#『miyuki obey me』🌙🌊「temptation under the full moon」
unkiindness · 3 years
“RIP Mammon...”
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unkiindness · 3 years
Mira: ._. I hope she didn't cause too much trouble.
Lucifer: -raises brow and looks down at Miyuki- Not really. -flashbacks to her pranking the brothers-
Miyuki: c': ...
Mira: Did she burn down fifteen Christmas trees in a week?
Lucifer: o_o !! Pardon, WHAT?!
Miyuki: u /// u ;;; E-excuse me... -sprints down the hallway-
Lucifer: 'Yuki!
Miyuki: -gone-
Mira: -sighs- Well, don't let her light any menorahs or candles this season. She nearly burned down my establishment. -gives him a Cheshire grin- Good luck, sir. -hangs up-
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unkiindness · 3 years
OM verse; Miyuki
Possible scenarios, and may not reflect your take on the characters depicted.
Please note: I do not mean to make anyone uncomfortable with this post.  Again, these are possible scenarios for Miyuki’s individual relationships with the brothers and Diavolo.  If you depict any of these characters and wish to explore some of these beats, I would really love to!  However, I’m not entirely sure how I will be taken by the rest of OM rpc...
So, I prefer to wait and watch if people drop in. o u o ;;;
Warning first: Miyuki... Miyuki likes chests, and admires them.  Does not matter if a character is female, male, or enby.  She will want to take a nap on some pecs and boobs.
He is intimidating, and there is something about him that really sets Miyuki on edge.  However, she cannot place it.  His high rank on the hierarchy of demons really does not help him.
Still, there are times when she compares him to a child or dog.  He seems very affectionate and happy-go-lucky.
She may get more comfortable with him, should he confide in her about loving food.  Miyuki being a bit of a foodie herself, would enjoy noshing on sweets with him.
He is still a very powerful and high-ranking demon, so she should be on her best behavior.
Might have called him ‘Pops’ or ‘oyaji’ when he carried her back to the guest room with Lucifer.  She was very tired.
Thinks she’ll fall right to sleep on his chest.  She wouldn’t be able to look at him for the next three weeks if she blurted this.
The devil wears Armani...?
Thinks he is intimidating, and is afraid of him.  He dishes out the punishments after all.
However, she is not afraid to stand up to him.
Does not hate him per say as Satan and Belphegor are, at first, led to believe.  Feels he is not honest with himself.
Pretty much thinks he is the mom, or alternates the role with Diavolo.  Probably called him ‘mom’ once or twice to his face when she felt sassy.
Gets frustrated when he and Satan don’t get along.  The two are very much alike despite their vast differences.  If she was a demon, she would bite them from that frustration.
Thinks he picks on Mammon too much.
There are times when his possession just isn’t attractive.  She is her own keeper.
Thinks he gives her too many babysitting jobs...  Either he gives her a raise where he treats her to two root beer floats, or allows her more vacation.
The guys is sexy and he knows it.  >:I
Often gets her in the deepest shit.  Sometimes she will have to turn his ideas down.
Tries her best to gently push him in the right direction.  It usually blows right up in her face.
Still, she has immense fun with Mammon.  They both enjoy being active.
She has a similar relationship with Mira that Mammon has with Lucifer.  So it pains her to see him get yelled at or singled out.
Despite the trouble, Mammon can be really reliable.  Just have to give food, presents or money, though.
He tries his best, that’s really all she can ask of him.  His grin is infectious.
Saber really likes him.
Should really ask him why his car is in his room.  Is concerned of the quality of air in his room because of it.
Will likely fall asleep on him before she gets to fall asleep on the other boys.
She can’t help but giggle when she buys him gold painted items.
She can’t help but look at his abs in his demon form...  The white tattoos or markings gives him a primal look.
Her first friend in the Devildom.
Thinks he’s lucky he can breathe underwater. (Beach event, I think this was revealed in?)
If he won’t go outside, perhaps their non-fandom hangouts would be at the local pool?
How does he sleep in the bathtub and not get knots in his neck?
Likes pillow forts and anime.
Shows him what fandoms she is into from the human realm.  Lets him borrow her manga and light novels from the human realm.
She likes making small comics about the brothers’ day-to-day things, and showing them to him.
Helps make maps for Levi’s tabletop rpg’s.
One of the first to see her scary or competitive side.
Mobile game buddy.
Doesn’t eat the treats he sticks in the fridge.  She thinks he’ll turn her into Ruri as a punishment...
She fell asleep on him while trying to stay up to watch an anime.  She likely cuddled into him, judging by the number of times he blushed.
He is the Avatar of Wrath, so there is a little uneasiness at first when getting to know him.
Likes eating sweets with him.  Finds it easier to ask him questions when he is eating something he likes.
When she is able to get closer to him, she sleeps on his lap while he reads.  She definitely needs a break from the rest of the brothers.  Babysitting for Lucifer is pretty hard...
Has eaten his apple cake when it was in the fridge before.  Managed to get turned into a cat.
Loves being called ‘kitten’.
Head pats from him are gentle and soothing.  It calms her down when she’s upset or angry.
She likes getting read to aloud.  She closes her eyes and listens to his voice and the story.
Surprised him with some of the books she has read.  He honestly thought she read lighter material.
Once she knows the rules of the Devildom tabletop rpg’s, he becomes low key frightened when she DMs.  Especially so, when Solomon helps to make sure no one knocks the book out of her hands...
Considering she is of the race that essentially killed his younger sister, Lillith, he is hesitant to get to know her at first.
He is reminded of Lillith when he starts giving Miyuki a chance.  She seems quite open to learning about different self-care regiments the way his sister was...
The demon is not just the Avatar of Lust, he is the Avatar of Self-Care. . o . /  He likes the idea of it, and amuses himself when Miyuki calls him such.
He enjoys going through her perfume collection.  Most of it is from a subscription service in the Human realm.  He eventually shows her his own.
Miyuki is afraid of trying out some of them, because she thinks they will go down like dominoes if she tries!
He thinks her imports from Japan are cute, especially the little bath bombs with a surprise toy inside.  He jokingly invites her to join him if she brings one of them with her.
They’re both disgusted when they find out there are ramen and curry scented bath bombs.  Miyuki dared him to try the curry one, while he dared her to try the ramen one.  When Mammon intervened, Miyuki and Asmodeus dared him to try the bacon scented one...
She is shocked to find that one of the bath bombs from the Devildom turns the water rainbow!
They gone shopping before, and Miyuki ends up the bag mule often...  That is until Lucifer saw them come home...
Miyuki is allowed to sleep on Asmodeus’ shoulder after a long day of shopping.
Probably the first demon, Miyuki confessed her preferences to.  She was happy he did not judge her.  (She is Panromantic, bisexual, and is open to poly-amorous relationships.)
Was a bit frightened of him when she met him.  (The guy may have promised Lucifer he wouldn’t eat the MC, but... ;-; Avatar of Gluttony.)
Oh boy, Miyuki freaked out when she was tasked to keep him out of the refrigerator...  Lucifer had no idea she was also a foodie and a bit of a glutton...
She is still tasked to do so anyway.
Can’t stay mad at him when he ate her chocolate stash for a certain week...
They both like trying new food vendors when they have a chance to walk home together from R.A.D.
Finds him to be really sweet.  She feels lucky when he shares his food with her.  Although, he won’t share his dinner though...  But, that’s Beel for you. > u <
He really likes training, and it’s fun to train with him.
Miyuki would like to spar with him, but I think he is afraid of breaking Miyuki’s bones. . n . 
Miyuki likes introducing Beel to what foods she likes, since he is probably the only brother that really likes human realm food.
(He tried to kill MC, so there will be some hesitancy on Miyuki’s part to get to know him.)
She is hesitant to approach him after freeing him, but she didn’t like seeing Beel upset.  Nor did she like seeing Bel separated from his brothers.
However, she needed to forgive him too.
She locked herself in her room, and could not look at the brothers.  They thought she was using them by making a pact with them.  And, Bel used her to free himself.  She just could not face them, but she also did not want to lose them.  She is separated from her family, and it was lonely at the beginning of the year.
She worked her ass off to befriend everyone, Bel.  It’s not going to go away after one night.  Please, just give her time.  She’s scared, hurt, and has no one to comfort her.  (Remember, MC has been warned by Simeon and Luke about Diavolo, and been warned by the brothers about Solomon.) She is separated from her family in the human realm.
She nearly lost the family/circle of friends she gained in Devildom.  She wants to go home!
Thinks everyone should get family counseling.  They really need it.  Especially, grief counseling for Lillith’s death.
She does not go downstairs for awhile, until she’s apologized and explained herself to every brother.
She helps Belphegor come to terms with his hatred for humans, while he helps her with her reinstated fear for being in the Devildom.
As she gets closer and forgives Belphegor, she helps Bel rekindle his relationship with his brothers.
Snuggle buddies. o u o 
Snuggle pile or sandwich with Beel.
Nightmares are shooed away when Belphegor is around.  Beel probably has to carry him to her room to shoo the nightmares away.  I just think it’s funny and adorable.
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unkiindness · 3 years
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Obey Me verse!Miyuki 
My exchange student oc character.
She’s not happy about wearing red, cause she feels she looks bad with it, but... true MC wears it, and a bell.  So... > u < She has to.
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unkiindness · 3 years
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Miyuki is chuckling.  She wishes he was more honest with himself.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Gem of Eternity
She rolled the stone in her fingers, a small smile on her face.  It was interesting to see Lucifer affected even just a little by the gemstones that rained from the skies.  “A gemstone of eternity?” Miyuki mused at the crimson, sleek gem.  “Eternity’s a long time.”  She frowned.
The gem in her hands reminded her of her own mortality.  The conversation with the Avatar of Pride replayed through her mind.  Eternity was a foolish wish, even to immortals.  Everyone died eventually.  She let the stone fall onto the mattress along with the other gems she received.
But even the oldest brother had idealistic dreams.  
It made her appreciate him more, but he was still an intimidating presence in her life along with Diavolo.  She knew her place all too well.  She was a lamb in a den of wolves, and at any moment, the wolves would get hungry and feast on her.  They have not, but she knew it was still hard for them not to acknowledge the urge.
“Perhaps the only way I can really be eternal is if I’m devoured?” she asked, aloud.  “The only way I can really be with them is if I’m devoured.”  Her fingers touched the sleek crystal in her hands.
She smiled, solemnly.  “If only Dante’s epic poem wasn’t ‘Divine Comedy’, I could write my adventures under such a title...”
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unkiindness · 3 years
Study Group
Satan: Levi, I'd like you to show Miyuki how you would seduce a human.
Miyuki: ._. -turns to Levi- remember from last time?
Leviathan: o-o OH! -turns to Satan. Meows at him-
Miyuki: Good.
Satan: ...
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unkiindness · 3 years
Not Entirely Defenseless
Mira: -summons a sword and throws it at Miyuki's feet- Show them. That you're not a weakling.
Miyuki: ... -stares at Mira and at her feet, eyes widened-
Mira: Don't thank me, thank Barbatos and Solomon.
Miyuki: Is it cursed?
Mira: Yeah, and temperamental like you. Hurry up and show them you're not a human to mess with.
Miyuki: Alright. -tumbles and grabs the sword, dodging another attack. She blocks the demon's attack-
Mira: Happy now, Dad? -looks at Paimon- Defenseless, she'll run. But if she has a weapon, she can hold her own. Now give her back her D.D.D.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Stolen Uniform
mraven: ‘Yuki, a uniform with your size was dropped off today for auctioning off.  Did you need money?
Miyuki froze.  She vigorously typed a reply.
yukimoon: No!
mraven: Interesting, I’ll look into it.  In the meantime, I’ll mail it back.
Miyuki stared at the screen.  Who would do such a thing?
yukimoon: Thank you so much!
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unkiindness · 3 years
“You continue to underestimate humanity.”
- Miyuki (obey me)
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unkiindness · 3 years
@xamassed "Shaddup! Don't mourn me, find me a freakin' place t'hide!"
“I don’t recommend the closet in Beel’s and Bel’s room…” Miyuki thought for a moment.  “There’s always my room in the human realm?  But you got to feed the cats…”
She had to snort at the image of Mammon under a blanket of kittens…
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unkiindness · 3 years
Human Realm!Game Night (om verse)
SMT3!Demon: D8< That's hardly enough! Gimme 280 Macca. Levi, Miyuki & Bel: -watches as Beel complies- Demon: I can't live on this! Gimme 360 Macca! Beel: -complies- ... Bel: This guy reminds you of someone? Levi, Beel, & Miyuki: Yeah. Mammon: D8 Hey! I resent that! I only ask for 1000 Grimm! Demon: D8< Give me a Chakra Drop! Levi & Miyuki: Beel, no! Do not comply! Levi: We only have 4! Beel: But then they won't join then! -stomach growls- Miyuki: We could get another one. -Bel hurriedly gets him another slice of pizza- Levi: Yeah, looks like they’re common on this level.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Gem of Freedom
The cat puns were rather jarring to her as she was not used to seeing this side of Satan.  She could not help but smile, because it was pretty cute to see him happy like this.  Like his brothers, he had found a gemstone he thought was perfect for her.
Each gift, she wanted to tell each brother she was flattered they saw her in the ways they did.  However, she was not that kind, not that courageous, not that passionate, not that strong, not that sweet, and the list continued.  She was human; imperfect, flawed and weak.  At best, she was like a house plant or a pet to the brothers.  There were many humans who were talented than her and shown brighter than her.
Humans like Solomon.  However, he had given her a gemstone too.
She smiled at the cat shaped gem.  It was perfect.  The meaning behind it was perfect.  Freedom.  Humans had free will to choose what they wanted in life.  Sure, fate steered them, but it was freedom that was the most precious and misunderstood thing about humans.
“This is perfect, I wish to find a gem in the human realm that would remind you of what you given me,” she said.  One that may even help when I’m no longer here...
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unkiindness · 3 years
Name Saber
Nickname Kitten, Lil Troublemaker
Race Hellcat (demonic cat)
Sex Female
Age Wee little kitten
Eyes Red-violet, glows sometimes.
Fur White
Likes Miyuki, cuddles, being petted, demanding headpats, sneaking into the other brothers’ rooms, and bapping people on the nose.  She also likes listening to Miyuki talk about her siblings in the human realm.
Dislikes Being carried by the scruff of her neck, Lucifer’s lectures, Mammon’s money schemes, getting too many baths (Asmo, I’m looking at you), and not getting attention when Satan’s reading.
Mama Miyuki
Favorite Papa Depends on verse and if Saber bonded really well.
Biography An NPC that will jump into inboxes as needed, to test a softer side of a character.  Saber keeps Miyuki company when she is still at odds with the brothers, or getting used to them.  Saber likes getting into trouble, and was nearly discovered by Lucifer.  Miyuki keeps her well fed, groomed, and clean.  However, a cat got to explore her new castle and cannot be stuck in one room always.
She does sometimes get bigger to come to Miyuki’s defense.
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unkiindness · 3 years
Gem of Courage
Orange was a complimentary color to her usually blue aesthetics.  However, it was cute it looked like it was cut to look like a sword.  It became apparent each of the affected tried finding the right gemstone.  Even though it was custom to give away the gemstones to get over the influence of the gemstone rain, it moved her in a way.  She would have to ask Diavolo or Lucifer divulge why demons  would hide their true feelings.
Leviathan thought she was courageous.  It made sense, as it was a trait that many like in an individual.  It made more sense if it was from a dragon of sorts, like Levi.  She examined the sharp edges of the gemstone.  She wondered for awhile what the gemstone looked to her in the human realm.
Sunstone?  Red Jasper?  Carnelian?  They seem like they would go with the courage meaning.  However, there was never sunlight in Devildom.  So, what would the sunstones here be called? What should she get Leviathan in return?
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unkiindness · 3 years
Gem of Kindness
Mammon’s gemstone glimmered while Miyuki studied it.  She was surprised the man would give her something so valuable.  Then again, he probably wanted to stop embarrassing himself showering his brothers in compliments, which does not come often if at all.  Miyuki smiled at the gem in her fingers.
“A stone of kindness?  I really wouldn’t be surprised if this was akin to Citrine in the human realm or honey calcite,” she said.  “It stinks that it only comes every hundred years.  I’d really like to see the brothers get along again.  If only for a short while.”
She wondered what the human realm’s equivalent would be.  Perhaps, she should give Mammon that in exchange?
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