mira. Third song is very edgy, but very them. I think it's mostly Law's thoughts. What he wants to say, but won't admit it out loud or in front of anyone else other than Mira herself unless something big happens.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Miyuki vers.
CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS  - Miyuki can use chopsticks.  She is of Asian descent.
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN’T SLEEP - Either ask random questions at three AM in the morning, or simply try to drift back to sleep while listening to her own heartbeat.  If she found someone, she would usually snuggle into them to listen to theirs.  Her cats calm her down and she will snuggle into plushies or her pillows.  She may be an adult, but she never outgrew her love for cute things.
WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE -  Sweets.  Ice Cream.  Pastries.  Cat toys.  Bath bombs and limited edition scents for shampoo and conditioner.
WHAT ORDER DO THEY WASH THINGS IN THE SHOWER - Body first, face second, sugar scrub, shampoo, and then conditioner.  Shaving comes between washes.  She likes to take a warm bath after to soothe aching muscles or exfoliate the skin.
WHAT’S THEIR COFFEE ORDER - Usually comes with sugar and creme.  She enjoys the limited edition drinks from Starbucks usually, and they’re mostly lattes and frappes.
WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE -  A cute schedule app for taking care of the things she needs to do for the day.  It’s usually written in Japanese in an attempt to keep it to herself.  She has a few social media apps, but she usually blocks them for certain times when she needs to get work done.  There are a couple of self-care apps as well.  She keeps her mobile games on a tablet, since her essential apps are mostly downloaded.  She likes collecting virtual stickers and cute emoji.  Other apps include stores, restaurants and cafes she likes.  She does not download the newspaper, and prefers to get it in paper form from a cafe.  Music apps along with her games are on her tablet.
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN - She is awkward at first, because they are usually not her children.  Once she gets to know them on some level, she will try to keep them comfortable and relaxed.  Especially, if they can’t find their parents or older siblings.  She will only hug them if she knows them well enough or they’re family friends.  Otherwise simply stays with affectionate head pats and shoulder pats.  The kids like petting her cats, so she usually allows them too.  Should they get scratches from them, she gives first aid.  She keeps some really cool band aids in her home just in case.
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON - The weather has some really cool, smooth jazz music that is relaxing to work to.  So she may do chores around the house with the weather somewhat blasting.  Or simply leave it on while she eats her meals.  It helps her decide what she should dress in for the day.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Crew as Sins
Mira: Envy
Crimson: Lust
Miyuki: Wrath
Nerissa: Despondency
Ana: Pride
Marie & Marquis: Sloth
Shakti: Greed
Rockette: Gluttony (indulgence)
Meteorologist: Hubris
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unkiindness · 2 years
food for Miyuki?
how spicy is the food, generally? 
Not at all spicy, it's more savory.
what foods from my muse’s culture do they eat most?
Ramen in Saboyuki. More like she is stuck eating that often when Sabo comes to visit. She does introduce Sabo to some other noodle soups, though I can't see him liking soba.
She likes a lot of food from her culture, eats it within five minutes, and wants some more. She is essentially a cat and shark. ._.
A favorite she shares with me is kitsune udon or soba. The tofu is cooked so the outside looks like a fox's pelt. In all of my anime, I've seen mostly kitsune serving it, so I think it's a seasonal dish. My favorite restaurant stopped serving it... It's so good though.
which foods do they eat the least? which do they dislike? 
Fish testicle sushi. They hate it. It smells weird. She cannot wait for it to pass on the conveyor belt at the sushi bar... Would she try to make someone else eat it? Yes, for the shits and giggles.
is there an ingredient traditionally used for multiple dishes?
Yes, I forgot the correct name for it, but it is a cooking rice wine that is used. I think it's either mirin or kirin, and it boosts the flavoring of a meal.
are there any dishes from my muse’s culture they know how to make?
One Piece-- Miyuki knows tamagoyaki and won't burn nearly everything in sight. Obey Me and other fandom verses for Miyuki, yes there is, and she can make bento. However, I don't see her as the cook of a pairing or friendship squad. Knowing her, she'll get resentful if she's constantly the only one cooking...
Miyuki can be immature in this manner. I apologize on her behalf. Her favorite to make is onigiri cause she just has to refrigerate it and take it out, cut some vegetables, and boom, she's done. She is ready to party or to train, and if your muse isn't well... she's got the zoomies...
In a vampire au, she would add a dash of blood to her meals. Since she can go out in the daylight, I can probably see her wave at some vampire slayers. Smh.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Insider’s “Sword Master Rates 10 Sword Fights from Movies...”
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unkiindness · 3 years
“Why must it always happen when it snows?”
These words are often said by Miyuki throughout her ‘verses.  They are uttered when something terrible happens.  Her head injury and the assassination attempt on her family in her One Piece verse.  She does not remember the events because of her head injury, but she remembers the despair and the smaller things such as her temari ball covered in blood.
Her name Miyuki in the verse pertains to where she was found.  She adopted her sister’s last name as her own, again, because of where she was found.
In her Final Fantasy XiV verse, Miyuki only has her sister.  Their tribe slaughtered and forced to brave the wilds of Orthard.  Eventually forced into the Garlean ranks, they worked alongside Mira.  It always snowed and it was bitter cold.  To make matters worse, Miyuki had dreams.  Dreams of her past and a past she is not sure of.  Of burning skies, meteor showers, and nightmarish monsters.  The sparks from the fire reminds her of the snow.
Her soul cries out to spill blood, and take back what she lost.  She will not stop until she is satiated, her heart is whole, and her mind full of answers.
Other worlds where violence has not taken from her, she stares up at the pale sky as if she is missing something.  There is a sadness in the fallen snow that blanket the earth in a pale white funeral shroud.  Something cold and sad in the snow that softly melts against her skin as she makes snow angels and delights in the snowball fights.
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unkiindness · 3 years
I just imagine my Azem introducing Hythlodaeus and Emet to her subordinates. She stops at Selene (amaurotine!Miyuki) and introduces her as “Gremlin”.
Hythlodaeus asks about it, and my Azem watches on in horror as Selene’s sister tells him Selene is more chaotic than Azem.
“How is that possible?”
“-snort- She was the reason we went to the underwater city, and part of the reason why Azem jumped into an erupting volcano…”
Emet-selch is not sure if he’s thankful Azem’s got a taste of her own medicine, or he’s highly concerned if Selene might lead Azem to their death.
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unkiindness · 3 years
@whiskeysrpcenter asked ❄ How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? (For Miyuki)
Character Development: Hard Mode ❄ Accepting
I think it is somewhere in the middle.  I remember she called her S.O. her favorite before gaining the courage and strength to admit she is in love.  She learned from being raised in a tough place.  Survival was important to her, because she grew up in fear for her life.  It takes her awhile sometimes to understand her exact feelings for someone.
I don’t think they can say it without meaning it.  They really don’t open up to many people despite feeling someone is attractive.  I guess in some ways to her, to love, means to risk having a weakness that can kill you.  She really needs to be sure.  It really helps that the people she picks can defend themselves.
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unkiindness · 3 years
@viciousbite asked ❄ peony : what would a ‘ happy life ’ look like in your muse’s eyes ? //Miyuki
A happy life for Miyuki would honestly look like the bad things did not happen to her.  She was raised by loving parents and grew up to date someone she likes.  A small, intimate wedding perhaps, and a relaxing rest of her life minus the stress of keeping the roof over head and the bills paid.
She believes life would have been better if she had not gotten her injury and amnesia.  Life would have been better had she not gone through the shit she has while growing up.  However, at the same time she knows pain is inevitable, and perhaps something similar to her life as an under-aged soldier would have happened instead.
When she is not in a mood to daydream about what could have been different to her, she dreams of settling down eventually.  She loves the sea, but she knows the shore will call for her at different points in her life.  In those points, she would dream and work towards stability.  She will need it.  Does she feel she will get her wish for a temporary, but long period of peace?  No.  She’s sure the government will catch up to her in her old age, and hunt her down.
Still, she can dream.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Anonymous asked ❄ ☠ Fern, amaryllis, and sage for Mira and Miyuki?
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?  
Mira ☠ In one verse, (One Piece) Mira would take pride in their hard work, especially having mostly self-taught and eavesdropped on Jasper’s tutoring sessions as a slave.  Mira uses that pride to use her knowledge in taking down her enemies, especially finding their weaknesses.  The knowledge is also used for gathering intelligence for her latest targets.  Her treasure in nearly all her verses are banned books, tomes, or secret information.  She is a glutton for information.
I think the person she mostly takes pride in is herself, and her own abilities.  The only person she feels she could trust is and always will be herself.  Everyone else has pretty much disappointed her in some capacity or will do so in the future.  This is why she is careful to always secure a few exits when things go south.  You will find this trait in almost all her ‘verses as well in some capacity.
She is not afraid of burning bridges, she can always pave her own roads and make her own entrances.  She has been through hell in a number of her verses, a couple of them quite literally.  Mira will make sure she reaches the top of the crap heap or mountain of skulls.  And you must be willing to do the same to be allied with her.  it is an arrogance I find in many characters who carry the Will of D.  It is also something Mira gets a sick pleasure out of exploiting.
Please be mindful of this; she is neither a good guy nor a bad guy in many of her ‘verses.
Miyuki  ❄ For those she has pride in, I believe would be her guardian, Nerissa and her adoptive sister.  She is proud of how far they have come from the beginning of their journey in the main verse.  She learned a great deal about fighting from both of them, and feel she could learn more from them  as her adventure continues.  She has learned to take pride in herself and in her abilities, but she still questions her skills from time to time.  She is not exactly secure in various skills, and now that she is no longer a mercenary under an abusive leader, I think she tries to make up for the lack of attention and care by relying on kind and affirmative words from her crew mates.  Her pride in her family appears in much of her ‘verses.
Miyuki has pride in her significant others in her various coupling ‘verses.  They motivate her to get better, and in ways, she wants to surpass them and motivate them in turn.  Training helps her so much, and keeps her grounded and centered.  It is on the battlefield and in any fight, including sparring matches, where she can express herself the most.  Surprisingly, she holds a competitive spirit.  She prides in being a living weapon, being able to take care of herself. and also protecting those she cares for.  Otherwise, she feels useless.
She holds pride in her fighting abilities, navigational skills, marksmanship, swimming, and surfing.  She expresses this by doing one of the activities to better those skills.  There is always room for improvement.  It bleeds into her other verses, where she works very hard.  She does not like being regarded as weak nor does she like being underestimated.
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
Mira ☠ Mira believes there are both in certain verses.  She enjoys trying to understand these forces in any capacity, but even then she is a mere mortal and still cannot understand.  This very fact frustrates her (witch au, magus au, obey me au, fantasy au/abomination au...).
In her One Piece verse, she believes she can take hold of her own destiny.  If it cannot be explained with science, she needs to see it to believe it.  If there is a power she wants, she will do her best to gain it.  In a moment of weakness, she does admit that her life is not her own.  It is shared by the many people she sacrificed and killed to make her way to where she is today.
Miyuki❄I think so, since Miyuki is superstitious even in her main verse.  She holds onto different traditions for safe travels on the sea, and will stop everyone just to finish them.  She has even stopped and ordered the marines chasing her to stop and join her, before going back to fighting them.  She does not take kindly to those who skip the ritual, and will respond either violently or aggressively.
There is a good balance of things she can control versus what she cannot control.  Ultimately, her life is under the control of both her choices, actions, the wills of others and the universe.  Therefore, she does her best.
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?   what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?
Mira ☠ It really depends on her other verses.  For her main one, she wished to be seen as a very strong pirate in her own right.  Someone that helped changed much of the laws in the World.  She also wants to be known for taking responsibility for her last crew who mutinied against her.  She will not stop until they are all dead.
In her fantasy au, she wished to take down Heaven and Hell.  She wants to create a better world and feels neither place is needed for that realm.  In other worlds or ‘verses, Mira wishes to be remembered as someone strong, intelligent, and fighting til the last.
Miyuki  ❄ In some of her verses, she was raised to be a mercenary.  Child soldiers are usually treated very poorly, but are used by quite a number of leaders in other countries.  As Miyuki stated every now and again, children are easier to manipulate and therefore are easier to manage by the adults.  From childhood in her main verse and a few other ‘verses, Miyuki was raised to be a living weapon.  She thinks of herself merely as such, even when she is freed.  She is indebted to those who freed her, and strives to get even stronger to protect her newfound freedom.  For her legacy, she wants to be seen as one of the strongest if not one of the most stubborn people who refused to die.  She was raised to fight and to kill, please use her as she is intended.
In other ‘verses, Miyuki is more humble, but wants to be remembered by the people she cared about after she is gone.  She would like to be remembered for being a good, supportive friend, family member and lover.  Even despite her flaws, she would like to be seen for what she contributed.  She does not want to always be seen as useless, an annoyance, or a burden.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Miyuki’s Pets
... here goes nothing.
Cats--Miyuki has a plethora of cats in various ‘verses.  In her underwater ‘verses, she likely has mercats or catfish.  The lead cat is named Freckles.  He is a cat with a dark coat and some reddish spots or highlights on the fur that look like freckles.  In the One Piece ‘verse for Miyuki, Freckles is has burn scars from a previous battle onboard.  The kitty is a survivor.
Other cats in the ‘verses contain cats that are like the participating characters in that universe.  There’s one named Sirena or Miyukitty.  She is very much like her human mama, but more feral.  She is distrusting of most males, save for a few.  So, it is a gamble when trying to befriend her.
Saber in Miyuki’s Obey Me! verse is a piece of Lillith.  However, just mostly implied.  More on that later.
Eel--On one of Miyuki’s previous accounts and incarnations, a black eel was given to Miyuki by Michi.  It was given to her in poor health, and Miyuki did her best nursing it back to health.  With the help of the twins onboard, Miyuki finds out the eel is a male. She has given him the name Mr. Eel or Unagi-san.
He enjoys twisting his body in figure eights and burping bubbles shaped like x’s, o’s, question marks, and exclamation points.  In Miyuki’s One Piece verse, he is actually partial Sea-King, and had to be taken care of by Zaos.  However, Miyuki keeps his children safe.  And well, they too have similar abilities.  Due to her close bond with Mr. Eel and his children, Miyuki can hear their whispers or ‘blue word’.  This implies that Miyuki has a mermaid ancestor.
Crab--On one of Miyuki’s birthdays, Zaos cheered Miyuki up with a crab and some other gifts from the sea.  (He’s a good big brother :3.)  It took awhile to name him, but Montoya seemed like a good choice.
Snake-- Noir gave this to Miyuki with some vague instructions to caring for her, but Miyuki was able to figure it out.  According to the twins, this snake is a girl and a very venomous one.  Miyuki was hesitant of taking care of the black mamba female, but it seemed the snake was docile.  It took awhile for the snake to get used to Miyuki, but she likes her.  However, the snake does not have a snake yet, so Miyuki calls her Hebi-chan for the time being until she finds the right name.
In other verses, the snake is not a black mamba but is not venomous.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Name Saber
Nickname Kitten, Lil Troublemaker
Race Hellcat (demonic cat)
Sex Female
Age Wee little kitten
Eyes Red-violet, glows sometimes.
Fur White
Likes Miyuki, cuddles, being petted, demanding headpats, sneaking into the other brothers’ rooms, and bapping people on the nose.  She also likes listening to Miyuki talk about her siblings in the human realm.
Dislikes Being carried by the scruff of her neck, Lucifer’s lectures, Mammon’s money schemes, getting too many baths (Asmo, I’m looking at you), and not getting attention when Satan’s reading.
Mama Miyuki
Favorite Papa Depends on verse and if Saber bonded really well.
Biography An NPC that will jump into inboxes as needed, to test a softer side of a character.  Saber keeps Miyuki company when she is still at odds with the brothers, or getting used to them.  Saber likes getting into trouble, and was nearly discovered by Lucifer.  Miyuki keeps her well fed, groomed, and clean.  However, a cat got to explore her new castle and cannot be stuck in one room always.
She does sometimes get bigger to come to Miyuki’s defense.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Human Realm Shenanigans
Mira: -crosses her arms over her chest- The gloves I gave Crim will help keep the curse at bay. The only person I should be worried about is you, 'Yuki.
Miyuki: Well, shit. Not the first time trouble finds me.
Mira: -smiles- And it won't be the last time either. You'll be going to Devildom tomorrow. Ready, Crim?
Crim: Hey, Batter! Ready? -aims her throw-
Miyuki: -exhales- Yeah! -readies the cursed sword-
Crim: -throws cursed object-
Miyuki: -slices it-
Mira: -watches the formerly cursed object falls down- And that's how you do it.
Miyuki: ... -looks down at it. Thinks, 'Honestly, it won't be enough.'-
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unkiindness · 3 years
Miyuki + Videogames
It’s terrifying when Miyuki joins in video game.  She gets sucked into the world if there is a strong story.  She has a wide grin when she is winning a level or knows she is winning, and will laugh when she gets a critical final hit on an opponent.
First person shooters ... she’s the asshole who picks the sniper and makes sure she knows the entire level so she could sit and wait.  
Among Us, she is the asshole who takes her time and makes sure no one knows she is traveling through the vents when she’s put as murderer.  She waits in the video room for the most part, and constantly sabotages the oxygen levels.  She is quiet when playing Among Us.
The type of person to go, “You’re losing, gimme the controls.  I’ll carry you.”
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