#【 ♡. hyuga yamato. 】
rainisawriter · 9 months
High&Low Masterlist
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Since I reblog a lot of shit constantly, my fics can easily be lost to time lmao So, here is a handy little post to compile them all together.
If you want to see all of my current WIPs and planned fics (both fanfic and original) you can click here.
If you want to see all of my original short stories that I've posted, you can find them here on WordPress.
If you want to see the other High&Low fics I've written, not posted here on this account, you can check them out here on WordPress.
If you feel so inclined and would like to tip your taco-starved writer, please check out my Ko-fi page here.
✦ = denotes a fic posted on WordPress and not Tumblr.
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-> Cobra
☔ Over-Protective / magic, fluff, violence, halloween / 2k ✦
☔ Decorations / fluff, halloween / 1k ✦
☔ A Helping Hand / fluff, slice of life, romance / 2k
-> Yamato
☔ To Be Family / fluff, family / 4k
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-> Lassie
☔ Pumpkin Spice / fluff, comedy, romance, halloween / 4k
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-> Shibaman
☔ Like My Own / fluff, slice of life / 6k
☔ Witch Hunter / magic, fluff, angst, drama, romance, halloween / 4k ✦
☔ Made With Love / fluff, romance, slice of life / 5k
-> Takajou Tsukasa
☔ A Gift for You / angst, fluff / 3k
-> Hanaoka Fujio
☔ Needing You / fluff, friendship / 5k
-> Murayama Yoshiki
☔ Stealing All the Breath Right Out of my Lungs / fluff, slice of life / 2k
☔ Utopia / fluff, slice of life / 4k ✦
☔ A Competitive Streak / fluff / 616 ✦
-> Nakagoshi Dai
☔ Spilled the Salt / fluff, slice of life, romance, halloween / 2k ✦
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-> Smoky
☔ Interview / vampire au, friendship, soulmate au, fluff, halloween / 4k ✦
-> Takeshi
☔ Autumn Rain / fluff, halloween / 1k ✦
☔ Strange One / fluff, comedy / 3k
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-> Hyuga Norihisa
☔ Royal / fluff / 2k ✦
☔ Rainy Night Cuddles / fluff / 347 ✦
☔ Contract / demon au, supernatural, comedy, halloween / 1k ✦
☔ Hyuga & the Three Kittens / fluff, slice of life / 4k
-> Agyo
☔ Cursed / fluff, romance, halloween / 4k ✦
-> Fuuta
☔ Writing Purposes / friendship, friends to lovers, fluff / 1k ✦
☔ Morgue / angst, supernatural, romance, halloween / 2k ✦
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-> Hiroto
☔ Bound / demon au, fluff, comedy, friendship, supernatural, halloween / 9k ✦
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-> Bernie
☔ The Sun & Moon / fluff, angst, halloween / 6k
-> Ice
☔ A Halloween Miracle / fluff, romance, slice of life / 5k
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-> Amagai Kohei
☔ The Ugly Duckling / fluff, angst / 7k
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-> Ito
☔ You're All That I Adore / fluff, slice of life, domestic, slight angst / 4k
-> My favorite fic ever written ^-^)/♡
Rain (Shibaman) by @star2fishmeg
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absquatulatexyaryan · 6 months
︵‿୨♡ Higanbana ♡୧‿︵
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Paring: Hyuga Norisha x OC
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Action, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Light Mature(mention of blood, fight scenes and swearing) {P.S No Smut}
Chapter 3 (Part 2):
"I'll wire you some pocket money. Eat delicious meal with your friends, okay and you better drink moderately or else I'll wack you up." Seira gestured with her closed fist as if she was about to smack him, causing Chiharu to close his eyes and shrink, but instead, he felt his Nee-chan tenderly patting his cheek fondly. Chiharu leaned in to feel her tender touch while holding her hand. She was well aware that her Chi had grown up, but she couldn't resist but codle him. She just couldn't stop pampering her youngest and only cousin. Chiharu, on the other hand, felt like he was back as the four-year-old who used to cling to his Nee-chan, and he was loving every minute of it. Seira's icy hand caused him to look at her with concern. But he recalled Seira's hand being cold even in the summer when they were younger, so he brushed it off. "I'll stop by the house tomorrow. You better take care of your health or I am telling on you to Kiyato-nii and Damien-san!" Chiharu said playful yet sternly making Seira chuckle. "Fine, I will. Drop by tomorrow and I'll cook you a delicious meal. Go back home safely. Drive safely I know you have been driving a motorcycle lately. Text me when you reach home okay." Seira remarked, ruffling his hair and making him whine. "Wait a second. How did you know I drive a motorbike?" Chiharu asked confused as he set his messy hair back in his place. "Shin and Kian told me." Seira said with a smile. "Shin and Kian!?? So that means they have been working for you?" Chiharu exclaimed, surprised. The rest were taken aback by the revelation.
"Yes.They are staying with me and are working for me. The boys have told me a lot about you all, haha." Seira told them with a smile. "What a small world! Shin and Kian are Chiharu's good friends, so they frequently visit the diner. But then they stopped coming. We all became concerned, but one day they came by my garage on a bike and told me that they had gotten a wonderful job, that it paid well, and that they had a house to live in. In fact, they said that their boss is like their Nee-san. So they were referring to you!" Yamato exclaimed joining dot and dot. "Haha, yes. The two are staying with me." Seira said confirming what Yamato said. "You mean that motorbike is yours!??" Dan asked, moving closer to Seira. "It was my Grandpa's but now I'll drive it or sometimes my car." Seira said with a gentle smile. "Can I ride it sometime?" Dan asked as if he were a child eager to get his favourite candy. Tetsu had the same look in his eyes as well. Chiharu and Seira exchanged glances before bursting out laughing. "I'll gladly let you." Seira said kindly as Dan and Tetsu gave each other a hearty high-five. " Thank you for looking out for Shin and Kian. I heard they start school at Oya High next week, isn't it? If it's too hard on you let us know we will work something out." Cobra said politely, hands in his pocket. "There's nothing to be thankful for. I'm confident I won't need any help, especially with those two kids." Seira remarked as she smiled at him and the others.
"Ah! Before leaving can I click a picture of you all with the painting?" Seira questioned, a beautiful smile on her face. "Sure!" Naomi said as they all posed as Seira clicked their picture. "That is an extremely expensive vintage camera! Where did you get it!" Tetsu exclaimed as he approached Seira, peering excitedly at the camera. "This camera belonged to my mother. Before we moved away, my Grandpa gave it to her. Then, when I was in high school, my mother gave me the camera." Seira explained with a warm smile. Before Tetsu could say anything else, Dan grabbed him by the collar and hit him in the back of the head, asking him to apologise for going too close to her. "Please come over to my house for dinner. I would be delighted to treat you all. Chi make sure you bring them over sometime." Seira stated as Chiharu nodded joyfully, while the others grinned and said they'd stop by. After saying their goodbyes she sees them off. Looking at Chiharu and his friend leave, Seira noticed how radiant Chiharu was, something she hadn't seen or heard in him in years, and she felt a tightening in her chest. "How am I supposed to tell him I don't have much time on my hands." Seira said barely audible, her voice broken with sadness, as she wiped the tears that finally fell quickly as she gazed at the picture in her hand and then headed inside.
Makio, who saw them come out, handed them the pamphlet."Met your Nee-chan?"Makio asked Chiharu, who gave her a big smile and nodded. "Good! All of you do come and visit her shop. You all will love it. The opening is in two days." Makio said to everyone before turning to face her old friend. "Of course, We'll come for the opening." Naomi exclaimed, then looked at Yamato, who nodded and smiled at his lover. As they leave the stall, they all begin to make their way towards the food stalls. "Chiharu! How old is your sister?" Tettsu asked as he walked backwards, hands in his pocket. "Nee-chan will turn 26 in two months. She and I have a three-year gap and with Kiyato-nii it's an eight-year gap." Chiharu replied with a smile, looking at Tetsu, who nodded happily. "Is she by chance married to that Damien person?" Dan asked curiously. " No! Nee-chan isn't married. Damien-san is our brother-in-law. He is married to Kiyato-nii, Nee-chan's older brother who's also my eldest cousin." Chiharu explained as they continued to walk. "Ziven is their son and our nephew. He's five years old." Chiharu smiled as he showed them a family portrait of Seira, Kiyato, Damien, and Ziven. "This Damien guy looks so intimating, doesn't he Cobra?" Dan asked zooming at Damien's face. Cobra silently observed. Damien did appear menacing, and the aura itself ruled out a significant aura from the picture itself. "I'd say Damien-san is intimidating and gives off a dangerous vibe, but Kiyato-nii is equally so. Kiyato-nii has had extensive Kenjutsu training and is a licenced arm user. He owns one of Singapore's largest law firms. I've heard that Kiyato-nii's firm has a worldwide reputation. While Damien-san is a successful tycoon. He is not only well-known but also considered one of the world's most powerful and respected tycoons." Chiharu exclaimed proudly. "And what about your Nee-chan?" Tetsu asked, "She has professional training in not only Kenjutsu, but also aikido, judo, karate, boxing, and gymnastics. She had to drop out from continuing her dream because she suffered a major injury in one of the competitions. Had she not been injured, she would have participated in international tournaments." Chiharu explained. They all gazed at Chiharu, who had a bittersweet smile on his face.
"Ahem, so what does she do now?" Painting?" Yamato questioned slightly brushing his nose. " As far as I remember, she did attend art school in New York. But Nee-chan never revealed what she does for a living. I did often hear from Kiyato-nii that Nee-chan would be out travelling. I've heard she's been almost everywhere in the world." Chiharu said with a smile. "Is there anything specific she likes? It would be helpful to bring her something when we go for her shop's opening." Naomi said smiling. " Hmm, anything Nee-chan likes? Ah! Yes, she loves flowers and has a sweet tooth just like Cobra-san!" Chiharu exclaimed making Cobra give him a deadpan look as the rest exchanged glances then bursting into fits of laughter. Everyone in the Sannoh Squad knew how much Cobra enjoyed eating cupcakes and how obsessed he was with them.
Shaking his head in annoyance, Cobra walked ahead of them, making Tetsu, Dan, and Chiharu giggle as they caught up to him. Yamato looked at them smiling, shaking his head at their antics, and then at Naomi, who appeared to be thinking deeply. "What are you thinking about?" Yamato asked, affectionately gazing at his girlfriend while holding her free hand and interlocking their fingers. "Her hands were too cold. It worries me." Naomi said, her expression filled with concern as she looked at Yamato. "Perhaps she has cold hands. Some people naturally have it. You're worrying too much, my love." Yamato said as he brought their intertwined hands close to his lips and placed a loving kiss on her knuckles making Naomi giggle. "I want to get close to her. She seems to be a genuinely nice person." Naomi said with a smile. "Indeed she does and when we go to the shop's opening you can get to know her more." Yamato said with an infectious smile as the two walked hand in hand.
{A.N: Whole Chapter 3 is finally out!! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Please support this fanfiction a lot!Notes, Comments and Reblogs are appreciated! I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then stay healthy and happy!}
Copyright: All Rights Reserved @𝚊𝚋𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚊𝚗
[ NOTE: The plot, picture edits and the original characters in this fanfiction belong to me. All the credit for the high and low characters and other reference pictures goes to the original owner.]
{ P.S: Thank you for Notes, Reblogs and Follow P.S.S: If you'd like to be tagged under the post for the update of the new chapter. Kindly comment below this post and I'll tag you in further chapters.}
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sleepysnk · 3 years
Naruto Masterlists
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♡- Fluff
◇- Angst
♤- Modern AU
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- Naruto Uzumaki Masterlist
- Sasuke Uchiha Masterlist
- Sakura Haruno Masterlist
- Shikamaru Nara Masterlist
- Ino Yamanaka Masterlist (tba)
- Choji Akimichi Masterlist (tba)
- Kiba Inuzuka Masterlist
- Hinata Hyuga Masterlist (tba)
- Shino Aburame Masterlist
- Neji Hyuga Masterlist
- TenTen Masterlist (tba)
- Rock Lee Masterlist (tba)
- Kakashi Hatake Masterlist
- Iruka Umino Masterlist (tba)
- Yamato Masterlist (tba)
- Might Guy Masterlist (tba)
- Minato Namikaze Masterlist
- Shisui Uchiha Masterlist
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- Itachi Uchiha Masterlist
- Kisame Hoshigaki Masterlist (tba)
- Sasori Masterlist
- Pain Masterlist
- Deidara Masterlist
- Hidan Masterlist (tba)
- Kakuzu Masterlist (tba)
- Konan Masterlist
- Obito Uchiha Masterlist
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- Gaara Masterlist (tba)
- Kankuro Masterlist (tba)
- Temari Masterlist (tba)
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- Jiraiya Masterlist
- Tsunade Masterlist (tba)
- Orochimaru Masterlist
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- Hashirama Senju Masterlist
- Tobirama Senju Masterlist (tba)
- Madara Uchiha Masterlist
Last Updated: August 1st, 2022
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absquatulatexyaryan · 6 months
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Paring: Hyuga Norisha x OC Genre: Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Action, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Light Mature(mention of blood, fight scenes and swearing) {P.S No Smut}
CHAPTER 1 (Part 1):
The streets of Druma-Ikka were crowded with people from every SWORD and Toarushi area. Why wouldn't that be the case? After all, it was the biggest festival held in three years since the fight with the Iurme group. While some were enjoying the celebration with their families, friends, and children, others were gathered in the Gambling Den to place bets. Amidst the bustling activity on the street, people could be heard laughing and chatting happily around the food, games, and souvenir vendor stalls. Cobra, Naomi, Yamato, Dan, Chiharu, and Tetsu make their way down the temple street. Naomi and Yamato were holding hands as they glanced around excitedly. Their 3-year anniversary was around the corner. " What stall did you say your cousin sister is putting up?" Dan questioned, turning to face Chiharu, as Tettsu snapped photographs with his phone. "It's a painting stall." Tettsu responded before Chiharu could, without losing his concentration on shooting photographs. "How long has it been for you since you've met her?" Naomi asks, her gaze drawn to Chiharu, who stands alongside her. " It's been ten years. The last time I saw her was at Grandpa's funeral." Chiharu says, overwhelmed with nostalgic melancholy. "First I am going to yell at her for not telling me that she was back a month ago and then strangle her in a hug." Chiharu adds with determination, causing the rest of the group to laugh and shake their heads in amazement at how quickly his mood changes.
Rocky, Koo, Kaito, and Kizzy, who was holding her boyfriend's arms, all made their way to the temple and paid their respects. "Hyuga and Daruma Babies don't really disappoint with the scale of festivals." Kaito says with a small smirk, assisting Kizzy as they all descend the staircase. " Indeed. Living up to their famous saying. Right, Rocky-san?" Kizzy says with a big smile, looking at Rocky, who sighs and rolls his eyes. He so wanted to leave this instant hadn't he been tricked into coming here by Kizzy.
Murayama, Furuya, and Seki had parked their bikes and dismounted with big smiles on their faces. " Haven't been here in a long time! Ja! Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest!" Murayama yells out fist in the air as Furuya and Seki nod all extremely excited. Murayama fixes his all-time jacket as the three move inside among the crowds towards the vendors.
Fujio, Shinya, Masaya, Seiji, Arata, and Madoka were all joyfully eating ramen at the diner stall Yuki had set up. "Fujio-san! Fancy seeing you here" a familiar voice from behind. It was none other than the smiling faces of Sachio, Odajima, Jinkawa, Shida, and Shoji of Housen. " Oh! Good to see you all! Welcome! Please have a seat." Fujio exclaimed smiling wide as the five of them dragged the chairs and sat down at the same table. "Where is Todoroki?" Odajima asked looking for his friend as he devoured his noodles. "He went out with Shibaman and Tsuji not long ago to buy something for his younger sister. He finally took her since she was whining to buy something." Shinya said as he picked up the fried chicken his girlfriend Madoka had placed on his plate. "Have you met his younger sister? She is quite adorable! Total opposite of Doroki!" Fujio said gleefully, causing the rest of the group to gaze at him blankly. " Cute, yes. But opposite of Todoroki? Are you kidding!?" Masaya voiced in disbelief as everyone shook their heads in agreement. Todoroki's younger sister was as quiet as him, but she concealed her mischievousness extremely effectively. To the point where it terrified all of the older boys who knew her. She simply knew where and how to use her cuteness. "Oi! You are all just saying things. She is very lovely! Whenever I greet her, she responds so sweetly. She also smiles more frequently than Doroki." Fujio said mouth stuffed with food. "She's like that to only you and you only." Shinya scoffs "She is, in some ways, the polar opposite of Todoroki. I'll acknowledge it." Odajima says, scooping up the chicken to eat. 
"Why didn't Yui come with you all?" Madoka asked as she looked for her friend but noticed she wasn't with her brother and boyfriend. " Yui has been preoccupied with the project work she has been doing with this organisation called HOPE. She was so tired today that she just fell asleep when she got home." Shoji, her lover, spoke proudly while also being concerned for his girlfriend. Suchio, who overheard Shoji talking about his sister so affectionately, snorted, "At least she's doing some decent work. I almost thought I'd have to feed her for the rest of my life." Suchio muttered, sipping his coke, as Shoji stared at him for disparaging his girlfriend. Suchio was extremely proud of his sister. He had noticed a significant change in Yui since she began working for this organisation, and it was certainly a sight to see Yui carry herself with such vitality. Madoka was aware of Yui's involvement with the organisation. Madoka even asked her if she could volunteer to play clarinet and teach when she was in town every weekend. Yui assured her she'd ask the founder and co-founder about it and get back to her. "HOPE? I think I've heard about it." Seiji tried to recall where he had heard of it. "Aren't you working for it, Arata?" Shinya questioned while glancing at him. "Yes, I have been working as a chef. I, together with a few other chefs, prepare food in large quantities. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is mostly for orphanages, small schools, and individuals in need of food. I have breakfast duty and alternate days dinner duty." Arata stated while sipping his coke."Plus they pay well so it solves my problems as well." Arata smiled as the rest of the group smiled at him. Everyone was aware of his mother's cancer diagnosis. Despite the fact that they all contributed to her treatment, by which she recovered. Two months back his mother had relapsed and was admitted to the hospital. While working menial jobs that didn't pay much he was filled with despair when he saw a pamphlet on the street that was looking for a chef for an organization. When he arrived, he was received nicely, and the founder and co-founder gave him instructions and explained the organization's goal. Arata was delighted to be a part of it and began working for them right away."Where are Jamuo, Yasushi, Kiyoshi, Nakagoshi and Nakaoka?"Jinkawa asked munching on his food. "Jamuo and the rest are somewhere here looking around." Tsukasa remarks, setting down his chopsticks after finishing his meal."No wonder it is so peaceful." Shida mumbles, but they all hear it and break into fits of laughter. Soon, their table was filled with smiles and laughter as they chatted with one another.
Hyuga on the other hand was still in his deep sleep as Shu Kato was overlooking the Gambling Den while Sakyo and a few of the other Durma Babies were lying outside the shrine waiting for their leader to wake up. The rest of the members were either blended into the crowd making sure everything was in order while the others were preparing for the highlight of the festival i.e. fireworks under the supervision of Ukyo.
{A.N: Part 2 of Chapter 1 is up!Click➡️ Part2 }
Copyright: All Rights Reserved @𝚊𝚋𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚊𝚗
[ NOTE: The plot, picture edits and the original characters in this fanfiction belong to me. All the credit for the high and low characters goes to the original owner.]
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